' " -., -,' , ' " ... . J. ' ' .""''''" ' ' "' ' "" ' " - -s , ...,,. I , " , , ' .... -. . voxi;:no:. ! j' ,.tinrfM (TIM !- I" Hat,aai (kMiM' Wrr Sa-akMaaMart4,a4 ,J '"' yitfMtt "" !- I. . M Bin, f a M ar. MHWI jyM4 at (MM tlMXMM bbM VMt.uMM ttpm mWw Krw S UJUr, r j mtf i to -4 Tt frilV. Piiui.inu Jt.r"!- 1 - u k rjird y'et fcthiwi, or prieeir b wtr beta offered in tkia market i cwwirtinj oft Bit Uu and OlWt Cltbi . ' .Du. t'tMinerea LaKingt amJ Cimwiane 1 - 54 J'rcftcb Dombaiinet ' Bombiiftl Cotion CH!mrct tnlun Drill Brown IVencb Dnllinf Vrtnh mix'd Do. . Wk.ar!4 aitteen ' . 4-4jn!i'd f-atabtct (a aunWr article) H 4-4, 5 4, and 6-4, Domeitic Drown ' heetuijr " . :. " Do. Bleached - Hjperior CuUnn Shirllngi r-8, and 44, Bed Tick ,, - HA, and 44 Apron check i . HttMia Klieetinye and Urillinpe ! nSor ami Tkklcnburytia Vert fine trih linena - , : rvr.;.:. .ir.r. . linen Cnbfie Lonf lAn ' finin and Tamb'd Book MmUn 44, and 6-4 FifeM. Leno - ; Tine Swiae Uuilia Jaconet and Mull Muiljn Wbita butdercd Cravata KtrUa Do, Italian Do. (a superior artidej - " 4"iAn-an4 Xioki Crtpri . , . V.roi Do. Kle. Uvbci fol'd. tiroa De Nap Bn'uwe Dreavei . taun and China ftilka - M Suawla and llkk - - - Uhitc and blk. Silk Stocking! Do. and nii'd 8ici. lad iQ other article of Dry Goods thai are utu- wj w demand in tbia comniumtr A complete aatortment of Harlwart, PUWi iiip?t ami Sa4tfleii f Jl Doota, Shoe, and Leg. 4a'0J1,, -WWpa Cntt, llrUti L'mbrellaa r MulT -Irfc and Enaniah eTarai (Tfc'noi Cflj,"an ' EarthenTWarri . As extent! aaaorU. ttvent of o. ' "" to, an aaaorttnent of All of 'vlnch Ahty offer wry low far tusk, at vhoktile or retail iwfvrjf wwj iu.i fllUE-luaicniier Ja oow riin- (kI on- m. mg ai uis wart in aauiituij, a mic iwn ZSprJMtSummerM QQD$l i rniJiRDWJinE' mi' and GROCERIES; wiming almost every article nsualty.to be fouaj in Store t bought for ccu't, and selected lj kimstlf, with care, in fbiludclpbia aad New York. t , v Thepuhlic are umred they will Cud aufl wTP, and u uw for cath as any in the place, if otherwise, on accranmodatinc tc.rnn,. . I of y invited to call, eumioeand nlire ft ' n. JOHN MUIfPIIY. ,9,13?. --12177 AVI NO removed his Me.lical Estaldisliment to the resilience of .Mr. Lamb Tuitor, Sen. seven and a half miles from Mocksville, on the main mail lsu.linir fivim lli it Inwn In "nnnville i and having laid in a new supply of MEDICINES, will attend to ttC calls of iiemsss heretofore . neiereija inform his fiienVls and employers, Rowing to hu tevert and protracted illness, it been impoisibU for him to call on them, ettlements. Such will now be immediately y( nd all those Indebted to him by Wt. : j . , ' "'iTthemselves of this notif-cation, with tbp poni&lt detail, otherwise they will find ;w respective accounts in the hands of olhcers "collection. . ' 3t72 . VaualAc lca Estate nnHR stibscriber offers for sa'e Jl.' Hint valuable Plantation, with. four foUetbf; Sa1JibuTrt;in: bot VsifMmmi u'Juioiiibx. 1C. - George hich there is a large, heV and mWiout dweUing-hmise, with all the neces. Wf-bouses.' TheVe is only about 50 acres i un3er eultivatitm t two-thirda of tbe v r- - EOOO UMaml as inv in th rficrlihnr. . . fire la . - . " ... Hfor e th . . .iA JKlatBr '"",6'"B graui:-rn in me i";. ' 'wPable and social neighborhood. in the l(?d- " J0"N LOCKE, Sen'r. MOXEY wanted. those indebted in th ,lrV.tir !, FinK-0' ?,herw. re hereby notified to e "ii vi m"e ptymen' This no- W ..i ."PP'y more particularly, ( to all ha i Vw nTe n tno immediate neigh- C v,JU,8 ROBERT WYNNE. Be 30M- iaM - 60tf ftt-ft . iL. ..i J. T f I public, hl Ihff Ut rettird lh bid. I J ni.. c...' . ' thcf MOM , .ml ibey con!JJnt!y ai ' c J'- 1 . T J i STATU, UAjVIC.. The PtockoTder? of thii Inniiu'lon wet 10 (bit City, on Monihy ipree Wjr 49 i Wr(Jrotirnmcrif-4rr:Decem1r, innrceridecld blmportnl quenlon, ma uoiuiMrt 11 cxrodit out r n ! 