i i Mm jfm. .r f tl l r CtnjHHti , J in V rr ' ' " ri'-t ' ? f ,nM, w4 . YVnif'iTr ,"" f T "f WtyfW kM 1. lai". S frPr WI Ik li.r.itltftai4, n t U 4Uar '" mu rmtk '! iV kiIuH'4 l'fjritf. r matt - A U KWn a44Hw4 W (M S4.l.r, Uf Wf , M rtJ' l". t "TiTrAtrmonrn:; Lavi lA United' Sditej. filtitil tit tKe 'ie'eowt ,.- . . .. , i . . iirMiiH.J .- -. 4n Act o utfior. the Citizcin of the Territo. Hr of Arkansas and Florida . elect their of. r fleer, nd f jr other pnrpfwei, . . fl rnartfd Aij Jhe Senate and Iluune p'Refirttrntativei cf tit Vni'rd Statet o Jutrica, in Longrru auembled J h a the citizen of the ' Ten Lory of Ark4n.i, qtiliSed to vote, shall unifer $urh rrjjulj rton ih LfRtsltturtf of sjiil Trriov inav prfwiibc'f. elect their officers, Civil and Miliary, exrept u:h b the law of lonjjfcn, now in iorce;are to tc ip j poitiied by the rrendcn: tjl the Untcd Sta'e ; and except, nlno, Jutice of tlw Peace, Ati-Jiior and Trcsitrrtr for itl enitory, who khatl be -tltonen Ujr joiri Tote of both HoiMrs of the t-eisLlure, it inch time, and f.- such term of servicet M 'he kjid LeikUture, at hueit iimr,viid for tuch .term of service, a taid Lejf- .liuurt, shall .prescibev t 2. Itilf ft her.t m! riXi at.: 'the 'crm of ertc, ,thc duties and jxwers fres,-nd rftilt)(rent, of tb Of. j fieer, Gitil and " MilJUrf ii crmicH fcy ; --tbt. .citizens, ibill.. .be. 4rscribciL..bV-UicX. Legislature, -aod the? shall be rorrirnis- sioped b? the Governor of the TcrritTy and subject to on removed frcvm fTiJC Trri ,..uJii..BJ.Iur su.JjXuusc.ajJbpXcitJj ture shall decUrc by '' All Ijwi now in force, inconitiitc:): with the piovNioiit cf this act, arc hereby receded. Thii act shall tke (T ci(iCni and after the firs' day of December, one thousjiid ci?h hundred sd i wenty-ni.ie. Sic. 3- .did be it further rr.actrr!. That cverv bill thit shall huv pjssed 'thc J louse of Ufpresentatives and the Lrjrisl ttive Coun il of the Lei;tsa'ure of the Terri torjr, shall before it become a law, be pre sented to the Governor of said Territorv : if he approve, hehall bin it, but if not, he' anau uiurn it, wun rns oojecuone, to mat House in whicb.it fhall have originated,' --wbrhidl fnlr the otjjciiun fft.i?fce on .-4beir. iuarnU. and pioceed.to . icxoaiklex --TTTIrriheir itith eftMl;l?fafro"n,"tWov IhlrJs "of that Houie shallree.Cto pjss .iom to the iiibcr House i bv which It shll i uc uuii.li: mill ws mm iin itic ui;ct-t rtfew e he tttf fer,'rl. nnrtrif nnnrnvM I , r come a law n... ..n u.. ami an ilia iiii ii i i . i nr ; votev pf . both flousps.of ih-l,cgisliturV j anan oe. (letcrmiivo cy.y?-is.tntl na s, an i the names of the pt i mm voiiii for and j again "tiie bTn'noan'Sc'cmcrcif oil "titi 1 ournal of each House ie-.pr rfivcly : ' A:ul , if any ui 1 shall not b.- rf-mrned liv the Governor within three d.i? (Sunday cx ccpted) after it shall huvc bren presented, the same shall he a law, in like manner as Jfhf had signed it, unless the Legislature, by theif"adjournm:nt, prevrrtt its return, in h d:b case it. shuliiutf Ja4i. Sec. 4. -tnd be it furtkr enuctrdiTbdl it r-iaM he iawfulfor the rjtnlificc toten of the Territory of Florida to elect their .Officer's, Civil and Mili'.ary. itusuch uuu Der, and under such rules, regulations, restrinions, and conditions ,(s are prescri bed in the foregoing provisions in the two first so:i.ins of "his .:!. :ec. 5. 4nd be UJurihtr enacted. That the members of the Legislative Council, m the Territory of Florida, bull be dec- i ted hvt i ie qualified voters in the respective S herein ifier design,!, ' V ,1.