i t0 rnr. wistmw caroliviim. f, fj.tor: I i somwlu mud h oner day, in company iiyout erjl.l i. jji.leil in poliiic. to see those called Ad.mimen tome f. or-six months inci ,ne COi,"cr)"i,i 1,1 Many h"1 epithet dil they -p. 10 our present wortny ChieMligis- w .rate," nt msny cenure did they pan l; p cehis measures j ,na ProIe weretnej jxjrcvl'w hy usei, CsijruUU-d la irdj lite hit irien'", '-ui'rwvcrv. fctiid our Jackson UUwW-the friend J irdtt; e,; T.'1 - C0rr Wf V ' m ' n liinnifi'd ilence. A corucioiii'tfionapu Warned frimjhelf, brows, while in indig. nint smile P!VJ rMUr Tn'r MlwTbF Mtmed To ayi?eniUrnv tuve ti(iqu'hhed you, "end scorn to wrangle "'"ufTi fa1tenfoe- You, gentlemen, mux M 8. (istnet HfotMy for Key Welt, inj lapt,) Chtrlet K, Hawkins, of the Mexican navy, In! eoru'n itnr.a or the Uucit IniercmirM bet wren r II v" a hih, in ir.urm..s munu M'ltaeand Hawkintvifei M'Kae ws wounded to Mr" Yarbrongb lor the uae of her Si) ih thigh. Hawkins, after this, waa absent , 'T, ' wouia 11 ,M urr "me oance io tba jounc Line our victory with becoming moder iiioot nd without manifesting any signs ofiulgaf triumph. This is proof to de montrtion, that we did not contend for the empty ntme of victory, nor for tri ..mnhover meni but for hrtnvhlt. We fought under the banner of fUroRM we nliDtcd the flg on the Capiul at Wash ington, with the letter R-E-F O il M, io dtfihly marked on I?. The work goes on gloriously t thil is whit you complain of, but precisely wiat the nation hat loudly billed for. ' Di! the President act other tite, he would betray the trust so impti citlr rf posed in him by the American peo ple, and b unworhy their confidence, thkhhe'now oU(rely shares. Continue, jcntemen'l long at you plea e, to pour forth your lamentations over Jhe fate of . hose pti b' tc.de iti ile r j nd j i rtizjnie public, that a riy will be performed for her beuefit, on the 4th of July, , t Afiftrofiriatiom fur Worth Carolina, The follow injr,, approprlitiona were made at the late leiiion of Congrett i . , 20,000 dollar for the extinRuUhment oi all the remaining Indian rcieryationi in North Carolina 31,000 doljari for effeciinVtb 'ewo- at of the ihoaU form in tr obatruabna tu paylgatbrjiearPcracock.Inlct-.,; . "w.oooftailiri'for traprMintf ihnutK gation of Cape Ftr rirer, between the tea wbicr ti-tjr MQfd e- heed not your bi'tef exioba'ioni j we hate obaer e4jhecoure ;f tn-flturea pursued by the Arfmiaiiiraiior, -p'prore thtm well." I r)tve witnessed n .ry poli-ic! con ttoersy, but nrfer uch on efHctual, lileDt triumph. . I Isti a1! our Jarkaon .ifni!.JTM!i),l:,P!.,U'l.a.d ClCloui rrur. - - j , 1 he lilmie fpwe intepitf, aft ' """rcriundtl when HUHn f tttt.' We hi? e reastiifd wi'li itnat gentlemen for year iT mnv of thim still dlere o their former opinions, with wonderful pertinacity t hu' let them rage ; we will be lilentf and smile at their r' ger. Like Qiiiotte with (lie wind mill, they will loon pet lirerjof warrii.g v! h die crea terei of their iinagir.a'ions. V - A JACKSONIAX. In Mexico a fa month t en liit return, ha found M'lttD reneaed the IntriU's with hi wife, and did not betiute to avow iti thia ae enrtfrtjd llawkiw, that on M'Uta'a paasinf bis rindow, he ahot birn with a doublcbrrelled ufll Melt died loon after, and I law kin rave himaclf op to the Mar,hal. Ilawkina' wife bad been lent away from Kay Weit to her relations prevloja m lit taut return from Mtiico; Th'Gold lbghu We hire hitherto