f V STATU UAXh. - The UM' Wer r,f ,'9;hln,, rontalns the Kep.rt, made If, I tier Drown, F1.i: the late, meeting or the Cldesot the State Hank, ly behalf oftl.e Committee .ppolateJ 0 Decern , ber last, for the purpose of gWlog d- " t.iled account of lie situation of the .el r ,' Mr of the whole location, with lbe tKrrrtii referred to. inl ' , ; port would b..e been made by M - ... V..n rI!H iwlif by the dangerous .r-t. ft . . vnf - hi -imH her M- Jw. .'-'-'- v-va'mtt'tK atited IwiOiW to.be. irri..! " V tube meeting or the Stockholder .n4 ; 1 tli.wt.d no doubt .that ell the fcu I Utted therein were correct out no ciu ' not think thst til the inference! drawn 1 . tun fft. warranted, lie ' had reference principally to the com fneneemeot of the Keport, where the lotiee ui'ined bfthe Bnk tre brouRht into view. Theie loie pPrt from the Cibiblt A, hire eriien from Bill" of PrWn. Nrtiei diicountedi and from nenrm mount K4IJ.58I 89.' In order ueruln wbit the half early Ion of the Institution would probably be in tuiure ile Committee divide! the whole lo al ...( tittalnnl. b the number of the t,.ir.ver which the Bank hat existed ntirl thua cnnc!u?e thai the future loste cf the Bank, ai Ion at It hH continue " io operation, will be 3flOO eery i rnontba, to that the Bnk r annot at any ' . 1 -' -- . 4, . ji. lime tiereattir be expectea to uiMa. oi jiclend of more thaniArff ier cent, per an ' nunT. ' TbeudRe obtfctelTto the juit net of the calculation. About 50 per ducted from the original coat of the real Lcitate o tbat no additional Ion could, be - experied on that item, which amounted ' to 894,709, and that the heatiei? fosiet un'ier the other two heads, had been us tiltfif 16' of fb Bfhtlw,mrrr 7ent ago, and he trusted similar instances would never again occur. Theseu cir cumatanceV beinp considered, be must think that the estimate of the half yearly - Josit-s in futore, had been greatly over rated. The Judge also observed, that he did nn agree with the opinion expressed by the Commiiter, that the closing of the buinrss of the Bank would hive no inju rioun fTcf t o the circulation of oir If ink Note -Oo tbsvconuaiy. he appVebeDd-J e( if an i&slgnment of the Concerniof J he L Jt3tttutlon 1 were Jto t i ke place, l halt ; mrrrioldrfirrxlatrort vf ih'yatueef ihpa mjz fice-.tttoulrf be a tcrtaitt antefttentt. - Aiwl- we 4hinkr-i Se-iurtt oi 2,3 1 6 2t interest receivro - irom me-rt youc Trisorr. whiah the Committee has dt hall year, ought 10 oe considered at to rnurh profit, not hiving before been car ried to any account; and if a dividend had Jbeen made on the first Monday of June, would have been rightly Included . init1..oJdeed..we lelieva .ihc.annutl in ,Ureat.ot-:4 er centFecilved- lnun the State on her deferred Stock, and which i annually retained out of her December ...dividend, hat sometimes been included by the Director! In the pro6tt declared Upon in December 1 and if not then divi ded, it never failed to go to the profits of the next half year. Nor can it be sup posed (the suggestion in thii Report to the contrary notwithstanding) that, while tbe Bank: continue! in operation, tbe Di rector will ever fail to make a Dividend of Profit! in the course of the rear, out of. which to retain the interett flatable by , the State an the Stock for which the ttandt indebted (a the Bank. JllVFUL CALAMITY. -The New York papers of the 5th init state," tbat between 2 and 3 o'clock yes terday afternoon, an explosion took place, on board the steam Irigate Fulton, used as t receiving ship, and - was moored within 200 yards of the shore; and, at the time of the explosion, the officer! in I n t ti t ward roornv -T he lad y of Lieut Bratkentidge, and the sonofLicu Piatt, -ererewnfWaWe-waitueataTei , both were slightly wounded v '--Tlrit trrearfmr"ccrdentwixi)ceasioned 21- , by the Qunner't going into