Pffr S.UJSnUKY, JIOWAX COUNTY, N. C... ...TUESDAY, MAY 3, 10237 VOL. IX.....NO. 465. - , T f I M ....... Al lfc WW f PMIf f ... ,trM, m4 III .. , tiJ Iff.". f.f ... . - . . ...1 " wajrr. " rt 4.H.H IT I,;.. Ik 14JIM, "! all . V 44HIp " m t W" ' Mill M r 4 ..M v1 f um4 r mA' . pif mi or .on a. credit. for approved paper, new, - wen made fntkry; mose ' who with to supply them- LTP5 - selves h vehicle, fc -;' -.rr:rus7"uidtdo weii apply .) ' 1 ,,.,. luon, m it b believed o fivoraHe an opportunity to procure one, will pet iooi Otter again. . WJWAKI) CKLM. 5diihHrs,F ib. rih, 1129. 54 aw V cY4iiniV& Stag lAne;, 'r ftS". . .iT-i T 4 "i operation, from &il:tel4LrjilM. llncqloton, N. C. to . ; Uran'i Station, Ten newt vhtcii i tl'f ituricirt rout from Kaleiirh tr Xttusi!l, a 'tit fully apnear on elimination the follofrinr distance vii. Frxw. Raieir b to HIibnv, 1?0 mile. From tbence to Morjtntun, 80 Trom tbf ncl to Athvillr, - W From then to Warm "prinjjl, 33 Jrora tbence To Newport, 2J ratif aH.tolCnrport; wbereloi line interaeeti th other. 3ir Trae!Ien from tf eouth of Raleigh, and in - tfce, neiithbofbood. of. Fajrj.!'xili?, wili fiw it . .BUthJhe prefermble and ihorteiit route for them Btr4rl In linonifle, r" thai acdion i bf tbuh try. That part of tbii line from Aihfille to Warm Spring, pae over a new and elegant Turnpike Uuad, runnipr the whole riinUncr on " thebiufT'.flTie' fiver, affordinif t the traveler the moat rvtnintic, pictureaque and pIcMirg view imafinahle f The stage linef from Columbia. S. C. ami Fay etteville, N. C. inrfethi line at Lincoln ton t the line from Auginta. Ceo. i't'eneci it at h villej and the line from Islington, Krntucky. interaecti it at Newport. -Thm rt will be aren that lacilitie are afforded fir travellers tu reach any auction of the CniteJ States ( and the wfo. criber honei uch manifett advantagvt, will ccure hit line tbe support of a discriminating public. S.VMUFJ. NF.WLANI). Marganton, X. C. Mirth 23, 1829. 3mt7J hy autiiokitV. .jtmr mm. lUtomMUtk ungual j iu .t Vr CMJ?tf, j - ' An Act lo luthorize a SubdtDtMin for stock. 'r lt part of tke. United States, la the Lauiaville ,and FpruKj CnM Cpmj nj. BE U rnatltd tu the Senate and llouir if ' firjircientativei if the Vnitti Sahi m America in Cor.rt$t atemMeiti ThaTThe &f crctirf of the 1 reaaurv bcr nod h hereby it, solhorlzed and directed to tub crib for or pnrchase, in the name and for the tite of the United States, an stock frhicn may have been forfeited io the Company, and which ah 41 be undii poaed of on the fourth thy hf March next not eiceedinfj thirteen hundred and fifty sharcttof the Capit.l Sio k"of the Loula ville end Poitland Cnal Company ; and io pay lor the aume, when called upon by avid Company, out of any ruoney in the irrvy, not oiherwue annronr ated ' is g - Provided, Said ahire can be hid for aum not exceeding one hundred dolUra each See 5. J be ii further enacted, Ths the a. id Setreiary of- the Treaury abal voic for FreaideM and Dirccori of aaid QlOTrjynrt otdmttrj tech - number o thares and ihall receive, upon the u atock. the proportion of ! he toll whiih ahallfroni ijmip tirrie, bt due to the yemed Stale Ior .lhcj'cfc aforeVaid. A.iTEVt.NSON. SpeaVer of tlie Houae of Kepre irntatirei. J. C. CALHOUN, . Vice Freiident of the L'nifrd Stttei, and FreiTde'nfftf the ?etwte; Approved: 3 March, 1829. JOHN QI INCV ADAMS. "iVatch and Clock Maker t and Jeweller t, ,cjurlotte;k.c TAVF. lust received an M ljaita'irffrtTrt T artlclea in "their Tiiie ; which they will Sell very low for cash. Or to mine. rc' "it cuatomeri,.po cred- tCT All kinds of U'atcbea repaired, and war ranted to perform well. . July 3J. 1828. 