imts. u it ktitel U Pennsylvania pa ier that Gov. huls hit appinted I If nrv lUtdetocf Fittsbure, Attorney uener io the ?oom of Mr. I.Hmaker. Offden Hoffmen, Em. 1m been elected phfrlcr Attorney for lb ciiranu.c" "j of New York, la the room ol nugo " wrH. resigned . . i Tnnnamr states thit Lord Coch Mn ii 16 restored lo his rank' a Cap ihu h does not aralo enter reign : ""ilcei end lr Is-adoed,'1 that. Sit Robert Wilson i be stored to his rank . ' 7A.. 7A. The riroorletore of i BI rio Journal have offered I reward of 100 Wina t6 anv person who will maxe "known a composition uied in Austria, or in equivalent one, against cecsv eo ieeiu Thia rnmnoaition when In phial resero Ilea glass In fusion, but when poured Into toe CBVliies oi my fcanvua iv"i ---- . I.I a W a aaalflill laal n . IIIIIIIFB the hardness and permanency of gia Professor Brugnstelll, of Parma, has fMfdln to the Italian Journals, dlscov ered an effectosl remedy agalnft hydro phobia. It consists In the internal use and external spplicstien of water diluted with ftnired saline acid, wherewith " ih wmnrfi hr the bite of mad anlma ere to be washed.. Thia remedy ii laid to be effieleor; even if applied severs days after .he bite baa &ren Inflicted, and a great number hate been cured by it W " pi nA iha' Richmond Compiler, that the Conttellation frigate is fitting out at Norfolk, lor the purpose oi eirrtlnc Mr. McLane to England and Mr Rives to FraBce. It is expected j thaUbe will tail about tha I at t Jl- At a recent trial at York, England, Mr Justice Baily look occaiion to remark thatbretotc'rIime?.,V ,?."-!'. tir.n rnnvictcd of heme tfnwi,-, wai thereby rendered incapable of. being li censed for a public bouse for three year. A miTTiTTlTtnoutbr MasachuaeUa, lately obtained five dollars damages from Mother for slander, the defendant baring acruied bim of forgery, and at the same term of the court, the slanderer obtained four hundred dollars of the slandered for n assault. The seat of government of Louisiana is '.-to becefter aXJUoQatdaonviIIe. J he bnblie -office are to be . rerooveOhis - tnonthrand the.Leeislature Is to meet thera for the nexfoesslont : A eentleman who resides at Kingaclere, ' II ' -i-I r..l.nJ -..n1 U.A Sn til Stock, a cow which produced twenty one ... cUcs three hundred bhds. of milk, and four tons of butter( thi value of which mieht be fairly estiraaud at 500-. When "iUle'dribe'fat of-this .wonurJuljcow UbLniorB.than the lean and ' bones altogether.- 'r .-AtKterPnplAwwte'twft"waa trough to te' recovered turned our"tote-tmly "three fafthinrttZ Otrtbli important ease two sergeants and three barristers were employed and after all the question was left undecided, as a juror was withdrawn. The use of Turkey Red In Calico prin- ilng hs been successfully introduced to use at Lowell, Mass. The French have "ion" 1)(f an ad vantage over the- Logluh 'in the employment of this color. A London paper mentions that a pro r.uf nt thantnirv in Denmark. haa re commended to his pupilfthC'Studyof ." the Wavtrly JS'oveh, as the surest way of tuininz that knowledge of mankind which Js so indispensable to ministers of : the gftspel. , ; V - . 'r Walter Folger, of Nantucket, exten- lively known as a man of deep research in scleitcef has recently constructed a set of tables for determining the place of the JEfle comet kt any per lod Vttbhr the torn- pass of a thousand years. " -"r r The lattirom ar r - Yr e held bail orTwuner6rrfeHosffof Commons itjiridcd on the Roman. Catholic Bill, he addresied the House, anTthurcoocludedr Sir I propose that thia debate be now concludedwitb tparliainentarT-toMtt 'which "ls;: May the -ewrer kingdoms be now united,1 and "ever after live togeth er like two hmihertit (Immense laugh- ter and cheeii.j bo-out ioatiOrt..