Inadvertent fy omitted to mention the flt Uruid i!iCQrcrieix, jhe precloua metal wUch'have'hectJ niAde the"preient' W oa in.ihiilR9rP!Qj loufitjr .Piyioualyj no aeriom attempt bad been ma la, to at ceruio .jtieiherilieifl.M .any ..G iMJn the--eo4m7Reewlf -4Mweraome JQ dollari..ofplacinjt buoyt at the they complafn bitterly of g email pinklei, accidentally found, In ( new channel point, at Ulef Island po uucea a leircnprv me pirto: omo of our and at 'he lower mouth of Wallace's whin enterprising cititentt and the. luceeis nel in Pamlico Sound. ,, which attended their efforu, prompted! 80 dollars for making a eurvey of Pas otberi to make learch unnt there have quorank rirer, for remot ine , bars, or ob- been, op to this time, more, we should , atrualons in the aame, and an estimate of the cost. It U underatood that the vote! In Congress upon the above appropriationa, were not recor ded. As it is i-nportant to the people that tbey abouUknow who of rhe mr-mbers of Cuntreae towhof WTiminVona Whd'raout Ibe said, rjytr ., , ' I tj pperatiyet; the distress is unabated retrioua taxrs, V.wr. : France The Duke de Lacl bai re fust rf to accept-the foreign secretaryship of France. The Count de St. Priest is taikef for the ofTict. , Portugal Don Miguel has become religious he had much need of improve num. lie will have more need of re$lj nation. presume! than fifty gold mines opened in the county. In all that district of coun try aouth and east of Salisbury, extending from Cabarrus to Daridsoi, more or less gold is scattered through the ridges J and . k. . i . i . : . . . i- j i mi iiiu uccn rounu iu caiai noun wi m .1, n . , west of th town; in the extreme part of ,, ,, . . . . r' . " , .k. . .... , v j tltm( It I expected that they will avow and make public their aentimenta' and sotea on thia all ihportant aubjert Nay, it la the right of tba people to know, and tbey demand from the members who are bow candidates a fu'l and fair ditcloaure. QUERIST. the county, adjoining Iredell, a 'company (Com this place is working a , valuable mine which promises to be extensive. At some of the mines a few miles east of us, where companies of our (itixens have recently commenced operations, ore has been du up, so rick, that it Is thought ott whorrrJ k -h ejtcted " from vime of4ri M pcate anherat t of. dvU. per bushel! A confident belief is entertained, thai Rowan, will prove as rich irv her golden treaturet as any other couory in the state G!d baa recently been found in U'ilk;a coun ty, in a number of places. Man) of the enter priiing citizens there are buying and leasing iaod, for the purpose of, pursuing the .M'uijng buriness. We have been informed that one or more of the comnira contemplate the imme diate erection of machinery, rbr pulverising and washing the ore A new and very rich mine hu been discover ed on the plantation of Maj. Jonathan lla-rii, of Mecklenburg county. By I lie labor of four ne-g-oc, Maj. lUrria realisea about a hundred dollar worth of Gold (Lilly. In Gui'ford county, we learn that new diacov --' .Poiaf. The,;posrTnister at BufTalo, New York,- has receivecTrhstructloVis from the Post Master General to incrtase the rate of postage now charged on letters from that place to New-York, as 11 post age is to be charged, not according o the shortest distance bv which a letter can possibly be sent, but according to the dis lance whicb it usually is sent, provided it is sent on that route whicb .it will give it (he greater potsiblr expedition and safety'. On ibis principle, letters from Buffalo-to New York must be rated at 25 cents, the distance being more than 400 miles" Two lots on Market street, between Fourth and Filth street, Philadelphia, measuring 54 feet IQ inches in front by 133 feet in depth, were sold last Fiiday .'i a rri.i."