23 THE subscriber bat just returned from ihe North, with as good an xs sortm. nt of Javrlry, Watches, SilverJVare, as wns eer offered for ale in this place; Lis Jeae'ry is of the latest imonrtationa. ami the - -ijioat -ltioable and eleganl ItintlMq be had in any of the Northern Cities; elegant Gold and Silver M'atchct pUin Do. ; Sc. Kc. And in a few da, he will receive a very elegant annort ment of Military Gaudt. Also, al! kinds of W itr-lt'atr, kept constantly on han'K r flde4rt order on ahort nutice An ot winch will be vm lower than such roOl were ever disposed f beforA in thi nlact . The public are reiprcifullv invited to call atuf examine these gocMls; thrir richness, elegonce, and cheapness cannot Fail of pleasing those who w ish to buy. All kinds of Watchtt Hrpnired, and warranted to keep time : the shop is two doors below the court-hf use, on Main-street. ROBt .WYNNE Salitbury, Marth 30, 1829. 20 N. B. I have recently employed an excellent 'workman,' Wlio vrtrt in future be constantly in aiv Shop i ao that those (lisposed to patronize me, in mv line of business, nerd be under no snore "Tiensiofulfi eonsecniem;e of -my- coaaionaljib. sne - K. WYNNE. MONEY WAXTIW. ALL those indebted to the aubcriler, by . note, or otberwise& are hereby notified to all immediately and make payment. This no lice will apply more particularly, to all -thoa-w4)o4o-not live ialihe immediate neigh- borh bnd of Salisbury. BOB RT W VNN E. da. I 1 " hw in Roitian and Surry Counties JESSE KERB Y and Thomas Oaks, executors - f Sam'L Kerbv, William" C. Bird and others i Supreme Court, December term, 132H. By virtue f deeref made in the above cause. I shaft expose to public, sale, before the.court houve door, in the town of Salisbury, on Vlon. day the 18th day of May nest, about I'AXi. acres of hnd, be, the same more nr less, on the Yad kin River, in the counties of Sutrv and Howan, it being the tract of land sold by Sam'I. Kerhy in 1ms life time to Jonathan Dalton. Terms of "WteTTiwelvernd igbeeir- the purchaser entering into Bond with app-oved ecurity, payable to the Clerk, and the title to tbe land to be retained until the payment of the Purchase money. - JOHN L. HENDERSON, C. S. C. - - SHERIFFS DEEDS, OR land soU by order of writs rvenditioni at thilofiic? 1? -v cpcra., i?r a;e - svhiki U7. An Act mating additional appropriations for the Mipport of the Navy ol the United States for the tear on", thousand eight hundred and twenty nine. J1E it rnactrd by the Senate end Ifoute of lteirtientativrt nj the United State$ of America in Congmt attemhtrd. Thit. lor defraying the cxptnscs of ths Navy for the year one thousind etght hundred and twenty nine, be, and the umc arc hereby, respectively appro pi lad in , addition to Jhe acycr! iums appropriated by the act of the TwttiTy foUitU-vr-ZI)'i &n t bout in dred and twenty eiebtt to-wit F For tbe pay and aubstsience of the oCTi cersf and pay of tbe aramen," other than ttose afnavv yards,' shbrC stations, and-in oidinafy. nine hundred and eighteen thousand five hundred andourtcen dol lars ; lor pay, subMi'ence, and allowances ofcfBcrrSi and pay or the seamen at navy rarils, shore tiija,.na&4jlul and xa.vir, dinary, one hundred end sixty" 1 wo 176U" urid nine hundred and thirty three dol ldr;1Torp3 of SupcTThteTtcTenrrrNavat constructors, and all the civil establish ment, a the several yards and stations, forty four thousand seven hundred and seventy seven dollars ; for provisions, three hundred and twenty four thousand three hundred dollars j for repairs of vea seTs1n'6f(TInir"vV"?in'd torTve?Tand tear o vessels in commission, three hundred ana fifty six thousand two hundred and fifty six thousand two hundred and fifty doi lrs ; for medicines, surgical instruments, and hospital stores, twenty thousand two hundred nd fifty dollars j for ordnance, and ordnance stores, thirty seven thou sand five hundred dnll.irs ; lor repairs and improvements at navy yards, one hundred and scven'v eicht thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; for de fravine the exprnses that may accrue during the year one thousand eight bun dred and twenty nine, to wit : for frieght wd mnsportation of materials and stores of every description ; for wharfage und dockagCj storage and rent, travelling ex ptoses of officers, and transportation of . . . .t'Cii l ,fr Jncis?rnfal jator tnavjr yrd not applicable to any Uher ipprepnefion for coj! and other fad fof forgeii found yjev and :em engvi for candles,"!, and fuel for vessels Iivconjmlssion and in wdintrjrY for re9lrf "inaglioM" and powder homes; fof reparinjp caouljifor snips to re built j n brjto other ob jeci or purpose wnaicvtr, one Hundred and Yiinety fle' thouiand dollars t for CdntlnRrnt'expenierfor-tbjecn-irislDt; ourin the year one thouund eight hun dred and twenty nine, and not herein be t . . .. .