- Jbejcj.reo of jhe shin a At LQljn.t recently arnveu in uin-.ont uom - ... ' ,' "".."W 'Camiaravaiatiaa -, At one of t h Assixe CoUrt8 in Bng : iahdfihewappeared; o heflrstdsf 0 counsel This was large natch it ;"wisdom .7 . ; S: ':': I., 4 1: Is belief eo -tbat the next legislature of Massachusetts will - consist or fOO members. . Of course t hey ha ve no hopea of passina any laws. ' AVoA, , Countertit Twenty: Dfjllar Notes, ef the Bank ef the United States, payable at the Branches in Baltimore and Vyashing i ton, are in circulation f they are well ex ecuted, the engraving is goodj and the paper is very good.' They are most eV fective io the numbering and filling up. , Bait. Oat. Cornelius P. Van Ness, late governor -of-Vermontia, . appointed mipister to Spain v f,e ajairat Port HUfion.-.V lately published an account of some affrays at Port MTon, between a number of the crew of the U. S. ship Java, and several French sailors, where a French lieutenant and an American ailor were killed. Cjpt. Downes, commsnder of the , Java, hn written a statement of the matter, to Mr.- Brownt our minister al Taria, fron milch It' tent srs tht the atrereisloiT wn on th part of the French, and lhai'llie" Americans were not to flame. 35. Carif John Gantt,6fn4fitb,llegt7Ttnt of" WffTfXftirttM fcr- . ' aaa - - 4. . Iff 1 1 Martial held at etierson barracas. mia ouri,rot"koowiogly signinf blse certi ficate -in relation to hi payan.d TaUnd gtliltf 'be CaaMeotenced hirn tobe dismissed tbe"ervlce7tat recommettJe4 him st the srfme time, to mercy. The President or the United States bas refus ed to extend mercy to him. ' It is slated in some of the papers tbat the Duke of. Wellington intends, in Ibe course of the present Session of Palia menMo bring forward what ia termed the West India Question, with tie to the ibolition of atl Slavery throughout Jhe British Dominions I Georeiaf-U is now said (hat Governor Forsyth will run without opposition for tbe-next Governor of Georgia. Mr. Gil mer, it is saidi will be returned to the (7. States' Seoste, to the place of Mr. Ber- nan.' . " ' . We have been informed from Wash ington, tbat Mr. Adams justifies the tm oudent frauds of tir. Vatkina, on the ground of precedent and formee pracUej What are ire coming to r JvoaArr The old Leen coalition paper in Massachusetts comes out, and advises a uaiaioa wf iK turifl" and anti-iario . . - . . - . . ! states, it is too late in ine oay. uncie Sam and his wife bve trotted baod in hand teiretber since 76! They will stick together the rest of the journey, ibid. Jhe ruling pa$etan. uenerai ua ray- a r a m ette-nas- requested. tbe selectmen ol Charlestown, Massachusetts, to send him bocshead of earth, from the battle ground on uunaer inn, wnicn if w oeisocietf, presid Letters from the ab placed over his body after brs decease, and it is now ready to be shipped, accemv. panted by a certificate of the three oldest soldiers in that town. The earth to be sent, is taken from the spot where the brave ll'orrtn fell, end the earth which drank his blood, will surround the body of tbr Nation GoesU'l.., Indian Kec We are informed by an intelligent gentleman, thai in digging for Gold recently, io the county' of Burke, a crucible "a-foundJn aminet. '.some distance bt low the surface, which bore evident marks of ' having beeij much used. ' ft is beffeved, hat thVA"borrgiftes were aware of the existence of the gold formations, and doubtless the crucible bund, hid been putiarequisition by them or -the purpose, of .Jutingjhe precious fuetaLXhiOelief is strengthened by theifact , : tli al Jfl;vthe fame jplcV-whencrt the crucible. was taken, a lospstone slab was found, -wun exesvauona oi various sizes, wnicn naa prooioiy ocen uiea in moulding ornaments, to decorate the ears and noses of the Indians, from the gold which had been previously melted n the crucible. Hau iter. Hard law ZlTbeSupremcjCourt of the U. States, have come, to the following decision, Jn the law of ratente, in the case of reonock Sc Setters va. Adam Dialogue i I l is admitted that the subject is not wholly - free fr