iritlf, n, mi). InnoniM smmitiY. JC7" ' Vm I ijitili' h!l gi in next wed. The nirnljcr 01 the Dink sml ihe Currency of the 8fte, which are In tho cwu of public, tion in the Cpo Fear Itecordef, s!iH be con. r3 .. . it'... ... if ,iA Va hi-i-ii tu!d. .indeed ..'i.fic.1 of.hafact f,om ,erJ ot.crr.Uon) that hc Bee WVm, or of "'"f Iji-r 1 in ills part of lU country. . We have wen f'. FJiMt I last winter fattenej I hog f 'iboitlMVM-''w by. incnvrrien tmxfj wVf K' 7 w tf the comb k found lo b occupied by 52. nct orl. .! rivt'iieir'ltickjr' River,' in,l black norm, about the in of large ' Cabarru county. Whit aay your friend in ill? If ji. Mn if. tlrrrUn, the ttw au.i.ry g rt.erf, tia aerepted in Invitation to drhyrr an oratioi br-fure (lis literary sk letie of the New J--rey (Allege, it it nnt Commence merit. We hive urn it ttatr J la'ely, (of wlikri we were n it before apprised) that Judge DcrrUn U native of Nw Jervy. rMn,0tOV bt. thousand, wbiskty, rum and brandy, kill their tens of thousands. I'ala! Catualiy.Mr. Ceorge Cline, en hon- . ..--..,..;. . . A. ' i . . , rtiirtr. fA thU t bee 1 boa 1 tome 01 neu apprar , ne . . , imcct. iii hi elirmli state 1 (be mouth -Ipriltjd, 1S29. . "A - - pf the cviiiw containing thee worms, are , AnrtKer Thtairt iMrnrTji-Tlie I.afyette the Iltt ; by 1 kind of web, not unlike finteotton atre in the city of iSW-York, ws burnt on the We have method of dettro)linf"lber lOth'lnM.i together itbHTe or KAeenUff itoUti&f'wlWZ buMnft.4nd tomet.thm of U W 7 'Hlnttinct trechevthe IWMutMo te-1 The hetre cot Mrr 8niord,? 100,000, on 'cret benelf durJnR'tbTdajrT.ln' the orwWth"fiere f norrifflnj tawed 1 of per of the hiie. All, therefore, neceiu- the other building were inwred. The Are Tf to be done it to take tuch advantage .commenced in a bjikery, and U euppotrd to of tin f'Ct ai'IKat" IhU mokt perniciotlt 1 bave been tbe work of an incendiary, enemy thatr rush to hi own de'ruclian. ' ,a r. AVUnn died in Cabarru. county, oa the Vortbii purpose let the oriSce of the hive t l(J(b inf,; W(h pMm(f broUKht by , be four jnchet wide, and one Inch hll. eIceit ;ri.l,.drintfijr. Where M the commencement of the ve.wn fur Menct nd ftmJn, etrf ofr lh,ir ine moiuf p -v n.." or fl or of the tive. You will fhd in the morninit that alrooit everv moth hi.fa ken refuse under it. Th r re ttu readily despatched. Thia la 'he mrtdr I et, Indumrioui aiid repecuble ci'ixenof Cabar. hve)rac'ited wih mr own beeit and not rui county, wu killed on the 14 b ipit, by bit itn(le hive h bern injured." , ' bonxa tunning awiy with tiie while he vh : wu driving, and running oiet lit budy. Ww..- We have beretoforr atated, that A,cj .Hlertr ..An honert, thrifty fr. jwneSi-ig o(T the Woawma of potatnet, waa very mtr cou'nty, M murdered kiled nia) beneficUl to tbe crop. A he ewn U ajrain-1 lw'e,t or gfireB dayi mnlf wbije lriTeU : iptiroellig tthe4tbt btnl cui ie timely, ,we;i;8g 1,0ms rn mvktubf a notorioua taga rill aytin mention, that it ha ben found, by , bond, win hu lung been in the habit of knock ( iperlenced horticultunrts that pinching- off -y dowri, a hencve r be cumd catch them the bloHonwoot only ino,eaei the quantity, but from nom-; tillj ,e ja, j0.n M bold, that gwatly Improve! the yWi(y of po'atoea. ft H ii,.t uncommon for him ' to aira) Into the '"pwvaTenronloit'tmOT gZ j'mmh ""fieipif, mi Te"vel tTiiT wrtu Mih potitoea raiinot be raiwd l r of thr the fl.wr of their own da-t liiual It behopvea mountainer but we are inclined to think t!i t Ui t0 endeavor to put a atop to the devaa ia,-ia .A.ooiUncaUTf J'rang J'o.Mon.Wej aiure uL$wLiuiuile.JTrw&t:Tt aod lelirve, that by an improved mode of ruhirf, , .ufftr him to run at LAKUE.ny longer. and incrravd attention, ahott at good Irih po tatoea can be produced in Rowan, or any f the fowland cnuntiea in the Wrt'rrn ertioi' of the State, at in Iredell, Lincoln. Burke, or Ruthrr. ra.'. We are grnfi. d to learn, that two ordhrrn piratical veiel have recently been fcpUmd,ia attJ.wi,tlia.J:Uol of.CaU-'Lla I One caae, the run their aehooneroa ebore, and Hit reported, tha' i Urr William Find!ay, late C.ov. 0' Pennlvt'ii4, or Col. Jmr A. Ili nilton, of New York, ia to be appointed Trriturer of the V. Htatra, in pUce of the pre . inciwiile i(t V, C Wi k, . 1. k . . Jitfrttlmg h La1iet...iUHt from Kent'aCommentarica.Vol. JJ,IJ4 t- ln equity tnarrleJ worrun it allowed, tbrpy'bj the medium of truteea, to enjoy pro?eriy ai well at a feme kola. If pro petty be aattled lo a wonun'i separate uc and no trustee be appointed, the husband will be considered as such, notwuhstand ing he was part w to the instrument un der which the wife claims. , (I'ae l3f.),Tbe bclne JniblesJ in trjuitf to act upon irroperty tn the hand ol her trustees, the li treated in that court as having interesti and obligaiioni dif tim,l Trom those of ter ;hubnd." J!e neaped in the woodti but from the clreumj may initituti a tuit by ntr ntxl frttni fanoe of there being aomc dead bodiei on deck, agatntt him, and ahe may obtain an order other, floating In the water near be etel,ad no defend aenaratelf . suits epainst ber l t'.e deck covered with blood, which bad run out treed one another. . It i a pity these moottcre in human shape could not be exrermlnitt-dTrara the face of tbe ocean. A French brig was cap. lured by them, 2d ult. 1 vessel plundered, and tht trrtt all murjertd h : -. - . - Ren. Doyd, late of the U. 9, army, has Veen appointed naval officer fur the port of Button . Mij. Henry Lee, has reeetvrd tbe appointment .Uba.acup?lcv the, preemption H thai the! ""T ZZ.ntn pirates quarrele ' amonthemtlvea,andaURh.f ,ft q"7 tntf eourt-.Tfllf order Wrn 10 make ber a reasonable aLowanxx in money to carry on ibe'ioiri 7 Mr. ylJami and hit .Vrw Jtrtey Fntndt. A self appointed committee iu N. Jersey, has written,! complimentary letter to Mr. Adma on his retirement from office; . i t j . . .. 1 ami wr. ncjams naa written an answer, Mlmler, who. it is reported, ia lo be sent on some kind of a miion to the itland of Cuba. . .ejt Cawjn The public wuuH do wed to be on the look-out for counterfit l!lor$, ai consid erable quantities are said to be in circulation ta the Wert of ua. One kind purports to be a M exican dollar of 182$ 1 It weighs iOd grains, being 10 grains lighter than a U. R. dollar. On aaaaying at the Mint, it waa found to contain but 40 cents worth of silver. Another kind purports to be a Ferdinand dollar of 1816. It weighs 338 grain, being 28 grains lighter than a US,. dollar, and, contains 31 1-2 cents worth of silver. 