..-. . - l.lltllll T 1 " t - ' r ? I, rUH9I'EAN ST.WT. The following particulars nre ga thered from a letter published in the N. Y. Commercial Advertiser, written by an American i London, who hat travelled in l'rance, r1Uerland, ""Tnissla; fee.-. .FcatlCC i advancing in the career ol nation proiperuy, uuuu . ivho have the icsuu. and ultra". I'"',' ' " . ? . imSrovemrtrf toad., protections that bear, his name. ,s ' V. VflrTer .ill convey to ihe Sandwich-til Inland in .omVo the comfort, of ! life, in agriculture, in tne cwwuc , rinn and annlicttion of machinery, but is dily improving. A great num. ; her of Kngiish families Tcside, in t Prance. t avoid the hravy uazes ans and tne king receives 50 millions of; rruxiLU ii iMi.a & n . . dollars a year from 12 millions oi pro- r,. rd siiDoort. an army of 3CX),00a men .The taxes are heavy. The t..A r .te of Raden. who rules over V, - . . ttbut a million ! souls, taies iuctt: heuiaViJport a stlnvg army f ntarSO Austrian government . . ' . fttKr," ihe finances v , The finances U it cotitirtemai - Mi'ni! coii "i; K')cimnciu 411J - , ... ar- generally pivr. P , .1 1 ; OTT-fKUl " f hM' : V instticracy rule all t.-.e princt- " hi' Oantans 1 th: pt-ojie n.ive lit'.ic or tl" voice. Bwr.zrruftu uji ov,yjAj . iOklirr. in mc .vi. m . ....ti ernment. , tne ooje V for tSe) sons of the aristocratic lamil- ics. -.v ho being p'-r, and disdaining to Work, hire themirlves out as officer. in tV-e Swiss regiment. The men lesve Sil2erland contented citizens, and return demoralized soldiers. As a n ior. S viuerLod is weaki hut the taxc are not heavy, and the people are I... .nr.- in'A rnntehtetl. ' The Roat-herds and peasants .jrf. twiplc .in 7k.:- -rt).-.wioTi. in - .ihwr uu"'i r"" . . II1V.II HI.'"'.'") . ..v...- habitE,' with limited knowledge and few : wants. Raman Catholic Convrntion it fayettevilte Bishop England, of Charleston, has iMrr-w.t-i- f.nurntlim of the increasing rxpeiw 6 j.u..... ,.. ...v land There is a strong national ferl- report any miinetnenor on the psrt ol ;.t the noclUhaad the Am- American ship niters and aeamen.--XVI-""rt Thepre;iden,sendo,he king an chief, eritaotare irea cu . r of ,h(J worid, irifc in I'raoee ihaa the EngHsn. j . f ' Pruttia is a military government, . nd oiherariu.es RomMXTthoircs-ferNorth .SVv -T - tvill ivr nrld in this town tn J?u.lay Tsei ' r -th- 15th day of March ncit. Lay j Ajabamu Dri-gau. from the C ngrfti'ns Df ; jjwssjppi Pi e 'eville, Newbern, Washington, Louisbn Viimington, B-ilisburv, arA Ciiarlntte, j Indiana wi,l! he entitled to from the j fiijnois ihr- first mentioned Ci ncn ffationn, Miouri each two Delegates; from -he others, a ' oue. We have i.t heard whu nwnv r of the Clergy will be present, bu -nt douA)t the lit. Rcvd. Uishop hi "rnr v J will "be; ; 7- t Tf Bishop also gives ntice, thit on Tacsdy the 17th -f M -rcH, ('.!. g the Festival of St. Patrick.) ihe dr. dicati-iu of the Church erccte ! in this town, will take place. The Catholics zttt indebted for ttvs Church, and the Jot oa which it tnds entirely to the iiberliiv of our townsman John Kelly, lusq. It is nnw completed, and only awaits the dedication, to be used for jhe purpose for which it is designed. It is a con vehTehtbaiWiTttfi fmihe4i such ,a sivle. 'of matness and taste as tg do cred'rt to all engaged about it. Payrttevilte Observer. More Disgraceful Proceedings. tM? r,f Mioe, Grn. J ck.n has been rourderetFTrT tfSgy - rAtr-image -wts , drissed Atp to represent an ' Hicer, " - 'and called Oen-Jackaon. ;xWt n , men-, in the jireseftce of the principal .....lauyk town, wtr'c drawn up with loaded musKcis, una ' the imagr plated' IVlfot ' dimncfr-crf :foiaxrijdsJrxn?.;thero.;:' At the word" of - command all firrd, but ; not ; a single ball took tflfect. Enraged at their diaap pointmtnt, one man sprung forward tvith a handspike, knocked down the General, and drove the .handspike Vmmck&siicin This was all done .xn uelence or religion ana wwai r der!' ' The sixteen shots ml.sing their ob- fee t, puts in mirid of what a celebrated Iridian (Jhief remarked of Gen. Wash ington who said he bad' the same number of .hois at -Washington, but cpuld pot hi: -.im j and he had come 'Q (ho conclosioa thatheaald foot be kiilcJ wiiU a bullet. Ihe tivagfe, however. w outdone by we arovc sixteen gvnlkmcn, who finding their bullets ti hive no effect, valorously beat davn the imsge'with 'a war club, Connecticut piper. "IJlerla Coffee It ji" luted, that about air. nousaiu p'jyuu v .v:' O WUJLr. rnoenl (0 lha king ,nj chief., , . t i the hation. in wh,ch (e miMionMie and their work re commeiuld and the king and chiefs iTt encouraged enact ,nu n'r U'riiter't f)ictionttrv. The New-York r jotJfli, 0f c.Mnmcree saf s 'he eHmon f : . rk mtl ;00o Copie (or thi r,)UT,try, ,n(j 500 copies . imended fr , i;ur0oe.. The ptronaife h been o .. ' I... 1.1 . .L,,.), p4rcntnftioe 01 wie mimm. .- ' llthe 35QQ copi .re uUru.?, .oJ . joje ".n,t n,.rt;.J are?TcV1eirt0rebrpu4:ntfi.-. ! mnnnl In flOrt (lilllaTl. . - ; m"k fc-' the Hon. Steun. Brtnch, Carwn, and Conner, , ' .... . t wna Tirru mimic wowmci., tiwuum . K.KI.In. lk. 6,w , .... , fcc. Amotif stement of the nett rillllllll 171 IHtSS.mLTC 11,14111111 V iim-uiiivv in lhe r,i;,ed S.te during the last year, the , f,, . Me.pituUilon , York ; Nef Hampshire ; 'ermrn, Mmachusetts Rhode Utjnd 253,875 90 26,327 64 14,532 76 14,672 05 T01.8SS 53 I4 97K 2 32.846 45 17.511 65 .137,72 a 89 . 4 922 61,033 fl ; 3"5,57?'S5 2,385 16 H,68t 50 .iai -B3 . 73.406 74 23 229 77 45.148 09 44,005 91 26.792.25. .21 945 33 18.J06 I iO,46i"2X 58 89: 6 7,905 00 3.0S9 94 8551 52 1,194 56 3,802 78 Connecticut New Jersey refln.ylT.im : n.i ... 4j',awr - ;.'.1?6" Ohio Mirhtpan Territory Dikirict of Columbia Virjjinii t N' North Carolina uth Carolina i Arkansas Territory Florida Territory Total, 81058,204 34 TTie following it the n;tt amount of pottage accruing at the principal pc?t ofliSes lit this state" during that period : E-jMttor. g906 46 Faetievil!c 2, '47 81 Ncwhern 1,60ft .34 IMeigh 2185 34 W.ihington 892 82 W-lmhjfton 2,995 03 Salisbury 5G3 38 .Ww Pott Ojices.'Tbe following Pom Offices were established in this Sts'.c du ring last month : rurnfu?kCrHv Paplar Branch, Coenjork, Mount Gould, Clanp'a. --rUuck count Currittick do Curritck i do '. .U-..-. Bertie do Guilford . do htlev s, Ooshen. Coriientnea, FrostS Iron Works, ThomasFcrry, Johnston Iredell Johnston Stokes - Iredell do do do do And t l,e Pott Office at Shiloah, Camden coitmyt discontint-i -, paper rrie m two yoiriuf tyniisHiueiH . . 1 .. . . t.. of noletiirntlles, ib? somemrans o other, lately got into a Turkish harem among the women, whisra ihey" wr Iscoverfd,. and-foTCed to swallow poison, or submit toa certain operation. One .wallowed the deadly content, of a cup, and dropped down dead ; the other underwent the op eration, and in uddition,tht Turks slit his no?, ant cut offhis eart SVhen-tbe-aci counts left Turkej his' death was hourly expected. ' 7 . , -Tranyfoama tAirverVy.'-iThis Univer sity is said toe in a very prosperous state under President Woods. It hss 70 .cholsrs in the College and 40ia ttic pre paratory School) in all 110. that since the forty pagci billet deaui from Mr Adams ha. been received respecting the treasonable federal plot which hi informed against to Mr. Jef ferson another letter has been addres sed to Mr. Adams, demanding of him to give op the names of the persons whom he accused. The public curi osity is on the tiptoe respecting thia in. terestingasjair. The repubficansh'av iog, no ptrt nor Jot in this matter this famtu quarrel will "stand by and Vec fair play between the-high 'com batting, pu tic V vottonstamvMr- us the loiiowiog esumaio oi me which pnted the Turnpik. Oste last vear, 1928 s Ihrses far rnarket, 3412 2507)30 M'dles, 3228 22S.370 Hogs, 9753 '584 730 Sneep, 2141 4.283 Stall-fed beef cattle, 1825 43,750 Prcbable value. I 175,302 Kentucky Refitrttr. The Horner, N.' T Observer states that a journeyman shoemaker io that vil Iie made nine pairs of first rat. woroeoS a'f skin shoes 19 11 hours aodio minutes. niaspfitm'j.k