i kf to trade the cperaVio.1 cf tfte Jaw, or for other fraudulent purpose, ' ehall be, end it hereby declared to be utterly null an J void i ami the parties to auch assignment transfer, or other conveyance aforetaid, fchall, on tonvic tion", be punished at f r a mlidemeanor. Juries Jjret. Khsr 'Revolution 'His taken place ,h Bjios Ayrest Col. Dt wn0 " ,0,ne "'roe Fst be (;o(rnur, lias been driven out of the cliy, together with bis adherents, tod auch -troops reminJv fj'ubfal ta him ; tad Gen L'jvslle,' commander of the army In jnc recent war i(n ornin, w-oo, since mo Liftlle left 'Admiral Drown, who onoe Vimi1 sirrce cut-aueh a fijr,tlre as tofflmm ler ofTlie 1TuehosAy reinT"Oorr pro tem. of the citjr, and pursued Dorregp Jntu'hp interior, and, it it said, complete If aoquith'ed htm( and dispersed bit for ces; Dorreip himself fled ; in J, some cf the reports say, is collecting anTrther force, to attempt a reinstatement of the legitimate au! ttoritien. Cut which party will eventually succeed or which it is for the interest ofthe peopleshou'd remifn the. dominant faction, we are unsnle to de termine. 'Oar confidence in the cap icit y of the South Americana for self govern ment, is, of late, a Rood deal shaken. , ,We are gratified to learn, that the Hon. Judge Johnson has reached Washington, and taken his seit in the Supreme Court. He hat recovered from Se injury he. re reived by the upsetting of the Stage near Greensboroughjjnjhuatate 'Tfielast WashTnefon'yapcrr'conraln the correspondent.o between President Adm. and a numhj-r of. distinguished -ieileralista of .New.Ens:lv)ft, . . wh..m i Mr. Adams charged, in 1808, wuh plotting a aeveNnee ottha Thre men repei the charge, in a lonj; and for- .xibJe appeal ioabff. people. of the United 6:ates. It appears to us t ha' Mr. Adams has totally failed to aut'.ain hit charge nod that these 4 distinuistied fcderalits," headed by fl. 0. Oim, haTe completely donatio n R utsclPd him. The Nation it Joutnal savs Mr. Wirt never had any thing like r.fnfilery : it was the dytficfiMia that rendered him ill. We can't ace the mighty difference be tween a man's bein& aick in the head or he ttomach, so that he is rendered unfit , for . a:rvke ithey. produce,. th.o,. Jirne result, o far as ttte nation is concerned f)Ut it the public buViness unatteridedvto. Gen. Jackton't arrival in Washington thy, took place OB. Wednesday, the 11th fast early-in the morninf .- lie-entered tbe city io advance of his family, in - Mr. Senator -baton a carriage. His arrival was so unexpeclediy early, that many of the ci'izens who intended to escort him, were taken unawares- He was meWSays the Telegraph, near tbe western market 1)j the Central Commnt'-e on horseback, and aacorted. by them in hii., ludninga at Qadsby'a. The national salute, intended to announce his arrival, was suspended until the compsrison of the electoral vote, "then in progress, in the presence of the two Houses of Congress, was concluded, and those two events were pro-laimed by the artillery stationed on the mall, which was responded to by a salute from the Navy Yard Another big Turnip It is stated In the Jack- tmt Tennessee, Gazette, of the 24th ult. that m s patch of turnips on tbe farm of Dr. Fenner, & miles from that town, one trreiv this le&aon which weighed between 14 and 15 pounds; and measured three feet in circumference ! ! The Editor iavs the mammoth vegetable is planted ft bis garden, for seed. iOVVih he would send us some, when' it ripens: we want to propagate the breed in tfartb-Carolina.