8 1'ukU.kar of lb l.iwlal. ,r n - Al Ik fft;iHi i,i m'rtr af r .ir ,,4 raaaKara pr..ir, erf lh tim....f , pr,i0 "vmmntnH nr fa. nil gM art MM in. iu,n-.... -ill l..nH af tvh rttHarr ff iy t,ai wr. a.d m fit wrk Wftk ika, ara iMM tlwtvaNar. faatjk nr r mi all I'Urra alaraaara b, lb r.ailm, ar Ikri may uu a. akkraaaa ' w t vf mm mm aa W aaakta T I Mil SALISBURY, ROWAN COUNTY, N. Provided, That this HY AUTUUUIl'Y. , m ' United sV.Wrt.i.-v, ,. C4WI Seuion tfthe 'SrewfirM Otmress. ' hum urn e. h i shall not kJip repeal in? !, ow in force r5EE heemtmn of uRar refined in the United btaies, except to change the rie e so soon as the exports of sugar -- - 4 - 'c istfie ar tide. Approved, 21 at Jan. IB . laehvered 5n the Hah a ft.IL' .! I.h 10.L . . --VHaHTfti. Iha, .. .t . . .. tmtZ -S?. 4 W Vh to "r ' c""n, It i. as follows : 1 j Y'V" 1 Here Mr. a .h ,k ... , rticle of he&r f -Woo of P. telr. .!.7!t, 'HIua W amend. a:i aa.cutillol J An act for. the' better organization ol the Medical' l. partment of the Nary," Approved 24fh May, 1828. BE it enacted bit the Hecate and House c RrftresentaHvet of tht United State o JmerkainCongrenH assrmtled, J hat iverv Surgeon who vu in the Navy at the time of the passage of the act for the better ori'ani8uon of the Medical' Deptrtment of the Navy, approved iweniy foart of Mav, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight, shall be entitled to the ad ditional par kand rations (according to length of service) provided for by the fourth section of that act, notwithstanding such Surgeons rn jv not have been i xn ined, or received their appointments ir the manner prescribed by the first section Speaker of the House of Kepresentatives. j. r. CArnrouK. -Vice PreiWent.of the L'Aitrd Siatei, and Preiider.t (X tlie 3e riatt. Tiproved: 21 tt Jan. 1829. 30HV ULiNTV A.MS. i .arMBca 7. An Act for altering the timc i for holding ht aeiiioni of the Circuit Court of the United atatfl ferihi District .of Georgia, at .the phc'- provided by law. UK it enacted by the Senate and lhue. of Qriresentativcs of the United States of America tnXongrM assembled, I hm the Mitth Cirrtut Court of the United States forth District of Georgia, which. is 6y law appointed to be holden on the fourth Monday in November, annuallv, at Savan nah, in the said State, shall hereafter be holden on the Thursday after- the first Monday in November, annuallv, at Mil htdgevllfe, in the said State ; and that tt- snsion of the said Court whkh is novf required bf Itw ro be holderron the shtrh 4arof May arrnuifly, at MtHwhxe-riitrj.irr Ik said Siit, shall bereafter be holden on the Tliursdjy after the first Monday May annMsJ, at asnnh, in the h State; and that ell process, which shall Live been issued, and ail recoumzncea (returnable, and all suits and other pro ttedings, which have been continued to the said Courts respectively, on the day!, land at the places hcre'oloic provided by I vcMHaa 11. to amend the judicial system of the United States." lik it enacted by the Senate and House of fiffiresentati ves of thr "United States of 1 America in Longrets assembled. Tim if, at any session of the Supreme Court, four justices inerol shall not attend on the day appointed lor holding said session, uch Justice or Justices as mar attend shall have authority to adjourn said Court from day to day, for twenty days after the time appointed for the coromenre ment of said session, unless four Justices hall sooner attend; and the business of said Coutt shall not. in such cases be con tinned over to the next stated aessiot thereof, until the expiration of said tven ty davs.hsteatfof the ien dmo Utni mil iiiVlaii' --' v- ?! ' ... Siandar. h- mlTt Jtr Jr of