A H.vusnuuy. kowav count, ff, c.v:...iti:sday, APimvsa, ib-w. VOL IX...NO. 4C4. 's lit T,jjir, .... .,.! Ik -M'-l f f mwu, a4 w -.u tMitaDrftakUlM liIUn MM, If hH iaiiif4 4tf lr ft tl. if1 h. - SS .... l.'r f T'-mrmwn i -Pul i.i mmU moderate terms, for , W rath of on t credit, f... .j k Mr i i innruuiirr.iHW. t 't . ' 1 well made nftif. Thou i-l"Vif.w' ar".r who ih id topi'ty "finny ,Yi V , V tctve-t with wch vcbicU, .r"?9 would rf e0 to ppiy If-.-'- ' toon, m it if belieed o fiTor!'! m cpporf un'ny to procure irie, will not on ofTer KIn. tD.VARD CRJMS. Xauii uuA .V eg rM for ; i vbi;bkk cousry. 'ff'M ffflilE fiibicnVr htt dftire to JL !! -.trrt (r LAND known 'Xr ' ih name of fine W upwirJi of two liundiy J cel. t hereon U i tWt"i, luniiiiieu, wre, cOmowxiioui dwrllmj houtf. with wing at one end for t Jwriflr room i (rood Barn, Smitb-thop, Stiblr , and ail necrmry out J''uwi tojretlicr .with e:. Kt of .117 V u7 and C..;.7 wlilrj'-A.niile of Morgin'oni aid ihret o'hr r TRACTS, Nn'n)f th ahfiva rated triclTTbe "" l-pTrrrWimt-of then mn.nwMnt not eKeucd by any in utecoo'iTT, rTtp)p od corenicncc, : A'Oi i-kv tracta on the north fork of the Ctwba Hirer, ai l one on u l ly Crerki leral lot ii MtirjraMoni belwceo TwentTTindthirtr- -- Likely Neprocs ; Amongat bem are mrchamck j alto a pood .jraon nd ,Jen. The tale i oommrnre the 26itj day of n'eii flctTer7 aHli rwirt-TIotiW 1n Mik canton, and continue until all are ioIJ. The comUUunauf the aala Jtre thcie. twelve, roo ')t.h credit will be (firen, bonda with appro7rd ac curitr will be required. J. M. GREKNF.KK. JHartk 2rt, 1829. 5i6i VALUABLE PROPERTY I OR SALE. in 'rtiie f.f a deed of trnat. 1 1 ia A-J eaecitel to me by Kara AI- ,ttrmong, mere ii ur nncrro mr rrJle. oi Mondiv, 'he 18th dav of May r al, at the MansitHi Motr! in 'he town of Ealibtiry,le foUawmir proj-r riy, vus The ttock of C'ioda on hand, eonwitinf; of a -ftrp awortroent of dry jrovdv bard ware n(l " tutlery, .arblcb hat bf ? laid in itb f reat care.. Two likelv ne jrro womr-n, anrl iTiree childrtfl f " ?Two bort"ifl"caralJ and tumreat r-, One pK and haforat, ufnriM artUk f,.... ""liLo'nie fine JMlIch cpwi J r' Stock of boifl. and a vin'etj of other trti. -eleii . - At the atTie timf, thre will also be offered firwde. the-MANMOX HOTELr-wUb tbo- ad.. - -Mwnglct. bejojngmir to rime.' - t h tiiif lirge, conrenient, e"lT fuilatiFd; and it not inf- '--lwaOo.JUiy.Ja. U.5 . X't?WJ1nf ,ne atatei iivii(r from 20 to 50 room"inlt,"witTi tlx heat -oflieet ttacbed.:.OH,vlUeT pretjuea , tfa. .very tupcrior Stuble, .calculated to hold from 50 to 6Q bonet, t brick kitchen, ice .house, and all the other wocsi-iry out -buildinjft. There it alto in tlie main 4uildinir, fronting the nia'm treet m excellent itore rocm, counting and lumber room, and cellar, on the same. It ii prrmmed a further description will be unnecessary, a an? .penon wisliingto piirchaie, la requeated to call and trtew thetrerni. TJ iloute ia also well - fcroiaUed-wilb .new Jiirnitur, of an etreljcnt quafity, which will be told with or wiMiout the House s may tuit the parties. Alo, 4 out l(t, on the north Mfuare if aaid town; and the interest that the said Sllemnni; ""owhi i'iths houw and lot now occtrptcd by ol. K. Yarbro. Terms will be made known on the day of sale , and tale to continue from dav to di. R. II. ALEXANDER, Trwfre. Jpril Wh, 129. 4(66 Land for IN pnrjaanceof a decree of the Court of i F.quity for Rowan county, the Clerk and Master will sell, at public auction, on the ?3rd day of May nex. at the Court-House in Snlis- bury j a tract of land, late the property of Wil liam Hampton, dee'd. lying on Grant't Crrck, sen. ana o'.nersi combining ojj acrrs or tnere abouts. Thit land is valuable on account of its location, brine near a jrood mill, and within the tion, being near a good n-nicnt distance ot 2 oi convenient distance of 7 or J m.ies irom ahsr bury. - The rale is ordered for the purpose of making a division among the heirs of the late proprietor and a credit of I elve ntonth is of fered to the purcliaser, upon his gjv'mg bond t-wtttripproved security, for the purchase money, nd a litle mde for the name ttooo-full pavment. SAM'L. SILLIMAN, C. M E ruvib subscribers will stJI, without Mil, at J Alocksville, on Fridnj-;the 1 5th day of May oooimoJating' terms, the mo' valuable "plantaiion in the : couhljr'of Eii wan. The tract situated in "ih'e Forks of ibe Vadkln, on Ceda,r Creek, and contains between . . 