" A U tor 'from Mexico says tliat Itr. Folusctt, our Minister to that country, was an active aifent in bringing about the r-cfent revolution there, '. In favor of Guerrero. Certain it U, that while all the ntfter foreign minnters left thd city du ring the commo'ion, ami most of their residences were partially plunders I, Mr. Poinsett remained, and was treated with the utmost reaped by the ' mob We can't much blame our Minister, however, if he did take a part t for he had been most shamefully abused, and otherwise misused, by the party which is now ejected from office. Execum domination. ..The U. 8. senate refused, on the 27th ultimo, to to into Eie , .: i I r..- .! j ... 1 .. ' ! "V J . I . ...a;....., -.,,..,1 ...w I'UnVI V. Ktvt.HJ VII bllQ 1 ... nomination ptMf;.Crittenden!t'ni Judge of the . u. a: supreme court, in place ot .lodge Trimble, ticccaei: me w wis i 10 k( rrom wis ,it would Annpaj t'iat the senate U deter mined ' aS3 FIUKCE3 WftlGllT. , '. We have been favored with the following . tracts from a letter to a gentleman of Salisbury, irom nis irien.i in ttie city ol New-Yorkj dated January 29th, 18J9. , " One of the topics of conversation here just' "at present, is the famous Mitt France iVriqht, The renown of this errant apostle of 7Vu.A,'has of course reached your " unknown regions," though I believ- the light of her countenance never shone upon them.- She has been lee tu'ring hera for sometime, in the city -Hotel, Masonic Hall, and other buildings t and has now hired the Park Theatre, to "five ample room ami vere enough;' to the overflowings of I .., " ciuucimc. . a.10 eeejns to oe particularly irttee-of Retrfclnen?trcport4 . bill in the noe, with ibe thousand of ksIBy. thougiuJeM, SS&S louse of Representatives oSthe 28th ultwhieh HoMe dangerous bubble, that have preceded fW-ftm House mL provides, that fflt our months members of Con. cress shall be allowed their present pv, provi- de'd Congress should remain in session. "SVouIrf ', esioo be protracted beyond four months the tier diem to be recuced to. Jwj dollar, a. 4av Stationary to specified amount only is to be allowed : regulation is to be made with respect to the pay for mileage ; and no newspapers t be furnished on the public account to members. JUtll II OJ JUJJUU TAYLOR I a iu imcuve tntcJii.'Kiice :ias renhed here of the death of the Hon John Louin .Ty9fCh!efJii?-jce.o tbe J5uprc.me Court of this'State. He died at bis resi dence in Rileigh on Thursday, the 29'h ult. of the umir in the stomach. The last Raleigh Register contains an obituary notice of the Chief Justice's death j from which jt appears he Vas in the 59th year of his agei and that he was a native of Ireland, but came to this country in his 6vh6od, "iMudied la w in this" flutr, became snttcwfil trroctrtmnci. anil at Ihe tttfrourerirCourlW tlie Bar,' Mrrtaylor was one fTts most dl'TnT guished me-nhers, posscising talents of the first order and pif'ed with a most impressive elocution- ';" '-' -"- '" - By 4ft-st reJalin)?