-ii rr: -r . ... , i j o i cow counij, iook nrc op me ?a inn. aunng me I abseiMa of -the faniiTy, and til entirely" cont" tuned, together. wUh-all it content. erieaot the precioua metal are almost daily I'" public auction at. the Coffee house fot ; made i and gentlemen of skill and enterpriae 9" swiw.aoiiars or si me rate w ninety T.r,. ,.T,-, .,,.,...,irr7. , Wo w'Ai.eiwor each inch . - - ; Vi bava received Um first No. of tbe MUttn Gaitite, publiibed at Milton, Cuwell county, N . by Mr. Malbon Kenyon. It i v ry well prin ted, arid ably edited j and ae hope ill receive librJ tirpor for-no one more Ubtriouly cams his money than an edilor tbo publishes a f5 p.---. - Large Uait.lt hr atated--m -the Warrenofl, Tirpnjapapfivthit; furious bail torm viaiied thst iecdonef country on the 1st int. Many of tbe kail atones were ten inches in circumference some appeared to be of the fixe and shape of I pint cup i mott of them bunted aa they struck the ground. el Irani . la. Uacoin, m tu M Ruiherfird ; count tea. Gold baa been fouod-io-diver places i and we learn that preparations are making to work the mineav . - .r... . j , i;,.n. - ,.a ' a . . . ' -mi - . j. owm of ....... In Randolph, Chatham, Stokes, Rocking. ! f 5blincnent. The resolution ws adop ! brown sugar U to 15, cofiec 16 to 23, aah 1.25 1 Spring-and S Ithaca. TVmiSmmrr. The corpor at ion ol (he village of fiKac,(New York) ttTtST Vastta viwi, a By the packet ship Pacific, London anj Liverpool papers, have been received at New York, to the 16th May England. The Blowing Journal, of the 16th May! says, that the Duki of WIlingtoo and the King quarrelled about Lord Anglesea, and that the Duke and Mr. Peel will both soon go into letirement. We do not believe It. On the 15th May, Mr. O Connell en tered the Uoaie'bf Coinmani-wa'rtf fused his seat, unless he would take the oaths which were required previously to fih c jJiiss gvrof t br Re lie f EUUw as or dc r ed immediately to withdraw, am be whhdrw''iccrQlng Np new disturbances have taken place Another if evolutionary Patriot gone ! On Saturday morning last at tbe real (len'rr ot-his on in Hoxbury, departed this life Gen. HENRY DEARBORN, aged 78 years and 3 months. Alter a well -n life, devoted to the service of his country he has been gathered to his fathers, full of years, honors and good works. Dotton Patriot. Washington have' found" a lourVh indict ment against (he late 4th Auditor; to which his counsel, as with tbe three fiist, entered a genrral demurrer. The Dr is s'ill in jail, and has ben since he was firsl arrestee!, and brought fmm Pljadelbi i JYcgro cs ) Wan led. WKS rntoptirrhae,2I sr.W NDHtOEl, for which liberal price will be given 1 In ca.h. I can at ill llmra be found, io rialis- . bury, it T.. AUemonr'a llantion Hotel. Any , perwin wishing to acll, to whom it may b- in convenient to make application, can direct a few lins to me, at Saliabury, N. C. and tbey will be attended to. JUSIAII llt'lE, .Wiry,An?lA 1829. ; . Ji dtrttjttVavfnj XUOM enbacribcr'a paaturo I fliJury, n lha Slat mat. : d ,r i" VClPV l!rk kruiil lr-.r4 rl OtaS"'"! I", abnul n hawla bigii ytavHI, aWHit m,k ahf w, and a MU wild to catch In the rvr. He was bourlit oT UaJ. ffenj. I'arks, of M'ilkesLorwiglu and it U aUpftWe't 1tlTnJrfirewnTaIns.