i the of nnd life the ing 00 L. jrr.-- and erst Ml ear, tave use the ajTitf'i' this the wn" A t pery S:c. pir ei as ther Bat of a an the may fommlttir,? tuth fnimvjt fmifft l ie plicntuii, nt flyiig from justice in lis own, to trinjje tour ry woql I come without tcrno inue of his plunder, A Inter writer frtvn Savannah states that S, had deposited with several persons in and xhout Savannih, large sums f Gold, and Exchequer bills, and thst to the writer's lnol':dirrl these, persons- were rapMjr forteriin the drpoi:i inti money.', , , , , Cumden Journal. llPRII, 21, sn. - EICJI tw.iu JU. rt.Aiui;, Ejki. we are , tlioriJ lf ?y candidate to re preajsit Hor ' an county In the House of Common! of the neii General Aftcrtttt of Thl stareV " ' Daniel Turner, Esq. declines re-election to Congress from Lis district. We have here. MuUt te4 (U Holial Potter, Esq. li I can didate for 'be situation. We lave tacit no one else named ass candidate. ,. At Wayne superior court, negro Virgil wi convicted ol manslaughter lor killing a frllnsi lirgru, and sentenced to rrc rive W lashes.' An other slave was-cnnicted of burglary, ami ten fenced to the aame punishment Mw'm Smith, white man. was convicted or stealing: t Diet" of beer, at a barbaru, snd sentenced to recciv $9 stripes, wetf u en. jtiafi Mocking. I lie notiae ol a Air. I'stchi", la Tiogs couuty, New.York, waa burnt down on the 7th ult. j ami hia wife and three of nil chil dren perUhed in tnj tv rs. Barton Bsggett was kiilrd in Hobeson county, by hgotnmg, on the la inst. Strnngf -JV. There -if ,v '-pTgin-FrkhkUa fouBty. tn thii itxte, sayi the Raleigh Star,' with tta hrtdvtwtrirwtrhf, twnepguer,''wd two .Rose, all the ret of the animal 1a as usual. W r Lope, after Ibis, we ah II bo longer h tsaghed at for affirming, aa a dct, that a sow brbnging lo the tditor'a father, tome yrsrs rthce littered tve pig-, as handsomely marked on their eara as though it bad been done with a knife. The population of Jackson, tenn. by a ceiuiu j ait taken, la ascertained to be 687. The llua. C.C-Cambrel f,k listinguial.fd representative .in Congrea from the city of New.Yok,ia a native of Washington, in thia elite t On a rifit to hia relation in that town, lately, the citizens complimented bin with a public dinner. Judicial Tyranny John P. Sheldon, Esq. edi tor of the Detroit (MiHiigsn) Gazette, having made a publication h relation to the official . conduct of the Judges of the Supreme Court of that. territory, thej'idges. decided it waa inn tempi if the court, and fined Mr. Sheldan fct'.O, te stand commlttrd till paid t the, editor deem. Inr Ibie bit-hnuo-itdjwreHTrT-. . tneiFtB:, -'. rcfuied.to pay the fine, and waa accordingly ..l.ldck4 u in jait ! Jaira .if.roit con ceJviti; lliMf ftllow-citifen te be : the rictimof an unjust an 1 tyrannical aentence;, called . pubWcfrettnjr wbiolt waa- atuule4 byMt than 300 people i at which it waa reKolved to raiae hj aubacription the aum necessary to re leate Mr. Sheldon from iraprivnm-nt, no one aubecribe nvert? " crnTS,' tn- order to rive all an opportunity of conti ibutincr the amount wa toon raited j. and. a committee. fiumalieiitkhi cair'uuf Hid. horses, jepaired .to tsa jml, liberated lr.J!.