ori" difTjCUltieti but upon mature deliberation, we are all of opinion. that the true construction of the act is, that the first inventor cannot acquire a good title to a patent, if be suffers the thing invented to go into public use, before he makes application for a patent. Us. voluntary act. or acquiescence in the public sale or use, ia an abandonment of is right, of rather ' creaWi Vdisabllityrto: comply with the terms and conditions on wbicbal(5ti tbeecretarr of State is tu- tborhedto eaaUim e paunUL!iiil J bus it appears, that an inventor mo sWef llrinTentiqtrter wrinto-uWic use, cannot sustain bis claims 6 a pa tent! or, f h obtaid onefronfjihe Sec retary of State, that it may be subsequent ly set aside by proof of the publicity qf bis invention. - - '"Rich Cm. , p Sehovi Teachh-rtftVef deceive your icnoJars'iiorfe y:ecrlUlise-wha4loJiftUntenl aincny ana iiierany te penorm."'5'-. Never threaten what you do not mean. or what it would be improper to execute. Never tell your scholars you will cut off. .their, ears -or do any thing' else that you do not Intend w do;yrVvv"rv Never shut up a child in a dark closet, or say any thing that will make hira a fraid of darkness - ? :,:,v-''V-;; ; Never allude to' mysterious evils, or threaten punishments from causes tbat children cannot comprehend. i' 7 '-'. Never speak to them about the Old Man or the Old Woman or the Old Harry. The above maxims are worthy the con sideration of every well disposed- person who baa intercourse with children, and the utility of abiding by them must be 'Obvious to those who possess any shire of consideration , - ; - Gavctm )Lui!en ..Tha New Or leans Arus of the 2Sth u!t. his an article tmon Gov. Houston which we lure no doubt is Incorrect. It appears that the Governor, dhapointet! in not receiving a portion with a young hdv of respectable family whom be married about three months ago, or from some other motive, bad publicly calumniated and ceumed his wife i at which the sovereign people were to indignaotr-tbal.iiif,y. burnt. the Governor in effigy Io lercral places.- Ai Nashvillo he troops were called out to nrevenf similar execudon.'L---:':c'r We ttndersanlltB.nirOf6vtfrrt6tl mind tad become di$tcmfurrt ( and tbat he tad iodulged some tnry .singular and moat unfounded suspicions the mere toiaeOf e diseased imaginationthat bis lady baj riiireJTo ber fitter's- house in Gallatin, Tenoessee, which be bad subsequently visited for the purpose of recoocilutbn t here, 'and here only, as fares we undti'ilandwn be burnt in effigy. All bli overtures bclog rejected, he had "let'trsJ to Nashville, and then threw up Jh'i office ie has since left the Stale, kthe purpose of visiting the Cherokee to the weit of the Misslssip pt, ' Richmond Compiler. The necessity of arrtarinjj further crd el misreprsseotations rar draw form more DartLular account or me late un pleasant ivents touching Gov. Ho'json 5ut lo ue mean time it nm be brief) atated, lb in an unhappy hour his judg raent beome thaken e her throne- then tbia gallait and 'generous man became the victin of a vague, most unfounded arid UiiiHU auspiciot I the bnocen- aod amtaoie sojeci reiuroaa io no parental roof no sort of violence used, as hss )een falsely reported the Governor resigned his nffice,. aoi has retired amonir the Cherokee,' wit oj the Mississippi, one of whose chifi is bis old od ardent friend. Kick Enq. "ntcdn'iibtf Societf.Tb anno meeting of thi American Bible Society was beld in iw York on Thursday last Richard. YariA. Ea. President of tha sent vice preddents were read. ,The following is an abstract of the yearly re part : "Duriig rhe past year 47 new auxiliariea havs been formed, making a total of 645. The receipts have been 8 US, 184, viz: For the aale of books 878,618, on account of the debt of the lrcietr.VjjuMflirs in Nassau street 2349 j donations, 204 J j bank stock sold, 29r33 1 and borrowed : from the banks, lSJS.sOOrThtr-disbursementi