'TO 'VUK YUMAOU , A. TOUUEN'CC 4 Co. MATI- now ll.e satisfaction onnforminu the puSlk. tt.at they have reeid the baU r.r i,f utt GOODS , and thry confidently at. Vtt that t batter Irlretf J easement of Goo-ls, as it re trvds yl, M'lon, or rr'tee, hatnever been offered in thit market 1 eonsisunf of. rrH!t. Dlai Mi Oflrw Chubs Do. CiMimerei. '."' Lastinr end Circassians .i4lcjct Bombnines - - HombeiPttt Ctrt Cswrmettt l'oloti DrMBrewo french priilng r.ntMK misJ TJ9." ' Bit rirt " ' ia fnlM rimblrl ft saperior Irtiele) - 34. 4:K A-u?Wi?ik"lt m Batched Superior Cotton Shirtinp fi, arid Bed Tick . 34, ami 4 Apron cbecke Rult Rheetfnft end Dnliiort OsnaMrihtarwlTfcklenburjbt Very fine Irish linene , A treat variety of Caficoet Linen Cambrice-Lone Lewes Plain and Temb'd Book Murfin , 44, and 64 FifrM. fine Bwise Muslin Jtconet and Mull MuWin White bordered Craveta f vi Do. Italian Do. (a superior article) Camon and Jfankin Crapes Croe Do. F.te. Robes - CoTd. Orot De Nap Batisae Dresses Italian tod China Silkt Bilk Shawls and Hkf. White and blk. Silk Stocking! Do. and nrii'd Socks. And eIeuVrtklea of Dry.Coodi t!.t are uiu r ally io demand in tbi comrauulvii!; A complete assortment of Hard-wan, Plated -mart, and Saddlery , Doota, Shoe and Let; bornn Wbipe, Canes, ml UmbrelJeti .Vun and' Smomu Sersr CKins, Cfats, and Earthen Want An attentive assort meet-of- CmttrieH. gf everv description t at' mi. an assortment of MOLTLSO CLOTHS. All of which the ofTer very low lor nth, at wholesale or retail. " SaU,lmryt Jffat72d, 1829.' - 68 Valuable Ileal Estate. THE lubacriber cflerafor aa'e that valuable Plantation, with. in four milea of Paliabun, on both Iridea of the Deattiea Foard road, recently owned and occupied by Mr. Gcunre Locke j on. . which there ia large, new and commodioua dwetiing-houac, with all the ner fa. 'eary rxit-houaea. - There ia only about 50 acre of thia Und under cM Walton j tro-thirdi of the tract i h goo upland aa any In the neighbor, hoodt with a good portion of beat kind of aamp land, for- either rraaa or train i it ia in the midst of a bopitable and aocial neizhborhood. a or lenna, e, nppiy o nm wioacriocr, hi u i ottghborkood. junn Luun.n, etn. jliiy '3rf, 1HVW. oa THB-THOROUOH-BH E WiOftSIi. JEVIO.V-IIIT, w ILL aland thia k. aobTTn Ihe cotirk'Ic? - of -Bovan and Caharrua Salirbufyi orPVonrtayaV" Tuesdays, and Wednea dayat in the town of Con- - catA on Thunttii . Fri. days, and Saiurdaya. The I M I Id aeaaon will commence the 1st of March, and end lit A'igust. Twelve Dollars will be charged for the season, payable by ten dullara before the sea ton expires Eight DoCara the leap j and Twen Jr Doliara to insure, Por Pedigree and descrip. Hon of Aeronauyiet handbills. . STEPHEN L TER1IAKD, CHARLES L BOWERS. Tfi. 124, t829. 7 54.1(1 Jhf.) - N. B. Great care will be taken to tnvtTr;er.er. aj aatiafactioa but we cannot he liable fur suri (fcair. - Grtl will he furnished, at the market ""' price.totnarea amt from e diMaiioo.---.--.,. Estate of oMaY? Johnston. T4R Subacribera, Eiecutops of the last will and testament of alary Johnston, late of Rowan county, dee'd. request ail persons bav. ing claims against said estate to present them legally authenticated, within the time prescribed by Jaw, or this notice ill be plead in 'bar of " " tlteir recovery f " and afr person 4ndebted,.- are desired to make oavment immediately. k. ' THOMAS CRAIGE, . i Mat 20th, J 828. 3mt7I trtlre-'riiicfr STOLEN from the aubacriber on Thursday iUeJSOth ultimo, while encamped, near Nor. wood's Store, ia Montgomery county, a maU -dark bay mare, seven years old this spring. , (lev rick waa considerably marked by the collar when taken away t there is no white marks ' about her eaxsept a few white haira on her back ' " "ecasioiMtdby the rubbing of Jthe saddle, ' Her Z2mM7?m feetincfinetttward when mmL, r,wwiarlstseitliM mI.hw t nM m... - Ill 4hokfciedaiuLs by the stioscn&er, hnnj tear MockSTlHe, How-1 an coqnty, a. cmroima. . fcWWM M. I.GACH. T re all GooAs.iJlieaji Goodt rll'tt. suoscrioer is now reccivinr ana open A ine at bia Start in Salitburyt a Targe assort . ment of ; , ..T;.f..V! .... . : .. Spring and Simmer GOODS, GROCERIES: eomaiiiMg almoat every article usually to be found in Stores tbouirht for coi)i, and selected by himself, with care, to Philadelphia and New York-,"-:.