man was ientenced tn pay S2G -d coats, io a prosecution ' . . . .r l . l:,r buspnvmy, in t ennsyivania. Co Jipikr, ol the 1 1 to mil. says s " " e are sorry to understand, that another young student-of the University . (Mr. if tinier J ftas died ; .nd -ihat one-, or. !o at at . ' if f - others are taken sick s that in conse o ience of these- evenls, most of the stu deots have left the University for a few djyf,' and the lectures are suspended. Due notice it is said, will be given, as koon ss the helth of the University Is restored. It i beliesed, that it will be opened again on the fVs' of March. Deatht in the U. S. Jrmy Of the deaths in the U- S. At my the last year one fifth were caused by the use ofarden spirits, and yet Congress refuses to take ny measures, on tne suggestion of Mr. Spragie of Maine, to preven strong drink bein given to the soldiers except as me Hattfk. the Sicretaty of this society rrrentl nretented its claims to numbc nf ir.rliitii.1a. in Albany and Utka, N. Y In the former place a subscription of Si, 300 wa made; in tha latter, of 8500 About 82000 was gifeo as a ooation to id the SK lety in furnishing I racts fo the ceat. Valley ol the Nissmippi. - -l-- ruiitr. Tli. frtur hp1rmfr?TW to rMJver ShoVt .nVfUM, which is .of: native stock, h .t obtained the first premium at Con- .... !-ai r - - j - - cord the list seas-m, and the season bef.re the first at Bnghoo, has pro- duced since May last, three ' hundred and twenty three pounds of butter. Button Gqz. A neo Article for the Ladict. Messrs Jsrvis St Co., 182 Broadway, have for Site, a new thing (or the heads of the L dies, invented by a MV. Marston " It is a pretty little roller, with an elastic pring, whereby rurls msy be put up with neat ness and expedition. We have taken the opinion of some ladies of taste, who pro nounce the article a good thing, and a desideratum for the toilette. Not wear ing curls ourselves, we cannot speak from our own experience. JV. Y. Courier. Indiana. The increase of popula tion in the state of Indiana; daring the last ear, is estimated none hundred thoumnd persons. - JllUbartmsh . Ohio On the first Sab bath in November, thirty-eight persons were admitted to the Presbyterian Church Sn Hillsborough, on the profession of their faith in' Chtist and about forty more were asklitg whatlhcf masrtJcrto inherit eternal life. Purification from tin by Squeezing. Mtr)nttwle vtP&gf ims-ftonwajjy, ,ryl3jt iiiaiieoar r oint woar, ugiuuaj, jwiw sofr'tmrpose' l VAfimz,Sh$Mte)M: through. a nanow cleft in the rock, appar ently not wide enough to receive the bo dy of a child, a. a sure way of squeezing out their sins. Graham t Journal. t Country Dancc.l aw on the evening of the 1st Jn. 1829, in my heigliDouTnoocf, in Tyler County, Va the father, the grand father, and the great grand father ; the daughter, the mother and the grand mother j the mo ther, and daughter, and grand mother ; the son, the grand son, and the great grand -son, all in a dance on the same floor at the same time. . 1 : FEBRUARY 'l, Hn. roa tie witTiaa ctauLiaua. -Mr, Editor 1 I with you would publish the Bsnk Bill which was rejected in the Commons, at the recent session of the Legislature, by the casting vote of the Speaker, and lost in tlto Senate by one vote. 1 am the more desirous you should do so, s l am certsin miny mistaken no Hons prevail as to ihe real provisions or .aid bill, which is at ibis time the uijct pfynxich talkrMany vrsoniata-tak.en up the- ides, that Ihe bill went to dissolve ail neoii enner-owmgMo-orirom-w. BanksMnd certain pcrionsare very busy quiries t At an early day In the session, a com miitee wit rsised, on motion of Mr. Pot . . . a tcr. of Granville, to investigate the con duct of the Banks tbis committee was clothed with power to send foi persons and papers. After several weeks of labo rious investigation, the committee got through with their business, nd set about makm? out a renort. Hut it was soon found that two parties existed among the members of the committee ; thone who wished to present the