9 reC,'a it oo Interci. nd the t .... it . - - . - - t ' . '""" n ocoion win permit j" hitJnir baen VreiUent I ," ,'0'', Bd oc Wright, &hj. appeared at the (epretentatlvea of tho State. Mr. r . Browne, frotrt the) Uommhteo appoilited at tbe former tnceiintf tore port full aud detailed account of tbe tit uationand afrin of the Inttitution,(ia the abtenco of the President) mi fie very a We Keport, ezhi'jjtinip the profin of tbe butincu at being very tmall, aod drglo ins prupuciy oi cioting me concern. Tbit quetion belnr before the meet- in jj, Mr. Hrvront apoke at length, in fa or of deridiuff it afTirmatirefv. otsr lng that with all tfre diligence that could be used, the time which the Charter had to run would not be found more lhan auOkieot to eollocl tbe debit due tho lotti- tuttpn; ; end i the eipiratlon of the Citr ter ilike the death of an individual) would cancel all clairnt and obligation, nothing touiuoe recovereij alter the I it Jan, 1835. Crn. Cameron believed there would be no difference of opinion in the meeting at to the propriety of winding- up the conccrna ot the Lank ; but he had reaton to tuppote that a contiderabte difference of opinion existed ai to tbe if it mode of ef fecting the object, lie proposed, there- lore, that the Keport hicb had been made to the meeting, with tbe document! appended, be committed to a telect com mittee, with directiont to repot eenci al ly on the tubject, with a auitaWe plan for accomplishing th purpose. Menrt. Kuf- fin, Cameron, Urowne, BovUn, Polk and the three Ucjrerntalivea of the State compoted tbe committee. . . .. On-Wednesday 'm"orninr Tluffin. !.. k.i..ir.riL. : in ircudii ui mo cuiuiiiiiice, maoe a very aiiin:orf liirtrt t wtteh p'pcirt'in the fti..- lvi iit-i; M.; - - " urau pRo oi 10 wy a "wruiinian, and to Uryurlit apDcarii the 5uckhoidera con- mj i r one ra'A I. ..n. k! rpai'n paa w su ajkHa sa.i eluded to poslpone the taking of further meaaurea on ibia aubjca,":.untiJ their an nual meeting in December next, when tbay .wiii..-iu -ao ppwittnity cf asrer laining the sentiments of the LegisUturc upon it- presentatkes orihe Siateraddrewd- ndiei lojf C-,:Chjirmany statin JThat the la w ; unJer whicU. ibey acteaTia aJJItlon to "tTieir appoInTment, directed "them " to open a communication with the Preaident and Directors of the several Hanks in thia State to ascertain whether the said Banks would agree to a consolidation of their several corporations in the establishment of anew Cititk " On motion of Geo. Cameron, the communication was referred to a Com mittee to fee reported on at the next an nual meeting. KEPORT: The Committee to whom was referred the Resolution adoped by the meeting of the Stockholder held in December last, and alo the lUport of :he Committee then appointed, made to the present meeting, have performed the duties as signed to them, and beg leave to Rrfiort, Tbet since the Charier of this Bank will expire-on the first day of January, 1835, it requires but a very small share of prudence and foresight to satisfy every ednwth.a.l: : jrtm o jrnjrau rc ought early to be adopted for collectingThe i dehTj owing" o the ms'itution. an xernrirnhtrrlhirTJert