A ' ' it i r ' Y ' . .. . 1. P ... .. y ' u -i , ). i i V ii : j ,1 1 1 ;:.) hi (;i til 01 h'if "el under left U. ate ,f 7,. : fed with duuit ini wanee for mediciot No dog tdilagf. ri,r Jiii n for lif :7sA fT f; r I i n i. r f ,114 V ' r,l"k"4' . wniit.y RAUSnUltV, KO.WA.V COUNTY, N. O... ..TUKS1UY, MAY 19,' ICtf. VOL. IX..... NO. IC7. . It 0 k tobe besides i ff .l tl l ...... I mf Hi m4 M T M- i ' " b Ml nM. . ". 1. .4 u VII k 'MUllr J. f V..I 4 I . lpM if. ... ...tlri". ffc.i'w.fl, f .IM . . ' all IMf'rt Mill c gives to trie tirdV he. tur; paper. 'be N. Y. itate and taken a, of the (lt CUUIN ')cd upon f the pre. ught the rec, doet those or md. ) Cluitv Eaitero 3 Chris. ! Morca. iou'thern 130,000 fTflIS Work I' it Ubu'ar f irm, and f xltiiiK , JL ("e lii w. ibe rr in tquare mile, popuU tio'j, f iernn.eiit,re?'ici'n,iiteof ocity, revco Uf,' wiili'ry trenpb, seat , f gflvf rnmrnt, jarpitt eit rier, monniiin,. with their, di nuaiaianti ,IU htitiule, minrrili ami atnnlr productioti j i with gtlief rafuab'o MormnUm of ;l"he nioJern jcjfrtpliical tlivitions of ibf . - It will l puUMyd on fi,ie paper In the nut Mt inanner, and ill liverrd to lulncrilwrrat 1 r copy i or RJ.O ', lined, ami on rollt rs. N. 'niea'fi-ovalofaeerallilfrarv (fentle. rrvn, w ho bare rximined the manuicript, U rvlird t the aabcribiiijr proa ireful.' HY AUTIIOIUTY. N mud rath fwt wdit, for V!,--' . well mad jfN mud' rale rm. fr iYU, IV ftlrt with urh a ' " soon, at h i belie Many Kerning 'e some lea seri be pari that la aimer's, erts it illowin k: "A :ofHe. onstrat San. Gent.5' irate of rhbnate and sis ,-fu rreatest Kat Tj ;lie ex- clow,-- s roc a noble extrr- lection a por-" r.d F ace he 'cvr. -Tb f.atd, c! one id sc- rdttr for approved par r,a new, Hirrn. vehicle. apply a soon, at it i beiievea w fnvoralJe an orpoHunity tr prof ore ,rfier will not aoon orTer ajjain. . T.OWARU CHERS. Ornngesa itmons, CamVus. "IT Uv juat received from Charletton, anotlicr JL aupply of. r --Cuba Sicect Oranpcs . Cocoa JVu? JtiKtimrlmenUf Candies Smoked Uerrmzt- . - - Lutfs' JV. Y. Butler Crackers Mackerel, fXo. 2 J also It. A. Daties Malt Beer, Japan Tin Ware and bright . 1 Do.'&c.-Vc. Vc. " Which t pffer fr atvhi-cluap for cab, at my : iVabliah.UeWT norfrv of-Cm Court J loure: 3t67 - " WM. ULNTEIw UMffjnept 30jj,!iW, ...... . "Tf'fic aniif Clock rMakrramd Jewellers, C I f A RTX)TTC tf.Cr- TTTAV E Jtirt received an 1 B -rleprrt assortment . of a'rticleJ In their line i which they will aell- very :. ow for rash, or to punc- tfotXe eV 1. Ai Jual cusforherf on a c-rwU - h. -jiUcdJWom-uflc. : . July 3A 1828; ZLr.- THE i'iiOROlTfiTI'BttKO-liORSE WILL at and tlii sea Sim in Hie ciMiiitiet of IUju an and ('ftbamia : commencine the week In ' fiali?btLrj. on Mondays, Tuesdays, arwl Werlnea. day; in the town of Con cord on Tliuindnya, Fri dava. and Saturday. The season -rift OHwrat nee die lstLPfMafch, nd end 1st August. Twelve IJolluni will be charred for the icaxon, payable bv t n dollars before the tea dn eipirerj Eight DolUra the leap j and Twen .y Dollars to murc. Por Pedigree and de&ripi lion of Aerorwut, oee liandbills. STEPHEN L. FF.MUND, ,' . CHARLES L. BOWERS. F3. 12A. 1829. (54....CK Ms- N. B. Great care will be Uken to p'tve (feter al aatisfaction ( but we cannot be liable for acci dent. Grain wilf be furnished, at the market law the Uuittd Siaittf Pasted al iA iKtnd ' Htiian iKi tvtniielh ttnj'ttM, ; ' Art Aet eoMUo tbepreaeot. mod of iupttt Inr; the Army of U UuitcditatesH'. ; DR U enacted hy iMTStmti imt fouirt tf tt'Jirctfntatlvri the United Stittrt of. awn, sevcntrii eititb, .ninth, end tenth atu'ati;jciefttf Jed Ai set rej. (listing the stsffof the army ef th fJoued states," pasted April the fourteenth, eil teen hundred and tlffhtecn snd eitrhth section of