1 ' " - - Tbe manner in which these counterfeit are executed, render tVm eitremelv difflrah of detection so much to that even an experienced eye could no ditcover the fraud by merely in. peeling -the external mi face., - - Last month (he ceremony of removing the firs' earth for the foundation of a cotton factory at Athena, Geo. waa performed with treat par. ade." Thr taorgixh ' ahd a sptrtt-tbaria de termined to fight the tariff folke with their own Hit r-amei "Wlwkey ." aud e presume Lc i, weapons. . A'aaA. to wcil known, tha it will be unnrreanary fur of Consul General to A Igiera, in place of )tr. j anj , ,ery we wriuen document it is, as to style and manner Mr. Adams de lends bis administration in modest terms, and gives a biographical sketch of the characters of the men compoaing bis cabinet. As they were of his own select ing, it may be inferred tbat the picture is highly colored, it is highly colored throughout j no one cn recognise the glowing, intellectual statesman like por traits, of Mr Hush, Mr Daibour, and Mr. Southard, as ihev come from the pencil of ' Mr Adams - NotJet os eupposertnar all their tilenrr industry,-atqunemeoi: public spirit, and public usefulness, a claimed for them by the late Ptendcnt, are truo and merite!, how it it thal tht late administration, under such able meti. should " have been so" lull "oT e rrur " arVd" oT dif!iulty; so devoid of public uuli yi and so decidedly unpopular wtwi tr.e 11 a us to describe him : our only objrci it to raie a bke and cry, that the people nuy tnrn ou'. ami ford. Conaiderable quantities of potatoes are ; ttop kjro, to cnj that be my be cnJineU Droogbt here from Aiie, ines, ana uravson, ppet ,t fin Vit einia and sold at from 75 cents to a dol- farabiuhel! Where, by a li tie more aMen ticm to the eulMiro of that necetiary vegetable, all the money apenl for them might be kept at Demau 'uilJinj. The farna of potator. or potato fiarclt, i aid lo make an elegant pud- amp. 1 he tonowmg are tne irijrredienta : 1 0 one quart of toiled m Cthmbia. The New-York Enquirer haa re ceived late intelligent from CarthaKena. " The mail from Bogota arrived at that place on tbe 24th ul. bringing date to tb 8th idem. The ' ' variiafir'a'fa waiters, Jva:t 1 1. . Tnur an .Vr-i. The late fount frmn land to the Til ti!t, hve oreionej a fin Her Jo r line in fl iir". and we rdue.e our qigt hon Uj t7.ll for itijvrfifie. at whi.ti aleh'? hen mdn.' ' That brought into Market Street enntinuet lo be very limited, and sles from wj;oni at 7.Zi t fjT.'J 1-2. t ,iMfn, Jprit 3J.. Cotton 9 to It, flu I0J all, flour 7.VJ to r, earn 5) to 52, ctiects 3 tu 4,tI!wSaf. 1 C.'-n, ,fwd H....:,CoHon 7 to f I, flour 4 J te If -NM of tha ig'u, UmI IVata '..Camdaii. mHli6toyi wlcnt rjl. Ori, 41 to 44, oali3ii, salt 75, whiakey ?5 to i$, tut on 7 to . , m. 2 '""m . 1 t H PV " - m ' iiunmnn.-'fim. iAumot .a v, uo-i.