t t - If 4-S- -it.-4s,Si'.i;t('4-.i, r 77,V.V. Why is the crrdit e.f Stephenson much fetter linn that of Ms partner! 1 Do ?r jive, it up! because they lute arM and '-of. L: The Paris ppn state that Jhe J' brilliant discoveries ere making daily i" lief cutanecm and Pompeii. A magnifi tent msnrV.n is gradually cmf Kinj from tnetotraftVenashe-! Uwiiorii d.er.rifJL fed lh beautiful pifminjM, and the gr dm unrounded with colonedet. Some t4tA.Binjunfcjjr9 "Id to be superior to - : tnt tr.i r,rMofor discovered-! Bnt lient'ajrt. '" , '- --? paper atstes that a mn ii exhibiting at Uichmond Arms, Basing, 100 lire rati . in a cRt end he intends exhibiting him tell among 200-of the itme vermlrte.al lowing them 10 crawl over him; after which hit dog Hover, cousin of the cele brated Billy, is matched lo kill too rati in a minute. There is now living in Providence a man, aged about 38 yein, who was never out of the State of Kbode liland, never kick, or took medicinej never lued, or was sued, ha been up before tunrise ev . cry day in the latt 40 years,, and has not .aped any kind of inebtiatirtfj liquor for tO years. In a cue lately tried In Dublin, a gen tleman, called as a witness, was asked whether his brother, trie plaintiff, lived haDnilv with his wife f He rcidisd that Ufcey lived at agreMy, as any couple o WW I mrrui people could. , " The editor ol the Portsmouth Journal tfetetlhirimtnwrio a few years ago was blend with about 820.00O lottery money, -applied o bim on the )OrJ) int. for 1 2 I 3 Vents to pay for a flight's Jodg .ingsl .The Kennebec Journal, Augusta, (Maine) states that-fortuiuta-iot-Jhc tvoi Id. the proper use of K. C Rum has teen discovered at last, and that is to kill .lice upon calves backs !! Thr Dumfries (Scotbnd) paper aster's that a Dutch COr dog, hrlonjinjj to a Mr. Mt Wl.tr, - h?s been taught to ar-itulate !he word " IVittiam." very dis inctlv. He il not the only do who can call names. X Y. Enfivirer. .: Tbft Hon. F.xro C Gross, a mL-mber of the vitw.Yorlc Assrrnbly, from the court -1 the eye, wahavp been acctts - tf'olEjite t ctr (J W rtrtrrsdaT "wrek MTom? rovr the win J wimhi(iif itba duuolc hid bctO ill bUiIe w davj. He wsf in, tna wfHpinr appears strange, and perhaps Conefcss i few Trf sifke. and wa in all respects an estimate mt. meMtoCJaKntjol lfc.mVilllnr'Vrn'hrr-K wrote c.tA,istert'ie worU arc Ibus dlstingtiishcil, 4wder WiOVW;'WHVftXMWi4' ltll;n:mim - k w Alatijderadei Tho"New "York .-EA, ttuuJouutdjfJjheJrth jnst. sajrs A person at one ol the rrmquerades Uat -evening, infbrraj uijhst it was very thin lj qendedf.amb that lhere rere Jro7fe males present sate these of a "doubtful tharicttrrAt-ijK)llt-H : aclockrsome persons came in bearing what was inten ded 10 represent the dead body of Mr. Morgan : or as some said, to rt present the death of the masquerades." Tlif Darbary Weri.lt is said tha' a gran' project is in rontcmploion between .ibOTeinmentjpfrrajice and that of Eucland, to do'away with the BmalIFbwr crs on the Barbary Coast, now become a complete nuisance. The plan is lo colo nize the CoaM of Barbary-wirfl Frerrdrl and English subjects, for which they are to obtain the sanction of the Sultan, in special negotiation, and a person of here tofore great renown is to be employed in the business at the Court of Constantino pie. JV. For Courier. John II. Henshaw, a clerk in thr 4th Auciioi's ofjjr at Washinpton, cut his thron litely, and thus ended hit days He was a gentleman of fine li'erarr tastr, ondlignified mannnrs. Supposed to hve gone crazy. "VarlcnjiTOradTTTrre vfldaron the,jijcxUrsQ throat thrbugli' rerorIngfeTinoe"fi from ofiice; others, that it was in con&e epenew nT havlnff'bea.n t.nnrr merf irj rj Sain-ZrauA-on the treasury