the act, entitled An act to reduce and fix the Miliisr? Pesre Estab lishment ul the United Slates," psed nlarch the second. elirh:ren hundred and weoty one, are hereby ton'inued in force for five years from the pming of this act, and tnence to ihe end of the next session of Congress thereafter, and no longer. ' , . . t Stc. 2. And beUJurther enacted, That he b tier to enable the CommWssrr Genersl of subtMtence to carry into effect the provisions of the above specified acts, there W appotnied iro Cororbissaries to l.e taken from the line of the army, one of whom shall luve the aarae rank,spay aTjd'ctnidamrnts.a's Quartermaster , and the other with'the rank, pty nd'cmotir men'.s of Assistant Quartermaster. --: -A. 8TEVENS0 . Speaker of lite Hwueof nVpresentative. ..".V ; J. C OALitOfX, A'rHJrtaUiit.jitiue Vpiled Ptateind '.Approved: 2 March, J829. JOUV VIN'CV ADAMS. - - x-aa 27. . An Act for the relief of the Navy hospital fund, npi. I., ji . o - t . of Rrfireientativet of the United State of t America in Cungret attembkd, Tbtx. the sum of one hundred and twenty live thou sand dollars be, and the same herebv is, appropriated to the Navy hospital fund and that the same be pid by the Secre tary of the Treasury, on the requisition of the Commissioners or the sid fund out of any, money in the Treasury not nenr ISC .? ppropri a i eo . Approved x 2 MarcbnSSJ.' """" Z "7! ;:A I I JrV ri .. lap., inn a lonv iuii mm ijc-iauti u; u j I . i 1 iw...i.mn m in. i.rnun i n r IOC i .v, ... - j i a. aiutic ui me .it.ii n . mhm , un i 1 .-, ... i ,,r il,- .'.II' ..!, .r,A m. Inf.iTTnatinn n that I ..... . .. j .; t . . aparIW inC- tM- -X, third ol June, one tnousana e.Ro, nun- Efl c n; and I I I . .,, WILLIAM AMREtt: " ?eo enJ:4wenty.A t0 enable I I - j-!9iA 1890. 3t67 Kansas Indians, sixteen thousand eight vi..AttZiXriKii 5CH7 a fM .fuV "pVTceTlfjrnarcr smt frmn-iUataucejuj 1JlQM tbe,ubr;criber, a bay . mare, 3 years old iTu? Vprinr," about 1R Tiands high, wwd of aalen. Apt fnrro, - Stw has a star in her itV 00 ; agr ; arc n. ord ved Ilowan coUntyrdcrth-Ttetiet-Tw'HHr ( "Their TeteTyV:nd .-pcn:;lnJebied, ate 'desired to make payment immediately. - tHOMAS CrtAIGE. ) - , . NATHAN CORNEL, Man 50fA, 1823 Stitn 'tS ly authentiCtfefirww!rie,awrrnwTO U nii,i ill he nlead in bar of fwetJttnwwnirollirf I AT A"ct tnatiYia; appropriattions fir carrying; Into effect certain treatief with the Indian tribra. 4 fot holdiny treaty - w ith ihe- -TaUa wati. maa. ' HE 'tt enacted by the Senate and Haute ofReftreiehtativet of the United Stdlen bf America in Coiigrett asiemelerf, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby eppwpriatedi viz t For Hie annual supiort.of a achboT for b&a'ucjnoTrtf tTtd!tv-rmtV-udt.-;h ct2ht hundred una twenty six, with The! Cftinpeff asV one thousand iIoIlJTsrf-forthr pavincnt m tne eimuity to tne t attawati mas, under the treaty of the sixteenth October,, one thousand eicbt bundled nivl i weary six', two thousand dollars ; for fulfilling' the stipulations of the same frcHiy 1a rcrant to-education, -two thou sand dollars ; for (he annual support of a blacksmith and miller, and for furnishing one hundred and sixty bushels of salt, under ibe- same treaty, jone thousand five hundred and twenty dollars ; for the pay raent of the permanent annuity under the fourth article" oP the "treaty " with r ihe Miamies of the twenty third October, one thousand eight hundred and twenty six, twenty five thousand dollars ; for the delivery of iron, steel, and tobacco, under the same- treaty, and for the employmen' of laborers, one thousand one hundred tl5ltar5r"fw--th-ul-&uppQrL..9.fj.hc poor and infirm Miamies, and the educa tion of their youth, under the sixth arts cle fid treaty, two jhoj fbr makiiur eood a deficiency in the ap propriation to carry into effect the fourth purchase of land granted o Xanry Dur licit, two thousand nine hoMrcd and six ly tlollarsi for-the- payment st claims gainst ike l'attawaum s, stipulated in the third article of laid treaty, ten thou and tlnl. hundred jnrt fancty five tlol Urs; for xpenus. tf jaswmininjt - the rr.PertF belonfrlrsj to the mis nonary estabusbmeut; , the nreirtOTaf of wJJth ,I tosided Lc h U fif h arti'le of Ue aii4;ai sthrce Jiundted Ih'rii (at compensation to Cherokee Indians cn4dlpjxftnjtWrf tke chartered I. !.