-. , - iJS7, wheat M e.t 4J a-4V, b, con 6 to Tt brand v apptt I I tn 40, old pacli ilw V0 a gl, whWkryJH '0 3 1, Waf lohareo 'J to 12 J, North Carof na bank bils 3 diaroutit, S. Csro- i ffJttm$tT Jjf1 '17- rlmtr 7.7$i cotton - -fl to 10, whi.key 21 to 22, baeon 9 tllc ') :z In Orange county, on WednewUy evenirigtb 8th inat., Mr. jn MwpKe, contort of the" Hon. A. U. -Murphey, in the 49ib year of bcr age. - - 7. In Anrupuli, Maryland, after a lingering nJ neat, Mr. Mary EliiVeth Revell, wifg of Mr.. Martin V. Heveli, !! 'T KaJia'mry. .IHiXTlftTUX. CHARLES fl. Pr.LTUN, efs. will be aV sent from Slitbnry, far aome week, after the 4tU May neat. I'er hi ib tiroiitof availing themklve tf hi' ptofi-i'inal Ct-rv'n ea, will pleae call tj him at Mr, illemong'i during this weea. iv SaKtbur;, ,7 27A, I S :9 TI-'N likel.- ytmng Sgr Hrn, front 16 'ta 30 yeaea W age t Utr heb Uie peieeS w'iU V I nrormnritiirAVvvnVctV. TUKIH'.Aft a belter r.-rirel at tl -4-frP'V in Coueord. fUburni county. N '' 1 imi.-tiote lift winter, tlirrd. d lo Hip tub. criber'i and hVing taken out of the office by one ol my neighbor, it rol dej'roved heloro . C t 1 . I L . . -i 4 tion ? The Profile or Ar .Uami mu.t I r'c,lir'i:"i) ". : thiel, then', to r, queit be in error: "Vf ho aball''dcr'i(lr?"' V. T mjiiirtr. . The Canra. Only that portion of the Gangea that lies in the must direct line from Oangoutrl and llundoolce, in the. snowy mountain of IlimiUya, down to ..ilh-.i-rkfcr Kit i( mf'1 -onteitif houM tbi adver(ii:menl mir Ma rve. 3v m wr.AVER. CatKirruw r. .v. r. ,lpr,i 2ln, IS.?. w t i. . :. ..1 . -p ,u. it -m r.L ruary. on hia way to Quito, with a diviaion of! S'nur i.Uns' ' ' onalleted holy by the Vuckei VotU Lost FjnilK ftherirer lout a pix.kcl.uuuk. on th1 JL 1 9th iut. bitwurn aii')iiry nod Jacob Coli-man', (nrr (Innrtml) which ewi(ainfd RIO hill on the Bunk of Vigita, rt-e.npt from I, Jarratt to mr, and timdry olhrr pper, rich 'the army, for operation in that qutrter. brahminical IlirjnMs. 1 he llooirly, there I The Bogota Gaze'te. of the 8th March, i fore, is super.ll,iriu!y revered as bcini; 1 a judgment. &e. Whoever fvu i, h'l bn vatea, that Col. Obande lia.1 some to Ventaque- j an imrjortant branch of the true fianires, I reard-tl for leaving it and H- content with thn jiomr -and every dolluf tin. saved, would add . j- , , r . . ried bU pardon from Dolivar to Fwto. They ! ' ,fc ' " -u-'-iu . WmueHo lW 1 p.lrtmaRC tofioutr, (where 'J,.e river ' , " , , ' flour, well jHilveruedi quarter of a pound oil There was a report that Obande had from 1 issues into day front under a mound of 3-5' ''' ";ugarr.naiR it fWW-rB&W . ,tl " '-egWahd bake ha'f an h.r. When--weir-f. P'' bi' sto Qiilto. Gen. Santaref wol kUi, imj the beicth of more than ten ZW .r... the reeer.t term of - - Drot)errv j.-:. j, JCZlr" ahouaand feet above the IcVcl of the se.,) - t ... . - - - v -.... - ka.M,w Mivjr wai,,4uiiMv liMavaaerfvei IOC VirVUll Vuui IW i7iiwj vytjat-i;f.staii uiasa .T stttsf ' v J4... . r,T - v r . fcd .inio tftejei ui, tome differed . . r l . t -rinrw ew m.fVfivi-giiTg i niiiu ti i a "mr wttrr- trews r. : -j V-..v -e.... - .vtfinwrviwo ausncca oi me rcace m j ':.,,vi "r- : r being the abducers (or murderer, a the cane ' Jone CMinty ,n xhi b' virtue of n act of Holivar had iawed a decree for a convention to may at) of H VUim .fBrrn, for hi. revtlations Uiem in iuch c"w mJ tnd P'l' be held at Bogota on the 2nd of January. 