tUred legal prize. Unlets the said defect thall bo proved to be olrtg 10 accident, ami be aitlsried or supplied by tct'.imony entire! cqultilcnt. , ARTICLt XIII. till further agreed, that the, stipula tions above expressed, relative to the vis . , . . . iiing end examining of vessels, shall ap , -jy only to tme which eail without con vov t and when said vessel shall be under ' commuder of the "convoy, on hU word of - honor, in at thelJaticn: whose flag be car ries lend when thejr ere bound to an ' enemy's port, thjt they, have no contra il '-J ' ' baad good on board, shall be luffxicntr - " "7. Tarncijxxiir.,. .T.TJ It Is further agreed, that in ell cases the established couna fur prize causes, in the countries to which the prize a may be con- ducted, ah a! alone take cognizance of them. And whenever such tribunal of cither party shall pronounce, judgment against any vessel or goods, or property claimed by the citizen or subjects of the other party, the sentence or decree ahait mention tho reatona or motivea on which the lime ahall hate been founded, and an authenticated copy of the aentence or de cree, and of all the proceedings in the case, sha!l, if demanded, be delivered to the commander or agent of eaid vessel, without any delay, be paying the legal fet for the some. i article xxir. VThenevcroneof the contracting par1" ne' "0l ;T J.;k. T f r t tei shall bt enraged-in- war with another State, no citizen or VuBject of tho' oiher Iccnuacting party, sha!l accept commls- aion, or letters of marque, lor the pur pote of assisting, or co operating hostile- if ithth Sii4 enemfr agiot the sai4 party, IO at war, ur.dr iba pain of bctng treated as a pirate. ' ' ... IXTICLK xxv.w If by any fatalityV w hfclTcnnoTlie ex : .. pectcd, and. which. 5od forbid,, iha two contracting parties should be engaged in - a war with each other, they have agreed, and do agrte, now, for ihem." that there shall be allowed the term of six months to the merchants resiJini; on the coasts ard in the ports pf each othr, and the term f one year, to those who dwell in ibe interior, to arrange their business and transport their efTeds wherever they -' m- pfri. giving to them to safe conduct : ..nccemryjor it which may serve ass sul- L . firient protection, until they arrive at the ' ' ' . designated port' " The citizens-and -auh iecfxofall whTroTcupatloni, may 'r:r-Tr;--.? vUtis!he4ift -f.erfitrjf-4mit; - - iona o? the United-Sutes, and of the em Trjaintalned In thtr fult enjoyrrrent erf their 'personalliberfv and property, unless thsir particular c.(mduct shall cause them to forfeit this protection, which, in constd- eration or humanity, the contracting par ... . ARTIC !" XVI. Neither the debts due from the indi vldusls of the one nation, tothelnrTivTd-T wall of the, other, nor shares, nor money, which they may have in public funds, nor in public or private banks, shall ever, in any event of war or nitional difference, be sequestrated or confiscated. ARTJCX.2 XXVII. Both' the contrac:iug pa. ties being de sirous of avoiding all inequality io rcla lion to their public communications and flkiI Intercourse,-have, agreed, end xlo agree, to grant to their Envoys, Minis ters, and other PublicAgents,. the . same favours, immunities and exemptions, which those of the most favored nuton do, or shall enjoy it being understood that whatever favors, immunities, or privileges, the United States of America cr the Empire of urazil may find it pro per to give to the Ministers and Public Agents of anv other Power, hall, by the same act, be extended to those of each of the contracting partifs. To mate more erTeciuyt mo protection which the United States and the Empire f Brazil shall ahord, in future, to the nav subjects of each other, they agree to re ccive ana admit consuls and vice consuls ( . in all the port s open to foreign commerce, whoshaH enjoyr in hemr all ,4 he rights, prerogatives, and immumtiefi' of fhfcW' auls and vice consuls of the most favored " SalMsXeaconiricri .: remaining t liberty