some sav 85.000 are missinp. One thing is ccr tain : Mr. Hetisttaw left a memoranJum, by himself and otbers on the tresury. A law has been made in Canton fin Cbl jna) condemning jthoscs wha open sh ps to sell opium, to death by Vfrantlintr ""''""edwo -mowlw'wK about their necks, "after which they are to be sent to the territories, and given to : - lhe-;oldier aa, ai;;:""' -".v--r-r ..ChUi -A letter receive in Baltimore frrim Vlpariis'o, datetl.l2th Dec. says; , tffGfih. Santa Croat sails tomortow in thq brig of war Achilles, to take the place ot The war is still carried on between i'eru and Colombia, but there appears to be some prospects of a reconciliation." An Jlonett arW. Among the 'insol vent"; debtors discharged bf t-e Court in London, on the third ult. wasilis Highneas , Geatano Sturubba, Prince of Giardinili, the eldest son of the present Prince ot Sitil Prince. - and axbrhs'tcrmake tfie7Mp::p.ti'' debts ccording to CBstom ; AoaA. ' t - iVEBSTFJCS mCTIOXMY. The lilt number of the North American Re view eontalnaa critieu t,n Noah Webster's new Dictionary j end as mot of our readers doubu let have o eaxict to know aimetliinf of the merits of tJiUln.ponant urk, we oiake the fol io inj estract from the kevie w i , " Hne wbjert i sua rlyj Viirte of KngUl ia abundantly mauifcat they aimed at hit 1", at Iraef,- letters anMugh 4 heir-s?ellSf l Ihroiifrh f ar, at it al.ould a-. f omituiig a'ime wukkDili;bt,fcsve fim ,0 b ued' ,hey u" foisted itiirt their words ntere Wpefmimi'rarita. rhos, after the language, as 10 words and con- atructioo. became h a gMH ?eMur-11 fi"d' ' mnA irtiiallv borne down under tha VdgU OfiUTrrhrf'y-lt may be uie fu! to ImM'iee Ur a ipeomMis, S few woKla Trow Sir )VafVf ftaleifh. d. mmmW, ', WWfHitoriasr, kiJr$, ktwntut, evillt, taiit, nmnrall, drum, kc. ThU ia tl spelling of one of the moit eor. rect as well as not elef aot writers of the reign of James the Fint. . The escrtaeence. bich o enctim'ier thew worda, were tjradually lopprd o(T o that in the hiitory of CUremlon, the improvements in 'el ling atrike us as fc-reat. Tlia authn- wrote moti of hia wora aa they are aiill written i but fuifl hern,iiL;L luitdnin, Mont, alarum. . i ihirli'.rfiliuifijliv. in the late etlition of hia worka, hat bn altered. He wrote rw without m, and irepier, thwiRh f'"d '"" lie reduced pubukt in pttbhtk, t. Prvden Wk irreriilar in hit wthagraptiy i but he threw off ome of the lumber hia preJcera-ors, which, in a few iniance, has been Jaid upon him arin by 1ia editor, Malotiif. Bit' there is no Kivantae in dcllinjr longe r on the hialory of thpw chanjjea. Aa to the ariaiiona in or tliogr!iv proped and adopted by Dr. Web ater. we aliall av but little. We aee no powi We ose in retaining lue u in tbe few wordt which are still titenwvely written with the termina tion r, a hur.fiivour, ItC. Aa'io'jitJni,jf the letter at tba end of many words where it it atill ofwsn placed i we see oo 'objecuV. to Dr. WfOater1! ele, to retain the In such wonls nlv a have sometimes a syllable added, beginning ith t or f. The reavin here i i'linj the prraerves 'he pronunciation. Dut why alinuUany one write fvltrt whea no on? writea puolick.ttitn? To take another ei mala of a ainirU word ; we know of no rood reaaon Lr wn'm ttnnrxion ith an x i ai it i aa aaoinalK which h'ai been excluded (mtlyrrA tirtM of the hif heat authority. nuj uiromi and Tox, in his hfe of Jamea the Second, write line ord analojicaliy, canneefcan. In aoTt other cii'a of propoted emrndition. we ure more doubtful. Dr. Webrter, follomf; j Milt m, prefers highih and the trna!iors of Niebuhr hiatnry ol Rome, which i was pubUshed in lmdon dunng the laat year, hkve the aame tpeHi", nf this word. The aame triniltton wri'e iwron and tvronfy; and Dr. Webter proposr tttvrvn, ami tuvranif i though he cie likewiae ttie com-non orthography of theae worm. 