- lore enumerated, tnree thdusind seven hundred and fifty dollars i hr the reiro bursemcnt of the Marshal ol Florida) for expenses incurred in the cass of certain Afiicns who were wrecked tin the coast of the United States, and for. tie expense of exporiintr them to Africi. sixteen thousand dollars. The flowing sums transferred to the surplus fund i For the gradual increase oi the Navy, forty seven thousand six hundred and nineteen dollars, eighty eight cents; for survey of savannah by act of fourteenth Match, eighteen hundred and twenty's! x three thousand four hundred and sixty seven dollars and twenty seven cents l for capton of jWgerine vessels, by eels of twewjrseventb April, one thousand eight nundred tnd sixteen, and eighteenth of uay, one thousand eight hundred and twenty six, fourteen thousand six hun dred and nine dolHrr, seventy five cents lor pay and subsistence of the Marine Corps, ninety one thousand seven hun-' died sjd eighty I wo dollars for clothing tor the same, twenty nve thousand one hundred and twenty three dollars; for fuel for the same, six thousand seven hundred and thirty nine dollirsr; for con tingencies for the same, twelve thousand wo hundred and fifteen dollars ; for mili ary stores for the same, two thousand wo hundred and fifty dollars; for medi cines for the same, one thousand seven hundred and seventy seven dollars. et 2. And be tturther enacted, 1 hat he several auras hereby appropriated, shU be paid out of any money in tbe Treasury not otherwise appropriated. " WWrpved; 2 March, 1829. CMata 38. ghl-hHft- in Act makiw akiiinr kpprohtiation for the" payment of im .tUroratiowr ami other pn- moneiw of Xht- United Males tor the year one tliouHaod eight hundred and twenty -nine. " BE i enacted by the Senate and Houte "construction of new .wharf ilfort Dela ware tothousarid dollars." --- ' See. 2. 'And be iturther enacted, Thlt ibe several sums hereby " appropruted shall b paid out of any moneys , in the Treasury, nut otherwise appropriated. Approved! 3 March, i29.- - - . the seven sums hereby appropriated if Rcfi'ttentativei JtheVniied Staler OfJ'tU 'be'pBid biit ot any money in the j jiBaa..50... An Act making additional apprnpristiooa for eer tata fortifications of the Unitdd States for the YtvTMt "thousand tight rruwled.aml twea. ty-blne . HE it enacted by the' Senate and Ifoute o ' Reftretentativtt of the United State of. America in Cunereu aitemNed,'Thn the loiiowing sums be, and the same are hereby, in addition to tbe several sums appropriated by the act of the twenty fourth of May, one thousand fight hun dred and fwemy eight, for ce'ialn fortift cations of the United States, for the first quarter of the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine, to wit t for for tifications, to each specifically, af fol- ows I For fort -Adams, st Newport, Rhode stand, eighty thousand dollars ; for fort lamilton, New York,; eighty thousand dollars; for fort .Monroe, eighty five thousand dollars ; for fort Calhoun, nine tf thousand dollars j for frt : JUacou, North Carolina, fifty Uiousahd dollars , for fort at Oak island, North Carolina; orty seven thousand eight hundred and Ihirly.fpur' dollars; for fortifications at CharUaton, -South - Carollnar six f thou sand dollarsi for fortifications at Savan nab, Georgia,' sixty thousand dollars t for fortifiraUona at Pensacola. West Hoi Ida, buy five thousand dollars; for tort at Mobile point, Alabama, eighty thousand ollars; lot completion of the battery at Bayou Bienvenue, six thousand four hun dred and forty seven dollars and eighty cenrs; for completion of the sea wall for he preservation of George's islanrl, in oston harbor, seven thousand three hun dred and ten dollars and fifty four cents ; or repair of the pier upon which is con structed Fort La Fayette, and such other repairs as are absolutely necessary fot he preservation of that fori, thirty three thousand three hundred and eighty ix dollars and seventy cents ; for repairs at Fort Delaware, fifteen thousand dollars; for. repairs and conuncencies iil foftifipic lions eleven thousand. twohuudrcd and fifiy dollars. ':: ' :' :.y : i".' "'. 