- .s neieii alter UesignaU.., a. tl.c 'ly'd.bv aw,injht:Jm counties tlrne provided b iRyitV-rlO-.. camhii, t6 membtrs ; from the counties oFWiiton and Wjshinir'on, one merhtx from he county of Jackson, tvo members; iroai the . comny of fidi.leiti two mem bers ; from the coutdv of Leon, iwomtti)' hers j from, the . jpu.ii'ie ofJtfJeron..! aoison, and IJamiHon, one incmbci ; .?oni. the couniy. of Aadma.faae mem !icri from the county- of Uuyal, one i ffoth the county of Xassiu, one s from the -tQn;iesf-SatorJoi)nran(T 3liisquefp,t rann fWnmeoJfftTir'er iVlortrftetwie-f irmbe: And 1 any nctiof Congress, or j Wry, defining the limits of election dis um. in the same, inconsistent with thej roreoing provision, be, and they are aerrbv, repealed ; Sec. 6., Jlnd be it further enacted, That .-ft shall be lawful for the Governor and Msative Council, at any time hereaf ,er, 0 alter or arrange tKe rlistricta in ach tnannei1 as toseeurt , asnear as may De n equalitv f)f rnririulin fn aarh .-district. hat the act of the Governor and Legis Jjllve Cflncil, at any time hereafter, 'to aitcr of arranee the Hl-sirieufn mrh nsn er as'tp secure, as nar as may be, an i rre; afouop in cttft district f C . . AndM.il fa nirr enacted. That ine utt ol the (. verno- nd hfjhlative Councir of tbb TcfrjiorV of Florida,"- fix iojyrbiwt ofjdirtftrof'JatKsTttfoahfy 111 Slid. Tan itnrV."!. nrt "h .m.' i. ftclii, milMi iriii,.i,4i,iaSj In Kriuliii.fJf T LlTail...M ... , . I" . I . 1 . . hare been autriori?c! to do,' Under the M;f iirf IVrrlrTTjr: Approved i 21st Jan. 18-9. ."the TiiuuouuTnjifKi h ions II-I. itunj th i sen on in the cjiuitr if Ijwmh i it Slihury, n M'Hiiluyi, I'lieJajs, and Wcinc.liy( at the iantulion the late Dr. ;iit. MiMire, on Thur. lill Trotafa . .. .1 u N-riU.ftV',r !.,.. The acaton will commence i . March, mid end tat An l'iiM. Twelve D ilUr, ,e chi"ife! f.ir ilie Meaarm, payable bv tuti dolUn before theaeaitin fXirei J.ipht Dylan the leap; and Twenty to!!;s to iiure. -'ofr I'.-digree and djicripticn uf Aeronaut, ice handbill. srmir.N l. fihiuand, . nnru.rs i.. uf)vtus. Feb. MlLAM- ..... lHr..tUt Auf.ly -. ' N. U. Great care will be taken XT, r fccr. al satisftcrion , bat we citiMot b.ble fur nrci: price, to.marci acnl fnim a tliatancc. iN n)dcJ:att tcims.for ruth ; or in credit. A, ?y o' ajiprov. a paper, a ne, 'U'Tf f 'H "''!- Atr. Thine CitoSSa ' do well ,o apply - - - - -- k.,on, , it i, believed -o favorable aT uppmtunity to procure one, i!f Pot noon oiler again. KUl Hl) CltKSS. IjlXrVsttgCft VUU l;UftCC!, mudc bj S'timirl Lun Ur. HT!flerecteljshop, uiu! proc irt-d muic rialaf.ir the purpose of Mr. (andt'ra' earrviuw on the hnir liite'inia. .1 t li 'Ki?t!$ ' .wines, I can inform the " "v"": piibTic that VieV can be iWJi.c4nhc"ibOJ'ij ctr.jbtishtDetit.io Unsotn? perhnps is ndt' mrrptraed try nr in the rtate, the publick i liiimHy auiiiiteil, will think, fullv reciiy? I, and 1 'hink 1 can with safety say theT work will he made aitTijfully'ilnjt limettfy ; a be sold upon reasonable terms tJt) L - - r.i - .v.i. - , Tit JAt. flVINi - ' o i ! Jl'diCr'i itti Clxk Mtikeri in,i Jan tlkrity - fff A H LOT I F, N ilr - rt3 T sVK j-tit rretivel an i 11 aiticlis in their hue; ijfi" Y"VJ ''ur'1 '''cy vk ill sell very 1 -w lor rash, or to punc (Sv,'v r.' ' i'PsA 'td customers on a crt'd- XT' A I! 1 A'a'chcs repaired, :nd war ranted to perform well. Jufi, 3A 18J3. 2.1 rjn'IF. subscriber has just JaL rettirncd 'roin the x 'i-tlt, with as geed an a ortment of J '"iv e try; 'ii oiivcr'Hf arc, as was ever otl'ered for ale in this places his Jewelry is of tlw Ktet importations, and the most fashionable and elegant kind to be had in any ot the Northern Ctiea.: cieii'it (old and Silver U'atchet,- plain Do 6tc. uc. And in a ;fow ,liivs "' tt'" rm:,ve a c,tPn! men .Wii.iry GW. Also, all kinds of 1 ,r,r k epl C01ist:in,v on hand, or made to hrti4 uoUcfi.,-.AUaf whidiwiUaold disposed .of before in "t'l'ii plac The public arc re spectfuliy invited to call and examine these rood; their richness elegance, and cheapness cannot fail of pleasing thoie who wish to Iniv All kinds uf U'atcbe$ lieftwred, and warranted to keen time : the shop is two doors below the cmrrtou2cn"mTiirlree'fr RO BT: WTFT1 - Safoburu. .101 26. 