-Airr person taking up said horse, ami Informing mo, . ' ao thirt'Tget-'htnrirsifl .-stiiH b librrallr rei - aratded fur the truuble. anl.all jiccrary cx;. ,., penespMi. niUM.lil .Mtl.lar, . .Voiiiiry,fl23J,18i9. Ti Sunt f Xtrtk Carolina, Wilita msf "InPBTof pica and quarter trsaiona, Maj term, . J 1829. The Petition of John Murphey.Charlea Murphy, a lunalie.who petitions by bia nt It (riesxl John Murjihy, John Tomlinaon and bia wilt A ana Levin Gordrn and bia wife Br tar y t t. Stephen Murphy, John ItaD and lua wife Ifcbofah, Cbarief Cillian ami hi wife IVilanar, 8te4ien Htuart and bia wife Itebeccab, and Jowpli Murphy, ala aj;aint said Stephen IJ'uart a aunririxg Eiecti lor of Daniel Murphy, dee'd, and again said Stephen .Smart and Jovplt Murphy a aIminia tratoraof llaanah siurpby, dre'd i Petititn fr IHimbiUitn, In thia ca-e. it appearing to the.. aaiafctioi of the court, that Mephen Murphy, John Ball and hi wife Deborah. Cbarle Cillian aiMl hi wife Dulanar, live beyand the limit of this Ktatr ; it i therefore ordered by tbe Court, that publication be made, ait eek aoccrrirely in tbe Wettrru f arolinian, that Ibe said Stephen Murjihy, John Rail and lborahhia ife, Charles fjlia-and llaiiar bia -wife bf , d appear before the joal'ice of ir cwirt of pleas and " quarter aenions to be hebl Ibr the coiniy of Uavidion, it the coun-brinie in Lrsingion. on .be 2d Monday in Augim neit, then and there to niead or nnawer laid petitHm, Aihewia it ill be taken pro c0n .,, and heard riparte as " to them. Witnr, Dati.l (k, clrrk of our saidcourt.ai olFce,the2iMl llonda) ofMav, 1829 6'71 I). MiiCK, C. C C. Price of advt. g3. lUti Icctiuntti DIED, On Saturday, 30th ultimo, Mr. M Pierret, I native, of France, but for the laat three year, a resident of our villare. aaa an ingenious a iv ii .., ,,, ,. . ,., . .. , mechanic, fond ol ab.tract apecula'ionaa.i in- .,.;, luM vrM.m inf eff kte gulaHy enthuaiaaiic in the pursuit ot novel dm- ( u lUt Vl wiMMt Mtv w i(t(.(K, ,0 om eoverte-H is said he waa once m affluint ur- lo,jH.rinjr mm iw ,hwt a moots and cumaiancea, but mi.fonunea, aome tncvitablc , Wil, ,hc moIley lh(ll i, 0n.g to ua, to buy and some the fruit, of hi peculiar propei.wi it a, lleevr. ti,h j, d h, . dun our cuatomrrii, an. , till more dimjrreeabUs to wi.iTfinr them 1 but r ihall be compfllcd to adi.t the lalt. r alternative iim!.-i, c rc anrrdl. ly paid our juat dura. kltlDKU k It ' LUS. Auhslturii, June 1 J, 1 8i9. 3l7 N. M. Our day of furnishing Hrrf will be as in hi latter rlayi, bore heavily upon hi.n ln ill- nt-ta wai of a aevere nature and bafflrd the ef fort of medical skill, tbe bet our vil'agt- af forded having been cheerfully rendrrtd. It is understood bat he bad not a relation on thia side of the Atlantic. He willingly rraigned, bimsell totbe Will ofhis mukcr Heporter. i hcretolor. . Tu.lv. I I, .!.,-. ..i w i..,. I ' -r waa v amj ikl Itl m J ilT -X-earfylrf the hWilngY" "".KriC'R.' i mem e Htum ter 7 to 10. flour 3.7i to 4 per barrel, wheat 30 mf "l aoo.fty, a lag aKrt Tit tijiprme fturi commenced its summer term in Raleigh" the 'd Monday in this month: Among those gentlemen who have obtained li cense to FratUe Law, are the following : "Joseph CiMweHiTif- Iredell ernnty Tbomas J. Oakea, of Rowan county J.ime P. llendcr fQt,of ;.l'inw.ltrjB.f2LP.ujgeM. S. . Gaitber)' of u.rke and VVilliam B. ' Haskell, of Peiinsylva ia, in the. County Court. And Daniel M. Bsrringer, of Cnbarrus, has been admitted to .Superior Court License. ham, and Surry, some gold, and indication of ; more, have recently been discovered. r!