the amm7mehyW m-itrj&W from Tennessee, Mr. Crockett 8 considered it UUy foijunate that tich not been the rase-t fo snhseqtynt reflection had fullv convinced MrA t the passing of that measure would on H direct injory to the very peroni who it was intended tn hncfii. Th L.n.i i. Thirdlf . That all, I Pvr . j L newed lor the M be rTrf- of America, .orw VjuhWVWiJuvd for cord'iog'-to.theirirespeettve and usual pro portion in the general charge and expen dilute, and shall be faithfully disposed of for that purpose, and fbr no other usVor purpose whatever." .Larva of the United question, which was sought for on thi States, fiagr 87, vol. II, 3d section of an one hand by h3 State, and on the o:her4c' f a ce,in oj the claims' of th. State a a - f k aO . - - -ftetrt;r1lrr. Sec 2 And be it further tnacted, Tim itlt snail so tMf;sen, during anv term !fl . !. iaiu vuuri) i lour () IOC Judges shall have ussembled, that, on anv day, le,s thin the number of four IL".,1?J!?.?I1?.'-jn?ulR M JMg i so assembling shall have authority to adj'luin said Couri from day io day until a quorum shall attend, and, when expedient and proper," m.y nonrn the same without day Approved, 2lt Jan. 1S?9. Boot am rSVioc .Making . 770 IMS' MULL, Jr. F.SPF.CTFULLY informs his mm. ....... .. . acquaintances and the pub- at, having purchased lr. Dickson's Root nd esTaiNisi.m t m ilie town of aJiaburv, and em ployed tha' fentleiian aai Ityrcnau. of. thavshaa, h'tfl prepared to etecnfe all orders for making BOOTS ani SHOES. d"ewr4-TfrtiOfi, m short notice; and for res- sonaale. prices. . .. He mtrnds crnirtaiitly to kef p nlpiyof ihe moat a-it-crwr Northern Uathor, and it emntoy from XS la 2Q fuat uir a ml u k enaOte utm o na ui moar-e'trRii t.mn i Boot and ShO for Ladies and Gentlcmrn, and of thi very beat material. He a!o keeps mi aaaortriient of "(loot's arid Jlioes " cnntaoly nn liau.l, manotWcurl at 'n -own h'p, for th accommKla:ioii J' those 'io mi isti io he supplied on a Hidden cmci frencv. Owing to th" prewire of c time, he w ill n!low a I hfral iid'.lg'nr-.' to ' ) !ic feel . aaf in tr,is'. inir. lo.-a r ii.. or tttcir rfl!?etliJC saaU ue leturn til J l i i . i . . -i . ; i I tu, arm inni loiw conumieu io in u-... .re n i.. . . : ,.: ..awaitMM ll III l l . , , I.I.' l.ilUI TI..IM, "III,., I IT ,11 E,C II 1 IIX mms, at the trmtn end -pf tees--herrt1 s:i!Vno--fm v.;'l f.:-": -rrr--. aid-he hopes provided lor (he mcetine ol the said i ilicrrin to m-cur. ilr lr co uiuued conhMrnrr; Approved: Slat Jan. 18.9. KOMBta 8. Act to alio' a salary to the Marshal of the Eastern District of irgima. RE it enacted bu the Seiate ami House tRrireenariea of the United States of iwnca in Congress assembled, That th i of two hundred dollars be, and the hereby is, allowed, annually, as a Mlary to the Marshal of the Eastern Dis Met of 'Virginia. Approved: 2tst Jan. 1809. M' M II all 9. a Act to establi'i n port of Lntry at Magno lia, io Florida. BE it enacted bu the trnntr and ffoitr Representatives of the Un ted States of Is " Vmcrica m Congress assembled. Toat -II '.'Ort&. harliiirv. ihir. n,.l ,t- .t..t. .1 I main land in Florida, and of the U Ms opposite and nearest thereto, exten Rip from Ocklockhey bay to Chariotn sf"0r, be. uutl they ar hereby, estsb rug a oiiei tion District, by the nami It 1 1 . . f a. . . J e oi. mark s District; and a port ol 1 Shalt be estalilished at Mairnolia fur district, and a Collector shall be ap om'd, who shall give the same bond, Collectors of the other Districts in 3. Jndbe ii farther maetrif. Th lWftfaJeTvfe'tfff'-Tlrtf'- M')'aftdSt. John's river, shall he an tXcd to, and made a pari of, the Collet """istrirt of St. &iiin.ltn. graved ': 21st Jan. 1829. .ICHBEK 10. I11 Ad alloini an aJJ..'