-"-'f1 A- f U S A ! I 111 A i .S, 1- .BAUSBL'ttY KO WAN COUNTY, N. C..TUI:hDAY, MAY (VOL. IX..., .NO. 4t"6 fit Mf;. WW f "' ' 4 " f" I allaa !?, If -''' rinavv waM lliilili, ONft ii it . I. Hani ar f 4 p, 44.lMM.a. IU . II u r.u Ik. ffcf I. n SMI, M at .i. wk .' kV't V n-a ik.itjl'f. fwlut MUM HIM M. . ' rn Trtffna - A GEOGRAPHICAL SYNOPSIS, Bt P. BARB If, , yjI'HS work i ii tabular furm, and exhibits, at , JL. one vi-, the area Jri square miles, popula. f ion, government, rc ligion, ttate of witty, reven ue, military strength, scat rf government, largest HM-, river, mountain, with their di piecsionij tha latitude, mineral and staple production i with other valuable information of !1 the modem geographical divisions of ibe artb. - . . , It will be ppMiihfd on nne paper In f he nral. eit manner,' and delivered to lubacribert at 1 ercop7i or ?2.0'), if lined, and on rollera. , N. B. The approval of aeveral literary gentle men, who he examined the manuvtlpt it at. litctird la the autcribinf pr(ia irc'n. Suhiburf, K C. May Ut, 1829. 6 " v ..... irimlTate ?r rmr, for roA ; nmn i crrdil. for appro ed pam r, a new, c!l made ,vnJrr. Tloe (1L ul L"7 ,,,rn' -' -- tvon, u it it beliefrd to forWe at opportunity to procure ine, will xH HK3Vr (fiiw ED iV AttU CUESS. Saliibury, rtb.rth, 13J9. 34 Oranges, Wraons, CAti&ca. Ihe jiiit received fron C'liwWton, anotbar .joppjjr of - , C't.&a .vwre? . Orantt ' , : Large fine Lemons 1 Jin assort tfirnl o Carulici "lu?t X. Y. UuHcrCfactcrT Mackerel, fXo. i.Jaho , It. A. Dnviet' Malt Deer, Japtni Tin ll'are,..,.ani IriH . Do. Ifc. Vc. Uc. Which 1 oflVr for aale cbrao ftr cah. at idt Miaiiian-Tirnt, north oi ue uourt iiotiie. 3-67 WM. Ill NTF.R rhartttie, JpriWth, 1859. r7R0?f the" subscriber, a fiay Lm?rp3 jeara. LI1 t.!ii iprin& . f -arf it't A0?"' haivL high, and of a lUn i,X4.der 'orm- -Sbf baa a ftar in her fare, a 'id a lonp tail. Any j raon taking up f.vJ mare, and giving me information to that I get ber, UII be reaonibly rewanled by me, WILLIAM AMKr.TT. April 2 IM, 189. 3'6r Vockfct Wook iOt. TIIF. ubfcriber luat a pocket-book. on the 19th inat. between Sari'hurv aid J.cjb CoUmMn'a, (near Cotrord) avliicb contained g glO bill on tfie Pank of Augusta, a receipt from J. Jarratt H me, and sumW other papem, tnch a jailfmenti. kc. Whoever find 1l Lall h !!wMW. forlf"aviogit.nil V contcnta "hli ttUI Editor of Ibe it9tt-rti Caroliniao, in Salinbiiry, A wiiu any peraon trom whom I can Rrt it. ApMMih, 1829 StoS . Estate oi rlar ionston. T'TE'Sabafirtbera; Cxeeurorr of -the- btr-wiU and teatament of Marjr Johnston, late oT r Uiwurai coanty.-dcc'ik Tequeat. all ycjraoji; hay 4g daima.agaJwUa.id .eiae to present tliem legally authenticated, within the time prescribed . bv. Iawror.lbi noUca - -ill be. -plead. .in. bai.uf ' their recovery and alf pprsoiia ImleWed, , are iSf sired to makr fnvmvnt itrvrttediAtetv."'' THOMAS t'lUIGF.. ) tr . NATHAN CORNEL, May Nth, 1 828. Smtri -VGaoA YiwiWgin - IV n SALE. BT virtue of a deed of trust to me executed -4yNehoi. .Ludkkvl sltall 7po ta w'rion Tuesday of Bowan rounty court in May next, a tract of land on the main Yadkin Uiver, at the mou'h of Dutch Secdnd Creek, contain ing yh)tlre4 and t wo acreaaiul-aJuif. The f.od i d to be of the be.n qtiality in that sec tinn of the cwintry, and is well improved. All the necessary housea and out-houses for a small family, are on the premisea i and ae the aale is to be' for path, it la thought that the land will go &t lets than V value. HAMILTON C. JONES, TnMee. April Blh, 1329, 6t67 THE TllOttOUGH Bfir.l) HOKSC 1VTU.L aland this Pea y f son in the e-iuntiea of Itowan and Cbarrua rommencing the week in fatifbury, cm Mondlya, IiickI.v and Wednes day j in the tpwnof Con -i.v.i5.-D-- fla. anrt Baturdavs. The season will commence the l.t of March, and end t AugHt. Twelre n.liar will be charted for .a I a ... . 