-..-!. .- r h . " Minuaoi neiaie oi ueorgi,, in pursu ance of the provisions of the treaty of the sixth Maf, one . thousand eiifbt hundred and twenty chi, with the, Cherokee of Arkansas, upon the supposition that five hundred may emigrate itiin the s-ear. that is to aay t for rifles, ,includinp a balance due on iflei Durchased last vear. for blankets, Tor brass kettles, and for to bacco, ten thousand seven hundred and twenty Wr dollars and .sevemt ht ceDti; for expense of transportation tf those articles, two thousand dollars ; for payment for property which may be abandoned by Cherokees irnierstinr froTO Grorris, fire thousand dollars) for ex pense of emigrations being ten dollars per he(l,be thoasaod doluri; for one rears prolions for emigrants, fifteen thousand dollars; for gratuity often dollars to eacfe emigrant, a per lemhth -ankUlTbf ,tbe treaty, Eve thoUssnd dollars; for com pensation of appraisers of property aban dqned by emigran's, as provided in eighth ankle of said treaty, and nf aucb Other persons at it may. be necessary ia etnploy in executing the provisions of said article six tbou'snd five hundred dollars ; for r ompensation for improvements which may be sbandoned by the Cherokees of Arkansas, as is povlded in the fourth ar. J tide of 'said trearyrefrmaimg-fof one thousand-heads of families, thirty seven thousand dollars;. for. compensation of appraisers of property s abandoned, in pursuance ol same article, and for ex pensea of removal of aged and infirm In duns, five thousand dollars. Sec 2 And be it further enacted, That the several sums hereby impropriated sball be paid out of any money in the lie proutids, and ef the measures necrs ssry to be tsken for the prcservatioo and tare of the pnblio property; ' ApprvveJ 3 Starch, 18 ?9. 7---'-t--'- .KEY, WEST and imlXV ..The following- ia an extract, J Jcttcr from a ' fentlcttuit'le hli father, in Fredaricka- borr, Virginia, oaten , " . . 1 k'ey Wast is situated in the Gulf of Meiov4Mul'jCSS5 miles front ff. Mirks amongst he ofHcersof the Inland, and that almost every one of them can bo bribed, i Indeed, I Lh several others was present, when a ttisturrr house vfT cer, io the m'.'open and shameless manner, was bribed, with two or three dollars to permit Snmft.artkica to bo put ew bowrd nl vetseU New Ver-r 77ai7. A"tTt"tlH-TrTttrl hrre esaemolf ol Nl Yik, ia -ttlw ih. tjil bantlftr'Wftfrri'are t"oniIr novelty in,-. egllajian. JIhe aitention, which it exr and 3 froei jhe snuthero i I'ltrcmTif r)c'Mir (hat eommerjialc6aJHiUcfjLy,jol. Florida- It is a miserable barren spot of seven mtUa in extern, and two or three in breadth, ao i I am told, In the summer season complete nest for all the insects o( tropical climate, which ire so annoy ins as to render life alniost a burthen. For year or two past, I am Informed, it has been sickly, ihouifh it has alwiy s had that renutaiion abroad: and from its sit utionand the numerous ponds cm it. I should think a residence here during the summer, would be very hazardous be sides all this ith the exception of the Officers of the Court, and a few other gentlemen here, the society Is very bad, as you may suppose, when I inform you that there is not a lady, dn the whole is land, and no gentleman