'TIC Jfrftr ODjeciwiw -vt ciiangtrn in a.. in UnJ., or an r m ets.T, ano m impor. hfifH: afm intwi n;.u. ;n..:n. f 1,1. Ar.rA tlo- a. IWr'sXe-ttaetKewto hvaimdat increased fulncas iniereribtng te object or ac-1 tion in view; Thim under the word J.iAoA, ,..r.-.;n. .. k. ..i,t. . .,.,.m..n, the iv,t1n; which biahorm-are erected enoiJj!!V!!f btain loans of money iii:iA" .m;. country Under the ordr(, he enumerates the primitive esrthi"re to- batea at a-.aMven.it hv mmU-rn chemintn-. .nt k. k!. c a: in; 11 teniae urstriicr nic "run, huuic. u ainc- . ter, an.l revolution of our globe. I'nnVr the word AVfciJi-. be states in what cases a port' m,v i r,,n;.i.r,t ,.r hinrViM. i.. ik;. ! respect, the work before us presents not mere- lv the sipnification of words in their ooeular iou - port, but, to a certain estrnt, a ac'iensific euu-' coprec,ed numerous errors into which Dr. John wemiOTfrpriira arKl wki fallen, through inadvrrtener, or a want thing dewribed.-As esamplea of Ur- Webster's ! I mode oT defining, compared in this refpe ct with ' r'," " J" '"f " mimorr, wmcu n In. t .1 ,.. .u- r.ii-.. ! had marked aa belnnpintr to this class. rr-T-J.J,n"rrtnfifw: Johnson-" Robbery of the pub- a-',:: :c " j ; irri.:.:; rr-i'wi then or nubirc moneyr-webster'he otrtieol inairument employed in viewing distant ! "'"V" "-UU1S lB F"n v oljecta, as .he heavenly bodiea. It theiV",0"6 ' eye ehiefly j two trayar first, by enlarging th. ZT ' V fX mm: 1. ....- . .V-.--. V..". . seen, and thus matrnifvintr that obiert, .ml. :.n.. u -ii ' j" . eva a larger beam of light tlutu would enter th naked organ, and thua rendering objects dis tinct and visible, which would otherwise be in distinct and invisible. Its essential parts are the tbject-rlnit, which collects the beam of lirht and forms an image of the object j and the eye- i-Ha.a,UukL..li.a. mASrVlnai Iva. ktk. ak ' . ' whicb bs-i. is .agnified m&XMMms-.. a , me&mme-mmmhLXatni.U I. uv a BirviiiKviui. u. we prujJcriics Ol me O.l- j... t,t.-h thf tfrtrii designate, and the les', important, by referring the several- objecta to , lu ijutr caiiii. in ,ncmi3iry, )Uinevatogvt and Qeohrv, Dr. Webster has added a ereit number of worda to nTscohufarjrahd'nas cb'rSI formed his definitions to the existing state of knowledge, on these subjects. In these and other departments of science, the definitions he informs ns, have been submitted to professional gentlemen, .whose character is a pledge for the correctness of the statements made We would ferent every inaxance proportioned 10 wnat appears st..t V.i.t; i .. ::. 4 1,.!- t.o . .v..sevajfte 4DdjrranJ J work, and their definitions are in i! with a fulness, which will preclude the neces sity of a reference to otht t works for the true meaning of such words. Where this exact in. formation in the different branches of knowl edge can be given, within the space allowable in ar4etwyt.ia.desirjbj5and jdds to the value of the work, '7."! " ; Dr. Webster, in the third place has aimed at a more nice and accurate diicrinunatien as to the signification of the terms defined. The lea ding and important words are not defined by ynnymf, which serve only to confuse the mind, but by a brief enumeration of the pro perties which belong jto the object in question. Thus, f-V ; ' Frwraiila U defined bv Johnson to be eouiva. 