to the Institution, and closing its con crtod-of it feral xia tei.ee. it is a legal proposition, ol the truth of which, it is presumed, none can doubt, that, upon, the expiration of the Charter, the Corporation altogether ce cs for all purposes,, and that a, suit commenced,- or even a judgment obtained, during the Charter, either by or aga'spst, ii,jCoiJld.J)otJ)e further prosecuted or en. fccedYour CwiMiHUeeJweJby ;Cln culetf6iT,-.MCM say efiQ4ifxiiiic curtailments pUenJurunt. upon tlie amount W itj as reduced from time to time, be rigidly re quired and punctually paid, every thr.ee months, it would require six years and a half to reduce tbe same to 8100 which would be one year and a rialf beyond the limit of the Charter. And they are further- of opinion, that even that period is earlier than it would be found, in prac tice, the debt coUlrl be collected, because perfect punctuality is not to be expected. It is obvious also, that In closing so large a business as that of tbia Bank, carried on at so many place, Increased vigilance and energy will be necessary t So that, in ;he opinion of rour Cpmrciittfi few ohhcexlitlngqfr.cert and serf aiiis ciild t tltchargad, and ducting the affaira rather expected proGi tt by r aaoA neti done, munt thrilancrjrlfli af lormer. . . , . y tert.inly dimlnhb.-frMI 'sent Charier, for an. nur.. f H. Z 7?': !" n . -J.. - ,- , T " trot, proUr, dttot li properly st.kbr. The cleptioee of ten.lBelnil, PbMUT.... ..5 . - - - -i lJfourJComtQluee:irTuDr 1 ktitXUuiUtoU b0L ftcotaautnLht fcaaboi aireaJ will, in map inttances, bear ery hard upon debtors to exact positively, and at . . m " il periodt, an instalment of 10 per cem. and it t believed by torn np vqromuiee, that many ol the debtor touia not eompiy wiid me requttitioo. . .t J . e. t.a .a a a ot, on tne other band, the Stockholders canoot be expected to carry on business wnico wiiioe entirely unprofitable, moch less one by which, for want of the lesal contirruasce oi the oorporatioo, e large a - w part oi tne uapitai Mock will certainly be Lat rFkt. I.tx. ft t . . SW a mi laucr evu mignt Tie reirreateat - -vuancr uui i i believed by rour Committee, tbat neither would the Legislature grant, nor would the body of Stockholders accept renew uw m rmnmmw w a n a a a t ... a a a m wiiuw pur vorammee is wen tat- Isfied. that there is Rrest excess of Banking Capital In N. Carolbe. .which makesjt alike unprofitable to the Stock- noiaar ana injurious to the Vommunltf ".wrs accoraios; to e Charter. and from the 'chartered ornniiation nfl' 'om-tbe formerircureatance.-tha xJ this Bank,- Ii -le in constant ijaogetof groa mismanagement. ' 1 our Committee, under these a'rcum-l siancea, nwTsr amxioutiy turned tsseir at-F tention to tbe varioua modetbr which i. . .... your butinett may be closed, with the eamesT aesire to atscover snd rtcoranoind one, by wMch It can be effected, wfch aa little lot io tbe owners, and with at moch lenity to the qebtort, at potttble. Mioy memoqs nave Dean suggested to their .vusiuciativu ui woicn none perotptj ,"B "v1""1' eciy mcnijcr are exempt from serious objections. ifjcmr Committee, great losset have ac- has, however, in tbe course of tbe consul- tationtoi your committee, been suggea- ted by tbe Gentlemen who reDretent thai state in ibis meeting, and are aerving on iuii vuiuuiiiicc, mat tne aanger ol loss I from the expiration of the Charter, is not k;. f . . . .. . : much to be apprehended, beciuse ttutv entertsin no doubt but the General Aa- Kmblwculdcontinue by law the cor - pbfate powers, b mit for' lhe purrJbse of collecilnc deUil"?' "' make an aggregate of debt ' of a I xtJttdMcWintAyiUfl V If . t :..,k cn sure, moio vciiu.incM aujjuvi mi. iu,i I l , . IJ L - J It - J L rntvBra-PM.n4-pao4 ....w- . - i . . ,k .i.