- Query . Ia it not in the that J)i,.t!'ct of .Tennessee, where, wc.sre .tald, such the TicTtnesi and 'alrength of the" S'tit, that in ne night full-sized ten-penny nailr wilt sprout pfrom a rusty rod of iron ? Perhapa the Jaek n Guette can inform us. (.') Printer to Congrefn Gen. Duff Green, fte able and jndcfaiigable Editor of 'he wed Siates Telegraph, has been elec ted Printer to the House of Representa nves, for the CTSQTng two yeari. The VUe stood : ' Duff Green, ----- 107 . .Oiies &Seatoi), - - - 96 -.Scattering,- - - . -. 6... The situation la lucrative, worth at least JjMO .dorrars :ianna -ia oeaion nave had-it eight years( jhd ought, in that time, to have cleared '50,000 dollars i and as they have execu- feVrheir Printin8'n a , workmanlike and wihful manner, we hope they have laid 7 a snug competence it is their own f?ulif they have not. I "aiK- ' - - TAomaa B. Keedi, (who was formerly in ne Senate) has been elected a Senator in Ungress from the State Df Mississippi, Wf Hx years from the third of March pi in' the place of Thomas II. Wil "aras, whose term of service will then jrjrj Who declined a. re-election ' Tim fc.l.Vte In purimnce of our dctirminiuort to afford our readers what lit ht we can on Lhf ri!!,,,on f ff P,BI last Legislature on the mbject. It be seen by thW report, that the.commlt tee Cannot C esr uo the rertrehens h ! practices ofthe Banks, although they have made a Whored effort lo do so. The eommitteeVaim was to pul the best face on these Illegal transactions, that the facts elicited during the investigation 'would admit y-eMlioitv)aled concerns stand convicted by the showing of their own the banda-ef- the LtMlure. We have heard unasserted by tome, ikhn aaasA iaaw I Uat sa aw a a at a . eVoTlheefra&MOT and who would discourage all efforts to relieve them, that the present excitement in relation to the banks h is been artfully gotten ip by an. imerested few, who inv providently went in debt o the banks, and nov wish toextrica'e themielves in the best "ay they can. What my be the views of a noisy ftp thus situated, we will not pn-trnd to sy-; hut that urh persons nre the c.V eaue of the present conpUir)t agilnsi the binks, we M5w is not Vhe fact. An I we arr half sustained in this declaration br Mr. (J sston himself 'ne mighty rhampinn of the binks- the great liint.ury of the East, within the circle of whuso shadow many fiarr UghH revolve i fur in. his ajeech he eaiuiirMy adrnia 11 1' is .';ri7r. that by rash and violent measures. i he bsnkt may' com pel a too rapid reduction of the circula t?ri$ rnedf irmrrtd 'to6v-Mttirprt'i$re upon Afi deoT6rifwheh"tniyjTncreise the sacrifice of property, and extend in solyency I' d bankruptcy, thuoughout the country." ' Now U'is U just what the peo ple comphin of: the bank unfeelingly requires iia debtors, at a time when there is an unexampled scarcity of money, to pay. the tenth of their, debta cvrry ninety dsys, which is bevond their abili y to do. A persistence in this course by the bank, most assuredly wit do, what Mr. Gaston admits is within the rane of iottibtUTii viz: 41 increase the sactifice of property, and extend insolvency and bankruptcy throughout the country." Were the bank debtors the only sufferers, we should not hear auch general complaint ; for they, together with their seciHi:ies, com pose but a smill proportion ot the nrcat body of the people. But the fact is, lboe "Jl0..9w.e -tb ..bankstrgene.rally,hayc ojfieja indebted to' them : so that when the bank presses its debtors, they have to press their' fetrors i" and these last r in turn press othrrn ; so that the press goes round from one to another, until, in h end, the poor, hard-working man -finallv suffers the heaviest calamnity.. lie bas no negroes, nor large tracts of l.md, to dispostof, to