1..., i . k.:i.i , . , . beeTuFS r9oi .lLfil?? jo'jnc unnccessarHf j sni i'M svi.il U tari te a profitable frV- . hoVEtiXOh 70. far. , p j that um in which ntli'inr la wa.te.l It Ff0(n tje f(J0W;- JcKunen!, i le stcn ,..4t VY"tUZT jZ i.at Can. Samuel llouaton, has mign. l the of. an eicris of fiiieaiity, ami a iini. rrvgauifit - always a virtue" Nor ! it tynonymous witlfkeof Governor of Tenneaee and that eofise- thrift in its proper senMi ir tuntt is tna tjtci J Irna kill. Mmittttin U defined by Johnton to ba won A,r. tha act of a.lmlrinr or wonderin(r., By Wtbater, to be wendcr mmtea win, jncMint;; amotions, u ipprohatinn, eatrem, hive, or ven- i hints In the Govert.or's eommuoication, which r ration a compound emotion elcittd by M!11 I'err' lo'cnwclopei tie whi.le trsriiictloa ininys tbinr r-vel, rare. RTCiJ. of 'tTi3mm u U 10 persona ana iocir"'. I alight tlrgrta of sorpriae. Tbui we Tiew the Ur ayttem with cMnrtwu -..-.T-r . MtgnaninUtf U drfined by Jnhnson to be ZrSaTeaaenrWuotL- trannirnrriwHinjees, which aiaj the pof- aeaaor kitovt rrrcni", a'ts or benevolence, yntcu ioa wm ; injurtice and meanne, and prom..t h' to, nSZS!!S - i. A.. jt, t K. ..tub. KJOMUHUKm 19 W lass j w w .v j - . . r . . a a bownras.contunMCT. peHinacity.iM'rsiatencyiof forms, existed between the people ol By U'ebtter, to be a flt'dneaa in otnnioa or reso - . . lution, that cannot.be aUtvn at all, or not witn. out f rrat difficulty firn and usually onreaaon. tle anhrrenee to an op m ton, pumow, " tern i a njedneas that wiln. not jfidd to persua sion, argument, or other m tans. Ohtttnac may not alwayi convey the Idea ol unrraaotuble or tmjiutifiable firmnet as weti we say, soldiers fijfht ailh tbitinoey. Dut ften. and" aerhaps uwally, the word denotes a fxednesi of resolu tion, which ia not to be vindicated under the circumstances.' .! i(jvurnmenl js defined by Jonon to be an alignment of a day, or putting oft" till another dav i dcla. nrocraatination, disniaaion to a fu ture time. By Webster, to be 4 the putting off to another day or time apecine or without U lay ( that ia, tba cloainfr of a aeieion of a pubHc or official body.' And likewiae, M the tima or interral during which a public b3y defers bu fine n i aa, during aa ailjturnmmt. But a sua. pension of busineaa between the forming of a hmtte and an adjournment, for refreshment, is Called a rrretf. -In Great Britain, the clme pf K$im of fiarliameiit is called a rrao ; as lite cJuae of a parliament ia a diHlutin. But In (reat Britain, as well aa in the Un'ued Etalel, a!jiurnmmt is note uaed fur an intermiision of buainen, for any indefinite time, t as an ailjtum- aieirt-of pariUoieat tor six weekil tramrn tt defned by Joltnaoa to be. In gen eral, qaKkneia of intellect.' Dy Webster,- to be ' a quickness of ptrcrptiwnt the facility of nice iliicnmnuiUn.' - tceuirt ia defined by Johdaon, 4 to pin by tnt't rmn labor or power 1 to obtain what is not received from nature, or tranamitted by inheri tance.' By Wesater, to gain by any meant, anmething which ia io a degree permanent, or w'jich becomra vetted or inherent in the po- aor; as t acquire a title, eatste, learning, hab ita, skill, dominion, kc. Plants erovirt a green color frim the solar rava A mere temporary 1 precision jt not eipreised by acywrf, but by I gain, aifoit, p rtevre , as to (' (not aitmrt) a book on loan.' ""T """ " ' " Obtain it tkfined bv Johnson. . to rain to C- aa:f;mTSrft.rZlu"TeTreYwia defined .by him, 1 to take or obtain any thinr." By Web- the word ilna, Ttiu wor3 utumiir tmriea raW, . wbicksMvr jnajr not imply exer tion k M'en from orowra, as genus from 'fiaaraem being frofierlyAppLediinly to 1 TTL P" jMwvcaseuj oui sow, is ap ! Phed both to hjnrs of temporary and of per 1 we LutuL. aosWers 70- tetters l!9?"9 vmX Tm distilmtHHs n4 ! ' ften Without trtlmg. VTe atffWrt rr aftrm'n a svmkI title to lamia bv deed, or bv i , , f 1 . Julgrnent of court , but we do not aromm rpmt ov. distillation, nor do we acquire an answer to letter or an application.' f61"" discriminating tne s.gnihcation ot v esactness. Dr. Webster has rccur(fe mrorniation;-The-foHowing-inay crime of defrauding the public by appropria- or. goods en- management or ui oun-ciiicni. A k'. -phencally convex ooid aiaea.