5ec. 2. And be it 'farther enntted, Tb ..,..1 ? r; seamen, house rent, champer r.ionc fuel, and candles to ofBtcrs, other than l h ose attac bed -!o the- na v y- y r d s. and s l a lions, and tor omcers in sick quarters, "where thee is no hospital, and for funer- expensesri - for commissions cletk-hire, piFrce rtaXf stationary, . and fuel to ayy ire-nts ; for premiums and incidental ex pnaet9& de serf eVr f for Tomprmattom - lrid Advocates, for per' diem allowance ' lor the persons attending crM martials and burts of incjtitry, and ta officers engaged on extra service ueyonci me limns oi their stations; tor printing nd lor sta tionary of every' description, and for hooks maps, and charts, nauttcdl and mathematical instruments, chronometers models, and drawings ; for purchase qnd repair of steam and fire engines, and for niwehtneFf i-for- rurbase.axid,.4miAtea.. ance of oxen and horses, and for carts, wheels, and workmen's tools of every de scription ;' for postage of letters1 on public service ; for pilotage ; for cabin furniture of vessel in commission, and furniture for officers' house at navy yards ; fof a, . i a laxes on navy yarns ana puouc property; cc renrJcic;i rc.sciia-oi"i f?r ssiistance America in Congrett attembled, That the following sums be, and they are hereby, respectively appropriated towards the milhary service of the year one thousand eight hundred - and wentyiine- in addi- ion to the several sums appropriated by the act -of- the twenty fourth of May, one housand eight hundred and twenty eight, io w $ - For invalid and half pay pensioners, exclusive of a balance on hand ot one X . . . . hundred and eighty one thousand nine nundred and eighty dollars and nine cents, Iuriy.4wQ.thQusandone hundred andjhir tetn dollars; fot Revolutionary pension ers, exclusive of a balance on hand of one hun-tred and ten thousand six hundred sod fifteen dollars and seventy cents, four hundred and eighty nine thousand three hundred nd eighty four dollars Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the several sums hereby appropriated, shall be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved: 2 March, 1829. Treasury, not otherwiso appropriated. Approved : 2 March, 1829. acHBia 29. An Act makine appropriations for the erection and completion of certain Barracks anOUuar. Jsend me.proviaions ready cooked, in great abun " TivCatf .'TTIiinMrloia'aTaccoCpr'o expedition into the interior of Africa, he statM that he came near rettine "into a scrape wiih the old Governor of Vas,a-ctry of Horgoo, h whom he had hitherto been Heated very hospi tably) -by coquetting with a licit and buxom widow. He says: I had a visit, amontr the number, from the daughter of an Arab, Who is very fair, cuiu Her self a white woman, is rich, a widow, and wants a white husband. She is said to be the richest person in-- W'awa, having ..ihe best house Jn. tbe town, and a thou-and slaves SheJhowed a grest regard for my servant Richard, who is younger and better looking than 1 am i out aiie iuu pai ae! her twentieth ver. was fat, and a perfect Turkish beauty, just like a walking Water butt. All her arts were unavailing on Richard : she could not induce him to vieit her at her house, though he had my pcrmiaaion.' This widow, it seems, was not disposed to waite time bv making regular approaches, like those by which Widow Wadman, undermined the outworks of the unsuspecting Uncle Toby, but was determined to carry the citadel by storm. The widow Zuma haa been kind enough to tremendous breasts, and re sehH ss low ltfp ankles In hf ritfM UjU t,e bttd a fa madrf of atalaed graaa, of a siare form, t ht desired m to lit down on theerpet bti'la her, wbicts ,v . I, did, 'and she.neiriq filming me, an4"frit -- hump-Lick ta'brfn ri'jt'Ji- f fl'iiry" for me to ' ' " look at which eor.iirtrd of fourgo'd braeeletr r ' two Urge paper drtstlng-ea'e with tVwking. gUa, aad aevfralrriegv nf eor!