'n?.:r.?,0i,irva')Te f-n dnlUrs before the aea ton expire , L.ijht l,ir.ars the leao i and To. l'-rt..!l-iSi.'t. .-ur- fvi ' . s r -j ,r.F,,ni ,0 r-rirr. or redigret and dcacrtp- RTF.riIF..V L. TEHRAN iC CHAKI.ES U BOWERS. rl2A.1829 l3Ljltt Ah?. N. B. Great care will be taken to give ger.er al aitwetion 5 but we cannot be liable for aeii dent: Grain will be furnUhed, at the market firkc'.Q.uuri s acul from a distance. . Watch and Click Mutter and Jeweller $ CHARLOTTE N C. HAVE just received an rlrgsnt atsortment of articles in tbt ir line j which flu v will sell very low fi r rasli. or to punc tual customers nn a credit. (IT U km.ls of Hatches reDaired. and war- ranted to perform well. . July 3t, 1828. 2.1 ? zjJ? Auyimnrry.".- 1 ia"" r a t j !! itu UnitrJ Siaui) PoMrJ ta it Meant . ; . ( 1 If twmtrth ttttfrtu. ' . cai,A2. An Act providing fur tbt priwtingand bindinr m.-j Mmi cvin Df ip qir or lntt; -try Tacttca, including manmjvrei of IJgtit In. a . I al . a .a my ana mnenatn, anti w wner parpof ea. M rnut'ru (ry ic octiqic una llaUU of Urftrtitntativet 9 iht United Siatti oA imenca ii inrr memoir, J'hat the trreury of Vr be, rd he it bercby, VALUABLE PROPERTY . '. FOR SALE. 11Y virtue of a ck-ed of trust. rtJLP . executed to me by Eira Al kmone, there, will be ofFefea lalerwrr Monday, -the7 18th dar of May next, at the Mansion Hotel in i'lt town of oaiisbury,he following property, wt: The stock of Goods on band, consisting of a large akiartmftnt .nf drtLgomla utlery, which has been laid in with great care. Two likely negro women, and three children s -Two horses, one carryall and harness j One gig and harness, a ivperier article ; Some fine milch cows t ' St6ckoriog's,Tind a varTeiy'of other artT- ueif . . . . . . .. .... At ihe aame time, there will afeo be' ofierc f)rsale. the MANSION HOTEL, with the ad. 4Tie."Thit hmie it shed, and is not infe- ?Mv tii.atjy Mfh 'f)y;jv p flf.tjbe tte usvij irom .- to roprms In rt,J WK1 six niew cfTiccs aftachetl,.On the premises is a very superior Stable, calculteTto' bold from 50 to CO horses, a brick kitchen, ice-house, and all the other necessary out-buildings. There is also 'm the main building, fronting the main Btreet, an. excellent atore-room, counting and lumber room, and cellar on ilie awmeJfiii presumed 'urtner ascription, Will be unnecessary, a any person wishing to purchase, is requested to call MOXEY WANTED. ALL those indebted to. the eub?criber, by note, or otherwise; are hereby notified to rail immediately and make payment. This no tice will apply more, particularly, to all thnaf who do not live in the immediate neieh- 1or4WhWt Smjtg loU btlongtn tu ge, convenient, well finii ; and vie w thef ?emisSsr"T-lie H lurnuhed With new furniture, of an excellent yj!ity, which will be sold with or without the House as may suit the nartio. . . Also, 4 out lots, on the north arjuare of said t and the ititercst that the said Allemong f in the house and lot now occupied by Col. - E. Yarbrai... . . . vjerms f be made tnowfl on the day of le.j w tele to continue from dav to dav. R. 1L ALEXANDERTTTuSer" fl. 182?. V t rr - v-:- T'JE'tubacTibet has jost ... .returned - from- the- ortmf nt of. - - Jfioelryf Watches, SifocrA1'are;&iH: ai was ever offered for ale in this place ; bis Je-7 ft-oi 4.W i4test jmportattans,. and. the moaLLaluoiuddc juid elegant. kinda tube had Id anv nf the Northern Cities : elejrant Cold "Xtid S3xt-inuiLui pil!ilicicll-And.Iii a fe dava, he will receive a; very elegant asaort ment of Military Goid. Also, all kindi of Sil-wr-lt'nr; kept con?iantlv on hand, or made to order nn short notice All of which will be sold lower than such poodi were ever disposed of before in thW place. The public are re spectfu!ly invited to call