- Lenaes are not Onlv convex. but concave, planoconvex, ks. The proper cor rection ia made by Webster. , Xemma. Johnson 'A proposition assumed.' Webster A proposition demonstrated for the purpose of being uaed in the. demonstration of some other proposition.' ' . . . , - , . . Fw ; Johnson-' The place Ceral. Johnson A plant of a atony nature.' fc-----a- ... A. . t - , . W P woere rays men Flame, Johnson 'Light emitted from fire.' defined LwtbtSr ia more than light f it is 'burning vapor,' as row as the reward or wages of labor, or any performance,' But a matt may jearn money who never gain itTo earn, ia 'to merit by semcel CMrd?nfto' Webster, t ' In the definitiom of legal term -epeeially, Dr. Johnton has fallen into many errors, which D.JJebster't professional knowledge .hiss ena bitd lim tJ correct. Thus larceny is defined o. Johnson to be 'a oettv theft.' It iaahnwn W Intl distinguished by him into vanous grand larceny, timple -and J.T Bli trlarv and houtit.hrfnicinrr are rnnfiuintvt b) Dr. Johnson, Burglary is defined-by Dr. Webster to be the crime of house-breaking, when committed id the night. Robbery. Johnson Theft perpetrated by force or with privacy.' Robbery, says Dr. Web aUtVnerRraiicji iUi!JenteIoni. oos taking front the person or" presenceToFaiit other, whereas theft Is a' felonious taking of goods privately, &.C., These words should not be confounded.' r A tough MorieL A French writer, speaking of the relative situation of En gland and Ireland, says that the larger is- been able to digest It t fluently, Gen. tm. Hail, abater ot me senate will be the actlnf Governor, till the eUction in August There Is aomethlnj about this move ment, that wa cannot undentand. Ther'are dark j - cause of the raaifnation: -p.rtniliOJiuXddv&UTeme , itih Jlprtt, IttJ. office - of thUl raacUtfat Of; ihC Stltf I inC'o P' 1n" f oor ,rtfrd, ,u i 'nority ana responaiminy wni,, wi, utn , eTent- devolVerCS yoo by the prOVlS fc f Constitution. - tli.Mvinthe political xonnexloo hich has so lone, and in such e arle? . aw Tennessee and myself, no private affile tion, however deep or incurable, can for bid an expression of the grateful recol lections ao eminently due to the kind Dartialitles of an indulgent public From my earliest youth, whatever of talent was committed to my csre, has been honestly cultivated and expended for the common good; and at no period of a life, which has certainly been marked ay a . full portion of intereatlng events have any views of private interest or prl vate ambition been permitted to. mingle in the higher duties of public trust. Io reviewing the past, I can only regret that my capacity for being uselul was to une qual to the devotion of my heart j and it is.one of the few remaining consolations of my life, that even bad I been blessed with ability equal to my xeal, my coun try's genwrotis support Iri-every vicissl lude of life, hat been mora than equal to Ibem'bolh." That veneration for public opinion, by which I have measured every act of my offidafHtfet a4aught4ne,tctiol4 po del: egited power which would Jiot be daily renewed by my constituents, could -the choice be daily submitted to a sensible expression of their will. And although shielded by a perfect consciousness of undiminished claim to the confidence and support of my fellow citizens, yet deli cately circumstanced as 1 am, and by my own misfortunes, more than bv the fault or contrivance of any one overwhelmed by audden diamines, it is certainly