- placed bim in the earriaje, ai.d, amidst be plarfdtts of the pf op!cfc thm reitored him to liberty, hia family and hia friends. Reaolutiona were parsed, by acclama? tion, denouncing th malignant Veronal hontin. it manifested by theae judges towards Mr. Shel don in their official capacity ; and appointing a committee to circulate a memorial through tlie territory, for signaturea, railing on the Presi dent of the'.United States to remove the judi cial tyrant! from office 1 -Superior Ctvri. Th apring term of the mt .periutcourt for. Rowan county., wi be Id it this town week before last, Judge ,fari'n presiding. No caws of more than ordinary interest, came on lor trial during tbn terrn but from the bub erto crowded atate of the docket, a good deal of old buainess remained to be disposed ot'i and by the patient industry and ability of bis honor the Judge, the docket was thoroughly gone through with, and purged of much business by bich it had long been encumbered. Solicitor (General Scott, faithfully represented the State, jy I vigilant discha-ge of bis official duties: all offences sgainst th; laws, were prosecuted by him with vigor; and "the peace and dignity f the State" was well sustained during the term. ; ' ; Wa"me ntionetl in -oar urt; that not i single rit was returned at the recent term of the au perior court in this place we no learn that one writ was returned, but afterward dismissed w waiituf Security Tor its prosecution. : " The jail, at the time our I iat paper was issued , a without a prisoner in it j but during the t-5sJr,tl0,blackf were committed as runaways. "our IP, whifkey 33, corn 60 cents a bushel ! ; . Metp,g, Dog$.i-Tiy y ears ago, in the early 'fitlenients of lhia emmlri'ho Wm rlt n jynuoiesome, that, U btca.me .necessaryo con w ejfpi4!oeed peiaadtiUHg the-nighti " - - ' "Wf iriMTl Inun rla..nf .... i.- 11.. m least a of prey consequently, but .few of - ...V- V-;. 8T WVflG f M IT Hnot sufficfent to furnish wool for the immedi- useiui animals ware ra,il in lhn riavs hie necessities of the people, in making domes- I IC Cloths for famitv nut ' Tl,. ,V.t ... "'led themselvee with the Tefiection, that thfe notl wu fast approaching, hastened by the w peofllinj cf the country, when the thick L TT rmc orded hiding places to the wolf Z y ? broken upland cultivated. fields, rk cl nmrrcsia, ana pastures covered tit) Mieen nd nn .ti. -rr....i ,i .L J eyei ind encouragement to the pes of the indiistrinn. far .mi k.;f industrious farmers and thrifty luae-wives. These "fever, have i been but partially reauaed. Tbrt "J"' MlaeeU. have dinnr) . ftiV Knu.1 uiu e inianigni siu.noers or our MwiT f0',1! ,th? ny longer robbed of her iimJt moin T. tlx it the axe and the 1 WW their lutkipJatea and PSf,L,rden nd they fiave been driv I .B-lmidateA internuoable e tnrae rapci(Mia brutes prey, lus not broufht accuntv to the ahrep nor benrfit to the lr- nieri beats more Vuracimia (if posible) than thev, have auppfird Ihrir pliccai beiitt, on. tireu and r arej up by turthtt I TUe that are fd ami pampered from our very tabl-, a'alk forth at noin-!r, mj slaughter boleorH of sheep, as It were for mere p" time whrrett the wolves were uniatty aatltfled wifh making a meal from a tingle fil!nr. of the drove. Every farmer who has attempted li raiic aherp to supply the wool neceawry in hia own family, knows U.it. tu be a .aefioua a id growing eiQ - Scores o4 Urv and uaeleis ifeyT,j are kept by almott erery family rrn those whoae seamy me anr srtrcrlr itlbrd rt?iriri i comnrtabla, subsistence, must .have i 'pack of hungry bmisl, or worthless eura, and not ui freu.uentlyitb4ri)nci4 Vpon ttcai, lo help devmir the few pound of mrat In etpre for a needy family) The inevitable consequence ia, thet orheep-rr ahnoat dally fallinjf a pfey Iq the craving appetites of these half-fed brutes. These remarks have been drawn