- .k;.k IO urCTtin lira isv.Boiir.HMiii wmvn ibe S.Qckholders would otherwise lie of nmvidinP 7V their own se.untVric:iTie btber-ineWeV fnsunng ihi tei6o of all tbi debts before ror it Wexplration of the Charter ; and ebove allby that benignity and justice, which should, and it is believed will alway characterize the act of the Government towards all cithern, and which plainly forbid the extinguish ment of a large amount of debt, - mereiy for the want of a legal remedy. At your committee suppose, tbat the : . ihmlvi anrt thl tnnHn I of so doing is not material to tbem ; but. .Um a .... ceptableo the -community and the pub Wc.uthorities, would, for that reason.be likewise most acceptable to tbe Stock- holder. :-Your committee have received and considered, with the greatest respect, the suggestion of the Representatives of the State ; and after much reflection a ma- jority of your committee are of opinion, hat if lhe GeneFal Aslembly would pass the act contemplated by the State Rejre- entatives, it would supersede the ne?e. si.yfor-theWopuoh.ofaDye "r...... u .S..nnLr. .;,h fnr the collection of the debt, with unusual rapidity, or for vesting in 1 rustces sucn debts as might remain uncollected at the expiration of the Charter. Your Committee . have perused, lb e statute of the last session, under which thote gentlemen derive their appoint ment, and which contains their to-true lions. -It is not foutherdr tbatT.the Legulature have delegated to them any lufhontf ' to' propose''' w compleveihe compact under consideration. - Hence the suggestion, made by those gentlemen is notx.vnsidered7br obligatory upon the State, and is, not in tended to be so viewd by the meeting. But while those members of the Commit tee, wh0 are Stockholders, thus under stand the offer of the State's Represent tiet,they likewise concur in their opinions of the reasonableness, prudenctf 4nd jus tice of such an ect, and thence infer the probability of its passage. Add while that event is uncertain they ithink it would be both unnecessary and injurious to many interests, if the Stockholders were to take any other course, before knowing the pleasure of lbs Legislature, j rtr : ... - -- . : - - '.a . . ; ; i : v w9 'briow jonder cohilderiti Ofl t tarrra nmfn if si t . . - l . ' 1 to increase. bi! tb th. S.LhnM . rrZ'? ?n,,,ef H Cor- . , : ii . I ich renewed Charter, the Cnmmlrt The only valuable pdwen which I ought to bo continued the Coroorition. a w '" which ire necettary to keep of ? itiuutroct toantwerthe demandt ' crtOHort, ana to enable it to make I &u J aL . J a ah a.. ina oemiooa upon its oabtors. All "uw ) powers may be rtiarded KHt bf two prothiont in the act! the r" extenton ahould be lor I l"ited term j the second, thst the Cor- V a aa a a . m . poration snail do restrained troro issuing re-ittuing aoy oi Us own notes Uerliheir power to obviate end svoM them. llhamakM.S.ta.A.faBVAK Pi I t ""ln preteni vnsner. - i a. iia.iiiiraTiniB in. rMMM. a a. a a..... r i .t .? . . . . iu wuira uu ug- Df Institution heretofore, aod the of tbe discredit and depreciation pHts paper and the heavy losses already jwr wmraiuca nave oete "'ortgly Impressed with the belief, tbat Wott of thdte evils have arisen from the multitude of the Branches snd of