the Magazine, . .to procure powder 10 fire the evening gun He wat cautioned by one of the oflkera previously 10 bit going below, to . be careful t nd toon after, the explosion vwsk,; 50 and 60 jeartof jage ; the old Gunner having been discharged 'tbe Jiy prevlouv But in what particular manner fire wat comflBUnicatcd to the - powder, Is not kDOvn, as the gunner is tmQttg the unfortunate dead. " j. The magazine was ia the bow of the tbip, end contained It tbe time of the ex plosion, but three barrels of damaged i powder. The explosion was not louder than that produced by the discharge of t tingle cannon ; and many persona in the , Navy Yard toppote the report to have proceeded from such 1 source, until ihey taw the immense column ofkmoke aris ing from the vetsel.. Oihert about the yard taw the masts rising into .-the air before the explosion- and immedUtely Iter, the air f.tleA tilth fragments of tl.o um, The' lulton is "V" wreck t the bow being rfestroyeu to the witeri and tho whole ofthi lm ....t .hntii tn ei were mum nnv . f.i r.-i ihirk. nd ill other pan 01 corresponding strfength-ls now lying an .ntlrn h-an of ruins, burst asunder " ' pirti, and abound it the spot wnero ' V ii.kA..,h thA wis bat too . -r - . . . . ..rii. from the Navf Yard, end miny vessels near her; not one or them receiv eJ the lent damage i Dor was bridge O-k. r,.m ih .hare to tOt r uuu, t ell dammed l .... . , . ,mrm Uppbted,t9 hare been onbotrHthe tea sel from 69 to 100 persona. Of the lit; ter number 24 were killed, end 20 woun ded making 44, leaving the balance, to be accounted - for. A small oumaer onj board escaped whh ef ilight wounds t the remiindef , It, it feared, hare periti cd- . - ", . ' , . - Commodore Chauncey waton brtrd the Fulton yesterday, inspecting the ship and left her m company with Jorn T. Newton, Can. hocommnda the Fslton, only ten or fifteen mioutct before tie ex plofion. ' The room In which the officere were dining was situated about midships. The whole company at the table were orced, by tbe concussion against the tridrom, with tucb violence as to break their itmot, and otherwise cut tod bruise them in shocking manner. y wi lucky ,ci;cttaisi4nce that therel was a much smaller number 01 rrten on board-the Fulton-yeUrdf ahan JibeiJ 1 accustomed 10 have. On I uesday there proccedeofto Kotfolk'to join the Constel laiion frigate. at all damagew 1- - - ' ... ,.-.. Tk-,--.riirtarbfTl tofbe Tultoiw-br4:Ww.uIie4, Jie.xoDtidertJilmelLcU "The bodies of the dead were shock ingTy"Tluln si mancled t their features diatorted, and so much blackened that it was difficult in coffins shortly after the accident, and an inquest' Was held over them Commodore Chauncey end the Officers of the station were on board the wrerk, after the explosion, giving diiectiooato remove tbe scattered timber, in order that a search might take place for such bodies as might be buried in the ruins. The decks of the Fulton were torn up frojn stem to stern, and emonn those missing, many, it . is feared, have been thrown into the water and drowned. Lieut. Bracke pri J,nn6w6"nTarInet, bare . died,, but oo nry particular addi tioniriaformtiiort tuit 'ttttxy ex :jobtiued reipeuiogihe- aad cxpDQslonw. -..-., "4U Tbet.ereit;excucOyht.iie.. ofi tbu, e vent,was last evening intense .and universal. Nor hat It ' this nw ' to' .... . ". We" are pained Tniearnj that-Mrs Bnre- kenndge is not slightly, but very severe ly wounded and the injury of Lieut, rlatt is to serious that but a faint hope it indulged of his JxcQver j. stanceTaltfioukn several oTlhe persons at - dinner In the waid room escaped with their litres, aud some of them uninjured, I not a vestige of the tible, chairs, or any ol the lurniture in the room remains. Every thing was blown to atoms. The scene, even this morning, at the Navy Yard, is distressing beyond