-the Supreme Court.. cL turn passed m'lg.tO, which nuthoriied the six Ju. lea to ap.wint one uf their number Clue Jus tire, he was honored with that II was nrwiy organic ana made to consist at but three Judges, the deceaed was again elected .one of th-m, and r.gain placed at their head, whieh high offiee he filled to the day of his death. Indeed he was presiding in the Supreme Court, on Thursday, the 22d ult. when he was jeiae 1 with the malady which terminated his existence on that day week. Judfre Tavlnrwas not only ad'ntinguished Ju rist l- mnrl was deeply imbued with that de. her. She is however m rraceful- nc.ilrr TeaFihdemph in iicr ucti7i:ry, ana a ioierarry good writer. She proposes editing a weekly pioer. in con! junction with SQ-ne of, Jier-bopeful .disciples of me i om rame scnooi, aweuers in the very out skirt of society, its scum and scourings, all of uicii arc wan irn unu s lom raines coarse, ness, and without the tcid- part cf his sense." km p.i.A",l6;tr.ctjr in spke of the very rough handhng some uncourteous Editors have given her, and I very much fearintdndsto-makeitthe hev'l.nuartejrsofher-fiith. jhi ntpc. r 6raole.S Curiowty has hitherto at traoted crowds 4arf t-otste hM very few followers, and Whpn hft 'flab i liv.n m'.. State V. Isaac, Ntfgro .lac, frdra Jones HKif?rnent for the State. ! State v. John Chittem, from Currituck Kule for new trul discharged and judg- uicui ior me otate. ': t , State v. Simeon Cochrane, from War ren, Rule for new trial made hrdni- - . JVorf The aicknesa of the late Chief justice prevented judemenn from beinir cmcicu up in numoer ot t-uses which naa oeen arcucd and suhm ttrl n tk. vourt, . - - . THE BANKS The tubjectof ihr. Banks, is one of paramount interest to the people of North Caroline, ?t this time: it is necessary, tberefore-j that the? people should he en lightened on a subject that so deeply concerns them, that they should be made acrjtj timed with ihe (to them) mys terious operations of thQse powerful mo nied rnf hineV, by which the woalth of the coun'ry hs been controuled, and the poor; 'S'P&toitf mouttr ourrttttte rfn&t ifrfifvng bur their very life blood is abou' beinpucked frorh them, (or, which is, the same thing, their me bs of subsistence wrested from thtmi. we ahall .-from.... time to time, pub lic wnatever comes in our way, tending a s . r o mrow ncni on tne tiank hi? srsfem. Particularly. ia,N, C3rolmi.. On the last pagf. the reader will find Mr. Pot er's re port on the subject of the Banks in thU statewfjepjctinR, in Rf)winK terms, the mismanagement of tlnse institu-ims : and also,'an extract from Mr. Jones's circular. on the opposite side of the question. As soon as we can find room, we shall cip the report of that portion of the commit gree of refinement, which a long and familiar I tee W.ho (,ifl!'re,l frorn Mr Potter ; as also arf from j?'roie: ;-t th Jnhn Jar, arfived .r. New-York, from Llrer- pool, advices are). received to the I6tb me siegeiot VhoumUnd Silistria had acquaintance with belles lettresnnly can confer, and which on suitable occasions," 5owed from his Kps an1 adorned hia writings, by apt and fe licitous Quotations from the Anient r.U.o. .. jjfor was ne more remarKSoie for tne extent bt ! eru'lition, than for the ammblc and benevo- ic 4uaditaor-UA vity of manners Which all who MvrntMl'w;Vh" him. rdt "acknowledged.'....', No one ever made an anneal to hU vmntvv i Into th-ir feenhgs to Ml idvice, fctrt he tordi- .". . .. 7 v. Vr wrt " " "nana wm vpci m wicir renei. . . , , The College of Georgetown, in the District of - Columbia, bad conferred the degree of Doctor .vt Law? on tlie Chief Justice in April last. n de-ceased- wsrtv.ine.. onuhday-ih "a nf ic uurui grounci , i ne usual Masonic honors were performed, for a 'a me-nber of the Fraw. tlie bill for instltutint? lecal rmrAinrr. against the State Bnk. 