SJtisfy the pressing demands of his rreui'nrs; hut his few horses mi cvtlri ami -his little tuick. of. household shnff or constable, and--his wife nd chillrrn are turned ui of doors, and thrown upon the cold charitv ofthe world This is not a high wrought picture o lite actual state of things among us ; is reality m'mht be witnessed everv week in the state. And the hirsh measures of the banks, ri rapidly collecting their deb's, and making few and small c'is counts, indirectly cause this distress in the land. j ' Aito Snow, to the depth of t to 10 I j hches. fell in South Carolina, at Camden. Columbia, Georgtown, tec. week before last. The Camden Journal says this snow storm brought large numbers cf wild pigeons with i: : they were more numer ous after the snow, than for many years There has, for some days past, been some very cold weather in this part of the coun try ; and on Friday last, there were a few rnjkes of snow seen flying in the at mos phere ; during that and a few subsequent days, it was bitter cold. Taa rfH lT lVfasat S ff VyfTft. P.iw X V I Tt Srlfs'- sft w fSJ p Vf v wwr Sir: I observed in your paper of this morning, a communication signed J obn Braodon, under the head of Lythotomy ; in which he, J. Brandonbas been pleased to say to your readers, that after suffering more than death Tor several yearsT with stone in the bladder, he applied .to the most eminenT Surgeons iff thrt tettkm of Uie-couniry' ror reiiei . ( buiiic uj wiiui said it was iqftaatattotv others a glanrJular Belief that we were ignorant of his case i which is not the fact rfo the contrary. I sounded him in Mar, 1827, detected stone immediately oh the introduction of the instrument, atrd urged upon him the necessity of an operation, as the only. means of relief. Yours, L MITCHELL. Sciiifotry, Moniay, tth Fi5TlV7f7'' Mr. Rush has so far recovered from his late severe illness, as to be able to re sume his duties as Secretary ofthe Trea surv. He transacted business at the De psrtmept fts M,ir,tiw!?iS.U is slate that ati difTerent prctes of mamtadthor mas - tidon. are ascertained to have rxistej. by the difTcreni atructt.rea of the bones Ho "p' America., tiro t0 ! h"J?c one common to Lurope America. .'A friend to the con of the Redee mer's Kingdom" shall be published as soon at as can CtJ linla'more space The reremony rf rfi.in'in the votes for rreaiJent and Vice iPresidentVof in a Uni ted SlaKs? took place on Wedaesday. t 1th solemnly jrecatn)td4htAadrwJack sorw of Tennessee, . is elected f resident Ihe 4th of March nekt: and John C. C.I houn, of Sosjth-Carolim, Vice President for the same period So two as the re sult was announced, some persons it the gillery commenced ctafifiinf, but they were promptly removed by order of the Speaker. y The life w.York Eveniog Post atates that Col. Pickering, wJiose death is announced, had been Tor nearly or quite a year engaged in writing work of deep interest to the people of this country, the life of Hamilton, for which he was emioently qualified by his personal intimacy with that ill istii ous m m during the m"st important and interesting periods of hia political nil' tory. ' . Ii.co iderafeLriildtiiiTi',T N ;w York American, sta es tht Guvermi V- n Buren. returned, a ?ly or two .since c L Assem n bill, wui : h . had p used ixi . Houses, wi'h his objections to i's becm ing a Jaw. 0 the qneation,. ahull the bill pass no'withs'an ling the objections of the Governor I There we,re oolv ne affirmatives ! S muh for-ha&ty and in considerate legislation Governor Van Buren hss Sfnt a "s cond message to the N. York Le gisl-iMirr," accompsnied by a plan suggced ty Mr. Forman, respecting