descrip lion. Indeed to attempt a description of such spectacle, at the very moment when our feelings arc harrowed up 10 painful degree by the shocking reality, seems too revolting to be undertaken. We might apeak of tbe wounded living and the mangled dead, and of the fragments of bodiei blown to piecesfrtirtgred among the; broken -telic of the shtp but such particulars may better., be left to the reader's imagination. . When we left the Nay Yard at 11 o'clock, only eig ht men were unaccounted for. These have doubtless perished, either by drowning, or by being crushed among the timbers. It appears by the muster roil of the (JaipAilaL.JbtioulJvjuiaiti rLeriouv inc luding othcers, attached to he at the time wijne accident, was one hundred and, sixty six ; and after a careful and diligent examination, it has bet n atcer tsined that one hundred and sixty are ac counted for--tbereare only then tlx mit tins - - -rr- f - - - . FOREIGN XFJVS. - The brig tTmVei Sefft, khightr has bringkg, LpndJptperiMlthck. 29ib ApTfiirh(T PlJ'motith - bf stbnrMayT containing London dates of the 1st May, From the New-York Commercial, Jour nal of Commerce, and American,' we co py the following items. :r, The Plymouth Herald says it is confi dently reported that the government of Great Britain, joined that of France and Ausrtia, will inform Russia that tbey will not remain ailent spectators, and see Turkey become a conquered country. If Russia ttill goes on, it is more than pro bable that a higher tone will be used, and perhaps tbe torch of war, lit in the East, may spread its flames throughout Europe. . Parliament resumed their sittings on the 28th of April. The Duke of No-fulk, Lords Klifford and Dormer, (Catholics) look their- teati U tlio House of Lord as 1'eers, shook hinds with toe lord Chan cellor. They hive thus resumed, if In their persons it can be ciwed resumption, the hereditary seats oi mcir uiusmou anrestori which no Catholic had been tutored 10 occupy ror 148 yean. 1 his is the first overt operttitn of the Catholic Relief Bill. . : Mr Oponnell hat addressed a letter to the Speiler of the House of Commons stating, that by the Act of Union with Ireland, i'l membcrt elected, mist take the oithti prescribed till Parliament thatl ItlAerviiK alter Ike tow ..i he iaWt MUtrT JI UlW ff T,"-"j'naMW WWW WV wmm-- J bit Majesty! Ministers, be will, bow to thdr daclsion,and get returned aubv" yTrade continued depressed in the var iut manofictoring townt. ri A letter from Havre uyt," We btve iuit heird that there ire loading lv If Ifaltic 67 shipt for French porta, which will bring dt before the end of Aliy abju thirty million pound of grain." Seat tVar.mJThi date from Smvrni are to March 18 hf' and from Constant! nople 10 the 38tn. There appears to be much distress in the Turkish capm!. ' ' J Letters from Smvrna, dated Marrh 8 tay that .artc qumtittet ol wneat, wtt Undin iheie, which had been received from Egypt on account of iheOti w" J government, and deiined for the aupplv of Consvmiioonle tour thousand c mls were employed in iranaportiiiR th? wheat 'o the eapital, and it was intended 10 a3g.7tf nr the number to leu ibouund, ln'th;.i manneTit Vas Vubpoud fhjt 4 W jBdc P Cq u in t it m J jx bJu r 1 i 1 sh e d,i ; supply l-ftlw, the others to h uj)plie. Extract of a letter dated Constantino- p V ma m v a wwiieiiiiiuupit "! pie. Mirch!8-'4 The landing of a few 1611)0 northward hat prea great alarm rere, without any just cause a prodigious mast of the new reeru'n blockaded, ind begin to be sexiously alarmed as to provisions." It it confidently stated hat Lord Beret ford is ti proceed to Portueal at Ambat tador Lztraordtnary from Lngland, to en deavor to effect an arrangement between the two brothers, Don Pedro and Don Miguel. An article from Falmouth tayt tbat the youai; Quern ol Portugal was expected to