to except those ports and; ptc in t which the admission and -foaveiiientf - - - , ARTICLE XXIX in oroer mat tne consuls ana vice con 1 vice auls of the two contracting parties may njoy the rights, prerogatives, and immu ..... piMe, which belong to them by .their public characterr they shall, before enter ing on the exercise of their functiohs, exhibit their commissions or patcnf, in -itae--formftotheOoerii'nienrw- which they are accredited j and having obtained their eoresrwarur, they shall be held and considered as such, by U the authorities, magistrates, and inhabitants, in the con sular district in which they reside.. AaTlcta ax. It is Hkewise agreed, that the consuls, their 'ecrerleifficeniud'p$rsona'at tached io be aarvice wf csolst they not R;Wfojf; citizens w subjectsof Iho Couiitry In which the eowul resides, ahaU be ei empt from all puhlto service! and, alio, from ill kind! Of taxes, tmpovs, ami con- brlhutb-u. except tbosi which they W ' . . . r bb iirvd to nay on account ci torn merca. or their nronerty, to "hif.h the citixeni or subjects rtatlra or foreign, of he country in wnicn mey reiu i feci, being to every thing betide a subject to the laws of their respective plates. The archiveaand Daners of the conauUte shall tr respected Inviolably ! and under no pretext whatever, shall any tnagwrate lzeror In any. way toieriercaTua iocuh '"''.. abticib xti. :" ' " ' The said consuls shall have power to rrmilre the sssistanee of thr aoihoritie of lfi"anrtf foMtir-rrtrJeeniioiH nd cukiodr of deserters from public and private yeaaeli of their country ; and for that purpose they ahall address mem aelvei to the court, judges, and officer competent, ahd hall demand the laid U erttr in writing, proving by an exhbi- tion of the regitters of the vessel or snip a rolls or other public document, that thoie men were part of aaid cre, and on this demand, io proved, (saving, how: ever, vrnere me contrary is prwi; n .1 . ll . L delivery ahall not be refused, such d terters, when arrested ahall be put at (he disposal of aaid consult, and may be pot in the public prison, at the request ana at the expense ot those wnoreciaimnem, to be tent to the ships to whom they be longed, or to ethers of the samr nation . . ... , their areestr-4hef-SJUU.be li'Jertv, arnl shhil be no mote arrested 'or the same cause." - - - ' - - linen xxsn. For the purpose of more efTecfually proteriini? their commerce "and haviga lion, the two contracting parties do hare he agree, as soon hereafter as circum 4suoces-iliperniU tbxo)kla(or,m a.Cojt I sular Convention, wmch shall declare, specUUy,lhe powers and Immunities of the Consuls and Vice Consuls of the re spective parties. 'aartets mm. The United Suits of America and the Emperor ef Hrazil, desiring to make, as durable as circumstances will permit, the relations which ere to I established be tween the two parties, by virtue of this treaty or general convention of peace, amity, commerce, and navigation have declared solemnly, and do agree to the following points i 1st. The present treaty shall be in force foMwelve jfears ..frprjt ...Ike, date ..hereof. and fufiner, until the end of one year af ter either of Ihe' CQrit ractihg parties shall hare gtvrn notice tctrre othtrf ht inten jtlon. ta termioaieihe lame reach , of the contracting parties reserving to itself the right of giving - such notice to the other, t -tfc efMildTerrrtrnwerrfyeirTl and it ia hereby agreed betweeiL..them tna, online expiration- oi one year aner ioc h'notKe shall have been received by tithejLfrjQilLjhe pther P.artjtrthl5jtreitj in all the parts relating to commerce and navigation, shall altogether cease and de termine ; and in all inoae parts which re late to peace"and friendship, it ahall be permanently and perpetually binding on bo'.h powers. 