( rlagv.. ' and brace lets, with a www of iir trigmp ..T. artidea. Afler . ' number tf emplimeats. " - and, ffiviflrme an. aceottnc of aO keV wealth. I - ' was led through am apartment tr.tea another. '" :" -'- coofcre ituind ems merited Y rtwterdiil.ii""" ')" and bright rttlni, Rh4 now told ma her husband bad beeh dead these -en i years, ihat ' she bad only one son, and he vu darker thai herself i that ahe loved white men, and would go to Boirwa with mtf that she would send for a malem, or man of learning, and read tbe lathe with rat. i thoueht this was carrying the Joke a little too fr, ttid bepn to look very enoua, on which aha sent for tbe looking glass, and Wking at herself, tbee offering it io rar, said. ti be sure shw was rather oMrr than roe. but very little, and what of that t This wa too much.' nd I made my retreat aa soon (a I could, de. termined neer to come to such cle rjuartan J with ber SKSiri. , i Maws is mkJ to contain fnm 18 U 20.000 ia. habitants, it ia surrounded bv a good hiitb clay all, and dry ditch ( and is described ss the neatest, most compact, aatd best walled town between It and Bodsgry. The ftrUowinw. hor- . eWrir, ia not very fla'tenng ofita inhabitanla. 'The virtue of chastity I do not brlieve to ex. it Jn Wawt. Fven the widow Znmt lets out her femlaa slaves for hlreilike jtlie ieatdf ihe' " .;"' people of the town, - Neither is sobritT htfd a virtue. I never was in. a place in mv lila where drunkenness wU so reneml. (knaraor. priasti'amt ftyman, Snd evrft .Ur of .th la. diet, rrrtnk to evex waa neatrad fur three or four days by the (WvermTiWiighrer, who used t come several times In a div. nalntid nd bedisened h the hiehest alvle" of W aaa fashion, but always half tipsy 1 could on'y get ni oi ner Dy leinng tier that 1 prayrd and mok ed at the stare all nigh', never drank any thing stronger than ra-in t,ir, uhichthey call my tea, literally hit vatir , she always' departed in a flood of tear Notwithstanding this want of chastity, and drunkennes. the) Sre a pierry people, and have betured well to me. They appear to have plenty of the neeeisariea of fife, and the luxuries, Some ,4 which they wmild be better without thia being the direct mad from llornu, UaiiKU, and Nffe,to Gonja, Dho. mey, and Janna." they a-e, notwithstanding, said to Se honest, cheerful, good looking, and Ihe men strong and welt made f psnly MahomcaJsns and psnly Ts -Kns.,,. UapVclappettOn tnirdeacribes' WldowV" " enl'-ee into the city, on a certain oresAion i "This, morning. the widow arrived ia town, wUbS-tbummerieatina: hefWrWsvhaaearw-- wm UJecked with oatrlcb'feitheral -i b-,w r - tpan walking on foot at the bead or her bin i . a train behind, aimed witlr bows, sword, snj - sp.-ar. She rode a-alraddle on k fTne Inirae, whose trappings were of the first order of this cnuntrir The hesd of theliorse ornarnpiiWft wtTh platti. " the neck with -brass belli, and chaims sewed in various coloured leather, auch as red, g'een and yellow; a ararlrt breast piece, with a hiais plate in the rentrei scarlet saddlecloth, trim. mir4:wjthkre tijt,-, ,. , tro wsers, and red morocc i boots j on her hrri white turban, and over the shoulders a i riii :v'i of silk and gold Were ahe some-a hat ymiiiger, and tes eorpn'ent, there might have beengrrat temptation to bead her party, for hc has err- ...I.. I I I . " - imiiijr uci;n a very iiaiHisnme . woman, and sucil ... as would have been thought a beautv in any country in Europe' 4 "lit - A I fit ft duncef -ever .7ioe I havw been here t.-N 'bat she has failed with Richard, she has ottered handsome femnle slave for a wife, if bring about matters with r . If . 