-.. : . The Public are assured they will find tull nippy, suia aa w ror com at any in me place, or otherwise, on accommodating terms. They are invi'edto call, examioe and judge for them SwT ...jS i'OETUY. til!' Blr4 Ik. l 'ram rt SI. Jufuidnt ij rroit .BONO Or MORIY. Come forth, oh, VebrteSa,' ,( I'rom tout eid northern carta. . aer the tremaloot wti Let oor breath be at cVill , - Aa the bUik. wintry day, , And your oicete n Vroff Ai the au ory. , for the dark tide of aorrow - I(u awcot (rem bit breaat ' Tbo hoprf W eft ahininf , 1 rore vf u It eruihed in bie dawn -I la flewera bare ptrihed And left but the thorax Tet bia aoul la uirmoeS Aa the ocean-firt rock. Which a thouaand wbito billiW Are atririnf to ahock. And (tern aa the atorm cloud, wnen venunc; , . Hit bear! In the bttle Shall breathe iu wild fire the ahout of the warrior y la rirtjpnr afar, And thrilla bia proud boeom With clanr of the war And hia aoul o'er ita fettctl la aoarinf en hi jh, On the red field to Join In the fierce battle cry. Yet thy aplendor, eh, Mara 1 Duma vainly fo' him i . The bright aun of glory vrK Ufodedanddinji rtftvUm charm m? y r4iaUo w Lif'a burir d perfume"' The prayer be would claim, ia A w&rrior'a doom I Then eome, obi ye breerea, From your cold northern cares And tpetd bia light pinnace O'er the tremuloua warea Hall ruah to the battle At a whirlvind'a breath, to rrcet wilhTona'plraaurt ' Tbe angel of death I D. W. DAWN. Throw ur the window. T a nwrn for life In iti moat aubtile Imurr. 1 he ar Is like a breathing from the rarer world And the aduth wind seems liquid it o'ersteals My bosom and my brow so bathingly. It has come over gardens. ndthe flowert That kired it are betrayed i for as it parte With ita inviaible finaers my loose bair, J know it hat been trifling with the rose, Anditoopinr to the TioleU There it Joy lot all Cod'Bfatara in it. The wet learea Are alirring at iu touch, and tirdi are ainging ; Aa If to breathe were mueic and tbe gnu Sehda up Jta modeat odoor with the dew,-v-w Like the amall tribute iof httnttfitf.r'-'"' Lovelv indeed ia morninr. I hare drunk tt frarranca and iU freahneaa, and have felt n, fleliette tottcn,na lie a .inoer xuiV xban music, or a feaJt, or meaicjne. ejS" QQ ON A FADED vIOLET. ' ""The odour frbfrilhe' fibwer it iron "-"Whtch llkelhy kmes hrcathe on mer " The colour from the flower is flown. WWch slow'd of thees nd only thee A'ahnvened, lifeletti vacant forrh,'" It Ties on my abandoned breast, And mockt tbe heart which yet it warm With cold and silent rest I weep my teart revive it not ! I sighit breathes no more on me; Ita mute and uncomplaining lot Is such aa mine should be. B0M TM tW-aDrpB HttCCBT. A friend h handed ua the following tow, with permission for their publication. Tbey : are the production oi twj r snsnfiM Jldamt, the circumstance! of whose fate have awakened a peculiarly melancholy interest. r There ia a Tittle spark at era' Which glows 'mid darkness brilliantly, But when the moon looks clear and bright, Emits a pale and feeble light And when the tempeat thaket the wave It glimmers o'er the teaman's grave. When ocean's storms roar wild and high, I Most brightly we this light detcry, --Amid-the.bi!iQwtiparkIingfoani Onward it sails to seeVa horde Desnite the elemental war. The "trat hs triamphai car, - Such Friendship's beaming light appears, TbFoxiglrthe hwp firte-of eermng yeai- In sorrow's clouds it shines afar A feeble, but a constant star, And like that little spark at i Burns brightest in adversity. M1SCELIJIXY. The followiW extract from Willis's Monthly Udagaslgierif very beautiful. In these days pf common-place wnunir, sucn a paswrc nwnw Cjiougn io reaceni a wiioic"owwa!"s'.wftmMva.-'; tfilrfiaiSMsr8riiap music. ' It is all God's work, and so harmony. Ttni triit 'trntHrlf f nd dwki.andatrenrthea the passagea of its great anthem, and it ia atill me lodr. The low winds of summer blow over tbe waterfalls and the brooks, and bring their voicea to your ear as tf their sweetness was likened by an accurate finger t yet the wind ia but a fitful player i and you may ro out when the tempest is up, and hear the strongest tree-moaning aa they lean before it, and the lone? gnat-mating as it sweeps through, and iti own solemn mono tony over ail, and tbe dimple oi that same brook, and the, waterfall's unaltered baas, shall atill reach you in the intervale of Ita power, aa much in harmony as before, and as much a part of its perfect and perpetual hymn. There is no acrldent of nature't causing, which can be in discord.. The loosened, rock may fall