2dly. If any one or more of the citi zens or subjects of either party shall in fringe any of the articles of this treaty, such citizen or subject shall be held per nonallyTesponsibie for the samerantfihi harmony and good correspondence be t we e n the . nations, shall, not. be jnt'e rr up ted thereby ; each party engaging in no way to protect tha oITendcr, or sanction such violation. Silly.. If, (which, indeed, cannot be ex pected,) unfortunately, any of the a'rtides contained in the present treaty shall be violated or infringed in any way what ever, it is expressly stipulated that neith er of the contracting parties will order or war against" the 'other, otcompKints oT5n- jurJes-or damagesi ontil-jhe saidpxrty, sa W a a . . . consiaenng useii ouenaen, snail nrst nave, presented to tne other a s.atemcnt of auiih lftrUaroigasrefifitid by competent7 nroof, and demanded iustice ineiirlslactio'nviteiiMrmir-hf' been either refused or unreasonably de- 4tfily ivothini; tn-this tfTstrcohttlrieai shall,; boweverj be construed to operate yomrary io igroicr arto exisung puouc treaties with other Sovereigns or States. , -The present treaty of peace, amity, c&fcmercferamrn vision,' shalf be ap proved and ratified by'he President fl this tnireti States, by and with the advke and consent pf the Senate thereof, and by tbe bmperor ot Brazil, ahd the ratifica tions shall be exchanged within eight months trom the. date or tbe signature hereof, if it be iwssible---' ' In faith wheteof, we, the plenipotentia ries of the United States of America, and of his -Majesty the Emperor -f Br jxil, nave signed and sealed these presents. ; Done in the city of Rio de Janeiro, this twelfth day of the month December, in tbe year of our Lori Jesus Christ one thousand eigh: hundred and twenty 'eight. -. Stetied. - . W. Tvboii, '. t. i . . Meatus ov Abacatt,- . v u a. ? 'Mwrxft tox Sovtk Vittt a Atvix.'it. a. And wheret lhe a"I Treaty or General Con- TOiuoa jtaa Been t aueo 4 both naitSj and tlie respective ratiAratloni cf the nmo tite llii, dy been eX;brigt, at Vatiinfion, fc? lia A. HKltTt, Adinif Sz-Tflnry of (' f the I otted ttfi, and tie riieHrr Ji. tt Vima i;atii", Chatg d'AfTircof Ui Ma jetty tho I'nijicrof of Dnxil, on the part of their tt ipectife 0f rnmenti 1 . Nov, therefore, be it kriown, tint f, Arcaiv Jirnw. Prexlent of ttiC t'nitftl fitatr of America, luve cauaed the aaid Tretty r (In. erl Convention to be made Public, to the end that tl oie, and every cUutt an3 article thereof, may b observe!, atul RillMed with rnod filB by the United State and the citizens la Witness whereof, 1 kavt hereunto et my UkI, aaJ xuti the scjJ of the United 1 , ' PutesW be affixed.- pone at the city of Wathinglon this ..... j 'jxltcenth da tt MarcWin the year v- of our Lord one iWmnd eieht hun- "" TT. " dird and IVtMy tlfn7hf bi tje la. - -dependence of the t'nitetl States the fiftyhird. ANDREW JACHSO.I. Bthi pTeaidenti . ' Jams A. IltviiTor, . " Jcting Sterrtaff State. CircutaHnr Medium. The bullion com mittee in England, (1810) and the bank committee in 1819, es lmed the circu lating medium at 240 and 270 millions o dolUrs a large portion of which wrs in piper. M. Necker calculated hat France at 350 millions, nearly the whole in specie. That of the united States chiefly in paper, does not exceed 80 or 100 millions. We have seen it estimated lower than 60. It is subject, however, tn great fluctuations, according to the com mand for any price of commodities. . ' ' : JUet. tf Scaldi tr Burnt. h is simply by-dip ping a cbth well in tar, and binding it lightly on the part affected t it will give almost immediate rcliel from the mol vi olent nairi: and is recommended to be kept io th bouse by every family having Tbs ravages made by the wars of t he revolution aod of the empire upon the population -and wealth tf Franre, have been estimated, according to M Dupin, at 2)00,000 men, and 82,664,000,000. The Bengal (India) Chronicle, men lions the death of Bishop James, of Cl cutta, successor to the late Bishop Heber. Dr. J. sailed from Lngland on the 15th of iutyt 1897 rand if the report of his death . -- . , ; . . , - . is t:ue, touw not nave Diiea nia new sta tion more than a year "Doubtful ftettiiruAn Individual mide a complains .of asuult ml battery at the Polkc.lhij mornintr, which he stated to nave been-commuteajoineiouowing manner t a gave i. a violent pusn, wnicn caused the elbow of B. to strike the com plainant in tHr side with auch force, as tn knock him joJjan disabiejiimjrotn working for.a month. oy xhe-Cjuestion was by vhom the assault was committed Did A.TusauIt complainant by striking u f or was p.