I i r- f ' ' , r . - r A ! j if i I "U A....'.nU 472. "- TNMul Itt nwal if aaf af palm aa,), ...liiwnniim iwiw f a aw. aaaw f .. , gt, m km 9 04 CUJ k kt laW4 aM - .... IM ttltr, twH lit wt MM . iliftlwM pa W mh4 ftWrMftav. al Ji-'Sf rtccWed, and fur eale, low for tatli or prompt pay. mrnt, - 40 gam Coft ' 500 Ibt. Lotf do 00 iiAZf. Liverpool Sail 8 MaV. Molasses 3 tierces Rice . ' : , pipe OUT. Wine , ,; . 000 t7i. powA Moulds ' French Prand, Holland Gin, Jamaica Rum, ic &fc . s JOIIX MURPIIlf. Rett .Accounts , Q L'CII of our customers u have not vet paid O thrir bit year! Score far Beef, will pteae to dj so without delay. Wt Intend to com. , mc BatcherUig afc-li In tbour 4 nvmth, end Want AH the monej that it owinf to ut, to buy 'o JJw Allium Ir4i 4iMjrtbl- r u to . .1. .i"h H.J - to worrmi them ! but wt dull be compelled to sdopt the lttr krntJive nlert wt tre weedi 1 pill mir juitf duet. - KRIDCR k BOnCRS. SaUtiury, June !2, 1829. , 3t74 N. B, Our tUjrt of fumitlnng Deef wil be it tierctoTore, Tuei!vf, Tbundav ikJ VuMivi erl In the nrn.iie. V YHE tecoiul tefsioti in tbii Araflrmv wi T MmittmM on UonHav. th SVtli of June r I - L. ...kkUe lflMtAflSjei tjuill Km !mh In kll lUwHtniCli iiihimv" win w iVi 99 mm the bratichct uu'Iy taught in Academiet. The School may be espected to be permanent"' , 3i72 A. W. CAT. Wilknbtr: imt C:tf. C. .tay 25, 182?. BILK, . , '. T j Amnnc th ilnnaitnVia m tV . T'kM. dclphit Agticuliunl . Societ;,. were OfQf beautiful IDecimena f.f .ilk. the or John J2uincV-JLtlamiEio ilk wh wound fcv herself, without 7nMBm r- - 1 word in traxnn. The Rrllf font Democrat of Penniylvania recoaj. meod riilter of Parit anrl emrite ftf Turpentinf a tin ioWlible ' remed for ibe bast which Drcv udoq encum ber tncj pumpkin ttnei -quart of the orie, gnd a apooo full of the other mix well torether. aad mrinkln over the plant is toon as thej are up. The Cucumlcr hn been found to . - a contain, on anilvilj ho leia than 582. r 0,000 Acres of IM.V D Jkf,,V T Y1N(J In the county of Surry, i r C JLi and, a U believed from recent V uitcovetiee, within the CM Region of nonn-vruunas - i in irci wai -- . I I -"----'-! - I t 1 : i . i .. 1 rwi4tba EUte, 4ft tlW year 479rcrmh ' .1 v ua v viaiwi VI II will flllT iUrctKU : tn. of WUke.:ndtextcndTnir fm the BIu 1. ' iT.iT . within three mil' of the Main Yadkin uppW tater-power at all xawna, and many t to ih Burnoirt of MMbincnr. . CM bti Ute- 80 Dartl of water !n fiOO i the remain. jag. 7-20 parts consiit of 13 different ingredients, in different proportions, tie nrioc'tDal of which ire a funtriii t 9 - matter siniiUr to the mushroom, and a sweet aubstance, which gives to this fruit its occuliar flavour. . . . " " ,iri-ewiaai--w y th Prtridcnt tfthi United Statu f America. A rUOCLAMATION. , WnfEAiby an. Act of the Con (yen of he United Slates, of the 24.n May, one i.ouiand e'lrrht hundred and twentv elo-ht efitiueo - an aci concerning cucrimina ling Duties of Tonnage and lm wit, "and to tqualize the " Duiiei on Prusian ves telsand their cargoes, it it provided, that, upon sjtisfjctory evidence !clng given to the Freildent of the United State, by the government if any foreign nation, that no ditcriminalinir duties of tonnitre or im post, are imposed or levied in the porta r.L- -!J ! . . . .. ui ioc aaiu na:ion upon vessels wnoiiy beloneine to citizens of the United Sutea. or upon the produce, manafacturett or a-H an. It