'ift Wheat Jt i feared, will be mSTC-; tun1 ',3red bT. th cold, wet weather s-ni The ground after becoming comnletel sattirnted with rain, was Frozen, and cast up, which exposed the roota of the wheat to be kUled. by frost nd ice, 4Ve hope the damage win ftot Be is wide-spi eadas is apprehended. :ad nr.ir rmr wm,t. A new ?t OnRce. bi been established " diThom ' Fer v.' on the Catawbajver. .Iredell countv. .r.i Mr. Lewis W. Thomas appointed P- st Muster : the name of the office is Thomaii Ferry. For the bene s fit of persons wishing t0 write to their friends in the neighborhood, papers in the state are requested to notice the es tablishment of hU nflfire. January 28, 1829. 3tr. White: Isend you the following, as a so lution to, the ltebui in vour paper of oOth De. cwber, 18C8. ' " The first number is War ; second do. Unit ; third do. .Vne, The laitials of which spell SI N. Sis ia a number which all people know; An Unit, tho' squar'd or cub'd, is so : The nintkpart of ni-ie is just one, Mr. White ; W Suiiu the word that makes mv work riirht. , " Evander ia right ; his solution accords with mrnisuca us dv tne author. Eu. ... , .. .w8,., , ine Ifaljax .7?ne-i.a, printed ly Mr.' John Campbell, Jr formerly of the Mil ton Gazette, has made its appearance. We hope the Editor mav find the publish "snrax than it seems he uia new did in Milton. paper is well executed, and de- -ww patronage, ahd we hope may re ttive It. 9a Infernal Improvement, b'e." The Ral- tik'Q neemcroUhe JiOth h i. cnnu nuhr portion ol the members oT the late : general Assembly, and other citizens friendly to Internal Improvements, which. wa held at the Capitot m Raleigh, 6!h When otir columns are less encum bered than at present, with other matters of public interest, we shall give these pro ceeding an insertion. -'-The- Sufirtme Court of this -State journed on Thursday, the. 29th ult. ' :RTter f the 3d-inst. contains a list of caaes decided a this term." Wtf select such as are of interest to on r readers. EQUITY CAUSES. Kezatma -V'h ; k eu ..an i ; h c n v. h m c s. M. Kenny and others," and the Cross Bill, from Rutherford, Report filed. Decree for sale of Lands in Rutherford County, the money to be paid as therein decreet! with a further reference to the Master. Henry Huffstettler, Adm'r. he. v. Nicholas W'hisonant and Peter Eaker. 1 from nied. John omtth s t.x r. v. Arel bharpe anc! olbers, from Iredell. Report filed and confirmed, and Decree accordingly. John Kirby and Thomas Oaks v. Vj i:.r:j , ...k..- t r t- din mm ami uiucis, iro'n ivowdn. U(! cree for sale of the land mentioned in the pleadings. Andrew Allison v. Robert VYorke and others, from Iredell. Referred to the Clerk without prejudice. John Nesbitt's Executor e. John and Hamilton Biown, Eh's Jcc, from' Wilkes, according to scire f ;cias. eorg Carrington v. Ilerbert'Sfmms, from Orange. Referred to the Clerk to take an account without prejudice. T;tvlrr and others v. Dickins and 6th UjBLP rii!