."''SrtJ'to'Xmvy. .i.r I.-, mw. west , i sjjusssw- --i- Cni'ir' Four of the sis gentlemen circled t' e ncxt from Connecti. cut, ire "e w mf 3,,,ert v (t W. Hllsworth, lUlb J. Ingersoll, Jbra W, Huntington, Hoyt Hsr. ,f, William U Btorrs, ami hbenezer oung, it t!) members recently elected, Mr. , F.1I .narlh V believe, Ta Jackson man. Bo It wt! i seen, that even In trntnectKutTUiey er ' fcvlnp down tb weapons of their opposition toHie jViri'!m!ntfTrtion;,lewUmpMer md Rhode I'Und .have given in their full eilhe , and we trust tbe day ti not ditan he wtr welcome the whole of New f.nl.fkl Mr. "Pleasant M. Milkr, estate solicitor, tr "tonesae who wu en early advocate of Gen "iuXiotft election, baa come out in the paper, ind declared be cm no longer euppon mm Tbe causeof bi epostacy, no doubt, i. bis re. eemnr office!' Thia shows that hit up rtt mercenary. Puch men ought to be Appointed. . Cen. Samuel Swartort has been appointed collector f the. customs fr the port of New. york i end MaJ. Mordecai M. Voah, the able 'and factious editor of tbe New York Enquirer, mrreyof of aad port i it ia a M. fat hinh." UV rejoice tluV Mj. Noah haa got hU office ': for a m . t 1 Je deaervei.it at th -nanaa of tne ciominan- party. as much a by solid P?r'.. ' We see eighty wt hundred other appoint. ' futntt announce 1 In theoapers i but rh'i can. - oof -of mu,lt liiUxtttla axtJXAertAfL& bare ooi'ttt d tbem. . . qy.We have been ieq.icste-1 to atate, that "DruVf Clantonirsf arqnhtel, at the Superior Court in Jredr.II, of the charge of bavhff an agency io the d'tth of hit iter'i child in'LIn ealn, aome time lt j'eAr. No evidence waa jiroduced that implicated him the tranwetion, " . ' ltt . . ' .' ""Mr. Ingham, lecltTtf the Vavy, left Willi. ington25th ult. on yiilt to Pennsylvania, in order to remove bir family to Waahinptcm. 1t. Jlibury Dickens chic r cb-rk, act a secretary during Mr. Ingham'a abnce. ' Nepro .lltahm, convicteu at unsinam supe- . . m . &a .a . n I rio Com, of the murder of Mr. Mexan.!- reM )11Ilb!e lengtlu and nothing particularly ob Clrir, aa huug on the .24th ult. N'otw'th. J jll4Hlhl)l tituut lU we iUuJJ g;ve a 4 pe a standH.s- it rained, about 4,0u people sMen.Di -i to the AW. The fellow denied committi'iK the cricY, V the UsJ and cwwequently lv,;obe-befarc,iilJl9d. .ttU l,.!'',''. iyli(r. rence to hufate. No one Uouwca out Z Jegro'.lifimjbo Wal under Srntence be jungon thr same dav, was reprieved by tb Gov. there beTng"eoine iitfF" fence WU committed after night, or just brjore dtrk i lor :laooiUtu;e. Jjurglary i-i he hou s " mutt beb'oSen" pen"-" oJer' !. So th; kf the tethmcaUt of Ike law a mere CiUWX this fellow is likeiy to go u'lhunff, and jutte be eheiteJout bnts'victim. 0tenilbly, tar nude for the protccslon of honest pele but verily, it seems a ho J5 roiles fe t j receive afl the benefits flowing from them. Vhy are our statutes finmei in . such ambiguous lan guage, that villiaua can slip through th meshes, fctil? honest men re wngbtin them I Judge Berrian, atorne general of the V. S. arrived in Savannah, by a vessel from Ne York, on the 24th uh. on a vislF toTuiTimiTy In Georgia. Mrs. Mary Dickson, proprietor of the Lancas ter Intelligencer, nne of the oldest democratic papers" in Pennsylvania, has been appointed Post Mistress of that City, in place of Mrs. Ann Jloorcj resigned. In Jttekion Ten. Jjril 15, the'pnee of Bacon u 10 to 12 j. butter 12, corn 40 to 4"i, flour 8 MOrtorn-meal-TS-eeta to. fjL pet buabeJLL A thenp