1E28. 20 ,00 tveves of iANl FOR S.1LEI ..... Kiibtcriber vt ill sell two fiiinifred i'nil twenfv fi've1tioti" ' -simd Acres of 1. AWv lvintrk-fJiei wood in the tte or North Carolina, on the wa ters of. Swannano, I'reacb . Board. Tuckas ge ttulOctmaluftv Rivers. The healthiness of this seotion of North Carolina is well known. The Land is of a good oiality, and for grazing, sur passed by none, even in the more western statea. It lies generally in large bodies ; but will be sold in quantities to suite the convenience of pur. chasers, except one Tract Of fifty thousand acres, lying on bj)thiidea of the French Broad River,' parity in Buncombe and partly in I lay wood countiti, on which large and rich Batik .of ran fre have recently been discov eyed. Terms will lie made accommodating, by the airent, who mav ireucrally be found in Ash villeW ' JAS. COOK, H.fent' Vot.. I4A. 13)8. '-'fimtSfi A nod Iroiix a man of fasWosr h 'a mk -,MV -fV. X ;nort th.j.;-, mi, r by the (J?nrul AnembW of North Ifi-feeVtlf esfffih, da so'muSh ofihe Govehtor' Mcriit rUtei to h BiU ilembert of M'rVUntJ. II, int. Lminar.L M'npm'i,t .n.i j. TU.. Joint' lect 'Committee, to bnm via -ixlated tu the Uanki within t!ie Bute, '- REPORT t That In conaequence of various rumors circulated, hA charges nude ajrainit the I? L A . aun, your commiiiee nave been In dured to drrect their atiention and in qulnci to severval points touchinj tho conduct and situation ofihoie iifstitutlons at .vartoui periods, and more particularly hve endeavored lo ascertain, whether the s'ock ofiheBnka his been paid for in the manner, and at the lima prescribed by their Charters; whethc U)cy have at any time issued more piper, or contrac ted larger debts than fiieir charters iii thurizrd ; whether they have paid specie on di-mand; whether they have dealt or traded in any articres unauthorized by charter ; whether they have exacted usu rious interest j whether they hive pur- f oased vp, ; or speculated In thcirown pa ' fssarily connected with these inquiries lour committee .have bceri wisfied from the evide nre adduced to them, that the J i arwl 2d ntlmeofsf h stock or tjjiiidlly bub'cribed forinibe State Bank of Norio Cjrolini, were paid for in ipe rie, and some smjll proportion of the 3rd current ll.nk no-e, of the State. Thatfi.v? volumarTlvw tiy .hi, fiPf lim.in .,.,,. fiPk, !.n i P4,f 8,1 ' his circumstance arose, Grit, (so far as cgjrds the 4'ii instalment,) from the impracticability of proctfringthe old pa per currency of toe State, which, at that time, was monopolised by the other two Banks; and secondly, from 'he circum stance that the Bank, hiving gone into ope ra'ion, as required by its charter, after a second instalment vn paid, and before 'lie thitd was due, and having issued its own notes .to a lare amount, redeemable on demand in specie, ms necessarily compelled to consider those notes equiva JeWjptaeAD as ucoccciTe.tbxnj in jy mcnt.. Yotir- -r.ommiuee- - liowvr, - further stale that at the same Xm When the third instalment was due, there was io the principal Bank at Raleigh a larger amount in sp cie, than three fourths of the stock siibscubed Tor a't that place by individuals And I'm. .pttv-iojiiL Jsl i!l.etjm5.J hen t ficj lourih instalment became hie, there ha I been in "us vjults g 150,45 in specie, whir!rMj()se(tlentlyr and be Tore- the 4ti instulmcni was due. n reduced, by runs upoh""t he BVok, -'ti Ti.itt) in specie, b? sides SI 1,153 ir. pper currency of the Stdtf. Tiia' had the whole capital sub scribed bv individuals at the princi pal Tanl; in luleigh oeen paia in specie and paper currency, there ought then to have been paid into the Hank 2814,000 in specie and paper currency. 