1830. . ... . ... r . declared four nrpro men who are mnauava nd I' aa perfectly tranquil at Carthagena, and -tfMMoary;..oie.otjbe.tsueesca.rrfued i .X' " ""lu a a,oufideutJyi ebeved ibat jbuiiocH would nswerT elSiSneTtrorpoOTMw rrnt Ntk,"S-!" -the ml,4mPwe i ndjury,aU-gi,.g,aaaex tbe prperty of tba . I Z Z :" "ttereby"aimlnafe-'blmsetf live ..iithorized any. and The Adam prevaea, generally, apeak of lh weni into court, where the Tinerion-whether ' 11 Pw,' kill and destroy said negroea, r7,ewTot.marter General aa a mild fcjoking per- argued, by Mr. Griffin for the witness, and Mr. , bxxX ,l " cIlcl1 for " mny CM?. by ne num. ofr hetd, m,e button. Do these journals think Spencer (special counsel for the state) on the her lH dep rate character of the fugitive to flatter tbe Postmaster General from doing opposite tide: the court finally decided, that 1l'in tU- wtera part of the itate. hie duty r .VoA. the aner woidd not i-rplicate the wi-e, and i)i,tfmf,er in -Laudanum. If said to be v vi. n Th. .hln r.rn r.., artmtdv for the distemper in ddgs. And a Ma'er, arrived at thii port during the last lit or of the Western Carolinian, in Saliibury, or aith anv peraon from whm I ran ffet it. . -MIS ITKRCC. .jpntX)th, 13:9. ' 3t66 UUVV. iVA Jtfc a.1 tkttsvttjef til ar aaawaw ff fi t im fl t l flf 1 a, i a roun-au me id ay e a,oi 1 r a nsrjj igx mm In a future world, and preserve him from , " many trouble in the present slate. The water there ihey eMeetn pure Uut they say it will neither evaporate norjhe coriie'f'orrupt TTv" beKisr e"bt "or transnor- f tcrt For it medit tnitiiwe iorul S3 OgfSKmoirjetyJKantly rr on this account drunk evet l,y wpv ,.xiTr)f .ftf the ,art. .Mjnome.aii ds wcu ai mmium , JL and lesiament ol Mary Johnston, late of tyoJrArxlul llkeem, tb o;bca..ul.ifliab"lla(iaa.tounty, .decU.r.e(i'jetjiJperonr har nmr, neir the west cons: ol India, utidj ing claims agaimt raid eate to pnTcnflurn' above a thousand miles travelling distant v, I ,'KI" authentif at, within the Mme prewnbei! that he was bound to give an antwer. Dut by the- irre -of - hi-oMe4, -nill -rfijd to answer, and was comm'rMed to prison for a contempt of court. Dahney S. Carr, Eq. late editor of the Ralti- more Republican, a Mai-nch Jckon paper, has corrr-pontlefitof the A meeieeft Farmer wyathat 'romJ "v".wenc5 ne..',e1 " ",e . . rt ... . ,. ... Jth of March Hvthi arrival, the editor of the leaden eVtrfrfe (three bullets a.doae) ad- Ctmmmiltl .Uht hare the London papcra ministered toaistempered tfogi, win cure mem. 0f the 2d, and of the evening ol the 3d of March. No do'ubr of it, if udnunittered in the rieht vav. There was no abatement of the Anti-Catholic u Ibe Wne, a trm-monthly Literary an J Miaccl- tbe Duke ot Newcanle gave not been appointed naval officer of that port s it i. a (;"-' ' pukliahed in pamphlet form, .hould move a call of the llouae on the day that . 