country, foreootb North Carolia bank , bi is taSO per tctntijr- Wt-doe Awmean? ." t7rim"a. Judge .Bouluin lis bi Congress from Mr. Randolpli's late distritt,-by a majority of 28 rotes over Dr. Crump. TfiomM'1Ffe wtonaslieehr Korfulk district, by fc majority of 15 votes over Mr. Loyall. : :v . - The Convertfmn fli absorbs every thing ebei the papers are filled with publications on I tBe subject. There wHTbe a Bard struggle be- jfTrsge to sll fVee-jen, end those who seerri de "ioed to restrict it, as at present in tbst state, the FreeWdera-'ajone-.-- Sucorvs to the'erW perty... ........, . . Small The progress of the small po fcs been completely errested in Virginia : there tre about 60 patients in the hospital in Amelia 3HI?iiMjn, n. been cured and di,- charged, eittept an old woman and two chTUren. The Indians who communicated the disease pas ted through this part of the country, without Vetdine; the coiHagion. ' 7' mei A.. Hamilton has been tppolnted Vnittd States District Attorney for the Southerr. f -'Tork, n fJC clfJohn Duct. " there vii t sl'cLt !! tf at FLICtctU j City, In thii ittte, pn 25th ult. eueccrdcj by pretty severe fnt, There were two nigbts if 'oil here, tut no iw. JOHN GILES, Esq. we some weeks since en. nounet d m candidate to represent this district in the next Congress i we can how say, that . JOHN LONU, Jr. Fso,. it t candidate for re. election to the tame situation. We presume there will be no other candidate. JSotiee h hereby giver bt Te"XtiiulrC vention of the Prvtealant Episcopal Church, of thrJHoerte 'cf onb.CiTrtlna;il bebeld J St. Luke' Church, BJibury, o Saturday, May 23d." 'yv. - tcr Cen, Scoii ha. been relieved twa bkuei. titn, er hai received m furlpvgrt tU Decamher neit, to ponder on tbe courie heVdl hertiftei' ake. Mf. AaaA, in fpeaktng of bit iprHiintment Surveyor of the Custom in New-York, renrarki ( Our new dutira not interfering with t!ie djiiei and obligmtiom we owe to the Republican par ty, will nut abate tbe attention hitherto paid to the columm of the C'iirer, which we l;hpe to improve io every department" Professor Hofr, of (-'hapd II ill, hn been ap pointed by tbe Dialectic and Philanthropic So cieties of the University, to deliver the annual Oration before them thiiyear. Ir. Wil iam Jones h been dppointed Post Ma-rrr at the city of Washington, in place of rhoiiua Muuroe, removed. ' Plrilip H. Fendail, Vhomaa L. Tbraatori, and 'J!'?.-1?!.'? c'jr L.'1'. eutedepartmenl and Meayn.Watkini and McCOrmick." of tbe ume department, have been removed from ot lice. . PttrbvTf, ,tty 2 '- ntfen hogtfirdi of Tobacco the C"0, of Henry Fiti of tVarren, N. C. were sold at V,r ak warehouse, in tb'u ton, on Vt jnelay last, at an average of g7 48-higbcatSl2 u., i lores', g4 20. The Ijitbentn Church in Abbotstown, was di stroved by fire on the 4th ult. Supposed to have been x-t on fire by some evil and wicked uretcb. . . , ,tceitA , .,! ',. f j our columns, in due tne. CU Ua-receoity, Imo'diccovcrcdi jn.contid,. t nblc quaiiiitiea. in T'Urke count v A rner. cionttaiii;UoTpnJtti.c)i i'titth far- the purpose Of pouring U fluxed. rln ht te rrtwe iraadred tUJlart mb.of fine. ROloVI gathered in tmalf quantitiea, duriftif this spring, in Burke cwintr.