who has ventured to bring bis family fcere. Things have Dctier coiiuucieu since tne -estao- ... hern lishment of aCouit h-re, lut I am told ttr ro waa nothing like law or justice be fore that time, and thai great frauds were prsctised by the merchants' and. others hetTiVrhowere-wlmoat- entirely rCiH -of the reach of justice. In this stale ol things I am sure you will net disapprove of my determination to leave a place which offers so few inducements to re r W - . . ... main, l am debarred almost entirely here "from that society to which A hive. been accustomed, ant never hear from home, or from my uiends in r lorida. I returned with a friend yesterday from' a trip to Havana, in Cuba, which furiosi y and a good opportunity tndured us to ske. It is about eighty miles from here, and as wo were invited to go in ' United Slates' vessel (the revenue cutter Pulaski,) our passage . cost us nothing. XifsMir? wrrrrwt-Wtpriatd..; Aa it wasthe-iirstfurrifcn cjty I had ever . Approved; 2 March, 1829. . visited, and everything prescmed so"no VLI ail "J't HI BTIUC, .VJ WIlLil v. J 1. ui M ent from any' t'lingi had ever seen T be- hundred and ninety five dollars and forty cents ; for the payment of the sum sitpu UteyJtbahs ond article of ihe agree ment entered ;in)jiih? p'TOh5 lrio1mw4hJwsryjBb of Au gust; one WAGON KItS, Dmins to , Fawlleviltc, find it to their advantage, to stop at Lbousand dollars for the purchase of f th the Pottawaiima Indians of the twentieth of September, one thousand eight bun dred Bnd tventy eight, two thousand dol lars; for the payment of the limited an nuity stipulated Jn the same article, one where, every con e itainn turu, win-. ""-.rnnt and the Davment in snecie stipuia -CTtenevrapewtdai. including transpoita- them comfortable, at the moderate charge oTTS' 7 Ttt7(ZttrKJ2aKihJni- cents a dav and night, for the privilege of the tion, forty GvcthousanuveUfidTco!. r Yard, the use of a c-ood house, fire, water, and Ura; for the expense of farming, and lor shelter. Attached to the Yard, are a Grocery and Provision Store, Bread, hqp and Confec tionary, and S House for Boarders and Lodgers, in I plain, cheap, wholeiome and comfort able S'jl-r. riyrpj!le, i't JfrtU 1823. ,C9 BIIB-3. An "Act making appropriations for the public rT4adfijrpoei. . " " BR tTehdCTttt by lhe Qenate 'vmt Houk of Hefi'eentativ. wf the United State of imerica in Cangrtt attcmblcd? That the following sums be appropriated and paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the following purposes, re'spettlvely, to wit i i"iujr;icpaiT3 and other work necessary To 6elR)neln Vnuabout the"TaBTf6f alid lis ciiciob'urcstrciRhJeenhowand seven hundred "and" siity two Ttotlars-aml sixty three cents; for erecting fourteen addi tional lamps in or around Capitol square, two hundred and ten dollars ; for keep ing lighten twenty tour lamps in or aoundaid square, MX hundred and five dollars; for erectijiK aaJron rail fence and central gate on that part of the pub lie ground west of thr Capitol which ad oins the circular walk, twenty eight hun dred dollars.; to complete the north front A the President's house, accbrdihTffthe oiigind plan, by erecting a portico, wrnty four thousand seven hundred and sixtv nine dollars and twenty fivecents; for work to be done on and about the resident's house 'and' enclosures, six housand three hundred and sixty one dollars and eighty six cents ; for furnish. in? the President's house under the dl rection of tbe Presidcn' of the United States, fourteen thousand dollars ; for the purchase and enclosure of the square numbered. two hundred and fifty nine, on the plan of the city, eignr thousand dot ars ; for repairs end expenses ol the tire Lnttimiiia and r ranklm x hundred and forty the President of the fict with ttugt Per sico to execute two statotes in front of the Caniiol, four thousand dollars, i for bal ance of compensation to N. Gcvelot for sculpture in tne vaiHtotf va,nftnuxe and fifty. "dollafit;!!1 ment of the permanent annuity stipulated -hw.,.