mount to 2147,081, which includes the repayment of $33,500 ior.lhe .banksron account of theloaa Df,35JOQ-. X h ia. aues tbe past year from the depository bare been 200,132 copies of tbe bible and testament, exceeding tbe previous year by 65,5 15 'American' Tract -Slsrifftr The annua! meeting was held on Wednesd7r71ritrYe AaJireetchurc;;eOork Sr-Vr-S Wilder. EtaT PresTderitrr ihltletf fnthe-ebir-uppoxted..Dy rarfcjrrand the Hon. Stephen ranrUeiu telaer. U appears from the report, that (t Tbe receipts of the society the first year alter its establishment, were 8 10,000 ; the aecond year, 260,000 and its issues were, the first year 1,000,000 of tracts the aeoond year, 3,000 000 j the third year, 3,000.000 j and the- lourtn year 8,000 ,000." rrmer(mce.rt....The New York" City Temperance Society beld a meeting on last Wednesday, when several very inter estlng'Taddresse iirere mude f nd -jnaoy important statements submitted.- 1 h eraif says that the addresses of the Rev. Dr. Be echer of Boston, and ofMr.4 Maxwell, Uistrict Attorney, were very effective, The opportunities which Mr. Maxwell'a official duties here afforded bim of observing the causes of crime and mlsem enabled him to eneacre the atten tion of tbe meeting with details and Tacts deeply involving the character of the city and the interests bf humanity.-- Mr. Max well stated that -there were yearly 4 ve al I I ... . . ., VT invuaanu compiaima tne iiew xerk Uty rolTce; c6nscl$affBtlyT-Tew thousand persona were parties beore that Loorvand the average number of wit nesses summoned at each trial was six making thirty thousand t a majority of which great number of persons were ha- bitual drunkards- In such a mass of cor rujted4eiap. .iCuT. ,js-r,T(uiew sorx, in con: iequence of loUmperaie drinkine.'. Mr. Maxwell atated that of twenty two cases oi murder, which tt had been his duty to examine, every one or them had been committed in consequence of intemperate drinking cot excepting the last for Johnson confessed a few hours before be was bung, that it was under the madden ing influence of three glasses of rum, that he committed the crime for which be ufferedv.;.-; KU-lV J-t :- JLav Jfoveltiet.Kt a recent trial at Bruges, a priest was called upon to tes tify as a witness. He made such an eloquent speeth in favor of the accused, that the Jury acquitted bim without leav ing ibtjr iea!.. - ' The Krv. Mr.SurLi, wl.o trtnt to Furooe eit.teen months ai-o, in order lo make soma historical researches with view to a more full and authentic History of tbe American Revolution, has recently returned to ibis country, hsving succeed ed in the objects of his visir, In a most satisfactory and ample manner. Besides havln? free access to sit tbe public and private depositories in Knprlirld, where the desired Information was to be had, he met with tbe greatest facilities in France also, and In thai countiy obtained docu meats of tbe most interesting character. kexIJiaA;j3wrjLaddj?ni light Upon th events of our revolution," at connected with Europe. . ' ' - --' ' The- tmWU- mar soon txreet an inter citing, useful and valuable work from the pttfntJfmiiM!i!$t Manas r fore the American people as a rTpe'schbl ar and elegant writer. JV.C. Journal. tBwaaBBsjjjjaw AV Plut C?ra.Hatters are now tsk ing lessons in the Materia Medics, to as certain how many oooces of Beaver are necessary to prevent head aches. Bloom er In Broad war haa succeeded . in produ cing an admirable gossamer article, in shape of a summer drab, which sits ligh ter on tbe bead than those of olden times. " Sits my beaver lighter than ii did Shaktfieare. 1 he 1 urns are pappy !: lows they shave their beads, and when the thermometer is at 100 (bay encase them with many folds, of thick muslin to rkeep them warm; while, by the rule of contraries, they discard hose, to keep their feet cool. JSoah. EC'ion Good Senie.