aw, ized to issue "his i proclamation, declaring thalibe foreign ducrimlnatiog du:Iet of buteu-are and shall be suspended and discontinued, so tar as respects tne vet V . .. I nrnHiirs. nTiniirftiirji. nr marrhandlSC but Me mineral treasures are in a grea. measure k-"" ' . .T . c i .v.. onexplored.1, Persopt demiwis to purchase, are imported into the United otatet in tne referred to the Editor for more particular infor. imt, from the said foreign nation, or . . .mi i. a . . -l. a " I ' - J - . a uuUon,.iui wooouna yui oi.iuu iaaau se-i mrn ny olhM forejn country ;tne saw UtHk4oa to ..take enact tr A. HiV. 71 I'Z r- . . . Tim POST OFFICE. , . Imfurtami Cirtt9 rh fof !ttr Cener f a. t a . . . . ai itwtn io tb aevtral pot SBlcei la the BlaUl the fullowiftf circular i , ' titaiaai, parr Ornci DfratTaitr; ) "Warhlnjton, tsth May, 18:7, 'I - x a. f be RHMprittetione nail routesi sadtbe greit increaae of SccorMnoiatioo an miny of the old routes whltls. ta latt vear.lnvotve an afnenae mnldralilf Sn. - 1 - i yond the current revenue of the Dpt menu This revenue, arising exclusive. Iv from Doitires. (i it tutncd. will ha auf Bcleotly tutrmented to cover the deScit, t . a ti . AiH .... ii me roil vtner law shall be strictly oo served, and all ita nrnnf Jnna riidl in fyrcel. On entering upon the duties Of me uepartment, it ts a sebiect of no lit tle 'reertt to observe, that much loss la sustained by sn abuse of the frsnking privilege.. II might be presumed that the bigh chtrscterof the officers entitled to this privilege, would be i gutrsntee for its restriction within the limits of the Iswf but it is much to be lamented, for the honor of our country, po less'thst) for the prosperity of the Department, that such has not always been the esse; Let ten 19 others sre frequently enclosed to nersons who ara emitted Jo ih anviletrw f - - t - r ' of franking, and letters written by others sldon to ite'expreiSieifleriof the Haw. There liesuse w sppreWd that Post matters hive in some iisuncet, oeen aruiltw of this fraud utos'the revenue. This evil, unlets it shall faid a remedy in the vigilant and energetic co operation of Postmasters with the held of the Depart- meal anuat lead La oaralvte U ita onera . lions, ft is therefore etpected thit you will guard with the utmost care sgunsi this unlawful "practice!" and' whenever you have cause for suspicion, use sll law ful means to obtain evidence against the offender. Let no effort be remitted. let no dignity of station deter you; but. however exalted may be the rank of the officer who shall violate the Iswln the abuse of his franking privilege, never fail to enforce the Denaltv bv leeal process and report each case to the Department, la elLlafui effortiaa carry, into, effect the' provisions of the law against such as thill incur its penalties, you will be us tained by the" Department t but no Post luavcr can cipici a retain oing of the prelent year, the SJS ofSeeri -of the Departments of Sute, War, the Navy and Treasury, were filled from dif TOTfro'a :&e.-af:followu.V We add. in rmnA mimk.... tK TTOn Ui im a viVBinie. IU lam lau - Maryland," f ti aennsyivania, 4 J Virginia, ' , 35 DU. ofColumbli,' H . 