'As to the manner ttt which subscrip ti ns were paid for at the various branch cs of this institution, yourvommittee have h .id no direct evidence. Your committee have no evidence ol any time being prescribed for the pay mcnt for stock different from that prescri bed bv the charter. It is further in evidedce before your committee, that the whole stock of this Bank was not subscribed for when the books were originally opened : and that by an act of Assembly, passed in the year 1811, the corporation was retired aga'n 1 0 open its. book foe bscptfori -to - fi Ir up Ahc ynsu ( 4240 shares, which ; it did in November, 1818 i and that these shares were paid for in such notes as 7ere then currently ihe Banks of the State were then consid ered specie paying Banks, yc it appears t haat the prlncif ''JrroTancTi"-brthg'"Staie-Eattk tbre was at that lime 822,975,02 IQQ : in specie, ' while. the notes of that Branch, in cirrulatlbh amuijt.d to the sum of g 1. 1 83,677. ri - As to the Bank of Newbern and Cape roi nn ihia nni nt nf 1 nflll ITVa VOUT fOlTi them. mat wnen moao mauiunuwa ni wtent into operation, by virtue of. the cl of 1804, the whole capital was paid in specie. That when their capital was en larged by the new charter granted in the year 1814, the new stock was paid for in the Bank notes of the State and other cur jent notes. -y-loHtheetttmthpotnt '? which your committee haye directed their attention whether any of the Banks of this State have at any time issued mot e notes, or contracted larger debts than hev were'authorUed to do bv their char- .ers? they report, it does not appear to .our commjttee that either ot the nanKs of this Slate have issued rnoTc ttrar. three dcltari for ono of their chartered VaVitai but that all the IWki bsv issued more than three lu cme for eirery dollar itj spe cie dually pa! jn for 'stock'.-.-- . As to the next honirr. whebep h. anki lJ4v pidaDecia.flO, demand. fo rthetrnoteif yoor r.oramWee report, tut oout ncrn states were drained of their p cle In cormn4enceTf The hrtre TXtteAdl ture of mohe at the Nurih, the Bmks of .onit Viroiina, together with all the Banks in the United States Sauth of the Potomac, suspended specie payments, as a necessary protection oHheir specie cap ital i and that soon kfte'r the war, viz in 1115, 1816, or 1817, the Ranks of this atate resumed the payment of specie, and from that time did pay specie on demand Tor their notes Until June 1813, when by a joint resolution of the tlyee Banks il was reiolved 0 rests the hesvy drafts made upon their funds by brokers , and they derlared, they would not Ihcnccfor ward pay specie to -brokers or. their agents That since it has been found that brokers fompcl them to pay specie, the Banks have in general paid brher tjieir dealaausr sod have as generally re fused p.yment of their notes to ciiU'ni of ibe $laie not owiukt however, a is he ! lieved, to any. prefctenc wbicbibe Bihkl enTeriilaTTdr BrbiTrs over citirm ; but because the former, brine rapttdiM. have it la their pof t cxrr them; while, the latter, rat bet. ibii endure Jlir law's delay, content bemselves with their nwes, and forego their claim to specie. That since thut pciiod, (June 1819) though, in elLct, the Banks of the S:a c compulsion ' ' T T them, which were pefsisted in, specie, or funds deemed equivalent to s;icric ; yet frequently those demands have nn ecn met promptly; and, in some ins'anccs, payments have been made only through the coercion of tjje law. It is, however, due from votir commi'tee to at ate, as regards the Bank ofCipe Tear, tlut that Bank, since the early part of J muat y last, has promptly paid, in specie or S;cie funds, nil dc mands upon it ; and has bf en in letter and in prjefice; 3 bona fide specie paying Baok. ....... 