1 . . .. .k. m c iii. c r- ... micht be fiKed for bringing into that House the Ibcrative office. Editors of paper are the park liorc of party j and arc generally n unceremo niously turned on the commons to starve, after , bill for the removal ofCatholic disabilities which. street, i'liiladelplua. Each number contains 8 ! he Mldi he should designate a " a bill for op- pages imperial 4 o, ami every third number will pressing and injuring the King, and for tntrodu- n 1 l. . . i, n-i. J t . their .ervice. are no longer required, a. old j a handsome coppe, plate engrav ng. 7 horses are when worn out by hard labor. We have receiver a .peamen number which Suaex, and the Bishop of Bath and WVU. took may be seen at our ofljee, where subcnp- in tcf,ve part. The Archbishop of York, on the tion will be received. The price i gl 50 per presentation of a petition, sai l h's opinion with annum. All orders, either to the publisher, F,d- re,Pfct 0 th Ca'holic qut bad undergone .... . no cnanre. tie anew noining anoui me oii io are therefore gratified to see, that the People'i President is disposed to do u justice, by re warding us according to our varki. eaja -The electrons in this stale -. Virginia TJecHmi. Juve iuu taken- place but aa 4b. returna are L , .... "obT parmTTwelvitr WaTtTmpTT(Tg'tvrThe re. ettWU- 11 -Tile lilt t" t llsw rexaw lawilaa'ti latst m aTlltaf '4U1 m! er ft I ailfa T V. ivvkv TT 1 " ft V V V VF B " a t let Mer. Archer.- Stephenson. P. P. Barbour. Trezvanf, Allen, Mercer, Rives, Taliaferro, lioane, and-Smyth, is nlsred beyond dotiht. ward Morris, or to any of hit Agent, must be be jptflucedi but if it ma.le adequate sectiri pct? tn advance, ana jtaentpyinaii, J JMff...jUet for ..the gsiabbwed church, he would sup OFrf.flS T pMHawonal scrv!cfa -o-luiii,4niaIiWry.iul LLe-aJJaccntcuuiitr JJc battKcn:.. I -" the Slon of"f- rerrsnd, where be nii i al limrs be found, except when on po ftsaional lniinel. .iprilVth, 1829! JM " N,"jT." 7fe' hf"fiift received, from riiiladel phia. a good selection nf Frrfh ohtinrt. V ..r .'X .1 r t t JL . ' - 1, - although a Mahometan, oevrr tlr-Mik jdv thing else. .iccountt from SeranioK.'- KCtfU M TUP: JMUh llT.S. Satiitiury 1'rnii, .fhHl ?5rt Cotton li to 2 cent, corn X to 5, pork 3 50 to 4, b it - ter 8 to 12, flour 4 to 4 50 per barrel, whea1 VJ excitement- In the timisewrf Ird, tn the Sd,-4w60, Irish potaloe 4Uto 5U,awecldo. 4li to 50, T ice that he brown sugar 12 t.i 15, coffee 16 to 22, att l.'JS to 2.50, honieipun tlotb 18 to 3U, whukey XV to 2J, bacon 8 to 9. Fayrttcrilte, .lpril ISih Cotton 7 to 8 35 bacon 0 to 7, peach brandy 55 apple do 40 to 42 J, butter 10 to 15, corn 40 to 45, fleed 9vi, flour fc5t0 7, lard 7 J, molate3 a 33, tugar 10 to U, salt 75 to 85, tallow 8, wheat 1.20, whitkey 25 to 21... ...I!. S. bank notca I J a 2 percent, pro- mium, Cape Fear, ditto, a 2. Charleiton, April 13 Cotton 8 to 9J cent., four 7 a 8, whiskey, 28a 28, bacon 5 to 5 J, hama 7 1-2 a , bel kind "of bagging 20 to 23, call 49 to j 40, corn 43 a 48, colTee 12 to 15 N. Carolina bv law, or this roliri- ill be plead in bar nt their recovery 1 and all pi raon indebted, aK desired to mrike pivment immrdiste'v. TIIOM VS ( RUtiE. .. , NATHAN CORNEL, "Jtiii'?0iK1 828: 5mt7t Uoov 'wvu in ViYUa, t vn MLIL BV virtue of a deed of trust t me rxeftited by Nirholai I.ildwick, 1 hiM erpnn tn sale, on Tuesday of Itowau