&PiPiU )ism i sedwj t hou t prcjutTice"Ooti to be pailHry9raiptafaF: across the Danube, where they would fro .tntorwtater'Auartea. Liverpool died on the IOh of December, at his seat at Goombe Wood, where be had been staying ever since his removal rrom town after his first dangerous illness. His lordship had been in his usual atatgof health for some daf s previous without any symptoms calculated to excite appre hension having appeared, and had break fasted as usual ; when, about half past nine o'clock, he was attacks with con vulstons and spasms; a metsenfcer was immediately despatched to Mr. Snford, one of his lordship's medical attendspts, who resides. -in the neighborhood, but be fore that gentleman could arrive, his lord ship had breathed bis last. Th Journal des Debats, in an article from Kalarasch, on the 18th ult. insists ai mv, iibii umisnea, sua in th mon- mit rrsnle conditbn, is qtting Bulgaria In all directions. Part of the cannon have been buriedpart carried oft" by the oxen, for all the horses have perished. So r rest was tlie miser? irMhe:amt before -the raising oi the siege, that nearly 500 men. iien m ine entrenchments on the,3d and 4Ui, withoui reckoning those who -were Kiueo in trie contintialsorties of the Turks. The Russians attribute the obstinacy . - J IV the English and French officers in their armies. All the country round Varna and Shum Ij is completely devastated. This may uc.nro, me reasons tor the retreat of the Kussians. Letters received in Paris, attribute the raising of tHe siege of Silistria to the" ex treme bad weather, ra'her than to the ip. proach of the Turkish forCe' ' - An article dated Ji. 90,K M , - ... - r- - , ..ui. sajo, rank a, breve t l S":.nhUlfe' ,0 f" 7. brandy apple 30 to 37, 0ld peach do ran as Drcyet Mat. Gen. i Mr. Kane nrei.-nf..,! oi i !, oo .Jon ir. ...r. certain resolutions of the egi.l.tre of !i!ir-h, Nortlr Carolina bZZ 8 CarS EfEK V? r Georgia ' .Kounv 8. Care ... , .w ufc Bitiic in muK repairing certain state roads tiiijr and a netihnn ivii presented from Connecticut, against carrying the mails on Sunday. In the l!nn. u. M;r. am -aiavery bin, theuregon bill, and the Cum berland road bill, consifmed most of th H Thurtdag, Jan. 8 In Senate, a petition was presented Irom the auctioneer. nf N.v.v agsiniiUmriosing duties onaales at auctionafter Tanuas outer unimportant subjects were d!i poaca ovme senateoumed to Monday. fn thp House, very little business of Consenuenei. . , ""l',cut cacepi aiscussing me propriety of Adopting hUtMrnt't ant Ulavery nnjixiuoni arna, and have made demonsfraimne I t ,7 sa u reiaKe H k P w Miguel is not dead as It was re nor- ted by the last accounts. His liealth is imp?oving.- The expedition Which sailed against 1 erccira has been dispersed in a storm. ' The-packet' ship Leoriidasr Bugnon, at New Vork from Vera Cruz, whence she sailed on the 28th ult. brings some furtner parucuiara respecting t late revolution in the r.nit.i .l.. ant Utlavervmi. Jin Lnn .. i rsaau, jun. y. i tie benat ri,d nnt m.t, .w.. dayi - In the f ItoKj'fi'ennlbjeAii': definitely actea on i tne Oregon bill, the Oeom-la ri.im. Bin,-itffW3Irin-eTi mg alarery m -the District cf -olumbi, were all some time.under consideration JUf. Miner's r. solutions, whicn onJ(y propose an inquiry, were aaopten, atter iopping off alohg andT ofrcnBive preamble, which he had Uck'ed to llie aaturttay, Jan. 10. Neither house iat loi Mntiiy,tdr TB ?enaTe. the nrn,, rf me worgia legisiaiure against the tariff, was prescnieui a pennon-Irom New llamnahiri. carrying me man on Sunday, waa pre nirU. in ine Mouse, Mr. M'DufUe reported a bill regulating sales at Suction, for the nrotec tion ot the revenue i a very large number of l-cuuona ana memorials were this day presented. : Tueiday.Jan. 13 In Serrate, a petition was presented from Boston, praying for a drawback on rum nunuiaciuren iisim fni , .,i..