400 and 500 Acres ; the dwetKng house is new and commodlou'k, with auitable out-hoitses. and a still-house: the Plan- J5 Jl tnJejKfJ!ierfjiJr.v',The healthiness of c the situation, and superior fertnVy of 'thT toil;"' Kive mis plantation a fair preterence, for all the purposes of Jgriculture, over any in the county. Also, will be sold, at the tame" time, the Tav :r Iloute in Mocksyille, accommodated with ottt-houses, atables, garden, &c. being as eligible aituation for that business as any in tbe county's and two other Houses tnd Lots in Mocksville. kj"0" 'snnff to purchase, may call on the anbtcribeft at any time before the dav of tale '; . -v-':''if!- 0. JONES, Jtmh UH, t8. W JNO. CLEMENT, FH F.1.P tCTTllLY iufurmi the eitlirm of flil at ix'xiry, and the au'rounoln country, that h iKxiipiei the ihop on main itrret, a few rioora Kith of tLi emirt4ifmM, rrrrntly oeeupied by 8ilaa Tern ?rtt on irt.J himaetf. wtrerr be w entri a!t iUicr'BtbM of -Tartotuso, ,o-iW mort nidtfitiihle and aubftintinf manner find at price, of which no oat, cvejt In thet bard tlmea,can cumplain. Having been appmnttd Agent for the Xjnar Kulr Hiitim of Tailoi'tmr, invented by Mr, V il aon, of fUw-Vork, wbica tarpaarf any thln in til line or Duaioeaa hitherto ditcovered, be will be rrifnlarlr f.iroiahed, at abort Intemlt, with the laiert fiUioni from Taria, London, Nrw. Ymk. and Pbilailelphta, accompanied with drmf'i wd portrait flurvii which will enable bint to farniah f rntlemen wiih Fancy Garment equal to any in the Ktate. lie hope hiiacquaintaiicee aadtbc public, will continue to patroniie hie Shop, and aiiir them that no exertion on hit art, will be wanting, to render general aat'w ctiun. ' Salitbury, April 6, 1 8 Tit t N. B The aubacriber n aiithorii'd to tell righta for uting the Sqifirt liu't fpittm, abort mentiotrrdt to instruct purcbaaerain thia new mode of cuMinf, and furmah ttKm with the KUlea, Lrair Portrait t ifuret, ue. appertaining to tne tiinra,. . . U)n u, ltatcof ;,or t-Car oUnvi, - Cjn'EKiaR C Ktrt'of ?.iw; f.IJ term, 1858 1 Marion Tinner w John Tanner. Petition f tt diroree. It appcarina; to the aatiifaction of, . . T .. j .a ..... , me conn, in this raae, that the tlelenoaat rH sides' ftrtTmtTht flmrr of rliit-StareT-Ordetrtl, therefore, that publication be made six weeks in the Western Carolinian, for ibe defendant to sppear at one ne xt superior court of law to be 1irtd fo rcVfrtttifrp- countyron ttx-seventh Monday, after the fourth 'domiay in March next, then and there toanawu pkad or dctuur.tO said peti'.ioni othrri it will iieJaken pro con frso and heard tx pane. Gt66 J. M. HUTCHISON, r.. e. f. ftlatc of rorti-l!arolnai MECKI.KHRCRO COrTIi SI PERIOR Court of law, fall term, I838 F.Ii. za Cox ts. Wm. Cox i Petition f Divorce. It prarin to the satisfaction of the court, that tlje drfendnt is not an inhahi'ant of this State i Ordered, hcrrf re, that publication be made six weekt in the Wcaiern Carolinian, tht he ap. peaf at mr next Miwrior court of law, to bm LeU ibr aaid county, on, tbe seventh Monday af ter twrrth Monday jn March trext,"theH "and there 'o plad answer or demur," to aid petT ti onT"rirhfrw Ttwilt tw tak en rrro eonfesso ami beard cx pt.. .; ".'fit55 : "-"--' :::frM. WJTfinsOJt,-,., JMEtKI.ES llPftO COCJTTI : St :rrjuoH. court .. iriawZ"aiirtai,:i83:i .Brnjimin 8tjward . Hsrriet Steward; pftiuon for rlivorce. The defendant in this CU? residing beyond the bmtt vf the state, apprarsjo the court i urevredj therefore, tht pubTi -a ion" be mndp mx "wrks m the- Wetrtv Carolinian, for the defenlint to appear at our next tupenor court of law, n the 7ih Mo'idv aTter Ui 4th IrtMirfh, 1X29, and plead, answer or demur, or tins petition will b beard rxparte, and decreed acrordmplv. 