due to myself, and meffe respectful to the world, that! tkhould retire from 'a posldnn,' wbichjjn thc public.judRment, I might seem to occupy bv Questionable authority- It yields me no smalt Ahsre of comfort, SO fr ai I m capable - takiug omfort p,-r--awjke-l.ljrpii)ir ray executive cnarge, i am piaanj; it tn the hands of one whose integrity and worth hsvo been long tried Lwho.tinder; stands and will pursue the true interests of the State ; and who, in the hour of sue cess and hr the trials of adversity has been the. consistent -and valued Xricnit; of-lhar, great and good roan, now enjoy Infc the triumph of his virtues in t he " conscious security of a nation's gratitude SAMUEL II0U5T0.N. Gibt. Willi 4 m Hit, ' Speaker of the Senate, Tcnn. DUEL between the Dure of Wellington and tie JMT1 Ji msnrueu. In consequence of letter writt Lord Wincbelsea to Mr. Coleridge, Se cretary to the Committee for establishing "theTTing's- College hr -which- his-Lord4' snip rececien strongly on mo conuuci m the Duke of Wellington, the latter wrote to Lord . Wjnthilsea-. requiring; him to make reparation" for " having thus in sulted a man who had never injured or offended him " This being declined by is Lordship, the Duke, after various let ters between the parties, Lnaily called Lord Winchilsea " to give him that satis faction for bis conduct which a gentle man i. l. . j k;.l . JusjajujrJiL! HV li is ill a if ijss vsfi i biuv twaww" - n ..Too.. , o.Iw If! give parties accordinglf oafioLIa nrt Sattirr'Ay morning at eiht o'clock. The Duke was attended by Sir lenry Ilardmge as his second." The weather being finetheDuke and Sir Hen- 'r IfirdinBe t ,.i."ru.r..:.. n ntA. .u. piavc wi iiminiK ica-uiius) in ids victnitf of ciapham common), where, soon after their arrivjl, they were joined by Dr. Hume, the Duke of WrelHngton's nhysacian-,Lord.WmcbditiwwbahaAlJiot irrlvid fotliivilf It sirioSsodtbeew able to find out the place,) the party rode about the 6elds for some time, till the rrival of Lord..Winchelsea., whoartiyed from town in a coach and-four accompan ied ry his second, Lord Falmouth. Preli minaries being arranged between Lord Falmouth and Sir Henry Hardinge, the latter produced a pair of pistols, ard load ed them in the presence of the parties he then handed them toLofcr Wrntheise who exsmmed them, and then returned them. Sir Henry handed one to eath of the combatants, and measured the ground agreed on, , twelve paces. Lord VVinchelsea re-measured the ground,' and the Duke and Lord Winchclsea took their stations, and Were, informed by Sir Hen ry there was np'hing furjher to be done till Jhe used the r $sprtffftm. Ftrcr.rt -"Th'.e jtccr.(!s lien rtured. tnd ?ir II, Ila'ia.i gave the word M l ire." The Duke of Wellington immedwtely tiUchargcd his pistol. The ball struck the l-ppcl cf Lord Vi'incheUea'a cost on the led side. Lord WinclitUta then fired his pi:ol in . theairi the seconds rejoined their prin cipals, and a memorsndum txpreskicr; the regret of Lord Winxheises at havinc . published an erroneous opinion ofthe No- -bte Duke's motives io a certain transaction bcinjaodad4ydJ"jLmout!Liir Henry Hsrdinge, was accepted by birll. , as a reparation to the Duke ol elungton. The Fu'ke" sfisTtcd-lprd-WaalKa- good morninc and the compliment being.' returned, the' parties' left the ground and ... returned to town. About, fourteen otht Uaa garjlcncrt and l-liouilng.intni. who sr e r ucuj 4 he spot d uri i ! t h a " I r snt rctlcmj advised lh rKdeconribatir.tt tft teitlettrsy r matter In dispute with their fistrf. ' ProiJent'Jatitim, and the erfir JMnlitertA All the Foicign Minister! resident at Washington City have been formally and colleclively presented by the Secre ity of State, to