- It was lf found in alhivkt earlli, either on tbe borders, or In the beds, (if "sn breams i IJ-w'atir. " It fiue par.' ticlrsi and is familiarly known as brunch gold.".. . AVe. yndsrstand tlmtj as j etjscience and practiral skill Tn mining have not been Ippird fff tl. T"''? TWffrf.ir..'"'T - W bile in MiKnawioiir a fc w weela bacl we te arntd that lirt;iTt!r," in it pure atate, is found in that county, in sufficient quantities to answer all the purposes of the miners in amalgamating their gld. Adm It. Alexander, Esq. (formerly a member) andCapt. Joel Ptes, arr candidates for Con gresa in the VeM-rn" District of Tennessee, in opposition to Davy Crockett . tntieJ Statn' Snatar At the next session of i our letrisinture; a Senator Tn Congress "wiTTfiave to be chosen, to supply the vacancy occasioned bv the appointment of the Hon. John Branch as Secretary of the .Navy..Tht3Ve?tcrt partJ)f the State has peculiar elaima to this appoint, rent t and we cherish a hope that the East, in a rpirit of conciliation, are disposed to concede it to in. At the lact session, wben Gov. Iredell was elected, most of the Eastern members mag nanimously determined to give one of the Sen ators to the West ; and had tbe Western mem bers concentrated on any prominent candidate, there is no doubt but that lx would haVe sue reeded. ,. Gov. IredeH-received but bare majority, viihoui any oontim 7 We have heard Cluxrlet Fiiher Esrj; apoken ofTn'referetce-tarlhr-next appointment, in such terms as to watWit a belief that be wiH aue. ceed, in the event of the East beiiig again.dis- DEATH OF COL. GAITIfER. , .The members of the Bar, the Officers of Court, and other citizens of tredefl.Ueeply sengibte of the loss tbey had sustained in the death of their lamented friend Col. ALFRED M. GAITIIF.R, assembled at the court-house in Ststeeville, on the evening of the first of May when Htbri TT-' tt' ' - . " 1tr '' '...mm' MnrkninftaA ' 'nrMMnn ' .niT adonted Iietohert, That it is with the deepest affliction we have received tbe melanchply Intelligence ViWeaib-ofiIu MilGaiaetj. loag a citizen of this county, and ristinguislied member of its bar. He had endeared himself to us by his many virtues, known only to be loved, with melancholy satisfaction we pay this slight tribute to his memory. Mild and conciliating, candid and firm, he commanded 'SSLTm vd1,rC ' n delivery, his deportmenflenf to controvtF"! charm. Altho young, he waa a successful Law yer: and his industry and talcnta gave promise "of a life of usefulness and honor.. Knowing him as we did, we can faintly apprecinte the void in his domejtic circle. To those afllicttd ones, we offer our sincere! sympathy. It is aifrf tola' ment the companion and friend,. the useful citi zen, the wur.d I awxer, and the l-oncst man J I t mi.irrj li m.iaLle reV.ive, the fud fithrr, the, kind an l afTectionate buslisml ' Jirioh t,!, That as a testinney of oir reject, we will wesr crspe on the left arm thirty dyi, HnJv4 1, Ibsta copy of these reolutios be published in the FsFubury pperi j and that the Seerrtary transtnit a copy to the bercatej fm ily of Colonel dither. ' nuBr.RT WILU4M?0N, CA'rt. Trstet JaMss R. Dooes, Sc'y. Tbe Brethren of Mount Moruh Lod((e, State, ville, upon the intelligence of the death of Col VJrttlMt GiUthrr, assembled in. thir Iadg Uamsvon tu evening of Tuesday, the 28th of April, "1829 1," when the following resolution! were submitted, and unimimmidy adopted i -, JUhmJi That lb members of llis Lodge, derplv impressed with the lots we have sus. tainel in the early death of ouf deceased wot. tby Brother, Col. Alfred M. GaHher, experience s melancholy pleasure In eipresavig our feelings oarhLt ereuti-Ule was Jng ajsodata.snd brother, always worthy for be was uien tried, and such be