into the abyss, and the overblown tree rush down through the trenches of wood, and the thunder peal awfully in the sky i and sudden and violent as these ehangei seem, their tumult goet eg with jbe sound of winds aod titers, and the eiiualu tr f til rausltUn, tla it tect no Ur. "Nature term never so utlr rly itlH to ir. as in the drith of a sumrtrr aAernoon. The heat has driven In the birds, and the leaves hang Biot'tonlett In the tress, and nd catd-e baa the heart, In that fint eultrincss, to utter a sound. The anake sleeps on the rocK, ana IM frogliea breathiog In the pool, and even the murmur that it heard at nicbt is Inaudible, lr the herbage droopt beneath the sun, and the seri hti no strenrlh to burst lU coverinr. The orld as UU. aod th piCKt lit lanrui.llr. "But if yoa woul J bear one of nature's most various' and detcate harmonies, lie down In tbe edjrs-Bf tb Trowl whee the -evening breete beg'nt tu itir, and Hs-eit to 1irTmlriKfr louchri first the silver foliage of the birch, and the slightly hung leaves,' at i merest breath will lift and rustle like a thousand tiny wings, and then it creeps tip to the Uu Br, and the bne tassels send mIs sound tke a low whisper, and as ibe wfeW'1ltlInflaeothwhcsr iewm stir heavily, and the deep tone comet sullenly out Ike echo ofa far off bassoon. 1 hey are all wind hantt of different power, and as tbe breete trengthena and sweeps equally over them ill, their united harmony bat wonderul grandeur and beauty. FARMERS. Those who labour oa the earth tre the choico people of God, if ever he had a chosen people, whose breatta he has made his peculiar deposit for sub- staotial and genuine virtue. It is the focus in which he keeps alive that sa cred fire, which otherwise might et cape from the face of the earth. Cor ruption of morals ia the mass of cul tivators it a phxoomenori of which oo acre nor ratioa has furnished an exam ple. ' It is the mark aet on those, who not loocnft op to heave, to their own soil aod industry, as daeaibe husband man. for their subsistence, depend for it on the casualties and caprice of cus tomers. Dciendence begets subter viencc and renality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition. - THE MECHANIC. We -have . wore than once had our indignation reused against a certain class of community who affect to des pise that portion of their neighbors i a . . t J no oDtain aa nonest uveimooa in mechanical employments. We have known many worthy young men mor tified and pained to the heart, by the unceremonious and purseproud haugh tiness -'of-'their- superioti In -wealth andlnpudettce only.T.crowded ;ntf the baCa: TfiTOUpd 'to mre plate to idlers, and gentlemen "ft large," 'merety ' be- cause thev haDoen to be vulear enough to moose frJdattry, rather . than idle- nesa and dependence. "But let" act the mechanic relax his praise-worthy exertions, He can give back the encet of the conceited fop with inter- eat. 1 1 caataiuLu of an imiepeadent spirit in the pfoad aenaV'-of - turriorityo-real; worth overtlntel-od borrowed ornament; lie fills an. honest place io society, and it is time the true merit of his services was appreciated. It is time for republican America to cast off those fetters of prejudice, forged by the aris tocracy of the old world, and awaken to her neculiar and legitimate interests. S k. irj.&ZZiLi-r . rj -'tr and the time b not far distant when he shall be placed in his just station in the scale of SQciety, , u imers'een Manufacturer.' HEAVEN. Sweet are my thoughts, and toft my cares, When thia celestial name I reel i In all my hopes, in all my fears, There'a something kind and pleasing stilt. To the Christian, how unspeakably sweet it is to meditate on Heaven, and tothinlrofTttreatiog-in JUeaven.with God to &,tomtjJT vino; all the cares and perplexities and sorrows of this world, and especially of leaving these corrupt bodies of alrr, j and all that makes us uncomfortable, and. unhary,vand;nnhoIy. -To-think that instead of having our ears grated by nrofane swearing, and filthy com munications, we shall hear the sweet est harps of angels, and the grateful 'fiaHeqealimeltjv Vimand thespirit of all the just made perfect. , That, instead i of "hearing of toil and sorrow,' iind disappointment our weary souls shall rest we shall have access to the Tree of life, and be filled with the fulness of God. That instead oi having pained heads and bodies exposed to wasting disease, we shall no longer say I