'Ai"o"ih' dealt or traded in any articles unauthori e1 oy r hartersr your conniimc re port, no evidence his been brought before them to sho'v thaf the Bank ot Newbern has rvcf (Tcalt in any arti.le.'no' literally mil sirioly iakhwc bended. in. its c bai ter That both hi R,ik tf dpe Fear and the Sntc rritrof PfwTT Ctrolrrra hare- pu chase.l stock of (he Bai:k of the United States l anlihc f irmer Bank js now owner of a considerable atnou'tt of that stock- That Said bank, were i.idtieetf to 'purchase' tint stock, Met as a ready means of ac quiring a fund at all timet eqUd to specie and when, in fai t, specie ws not attaina ble ; and secondly, because, in const quence of the immense capital of the I'm- ted States Hank, i' w4s.dremce' prud: nr I,Cll(,erstocki.ig, and jtistiTy all the prais n I proper to afford facility in paying of,es ,ha( have becn so abundantfy bestowed interest, without a profitable investment ! upon the graphic powers of our great of their specie TunlTs, wouTd"pro3uc"e1iea; j rc Jn novcTiit .' ' " " vv losses to those Ranks. The slock of the United ?tatcs, on which regular divi dends were itccived, sfforded not only a specie fund, but one yielding a regular profit Your committee aro satisfied, these investments were contrary to char ter, out wcr the result of tlw; situation of the Banks, and the peculiar situation of the country and the limes; and froui rhrm, nvirh gool has resulted to the Banks, and no harm to the country. v)o this , head, it is further shown, that the 5uic Bank of..Nih- Caroliiu. ptirclHSi-dtt.r . j,,,, wJuch,e..Jcx.tLaimcdJ,, cotton to a considerable Amount in Geor . h ,,.nre(U xul:a'io.nv DitPnt gu. 1 n jt mese pure n-ases- were- buw at a time when the Bank was, greatly, in need of specie to meet the constant and heavv demands made upon it, and when ... . . 1 1 . Hiierip wa not attainable : and were made for the purpose of placing funds in New York which would be at all times equal to specie. On ihe inquiry, whether the Banks haveexacted usurious interest your committee report, they have evidence, that the State Bank and Bank of Newbern win to ' e amount' of'ortberrV Funds for tfirir ow-f notes, when their own notes were 6 pur cent, below par ; 'and that the State Bank has taken interest for 93 days on note psyable 88 days afterdate. There is not any evidence that the Bank of Cape fear has ever taken more than legal interest. Y.ir Committee further report, they s uui r irve--W- had any evidencelhit theJbaok- of Kewbero has ever bougnt up, or spec ulated in its own notes. , It has been prov en to your committee, that the State Bank of North Carolina ond the Bank of Ca;V ,Fear have, at difrercnt periods, purchased - their notes in the urtnern marsets 10 some extent. The State Ink to the amtrtri! of $ , tri the " '' " ' " i ' Bank ofCape Fear jojhe amount ofthit. ,. these purchases w;re rpade at I jirount . on their notei," .but alwayi 'at a higher " price thin others would Rtve foftheml.V'"':r' p6rpos nppi eclsilng th'tir " t4 Uiviojj lhem ;reur txrrcbcy r roro the whole lnresti?tion. inir i.?.::'xv.9rji. aausueov tr-at Jurm;-MK rears 1817, f8l8,and 1119, all th Bank in North Carolina, ri common with almost all the Banks in the United States, Issu ed their paper' to an amount excecdinc the limits of prudence That since their euor has becoma manifest, from a ereic anxiety to avoid oppressing their ?ebton, they have not called in their dehta to the extent they might hive dene ; but that the ehY'tof that indulgence has been to add greater security to the debis of tha institutions, and to avoid much Individual ruin and distress. Your committee are further . eatisfied that the condition of all the Bnk is now Turh improved, and' that tha Bank nf ' Cape Fear has already become a bO04 1. I .