6ff6 J. 1. HUTCHISON, r. ,. c. I. Atatti oC .Vort-CArVmrt, MECKLRXBCilO Ot)ITI I "TJI r.BRCARY sossioo, 1829, JanwsN. ely vt. M. ttie heirs Caveat to a i'l. It appearinir to the astisiiction uf-tht cowtllia' the following named persons (htr at law of Wm. Damett dee'd.) are non- residents oi this Hate, viz; Attry A'pie, Jane Dale, F.lizibetli Uroomheld, Martha Falls, Ann Hrt, Wlll am JUrsctt ami Xlarsrtt Bornt-tt, children of Abraham and Mary Dsrnett ; Wm. rtsrnrtt, Samuel Barnett.and Susan Erwin, chil dren of Samuel a"d Margaret Barnctt ( Dorcas Cathev, daughter of Wm. and Mary Elliott, and Wm. White, grandson of the same ; Ann Bar nett, wife of Thomas Harnett, dee'd. Thomas Harnett, George Rarnett and Sarah Elms, chil dren of the name J.ihn Porter and Mary Or mand, children of James tnd Ruth Porter, dee'd. Jamt Harnett, and the children of Thomai :MMteiltxyr'name-kowtt.Y4t is there fore "ordered that ffhsmowbw'tnsrx in the Western Carolinian, notifying tbe said heirs to appear at our next court of pleat and T'nrt r"'"1 W firr this rni'nty, "n the 4th Monday of May next, then are there to shew cause, if any tb?y hare, why probate of the last wilj and testament of Wm. Barnett, dee'd. should not be had. -:i6W.'':: ISAAC ALEXANDER, e . -r. e. Slat tf jtatih Cartfimti firwft cwtttft" e.9XitP.'e'. and gtiarjte? Fesion,'Febniv ary term, 1829? ffi , i li411ad.cn,' Robert Haden, Judithan Marr and Margaret lut-wifer Peiititw; partjtibn -of tindi. If jpcarlrif W tb satHiictioti of the court tbat 'tne'oTemlanfljriiYS it is therefore ordered by theTCourt that ubH cation be maile for six weekt successively in the Western Carolinian, that the kfndnU appear at our next eotirt ot pleas and qaar rr sessions to be held for the county of Rowan, at the court; house in Salisbury, on tbe third Monday in May next, then and there to plead, answer or demur to said petition, or the same will be taken pro conlesso, ana beard ex parte. 4tC . , , JNO, CII.F.S. CommUteA to JaU OF Rowan county, N. C. on tbe 10th April, 1829, a negro man, who says his name is ton; that he belongs to Samuel Henegan, of Mecklenburg county, N. C. i and ran away from hit master five or six dayi ago. He is about 3 J years old, black complexion, and common size. The pwner i desired to prove property, pay charges, and take said negro away. JprillQtijH nVAirruoiUTY. f"ltf UPnJmt mtktC. SUtli f America, --'A' rROCLAMATiON.-i - Wuhm Treaty of Commerce and Kar'fa tlon, between the United Sialos of America and Hit Majrrty the Kinr of Prussia, vu Concluded td tlgiird JVribeir f leoipotentiarie M Waab inrtfwi, ob tua first day of May.' o thousaofl eisht httmrred tod twewiy sMibty wbich Ttratr beinr in thf English and French Unjuagr a, it as follows: . . Treo'ii if Ctmmtrtt ami agatin bftvtn iht . Vnitt J Statu f.lmerit, tftasf hit Mujttt Iht Xlnj t'ruma,' , Tiie United Siatfi of America, tnd hit M.jesty the Xinr of Truula, eqti!l tni rotted with tht) desire of maintaining the relations of 'good undertanding witicb have hitherto to happily subalsted between Ihrir respective St sits, oi extending, tlw), and consolidating the commercial inter course between them, and convinced that this object cannot better be- ajccomplishad than by adopting the system of en entire freedom of navigation, end i perfect re ciprocity, bated upyrfrinciplet of enti ty, equally beneficftl to both countries, and applicable, in time of petce it well 1 in time of war, hire, in consequence, greed to enter Into negot'utiont for the conclusion of trett; cJlavigaUdnrKl commerce, for which purpose thVPretf denf of the United Stateg viifc conferred fulf powert on Ifenrv Clir, their Secre- Jari of State, and his Majeaty tht King of f rutsia net confeired itfce- powers oa the Sieur Ludwig Niedertteter, Cbrce fl'Af' fiiret i'f his Majesty, nesr tbe United Ststettand the said rienipoien'iarics having exchanged "the! r's'ila' TuTI "powertj found io good and "Due form, have rpnclu