county cotirt 111 May next, a tract of land on the main Yadkin River, at the mou'h of Dutch Second Crerk, contain ing tVn hundred and two acre and a half. The land is said to be of the lci quality irr thu rc ti'in of the country, and is well improved. All the ncceatary houses and niit-hntisea for a amall family, are on the pn-miseaj nd aa the tale i to be for tnih, it ilhouglit that the land will go at less than i' value. HAMILTON C. JONES, 7V,fe; Jpril8h, 1829, 6(67 - Hi r: '1 1 IK . ewa.-.(i-l.j - ! I. . If - 7 ... . vk.'.S kit . 9 ,'tnk"MllT "iticrnnM . liMmk't 1 v'l fill I, i' li'lu''Kr',i ius..wai!SEev j w ... A.k t"A k.... A. r..i r fi .... ...).. ditto. If I iit'lit'ion for divorce. In thi ' U - . . j necessary 10 aiopi some measure iur uic enure f ewmftiri, fi. V. Jjprtl 17. UOtrnn 0 to 31 ' "' " V '. . w.m w i. ma . ! :-.: .. I'.ilw.l;. f... la . n.' . ci.i in ... tt 1 u ... 111 ilctendiint 14 not all lllhatjilunt nf tlw ful.- it ia i: I atable occupied by Mr. .Ilajman , . 9 J- . ! therefore ordered by the cotirf. that tiublieation t! MriMMl- 4be 12tlu-..4-r.uMa.iia km,. AWiml tar-Weikuf..lii u..-i tuu -'.,. n.,-at. .liafiount..le made, for aix week 'm the Western Caroli. ... :..iS st roved A barn ant F.evji in Camden-,- horsc was "burnt to death in the stable. KaitiJlPllliefiJ Pamrlent. a member of tbe- legislature -of 4bA "Tbe Contest irt Vh rerv eliisi rietwen "Mr. Loyal, and Mr. Kenton, (the old mem.ber) n the Norfolk district. Mr. Lefiler. havinir de hned, Mr Drldwlgpi ane lMrfJohrtofiT ee'the' oandidateaih thar'MiMrirf-tlnddricfge.if'p'rbb4 aoiy elector; In WrRIiridoTprs district, ho 'gtaterTrp -, decliiea, the ronton i between JpuldiH,Crumpr.s. -, ,-. . - .".f 0ft. Millce it ppaf to be the. oniuioH of tlieli i?Jarjn, In tbe toi b pfLeedaitale'of M"alne', best informed that Judge pouldin will be elej- Gen. Jackson was last winter.abot. ip. fffigy. officers were looking on : town flwer, all these e Craig of Montgomery, and Fleming B. Miller men, who suffered the disgraceful transaction to doubtful werethe wndidrte!. the result Uke pace immediately before their facea, were I turned out, and Jackson men put in their places. ' ""Sssai"! , . Mrloaenh Potter: 7,rSi.h, ,,- Hw. W-WW Bomg on York, wu presented, by his wife, with twins, on 'lltelor?0' "T' while eil'tbe peace officer, : a Close one betwexn.Baas tt, the old member, , , , - , and Mr, Coke.- In the Botetourt dist-rict, iW: the reccnt eleetHm foe tfl siri or March? he named one Andrew J. """lm J III 1 Benjamin XV. Wchard. Esq. has been etect' a Mayor of tbe city of Philadelphia, in place of o. M, Dallas, Esq. appointed U. 8. district ttorney. ""ef . The Hon. Uuit MeUne, of Delaware, h appointed by therPresident of tte United B?V Mllw'ster to-F-PgWi. n ple of 'Maiguerade Balls have become so fashionable and frequent in Vew-Yorlt, that a law has been paSSCdijy the1egWaforeof -that stater npig a penalty of glOOO on each and every of them. Col. Robert Armstrong it appointed Post Mas ter atr Nashville,. Tennessee, in plaice of John P. Erwiri, removed. Charles A. Hill, Esq. of Franklin county, is a candidate for Congress from tbat district, in op- ppsitWto Robert