. I .1 L.-l EPrerflWd i,rthc Uni,ed Stttte. Mid exported iry ijr i- U'tiA mm J use reset, at 'ves of the. United States of 10 IV ti n rrt: n. . kUJ f h ,. . ?r L t - o 1111 iitirtl. u, Aimtjllll.il I ter the passage of this act, there Ml he &li...... j - j . . rn- w nrawDacx on supar re rc,( the Un!it Ra.a. j ... ',rm of five cents per pound, in lieu 'he druwhact , 1.... n a k- I" on t,,.. . - -""fiBi-.si retincd, and exported: I10MAS 1 1. 1.. Jr. respectfully informs his customers and the puhlic, ffetti ,e has removed Ins llnot und Shoe establiah'nent to the building immediately be tween 'Yir. Vreorgc Hrowu r store and ihe Post Office, a:id hut a few steps from th Court House; where he intends to ca:xv on the Imw. ness very extensively. His new shop is as con Tenia t as any stand in town ; w here It will ulraar lilaa In arrnaja.4aU Ikaar whn a-k to kar ; 4 mi laA klia la wan oa Ikna. whl. ail, waa( In " try Salisbury, ,tb. 3d, 18.9. 33 VroUcr & uU n;Uut. Watch and Clock Makers and Jeweller, CHARLOTTE N C HAVE just received an elegant assortment of articles in their line ; which they will sell very luw fac ChjiIl qp tn nunr. (Sse ' r2?ltWL tual customers on a cred- J h kinds of-Wthes repaired, ami war ranted to perform well. 3W 34. ISM. 23 WvvU'litSs Jewelry &c. 1:11'. subscriber has lust T returned from the " orth, with as good an as. irtmcnt of Jewelry, Watches, S&er-Hr(ire, j?c, is .was ever oftVred for tale in this phew; his Jwiw ia.tte latent -moatfOn, awl thei nuist laahionahle and elegant kind- to be had in any of the Northern Cities: elegant Gold an,l Silver Hatches; plain Do.; &c. Uc. . And in a few rlavs, he will receive a very elegant assort ment of Military Goods. Also, all kinds of Oil-ver-tVare, kept constantly on hand, or made to order on short notice. All of which will be sold lower than such good? were ever disposed of before in this place. The puhlic are respectfully invited to call and examine these goods; their richness elegance, and cheapness, cannot fail of pleasing those who wish to buy, . '. : All kinds of Watchen Repaired, and warranted to keep time : the shop is two doors below the coifrt-hnuse, on Main-street. ROBT. WYNNE. Salisbury, May 26. 1828. 20 . SHERIFFS DEEDS, FOR land sold by order of writs of venditioni exponas, lor sale at this office by the occupants who hsd settled upon it, had, it wis well known, been ceded hu -. n . ,qnn Yamuna, under certain reserva tiorrs and conditions. The United States was bound to observe, and to Cause to be observed, those conditions; and the House should bear them .in mind when legisla ting upon the subjec. North Carolina had expressly reserved the right of per fe 'ing all ti'tes to grants of I ndsmude to officers and soldiers of the Continental Iaina.4f tiij Stale for RavoUinortwy nd other services. The amendment, which he had relerred to above, went to disturb hich he considered ought to be heht eaered and inviolable. It waa proposed, by that amendment, to give 10 the actual sejtlers thereon under vari ous conditions, and to vest the igit of perfecting the titles thereto in tie Gov crnor and the other Slate offieers)f Ten ne,e,eJlwW JuMerir oppQie. i0.tbe Sanettontng of su h a propotitioi hy a vote of the House There were numer ous North CaroJina warrants foriand y.M remaining unsettled ; maov of Uem be longed to widows and their orphm chil dren, and to minors ; and it had from those circumstances been difficul to pu their claims in a train of speedy adjust ment. Now, suppose the House p issed the bill, did not gentlemen perrehe what would be the inevitable results? Let them grant the hundred and sixu acres