bunks in the worst possible light, and (hose who wished to DaHiate their condact. course thev could not airree on a single report j conse nttyaaehr-jjafty shade lu bwn..reporL; one criroToaungflheJbjn colors i the other palliating evry olTence and act of tkose insti utions. Some dayt after tne reports were made, Mr". Potter bfougH in long biU, which he. proposed to substitute lor the ret lu'iort attached to tha reDort he had made. This bill, among other things,-proposed to confit cate all tha effects of h-b'tks, and out of them to create anew bank ; it proposed giving the commitsicners of confiscation power to imprison any person connected with the bank, who might refuse to suf render up any effect in their hinds ; and it mde no provision against the forfeiture of all debts to and from the banks on the ahrotrmion of ;t.e rhirtcr. it wes on thit bill that Mr. On'on made his two long speeches j as did several otheia, who tooke on thl side of the subject. After the debate hd mdo considerable pro gress. -Mf; . Alexinder... offered at amend ment to Mr. t otter's bill, which wss in wbstantejas Ui a.at werasimilar.to.the bill Enairv voted oiii and loit as above stated. On this amendment, parTof the ditcuttion took plcc ; hut the friends of t he banVs, uhi'iog with the friends of Mr" "01(64 hroiect, sucreeded in rejecting it Whereupon, Messrs. Fisher, Alexander, Uynum, and several others, rose and said (hey would voto for (he original bill on ifosy-T ailing ; . bunjgsi: j men ded. they Should go against jt finally-r .llke l.iU was lhn carried bv 'twelve votes. MrJ tM - ........, .. ....... rotter and thoe who were-ior aowmte i .. ....... t.:.. ui.. cotmtcauon,now saw tnainoinuicouia dc done against the Bjnks unless they agreed to milder measures accordingly, in a spir - it of conciliation, they igrecd to unite with those who were disposed to bring the hank, to an account, but were mined to use moderate means in clTectinR eous views ! wish to correct. I have Uch time a. the court may prescribe t.ken much pains to le.rn the correct lfie ame being 'conformable to ihe history of this bin' dnension, .nd.at.te pr;nciplc and usage ofthclw, and the following as the result of my in- L.' ...k iu u:.. their object. After consultation, the billj"" "a" u. which I request you to publish, was drawn, apd offered as a substitute for M r. Potter's. This fast was the bill which passed its se cond reading, but which on its third rea ding, was rejected by the casting vote of the apeaker. In looking at the provisions of this bill, it will be found very different from what many imagine. It expressly provides against the abrogation of the debts, either owing to or from the banks ; and vests all the effects of the banks, on the forfeiture of charter, in the state, to be disposed of for the benefit of those concerned. J he bla provide Bank, that its copcejrns should le wound up slowly, having due regard to the rights of the stockholders and creditors, and the safety of the debtors. But the bill will speak for itsell ; and I would respertfalry call the attention of the public to it, in order that they may have a eorreet View of the; subject. justice. lCJThe following is a copy of the bill which Justice", requests us to publish t A BILL'-direetlttg-a prosecution- -.gainst'- the State Dank, and regulating the proceedings t6M)anpnwrye;; the ckur.. ,ietjejf.JEN Wherea. it appears to the Legisla ture that the several Banks of this State have violated their charters, and that the State Bank has been guilty of frequent and manifest sibusc. of the fundamental articles of its charter, in somuch that it is deemed the imper ious dutyoTtliirEeg judicial investigation to be commenced 8gainit: Therefore, i Be it resolved by the General As scmbhj of the State of NorlhCaro- Una, That the Attorney General be, and he if hereby directed forthwith -to, institute a udiqTal enquiry irto ttf copdact of tie Kfott'Cant'i and that he prosecute . jch enrjuiry by 'm hrmation in the nature of a writ of fjuo warranto or other legal process and