--!- . n . oay ipecic paying Ins. Vour rommit'ee recomnifnd to tba egialature 10 piss a law imnoiinr'a nen- il'v 0 per cent; on all the Banks of this Staterwhlchm y after" of : : "'r :: fKetUMi"p4V''ife'cle'tBnihP or iucir noies. . una, u- uutuM.li, Tlx, f , , Internal Improvement! ... .. The newly elerted Hoard for Imemat Improvement met at Fayetteville on Thursday Jat, and closed their business on Saturday. "tttlrc-eVm ing the works below Wilmington, and for repairing the Ltnbsnkrdeni and Jettio and also for opening the. River lo Jlay wood- For wbiih purpose three lock will be immediately erected at Burkhorr Falls Chatham county. Satisfactory evidence wis olio procur ed, as directed by the Legislature, of the sinking of certain Vesaels during the Ke voluilot.aiy W.ir, in the shl channel be low Wilmington, in order to prevent the llnetm from deitruying the town, which. it is or lie ved was ihe principal eatise of he preenL.Vu; ructions in ti5..nivigiionji . the Rivflr-This ''tetitofir wlfl ;bW;Tt;-r-mcdia'cly trnnsmit:cd to our Sena'ors ira tr,TrfTCT,;BTiri srrtt oe tm mt-nnsi ttis cnn; Gdcmly expected, of obtainiug-ou appro pcit ion from that Iwxlk- infvoraif ibesu lVorks. Itateigh ll'fitter, 0th intt. TFrm the Savannah Qrorgiatui ThrtTE is rrr f;vonTcsrrTrrn Termcsseej a membir yclept David Crocket, wlu...i. one afihe."diiisof the day." and- con--tributes much to the amuseen.t....p(jl,h.o. rashionahie worlJ. In a word, be was bred a Hunter ; and though transferred by the voice of his fellow citizens from his cabin in the 44 wild wood" to a scat in the Federal Capitol, yet does erry ac tion even there betray bis relationship to . We understand, thai upon bis first visit: to the MeiMgeric, (caravan of wil l beiits) his attention was so much struck bv tho appearance of the noble Monarch of the Foret as to cause him to express a des ire for a single combat with the animal To the keeper's remonstrance, the Ten nessean replied that he could '"kill either of ihe varments in the room with one cut of hi eye;" aid, whilst the qonvoran'ioni was pending, a female Panther that hail fnr some time actually breathcJ Iictl urju tow !.' b and ij It um't to. Ihofie Inwj ted-r ! ! ! At another time, Crocket was asked by in io'imair' if he did not think that Dan- UyJjcK tun noi loo iikc a piruiuia.r friend to whom he was very much attach ed i 44 ;V7J.(wss ie-.reply)V-fw--stt'H fiut q pair of 'tjiectactes onjiim, he vritt thcrt be for all the world the 1 ernctTmae of That" talking man from Ou' (John C Wright, whouu upni durning around, lie wa at . his elbow. Tiiis intticerl him tor.ontin. ue rI,.didn( Jcnw ihe qenUcmai vtat HeaKMttfh' orHt Manicv.ipttnti iati- r . i- 1 . l 1:1.. faetiW IM gtvr tt creitheri'-pr J-ftV them bull; on a footing. Prom an 1 aglish Taper. Remirkable Occur renfe. ...... About mid lay- on Satu'd-iy week, as William Ilntjinsjn, he manager of fie gas wrki. at-Mestrs. Wilkinson a fac tory, near Chorley, was bnit to fitoti a gis cotk iis one of the apartments, he was suldetilv struck d.wn by the 'powerful efflivium emitted from ths (pipe, and died almost immediately. JTue drceaied was perfectly well sx . 1 h e at tifv a fe w thic -.Tt e'l bcfcfc ' v ., ' . , " c .' . I. . I :. i,, . . , -. . 1 ,. - V ' v-' c .' 1 ' d 3': V : f 'i i- s. .4 t ; ------V ' :-e : . .. ... v . 4 il , 1 i r: i brcakCaat far a dttnee- r - : . . :. : ' ...

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