-. .iu ciwaage irom loreign nemp ; a petition was ,Mc:icu iroin naneaion, against carrying the mail'on Sunday. In the llonse, most of the day waa consumed on the Tennessee land bill. Wetlnciday, Jan. 14. In senate. a bill n... scd f,.r laving off a town on Bean river In Illi. nois j moat of the day was spent on Mr. Dicker sons bill for .distributing the- .urplua revenue. In the ITmitte v,Mmi. i ? - - ..-.., uuiiiijjunani mm ness vas the Waahingtoriiurnpikc road bUl onMmeda-go'j iwrtfun '-brf fffeif iy .';' m.' J'M- Ul Senate, Mr. JJickcr son s bill fir di'nbuting a portion or the V. 8 revenue nmn all the statet, was referred to a select comnittee, composed of' Vlessrs. Dick ewon, Branali, Bell, Haye and Sanfordi a pe wag presented from PWIadelplua,for ere--duct ion of ihe du ties on tea, h the House, a bill was presented for the better regulation of our intrrcourne wih the Indian tribes; Mr. iHmillfld'a reaulutiouveuJMiiticl t a former seswoiv tor indemnifying those peraona wiia wif. fered fine and imprijonment mider old Jolm, A.lams s sedition la .v of 1798, were taken up, referred to the committee of the whole on the siaieoi tne union, and ordered to be primed the South Sea expedition bill was ordered to a third reading, 97 to 59; the Cumberland road bill wa taken up, ami the blank in it filled with the sum of g 1 00,000, and its further considera tion was poM-poned till Monday. Friday, Jan. 16 The senate did not sit. fn the House, Mr. M'Duflie presented a bill rela tive to the du'.ies on certain descriptions of ...c.i-.iaimijs ; a Din was reported Irom the com- - 'Jj. VVUUII Vt IU 1 nour 7 to 7.50, apple brandy 40, peach do. 4J to 73, salt SI. tobacco 2.50 to 7.85, wheat 1.60, wblskcy 31 td 3J, fj. Carolina bank bill 3 to 4; S. Carolina 1 j to C Ceorgia 3 Darien 5. Columbia!, &; C. Jan. 30. Cotton 8 to 9ii flour S to 6i. whisker 35 to AS. hvnn 8 m in. heat 87 to 100, corn 40 to 45, salt 87...Nortn Cawlma4;ank Bill- S y7 peifttioutli Georgia Bank Bill 1 j to 2 per cent, discount - Arwtawi. J.M- 31 ..t'oitan 8.rrf fl rs. i.w, S' wheat 9i, bctn ' 6 to 8. alt 41 in no. peach brandy 60, apple do. 45, whiskey S3. hr-mlminftimJmi aawsHOotto-AS3.A OMm..L- 4 t: 45,ew:- 73, whiskey 30 to 32, ppl brandv 3 J to 37 zf Xew-ttrk, Jan. 30M.ottoil 'srl. tb 11 1 lour : rUa w 8.50, cotton bagging made of hemp 19 19 4if- wneat i kkho iju, oak. tawrj sole teath er 20 to 28, hemlock do. 18 to 33. hams 9 w 10. iaiasflijipfe 1riii3fW'tolflVw1sTte3r 55 '" t?6, leaf tobacco J t 12, yellow beeswax 23 to - 4........Krrth-Camlina bank. bills! percent. di'count. South -Carolina 2J, Georgia 4, Vir ginia 1 per cent. do. MARRIED, I n Wasliinir ton. Georiria. A. II. 8 need. Erl formerly of Granville county, in this state," t -Mrs. Khody Koddy, of the first mentioned place. On the 15th inst. by James B. Thomas. Ead. John M'Leod, Esq. of Burke xiountv, to Hat Jane M'Leod, of Iredell., nnw, . (. t mitte.e of ratreiichmcnt, to regukte the- puUi, cation of the ac's of congress ; also, a bill pre- In Charlotte, 2Jth ultimo. Mr. Thomas Gilleft Eie, aged about 30 years : he waa a native of owart county, but had resided in Charlotte for lu or U years past. In Montgomery countv. on the 28th ulh. atthes house of John Ijiton, after an illness of threb weeks, a travelling man by the name of Allen) f;; ljn-.I'i.f'av.Ir6m aflt.o Alabama, ffe was about 80 vrara if