&Heiriitrg, new and rich veina are con stantly opening," ?Xterv machinery lis edritin' ually building, and large quantities of the pre cTdu mi:Wt "Mfe!: ter, and horae power. In Auaon amLMontgomery-, the minecontin ue to be worked with profit f although not as extenstVLly in tht latter county as formerly. In Davtdien county, a number of new mines have been opened, and machinery ia erecting to work them It is ataied in the Pioneer, that a . company have commenced the Gold Mining business in York district, with a go d prospect of auccess. ted by the board unanimously. This is a bold experiment, and we understand it has been submitted to without much op position. , . A western paper announces a marriage, and acknowledges the receipt of a pteca ol cake, a bottle of champaign, and "half a dozen first rate cigars;: from the happy The Editors add that thev invited a few 7 to 8 Jffl U to-42, ilavv,j f7 tmmer GOODS. A Nil ftLjil to 1.30, homespun cloth 18 to SO, whiakey 0 to 25, bacon 7 to . t'n4lillr June 7tk. Cotton I bacon5l to peach bt audi 55 apple do ) to 42, ftviS GR0( IIHIF.S: Jutlor 10 to 15 corn 49 to 50, rutl 80, tlour cm an al noat r r riic!- ihmu.Iv t bo 4to 5J. lanl 7J,"moliUiie 3:a34,stigr8Jlo 10, iiui 14 SlortS ,-tMlbt toraA, ahdlittcted: utt 75 to80, tallow HvWhtat 8i a90, wbikey v:4 by lums f, with care, in I'lnladeljibia aul Niw to :28.'.;rxlT'. S. bank notes 1 4 a I) Cent. pre , Yutk: . mium, Cape I'a're ditto, li a 2. . r " he PuWie are awiirrri thry-sriH find fuk -mpp'vi afKl m hv (or cmh as any tn rbr pJat-j CharlnltH, Juu l5.-.fottotl.7i. tQ..J centa, flour 7 a 71. whisker, 26 a tf7, b&,H 6 io 7, bama ' . n i . l ... I ..I l.... 'HI tn i t .ull iA. Ill of their (riends to partake of the good ! cTJ..;. cheer. Few H ought to be, for one bottle , bani. billi2ai Derccnt. dirtount i ieorKia, li trr nthera ise, on acenmrmHlatme; 'errrrt.- j" JOHN are invited to call, eamine'-d iodrr trtWm- selvea. fiiy, 9. 18J9 Ml IIPHY. 2 77 of Champaign and rr cgart Foot Race Owen Atkins aad J. W. ditto. Cumtitn, June 20 tJotton 7 to 8J, flour 4J to 5 out ot the wagons, that from Camden mill 6 to 7 v. heat fcl, corn 6o to WJ, uaU ji. Boiins ran oo1 aCC PlV.ay l.'ania j u 73, whiskey 28 to 35, bacon 7 to county, Vs on the I4 h ult. lor glOO -1 . a t- :il s r a AKem.cmarr0riorav,M iwinu !.. j. A,l:m !b his plantation, about a mile from the village, which promises to be productive. In the IVilmmg'tvn districti the Hon G.ibriel Holmes, and Gen. E. B. Dudley, aie both candidates for Congress. We re gret to see su h men c me in conflut, but as 'hey are both highly respectable gentlemen, the district will be ably and honorably represented, let whichever may be elected. The Harvett A majority of the Far tners in ihU section of the country have I'tAtedjheir'cropsof Bye ar.n Wheat t - iBe former is tolerably good jbut Jthejaih" rtuma.outa. was. feared, not huff an ovmge mATlbelorrr soell trr wet wea .a 4 . " lurili. uu ui sire wsim mviif . 51sk inerrlurtag..tha period .when . the-CaUOr , atruckaamailJiuuae-ULMeKer street, aul killed Mad should have ' filled," ruined the ; a man named Scjuirea Charity. A sloop waa up- bet ; the grain was either blasted, or set in the nver, by the violence ot tbe wind, and Wed." 