was ktund lo be.. I lis ae ro, ory is endeared to ns by many tender fraternal aociationsi his virtues we revere, for tbey were thme of s man and Maaon i sincere, fsithfit. warm-hetrted friend, his soul was chivalrtNisiji alive to sll the elevated and refined feelings that distinguish tbe Gentleman. Out, alas ! there is s broken column in our temple, the silver cord has been unloosed, the golden bowl is broken, and the rpirjt hath returned unto Uod, who gave it. Maf bis many virtues long live in tbe memory of bis friends and his ire perfections, for they sere few, be buried with iiiin. iiiohJ, That t members of this kVlge wear the usual bwge of mourning for thirty dsys.- tnlveJ, Tbatn eopy of these proceedings be forwarded to tae widow of the lee eased. "Hntlitil, That these resolutions be published in the Wf utern Csroliqian and Yadkin and Cs tawbs Journal. JAMES THOMPHON, Set'y. y t k , saaJaisB A .Vrw St2tt in North Amfrica.......K Peris paper of February" 17,"' says " By sri" Art of tbe Central Assertjblf-f-the State of North parolina, s new Stste has been formed in thst part of North Amer ica ; it besrs the Dame of Macon ! !" Pro Jlgiouh't!!: ''""l. '""".a"' After this, hi the store of Beswsmai haul in her horns. We expect, tbe next time we hear from hese krtwing Frenchmen, they will have L'pPtr flog lhief" e-ected into a i tote f Eo. Caao. insstow, n. C. iraii 23. Ilydrofihobid. Several very distressing rases of this dreadful trtalsdv, hsve occur red among the negroes of Mr. Wm. P. Roberts, of this Country one of them worrwn died on Saturday last, in the most excruciating agony, and three others are mw suffering under strong symptoms of the disease, which the-physuian hopes to antst by p course of salivation ; these persons wet bittert rteaf two toorrths gr a were seterat others io this Town, tl of j horn ce cc nainiy' in y; ry gfeit dan ger. : -.rxijr.CsW. William C Oates, one of the persons chafgcd-itb" tbe false impriiohmenLbf Stephenson, returned to Ssyannah on tbe first of April, in the ship Quelpn Mab, from Philadelphia, and the next day sur rendered himsclf lQ. the civil authorities, snd failing to give bail was committed to been arrested, de pri d of his liberty ihi Incarcerated in prison, for the meritorious act of arresting a foreign swindler. Athenian. Gov. Dcrbigny, of Louisiana, hns par doned, or rather commuted the punish ment of n man named Gayarre, who was convicted of murdering his own mother in law, with his own offspring at the time ,n ncr rras ' n" ar"wn own forr him the strongest reprobation of the preaa of that State, tie is warned of the fate of Gov. Desha; and those who were warmest in supporting him for the office now appear to be loudest in their condem nation of his official conduct. It is insin uated that the punishment of Cayarre was commuted, because his connexions were influential and respectable. Among the Wildings destroyed by fire- at Augustar Geo- was the-theatre. - The Canadian Cwr!f, now exhibiting In New-York, weighs, it is1 said, 620 pounds. He i some-what heavier than iheEb? phant Columbus, stuffed- The Su'ccewon. The U. S. Telegraph hat the following remarks on the subject of the PreVident'a being a candidate fof re-election: "The President upon hjs well' known rule -not to seek or decfine'office wh'en iemleir'ed. by iMsWloir iten5la vteg ..i.AAA t rlias 'iinaTirMf awn srall iF Kt of those who have elevated him to bis highxtation; and having given no indi catioii arta wbatt-is; gestion