12 13 r 6 6 6 5 - 4 iJrOOO sa'3,000 l,72,000 371,000 7J.000 502,000 " 898,000 f64rO09 638,000 vine, note, u u oouoie it it encloses three bank notes, It it cuidropie, and uuuiu ra.eu agtoruingiy. ii miy sometimes be diWculi -to determine ik preper rate j but If the letter hat the ap ttarafie'-fvf hlm Hrml 4jAi.'".ttf-a ---- -; 'vi juu win careful fo rnirl It as SQfn i and' irtne oerioir receirlne Irihill tuiettlotr iti cor rectness, he cm open if la the presence AfihM Fnttmitter'npfcH attittanr:-" The wsnt of proper sttentioo to these seytrsl points bis been highly Ujuriotis to th Denirtmtnt. Each case mir aeemi lit- itle rnatterr scarcely wonhr of regard aut it snouia oe rememocrea ' iqi; tne ehnle revenue of the Denartment It made vji of these little Items, srid It is their eoinbinatlon that gives hie and energy to the whole machine. It Ii at all times the duty of Post misters to sdbere strictly to hots the letter and apirlt of the law, and eibtciallv at this crisis, when the current engagements' of the Depirtment already entered Into greV.ly exceed the amount of itt ordinary revenue. WM. T. UAKRr. Sal Ammoniac. - This tilt waa itouffh ed oft a few dm since in the field of Mr. J. Hopper, in Haywood County, the lump weighed about four ounces, wii been discovered in native state anywhere In the U. S. It is mostly to bo found In the neighborhood of volcanoes. We be lieve it it found in the country of Buch aria, imbedded In clay and sulphur alio in Scotland, near the beds ot nurnmg m sr . coal. Jackion (lentuj ncfiuo Proiheritu. .How miserable is the lot at man ! In nroioeritv be forgets every one and In adversity every one forgets ' . electioneer for himself, ind him. In prosperity he appears to nive b pirilUoUI liquorw to prbcuro loai hit aensei tend when loaded witblr"f F m'ufortunei he it said never to have bid . . . ii. I . -. L. . L- n. In hit tUQCen elevation, no ue comet discontented with all the world . ' ' .... OB Thureday list III - - - ... . . in k- ..bln milk Mihirn an hl af fortune, all the world are discon. m,lI iMmA k. r-i.oned bv tented with. Uim. He who b.ik. in the ""I were affected by violent lunsnine oi lonune, .. ",,n. tor 4k. whole da, ut are an Blatsichute'.ts.' Ireland, . . . Englind, i Naw-Jertey, " New York, Connecticct, , Delaware, South Carolina, Maine,' Scotland, Kentucky, North Carolina, Switzerland, Verntont, Minorca, Tennessee, Holland, Georgia, r t . - - , v . - , Oerminji iIu., r1 - it ....l.ilnn (arf an tMnff tO do Wjtn this. North-Carolina, Instead ol furnishing .hould furnith a much greater num ber of otTicera thin Ma-y land. . I a ...nr iation h bCCO formed in Ala- hama. for .eonpressing.eboM to election- eertng. iu.un. r themseltes not to vote ior any pirwn, mt . "II I. .k.A....k I .n - nffice. Wno will - n- -mu"-. I 1 I X 1 335,000 477,000 36,000 votes. rememner, . u- . u - hM ... ,u rtat-rieh-eostimes-taU the wing I !nlV zfi-r.rKrm9.VirtAmt-- nd .uddenlv flw awav from us. Happy i .r.., u ..a in the m m a a . 1 Houses uuw uuvat a: utm.u. i ffesident ot- the- United states r ana-4o tonly vWite his "franking privilege, or who knowingly anaii aunern io with impuni y...... , In many Instances Postmssters have in- iured the revenue by extending their . .. . ...Ik.. I privilege oeyona mo wcigm prt.m Taw. Whenever i letter to or from a ittiZZ3ZrTieZ& - hair-aJu-OlBCtrtrr a ui isitieiw - -. .. . fti.tofcr rik Pottmaater recelvine or de- 4 t ii kiAiinii n ina law ana dv nia . . I j iifcmm nj , rTI'lE lubscriber offers for tale bis wnuiiuo .u iunB -a iu icv.. v.K Mth t0 iCCOuni ior ine eaceaa. j I i .... .ft itnn nf v4i.i hlnnoinir In ritiseni of the 1 1 .1. . . .U .11 