and examine these goods; their richnes, elegance, and cheapness, cannot fail of pleasing thow who wiab, to bay. - AU kinda of Watches Repaired, and warranted to keep time : the shop is tw o doors below the cotirt.hme, on Main-rtreet. R0BT-.W1 NNE. SulUhuy March 20 IKS, .20, . .. N. B. 1 have recently employed an excellent workman, who will in future be constantly in my Shop; so that those disposed to patronize ne, in rov line of business, need be under no appre henstqn, in consequence of my occasional ab sence. R. WYNNE. mnoruxj and directed, trt contfacl titK Halliard, Or it- and G of Doiton, or some other peraon or feraom, for printing, binding and delivtring, tixty thousand copiea of tha Abatrict of Infaniry Tec ties, including exercise and rrur.cruvrea of Light laLtnir? and KiCenen, for the use of tha Mtliva of the Uni'ed States. Ao, fire tboutind copies of a tt.tem of exercise and initruction of Field Artillery, including maniufres for Light or Hone Artillory,as rtported br the Secretary of War, on ibe efjrtitb of January,, eighteen hundred and twenty seven, agreeably to (he proposals of aid ifilii.rd. Grav aitd Co. made to !he Secretary of War, dated 011 the twenty seventh oi October, eieb 1 ieen.h undrrd andjw c nt vie TCDtin..theirl specimen nursed .: V ad .when aa print. ini, ouunu anu ccmereq, tnc secretary of Wer- it htrebf directed to-apportion 'the same among the several Sn:es and Ter ritorict). and in ihe Distrjcipf .Columbiat ir the use ol the militia 'hereof, accor- ling to the number of the Nilitia in each State and Tertitory and ibe DUtricf of Lolumbia ; and to forward to the Chief M g ut rat of - eat K Stater md Territory (he number allowed to such State and Territory as -foresaid, to be by taid Chief Magistrate distributed amone the officers of the Militia of such State or Territory lor tneir use, ana the use or their succes sors in o(Tn e, underlet) rule, and regu I. tions as they may direct. And the Sec retary of War will cause the number of opie apportioned to trie District of Co lumbia to be distributed -among the oflV cers of the militia in the Dis-rirt, under such rults -nd regulation as roaa be pre dred and ninety dollars is brrcbr appro printed out of any money in the.Treasary not otherwise appropriated,, to defrayj,he e rpen sc rf"p rlhttn g',' "bin dm g "and d i s t r i buting-trTiTsafne ' A. STEYEJStSON, ) ISpeaket of the House of TR precMattfesV . trcr'tJALHOC ' Vice Presiilenl of the United Stales, and President of the -Senate. tha florernot arwf LegMnite Council Wl lorlda, or mijority of ihom, be, and hereby art authorized to select any two tft the ifort win rrwrer tretldnt 6t ranr, 10 be reserved for, and tested h, the State,' sKooIJ th Tarrabty of Florida rJtlcctciUintttioe. ia , cnnformi.' to too provision ol the-fourteenth1 lee ton-t)Hheact'paed--on th" efbth""6 rebrgir, ona'lhdui'.nJ eight haKtlrea and twenty seven ; and tha residua of (he above described quarter sections of land. or any part thereof, including so much of nc nonneaT quarter oi section one, in township one, of range one, Souih ahd Weat, contiguous to the creek and water fill, as shall not be reserved, agreeably lo the provisions of the act above mentioned, for the town of Tallahassee, ahallta sold in such manner, and at such lime, at the Uovernor and Legislative Council ol Florida mtv deem proper, and ihe pro ceeds applied 10 the erection of public buildings in Tallahassee, any act or acta to the contrary notwithstanding. .Approved! 7 March, 139. acaasa 34. An Act confirming the reporta of the Retritter ami necrivrrof tne i.awri mice tor ihe dis trict of St. S'teptiem, in the State df Alabama, and for other purposes. 