the reeul i im and security of Banks. It pro, m amrtngst other things that a hard of Commissioners be appointed bv 'he St rr or Binks. or bv boh jointly, whose du'i it shall be to inspect the concerns of the Banks, and see that they keep wi'hic the prescribed regulations. . JLlcxUo. A -friend informs us ttat the election of Pedrata was to be contested before tbe Congress, .and that (egl and regular measures were faked for it when the revolt broke out Guerrero ff kis election ty a single vote nd it w-s ul leged that tbe States ofVcraCmz snd Yaratan had been misrepresentc-t h-7tigh the illegal proceedings of Pcdr z ami ntt triemiSr. - ueaioustfancea nafl jirt-.iav . r . r . . . , blenseTf""uu"T7v iTirTtoWrrLrn'-" Hm V'1' t plained that in sortie instances lioips- tttr) ien. so., disposed as., la .cxerase. aa.ini. proper influence on the elections, an tana is said ta have acted oo his i res ponsibility, and on his own inopuKr, in flying to arms Guerero, fcr his part, Ins acted openly in this unluppv senile, and we hope neither approved not ae1 ted the unjustifiable m sures that vvce taken. Stall a stigtra will affix itself to his party, unless he distinctly disavows und condemns them. "The question s'lould have bei-n set'ld in a 'comiituHonaf mm ner. Prom Vera Cruz Wt received yes terdav, a fil of V-ra Cruz poe 'o the 16th ul'. The most important n .1, the re organization of the M'xi- m go-.- ernment, alter the recent mn.ten 'vhh tion, and the apparent nuccess 'f '!e r volutipnists as far as th.y bav gone The Vera Crux Noticirtco of the l5thcot. Hobert Sloan. Capt. bloan was in the prime! ult. Kates, under a viva la tiatria, that ; Guerrero ha been declared President of Mexico bv the Sovereign Conires of The Union, and C A. Busiamentanjmcd Vice President. It appears, also, 'hit Ssna Ana has been elevated to tbe ouVe of -Sec-retar? of War. The refractory lYaThetd out against the parv which sup ported Gnerrero are now falling into Ins ranks The te of the eoorttry is be coming trsnquil and more. orderly . A?WJ? t,nquirtr, 'A!i imt. Public Landi A joint resolution had oasaed Jthe J I QUSft .Represem ti ye s;of ddisn,.by a vaic of about 3 2 1 0 J if swr-'f tin the right of sovereignty xif theS.tit. over the soirwifhinlts'limltsT" ftionV whicfi "if appears will be assumed by Indiana aba Illinois, in - relation to that part of the national domain which lies within their respective limits, cannot fail to excite a deep weresr in toe puojic mind. However unfounded the claim set up may appear, at first view, we are inclined to the opinion that it will be strengthened by public discussion, and that it will ultimately be sustained. Lav.. Jtdverhter. Courage without discretion is like fan cy" without judgement, all sail ami no ballast-. ' . Jufgt Taytir. The 5'peftafar Crfrrecli , an-error Into which we were led, in our f none ofthe death of the lata Chief.' us- uce tailor. io were unaer tne pression that the Judge studied L fi this State. The spectator says, he pio secuted his studies at Williamsburg, in Virginia, under the late Chancellor h'ytAe arvd commenced the practice of the Law inthls?taie, in 1790. Whilst on this subject we will idJ re mark which with more propriety should have been incorporated in our.Obuuari notice of Judge Taylor, but which was overlooked. ia .Oasfe of its composi lion. :"lrwif impossible by in iddittortj'to embellish tha-siyUaf the Chlaf Just i,:a, 6rosubtracfrwofd"wTl houf Hiking "the deiirutilon of" rcharm. If permitted n'o Substitution of terms. II had that h curt oa Yetrif6YrbTi i pFelsr6nT(KaiTna"was led In the belief, that in the preparation of his Law Opinions and other composi