tail from that . port, for Rio Janeiro, 1 . . early in May. .Changee. The. rtmovaltifrom ofEre mil Xecp pace, with : the wither of the people,- end. tlmotT etere tnait brlnjjt in nVof tbe tnn.mg oJrf tome-Joffin handbill distributor or abuser ofjhelFre very nard and when thev find ihty must go out, they gallantly seize a qui I and commence a piper warfare agaiont the Administration tbat ouats them. A Mr. sldejjhowasaurnd,u...f;-tbe Ser re- vi. k.;r.irrT--:-. . vary pa tbctkaU 40 paprs7 ml tK argument he uset amounts to this t " I was in office it wat a good fat office I lived high, and laid up nothinr main! rainy day therefore, by turning me out. yuu maac a ocgejjr 01 me and my laml Poor fellow! he will have to dit charge a brace of coots, drink a bottle of wine less at dinner, and live like a plain t" nepublloan. r-atton- (Fa J Jrgut, The Coalition Printt seem to be en- noyed at ihe President's visiting the Pub lie Utncci, and seeing how things go, in UI. tan lcc no Qojecuon to sucn a course, -when hit other engagements will permit him. Now we are assured from the best authority that his other avocations are never neglected and that tbe public papers are never permitted to sleep upon his table. He attends to eve ry thinj as soon as it comes to his hands. When he bat no longer any thingf before him, would his opponents have him dose away.blslimiiiijonthfeSihaJirealbe Jrn the same time visit the Public Offices, Vnd stimulate bv bis personal . superinten oe nee," those habita of official aiduit neglected under the last Administration ? We are informed, that in these respects ery gre at relorm has already been in if-ftrtilrs iht nl.i..'.. .L- ....... of the improvement,-the arrears of Jdrunka ds re e brought to the poiuearf. and the l-Jerka ara no lonirrr teen lonoir 1 pert, Ac. tccT but attending to all their duties with perfect regularity. ;is We repeat to our'readers, that Hie work of l-eform goes steadily on. That the President himself examinee into all the causes of removal with great care t that, although all these causes are not laid be fore the people at the present time, no removal is made without such cause as is called for by the public interest snd that the developments which must - take an official shape before the next Congress, will call forth tbe gratitude of the nation towards the incorruptible statesman and patriot, wno will have rendered more ser- . 1 1. " ....... ihe i:.tntiof cotru rom ( (Tifc, thin he !!J In vmqui hin a 'orcign enemy. U. S. Tel. CuUb Jtuattr, of Ohio has bren ap pointed j the rreai leoti i conjunr tton with Cols. Jir,Veil and Menard, to hold a treaty on the watert of the Mitslsvlppi, ith atveral lmltan trtes. a n vir cltville.Onio Herald, says It is Unacmooo that one of the primary objects of the mission It to purchase Irom tne mums the right of toil for the terrtfory South of the Ouisconsin river, and especially tbe region of the Mid i"riY'- ,'TOr. ,JVuri At new 1 orx a lew oava v. pMicngers were landing from a ship", one oltbemwno was intoxicaieu icu u.r hoard, with a bottle in his band, and al ihouh attemots were mde to save mm ha lank. The rWns? of the bottle lathe 'urface apprised the beholders that dealb .iad unloosed the tippler's grasp, A Mla near Michln advertises M An ti masonic CouRhdrops." W can obtain ,ucb drops in thit state teiy easily. ui on. of Governor Southwick't Observer a K itAmad In water a few hours, and the decoction would eougn a norte to nram. Troy (Xc- YorkJ Budget. From the Dovton Courier. The Timet. Whatever difference! of opinion mayexit in regvd to the cause! which have produced tne preient oepres tion of business ol all kinds, mere seem to brf ffe fact thsr-tfie drpressioti it onperal. lel'd and ihe embarrassed condition tradnri. nwClfu.liiMr ' chants, is beyond all precedent in tne ex perience of tbe present