to prevent unnecessary delay or obstruction to such investigation, Be it enacted by the General Jlstcm bly of the State of North-Cirolina, ani it is hereby enacted by the au thority of the same. That the Bupremi" Court ol Jtonh Carolina dor. aod ahalL. posset jurisdiction of all cases of abuse of truaUand vicdati jos, of char ter lry corporation, or the individual rg'Cjnbcrithereirra ised to proceed . againaOStTji JovOiy!! quo warranto, or such writ or process " purpose summon jarie. fr m any of the coun ties within the Suie, and require the attendance of witnesses, and the attend dance arid . service, of officers of the law, under rule, analogous io those which apply to other .aits and pro ceedings in law and equity j and witir a view t? the speedy decisioa of the particular investigation herein direc ted, the Judges of the Supreme Court aforesaid are hereby authorised and directed, to "hold an extra session bf said court, to commence on the fi.t M ndayof Pcbruary next, and con tinue in session from dajMgjdajruntil rJieTaTdjnvm Bc it further lwaclctfhup6irf judgment or decree ol forfeiture oi the franchise, of any corporation being had, or that- the same-is dissolved, it is hereby declared that such dissolu tion shall cot work an extinguishment either of the debts due to or from such corpofatlbn'trtiratl The property, Teat a'id personal, of cuch corporation, and all the debts due to the same, shall and are hereby declared to be vested in the fita'e, to be disposed of for the benefit of the parties concerned in the m.inner hereinafter provided j and commissioners, who .hall forthwith take into their possession all the pro pxrty and effects of every description whatever of such corporation, and pro ceed to wind up the affairs thereof, un der such regulations a. may be" pre scribed by the court, always having due regard to" the rights of the : stock, holders, the. claims of the creditors, and the condition of the debtor, j and in the mean" 'tujne7 To pVevent injury" which might otherwise accrue to pe sons holding the notes ol the State Bank-aforesaid, the Governor is here by authorised and requested, as soon arrttscrshtrijeTTtm hlproclamatinn,? setting forth the cau e.,' . . ses-oi tna probtcuuon, .ucgianpg me ..i c.. r i r..j j solvency oi me ni.ue iann aioresaia, land pledging the f.ith of the State for j the redemption of its notes, Bc flLrtfter cnided, That the coramiMj"on appointed in pursuance i . , , . . vn . r , court, execute bond or b -jnds, with good ann sufficient security, payable to the Gnv'cf nor for the time being and his successors in office, in such BUrtTas '"'the "coQ'rt" m iy require, condi tioned for the faithful discharge of their duty ; and it shall be in the power of the court, at any time, to remove such commissioners, or cither of them, from office, and appoint others under like condition, in their stead, or at any time to require a renewal of their bonds ; and when a;iid commis- .ojftfrJh?!';.??; finished th.eir.du-. ties, they shall m.i Ice" out an T deliver" to the court, a detailed statement in writing of their proceedings, ad'l shall swear to the truth of the same and for their services in this behttHr they shall, from time to time, receive such' compelosation "as the Court my allow. ' BS it further martcd; That if an; of!tcer"stockhxdder or agent of any corporation, against which a -decree ot rxe-har slff fait or refuse tode- ers appointed for that purpose, all tlw property, debts and effects of said cor poration, in his or their hands, the Court, on the fact being made known to it shall cause the person, or per sons, so offending, to be brought be-, fore it, and punish him or them in " Z. "kmfit ttkTTTSTSGcer-as-for a contempi 9 court. And be it further enacted, W every assignment, transfer, or oth?r conveyance, by any corporauon, o offioer, or agent' thereof,-f ary ,Pro". perty, debt or evidence of debt bIo"S' tti'fo "fttcS mjwatryn, m$cfe wn v w a, a iiiui 'Mavw apiaasta wit BiUlilWI lOVU J U

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