ded tod signed the following aniclei : AITICLB ! There shall be sc.ween the ttnitorict of the high contracting parties, a recip roc 1 1 liberty of commerce and naviga'ton The Inhabitants of their respective States shall mutually have liberty to enter the poets, places, and rivers of tbe territories of each party, wherever foreign com raerce is pei mined. They shall be at : inert y to sojourn tnd reside in all parts whatsoever of sid territories, in order to .MSpd tojbeir affairs, and the hali en To to that efTert. Ih m trnril "inrl protection -.a -oitrve wherein they reside on condhion of their uimmin g to . the ia s and o romances there prevailing. ARTICLK II. r ; Prcsstan rs-v -w vin g. . either ladea or in ballast in the ports of the United States of Ameicaran4 reciproc.llyvca tefs of the United States arriving either I fieri or : in balUtt ia the ppjrtv.oLt.he Kingdom oFFrussIf, sliall br treited, on their emnnce, during their stay, tnd at i heir departure) upon tbe same footing a national vessels tomlfig from the same place, with respect to the duties of ton nuLC, lighthouses, pilotage, salvage, and oon chjtges, ts well is to the fees and peMjuUi es f public ofliccrs, and all other duties or charges, of whatever kind or denomination, levied in the name, or to the profit of the Government, the local authorities, or of any private establish mcnt whatsoever ARTICLa ill. All kinds ol men lumtise and articles of commerce, either thr produce of the soil of the U. Sutet of A nerira. or of ny other coun:ry, which may he lawfu'ly im ported into the ports of th- Kingdom of Piussia, in Prussian vessels, may also be imported in vessels of the United States of America, without paying other or higher duties or charges, of whatever kind or denomination, levied in the nme ortQthepro local authorities, or of any private estab luhments whatsoever, than it the same mfrrk""d!'it 9 prorl- h"r! hren impor- ted in Prussian vessels. And reciprocal ly, all kind of merchandise and articles of commerce, either tbe produce of tbe soil, or of the industry of the kingdom of Prussia, or of any other country, wbtch may be la wfulfy imported into ibe ports of States, may also, fcjw.li ian""f iiels Wit houi ayin'.-oihef::;or kind or denomination, levied in the name or to the profit of the .Government, the local euthonties, or of. any private estah lishment whatjoever, than if the same merchandise or produce had been impor ted in vessels of the United States of America. - -r - ARTICLE IV. Ta crevent the possibility of any mis unaersianaing, it is nereoy oeciarcu, um the stipulations contained in tbe two pre ceding articles, are, to the full extent, ap pur able to Prussian vessels and their car goes arriving" in the ports.of the United States of America, and reciprocally, to vessels of the said States, and their car goes, arriving in tbe ports of the kingdom of PresUaf whether the taid vessels clear- I directly from the ports of the ccAjny to w-bicb they rcipectively belongVor fron the ports of any other foreign cpunlry "No higher or other duties shall V tm posed on the importatloo Into tbe United Ststes of any article, the produce or manufacture of Trustlt and no higher! or other-duties -srull be. imposed orijhe Importation into the kingdom or Prussia of rrry tmtcleVth pi-dducorsninufacturt of the United Ststes, than are, 6r thai) be ptyable on the like article, being the pro duce or manufacture of any other foreign country. . Nor shall tny prohibi'ion be imposed on the importation or exports (ion of any articles tbe produce or manu facture of the United States, or of Pros sit, to or from the pons of. the United Sti'es, or to or from the ports of Russia, which shall not aqumllr extend to all other nations. AITtClI YI. All kind of merchandise and articles of commerce, either the produce of tne soil oy of tbe industry of the United Stes of America, or tny other country, which may be lawfully exported from the ports of the said United Slates, in national vet aelt, may also be exported therefrom In rrossian