generation " An artfcle" in lb Nan'viSie Republican illuatratea in a remarkable manner, the progressive improvement and prosperity oftlut towvU )JW I tojitarr bge 0 60. tons and thirty five men, wound it " liborions way" up tbe Cumberlan river, and arrived at that place, to lbe jo; and astonishment of the inhabitants. , Tbe rjeonle flocked from all tbe sdiictnf ports of the eoontrv to see 44 the baree.,,::"The important event wat fotmally announced in the newspapers ; and the whole coun trv rantr with the tntellizence- there are now ten a:cim boats some of them of tbe largest class employed in tbe Nash ville trade. In 1809 there wat but one ' JrayTrt thYtown. "Tfief bavenow sixty 7 Mis.-- Tbis "articletlfiougb paying adult Of JQ cents perjp.Hpn Jjcheaoeir ihan it haa.been lor tome years. - i ne j- Y. JAiirnnl nf . Commerce states that it nwuoif 0 tenia pwv wa 11 1 -ynvrvett Indies. " The casks' cosTInjhe j.ljd at tfie"fate'6f f 'centsper gVllonj or more than twice as much as the article put into them. The rest of the price is made up of duty, freight, leakage, &e. urw, Journal of Commerce tayt the. prices of - 1 -j - : r 1 - ' - 1 : ' r- i moac ainas 01 oomesiic ana importea cot ton coodt and low priced dot ha continue to decline- Business generally-in the city is dull ; tbe country trade had sud denly felloiF almost entirely; and tome pressure has been felt for some days in the money market, owing to small re mittsnces from the country, small amount of aales, 8cc , Eurota Thorfi, of Washington, Berk shire, Massachusetts, was accused Ly some evil-person of selling the body of hit deceased wite to tba faculty, lor. ana tomical purposes. To refute the base charee, he ciused the crave to be opened few weeks since, and in presence of a number of respectable citizens, exhibited her remains. Jesse Joy, of Southampton, killed a calf May 25, ix weeks old, that weighed as follows : Quarters 135 lbs. Hide 20 lbs. Total 155 pounds. The milk of one cow fa nertetflhecalffani with butter. .... ix4iaroterejonsumed)UibMng. near York, Pa. on the 19th of May, and great damage-was -donr by-err-excessi ve fall of rain. 7.:'...-..'. '.'.."7-.IS. S. A New.York paper ttates that 72 7 TV' . Another yet."-The New-York afternoon papers of Tuesday state that the Paterton todOMted! its doors on Tuesday morning. The bills were offered fof sale at 50 par cent, dis count. A Palpable nut The P.hiladeiphia Gazette says, people must not grieve be cause a few of ihe New York banks stop payment. The Legislature of thit state can establish half a dozen new ones, in place of every ld one that fails. AttwOj en auk ataatakmtk km mi Ut." : The Columbia Telescope states tbat the quantity of Cotton purchased in that market the present season, U not short of 60-000 bales.- ' ' Vorrt. W tl.inV ft tijl.t to sppno the So khn ilcrs cf the -Ute, Bjnk, that 9 an Ortiinanr e of the Stockholders, pit. ted in general meeting in the year 1 833, nono but a ntockboiuer can vote In any general meejW as the Proxy of other Stockholder.' We are led to notice thit act, from a circumstance which occurred at tho lite eeneral meetinjr. A iumb, of the Stockholders, resident in and about I aroorou jn, aumoi iccu 10 give ttfty nine votes, not hlng knowledge, it la pr. sumed, ol this regulation whir h ; tacit " well enough be the fact, as the Ordinance , was not published till list year) sutDoris. ' ed und instrocd -rlsltly" tetpecullcT: citizen of Jhis 'Pouhtf jeU7pmxt 40HZ tteu(if bern.i Jl he pipjty, wa.s,. ground, Velused, and but for the circum- stance of a Stockholder ..being preentl:-- who had been at a lormer meeting m. ihorised to vote al their proxy, and who( sfter some hesitation, consented to at: on thtpresent occssUjo, and to conform his vote to the instructions given to the other gentleman, ( their vote could not have been