tions his whole labor and time had been exhausted in the selection of words Raleigh Remitter. .The Police of London consuls of 417 constables, 408 watchmen, 68 patrollars and 34 beadles The expense, exclusive oT constables, is nearly 180,000 dollars per annum. ' ' MARRIED, In this cmntv, on the ?7ih. uh. by Casaell Htrbin, F.iq Mr. O.lbreatb Chambers to Mia Ninry Glasscock. Afso, on the 13th int, bv the 'anne, Mr. Willie d, Cbaffin to Mias Tf m prrsncr Hendricks. Alao. on the 1 5th ina by K. Brock, F.j Mr. Satnuel Mu(hta to Mrs. Fli'h Biiokbou?. . ... T.fAfekT.nburgco(TbTjrT?Sth"lift it H--1.7rTion, Mrr-Alrxnter tinharn of "Cbar. ! lotte.. ii Mi Cathsrine Taylor. 11 Lincoln '-vinty. on the lJih itint. by John IVrMfi;!, tarf. Mr. Jamea Fleming to H.u Nan. rc-lR'.J'riti! I ' M-'kl-nbnrrf eoiirr. bv the lirv. Ptntirl uao.1, i iUo 27U lt, Mr, Jtallin How us 'o Tenvsa !t-a. datisrhter of Mr. James K a.- Al-o, on the Jth.inst hy the Rev. 1'ihn ' M: 'SVtlsotCMr. Hairia Houston rT, Miss Cbrincji Hair, ilatijfliter of Mr. Samuel I'lair. r ;, , - .'. 1 1 tl.ia town nn the Iflth inst , alter a iingtr in 'il'-'ss, Mr. Henry M'emonj, in the 4'.'d vear ot 'us aire. Died it New lUvrn, Conn. T)r. Nathan Smith. I Profe-sor in the Medical Institution of Yale Col-1 leg?, nd one nf the most learned and ilis'in g'jishrd phyaicuna and-aurgeona in the t:nlted SUtea. On th morning of tii.: 5:h iot. at his resider.ee in Ver-Vlauburg cnuiay, Cart. Samuel Johntin, 4 agrl yar. T-tie ym of rmin nray mrngte wilU tiie uvad. and -create but. a iejiaitloo of rcgrtt that hia i ffiirta hive been lost to the ato uj; iwcniw ;iame wj;lumoar..ii4bhV?-io ,ttnd Cftpt.i:obmMoB,-decesSed; dtA. and awaken only feehngs of admiration and i ,is list illneM , and- having heard a report in wq-id; trie Ctida. of Tafne wj;l'umbar..i-Ah TI";1, " ano u,maumiifcireatjrTion, -TarcffHreo' to inhrro the rprratlon mdisThul in pnvate I-, svbote fate commandi f Mra. Margaret Sloan, wife of .aid dcceasi-d .pur aactnf sympathy and aiiieereitaorrow:. It fM j, 4 uUW 4 i.jorl inno. .s the-e tint wr can appreciate his wqnh. hisjcenc, as well a a doiw owe telt-es ami beiievol.-nce. and humamfy , can attae h our-! ,!,e pblick. to eclare hat our opinion ia with aelvee purrlv by the ties of fri, ,s,ip ,J es- j rcg,ra l0 tbe cause of hi.dealh. Our meant of tr.ii, apj rrel the value oT those rrJeanng ser-; judging has not onlv hern derived from a con viv. d.rtatrJ bv genuine dianlerestednrsa. ;.,., .,n,UBr nn LJm U.. I. ;il... I H I... il J ll. L.I...I.I . r II I " " ", ' ' -c. ""i icuow i I tinv. r -i vrit on ue oeepiv -nsitle pi the . "lr,,11" rsiiirini.-, n'lii hip rraiHV Ot Otir i rsis in reaiMif ' iluaa..5iiiAiUaa.wdi.llefceluigB who attendc.l the lutrr-ra! uf Samu.-I Johnston, ! a man 01 KrrS worm in our nespDorlioou. j A It hough it were vain touttemptetilogmm where) m.i.h is due. vet ln ndship must pay a slight ( tribute to hia manv virtues. He was a man of , the most una-iiming manners, ao mtinh so, thnl j few were acquainted with the resource, of his uTittg.na ion : to the niperflcial observer, little ; wan discernable ; but to hi" acnuaintances and . neighbouis, in the various pursuits of a domes tic life, vcrc a mi;id developed with knowledge, ird lioart ovifltwing with benevolence In .ii r(-nucr aod sscrea relatmis rrt a brother, li'i-h. 1, a U'ln r, a nficlibmir and a friend, U! TJiur-ti . itr o1 s-iti.ii ui uiir rriaiinnv, ne em ! in-nilv evinc d all those virtues ofthe heart , which give dignity and worth to the nime of J man. However, bis friends, confidently indulge j-ilit- hope that he bus been received into that :oje wnere 'nc weary are at rest, and the wicked cease from troubling.'' r.. w. m. In the tnwn ot Uiariotte, on the 13th mat. of life, and bid fair to be a useful citizen to the 1 county of which he was- native. He died in the full confldence-of . happy, immortality J yond tbe grave. f.'ommumWea. TIIK MARKETS. Sn'U'nirt Prieei, Feb. '21r Cotton (in seed I 11... tu . irn '() to "1 nork 3 Wfn 4 ., trr 8 to 12 flour 4 .50 to 5 per barrel, whea' 50 to 75. Irish potatoes 40 to 50, sweet do, 30 to 40, 1 brown "rigar 12 to t5, cofT.