vessels, withou' paying other or higher -duties, or-charges.oLwbiitf ff r kind or denomination! levied in the name, or to. the profit of the Government, the local authorities,4 of of any private estab " lishment, whatsoever, than if the same merchandise or produce had been cxpor ted in vesstlt of'he U. iftilesOr VneTlca ft till a. .... J - An exact reciprocity man ic ooervea in the ports of the kingdom of Trussia, to that, aillini of . JtlcrcJ? n,c)Ue antljiri icles of commerce, either the produce of tht soil, or the industry of the said kingdom, or of any other country, which may be lawfully exported from Prussian ports in na'ionil vessels, may also be exported thrrefrom in vessels of the United Statet of Amerirt, without paying other or higher duties, or charges, of whateVei kind or denomination, levied in the name or to the profit of the Government, the local authorities, or of any private estab lishments, whatsoever, than if the same merchandise or produce bad been expor ted in Prussian esls. ' ble to Ibe coWMsemnffaHonoHbeswo countries, which IS Jcipietively reserved by each of th...b.ifth Comrsctiog parties, exclusively to i articlx int. Jiopridrhy or prq(cr.crce shall be given, directly or indirectly, by either of the conefmg parties, iox ...l?.y .mp.-yr corpora ion, or agent, acting on their be half," ot lindeftheir adthriy-- in the purr chase oT any" article of commercc lawfwi- ly imported, on account of, or in refer rence to", the Character of the vesael, whethet it be of the one pny or of the other, in which such ankle was, impor ted i it being the true intent and meaning of the contracting panics, that no distinc tion or difference whatever shall be made in this respect." 1 ARTICLE IX. If either party h WI Hereafter grant to any other nlionr'iy particular favor in navigation or commerce, it shall Imme diately become common to the other par ty, freely, where it U ft ecly granted to such other nation, or on yielding the same compensation, when the grant is conditional. ARTICLE X The two conttacing parties have gran ted to each other the liberty of having, each, in the ports of the other, Consuls, Vice Consuls, Agents, and Commissaries, tn joy t h- tame pri vi legiila oTdpo we flZGt those of the most favored nations. But if any such Consul shall exercise com m erce, theyitratt - be submitted to ihe same laws and usages to which the pri vate individuals of their nation are sub milted in the same place. The Consul, vice vonsuis, and tvom raerdaljNgcnts, shall have the light, as such, to sifts judges and rburaforslin: sucCcilteliWc ir33uc-aan tfofftfri'rtiftd to their harget tbo4iAalie; interference Of the local adthorlties, un less the conduct of the crew, or of the Cptaini should disrarbr the order or t ran quility of the country;, or the said Consuls, Vice Consols, or Commercial Agents, shou!d require their assistance to Cause their decisions to be carried into ef fect or supported. Ii is, however, under- nitration, shall not deprive the contending parties of the right they have to resort, on their return, to the judicial authority of their country. ARTICLE XI. The. said Consuls, Vice Consuls, and Commercial Agents, ere authorised to re quire the assistance of the local authoti UcVfof ths merit of'.the deserters from tfe Mf s vV wir ani rnertiian; vesctyoi tncirrouri' , i try. For this purpose they shall apply . ta'the'compcferr f'tinlt4iudtf nd,',w,, orTirtis," and .'shalU lrtTwiriiirir'..