0 Jlefirtientativrit tj the Unttrd Statrt a Jmtrif im Congre tttmbM, That all the claims to lands and town lots con lainefl in the abstracts denominated A, number one, D. number one, E, numfer one, F, number one, reported to. the Treasury Department by the Register and Receiver of the Land Offite for the f District of Saint Stephens, in the State of Alabama, under the provisions of ihe act of Congress of the third of Mirch, one thousand elfrht hundred andtwtnty seven, be, and the asme are hereby confi-med to the extent therein recommended fot confirmation. Sec- 2- And be it further enacted, That all the cUims contained in apecial re ports, numbered one to fotir, inclusive, nd in a supplementary report of the said Register and Receiver, made as oforr aid, be, and the same are hereby con fit-med. : : " r -: ff justing the VMmt to land and titAMlah.. Ing land crtrice tn the Dimikt east ol the Island of Nw Cleitu,1 nrxoved tbt sij, 11.11 pi tui r, one tuousanu tight lnn . dred and'lwenty iwo, s interferes with thfMier fr-amH lo the HcUur and. U.uiinr(Uh-L4 0 W( aiMta- -phens, bcy- andthe me fatvnereby;nre.': " . Sec. 6. jtnttfie it further ttieeted. Thai certificates of confirmttioo and patents shall be granted for all hnds and town lot confirmed by virtue of ihe Drovfslona of this acr, in the tame manner 11 paten re granted for lands and town lota con firmed under former acis of Congress. sex. 7. And be it further enacted. That Ihe Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authoiizsd and empowered lo make such compensation, not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars, In addition to the sum ajready paid, to the present Receiver of the Lmd OifVe at Saint Ste phens, as tt dim may seem a just and proper equivalent for the services ren dered br him in the discharge of the du ties under the provisions ol an act of Con gress passed on ihe third day of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven. Approved; 3 March, 1879. Approved 2 MarchV 1829. JOHN Ql INCY ADAMS. -'' awVi"3jr-:' ::.'."."---. : An Act to provUie for tliat'prehenaion and d- iivvrt Of Deaeiiera feaw crialn furaiga veV-1 in the port of the United -State, RE. it tnocted by the Senate. and Jfauie of Reprrientativ cf the United Statet of America in Congrru ottemtled, That on application of a Consul or Vice Consul of any foreign Ooternment, having a treaty w;b the United States, srrpnfating for tho" restoration of seamen deserting, made In writing, stating that ihe perton therein named has deserted from a vessel ol any Mich liovernment while in any port of tho United States, and on proof by the exhib ition nf the remitter of (he vessel, ahip'g roll, or other official document, that tha person named belonged, at the time of desertion, to the crew of id vessel, it soall r-e the duty of any Court, Judge, Justice, or other M igivrjie, having rom peteni pqwer, to inme warrants to cause the iald tte'MiMt-fct'tMeaJ; erv neramaa - ir ..1 ! .. . r ... lf- . rcticii, 11 y 1 uririK a tmic.i 01 me uniien States slult be dclivr."cd up to the .said . it ieh.-xonserotije-eajraWH: jy,heen in possession ol a trucl ot Linn, ,r, on ibe rrquesi.t March 30,1829. .VewVftnvVs Stage Line, "till operation, from JL lean'a Station, Tennessee; whiclt h tiic siioi-itst route from Kaleigh to Knoxville, as will fully appear on examination of the following diatances, viz: t " From Raleif h to Salivary;' " " J20 milei: From thence to.Morgantonj ' . 