- .-r in the secoi article Of -the in oiiice-iuc irtuiii-iui uTv-ufpiwi, long as may be riecessary for the exc.u tion of the work to be done upon the Capitol under the Erst section of this act, at his present rate of compensation.' Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Commissioner of public buildings an nuajiy jnaKe to Cofigfess at the com meneemeotiflbeLStssion, a rmort of the mannerm wi utensils, specified in said article, seven j public buildi thousand five hundred dollars ; for tobac-j applied m irnn. steel, education, annuitr to Drift-1 or rematninr; cipal Chief, cmnloyrfient of laborersj and condition of thepuVJc b'J if dings and pub- fore, you may judge how much my curi 4 . . .:f J I.. u NUiy was . gmi i n cn.-n-- w OUia.irru.UJLrr much greaer descriptive powers than I am master of, to-describe cvry thing I f - i. t k saw. indeed, i was so mucn coniusen by the novelty of my situation, und strange appearance of everything around me, that my head was completely turned and 1 scarcely knewwher J-wai....'jTje entrance jno-J UavlarUour j v vcr.y .u au.g w j nd commanded on eacn sme fty-lhe most tremendous fortifications perhapitn the woild. "The "banks -are- -yory-UigUJ nd on ihe tops the fortifications are erected, surrounded by a wall, from whose summits long ranges of cannon frown in dreadful array, and I should suppose would in a moment be able to sink any fleet-wiucb.xouldj!iia.c k jhc city. U it h in the port lay two seventy four s, anJli? veral other ships of war commanded bv Admiral Lsbnrde. The city is walled around, and built altogether of rouuh stone the streets sery narrow, end rcrt house looks exactly like a prison. As it is alto gether a military government, almost every person you meet is in uniform the drums beating and trumpets blowing in every direction. There ate a great many splendid buildings, especially the palace of the Captain Gen. or Governor of Cuba, and the Cathedral and Churches of the city -which ar.e.0,(J.'T.nicnse.si7e, covering a whole square, and decorated in the most splendid manner you can pos sibly, conceivecombining all the costly elegance and splendour .-of the- East. I was parikularl y Str UC It .-." i'h : he appear- ante ftf the Priests, who have their crowns" its intrinsic importance Induce us to state its provisions. Its main design it to make . banks . mutually, responsible for each other . For that purpose it'ersates a -bank fund" by an annual tax of- half 'of one. per cant, upon the -capital stock of all banks hereafter fo be Incorpor ated, or to have t;ieir charters renewed or extended, until tbe fund thus accruing shall amount to three per cent, of all such capital stock. ' This fund Is to be deposi- at . . ' s ten in the state tieasurvv and to be in viMably applicable to the debts of any btnk. Bubjer.t to this law, which may be ' . come Insolvent. Thst a proprf st7p1crvTs'' . Ion of the arTaris of each of the banks trif be exercised bv all the banks' thus Invol untarily associated, the act provides for appointment or three persons to be styteil bspk.t'pmmUslonersV:The governor amj senate appoint one oTthese cbmmiVsldn-"?