am sick,' for, there shall be no more pain'.,. but we shall rest upon the bosom of Him, who from everlasting was the aioner'a friend, and behold his glory with pure and immortal eyes.' That we shall have all our doubts removed, and all our infirmities made whole. That from Heaven, every ransomed tinner will lock lack ward upco tU path thro which God his led him through this world ana joylaily tx claim t , , Thy dealings. Oh my Cod, were rij'M t Thy wisdom chose the thorny roa.1, At better fttted In thy eight, - To lead mr wayward e-XJ to God. How sweet too it is to, reCett that in Heaven the character of God and hit government aod all his perfection will appear perfectly lovely and that it will be amunatt the sweetest of our joya t,loow'.t&it,weace Kr?ra, under the government, and at the dis posal of this God to all eternity, to. be with him where he is, to be filled with his. fullness, and - to behold . his glory. fef,feflow" Christians," 'by : whatever name we may be designated en earth, if, we but bear the impress of that heavenly seat our garments shall be pur i beU by , aton ing mercy , . , Each raging tempest, and each succeeding wave, shall waft ua but the nearer to the port of peace. Our treasure, too i Oh, our treasure, it is hid with Christ io God, and no unhallowed hand can reach it there even ' an exceeding and an eternal weigkt of Glory laid up io heaven.' veov. Tea aatiaicAsr abtscsti. SECRETS IjST TRADE. Not long since we chanced to be in mixed company, several of whom re lated some anecdote connected with his individual calling. Among the rest was I Tin Pcdltr, who hsd all the craft and - shrewdness for which that class of society are so much celebrated. How-is u, inquired one, when there are so many pedlars travelling In all directions who hardly make a living, that you contrive to make periling pro fitable why do not others of your craft lUtceed a well- you 1-' Of teplied he, they do not understand the secrets of trade. What secret in the name of wonder, except cheating, said the first, can there be 10 tinpedltng? I do not gain my living by knavery, I assure, you, said the pedlar, I intend always to deal honestly but the secrets of hicb I spoke, are simply those of makiog people know and feel their waits. Why, said the first, when you caU t a hoUie and ask if they wish tol buy : anj ' of 'your - wares,- and they jell you qo, T cannot' see but that you mutt uke their bpmtott lnv stead of giving yours on their wants. No auch thing, said "the pedlar j peo pie never know what they want till they either see it or hear it particularly de scribed. This is a principle in human nature, and it is true in more trades than : ininej-JJow -often.- do - we see peorJe.iending Jbr a physicianwbo would never-have dreamedrorbemg sTck7iT"sme carefutfrlend"had--not told thenrsolEvery-tjoy-loo wi how thirsty it makea men to sec others drink, so true is it in this case that temperate people are persuaded that when children do not see their pareots and neighbors swallowing intoxicating iquors, and when they are not met at every corner by a grog shop, the evils -of - intemperance... w ill cease in our land. But intemperance has not much to do with tin peddling, I will acknowledge, so I will relate an anec dote in point, and leave you to judge of the truth of my remarks. - A few days since, in my travels, I called at a house where I suspected the family had money, and I determined before leaving it to obtain some of it in an honest way in exchange for my wares. Upon inquiring of the good lady if she wanted any thing in my line, I met with an indignanr frown and -an ...em Dhluc Ni ! "But I knew better... I re plied, my ware is very superior, I will F e . 1 .wii ludee for yourself, othlne daunted T a . .1 . t bv her exclamations that she would not buy an myself any further trouble, I deliber ately walked to my cart and filled my arms with an assortment of articles, which were forthwith deposited on the floor of the house. .Then taking thxmnHy& usetneir ocamy, tneir cneapoess, aou the ladrV absoUte want o them,:, jo the course of half an hour she was fully convinced she could not do without certain articles, actually paid me thir teen dollars in cash 1 besides all the paper rags, old pewter, $-c. she had on hand. Depend upoo It, If you show people your wares, you seldom fail of con vincing them they are in pressing need of them. Yes, yes, I know that's the way, aaid a, merchant