aol - 7- Trxatk)ni waa paid to bBnf-iimraBgerw :V. fn this countv, on Thursday, the 29th ult. Mrs. tlf.l. ..'I, ....... iit naivon, wc oi .nr. wiiiiam naton. m the 37th year of her age She was taken sick on rday with, an mflammatwry fever j ao4 was a corp on Thurstlay. She was perfectly resignad to the afHietlve dispensation of Heaven, which separated her from all that she held dear on ear'h, and expressed a full conviction thaO she would soon realize the happiness arising from the presence of her God in the realms of biutful eternity. She lias left a husband and seven children, to mourn her premature depar iu-c ior me world oi apirus. Iu Darlington District 8. C. on the 13th ult Mrs. Dorcas I. Lide, wife of Eli W. Lide, Esq. and daughter of Mm. Jhe W. Alexander, of Mecklenburg county, in this state, aged 27 years. ttecrntly, at Covington, Tip'on countv, Ten nesee, llaker Woodward, Esq. attorney at law. Mr. U'oodard was. at the time of hia death, av Citizen of Memphis, Tennessee, but was previ- ousiy a reside?) ol icmourg, Mi-aititppi. ' " 1',' V Ila eraigraUd to MUsiaalffpi o,, 6 yeawag frm HfWfTnlnn iti . l . !... ... L 1. I A nnUi.it.. -.1. t " . "i7 K ..)).luvii, in kui. 3iAi.cr wticrc ileum icii many scnbmg the mode of printing and distributing relative - : - : -r- ... r certain Ttiblic dncumenHT- - fiimf -..t..fT.... f a t r.-.-. - . , .. . ...U.j e - i" . J " .. '" in ttuiiinru on me uxn insr, wm reported for rtcrcotypmg the law of con- Col. Daniel tiila,ln )t 88th year' of hlsaga grew, ; , "fiOl (s' UAH a ainlllaWa ainif rmA nf lk 1? Atffitit i.t4 " l' . w- m tkr - I ' ' 1 win a 1IT IWM . Iri SI 1 S tO-tV. ft) the Hotllf. 1 Inrtir r m u. .;:..V ... T .l.Ui-l f..u. ... - . 1,. .' i . T "MJjJtmuii uuauMuti. iauicr ficiiriinour ana cinzen, and na ol.i-..n jjrovuhng thaybe House, shpuld Irfta.numerous train of relatives and friends to" vote wra vocem the election of it oflir.i lament l.. ' ' . ' ' " ' iota nn ttt. ' 1 I. fcf I . r . I t ... m in iicwurm, i,ainarinet;nftpman, relict ot 17 . .:i i r. . t ivrpuuiic. captain nugnon reports that Alvarado and most of the country towns had -declared for Guerrero rfflaTi 'bodv of 80O troop, of the Guerrero party had been encamped 8 or 10 days within five miles of Vera Cruz, and an attack was hourly expected. There were onl about 500 troops in the pUe. The officers 'ere consulting as to trie expediency of Lincoln. Ueport filed and eon fir -' "odering, and making the best terms Decree according to Report. ,hc?r co lne plunder of the city would w ttievitabie. .... f-Xirartofii letter rtcrl n V., f ' - - - v. -. , .via v(UAi 27th Dec. ' The affairs of this countiy are in a most dplorable state. Merico ha been fiillaeed to a vry Urre amount and the whole country is in a it.it. nf r. hellion. Vera Cruz. Dec. 23 Since mine of yesterday, there has ecn a dec laration both of the Armv andC vera tru2. in favor of Guertero, and it is now bel'eved that things will be quiet some time was spent in debut, nn it,, ci cluntt . evf ml nrirti- Mil. mm- a:..,. Monhl, Jan. In Senate. Mr. vrii;n!. moved an mqttirr, whkb wasagreedto, whrtbee the appointment ol the K.iig of the Netherlands as. umpire between the United Star! am tit-Mat tl 1 . .. . " -. ...v, U uicuniunraon of the U. S., vrl. rowluUoui were 4ifHed of. In the House, numerous petitions and pri vate bills were disposed of: the bill authorising the , iWr- gW,W0 trr the Wiitrtngr ton tuVnpike road company. pMrd Its third readine : the r?nt of the luv ,u. bil. relative to the Cumberland road. Tue,day Jan. 20.