from u by lite cUcumatance, (a circumstance of quite' fre quent occurrence) of a farmer, near thia town loaing sonieYn or eight sheep in one night, a abort time, s'nee, by aVje. . Another gentleman, nill nrsr. r town, had upwarJi of twenty five beep killed and crippled beyond reeoaery, in the middle of the day, by two or three worthless (Liga. , And in. December last, another gentle man in the.eiTe nrlhborhood, had 8 or 10 fine aheep killed by dog It is discouraging to at tempt to raie aherp, aa king as this state of things eiiats i wool is consequently ecuree and dear, and not the half ia wotked in'o fubricki for bmtsehold uae that tlicrr otherwise would be. Thia country is well adapted to the rearing of sheep i but no one will vmturc into the buainets, while he has no security for his Bocks while they are continually liable tobealaugh- terea, in scoies, by those carnivororts, worth lc dvmettie boatU of prey, that infest almost every farm-yard io the country. In many statu, a bounty is given for the acalp of ,evcf Ks)ttU m oflkr. to-encfltrrage-the uetruetiorr-of that great enemy of -Ue abecpt aod wuege wityer4bevcltlBtwre of North Carolina would not consult the beat iote rtaU of the people, by setting a prir on the scalps of au ttoft wno wave a pmrhAnt tor mtrton r .Inaitinatinn tf Dohvnr. The report (which we have given m another part of this week's p after, yV- tk mmnm--Grc$trftfttr?ti going the rounds pi the papers at the aortu, and is generally believed in. It will be recollected tuat he, a short time back, Very narrowly escaped the aame fate. Misconduct, Utterly, baa been such, that the people of the United States will not feel much sympathy for bim. Uverboal Market, f'A. 2 1. ...The import of Cotton this week is 5,45$ bags r and the sales not more than 7,600 bars at a decline, erener- ally of 1-fid per pound : American 1'plarul cot tons 5 3 &1 to 6 ini. Wheat haa also declined from 6toMprr 701b. Livcrptol, Marth 3. The Cotton market is dull, and the pricea have again giveri way LBd; Total aalea of the 'week, lg,&30 oaga.- Uvf-po(, March Z The depression in prices or Wheat and wJor the previput w?rk;'ru on Tuesday in aome degree recovered, the for. mer being noteI 3 to4d oVarer. - - - -VMirfnent....Oeorge VL DaUa hl tteeit ap pointed V. 9: district attorney Tor" the eastetr. district of PennsyTvariia,' In" place of Chartea J. Ingersoll. Wm. Duncan, Surveyor for the port of Phila- acipma, bi purx at jamss uioniwoniH- David Henshaw collector of the port of Bos ton, in place of H. A. 9,. Dearborn r'.MM Jy.fS .hMhee4:appoijud:.Posl Master at CIamln;rb(irg, Pennsylvania, in the rocTJT of Jacob' Dethert," deceased"." Xl.'JQur a)s There was a rumour at KinJanriro, on the 5th of February, that the Emperor of Braail waa about to make war against Don Miguel of For tugual. The Hon. John Branch, Secretary of the Navy, left Washington on tlie 7th inst, on a visit to thin State. Dr. Bradford acts as Secretary in hia absence. The Washington papers contsin a list of "Bre vet promotions, among which we notice Gen. Jessiip, to Se Major General. CoL Lev en worth, Brigadier Genet aL I.t. Cl. A. F.uatis, Colonel. Maj. Worth. Lt. Colonel. -' Maj. Fanning, I.t. Colonel. Capt. Mountiort, Major. Capt. K. Boardman, Major. Capt. R. j. Baker, Major. Capt. R. H. Bache, Major. For faithful rervices during ten successive years. , ,.JOUXapcara.