tn tnur Wnnal- j u iimiaea aiu lw 111 mi w " .. .w -- - imstance inai . - hhiirv. ihpi) ar aituatd on Main street, im. United States, and their careoes, is sfore L.. r . Tntmator mailing a letter T ' 4 W . I- I . CUnC V. . . w........ 1, ntviliilrl iKii nf ih Cotirt.ltoute. and are ell-1 ..t,l .kill h -mtt'mli.il anH nn Innirer. I. ... .l. r L .r . Paatmiil.h n - - j . v.. 14, .ii.ii w . ..w - tree witn mc i iu. ui . yible 'situatlona for kknoat any kind bunf And whereas satisfactory evidence has r.c.ivjnB, one free, in virtue of hit prlv . ... . .l !. nriat n!ai(ittr ih. Kmnfrnr nf Aiiitria. ... 1. ..nnrf rirl In Die lur puoiio Dusineis. une 01 uem n "" cv"" A r---- an ounce, yuu '" occupied as a ffoiw Entertainment, with a through an official communication of the the Dep,rtinent, that the remedy miy be good run uf custom i ami is ipacious and con 'Baron do LedcrerrhisConsul Genersl In ..i. aonlied. venient. The other is an extensive ra"ff ,he United Stites, under date the 29tb of r Manv nersons appear to be under the kuildinira. oceubied at this time bv one family .. ... j J Hc."ul" r oniyTbuVconld bemadeto accommodate two M"7 w 'S erroneous impretsion, mat pnntea inect. fcmili. beidi rooms for Storet or Mechanics' ties of tonnage and impost are imposed of pa?er ,re not chargeable with letter A at bariraiu can. be bad in tueei or. levieu, since xao iirJi uay. oi vauuary !,.,. . -oa ie .iinM t 1 a i U a rini .r Inairii iv rM aa awemAl si I r . Is he who..;.re8tVlH;:'y oW wine, old bookstand old.; lrends,. ere op- worth vauajauoOm b-"- . abops. . A groat bargaiu can. be bad in tnesei or. levieu, since xao tirsi uay. oi vauuary !p0Jtie premises, a they w i be sola lur atjoutone-uaii j u.t, m me pons ot Austria, upon ve.nei.l.l.reet this error. ueir reu vaiue, Aiao, wholly belonging to citizen Ol tne unnea Only about one mile from the Court ureH or mtrcftandbe, imported in the House, and in. ight of Town. There f y . d g j ffom i J are 373 acres belonging to the tract -. " . a.. .m VtW areJJKre8De.unR...K....v..r . .... ,,,,,... h.n r . V !,l ...'.nluiMli. - Jt : with a due proportion ot goou nea. m; ivih. vvuim; pnntea circuiart, pi.i b-tv. 17,1 " dow land, an orchacd of 200 bearing levied on Austrian ships and their car- anc, indeed, every species of handbills, Apple trees, besides upwards of 200 young goes, in the same ports, under like cir- ... h. charted with letter postsge. trees , as also a Peach Orchar.1, and many other cumsunces , Whenever tUch printed articles come to t,;ind beautiful tua. .reT TtC" .7?? 1 office, without oemg emereaonsn- ou . will use diUrence to cor irror. Everv thine that goes In .k. .i .it i ehartreable with letter-post- 1,11V " - o J age, except newspapers, pamphlets, and i.n'wt.tiw iournais. which are rated as vi. ----- j- .. . .... pamphlets. Proposals for publications, Bfum, May 2$. .A family of seven per- in sn eerthen vessel, after it w In tbs) house, ii must have been impregnaieg r the eeppeDbefore .ilw.brooffjc 1 JUllana... .. . . . . i a ... 1. ni t .antral Barraa.-maotAt.Wf ' JnfcM.-" a he nf, wnicn is onen oei-1 " v , - . .. . ... v.j kins, may be killed Oy iprinanng a nu. i coenwa .n.i.n. "re of tobacco water and red peper over est. He was born In 1 759. oj an ancient ture wi iuw.wv , r i ,., . t ,r,..,,.rd. renounced bit no- the vines" uom V'-fVnllVrV. ZL. u ,h. f.moui lants with, a strong nfusion or elder biuiy. "n"',""u ZlAY' " . ... -r.