--tbti a scarce article, and acquires its value from Its scarcity. After great labor and research, tumbling through files of newspapers, and poring over ibeir contents for a week, e picked out the following from an Adams paper, id Philadelphia t --- JVmA. . ' It does not appear to ua either good taste or good policy io make lamentable outcries about the sweeping removals from office pursued by. (ha present ad ministration of tbe general government It ia M the fortune of war, the mere ful filment of the ordinary course of events which every one was duly apprized of, and oucht to bare been prepared to meet.' . Cav. Jav.The Albany (X. York) Gazette, in apeakinr of tbe death of John Jay, remarks : Mr. Jay was a member of tha convention of Ibis state which adopted our nrst constitution art 1777. He was tbe firat ClierTiiiti: ortbls state. Ha was a delete In Conprt Crom thia taterd Pri4eat of. that body t.wbite President of Congress be wu appointed ambas- aador to Spain, and re tided for sereral years mt the court: of hie most CuthoEc Majesty i jit the conckislon of the rvolut!onary war he was named in a .pmmiaston with Jranklin. Adanu and Laurens, to conclude a treaty of peace with Great Britain, and was one of tbe signers of that On i9 return to this country in 1784. he was appoioted to tl.e office of aecreiary of foreign afTlior bad tbecharre Of the foreirii depart.. mMtot our ru vecomenU Ibere. belnpo office oi me iiue oi aecreurri . - .lie u a Senator of rhe'Umted Stalest Ha was the firsTChlef Jut"ieef th tr.Sutei: wbDe he beld this office, "he waaappteieafojtidtlMussulmalahe use of Vine baatador extraordioarr and mimster plenipoten tiary to England, and concluded a commercial treaty with that country in 1794; and while on bi return to this1 country from England, he was elected tort rn or of this state in i7S5 ne was train elected in 1799. In 1801, he declined re-election, and aince that period tai been in private life Important , if True ! A London paper sayi" We are-happy to know, that bonnets are on the decrease, the rate for huge head dresses is rapidly subsid ingi and the shadowy :atiken alcoves- un der which ladies were recently to be seen walking and driving, are giving place to a moderately and convenient sized cov ering for the head." Opium.- Jne Chinese consume . as much of this article annually as costs rom i"2fntr 25 millions of dollars,though the consumption of it IS lllecal. It is used inpjpes, or smoked. A aviet election. Mr. Peel who resign ei . bis eeatinParliamraWronyOxfor and subsequently lost bis election upon another canvass far tbat University. was afterwards elected for the borough of Westburv. 'At this election there were but six Persons present Sir Manassch, his nephiw, and lour othera. -These rot' jajpr , boroughs trtyeryconvenient affairs, for "foisting ? Ifl iUM.i3 hiniObvefnineiir e auppose;alwayj hI rjiT.Pi,lttl keep aome of tbem aboQt them Just." to make change with." vaat. Jour, UeUziout Liberty. Tbt bieHa of Christ Church and the state House, rhiladel; phia, were rung on Thursday, last, in testimony of joy at the receot triumph offcligiouf liberty in England., , Ladiet Drese.A French paper, in giving an account of the Ladies' Fashions or the month lof April, says" Abe sleeves are of a frightfulbreadth. . When you have taken the quantity off necessary for the gown, cut just the same quantity, and it wilt be about enough to7 make the ce7esr, , ENGLAND. By the MB olron, Cipt. Smith, ia ZO days from fcrpoGi, we have papers to the S4th April, but (key are extremely barren of inteilipince. ' ,v. r. F.ntj. iUuit. The London corrcpondent of the Li erpool Mercury says t . 