-to1,bJe.AlH -moat .;bata name at W'ashington : ttiere it John C. Calhoun Vice-l'rewdentji Jhi II. Eaton, Secretary of War. JA Branch, Sec-etary of the Navy. John M. Berrien, Attorney iieneraT '' John M'Lean, Associate Judge of Supreme Court. ' John Pope, Governor of Arkansas, rraAn W CampWllvDUuipt. Judo Ohlo. -.Jhn Chandler, late Senator p. Stfleame "" petty coUectorship way down Eaatward. .Thc cTiTteniof Savana' jbliycit.!rjr(: M&'Wor6hftranii-tluellSng but also an Jatns .Glencairn poet - Bttrna)- i Aswtani- -Cofliminarf General of the English Army b Hindoos- ta. ' " '' m,f ; J ion, Mr. Lhnng$ton.JmTTh9 Philadel phia Sentinel atates, that Mr. Livingston, of the United States' Sena;et has had, Jhe offer if sminbnib' Frawce In tlie place of Mr. Brown, the present Minister to that Court. It is not known whether he will accept the fTcr. - A number of fa(nilies in Virgioia are torning their attention .to the cuture,of silk. The soil and climate of that state. tre ,weH adapted, to this culture. .The whoie process of producing silk U carri- foruli tf tSe Weit. Hut H e tttlff ltloo tf ta H DJf WOniCW B.PMFar-fr:f.; Latt f t f,.irit.ti 13 arrival at feibti Cngliifi dates to the 21st of February are re ceived. . The sutijeet of concesiion to tlie Catholics wa still almoat the only one dicuned In Pirlia. meM. l.,e Puke of Hnst and the Duke i,l rWellington had declared themKlves in fwvor oj coocrmoii.j Later. K tter arrival at Nsw-York, the Ship IT. States, from UrrrpW, brings a paper of tint place of the 3d of March. ; The affairs of Ireland continue to enrros tlie attention of the. British Parliament and txiblic. k i pis auojeci caa roustNi in wnme man or the .4 ' . I (.. . ... .a . irifncraey aiVT' clergy j ao great a farment has not been known aa that created by the Catholus titration in the memory tf mart. - In peint of numnera, tiiey arelnrcnor, but in teal and ener gy the alarmed Anti CaihoHca far aurpaas the friends of FsmmhJpwtmmi.'- 1Ti0 Duke of WelUngtoA b decided hia eause, and Miniaters are eaid tj have aa.Qrer. whelming majonty In the (louse of Commons. The English papers are filled with articles on tbe Subject, Are and con. The Irish Catholic aicociation dissolved Itself. Russia is preparing to open the campaign with great vigour. The Emperor Nicholu will take the command of the army in person ha win repair to Warsaw to receive tlie allegiance of the Poles. He la organizing his marine, and is aid to have made propositions to the U. 8. to man their navy, (can't be done.) or to purchase ships, (that's more reasonable.) . .YauA. Pwfugal. Accounts from Lisbon, state that measures for the overthrow ol Don Miguel were so tar sdvanced, that a confident eipectatfon was entertained of the speedy restoration of the Constitutional system. Some few skirmUhes, of no important nature, have taken place in the neighborhood of the Danube. Mr. Peel haa been defeated by the flruna wickers, at the Oxford election, fcir Itobert Inglii haa been returned by a majority of 146 I ney tail Mr, reel an apostate, and other hard namea, ... Seve'rcfisturbBnr ei nave broken out In Ire-land.-relativw ts the CathoKe kims but nothing serious. - Mr. Peel waa again a Candidate, but ditl not succeed. Sir Robert Ingfis was rjtyrned by a vote of755 to fJ09.. Mr.Teel will be returned irom trie oorongn ot westoury, the present member, sir Manaweh Maseeh ixpez. navmr . -enh'.rricoi-trat. that the news of the death of Pope Leo th 12th, had arrived there on that day. Wathingion, Aril 7..