-In Senate, a bill relative to the supreme court, was paied and sent to the House i the hill for continuing the Cumberland road west of ZanesViHe, was pm.ed. In Ihe House the bill establishing the territorial gov. ernment of Huron, was passed, 12 to TO-; the the late Samuel Chapman Esq.- - -- - - - ' - j T UK officers of the 63d Hegt. N. C. Militia, Will SDDCar at the court. home in Sollt. burj, 10 o clock, A. M on Friday, the 27th inst. arined and equipl .as ihe.law. -directt. Sat DM. . By order of I'.dw. Varbro', Col. Comdt. S.VM I,. l.mi.Y, Jirttnr Jdj. - FtkJZd,. 429,. .. 3tii. , Alemotv. 4? IIOMAS Ml I.I., Jr. respectfully informs his ctistomrra antt h publir, h:it lie has removed his Boat and Shoa establishment to the building immediately be tween Mr. b'eorgo Drown :orf and the Post Office, and but a few attj from Court- nouse i where he intends to carry on the busi- u, .mnonzKig me government to subscribe 4,. I very extensively. Il.s new shop is as con ,..uiBioiurnraiiccomiHyIi?'iit-ni as any stana in towhi where U'.t linqc.l . fhA kill a..)..:..- ... ' ' II Will pl-M. htm In romiul.t. Ih.t wti. t. kar A4 4,.1m km I. vwf . ikw wk. .ly wui t. " irj." Saliibury, . V i. 3d, 18:9. 3t55 "I " t k' v The communication ot A Subtcriber, rs received, and shall be published, in a week or two, with cheerfulness. Snov.vrt igiin had slignl falI 'jow, lt, week. For two weeks past, 'n weather hss beep wet, sour, and ccl't- at.t. ietsey Jordan end - others -tv- Simon Green and others, from Franklin. Fin Decree . - .. Arfrrh Ov'-Kerr sr..v n-f.i-'T.-r- - tJi.r;ix Vt. milieu u. vuiiuci, uuui treueu. it ia or defed thai thlicaueDC'fran Court below, having been, prematurely removed each party to pay their own costs' in this Court. COMMON LAW CAVSES. Den on demise of W. M. Snecd and o'hers v. John Mc Geehee, appi. frorn Caswell. Rule for new trial discharged and judgment. John H. Alley v. Noah -Hampton, from Rutherford. Rule lor new trial discharg ed, and judgment affirmed. STATE CAUSES. State v John H. Koane, from Burke. Rule for new trial discharged, and judg ment for the Statflai ' for a while, and a revival of business." The D. States ship Falmouth was at Vera Cruz when the Leonidas sailed. Price at Xrw Orlean, Jart. 5. ..Sugar 6 cents per pound) molasses on the plantations 18 to 20 cents per gallon ; lead 4 to 4 cents per pound y flour ft,3U per barrel, cotton a to-13 cents per poundT It is said that an acre of sugar cane yields iauu pououi oi sugar worui gao an4 Uutt on slave can take care of 10 acres. jrKi2Z of New Ywt -ami Wt1l'JrWrfeH:sola yeatinUyT a88-!;sa..a,n advance .s2Sjcti.;.onxm, prices i but the news published thia morning fper Napoleon has put things where they were before. Holders are, however, very firm ; the stock on band is moderate. -IMW-. - CONGRESS. Tueiday, Jan. 6. 