to emch occupant ; and then, when the holder of the outsiandin r; -Kofih Caroftrrs varrants wen! and advanced their iust and eqmt .ble pretensions and laid claim to the lands secured to them Vjr a solemn ii (gat ion wi tnrowu open to the citizens ol thoe States And ho was tbst litiga tion o betermtnatrd ? W there a ju dicial tribunal in .he United States, or in deed in the civilized world, that would not immediately decide anv litigated case, r,ninil d upon such a basis, in favor of the North Citolina claimants ? That solemn aTftf hfftding.insxryjrnent, the act of cession expressly provided lor the payment of those claims, nd unless all law and all justice ware alike boine down and de stroyed, all the laws of Congress and all the courts of justice in the Union could not invalidate its provisions express and s'ipulnted Litigation on the most ire oiendous scale would inevitably ensue, to 'ne ImpoverishnvMU of the people and tdr ruin of the settlers on the lands- Eet every gentlemm 'hen, who tould enter tain such an idea, n-flec. that the most y .YorfA Carolina to a certain district of Western terrHory." Wh ,t amwer could be made to that ob. jection to the bill as proposed to be amended- There all the surplus land was specifically appropriated directed to be applied to a certain expressed purpose " lor the USB and benefit of the United States of America, .YorfA Carolina inclu sive, according to theit respective and usual proportion pud expenditure." It vm further said thasiv shll ttv hp-sd of for noother purpose whatever. North Carolina, then, was entitled to a proportionate share in the advantages ac fining from that fund and lis pro teJs, and the surplus land could not, consistent ly with that provision in the act of ces sion, be disposed of for atl'y Other purpose whatever How could the House obviate that objection to the amendment before tht-mr 1 ak(M4v in I smSSVa .May.. aWv . - Mr. C. observed, in conclusion, that his honoralde friend from Tennessee, Mr. Crorkeit, ha I done him but justice in giving bim credit for every disposition to unite, cheerfully, in any measure tending to promoi'j the interes's of his Mr. Crorketi,'J constituents; and, likewise, to advance bis own views and wishes in dividually He could not, however, in justice both to North Carolina and the United States, support his amendtnen -If lie. mitrhl for moment revert to hK amendment, he would desire gentlemen ttrbear in mmdj- also, another onjecinn in it, which appeared to him final and conclusive against the measure proposed I mean 'I bat u. witioh directs th- (iv ernor and State Oljictrs of Tennessee to intended by "the amendment to be given to the occupants. Congress, he would maintain, and indeed the lact was not to he denied, had n power to direct the Executive or the Officers of State to per forin any act, of whatsoever nature ii illicit be Those functiohsrie's were en tirely exempt from the -control rf the frcneraf (Jovrrnmcht He knew it had been observed, that the amendment only said that the State officers may issue patents, Ac to the occupants ; but was not every one aware that the word may was, in all judicial proceedings, construed to mem shall ? Hut, supposing they were directed to do these things, and they should, as they had an undoubted right to do, refuse compliance wiib. or obedi ence to, (call it which they please,) the mandate of the General Government What was to be done then ? There w 13 ,,f- . M forMfcii.ra h I'll . 