- gwy w inflicting the mpi- noui blow, the impetus of which waagiv en by. thejpush of A ? Or Was th assault a joint one, tbe elbow of B. conspiring with the hands of A. to bruise the side of the complainant f All these considers tions operated opon the mind of the Clerk to irrduce him to refer the com plainant to the District Attorney. " x. r. & Pott. JTonffr"u.......Galignani's Messenger fn'tntionsi with becoming: gravity, that on some public occasion in Paris, eight hun dred persons passed through" tfier6yaT banqueting room to see the king and his august family at dinner. How astonished they must have been to discover that royal mouths ate just like other people's- John Randolfiti't kit. Having obtained leave of absence the dar before tbe late irmigtMration.lhe genUeJiuaitomBoariJL pake mount ec bis horse, and running out his terribly long finger at n gentleman who was standing by, " I don't" said he "attend the inauguration of Gen. And re w Jacksonmark that 1" and rode off. He declines ,v re-election... AfeLean (late Postmaster Oen eralandfarmily tefsWashlngtonCityw aiinst. fpc Cincinnati.. .JSoth as a public man and a' private citizen his loss will be deeply Jelt . among us. . k His official aer.f vices have not rendered him more ralua- ble to- his coumr y than &ts amcnitv'and social jm haytoJl: oci;ty o.which he-formed an immediate patron f and the departure of himself and his estimable family will cause a void which will not be easily nor soon supplied. Jour. Promfttnett.-Xe' have been told, that when the order was given for the Natchez, loop of war, to tail jo ..quest i pL Pirates some of the ptTicers applied to the Secre tary of the Navy for a delay of forty eight hours, to make -some indispensable ar- rangemenjs, arising from the unexpected can, ana meir wisnea were maae Known to the President. Not an hour, said the General u they must put to sea, forthwith.w fa I hut "anticipated your views.'' aaid the Secretarv. in informing them;, that no delay, oa such la.occisiot), ornnTt hmf attnn.rl ?:'( :' ,' - '-..' , A'-A - .Vrro York; AlxrH 4. By tha packet ship Sjrlvinus Jenkins, Capt. Allen, from Liverpool, we hive received our London and Liverpool papers to the 13th and 14th inclusive. On referring to the state cf tha mar kets, it will be seen that Cotton hat de dined I 4d per lb. - ' - Attached to one of our pipers Was a capitsti, "catholic emmettation it to be Mr. Peel introduced a bill in the House of Commons for the suppression of dan serous associations or assemblies, in Irt iaiidoif what is calleJ Catholic "AssoclaT tion, declaring any person attending them to be guilty of a misdemeanor. The papers contain but little Intel!! genre from the seat of war, being princi' pally filled with the proceedings of the House of Commons on the Catholic Ques tion. It appears that the Emperor ii making (be most gigantic preparations for the ensuing contest. London. 2th February. 7ht Informs tion given io the letters of -this morning from Dublin, that the Catholic Association was on tbe point of dissolving itself, with other manifestations of the proper feeling with which tbe proposed meuore of em ancipation has been met there, gave for a time an improved appearance, to the ton sol market to day, and the price for the account was currently 87 1-4. - h"ere1s,atTuland Kussji," rminufac tory .prjhe fabric; of Arms, hirdly to be excelled by (he fimt celebrated mmufas tors of England. From this great arm manufactory there issue, yearly, 700,001 arand ot Gre arms, and 23.000 sice arms. More than '5000 workmen are employed in her fabric. r from Adriaoople, which are worthy , of crcoit, give a ingnuui picture oi me mis eries which prevail among the new re eroifs of the Turkish ermy in the vicinity of Schoumla. A great number of these poor men die daily, and the ravages which death csuses in tbe hospitals thin the ranks of the Ottoman army. A great number of sick arrive at Sophio, SalonicM, Seres, and Adrianople. Tbe Asiatic Turks, who wear no stockings, have had their feet frozen in crossing the Balkan, -- '- aw raaKf.Atais 6. France. The ship Clemates from Havre., hss arrived at Boston,- bringing dare vtinhe' t fl'tr Febroary.