- ersi the'banks a'pfioint the other two. It their duty tor visit add thorounhly to in- i ' -pect tbe concerns of. each b.mk, onee'at east in fmir momhtf andfnore freAuentIs tr reretf tr, bri -t ate banks, and Jo apply toifieTcourt of chancery for an' infuncuoti agaThsrany bmk they shall consjder to be insolvent. The bank fund Is to i be'invested bylhe state comptroller, and the proceeds, after pailng'thc aalariet of tbe-minissiM4a, to be divided annually among the several binks, according to their capital. In a few years most of the mnnled cor porations of the great state of New York, will be subject to the opnrtion of this law. The most important effects of te? change, is, that tbe 'rou'de of watching the solvency of rrtonied instltntins, will be transferred from the public to'ihoie ThsfitutroBl themselvcawr-After bektowirtg upAw the-: plan; caruiderabU ittcmixm two 'irihxttpetl tw-viftwkfsvorablvtViivt.'- ever may be its meiits'or defecrsTTns" y proper to state, that tt was laid beftr th legi laiu re kf'W r' "V so 6'fe iu'iSeor: their sacredotal robes with immense slouched fiStr,' very much like the-repre . sentations I have seen of the ofnrers of the'Spanish Inquisition. I am told many of them are seen one hour ofliciating at Thtr?HataMftd :,the n;extin-a miserable gamming ..'A(aue or ,c.vc ji'ha severe' coriifnemaryon tneirmu,r,.r, k nao- no and coffee es'ates on Hie iWndrf'y. are; 4a miles from ihe city, and travellers are said to be in gfeat danger ol Veing robbed or'assassinated ; but the.coUntry without the walls, and immediately round the city, is very beautiful, and adorned with the most elegant buildings and bo tanical gardens. What a pity, that a country with such a delightful climate so much favoured by nature, and indeed tne SDOUIU PC t.A'4v... .xvai al the world, should be Ut) I lien an appropriations iui c p-,aiwvi. v..---.-- .t.i4 . .i ngs and grounds have been der the dominion of a weak and cOrfupJT m. . 4i & an si.aw nnionur.inn r I saa oi tne numoer oi puunc ioi soiu iki,'"""v"'' - - -- i th. . . .. . . . .i . I I J....n.r.l.il rr III tlnnlr. 11 nnm n .4rn A r i 1 1 he ibiiu 11 auu w v.."-' " - - t r I amtoTd the grr atet Cfrulon , prevails From the Rochester (NV Vork) Telejrsph. " A e'tv'rif dg it btuer than a drunken man." On the evening of tlte-Bl'r -nwat. as.!? were coming from Le R iy to this.cLice in the rTbnefr, the-piH Jbclt tfncommWy- eretl l-r some distance before wc U .1 C hed-Allrrr't cr ee k r- in Whtatlaiul, that a dog not known By "any o7"the ' passeogefs, was frequently runninfj about the sides of the carriage and evi dently very uneasy, and seeming to look with tlrrp interest, for some no--ticT'Trbni "The'passengers --within. When we had come svithtn nbout 10or 12 rotU of the creek, the dog gnt be fore thr stage and in the middle of the road let op a most earnest "bark iug ud crying, which attracted the notice of the p-issengers and driver who appre bending that nil this concern f the strange dog might mean anmethiog, stopped his horses, and looking under his coach, and within six inches of his wheel, saw a man lying across the pathin..?uc.h a i.p.sition that had he lrove two feet further, the wheel must have passed directly over the neck nf the p"or creature and terminated his e xistence. ' ' - - - - The man wasH and grey headed, shaved, nrt walk atwint Ihe strerrs intsmi tliw teeeif-XliLl-iXpflsiirr was, rV s 1 s a was urunk, so urunx tnat wnen aroused be could n9t.speak. As sooa as he was driwn out from under (bis coach, the faithful -dog appeared in exticy of joyhis first motion was tr xtretrh-himself at full length upon his beastly master, Tiwm trresi inwrr'-fiMvguwgc , tu. Aisvriijei . thejjJump'ing across his body bsck- ward, ana torwara, as trTr vmeRt eMa. from dAngeT,''"tn'tn,,4nfu80'-'.aninawition.. into his almost lifeless body. A gentleman having called for some beer, during dinner, the lady of the honse remarked that she was afraid it was dmd. That I should not be sur prlcsecnnitiswetf fo last time I was here it wos vcrtj bad indeed. , - - -LJ... V) i t -f. 13 . -1; t ii I- 1; i : s rt i 4 -rrj.ASfei tl

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