- d. mand- - X Said deserters, proving by the exhibition , V of the registers uf the vtiirls", thr rftllsor ' j-1 me crews, or py omrr owicisi oocumenn, , thai such 'ifldltjdflilt formed p1j?f, i f raws and oft this reelimatioti being' '"J ' "i not be rerused, Such deertet, .when arrested shall be plared at the disposal f the said Consuls, Vice Consuls, or Commercial Ageuttt and raay he confined ' in the public prisons at the request and cost of those who shall claim them, iu order to be scot to the vessels to - which hey' belonged, or to others of the lime' country. Jut If not sent back withirr three months, from the dsy of their ar ret), they shatlbe set t liberty and shall not be again arrested for the same rsuso However, if the deserter should be found . to have comnlitted any crime or offences his surrender msy be delared until the ribunal before which his rase shall be . depending, shall hre pronounced its sentence, and surh sentence shall have : been carried into effect.. , ARTICtt XII The t welfib itul of iia treatsof iratw ty tidcommfrreTroncIuded betweehThe partiet in iT8$, end tht articles. frum. the thirteenth to the'twentv fourth Ww-In lve, of tnit which wis concluded at Hcrlio in I799-, wrth therxcfrHofvfb4a4'para- - grsph in the nineteenth article, relating I", the trely siK G..., f,rifain. are hereby revived will) the aame force ana vlr l'u etfs" if '1 hey were- m tde pH? t 4b context of, the present treaty j it. being, however, understood, that the ttipUUtiont contained in the articles then revived, shall he alwys considered as in ho man ner alTeciing the treaties or mnventiont eoncludrd by either party with other Powers during the interval between the expiration of the mid treaty of 1799, tnd ihe commencement of the operation of ihe pretent treaty. . , The parties still being cclrr)t!s in con formity iih their. intention declarrd in the twelfth article, of the wt4 treat of 1799, to establish bet wet.n,th?rr)scyes. or. in rortrert- w it h ot be r tn jritirp.e .1' o crs ftfP.tlfr provisiuns m insdra.. jut proJcc tint and freedonsd .ncu:rar-hivigstiott . " arrd commerce, and. hjen tnav Jt the mine time, advance the cause of civiliza ration and humsnity, engage again tr treat on this subject, and at some future and convenient ns? riod.- . AKTICLE xnt. Coris iile rlng' he'' rfm ol r Tie s"t rvf ' t hr rr -speciive . countiies. of ihe i wo highcon raHfl"piiUc5,. .and.lhoyTJ'l"'? suiting therefrom with respect to the various events wJvkh miyjakfj pUre, his agreed that i mm hint vestal belonging :o either of them, which my be bound io a port, supposed at the time of its depar ture, to be blockaded, shall not, however, be captured or condemcd for having si te mpt etft:ajKrsiVjitTet-to tf -aaid. porn unless it can be proved that aald vessel could, and ought to have learned, (luting itsvovage, that the blockade of the place tn question still t ontinued. But all ves sels, which, after having been warned otT once, shall, during the same voyage, at tempt a ecnnd time to enter the same blockaded port during the crmtinu'ince of said blockade, shall then subject them selves to be detained and condemned. ARTICLB XIV. The citirens or subjects of each party shall have power to dispose of their per sonal goods within the jurisdiction of the other, by testament, donation, or other- izens oi" subjects of tlie'bT succeed to their personal goods, whether hy "ietrmnt or ai.iute. take possession theieof, either by them selves or by others acting for them and dispose of the name at their will, paying such dues only as; the inhabitamttrof the country wherein the laid goods afer shall hi subject to pay. ia like Citseit.Anil l?i ersse m he absence of the. repfesentativo . . ".' . - -. t arh;,'ct'e"'snat''Wtat!e'n;'Ot'ioei.goai nr imyMake raeasureaXoTs-. receiu5. , .. . them And it a question should ass . among sevsraLclaimants, to which of them taid goods beiongt tbe-aame shall bss . decided finally by the laws and judges of the land whereiit the said goods are. And , where, on the death of any person holding real estate within the territories, of the , . one party, such real estate would, by the lw.jiLJLfl.Cjndescend on, a citizen or subject of the other7'were"1trBcrt ritsqMl---- ified by alienage, such citizen or subject shall be allowed a reasonable time to sell the same, and to withdraw the proceeds without molesraiiorvand, exempt from all duties of. detraction on the part of, the Government' of he respective State?. But this article shall not derogate, in any maimnJfom tnaforco of the Jswa V . t It t f Vli i . .. ft Vt .' ' i -A A) it: - r . ; i .n. (1 If i i T . J z J Is