-ur " .kW.i. Lvral ramnalens agSiPitTwarm;; ,'!. Is likewise rrou.niB1.u s:- -""'6"r - - " - 7.r riln.L, ;r Suffren.- On other piece of stood, oy i nrtaa, ia is " p ha ,mbriC-lj tbe the end of the suck, in tne grounu si i m" i, -.t....-f p.p.r.rt.11 K.e d.r.cu. r .. . r r - kiaill.T W.R."l i i I cloth of light texture Young Men read Mi.f Gen. Met . i f etawc ii ears v ni intt i i nttan n 1 9 r a . ni 1 1 1 ar i a -i . itis. ..larf eaaav n ea-v-e v sviaiairr'v ir .-aaBes.eevBje". . . : y-V . . I I w . .a. M Afad .ii .ika. Mit h .aMi..ri hflt vou will correct ine er- fairing Springs of good water. These premises s0 much of the several Acts imposing dis ror aBd report to the Department the wiltaiao be sold very low, and on accommoda- criminatine duties of tonnage and impost pft,m.lter who mailed thera-umbers II, M .11 .. f. .1 Ml. 1'- " " L "" " "' ' 1 ' .1 . nil anail I n ji:h. Bin.rt n.nnnitli. and aneciai ntted States, are, Clated witn aneen, .... .i ..non. In Paris, with; Bona VUHTCIII.VII .w-. . parte for hla aidde csmpt at length ho a .a . . . al m .At aril kak, ! AP 91 . became oneot uxmi "-m .a - lf I., .f W HieirU kw urae brought vp a atone mason, uu 6f Bonaparte in 1799, on which He de worked at bis trade many para after rined t public functions, and as trans he became of age,, even till elected rt i or njahed by bis former eleve. to fill the honorable station of a mem- t relurned to Frsoce in 1814, and in ma . .e . All hi anlenrlid I ... . .. rk.illni. surrounded bv friends acQuirements had been the result of and occupied irt works of phtlasnthrapr acquirciutuw i nn,ii .f..r a lontf. Illness his improvement oi me evening w-.cu . ji - , j.nuaft it,t. lie is bw , -kirn was attended by 300OI ine poor - i grre fiwf- . . r . aww I.. ... ..--..i.S.th. ti, Franrh hltK Strong nwAn European m"3d lhe, De published, if writteri authorscflf abaLcider, particularly mlre9domrAQLMkip lt" be, suspended and dUcontinuedo far as J.'fc.i 'dS pleaaa applvrto the tubscriber on me premise tut mentioned. PETER KRIDER. produce, manufactures, and merchsndise circuted under their privilege. Every Salitbury, Jme W 1329. 3t7S imported into thtrUnited States in the guch case is. required to be reported to t . , . , a tame, from the dominions of Austria, and ,k. rVn.riment. that such Postmaster lAinnhin uaai riinin. i. . . .. .i - t-- fromanv mlrfeiffncountrv.whatef-l-,...k. j.rivadnf the means of repeat- iri"' . .i-i.-j".' , ..v,..,... . .. .. T , . -" ....... I ... . w vw f- - - rj.n, , . - afaanaHV ...W..lk.w 'AlVr tlur aa'el .- .k. ,.U-....h...:. tab.- fffrii 1 . " '.'t . Miiini-n. thre 4 Jt fhiff tilaableiHarrtat.fm, wrtH4 , ,v -1" -hy. m.ion-H. and to k,'. h..n headed with the name "J? tro?: tSSiS "nue tEencdbrrd, so lonB lf tno off?ce editor, and called ;.n recentlTTrnea and occupied by Mr. George reciprocal exemption of the vesscis-oi mo extra-hewspaper, with the evident oetign Locket on which there is a large, new and United States, and the produce, manufac- 0f reducing the postage. Such design It rnmi..4:.... J....11: i .... .u;,h .iih necet. .j ...k. j:.. :..t.J tn,n the . - . ..... .nni.npi. . A arinnle. yvuimuuiuu, UWClllllJ--imut;, wm, I IUIC3, BUU I1ICI VIIIKI13C IliipUi ICU iui - wry out.houScsf7Tbere if only about 50 test-;,--- ih tamei i of this had under cultivation t two-thirdsof the rrrr Z' T: "Z.5 T" .k. ,u?M.l?:.T:rr.. . ... f .h.umc tract ia as rood noland u anv in the neighbor- awreaaiu, ...an w wwiwuw yu . r-- t0 wnicn k obiuu8- - l?,,LK0a T"1!? r'rJ" j"rL.mnLf the Government of Ha Imner al Ma- ni , eXtra newsnaper is a sheet land. fn. .wh., M, Dm it ia in the iestvi the EmDcror of Austria. U -nart of sheet, issued between tne k.