'Bearded wheat has succeeded i our y n- this yesf rnurhlieTfef ithWothef kitidr Com and Cotton look well ; and of Oat; present appearances promise an abundant crop. ; -' The Wheat crops in Caswell county are good ; acrop of 800 buhel was sold in Milton at 80 " ltl Df hllwVl! a an aara (ka Milthn f-,i'it , . - - "i'mvi 4 wim amy isiv rniwn i-?ISTjeir!;;VM ed tbe bet, having ' as nearly as could be ascertained ran it in about forty min utesl! 1' Baltimore, hine 19 Hour &6 a 7j cotton 10 to 1 1,- whirkey 24 to 5, bacon 9 to 1 1.. . CinciimttM, OhivluneS Cotton fea- tber 2J cents flunked 37 to 40, fltiur 4.7j to 5.8 , Kenhawa salt 50 cents, peach brawl) 6.', apple do, 37, whiakey 20, Ullow 0 to i, lonac CO 3 to 7 cents per lb. - . Bovtm, Juw 13 Cotton .1 to 11. fla? 9, a II, Hot! i 7 t" i corn ju ji, Kimwn , YvmA CirocerVes. .1 sx Co ffee Avfvl Calamity. The dwelling bouse of Mi. Jeicmiah Watts, in Butler county, Abbama, was lately destroyed by fire. ! 5, tallow 8 a b Four of his children, one grand child, j jathville, Ten. June l3 Cotton 7. a 8 and a traveller who had put up for the ; flour 8.0w, la.u o to?, wincey 10 Jt, uuow o, night, perished in the names. ... . t . 1 : 4.1 xr ! . CL 1 a anrm ncv.iurt was rdcimv iriuiiiciicii . . todfith by the thunder and hgbtTf jngd.trmg a Jttng, near Armsirong s torcj, Lincoln torm. During the same storm, the lightning ' county, on the 25th Ulr.j while standing in a yard convtrslng witn Messrs. fllal Tas. 37. of Pasquotank county , Jitnnouncid a a candidate for Congress from mstnet, which hu heretofore been repre ."' y. Mr. Sawyer. We have ndt seen "ther the latter ia a candidate for re-election. . , . .. f Dr- TJamoi H. flail is a candidate for re-elec-l'oa to Congreas from the Tarborougb district. body 'of George W. Adams, Efqaon. 'ne late Prewdent of the U. 8. lot ovetbeard am-boatand drowned, baa been found, safc.? ,ore itEMt Cbester.and buried by the .'WabMUofthatvinagej IFf.The public morals of thia' place Th,? i tbeU ,ow bb- Several conths since, , ouei took plce. between Wjn. A. M'Kae, V. The celebrated Ann Royal, has been presen ted by the Grand Jury at Waahington City, as a nuisance 1 and it ia reported the dr camped be- . iJ.stiii Ltw myitis, 1 1SL Camliiia bank bi II 10 uer cent. 01a. CAeraw fne 17 Cotton, 7 to 8J, bacon (1. flnur A to 4.3!'. whiskey 25 o Mr. v.CfOTi?Aee-wia lulled by ugbt42i wtbridv. 450. 50, apple.do. 4' to45, . .1,. . r . m rj 4 r Imt tohlCCO t. Colic . .3 IO 10. MHO iv i j, r tallow t, molaftes .4 .-beef. 3. . ArJru.June 13 Cotton 7.50 to 8.00, flour I' rtceived, and for rale, low tor fh or prompt pay- iicn', M) bass 5(X) lbs. hutj do. 500 frsibi, Liverpool Salt 8 .Molasses 3 fir rves Hire pipe Old T. Jl'ht 1000 lbs. joi$h Moulds French Brandy, Holland Gin, Jamaica Hum, &c. Ur.. JOHN Ml It I'll V. SaUibury, June Uh, thJ9 6t7() thew and Andrew Armstrong, on tbe very . Patent Office. John D. Craige, late of BiliimoEc. htt Jbeen aoDoinled SuDerin- herrdant Mhe.amin&T'rThc r. Jones, the late supernvencam, was not J revo'vedt as some of the pajper asserted, 4 will appear from the following extr.act from his note to the Intelligencer " Af ter a free conversation with the President and with the Secretary of State, by each of whom 1 was treated with marked kind ness, I consented to be transferred to the Bureau, of Consular Correspondence in the Department of State, whicb