- ...The several Foreign Ministers at the seat of Gov ernment, were, yrsterdjjr, presented to the President by the Secretary of State. Mr. Van Buren, tbe Secretary of State, visited Mr. Adams, at his residence on Meridian Hill, on Saturday last. Jour. . Mr. Barry, the new Postmaster Gener al, arrived in this city orfSundav Evening; Yesterday morning he took the oath of office, entered on his official duties, and received ih C Jerks of th Department, who were severally introduced to him. - . . . QzxERAV SCOTT. '. ..The, f rie nd ibisraJlCcucerwiil be pleased to learn, by the following arli cic, mat mere is soie prospccioi - ntSTomces a'tacneu. tin tne premise is a very valuable -aid being SW II retained in aer I vice whose character he has been so in Ahorse, a brick kitchen, ice-house, a.M all the ,trumentat in coverlrtgTrtth glory."'---..4tb.ice l0. b ' , the main building, fronting the mam atrect, an " It is Said, that the Secretary of War has ! room, and cellar, on the same. It U presumed returned - Gen.' Scott's -propositions roT" htm, with the offer of a furlough for twelve months." The GrneriTTs now on a visit to his friends in Dinwiddie ; and we aie not informed what is tht course which he means to take. But, it is obvi ous that the offer from the War Depart ment is conceived in the most accommo dating spirit j as it will enableGen. Scott to abide any decision, which Congress 'may msVeTee'tb the abolition of the office of Major-General, or anv. .. fk-A J- UlUbt IN iasitvrn 171 IJ t ' 111 J p KttMt WWW -- THE MARKETS. Salithury Price, April 18rA... Cotton Maater will sell, at public auction, on th.- 2Jrd 1 to 2 rents, corn 20 to 95, pork 3.50 to 4, but. I day of May nex at the Court-Hoose in Salis ter 8 to 12, flour 4 to 4.50 per barrel, wheat 50. bury , a tract of land, lte the property of Wil. to 60, Irish potatoes 40 to 50, sweet do. 40 to 50, Hnm Hampton, dee'd. lying on Grant' Creek, brown sugar 12 to 15, coffee 16 to 22, salt 1.25 ! "ear MaeayV Mill, adjoining William Pinkston, to .50, homespun cloth 18 to 30, whiskey 20 to ; aen. and other , containing 333 acres or there 25 bacon 8 to 9. abouts. This land is valuable on account of its location, being near a good mill, and within the Fayettcville, Jpril 8ih. Cotton 7J to 8 35 convenient distance oL2. "3 miles frojaJialia bacon 6 to 7, peach brandy 55 apple do 40 to 42$, bury, Th.? falsi? ardercd Jor. the. purpose of botttltttfcwi of the hire R5 to 7, Iard7j, molasses 32a 33, sugar 10 to 1 1, proprietor) and a credit of twelve monthi is of salt 75 to 83, tallow 8; wheat 1.20, whUkey 25 fcredto the purchaser, upon his giving bond to 26 .U. S. bar.k notes 1 a 2 percent, pre with approver! security, for the purchase money. mium, Cape. Fes r, ditto, 1 a 2, Chartattn, April 3 Cotton 8 to 9j cents, flour 84 whiskey, 23 to 29, bacon 5 to 6, hama 8 a 9, beat kind of bagging 20 to. 73, salt 40 to 48,; CorqLVt 48ofTee. 12 to 15. .,.N. Carolina bank Columbia, SJD. April 10,-Cotton 84 to .9 J. j flour 64 to 84, whiskey 30 to 45, bacon 8 to 10, wheat 07 to luu, cora au. aa owrsono f Carolina tiank Bills- 5 to 7 per cent, discount. GeorgiaJIsnk: Pills,! JtO 2 per eet..diaunt, CAtra April 1,-yCptf on,T,50 lucoti 6J. to 8, corn 40, flour 5 to 3.50, Whiskey .28 o 30, peach brandy 45, to J04 apple do 49 to 45, leaf tobacco 3, coffee 15 to 18, salt 74 to 75, tallow 8, molasses 45, beef 3 to 4: Cotton. Some few prime bales aoid at 9 cents. WiMntttn, April 8..... .Cotton 8 to 84, flat 10 to 13, flour 8.50 to 9.00, ooVn 40 to 45,chee7 to 8, apple brandy 35 ta 37, tallow 8 to 9. Cincinnati. Ohio, March 27,---Cottori 1?4, fe!s- hhers 23 cents, f)aVed 37tJ 0, flour 5.50 to 6, Kenhawa salt iOteeots', peach brandy 62, apple do. 37, whiskejr 13 to 2 tallow 7, tobac co 3 to 8 cents per lb. Jtem-Yotk, April 7..'