80 From thence to Ashville, M From them e toVTarm Springs, T;53 From thence to Newport 25 In alL to, Newport, where thii Travellers from the'sonthof Raleigh, and in the- neighborhood of -FayeUeviUe,, will .find, jt much the preferable and ehortet route for them to travel to Knoxville, or that section of coun try. That part of this line from Ashville to Warm Springs, passes over a new and elegant Turnpike Road, ru nning the whole distance on the bluff of the river, allowing to the traveller the most romantic, picturesque and pleasing The traze'Iines from Columbia, S.C. and Fay- etteville, N. C. intersect this line at Lincolnton; the line from Augusta, Geo. intersects it at Ash ville j and the line from Lexington, Kentucky, intersects if at Newport. Thus .it will be Seep that facilities are afforded for travellers to reach any section of the United States 1 and the sub-' scribcr hones tuch manifest advantages, will Secure his line the ( support of a discriminating public. ..SAMUEL NEWLAND. ....... .. . .. &;. . a .a Aar aaw--..'rcr-'. 4 aiMBta.33. An Act to authorise :hecatablishment of a town on land reserved for the u e of Schools, and to direct tha manner of disposing of certain reserved quarter sections of land for the test of Government in Florida. BE it enacted by the Senate and Houtc of Hep'eaentaiive$ of the United Statet of America in Conreti aatrmbled, That il shaJTand may be lawful' for "the qualified voters in township five, range eleven, north and west, in the county of Jackson, in the Territory of Florida, fo elect, : in such manner as may be directed by the county Conrt of said county, three Ct and discreet Commissioners, who shall be, and they are hereby," authorized, by and with the consent of the voters of taid Township, to be obtained in such manner as the said county Court shall direct, to lay. ofLand csislbJhb. rlJflL.nM..M..lu.a-r:. rer or two 'adjoining, eigbibs ot Jhestx teenth section of the Township and range ; aforesaid, reserved by law for the use of Schools, and to make sale of one half the arising from said sales shall be paid into the Territorial Treasury, for the sole use and benefit of common schools in said Township, w hitb. said., su tn shalVhe sab: ject to such laws as may hereafter be passed, for forming a permanent-fund from the said reserved lands, for the sup1! port of common Schools ; and the said Commissioners shali giylc bondnJ secu ;r;, ,to UbcaaUsf-cMoq .c-Lhe .t?yt,ty(. Court, for the performance of Ihe duties under this act, and the payment of the money arising ft6rn the sales of the lots as aforesaid. Sep. 2. And be it further enacted, That the following quarter sections of land which have been heretofore reserved from sale, to wit t the north east and northwest quarters of seti-4Mny hshm in township one, of range one, north and west ; the northeast, southwest, and south east quarters of section one in township one of range one, south and west ; and the sonthwest quarter of section six, in ryrrr perso-j-pi., vr pC rsons. who, on the fifteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen, had Kd: not claimed by another person, and no; exceeding the quantity contained In one leapue square; and w4h wea, on . that rfjT7 resident in hf nart a.f LouiaaAa-ait. uatcrl east ol l ean river, ana west oi me P erlidoranl beWwthi tfurty Crst'ldegiee of North latitude, mid had still possion of such tract of land, shall be auilio'ilid to file their claim in the manner required in other cases, before the said Register and Receiver, at Saint S'cphens, for their decision thereon. And it hlr be ihe duty ol the said Regi.ter and Rereiver lo hear and record the evidence offered to support su-:h claim : and if the same shalJ be established by sufTitient proof, agecca bly to the. provisions of . ihH section, the said officers shall, in their repon, rccom mend ihe confirmation of the right to such claim, as in other rases: Provided, That no more land shall be reported for confirmation, by virtue of this section, than is actually claimed by the party, or than is contained within the acknowl edged and ascertained boundaries of ihe tract claimed 5 nor shall ihe provision ol this section authorize the confirmation of any land heretofore sold by the United Sep; 4,7 And beftfiLrtherjnactedf'ThiX the confirmation of the claFrns provided frrr this act shall amount only to a relin- unhmenl for ever, on Ibe oart o! the Consul or Vice Cons!w;n he ent bach to s. United Slates, of anr claim whatever, to d . the tracts of land and town lots so con firmed, and that nothing herein contained shall be construed to affect the cl im or ciaTrnt bT anVTnds'vTdoaTor TwdypoIirtd'Of corporate if any such there be See. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Register aul Keceivcr of the Land Office at Maint o'rphens he, ana they are heiebv invested with power lo direct the manner, in which all claims to lands . inn to wan lotsrwhicJUiave en confirmed by thi and former aits&firess, in their District, shall be located and Purveyed, having regird to the laws, usages antT culoms of the Spanish Government on. that subject, and also the mode adopted bv the Government of tne United States, jn surveying the claims confirmed by yir tue of The second and third sections of an act of Congress, cntiilsd "An act regu lating the grants of lands, and providing f.ir the disposal of the lands of the United Stales, south of the Stale of Tennessee," township one, of range one, sou' h and4 approved the thitof March, one thou- east, shall be granted to the Territory of Florida. x . . r--? tndHiemft tr.H, Ttmt sand eight hundred and three ; and thai so mttch of the fourth section of the " Aei jpplementsrjy te tho axftralacts for ad miesi, und ,it the expense, nt the said Consul or Vice Consul, shall bo detained until the Coniul or Vice Consul fnHk a orrrtiMti'y trv-aend Mm hack to Uiniiiu uf-4Av: soch. Government ; Frwidejl.jieverthclrtfy That no peraon sftnll W delsHted more Ahn two tnonh after !iis arrest ; but al the end of that lime shall be set at liberty, and shall not bo again molested fur the same cause: Ami provided fur.tlirr, That if any such deserter shall be found to have commit ted any crime or ofTenre, his surrender may be delayed until tha tribunal before which rase shaTl be depending, or may be cognisable, Shall have pronounced i' sentence,' and such sentence shall have been carried Into effect. . Approved : 2 March, ' ... Unknown Rvwan Cy At the dis lance of ten leagues south et of Cutahia, one of the highest points of Asia Minor, is an ancient Roman city unvitited by modern travellers, and cf which, even the edifices consist of a large theatre, a studium, several groups of columns in good preservation, but no great height : an Ionic temple of the most elegant archi- IccTu single Mdctr pfimarbte ltbirtyrfeet-m height i these support an tmawtaTnre very much enriched arid in exquisite taste. From an inscription in the pedi- ment it appears that this temple was re stored in the time of Adrian, and dedica ted to Apollo. The site is a waterbridge, a small stream, which passes over u Ro rnari 1 brlirgeTIn i'txcenchTpl'Vse'fvatlofti'r is the. vault j also Romany to which it leads. . Ixibirde't AJJrett, l- Uvit proposed in.N" -Olesnsf to e s w.... . II L . . r . - .1 L . 1 . - - I I T" . .. to consist of 26 me,n, under 'he r ommand of a Captain and Lieutenant, to assist the . 2 . . . . city loot guard to protect tat city aqu Its inhabitants against fire and murder. TZr-rorf Surpcdt.-A late examina tion of the College of Surgeons a candi date wasaskedby Abernethy. whlt-h wouTii do If a man "werelj16wnwi'.Tf" gunpowder? ' Why," coolly, answered the tyro, wailrtilLhe tame dowp agiin ' " True," said' Abe"rnethy,' and supposo I kicked you for sucii an impertinent re ply, whai muscles should I put in motion?'1 1 Why," said the young man, the 1 flex ors and extensors of my right arm : for! vould foor'you ctrcctly." lortdpn Pa. . it i tr V a .f. ; - ',.1 a A t.- H. X. 2 - -. -at. -4t a i ' -1 ! -'1 ' "r,' -rt tv r . 1 i. t I l - -1:. . , , I - I. 1 l1!