1-fiOM packet I think I may now announce to you, a . . posiiiTc, m ii(nii.iiyn m a j7inr noter" from the French and English. Cabinets, " on the subject.of the Jlussiaa war.Tfc recistXWleWiiPf J,"1' ,f ?te, aret oLa course, secret, but it appears ' fro rri a i pri- vata letter from Paris, received this day by exprelitjbrt they ereaucb as p&er io have given great Offence "to tbb" Emntrrof KlclMTaa2r:f The French-Ministers sre likefy to lose ottice, unless tr.ey render the Cabinet more literal the Duke of Angootema having declared tbat they are bound to follow the disposition of the Nation. . Hi Koyal Highness objects to tbe Introduc lion of the Prince da Polignac, as desired by the King. Tbe Duke of Wellington is still much indisposed, although not seriously in. It is considered highly probable that he will resign office within a few months. ai notwhhstanding all the care he takes of bit health, It Is found to be quite unequal to the fatigues and anxieties of bis situs tion. Mr. 0Conne!l still .talks conSdentlr ef taking' his seat on the resumption of tbe House. Ilia friends sav thst Minister vail! not offer any.cpposiiion to' his doing o Jbotf it t Ise a; pectedrabat should - be be.unablo to take, his seal without a ' new election for Clare, he iJl, it it sub. 5osef, be returned without opposition, at IrVesey Fitzgerald has very handsome ly signified hit intention not to divide iho county on tbt subject. . Letters from l ortugsl state as followi " Trade in thit country is entirely at rand. shopkeepers fail, even bankrun;. cies are numerous. At Oporto a cele brated bouse, known to all the mercantile world, has failed. "Sequestrations are another of the plagoea of Egypt with which this dewed coun'ry is scourged. According to the system of justice pursued by the Janissa ries of Don Miguel, all the magistrates and barpies of the law who are engaged in these sequestrations, derive tbeir emol uments from the sequestrated estates; so that they no sooner, get intai a house tnaolhey bghnorob and plunder with ourtestralnr." Thar property Is sold to the" friends of these people for" an loader -quate price so jh3tt tboagb the lntJiviJV ua!s are rulne3, the Government is . noV muth benefitted by tbia branch of pubiie: rapines. - : -. . . . t The banka bf the" Tigus are still overflown, and threaten to add famine la the calamities caused by Don Mioueu" R ractionLttietXTM --f recent-Jate. . fromjCetaMioopje virauu JCijjiiur pas n intoii'siniaiiuiryr modify Z tbe arllctVof fiiiPranwIu: and spirtuoui , liquors, and intends to es tablish, a duty upon these articles, in or der to remedy the extreme exhaustion of his treasury. - Thus it is the Turks go by co'ntraricf Wind and spirituous liquors were strictly forbidden by that clever philosopher, Ma homeUjBt ,no (ooner do ' we organits temperate societies 'and abate"' the nui sance of drunkenness, when the Sultan modifies the Koran, and introduces liquc without limitation. We can tell him that tbe-Cossaeks can bear, heavier sebnb of brandy at a drauKht ihan a Munolrnxn Therefore they must fight before break fast. ' " " , Xosh. Jisakiinationt The Russian miniitc in Persia, and nearly alt bis suite, have been murdered by the populace of Te- beranr '" ., ; ,XcimbiaendPcmbn: nrrinl t Ne w,Jfrk.btfigjjie gagement havinfe taken place between toe Colombian, rand Prruvian armies n which the former was victot ious. An ar jnisike ,wss ,sicrjied.jpn the ! field of battle in wnicn n was ageeu to reter tneir pv tical disputes to tbe government' of th Uoited. States. A- proclamation -has . been Issued Bolivar, offerincr pardon to all concerned inyiadoMsuTfectl twenty days, surrender their arm$7ai takftibejoamrBo'cni. 1 - Th.o?ewhQ insist W makfnf warnfon the government, or repeat. the.olTence after having taken the oath of fidelity. will be shot on the spot where they are met, without giving them more time than is necessary for receiving the boly sacra ment. ! V;: . -:- Mr. Peel has been presented the freedom of the Citv of London in a go'0 box of the value of one hundred guinc-T-here was great ceremony attending tbe presentauob. " . , ' - , . ..!.- St. rrerfi'iWi-'o MaiitiW io , wnistey io b, corn t buaheL '

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