who. fcatneaf him, you pedlars are going all over the country showing your wares and teUing yOurtories j and although you pay little tax trade more in proportion ro your bitil thaa the honest r4Cr chant who keeps art assortment cf ar ticles to accommodate the pullic. I , wish the' law would rot a stop to your unjust traQ:, I have no means ui showing my wares to all the neigh borhood, for I cannot put my store into a cart aod draw it round front place to place. I do not like the planj of giving pedlars such an advantiji ovtr a regular dealiriTT'H!. "ZTZZ There you are wronr. sajd the ped- lir; -1 have no adrantatre over rmr atever - lis true you do not rm jrour goodsJq a tart, and tumble iheni . over every time you wbh to sett ' article wearing theni out, or apoilinif i .t.s r. K... fiingexpenie, show them to the wholo H'VM w.auir I UUl TOU Sin. lOr tTI- neighborhood without. , You can show them, not to one or two Io a family, is I do mine, botto all, men, women and chlldreoi and, after you have shewn ' them (to tbe mind's eye, I mean) they know exactly where to find you, sod win ouy oi you or course, while we poor pedlars, would starve. : The merchant appeared doubtful. " II,. il it, aaid he, that I have lived so iW. anrl hav tw r. .1 ... in trade ? I cannot imagine what yoii mean ! Why. said the bedlar-: 'til. tUeinthe Newspaper every decent lamuy uses it j and you may be ab solutely certain, if you specify partu . cular'arucles, that the children when they read it, will persuade their par. i-.inuk 0 hat they would not other wiserithiuk: ihaljrour'extrar: profit for a month io ccrmequence of advertising, will be greater than th expense would be for a year. ' At this tbe countenance of the mer chant brightened with that peculiar expression, which seems to say. see if I do yvt ;tn ale more money- next year than I did the last The com. fiany were well satisfied with the ped ar's reasoninci and we retired in the full persuasion that all who - have any thinrr to sell should immediately profit by his wholesome advice. Arab Women. Tht Arab women on the banks' of the Nile add to deli cacy of form and natural elegance; 4 striking simplicity of dress. The poorest wear flothW but a lone blue chemise, -with . a veil of the tame? col- our oner Corner ofjjwhtch Veil- they s hold i n th eir mouth s , whe 0 the y r nY tit any men, especially uroptjansV""" targe mask of black taffeta covers the faces of the richer females, leaving nothing to be seen but the eyes and the forehead. .Ear.rivMr --evera! " heck llacei jpfshells or paste, interminRlgrX w uh jimuleta. of lv ex.. oro.. polished CPP?ljhriawletj various and nru'.ti pliedl t, the vsWtWS''M I t-rzt . .;t " r r-- 1 ifthe arms. laiooeci wTin Diuejine? 1 eye-lashes tinged with black j such are'. the particulars which complete the dress of an Arab female, aod which notwithstanding their apparent fantjiv ticalness produce an original and grace ful tnsemble. A vmuld be Fxlq nx .se...A aaiTor who was ' half scan over,1 yesterday threw v himself into the river 1 and when dragged out (Sam Patck-Wle) exhibitedadispositifftfTio renewthe feat, but was prevented by his com rades. It was not so with an honest Patlander, who upon observing some person attempt to commit suicide by drowning, plunged into the stream and brought him ashore ; notwith standing which the same individual- was discovered, shortly afterwards suspended -to- a tree 4ithen.a.p.erson J passing" "by, lsked hw it was possihie that such an act could have been per- : --"V - " iJ- J : e - f - A i. i- to which Tjeague replied, that 'he had once pulled the man out of Vie water self vp there to dry. a, At the" tables of the firsl families; both in Germany and Polandthough wheitea bread WiiTaiway atam seeB.ii 1 reasanteu wai . 4e na v es ; scarcw: ever tasted it j aod I have met man pnglishraeo, who, after.a long; resi dence in those countries, have given the preference to bread of rye. , Dying and Scouring. llr. Sedlev Woodward, of Georgetown, D.' C who dies (or a living, appears in a ghostly train of. verse, which expires with the following touching stanza r ' I'll do my work right neat, and grand, Only for ready pay in hand. ' : ' I have to work for food and raiment, Therefore must have a speedy payment.'' There la reason as well as rhyme io the above, and it would not be inT plicable to other callings. ' l e to, Fori I; ." 1' 1 i ..V v

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