.....Cotton 10 to 12, flour 7.19 to 7.35, cotton bagging made of hemp 19 to 21, wheat 1.60 to 1.70, oak tann'd sole leath er 20 to 26, hemlock do. 13 to 23, hams 9 to JO, salt 45 to 50, apple brandy 3,6 to 40, whiskey 6 to 33, leaf tobacco J to 12, yellow beeswax H to 24......,North-Carblina bank bills 2j percent, discount, South Caroling JlLCrenrgia .V',- gtnfa I ptf'CeTit.tlo CnrnJifj, .frj U Coitoa Y I 8J, ffour 4J ta ij nut cr the wapon, tint from Camden mifla 6J to 7 Wheat RI. corn 41 to 44, oats JO, sail 73, wiuuey 3 to JJ, bacon 7 to 8. i Union, Jhrfl 6. S 12, (lour 7a to ..Cotton iOto 111, flat 11 i V, corn 60 to 61, checae 3 lo 5, tallow 8 a 8. AVwsrii', April i.:..Cotton 7 io t, flour f to 6i,wneat Pjar3i,bacon a to 7, salt as to 60, peacn brandy to; apple do, 43, whiakey si, i Itlchmtruk Jpr.l MM.Cotton 8 a 04. flour R7 to 7,hel 140 a, J 45, eorw44 a 4 ba. eon 6 J to 7, brandy apple 3 J to 3rt, old peach do 90 a VJ, whWkey 37 to 30, leaf tobacco 9 to 12J, North Catolm lank bills 3 discount, 9. Caro lina 3 a V,, Georgia 2J a 3 J. ' BaWmtrt, Jfirjl ltLC.tfou,Kf a. 8. cotton 8J to 10, whi.key 24 to2Jl, Ucon f ttrrrTT In TorkviHe, I. C on Thursday, the 2d inst. by the Rev. Mr. Johnson, Coir Wm. N. Parks, f Meeklenburgh, to MlU F-lia W, Hayoc, of Colleton Diatrict, 8. C. Dn'the aame evening in York Diatrict, 8. C. by the Wev. amuel Watson, Dr. Win, U'Letn, of York ville, formerly of Lincoln county. N.C.to Miss Amanda 'A. Hill, daughter of the late Solo, mon Hill, Esq. In Aawin county, at the residence of William Marahall, Vt. on tbe 16th ult Major perdie Richardson, of Brunswick county, to Miss Cath arine Marihall. wm DIED, On the lat instant, the venerable Dr. Edward Augustus llolyoke, of SaU-m. Maaaachusetta, in the hundred and first year of his age. In Merrimack N. IK- Mr. Sarah Gile,'in the 103d year of her age. hlie had been a regu lar member of the Pretbyterian Church for up. wards of 70 years. ... In this county, ou the lOth.inst, after a linger. I Ing Illness, which she pore with patient resigna tion, Mrs. VuroNne If. Ctuitubert, cgtisort of Otho Chambrrs,rF.sq. aged abnut30 years." Itrthis townion the 13th inst. very suddenly, Mr. John .VWf, aged about 50. - He had been to Fsyettevilhj ' With "his wagon, and had it- turned tliui far on hia way home, (hia reaidence bei'ig eight or ten mile's west of here) when he wss taken suddenly sick on Saturday night, and VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. Y virtue of a deed of trust, executed to me by F.srs Al- i mong, there will be ottered for ale, on Monday, the 18th day of May neat ( the Mansion llojel in the town of Salilury, the following property, via: The atock of Goods on hand, confuting of a large awiortment of dry goods, hard ware and cutlery, which haa been (aid in with great care. Two likely negro woman, ami three children Two horses, one carryall and hsmess I One gig snd harness, a tuperior article ; Some fine milch cows i ,--,9tock:.trf-JofSfiid-.nri clesi -A-At the 'aame time, there wW a&Slie ofiered for sale, -the MANSION HOTEL, with tbe ad' joining lota belonging l nine, This house is arge, eon venirnf, -well finished, ind. U iwl iftfo.i rtnr'lo' unv in'th'e western narf of th (( I having from 2(J to 30 roomi.iii iu.withaia m-at f aunewns atolile, eaioumx. U Iml.Urnm SO ""ther detcrtmion win be onneceary, a: a' any to call person wishing to purchase, is requested and view the premiss. The House is also well furnished with new furniture, of an excellent quality, winch will be sold. with or without the House at may suit the parties. Also, 4 out lut on the north square of said town i and the interest that the suid Alleronng owns in the liou-e and lot now occupied by Cwi. E. Tarbro. Terms will be made known on the day of salet lhe nexL.auti sjde.ljii cuuiiitue twi dv to day r ALEXANDER, Truotee. April hh, m9. 