1 sav-n,vD. pay what tnoti owext. When r ... n ...:r. 1 . iir inrn 1 ftMtic conrerw. . a "tr cl0" oweat. t " When I see a father or mother neg- ecting the education of their children. nd suffering them to run wild in the streets, in the high road to perdition, without the am idlest effort to rescue them by parental authority, I say pay wh it thou ovAtcst. When lsee a cVdd who has been ten lerly brought up by fond and doatiog parents, treat them with disrespect and inattention perhaps with cruelty in their old age, I sav, in the moat emphatic mannerpay what thotx owest. When I aee a man giving large and rxpeffsive ehwrainmeni-.11vftig iti i style of princely ex.tr.tv igancr, regard- ess of the rtuno-is consetiances t, his rttnr And at the mime time puitme off th- payment of tradcsmmVbilhr. under the most frivolous pretences. I am re.idv to cryout, in a voice of thun der pay wht thou owest. A 'tiirn cut among the I ; '! 1,-. Sultan t'n Turkish Einpnot) his invi ted the Cheick Islam, or Chief of tho Law, to put on the mili'ary unifonna informing iiim that ho wishes it for the sake of example among his brethren A meeting of 'he bar ook place, lb consult upon ihe subject, and utter a long session ol 14 Irturs, voted an humble address to his SiiMime Highness, in which Sey freely pledged "iiieir lives, their fortu nes, and nii ir sarrrd honor," but begged leave respectfully ;o decline serving as loldjers. The Purie was firm, iitl H"' -ed them lo fetonsMt- - Cum g4wtrt tfuf," replied the Ulemas. or, 1- C ,urt reserves the point, as a UumletHrg juffgo in. Europe wouJd.siy. iuiouier. mtti otk' pf're;.. Which was soon ait roim'.iVsa to f-nfifine them ' vtnnff tity tmil -agree?-Tiiis soon brought them m terms, and thev now form an impoioir force oi near ly 1 200 sfrongri'Trder i he eomm ih'rj oTtfio old Cheick Islam. There nas-sume lifTi rul'y at first in preserving among so many- prrrfessed talkers,- nv -thine; like Ml4Mce." " 1 oh hb-n obvFsted - put ting to instani death -any wet who n.... . ,: motion in the roks. They teim uit thro-vir.t? a member ot rr the bar Tuo havela'terly imprtjved so much Lint tney are under marching orders, and expect soon so file a ill igsinst the fiuians. Ceditnt arma togae. is inscibed on tlveir pirchmcnt stan " .Voah. AURIC i.rt'tt iL. The following premiums will be eompeted fof at the next annual exhibition of the Ijncoln . Agricultural Sscisty, to be held at Lincoln!, tn, on . . ... i . A . I- . a- : 1: .1. ..1 w. oeieienous coniequeocea svoui" now to ; 00 war n.i MlJ tr,c second Wc.lues.Uy in November. 1829, viz: a . I . I a! f . W I ..i . .Mil I II ' tne occupams tnemse.ves, irom noin.ng as ..c . .w, u, . . , hoMe R um uf out to them the prospect of obtaining I I hus the amendment ttsell would he -r the best single hors-Plough - ftee and Rratuttous donations of the pub mere nullity. I le had, therelore, with the . l or the best Home or Mole, not les than 5 3 lie lands, and in that manner inducing ! object of meeting thr views ol his honor them to settle upon the public domain ; j able frien I from the Western district of thereby sowing a seed which he repeated Tennessee, Mr. Crockett, draughted an would not fail to produce a most abun- amendment, which, in the event of the darit harvest of litigation. He proceeded J House rejecting the proposition now be m express his deliberate and confirmed lot e iheuu he should submit, as an opinion, that there was no power vested ; amendment to the proposition of his in the United States, to abrogate a tight ! honorable friend from Tennessee, Mr secured to a State or a citizen by a con-1 Polk At the same time, be should con ditional agreement similar to ttut con- j sidcr himself not pledged to support the tained in the act of cession. If tha bill j bill in its present shape. Ifdid not grant did not provide for the right of -North preference of entry to the occupants Carolina, or the neP" hnhting-hcr war arithnilt charge : whereas.' He Should CHI . 