office I now hold. TlfOS. P. JONES. . Wa$hington , June. 16. A Presbyterian congregation in Boston, have resolved to use the Episcopal form of worship ia their church: tudden decease of old Mrs. Armstrong, i to who had just been found lying dead on rh flder. The M wrarrnstrongv were also seriously injured by tbe lightning one of them is not expected to survive. Trouble in France It appears by ex tracts in the-New York paper,. that . in some of tine departments of France sedi ' ilotiS symptoms have r.eceplvjnanifested themservMrthdt'Afhr ppfbnsviejrt entertained that a revolutionary spirit has been started among the peopler growing, apparently out of the scarcity of provisions in some of the districts. Singular Suic ide. CaptJpseph Erwin, of Iberville, Louisiana, wealthy sugar planter, distinguished for his hopitality, lately terminated his own life in a very singular manner. In a fit of mental ah enation, to which he had latterly been subject, he enveloped his head in a blank et, and plunged into a large water jar, head foremast, in which situation he was found Hfelestr.. . ' : 7 50 1 $7, wheat l.W s t, bacmr fi i" b 0 1 100, peach brandy 75, apple do. 40 a 45, whia- key t5. aaiMflrf.:Jwcifr.M 1.2i, corn 45, bacon 7 to 7J, brandy apple U a 45, whiskey 26 to 27. June 17.... Cotton 7 to 8, flax 10 to 13. flour 6.00 to 6.50, corn 60 to 60, cheese 7 'to'BVapTfl luimcn. IIISKT.V, Whx. Tallow, Hides, -tiboe thread, - Fat Cattle.-- Corn, Oats, Ivive Rattle Snaketv of Cash, " T Will ftejaken in errhanze. for Sugar, Shot, Lead, Molaaaeev- - Soap, Tea, liberty Hill, S. C. June lot, IH29. Coffee. Powder, Iron, ..-.Naiuv.......-, - Paper, Indigo, or cash. J. (j A It LICK. 3mt83. IVditlttS ttti fetteeVs. ' TB-.HHt,:s,vL!S will or receivtu, umii me m' w streets, in llie iown)i Baiiwmf. by filbnir up the guiiy-noica, gravemng. v. Ft Hi iLt., LVLN'tr. in the county of Surry, and, as i believvd from recent TUiyrdlie Gold tltglut. i, ' Torth.CaroIiii," fi.'; tract "wa ".' Viz . Main street, irum inc wnun nc iaie, in uieyear t yj siniaia . the Court House i Do. froin the - Bank to Gal- ,,; t ,luii,uou ui ve, ajjoinin the county Iowa Ilk) I; and Market atreeLirom tbe Court- W,,f Hilkts, and exuiidjnn- from tbe Blue House to Mull's, opposite hi Ian Yard. For , Kidge to wkbin tlir. c mil' ot .h? Main Yadkin all other information apply to Mr. Andrea .!": River. It ia intersected for fifteen or twenty. tAjeu, one ofjhe Comniirtiooers, by whom the mile by Mitchell' river, arlordinir an abundant work will be superintended, kc. Ca$h will be supply i4 water-power a' an aeaxons, and many paid, v. ben the work ia completed, bhouio no t convenient lor tbe application of this pow. Private .contract be prcviouaty made, the v.orkferttBwpirpeof lachmery. Geha late will then be put up to tbe lowest bidder, -jly be. . ind in the neighborhood of tbin land, ltr oaiisa or tmi Coaaisiioaaa. af6ryr June 1 8W, -FH-ERIFFi DEEDS, . . .OB land ajld by order of writ of venditioni expnit, for t" t tnts otrre; - but ita ibtueral treaaurrs are m a great measure unexplored. Persona desirous to purchase, are h Lrred in the Lditor tor more particular ini'ot .atK)H, with whom tb- plut of this land ia tie. poitrd. :. A48rrfJ7r4l. ' ?l t , - mr.,a- mi y i l'H' .V! t v' 'I 1 .1-::. I. - Xji n ir; i'?.' IS i -fn: ',-: 1 - h .m 3 i if -41 '-it I . . i' .... J i rTrtVcvy 'WKy tf. 2i & 1 . t J 7 v: v 4 -

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