-e 16" to 27, salt 1.25 IT m ssms, tr - ww to 1.50, homespun cloth 30 to jQ..whukey 22 to 25bacoaitiallL Favtteville, February 11 A Cotton 8 to 8 30 bacon to 8. peach brandy 55 apple do 40 to 42, hutrer 15 to 20, corn 34 lo 35, flavieed 90", flour iia1r80 io 9i),.tatlow $, wheat whiskey SfS t26.....U. S. bank notes 1 J a Zpercent. pre tniom.' Cape-Feat,.:! J-i3;Ut,Oi rmr'-:'--' Cirfetioru Feb. 9 :oUon 8 to 9J cents, flour Si, whiskey 28 to 29, bacon 6 td 7, ham 9J beT kind of bagging 20 to 23, salt 45rtw 50, rotn 46 a 48, coffee 13 to 15....M. Carolina bank bills Z to 2J per cent, discount 1 Georgia, 1 ditto. tToiao, Hb. 14 ..Cotton 7.5Q to 8f , flour 5 a 61 for that made at Camden mills, wheat gU corn 37 j to 40, oats 30, salt 87 J. Dalrtmtre, Feb. U Flour g8 to 10.00, cot- ton 8J to 11, wbikey 24 to 254, bacon 7 to 11. fluhmqwl, Vb-g. Feb. 1.3..;Qotton h yf, flour 7.7.ri to 8. Wheat 1.45 to t.50, com 47rba- 4ton 6 to 7, brandv apple 30 to 37, old peach do 90 a 1, whi-k-y 27 to 23, lear tofiacco I'J to V, North Carolina bank bills 3 discount, S. Caro lina 2 a 2J, Georgia 2 J a 3 j. Petenhurj, Virg. Feb. 1 j. Cotton 8 to 9J, flmir 8 50 to 9, apnle brandy 40, peach do. fsin ttt ffl.vbmcn ?.7Jt(i t?. ntt t.ti. Miff 31 to til tl Carols f.lnlt b$ 1 to 1, 8. Carolina I . tieoryia t lo 3 Parian t . .Wi4.'.V. C. V4, 6. Cotton 8f to 9, f r6 to BJ, wh'ukey 35 to 4J, bacon 8 to 10, i neat 87 J to 100, corn 40 to 4J, Slt C7...Norttl Carotina tiank Bitla 8 to 7 per cent, ditcount. (if ot;.a lkaqk tltlla 1 ) lo 3 per cent, diaeount. 1 AVwrrn, V4. 1 4 . .Cot tcm I a 81, flour 7.50 to wheat RI, bacoa 8 to 7, aJt 55 t CO, peach brandy CO, Ippte do. 41, wViakey 3J. , H'iu'ffn, VA. f .Cotton 8 to . 8..'i0 com 40 lo 45, beeswax 2 haeoo I lo 10, salt 70 t 75. Tiikey JO ta.3i apple brjndy 35 9, 3T flour 8.50 to 9. leaf tobacco 4 to 4.V5. AVw. rrl; Jan. 3C.-rotton Vf , to 1 1 flmir , 6.50 to 8.50, cotton, bagging mad of hemp 17 to 21, wheat 1 63 to 1 7 1, oak tann'd aoie letth tr 20 lo 25, hemhickiln 18 to 2J, hams 9 to 10.w,, islt 45 to M, apple brandy '4 to 40, wbbkry l' to 2ft, leaf tobacco 3-to 1,-?r)tim beeswax 33 to 2..-.onh-Carolins, bank bills 41 DtrccnU... ,U wnW aoift-aaaoUa.2 L UoriL.t4,l itm inia Iper cent, do. , : . i. . Btrttm. r. 3.Cotton 12 ta U, rlaa 19 to 13, (lour B J.s to 9A7,, enrrCOXo Bfehe e'fjjjol ap'pte branTy 37,lanow 8". . ' 4- " Xathi ille, Ten. Jan. 31..... Cotton 9 a 10. flour 6.50, lard A to 7, svbiskev 35 to 37, tallow 6. N. Carolina hank bill 8 to 10 per cent. dia. JlrmfMt 7Vnn. Dec. 13. Bacon 7 to 8, cot ton 7 to 8, butter 12 to 14, Sour 5.50 to fi, corn. 25 to 'JO, peach brandy CJ to 75, apple do. 35 to 30, whiskey 25 to 28. Cmrinnntt, fMia, Jan. .".0. Cotton 1? f, fea ther 35 rents, flataeed 7 to 40, flour 5.5J t 5 75, Rcnhawa aa!t 50 rents, peach brandy 6?, apple do. 37, whiskey 17 to 2i, tallow 7, tobac Co 3 to 8 rents per lb. Nn-tl'ttani, Dur. 27. Ixmitiana Cotton 9 tr 13, flour 7.2J1 to ".JO, whiakry 35. ilKMOVAIa. TAo.i!i Dickson, Tailor, RF.HFF.CTrTl.LY infmma l.ii customed nd the public, that he hai removed hie Stiop from the stand he his for a year ortwo ocrunied, to Me, Thomas Alliaon'a