-A . h Citv f w.iKli.Kinw ih naner. for viitui uukvi iiij inuui reiTUiar Ullla v y.uu.'j m , of Washington, this third day of tne purpose of an earlier annimciition of - June, in the.year of our Lord interesting news. You will not send nor one thousand eight hundred and deliver printed sheets or bills of any other twent-nine. and the tittv-toiru .k...rip. aa aunniemema or a Tr .1 .k. .k...w h ' i , r'.kl ft - A IUU.B uiucuicu . iii "ij't ot tne jaaepenaence u v newspapers iiinl. A.tl..aii.. ... liornhv nnlmed tOI . I- ' . " -"V. urn W . . w . . . . W a A . . ciaiea. ! ANDREW JACKSON. Bt f aa Paismtf T : . MARTIN VAN BUREN, ' Secretary f Stst, jUMWI ,HUIJ.-7!.-.-..,. . .... . J . :. f mnA tmnAmrv, tilaced in sucn as is f r-- - zz - . c the sun becomes viaegar in a anon An irish gentleman oi ine . . an ii a a it in ui ua iiw aar v . ns rpeaninir aain. ami em Skeewww - ximc, u w- r - I iu.ii, ivf-'-o rr . i !..... gallon of cider will, alter standing h9l)tCt mtX oae 0t lU poor innaDiiao.. 6 -: .k KAmi anrh atrooff vio-l .k k,i t,mVn from his keeper some pim'" ' , . " " , , .i... ; mnat ivi'iTed with water I rrw. -.r.',4. aiMrlenlv stonoed. ana (nr. in I. a in? niinw . ,?- .1. .! A I. atll-V. fTtla Ugi common tise. inrl all BW at II If I ua via v --- -a mimwhs wa - - - w . viil 1.1 K..a. w. ' . 'V . l.'JI ---- ( . miaat ot a hospitable and social neignooruuuu. For terms, ftc. apply to the lubscriber, in the ucirnoomood. JUHW UUJkt., ntn r. Jlfay 23rf, 1829. 68 MMVF.Y IVJMTRD. LL those Indebted to the subscriber, by i nn. m n.l.... .p. ln.h nnt'ified to -v. VI WMISil Wlffb) ta v a- --- eH immediately artd make payment- This no tfe will apply more particularly,' to all those who do not live in the immediate neigh borhood of Salisbury. ROBERT WYNNE. Mm Zptht 1829.1 ' . . 0tf swspapera. ? , There has slso been a want of sutrrcient ir. ..tini letters. Wanr oouuie. WIS' m. i . ...... ,rKU and even nuadrunle letters te rated at sinetfl H a tetter enclcfse,s resting upon ft largfi atick, exclaimed WhcTarV fn. Sir ?L .Tl'?lieaemaa warsttjer, utarmeci,: put towi-h , divert his attention Dy a pun, iv., I v v a w -" ' w p. . . ' I am a double man, I am man oy oeiuw 3rirt nature: Are Ton so,' rejoinea iic a onnn PLAN, T rel W a'lr8fifeie Ti-J't- " t nnre e constant anu irwuyit visiter Whom I tried many ways to dislodge. First WVMr, hy 1 -K'.rh he bore like abadgerj then fire, . ... fi ht tw0 -hirh he stood like a salamander. Atl - , . . MT Mr m0 J I IB UIVU P. Anuin. and ran away. not aeen him since 1 - , .". . . I t...f.-Mr 'oan.Mr. Stephen Girard As in instance of; the traffic-. ween .'"7 ,. oaned t'he Sue of in toe I ainfnr, r h Canal rennsyivania o'ww " . ' n i D....Ip.pi... that ui., - nk ft 50.- uvw " - a " i aw A nrin a. upwards of 20 tons oi,eggs-' !dinaryhcner. ; Ireland and ui? agow, P.nn,vlvania 8100,000 for th eggs, it is mentionea mat on - , T . Bnk oj pennsylva byteam-veiseb m a Jte P bW 2tum The Philadelphia Bat kw nd on her next voyag i . , . ... t-n-. ooo and the Mechaoic'a Bank of Phil- Vdelphia 20,000r Rich. ComfiHer,

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