'ants, he had no hesitation in pronouncing 1 phatically say . ive the land to t Hem, al it to be his opinion, that under all the cir Iter paving off, or reserving sufficient to ettmstanees of the ese,- it-waee-violation of the public faith, and an infnogement on the just rights of the State j yet, even providing for the liquidation of alt the ifTtH':wiide'; oh ' account 'aT&'''&3ft h Carolina land warrants, he repeated that the adjudication, of every court of la pay off, the whota of the North Carolina warrants. f Mr.Carson's amendment went to pro vide-', that Tertnmein,appmpr1atg'the said landsi shall give witKoiit charge, tft'atl pet-Ms who sbali iwve- made ttnprev : ments on, or shall be in the actual posses sion of. anv of the vacant lands herein would and must be in favor of the parties- ceded, on or before first day of April next, ' laiming uoder the express provisions of" or their lawful assignees, a quantity of mat art of cession, which was as olain, ! such vacant Und, not exceeding each one precise, snd binding on the United States hundred and sixty acres, "which shall, in fa a a I ' ! I...I. iL.ir imnrrtDamanil far as Isnzuage could possiuiy irame it. an cases, mciuuc men iui,u,v...v...;. That was, and must continue to be, an in superable objection , it was, he must again tell them, absolutely beyond,,, their rvower to armul bv anv legtstaitve aet m . v. . . .... " ....:.!: j o: settlements; provided, that when two or more persons are settled on vacant lands so contiguous to each other, as not to al low of a grant of one hundred and sixty .. their part, the stipulations contained m acres to eacn, tne survey au ire muC .. that instrument. manner as to give to each an equal Mr. C. aroceeded. There wssanotber, ! proporlbn, .quantity and quality being and, it miftt be seen, a very important ; considered, unles . the settlers shall condition attached to the act of cession. 1 airee; in which case the survey dial! bt Let gentlemen refer to ibat publte t!ecc! matle n conform!' rh ifte sgftameni. .1 nor more than 5 vearn oltl .... For the h-si piece of plain domestic cloth, mixed of cott ot 11 nd wool ..... The beM pied- of twilled mixed at above -The bent cov. rlct of co 'on and wool, and fir the t cotton, each -Hie beat piece of ill liraU.flnn?.! ijot les tiian 5 yds - The heat piece of blanketing t one qua o ily The best piece of (Vpetiog not teas than 'Mid nor 1 a ; dc - - The rreatrsl nua-itity of Cotton raVed o 1 acre of iiiilaml Thr JfTS't" quantity ul caru raised ou 1 . acre of upla id ' The creates quantilv of com raned on I acre of reclamed bottom land - - The greatckt quantity of corn raised on 5 acre of land rreln'HBed without the aid of stable manure The greatettt quantity of Wheat raised on 1 .- eewref-.ttpiawtt1 -yrr. .Vtefflfg 5 8 the grVatcsH qoaotity aJjR4. Oft X acre. of . bottom land the rpratt qoantjty of Kye raised l sere of upland ..... The greatest quaatil) raised on 1 acre of bottom land ' - - - The greatest qujn ity of barley raised on t acre iiplaod - Tiie greatcu quantity raised on 1 acre bottom la id The greatet (pianiiiy am! bent quality of hay raised on 1 sera upland - - -The heat straw cutter ....... The b?t constructed cotton harrow . - . The best construct d plough for opening ateriarrujdutfliitrii.tfji lor depomiiij manure - ' I he reatot quantity and best quality of wool sheared from 5 sheep - -' - The best whetstone for whetting I'.ngliali or Cermsa Scyhes ....... The bel for whetting Carpenter or hviccrs 2 i 2 2 3 I 10 T 3- ..:-,.-...-vS.tj 1 V. 5 4 2 r 1 0

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