4t6o liftnA lor ftac. IN pursuance of a deoee of the Court of Equity for Howan county, the Clerk and 'and a title friar for the same" onon mil payment: SAUL, S1LLLMAN, C. JIL E. April m, np. 5t67 j,, spMor CuH of April tern, 1829 .-. waTILDA PINK8TON vt. Peter Pinkston S peari'ig to the satisfaction of the. court,. that the defendant is not an inhabitant of tbn state, ,t ia be made for six weeks in the Western Carolk nlii.i.Bruitcdi4 IJicZw reotappltir'tfe 1he"s?ssjntf'jf'HwfWii4he-swm ter the 4th Monday in September next, and a"m"wr;' of derntrr1 tor slid petittott, ' or . . I a srs.ta:sirt la-Ill Kaw afnrawF1 anil ineiwKww v.u r v " r" same be heard ex parte. Witness, Hv Giles, i Clerk of said court, at 'office," the 2d Monday after Ihe 4tfi Monday in Marchv A. D. 1829. 6t68 II YK GILES, Cl'&. S. C . NOTICK, To Journey mvn Tattots. ONE or two good workmen can get employ ment, by applying to MOSES L. GKISSOAl, in the town of Lawrenceville, Montgomery county, N. Carolina, and liberal wages will be given to them that can come, well reewmmended, as good workmen. 3t65 April the 9th, 1829. Xegvo .Man to Uke, w ' aTft Y the day. week, or roonlhV'he is able JU -bodiet, and expert ajf msJindi ..of wfltk. fklTtUS h's pVersTonal iervlci W to the eltiiseniof Sahs'wrf.an ni 'iiea ijuetntefntry, He has taken the iUno of Dr. rcntnd. hr h W. B. He haa jutt received, from rhiladef phia. a good alction of Fruh .V'dirhn. r RESPECTFr I.V i,.f,rmf the eiiirVni of U ItSiiry, and thej-j riiMyrctMuilry, lUt lie-eruplertrie i'lop on main street, a t; w Uoors outh of -bt cc.jrt-l.mine, n rViuly oecupie bf Sda -Temnletwt sndiit'tifrfrft here he'eie. cuies an aeacrtptloiui of Tattoatno, in ttwt most fashionable snd substantial manner j and at prices, of which wrf - . a. k . . " " " w 1 Timea, can omplam. Having been appointed Agent fir the Xt'inrt Rnl 8v,Km of Tailming, lnvnte.1 by Mr. WiL son, of New.Yorl, which surpaaaes any thing in tbia Hue of ouW hitherto discovered, he will be rerdlarlv fiirnih.L Bit tha-lPt lasaV.1ai willa the lateat faahions from Paria, Undon, Wew'. i or, inu rnna-jctpnia, accompanied with drfta and portrait figures, wbnrh will enable him to furnish gentlemen with Fanfy Garments equal to any in the State. He In int., hi.amii.',...n and the public will omtinue to pstronife hia Shop, aitd awures them that ni exertion on his part, will be wanting, to ren.tjr general satis faction. N. II. Tlie subscriber ia nutlinrl.,! u .M rights l.r u.ing the Ay-wre Hu e Sviiem, above mentioned) to induct nurch;wfri ia thi. mode of cutting, and Airniali H,.m with the ""'A WMftV Portrail r.gnrra, S;e. anpertajning . ' "''vii, . . A4ilUli- ONK of the most tafuabTe Hands In a Cove St, rft tirr in tnrkc, JredelL Lincoln ot.ll Ukt$--ountiesi It is situated in the tern par. ol Uiirkc emmty, at the ntertec:ioT of the mam rtiadi leading from thenee to Mor- 35 mtlrsfrom Morganfon, 5,7 from htatefville, 2( fn.m Wilkesboro', ! 