the PoctJr muciL,ec4argd end to cover ,,IB uirector are under strong ntation to extend theirkutineit irapru i r. - . w saner circumstance I Rfow many evils. The ereat number of I Directors, namely ninety eight, prevent! t 91 "ins anc concert oi action, ,nd the adoption and perseverinir execu - io of :njr iytem bawever - prudent, ,e,iae ,ne,e 'nre anothes conse- nucnco m0T9 tenou one through crued th Stockholdert. The Com ,nilIce "tluaa " loans made by the Ui '"twifor ech other. It cannot oe ex Pc,ea 10,1 competent men ol business, tuiiii iw.i,ha...i ...... : . . . ,",,J,,VU,,7 c "o retponsirxa, difficult, and disagreeable office of a Di "ctor, without having some Bank axcora moouon. - H each one of the Directorv 0 enlilId to and receive even a amall ,nd ,nc6ovcDient amount.' At so instafment is paid, the Directorr JeblMhcrr'rlepreternanvenn mis - fleeting a.a Y Z. vii j suiva v w iinwwi v eooatHutes l.ree Investment, which is - . Huiir uiikwutiuiiawic ut ins uu ' tit tsvr .-I- ",. r I eoeiy accommeaating other citizens. -, , - . r.. Besides this, D.rector. are often men i. rooderste -circumstances, often men In Ilw h fwtune,nd Jufn ncid01 ipeculauons. LWibe M: ure of other debtors, the l(.t ofthe whole dcbt M,m b,PPe!' tcuse their regu curtailment demanded from them, tends first, to lessen their debt, and e condly, to prevent them from imprudent' ly contracting debta beyond their ability to pay, since their inability must be early detected t Whereas, the debt of a Di rector may be kept up by an artful man. 'ohr as his meana enable him to mee ,,lhKh " Pr'n"P1 be lost. Your Committee findt that the deo! of D,"c t0" " J . imc! smoums to the sum of 325,9le 43, and lt Vbee" mmr year. ; that it generally has been S500, 000 of more, and often much more , that the present diminution ha, amen partly rom payment., part y from tbe death of Directory and ttill more from re cent change. ,n the Directories by the fernowl of former incumbent.. Butthere constant tendency towards ncreatin the most diiriculrof managemcmrod unless some remedy be given by law, trrere ts no-f ea ki- ptuvu w j improvement in it to last. A fact has come to the knowledge of your Commit tee during the present investigation, which impressively proves the dangeclo, be apprehended from this description of debt. It it, that tbe larger part of the losses heretofore sustained by the Bank, consists oL debts of persons, who were nirrtne at the I timt bf their failure, or bad1 beetf Directorsiit'the'Urne-of contsac-v tjng the debt. These' ,,dtngers nd-' evils are deemed by all your Committee to be very great and tbe more especially as they often be tray the Directors into breach of good faith towards their employers, by tempts log and inducing them to use their official places solely for their personal advantage and they likewite tend to bring oppro. brium upon the Instiiution at large, which U in tustife due to the defaulting individ- ul only. From the factt here ditdosed, and thit course of reasoning, tbe gentle t ' a C . a T .-.! erils .Irjrefore4xpVl'1w lr, I, ki t.i,. 