-"- "nq-'- :-,-Gontintinojletto have been made, for a long time, to the Porte,7 In order to arrange the affairs of Greecerand ta recall the tnterventioii ofl' T"' l: . n - .l p.:,i.k j r.' l , l l lie in iu biiu reiibu niuu,iuuci. The artival of a French agent, who has been presented by the DuIcTBImuTeTfo the Keif .Effeadit appears to have opened si wsrtne true cnawnef. The-Porte- had received a declaration from the -Three ToweM-who have tateh Greece under thtirprotection, acceded to thu dfclaraflQii. 'and Is pot ft r from consenting to enter into a formal negocia tion on the subject, (rovided it takes place t Constantinople. Ho always refused sending a Turkish Commission out of the i:y, and the nets Lffendt has explained himself about it in a peremptory manner. The Darty for peace, however, flatter themselves.. U bare .obtained a gzeauauc - eess, and It Is thought that, if the owers will take opon tnetnseires tne senaing me Plenipotentiaries may bring about a durable- peace The arrival of a Russian cartel, has given to these naciGc rumours a new consistence! it is said it is the bearer of proposals fom the emperior Nicholas, to enter into ne gociations with the Porte, and that they have been sent to the Jteis Effendi by the Danish Minister. Portugal. Lisbon dates to 3 fst J anuary mwe4lur-Mijjurvisit--;.L days previous, accompaniea oy nis aiv tera and a great number oi courtiers. lis first act was to go to the Cathedral of IV ajjy f TVW WaTffawwaWB aawwf"'W mmmm brmed. His visage is said to hare shown tha markr-of great physkal and rmental suffering. The government being fear- ul that his stay in Lisbon might create sures to preserve-lranriQilitySeycrs! changes in the ministry were anticipated. The Russian squadron io the Mediter ranean has ben -augmented sojUtaLil now' consists ' or nine; vesscrs'bf inwrtor rana;- , A DefauticrT-Tbe Tans papers contain an account of the disappearance of Mr. C. a stock broker (U Is atd that he has It ft a deficit of five millions franca. -- Liverfioo - Feb 14 Cotios t The import this week is 23,870 bags, and the sales are 11,810 bsg?, at a decline of l-3d per'-lh; on- AmeriCTttestftpitonsv--4: T Captain Clat k, of he b-ig General Paez which arrived last evening states, that a report was circulated and currently be lieved at Curacoa, that Bolivar had been assassinated, and hii troops, amounting to about 5C0O neh, had fled, and that all communication between Valencia and the other pKts of the country hjd beta cut GRIAT FIRE Msttat Crero. A slip frurn the ofHct tt.e Cr. orgia ( Aupn'i) CourUr, dated at 9 o'clock at u',i:ht, of the M irift. xiea tt following accwint of tr m J calamitofls Cr tUt erer afllktej that deroftj city. , ' v 'JtJuI Cunjofra'tion !YUh Utn that can scarcely throb from exhaustion we sit down to record the most awful U! astrophe which has ever befallen this tit, Having lost every thing but the matetiai, of our offret-we know bow, tot aymp.t&Us : with our fellow-cit'uens, many of whom are lrrerrlabfy fnified. .-r- r- fc "About half past two o'clock this after, noon, a Firs was discovered in tha i tenement row tin -Ltlit ftreer,vk'nwii M'Afhlfen's bpildings, ; belonging to the State. Bank.