fetter, Esq. . ' etrury, ') earohna nk BiH S to ? per Wiltrhire, for which place be wm sorn in and 'lieori Bault Hills 1 J lo 2 per cent, discount. too his seat on ne ati. vVRa0ua,.tb litbFtbrua isioac(..s.Bd.;gQ!i ... ere sold at reaaonabje peicifUJiijU reonttfued ,o e IreaTt with distinction bv tbe Porte on the 24b Janua- were not broken olT. The scarcity pf provisions at fionirantlnnrile tai ieruiblv felt T ahdTanrn'iV mmprs prevailed as to the course the Port e l wouk; adopt u xMMt qutnee. . , , Egyfit.M. Champollion, the younger, has written a number of interesting let ters from Egypt, describing the progress of the1 French Scientific expedition Egypt is described in a state of much po litical peace and prosperity, on account ndri nian, printed in the town of Salisbury, I hat tle- r a- hii. hM.iT. anrce. ami it liokinir im a i tcnuant appear at ie .next court t be held fop fiHlii."-"lt.iBetrtt WfAdj sale at 50 to 56 eta. frdmt the county of rWainwA the second 'Monday f-' the waggoris ' ' :':--';'r:r"-:'"!':a 7rTfi;ir't or httle The di mand conrihQcl very limited, but judgment pjuj ..icanfkttJKUjieJrjilefeil. and the 3KXjf0K nod tseaiwr. ' it !t ' ' . it . I. .. ., . . '. II K"l . - - . vXIleckidljaid court, at rJde. the 2d Monday -ltrnn$to,AprH13 . Cotton to4,flax40 ,srftjrl Mtlmtlmei. tt I329-- C -to 13, flour 8.50 to 9"..0(), corn 40 to 45. eheere 7 ft68 11 Y.. GILES, CTk. -Vi C. to bVapide brandy 3i to 37, tallow 8 to 9. J ' i - ' u "' ': ..- ,- WAOONHRS, - Cincinnati, Ohio, April 1 .... Cotton lej.fea. I .J)tivkz to FaWffCPlile, ther 23 cents, flaxseed o7 to i 40 flour 3 40 o . fim1 jf to their .i,nta?e, Mop a 6,Kenhaw .alt ."JPnU f 1:' W the ll an Yard, where5 i-eery eon. appledo. 37, whiskey 13 to 2A tallow 7, tobac ; . for Mm af(J HoWf tf m,k(, co S to o cent per Ji. . . - : s rtm comfortable, at shemoderate charge of - AVw-TorJt, n7 16 Cotton 10 to 12, flour cent a day and night, for the privilege of thn 7.19 to 7.35, cnUnn bagging made of hemp 19 i Yard, the te of a good honse, fire, water, and er 2l tol20ern1Sfi f Hi powerfuiaiulalulary icBueMfi .jsfki 2L wheat 1.60to 1JTU, oak tann'd sole shelter. Attached to the Yard, are a l-roceiy the present Viceroy, rompey $ pillar hss been discovered to rest upon a founda tion of ancient ruins The gentlemen wbo compose the expedition are in good health end spirits; they arc every where well received, and invited lo panics by all consuls of thr: WcVuWcTetiT. uT AJcsv ...; .'! - :i. salt 45 lo50, apple brandy 36, to 40, whiskey 6 tionary, and t House for Hoarders and tJlMlgr, to 3J, leaf tobacco 3 to 12, yellow beeswax 23 to . in a plain, cheap, wh"leome and emfifort 24 Nonh-Carolina bank bills 2J per cent. aDie.styie. r uyftintue, ir 4MM8V.' 'uy di'count, South Carolina lj, Georgia 3, Vir ginia 1 percent, do. J'aAt7e. Ten. Ativil 3J........Cotton 7 a 8, i flour B.CrVlard 6 to 7, whiskpv 25 to 37, IkHow 6, alJP 4iMlied, and expeU aUuoXit kiuxUefoit f C4ro,?r?a Bnk ''!' to ?T-m TciV. d.). . 'I lunaiie at Oils olljV. , . 61 aVegru wMau to lte, J BTlY the day, week, or months ho is aWe ?.! ftft,t - At S X' 1 1 1 ,i , ' v-'"' .. ; .. -...'--: - ' f - .- ...-'.''.::. ' '" .. ''"''I ' J7WV '