1 ZJ commllteo front the Slockholderl entirely concur i and, in I fjirnes tn ih. m,.iArn,. Siimj.. a w w m a vr. aa s sru tu bl. s Itbey feel theratelvea compiled to atata. that many of the General Meeting! havt.r '.i from time taiim. tt,m.,u.. I a. " reatrsio loani to the Director, and to rt- oulre curtailments from them. I n fart. the inconveniences end losses now ex- a perienced. were not tmexMcted h the Stockhdtde I ' w (k w waja Med . theratelvea to the, uutrruott of i experience shews, that nottinr thon ol m. i . . - - . ... . ... . . w -1 . . v taangt vy taw or me numoer oi ine uirec tors will tjectualty remedy the evil. Th whole of your Committee, therefor, feeling alike the neccettlty of the met- ture, suppose that the Legislature will, for the protction of the public interest, and to turret undue, unfair, and ln(.,. rjous practices 6r favoritltm emonr th'' uirectors to tbemulves, pats, in their wiadom.a law tar. that Aarnaeat 1 Vwir CommJtteer 4 ewwIuiuVmr ir- impreaMi wltH the belief, thif, with Legislative lupport and aid. In' the Dolnta i. . " . - . r l neretn mentioned, end such others as lbs orudenca of the net" Meeting rrSivtr. holdm, sntf the intelli(enee of tha Ie. ' gittature, may provide, the atTairs ot the 1 Bank mar be msnsnd fihourh lihnu tht hope of much profit yet) with out lhe danger of much further loss t and lhar. H tne vrews here taken thould accord mosc oi me uenerat Assembly, tho Bank could be finally closed, as needM and safely, to the debtor and creditors. is by any other immediate means which your Committee could devise and that. too, without the danger of tericrusly and i...i i.it.-.; . . . . suuircniv aurcung me nature and amount of the circulating mediu m, or the valu of . property..Your Committee,- there- fore, take thelbettvof submittinir to ik. meeting, whether it be.no: proper to defer their next- Meetin,- and wah the nleai - sure of the Legislature upon ;be pointt - 1 - aaai n a aasswSM wnaetaT Ja)jastv raa And it U further aubmiued, thai.iah. mean whiler h .be-rrcommended to tho tka. nmlil aaiaill p ami rf ai S aa aa eiMI . at cording to their sound discretion, and tho a'jifify " 6T"tKe "Customers' to iaake""pay " ments ; and to ' refrain from making fur- tber,discouoi or .newiIbaris7e"xccp.uoa paper to be discharged" it thorf periods,: -upon which punrtQal payments will bo expected and exacted. - All which is submitted, - THOMAS RUFFIN", CA'ntw. On motion, This Report was unanimously concur red with ; and SCO copies thereof ordered to be piinted. WM. TOLK- Chairmm fthe CeV Metiinff&fikiuMerj. J. Gili, Seiretaryr ' Pigx. One day when Giotto, the pimteiy was taxing his Sunday .tyalk, . in his best attire, tvitn a party of . friends, at Florence, and was in the midst of a long story, some pigs pas sed suddenly by j and one of them, running between the painter's legs, threw him down. When he gt on his legs again, , instead of -awearing a terrible oath at the pig on the LurdY day,. as. a graver mm might have'dqtiejf he-abs.etveij, .laugbJt,4lPeppk.-ay these beasts are stupid, but they seem to me to havr; some sense-of justice, for i have earned several thousands of crowos with their bristles, and yet 1 never gave one of them even aladlefut of soup in my life. - - - - -- t r ' .... .. T.) destroy Buss.-ln the month of June when the yellow speclled bug commence their deitreyations on the zinc fir8 should he made in different :panvdth).AeU Hy intothemi ana hus Dtf flestroyeoa, i Cotton. n a communieation from VV. Elliott, Esq. to the Southern Ag- riculturaVist, it is statedthat 'th,e true secret-of fine cotton is, in the se lection of the seeds" and that the char acteristic of the seed to be preferred, is, that it has a tuft of pale yelloer. The fibre of the cotton from this aeed is said to be more fine, silky, an'd to'.- r!5V IV'" "u,""f ' "vv," a ;i' - - ' ' h .i -- - -.V - -'A . I r - 3r . ... V i u H

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