-TJey- were so Completely " errve loped in flame before, means to ex tinguish the raging element could be pro cured, (bat human exertion was vain. The wind was very high, and hid beerj so sll tbe day, blowing from the west In tbe direction of Broad street, sweeping rapid, ly to the last, till it enveloped in flame the Market,, the Theatre, and all the in. termediate houses, and those in the neigh borhood. It was stopped at Bbnon'a Brick Building, realty opposite the City Hotel, to Greene-street. ..ot a house thai we remember, his eswaped the conflagration.- , , Goods and furniture, carried into Broii street were destroyed as readily as if they naa been in the stores and nouses. Not one dollar in a hundred escaned of the value of the articles, . that the owners vainly Imagined they had laved from their blazing dwellings :-v. , , STZ-,. Uhile .s jirewriiln, the -raging ere. men! is progressing eastward, and not fl ing bnt wantiormaterlals ;to coname, seems likely toterminete ill procreis"'lt Is already at the lower end of the town, and if a single hocse has escaped from tbo Bridtje Bink and Bignon'a house, and from Aircen-strect to xhe river, down lor the lower end of the City," wo" ire I'unaDlcf to discover it amidst the smoke. - It is -Impossible, to give, particulars amidst the' confusion, ' which is every here reigning. Many buildings are in sured, and many we know are not. Our neighbors, like ourselves, lost every thine after they had removed them into Broad street, and what may be. considered equ J to a third of the city, has been destroyed, and thai part of it aboe and in the imme diate neighborhood br the market,' embra ced the active reta:Uo2 portion of-the uro cery business. difficulty ;--'theiabotment -Was -several -times on firer-- SJ suTsting h.the smbkeT"" that the lower end of the city cannot ba wnicn cannoi ue comrouieu. a ne nre its that part is yet unextinguished. Grrat fhr in faitta. Irr addition "to"" the Jctaifs of this calamity, contained in thsittnr which we -this '-tiay-puhlnW the- j Chronicle states the flnmber of tnments' tfetroyed," -at npwartl-f 3 SO, .Jbe - -Courier gives a list of front houses or enrment-eonMHne4 vpon the different streets; amounting to 183. We subjoin a recapitulation South side of Broad street 49 ; Morth sids lo. 24 ; West side of Centre street 16 ; Hist side 23 ; South side of Bay street 3 ; North side KeynoM stree( 2t g00th 4 . North side of Ellis street 56; ocwh23: North side Ureen ,neer T""S(Wth'3-; r Mark Xh;, 8,alemcnt 0f C0UPse, ei er- House -r - embraces none of. the bvek. stores kitchens or other build ings off the streets An the f nsurant e nfTites lost something, about 160,000, was insured; which the Coorier says will not cover one sixth -of the value of property lost. Pjt very lew acridrnts occurred, and those triCing ones, and not a single life was lost. The citizens of Hambarg crossed the river, and nobly assisted their suffering fc)gw;mzfcnsHini - nor dflFelr tieneote'fttitw-therev'T.: Mess Henry Shultz, J. B.. Covington and A. J. Dill, have tendered to the sufferers, alUbc vacant houses h iiamhurg, amount in to about one hdndred, for one year, MtireJXJietijni:.of Augustalhave held, a public Teeting,anaiikf measu'res to relieve the needy and house- A fetsthtafalSlJ.'1 ': 1" C&mJiwrn--r 7 Shirt. X lady ; searnstrcss of our ac quaintance ssys. tbashe. hasjlakent thr;ai,.( troutle ".to count the mwnber dt afiichcS-v-rernii8 fnaftrVommdH'xhjrt ncK" " round it tdtittT5J5S,?.:: ;Th!s'si?amo targe -number. - x-- - ,. Boston jiaf.cr '. Rotehnd SteflAenaon.m'Ve JbD?9 this man will take himsef to some part of the world "To tHte plaint fT entirely unknown" for we are getting excessively tired f hU name in the newspapers. " It did very well fora weaker two. Rowland, Sx.". pHenioTi, aiidTlilsriaveryT aw "flTgWhis""""" capture, and his sufferings," made, as some of jour brethren said upon another occasion, very " pretty incident!.' But it is possible to have- too much even of a , good thing, and for our parts e are anx iously waiting the "annual arrival of the Sea-Serpent off Cape Cod, ao that we may have some little respite from thV everto tingiMyEowUncfSte-Bhenson.: :'h') '' I "rJ t Inwtrbt;- rrMuVi1lar t-

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