1$ fmm 4nelnton, and 7 milea Irom the Catawba rier. 1 here is a Store-House, with some other buildings, wow on the premises, with sbout 250 .rr. f UA belonging to (he trr.ct , rist and isw mill with in 4 miles of if, with a thickly aettled country around, and a Poat-oflke, called Little Itier, kept at the place. This -valuable property will be sold row. fm good psyn.cnts, or rented for one . more years, Thoso dciirous of porchaaing, ire invitH to eome and view it, and judg for themartves. raym. nts will be ntnd? SccummoJaiing, ml a reasonable, credir git cn. Inquire of tbe auh. Kriber on the premiits Mi . LEWIS PAINE. . . 5!?Liftt4 2M829.- '- i - i :;.-' -. r . . .',r....,,,...T,.'W'.T-r'-:L. RY rirtiie of a uWd'uf irust me rtecXited .Wefjnjav; JMJfk.J:bjJLtpqii: sulo, on Tueadtiy ofKowan county court in MsV l,"1u -lrcl miwrrremiimTakirRrvirV at the mouth ol Dutch Second C ,1'C tffQ humlrul and Iwn cr I . l.'.lf land ia said' to he of the best finality in that aer. tion uT the country, and i wellJjmpr.p.vtdAil.. the necfrsiy IioiiSies and imf-liouHes tor a amatl femJyrare tm the rrmisTS f an.T as IhrVjlc Is" to be for cnth, it is thought that the lanrwill gu at 4et than i ThiT. HAMILTON C. JONKS. Tr,r. April h, 189, - fj.67 OF Kowan county, N. C. on the 10th April, 129. a negro man, who aays l.i name is Hen that he belongs to famucl Henegan. or Mecklenburg county, N. C, and rsn away from -his master five or sis days ago. He is about 31 years okl, black complexion, ajia conuno4 the owner li dcairtd to prove property, charges, and take said negro awar. py F. SLATER, Hh'ff. -April 10M, Mn, - -- 62 - lsanA iuu eVgvtie. ON ThuMtay, the 30th day of April, at thr late dwelling house of Hobert Wilson, I'aq. of Mecklenburg countv, a number of very valua-' btc NEdllOCS will he hired, and a pl.n'a. tinn rented. The're will be 'sold an elegant Ma. hngany SIDE BOA II D, and a variety of excel lent household and kitrjien furniture, together with stock of every kind i an elegant family Car. riage, a Gig, a Vagtln, and every necesaary im. plemeut of husbandry jiciiUan machine, sere wa -i4,runmng ;wk;t wllti' various other articles. Every p"rson"IiavJ ing claims against the estate, are rr quested to present them as directed by Isw ' The sale will continue fr am day to day. Credit and terms cf sale, maue Known on the day of aale, by UN. ) J. MtKMTT, ...... -. .....v,.,, . , T 1 ."A 19. April fuh, 1829 2t,63 State ofSmk Carolina, Rowan twfUy eQU&Toof. pleas and quwrterwwionv Febrtr"v " ary termJiJ29 :-IiannaUNwlon,i.. Wilr liam Haden, Itobert Iladen, Judithan Msrr anrf Margaret' hia"wife- Petition, -partition of lands."" it . appearing to tlw : satiafactien of the emirt, hat -jft,4ejRrjlujju.Jtij lhis4tate . it; is idfm;MSXtst that nubli. atm reiiiarf(rri Wfe in the V neitern Carolinian, that the defendants appear atonr newemtri of pteai and qua"er' sesaions"" to be held for the county of Rowan, at thc court. house In Salisbury, un the third Monday in May next, then nd there to pleail, answer or demur to Said petition, or tbe same will be taken pro coniessn, ana oearu ex pane. - -, 6t67- JS'd. GILES. . - T-le ili-avtnis?ftUvr - : ITIORMERLY existing under the firm of New ? ton and McGrath, was dissolved in Ftb'y. Iat. The printer will givethis three insertions, and much oblige your friend, EDWARD McGUATH. .Wf87. 1329. '. , 3 63 . lUacksmVlH WiviUed. ' A YOUNG mar,, coming well recommended, a. will find employment, and liberal wages given, by inquiring or tbe Snh'scriber. living a Concorde JOHN, R. MVIIsV v ' -'Jlath Qt 18. . '-.-I st SMi'wsyvsllttJw'awV 1 -V: -f. 1 X:' 'If .1 -'' '4! tv, in .ft kj. 4r - - - f! )i'l . ': -'. - - x--' ' I ' i