given. At it happened no vote of importance was taken but if the impor tant question expected to have been deci ded bad come up, the ?o!e of the holders io tdgerombr rpighf hive been holly excluded by their proxy not belnc Stockholder. Rat. KegUter. ! Chetaheake and Ohio Canal, The cor ner Stone of the first lock or hit canal was laid on the 29th ultimo, on the eighth sec tion of the line, sis miles above George lows).' The ceremony was performed by Williiro Hewitt, Esrj . Grand Mister of the District of Cojutrrbl., ; assisted by.ihe members of .Hotomae Lodge, and thexror fjrate authoritie of Georgetown." The resMent of the United States,; (Past Gtand Master 'of the Stae 0fTennes1.ee, who bad been invited by tbe Grand Mat ter of the District to honor the ceremon iet with his presence,) the Secretary of War and the Postmaster-General werb present- The m ,Uet used by the Grand &lsta JtaaoJte samaavitA astcJa General . Washington laid the corner stone of tho Capitol. The- President- made some brief obaerrationi-on the importmcc of tbe work, and, the. deep interest which be felt in it, kc. It it gratifying to learn that lbe President appeared inexcetlcnt health,' and when he left the ground, the marine band ttruck up the air, ' Hail to the Chief," which was answered by the enthusiastic acclamations of the uti le niV ... ... ... Star. trilM-t tt A Phenomenon.--. We have hacf an op- i portunitv of cxaminitig a very curious na I inrit. of unnatural hrruti'tetion' A ' fine I c,l mong ,tt kittnWhd Ttr j 0f ,Krf jj yjaubtfulind ahoroalpus rJe'ecrip? - . ltM t ektch i lt 4T kit ten or puppy l it has the head, cars ex er ptertV and 4he bark of a complcieyounf dog, while its ears, claws, and shape of body mark it at diatinctly of the Cat tpecies. We understand that eevert.1 persons of distinction have already seen -kwl t Watt avfe a - 1 & I a -m Atkj 1 .I i tiiav :vuj.pj. truest ivw-MivirsfvntJVi - occurred some ycara ago up the Mediter ranean. . Halifax paper.' Mr. Clay notwitli standing the enormous quantity of public pudding he eats, will never grow fat upon it unless he "spouts less during the t(allin. He neutralises all the efforts of his friends by iheto windy exertions of bis, and we who ate not very particularly his friend, feel con siderable solicitude lest he talk bimself into a quick consumption. Camden Journal. erkIndiaitrite:MmtorVtf- giniar arrived- a. Columbus .on the.-25tli tilt, from Mobile, toth a cargo of tiro- . a-w . arw cenes, kc. i he olumbns r.nqutrer gives tbe following information 1 " We have been told that the owner of the Virginia is about contracting witb the Agent, Col. Crowell, 10 transport r.t-rly thousand of the emigrating Crct ks to a lv a AUini.nB ' TT a a iviitinra t t .tA I k rvt iiav 1 wa aa ai v aaa k iv I""" JL-'J"' at Liule Rock Jar. J&iL&gsiJiraHhWR Vie necessary provisions himfelf, or for BSirtbeA GeoJaurnaljSthtHtanf.- Dr. ltratkint....Tbt indictments againit this gentlemen, have, alter a long and able argument, been-quashed by the court. What course will now be taken against him, we know not. The Raleigh Regis ter says i , " - - - " To be candid, we do not think that though these' exwpuon art-AUV-ttmed,' aay uung,appeia.r. iqjmwww11 vr : v kins from the charge of having impcoper ly converted. mdneyb.elong.uigto' the . Government to his own private use.' - The Rev. Mr." Rylandra Methodist Clergyman, has been appointed a Chap lain in the Navy. s . ''"".. ,-'' France . Froln a recent official report, it appears that out of 35,267 communes, of which the kingdom of France is com posed, no fewer than 35,38? are destitute of any kind of post office establishment, and that the letters are delivered irregu larly by persons on foot, or Prefects messengers, who often go their rounds but once a week.

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