that he declines a re election is premature and unauthorised. Under such circumstances, it is not to be believed ihat tho republican party would, at pre sent, permit itself lo become divlJcd oj on the pretensions of any other candidate The Directors of our State Cank haye appointed Col. 2aac T. Avery to dose the business of their Office of Discount at Morganton, in the place of Col. William Eruin, resigned- . Rattigh. Rttfttir. A. -Ointment of Mr. Norton, lata one of the editors of the Connecticut Times, to the Oflke ofPoit Mister for Hartfard. hat I... . -I II i . . .. nil ucen rspi.njr succeeaen oy his remot'o.'. ie ih rsstjington wtth his commlsion In hit pocket. He arrived at Hart tori, and entered on the duties of hit Office on the morning of jut Thursday week. The very next day, Friday, he learned that his commission bad been revoked, nd thai John M,- iVilesj had - superseded him. It is said (hit a remonstrance ia about to be sent on to Washington, against Mr. Norton's . removal. The United Statei Tekgrapfr itates, trial Korton was removed, because the Tost Master Ooner alwsa aathfied that Mr. Norton had de ceived him aa ta public opinion fUiivs to iatalrna for the office,' and thaTa'n-oiherj-and not M - Norton otlgM t U aoioted.' Mr.NorVon"ha(l oeeh Vesid ing' some time in Waahingtoo city, en gaged in the Telegraph office. Mr. Coofi 'tr the American KovrrlhtK letter from Marseilles, France, dated 13th March, says t Mr. Cooper, the Novelist, haa been here a few days. He came to print a new work, probably a novel, (not Travels in Europe, as has been errone ouily rr ported,) snd would have remained during the aunimer ; but not coming to terms with the publisher, he has icturned to Florence, where his family at present resides. Tbe loss by the late great fire at Au gusta, is estimated at half a million of dollars, not one third insured. ' LATf. FROM EUROPE. I The eTVijr George "Canning, aV New York from Liverpool, brings Engiih pa pers of i4th March. - L Deplorable affrays have taken place in port Wjhon between :be " lailo.-s of Uie American frigate the Java, and the sail ors of the. French corvet:e Pomona, and the brig Fnune, on the evening of the 1 5th. M. Mcsnard, midshipman of the Faune was cruelly sssasinded st th gates of the town, by some American Bailors. Marreillet, March 12. . "Letters from Alexandria rereived to day, announce that the Turco Kgyptian fleet haa been entirely destroyed by the Russian Admiral ilayden, in the harbor of Suds, some leagues from Canea, in the island o( Candia " Portugal correspondent ol the New York Journal of Commerce, .in a letter dated London,-March" D3v says, " That England . end France., .intend . 4J ac ing t hr young -fftrern twrther tarorre-xit rortagal. litre exisis ho doubLi.anu those two now era only await the junction of a Prazilijn squadron, with a very effective force, to make a descent oo lortugaL " - Ruinia and Turkey. "Tt Cernian pa pera aiVnounce ilii tentfwal of operations betwten the ftassians and Turks. It is staled that the Grand Vizier, arrived at Shumfa"the"CtliJa'ftUarfrBnd xollccttd abouv-3O,000-ven ttk Paivady . Jackson's election to the Presidency, the city of Mexico was brilliantly illuminated, and public rejoicings look place through out the Republic i We have been anxiously waiting for the return of Com. Porter not with standing the fair promises of the Mexi can government, we are pained to learn,1 that the gallant Captain, whose services shed a brilliant