the President of the United States. A leter from Washington, pub lished In the New-York Evening Post,' furnishes the following particulars of trro interesting interview t ' "At they arrived, the Secretary tff State announced them lothe President by name (at tie Would have done any private gentleman,) who received them in the most courteoot and graceful mannet for he ita gentleman of the old achool of polished and dignified deportment. To each" of tbem, as he look them 'by -the, hand he had something civil and appro-. , priate 1 aty-; Aftac tueyjjai li.a?iera; bled, he expressed to them, In a brief, " neat, Impressive eddrets, the personal gratification be experienced at thus meet- ing them together, at it afTorded blm thr oppoetunity to. reiterate to them, respec tively, the tentlmentt expressed in that nart of his Inaugural Address which re lated to the foreign policy of the govern ment, .lie added j i m qui-e sur; tne true interests of this counlry'wHt be-besr promoted by preserving jthe relations of peace with all nations, as long as that can be done with a'due regard to its own hon or, and by commercial intercourse foun ded on a just reciprocity.' He contin ued : 4 1 have entered, gentlemen, upon tl.o high trust commitved to me,-without .prejudices against, or undue psr- tialities towards, any foreign nation or people; but with pcfaosal Teelinga ot the most friendly chancier for alt.y Al " thnuch ac'uatcd by a determined purpose" to promote rtje Cciuntry, 1 have no detre to-impair.. thaw, tij Sta-s.inus.ti.ot oUicmand wiU.en . fesnk friendly, nnd sincere negotlalfon. '; Where differences "existror may Jerjaf ter Jtie iCwjtl.bmfdesjre Jo settje thetri on fair and honorabl t?rmv that -" spirit ol frankness so congenial to my na ttrre and the charactet cd"ahcAnietiC8.n pwwIaUEwTOI! " - and, as nearlr as I can recollect,' the" Ian guae used on the occasion, at which I was present. At the conclusion, he bowed round :o them all, which 4hev rr turned, and with the most grvified feel- nigs tncy iook tneir leave, never cio a f cremonial go off better or with more el- fact. ' ' Mud at a March Hare.. A correspondent of the Charleston Cit v Gtzs"e h?s gorre crazy at thesight of Clara- Fisher; Lett Signum. ma TaR cm nattTTX ' Mr." Editor.-m hvo bcheld-L hare admiredI have idolizjd the Master piece offiature! The perfection of art ! The glory of her sex I The wonder of the World I Oh J.lrad J thought to com prehend, or language to describe the ex cellence of the fair enchantress ; the transcendent talents of the lovely Clara ! iranscenoant taicnts oime toveiy viara . u..a t .k- :i...,:...ri.-. -.K.ri,t 1AWU1J a mm?v ...... v ... w ... . . i t aaaaivs iiiv twwii aviiiiuif vt mvi v ' fruitless to essay,' her talents require not n. Mnriia ini-y art- nrrim or praise '' Omnitxtefiiione major," ba the motto of her fame, and "now," &c. fcc- ooiner me,ana now, would be useless in this cse the man is mad, aud in oifa-bit situation is hppe- lets. ,. - v .v; Y. Cwtier. ilpOaia'i . unariestoo., wnicn we suppose to ue in this country, tbough not Io Kngland. Itjgoes Jo esublishphat S- fit M. Allen may recover at la w 25(5(3, Tos? at a "a ro Table, by Alex'r Main, from Henry L. Watson, and Nicholas Spalding. Gam blers, and actually passed into their po? session by Main. The action was brought on the affidavit of Main himself. According to a statistical Cc6Qnl, f'r the existing Jews their number through out; the world is at least 2,700,000, be longing to the different sects. It is expected that Florida will be a"? milled into the Union as a state, '"'"S th?" rfftjeatATfr.tstrstiott-'- : Conj srnt I '"jplj Korf Mr. -Th eke: "Met fafTra tcrmi tath, psrty , . - - .. ..,,w.r,,.1,.(i.;rM.ij;li