buildinf, in the room recently occupied by E. Dickiotv, at a H&truker," Shopri-MirdWrtTTBWiTule," " a few.ilQOrs from the Court House, and immdt-. atelr opfroaite'Mr. Wward Creta and Mr. Geo, W. I.ntwn'a Stores, to the town of 8ahburyi here he ia prepared to execute all deaenp tions'cf ' ' TillhORLYO, Isfer lte r-srest fashion, rn theahortest notice, ami lo crthan In, been done in the piaec for levernl years. Ilatnir ma le arrsngerrtenti f r receiving p ii;vli(uH, from Philadelphia, NwYork, and I'aria, the la'est Tashiom in thoe eitiea. accom panied with drafts and portrait fiirurrs, repre. senfin tienttemen in furl Dreas, showing the r tlcr$ if ie clo'lis worn, &c. t he ferUcohfi drnt of bring the to accommodate irenllemen with fancy Coata, I'antalonna, and Vrala, that' will he a fa-dtionably etit, and as wrll mmU, a can be done in the I'lare. Ordrr, for ererv de .cription of Tailoring, hicli may be aent from a distarve, will be moet faitlifiillv esernted according to dircctiona, and wialiin the ahorlest nosnilile lime. SauiJu-ry. Afr. Ui'u 18. 4t5d To tUti VuMic. : "VklTH tlic unOersinedJuvine been called tw . . . . - " but we have hid the ad, am ie of a Pou ,tfe- rcw rxtTination.- wtnetrrPftitmf In the f-i'ow.- i, rniu lnsiun. ria a vioh-nt r,.ld l,i,.h a. i a a .mn nni. nA 4 Vn.fr mnrk A....t1 XVa the primary ,ett 0f disease i that it had been nmbably aflTee- for vesrs , that in consequence or the, deranged state of that organ, the apl-en and thn w!l0e t,orarlc viscera had become very much deranged. During our attention and subsequent examination, we bad no rea-on to believe that ,nv had ever been given him to cauae hia .icincss or death, but that it wa, natural disease, ;,, !, . ..rr.r.Jlnw Pr,..;j I LUIUbU " H ' WMIIi. a IHSIIII i Itw. . ertiliec!, by l. Jt. OUNLAP, V. C. CAI.DVVULL, S. M. CALDWELL, THOM.Vi" It.AItRlS. ?!55 , Teh 18, to; iCha'Un - ) nrr.. The aubscriberi havins Qualified as F.secutorsol the last will and testament: of the late Nathaniel Gordon, dee'd. of .VVilkes county, we hereby give notice to all persons having claims sgaimt the estate to present them properly authenticated far psyment within the time prescribed bv law, or this notice will bo plead in bar of their recovery and all persona indebted to said estate, are hereby required tr make immediate payment, or their nntea ami accounts will be placed in the hands of officers for collection " 3t it """ .H. F. PATTERSON, .Cxetufar., f'eh.Cih, 1829. piR4 n p nf .Mvrv IftVnttiTA raftViVIC til. UrN slUUIllUU. r'ft1"' Snhscnbers, l.secutors ol the last .tl ""d testament ol Mary Johnato late of "owsrv eooritr, decU recpTest a persona har - . j i .in-,, m 1 .1 1 1 log ClIIII niiini B9IIU C'.r.c lu prcill lilcm legally authenticated, within the time prescribed by TawoF fiole blpUJ1il tar: at their recovery; and all persons indebted, ara desired to make payment immediately. THOMAS ciuiut; p. . , May 20A, 1829. 3mi67 Avvvon fti'Viri 'ViSlaitt. Ti1K aubscri'.ier haviny qualified, at January "aesriont, 120, of I joeoln county eourtv a -Executor ofthe last will and testament of Aaron Sherill, late of said county dee'd. hereby jtvew notice to all perions having demands ajfa'mst said estate, to present them, legally authentica ted according to law, or this notice will be pleaj in bar ol' their recovery: 3t57 A M l ION Y LONG, Ere'r. February 14'A, t)t20. ' A II V Mare, 8 or 9 years of J,' ' Il about 15 hands high. En. quire ai tins oMice, where all resasonable t. pcows wu oe paid , . .vVfSSi.ry, Kb Wit, 8Jd. 1" -r . .. . .. . I X ii t .I i-t -.tn s? '"st- il Jf44m.S! -v - V V;- , -

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