lustre on our country, during the late war, ia actually in poverty, and almost destitute or the means ofliv ing. Banished by the intrigues of the lateadministf ation, the people expect, from the well known liberal feelings of the President, that Com. Porter will not want the generous protection of his coun try. II the question ol rank should pre vent bis being restored to the navy, it is hoped some other provision may be made for his appointment as minister of the United States in Mexico, or any part of Sdufh "America'.' ""jrddhr arwow q my) u . TIIE-AIA R TSi - -- SaUtburv Priee$, Mag ' 91flC7.T.CottOli U to 2 cents, corn 20 to 25, pork 3.50 to 4, but- ter 7 to 10, flouf 4 to 4.?5 per-faarret, wheat 50 to 60, Irish poUtoes 40 to 50, sweet do. 40 to 50, brown surar 12 to 15, coffee 15 to 22, salt 1A5 to 140, bameipuii clutb. 18 to 30t whiskey. 20 to 25, bacon 8 to V. . Favettnnllf, .Ibril 29fA. Cotton 74 to 8 1-2 bacon 5 J to 6, peach brandy 55 apple do 40 to 42, Ijuttrr 10 to 15, corn 45 to 50, flsxeed 8.7, flour 4$ to Sf, laedfi, mola3il5, sugar 8J $ 1Q, sals 75 to 80, tallow 8, wheat 1 .20, w biskex Si v i. C7.arfcrn, Jlpril 27......"..Cotton 8 to flj cent, flour 7 a 7J, whiskey, 26a 27, bacon 5 to 5, hams 7 1-2 a 8, be kind ot'bagging 20 to 23, 'salt 35 lb 50, corn 41 a 46, coffee 12 to 15 N. Carolina bank bills 2 a 2J per Cent, discount Georgia, 1 J ditto. Wilmington, April 29....Cottm 8 to 8J, flsz 10 to 13, flmir 7.50 to 8.00, corn 55 to0, cheese 7 to 8, apple brandy 35 to 37, tallow 8 to 9. Xathville, Ten. Jpril 24 ...Cotton 7 a 8, N. Carolina bank bills 10 per cent. ds. Camden, May 2 ....Cotton 7 to 8J, flour 4 to 5 out of tbe wagons wtbat from Camden mills 6 to 7s wheat l, corn 60 to 62j, oau 32, salt 75, 'whiskey 28 to 3.5, bacon 7, to . Arrivals of Cotton Wagons are becomirMi' more ! Vettnt'thin for a frv -wrrkTlt. ,,fiinf:fnf, end Jt&m I!i(h'ntn,l, Mi if..,',.Cotton 8 a 54, flouf H'J o C, wheat 1.00 a 121, corn 40 a 4, bs. r n 7 to 7 1. brandy apple 4 1 to 45, old peach di QlliSI ul. A.m tl l. 11 ...l......di . Ill i North C arolina bank bills .1 discount, S. Ciro -o,t"""7l,'",'rl HI ! 11, Iina3a2J,Oeorgia JJ . DaUimtrt, l......lmjr ?,!.00, cotton 8 to 10,'wbiikey 23 to 25, bacon U toll. . Xtvhtrn, Mag 2 ...CoVon 7J to 8, flour 6 J It gy, wheat 871 XL ben 3 to 0, !t 45 to 60, peach brandy Ti, apple da. 40 a 43, whiskey .". ChrJfra 2a Cotton, y.50 lo 8.5 Jt, bacog r.l o 8, Com 41. ft xir 5 U $M whUVey 28 t1 -la, peacll btaaJy 4J. t1 s. apple do. 4)to 45,-.. leaf tobacco Lcnlfe t l 18, Salt 74 to f5 , tallow 8, molars 4 ', berf 3 to 4. , thers 23. cents, flinccd 37 to 40, flour i.ti to,L 6, Kcnhawr salt 50 cents, practf brarvly 6 . spple do. 37, whiskey 20 to 20. tillowf, tobac cw 3 torVfiUlM:rlb7rr:.:4!r TMMRtEntr In tbe Forke of tha Tadkin.l.ithis county, )i'f " Nathan Cornell, Esq. on the 21st Ult. Mr. James Dnint to Miss Sarah It. Lee. . ' n Fall Hiver, Macwbitsetts, on Monday tsori' nmir, Mr. Andrew fj. Fearinff. merchant, of Bos ton, to Hiss AldiborontlphoscophoTioq Cowen, ia jne tor.i.er piacev ;:. In this county, near Iteth l'ag meetlng-lions on the 7th insl. Mrs. EUaabeth Kitpatrick, gel about 98. . In Havannab, on. the 1st Inst, the Hon. William Davies, Judge of lite Eastern Judicial District tit the state of Georgia. ,, MUJ (1 .M ) iC .V Vaft, &c . ,UKSTIX 0? 