1 ng mucn atraw or ner tnyn, anu .tera, and fee other pOTpOses,: : li HE it enacted bv the St nate and Ifoute of Rchrcncntativet of the United Statet of f aaeoe a handsome fc America k Congee., anclnWd, That lhe TSmScK fatrowmg SttfBS" ber and the, same, irc L.;,i,;nytflr ths interior arrangementof her hereby, approprlatea, to wn : , ,J or. the erection of a tower at uay.ou Dupre, Louisiana, sixteen "thousand six- hundred and seventy seven dollars and forty one cents ; for the (erection of bar racks for one company st r.ort aullivan. EasTpdftf Mainei two thotijand fi 4eJdjM;rfi.fb rsliIaSere New London, Connecticut, teri thottaand dollsrs; for the erection of new barracks for one company at fort oevern, Ann po is, Rlaryland, bve thousand dollars ; lor the erection or new barracks tor two companies at fort Winnebago, at the por tage of the Fox and (Wisconsin rivers, ten thousand dollars J IQ complete he barracks, quartermaster and store houses at fort Crawford, Prairie due Chicn, ten b&usanddolars ; for'the repair of the marineUfftTtfcki 1' e Wf'-W Washington, three tbouund five hundred dollars ; for the construction of a new wharf at fort McIIenry, Baltimore Mary and, one thousand five hundred dollars; for the construction of a new wharl at fort Coflstituiioqt Portsmouth, New liaropsbirje, six-Andred . detlara y fo? the house. I went and visited her. I lound tier house large, and full of male slaves i the males lying about the outer hutv.thejemalea mo-e in the interior. In the centre of the huts was a square one of large dimenrions suiyounded by a verandah, witb screens of matting all around except in one place, where there was hung a tanned bullock'ab'Hie to this spot l-waa-ledup, and on iti beina' drawn on one side, I saw the pet. like one ef our hearth.rugs, a Targe leather cu?Kton"-irwlef bei ,4ftlk.,knef i her gooCS pet; which was a large old-fashione(rEft1tfts'pwite mug, by her .side, and calaSah of water 10 wash her mouth out, a she alternately kept eating goora and chewing tobacco-snuff, the custom with all ranks, male or female, who can nrocure them ; on ber tight side lay a whip- At a little distance, souatted on the ground, sat a dwarfish, hump backed female slave, with a wide mouth, but good eyes: she had on no clothing, if I , except a profusion of utrings of beads, and coral round her neck wd waist. This personage served the purpeses of what, in old times" nad beeif-eatted-jt .psjc, .. The i lady herself was dressed in a white, coarce muslin turban; her neck profusely decorated with necklaces of coral and gold chains, amonKSt which was one of rubies and gold beads ; her eyebrows and eyelashea blacked, ber hair dyed iih '.iw'iirn. and her hands ami feet withht-nria : around her body she had a line striped silk rtd5 'cotton eoi;ft!rv.c?c!h. H-tt'cb e,T.e-f s bip? ss rtO AJd answer for skepticks and railers. ''he late Ilishop I tome, in anme remarki 'upon 'the -tontradtction-)F- Scripture, says : Pertness and ignorance mtiy. ask a question io three ltnest w hich ... it will cost learning snd ingenuity thirty pa ges to answer. When this is done, the same question shall be triumphantly asked again the next year, as if nr.tMng had ever been written on the subject. And as people in general, for one rea son nr other, like short objections bet ter than short answers in the mode of disputation, the Adds must ever be V us and we must be content with those of our Triendi who have honesty and eruditiontNcand"ur and patience, to study - both aidea of . the- uestmnj: ,1; I: i , i -?. r ' i ':' h . . . ' a . i' t . -f t 1 ' H ,.Young Botzaris.YouTig Demet. rius Botzaris, son, we believe, of the brave Marco, is now at Munich, where every tffort is making to furnish him with a first rate " edur ifion r 1 Ien a3 already made very rapid progress in theGtrnnW rhebfy;lind Iralstrpnrs urrvg w-coorte WlMmpFttMbifa Other Greek children ere with him at- act whose welfare the Emperor takes ts very lively interest, Jerry Bnow, very early in the mor. ning, was awakened by his companion", who said "Come, Snow, day is break ing. "Well, said SnW, " let it breakit don't owe me any thing." Fashion.- K writer in the Nantuck- et Incjuirer, recommends amongothef abomioahle fashions, thait boots and shoes be made like-glove?,, with tces a Li cm.. i, H -in t' 4' i '

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