'The Senate was engaged most of this day, in consideration of Mr. Benton's resolution relative to the sinking fund act of 1817, the deposits of the government in the Bank of the United States, and the Public Debt i Mr. Benton sooke two hours on the subiect. In the- House, Mr. Miner offered two resohitions, with a long preamble, relative to the slave trade in the District of Columbia, and looking to the abolishment of slavery in the District ; the Ore gon bill was a whorl time under consideration t the House adjourned early, in consequence of navmg peara oi tne J;at rMn, vm? r -. . win it-Aiivc in irtM ..... . ." ,, Vv , . . u,c oe"ate, was passea nnaiiy mrougn tins bouse. r .. luage Jannton. ll.e National Intelligenrer of the 'J8ih i.lt, says it is extremely doubtful wi.e.uc, ,ic juuiisiun win Of? Ue .0 attend this session of the Supreme Court, owing to the injury he received by the upsetting of the stare near Greensboro,' in 'his Hate. Tin: MARKETS. SaUthury Fricri, Fch. lth.VuUnn in scedl lf tn2TrTrt.'cnrn"2t)To ?5. flrtrkr 3.50 tn a trr H to 12, flour 4.50 to 5 per barrel, wCat 50 to 75, Irish potatoes 40 to .50, sweet do. 25 to 30 brown sugar 12 to 15, coffee 46 to 22, salt 1.V5 to 1.50, homespun cloth 30 to 60, whiskey 22 to 25, bacon 8 to 10. 1 10U ttll 06 THOMAS MULL. Jr. Making. p) f I'SI'fXTFlIXV informs bis I I SsJ i..'iainiairccs ana tne pub- II "'. naring pureiiHsed Mr, SVi t hen. Hct-ioY Hoot a baron 6 to 8, peach brandy 65 apple do 40 to'45,' butter 15 to 20, corn 35 to 40. fiixmA 5.f5to r.ftft, tard7, tnolasneJ 40, sugar fOf to II w 10 auow Uj wheat 1.36, hnkey 23 ,0,3- l-- hank nofes 1 a 2 per cent. pre. Charhttm, Jan. 11....... Cotton 8 to 9 cents, flour $irhikey 27to S'bi&sItftSTj'hiCsIl best kind of bagging 22 to 24, salt 40 to 50, corn 46, coffee 11 to 14J....North Carolina bank bills 2J,per cent, discount j Georgia, 1 ditto. Kemarlc. Since the last advices from Liver pool, of the depressed state of those markets for Cottons, together with- the continued high Freights and low rate of Exchange, has caused our market to decline full, half a cent on all descriptions, particularly on the middling and lower qualities. Sales to. some extent have been made at 8 1-2 for mixed to good fair lot and up to 9 a 9 1-2 for pod to prime the tatter price for selections. .Fine Cottons offuvouriu Brands reach 10 a 10 1-2. Camden, Jan. 31. Cotton 7.50 to 8j, flour 6 a 6 for that made at Camden mills wheat gl, corn 40, oats 30, salt, 87 J. Baltimore, Jan. 30 Flour to 8 .V), cot tfo 10 to II, wtmltey 2, tb 25), firtcbn 10 to J?. II inai, UBTinr niircim fill Qhrw. 1- . ... ... ... eiTaninnmem in tlie town ol Sahs burv. nt m. ployd lh fentieman as rnrrman of thr thrm, -he is prepared to execute all ordera for making BOUTS and SHOES. of every description, on short notice, and f, irm. 0ha'jle prices. He intend constantly to keep a supply of thd most superior Northern Leather, and to emplov from 15 to 20 fust rate workmen which wilf cnabie-ium.to roaaA-Ute-aort U)rait kinds wf -TRois and hoes for Ladir, and Gentlemen, amP of the very best materials. He also kerpa art assortment of. Hoots and 9ha nnnitanllff n . hand, inanufactitred at his own shop, for tho acewnmodatwrn of those win w.ay with to be auppUd Mi-aantMvn mergency. ? - minting. - 1jt55 ; 1 Hh utmost efforts shaTT be nied lb give entires satihfiction to all his customers and he hopea thereby to Secure their continued confidence and patronage. SaHiSiiry, Xov. 18, 1828. s' A FIRST tt.tT E . ,- . .. VaVlsi Tcad Wtvntcv, TO take charge of a Srhoot in or near Stated ville. Apply to Thomas A. Allison j or James M'K'night, in Statesvillc. Jan. 26A, 182'J. 2t53 . Fulton nnv. IOR sale, vholetale and retail,' Srcsr Cottot, Number 6 to 15, inclusive, at the Factory prices, from Fayettev'ille. Apply, to J.MURrilV,. ft

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