1WRXS A HJ. now receiving, at the S.tlU im. burg Medical and Omr Miry ' sienaive ainl well at lccted aaorts stent of AUv 1, atiearyrerfiimervj and the ber, of Wintrs anj Liquors t VWtrd rtpresnly ftp . medical purposes i al of which will be diiweI of on ! anlaireous trms rtr Cash, or en a sliort -credit to punctual customers. Orders from a lttne punctually attended to. i .r Partienlart hereafter. - ' foyltfA, 1829. S6rf- . -a Freft UooAa, VAir as (lotus FB1IIK subscribe- is now rrrriving and open. JL ing at his Sttrt in Xolttbury, a large assort ment of Spring and Sumnur GOODS, lURlHVJlRR, AM) GROCKIUES; Coma. uns- itr'iost rvrrv article tinially r be found in Morra i bwiirht for rath, and selected by himvlf, with care, in rhi'udtlidiia and New Turk Ihe Hublie are aniretl i1mv will find a full lupp'.y, ami aa luv for ca$h 4 any h the place, or otherwise, on sccnmmoditinc 'rrrns. I'hey r invited locall, iatMoawl (u 1f frrficra -selves. J'm'y Mt RI'UY.- AJtK 4w Mrfiing an es-trwfve and fsshioflS' tie assortment of w awmablc - : goods, -.r - - The public are respectfully invited to eH and examine them." " 66 -brttfwr, Mag 1 1. 1 fh'9. ; T tH tiAnr V w vrt ', JLaV bkr. about the first of Ain-il, A 18 years uf age, live feet fuur inrhi s hiph, stout built, has a war On one of his leg about the knee, occasioned bv a burn. Anv ner. " ' son who will return said Neero to me in Lincoln county, or cot. fine him in any jail so that 1 get him airain, shall bs entitled to the above reward. I.VMAN WOODFORD. Unrn runty, 24 Mag, IH29. GH STOLEN from the wibirribers In StstesviIIe4 oft the 29th Inst (btincTiiridaVof cmirt) one sorr-1 IIOKSR, five ears old, abniit fihWn bands high, a small blaze in hit face, some white hairs on hix shoulders caused by the collar, either one or both hind feet white, no other msika re collected. Also, at the same time and. place. was stolen, lielit bay Ihrie, about fifteen band high, mor.h mrked by the collar, eight or nino years old, no other marks recollected. A sma'l man, sandy comnlectiou, of irdinarv appear ance, apparently between thirty and forty years of age, was seen making" his way westward, about 4 o'clock in the eve-run?, riding one and iJeading.the oUir .of.BBldIIorKSJ...lih.crLl.eT. ward will be given for the detection of tbe thief, or any information renpecling aaid UoKes tttr that we get them again. 1 f lflU.sTDPtlT:riJAJlRrrCCEK,"' IIEMtV UfSTLR. - '"-- hdU e. X. ( : May i it, 1 820. 5t70 .VegTOts 'Wanted. N likely, young JVVere Mm. from 16 to 20 years of age t for hlch fair bncra will be given. Inquire of SAM'L. REEVES. Snlitbifrg, Jprtl 7Sth, 1829. . 4t67 fttilfi Kit laand Jm mRawm amLKutr Cuunhct It. jifctiuy. and, foniu Pakv executor; of JaTOU..lieF!yi Wilijam ivBird. aed others i Supreme Court, December term, l"52fl. By virtue of a decree made in the above cause. I ahall expose, to public sale, before iha -courU house door, in the town of Salisbury, on Mon day the 18th dy of May next, about .'.00 acres of land, be the same more or less, on the Yad kin Hiver, in the counties of Surry and Kwan, it being the tract of land sold by Sam'l. Kerbv in his lii'e time fo Jonathtvn Dalton. Terms of sale, six, twelve, and eighteen months credit, the purchaser entering into Bond with approved the land to be retained until the payment bl the" purchase money. ' JOHN L. HENDERSON, nr. S. C. SaiUhun, Feb. 27, 1829. ; , Ht66 - SUKItlFFS- DKKDS. ITtOlt land sold by order ot: writs of vendit'cH aV r.xptiris. stw at thu office. ; 1 i r- - M m . ' Hi i i i i - I twuay -s j Ei? k. 1 ..I V -v t 1 1 t - , -'. lit

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