Y doct. m. nnutiiiuimr, P "FTTH removed from bi former ff"" JL 1 r li.ttfrw at nestie Ford, ami V t'fl''l-i himself In the town f ... . J J ClurloUe, N. C.i wbrri h pmpo v CH tes lo continue tb rraeti of bit Ju6. 1819. 3t7J I ... : J..KJHV: IVJXWtK ' A I J, tboee indebted to" the nbfcriber, by ' ' , ; V note, or ptbrraiae, are hereby notified to rtll immriKaleljr tnJ nuke ptyment. Hkti D4 tf,fy''4f':'cv- aiY tpp'.f Mttt ,. .rtieubw1y, , to . all " torlioU if SaTimrf;"'""BOBtKT'VkML .Mirc 3VA, 1829. ' Wtf ' XV:V"nnnE tibKrHfT'fTerftit i!i't f ) 1 1 J-i' wJuaMe f !ntJiini ith 1 1 1 1 1 ' r in r "i!ei of Halisburj, 6n both V fide of Uie UeaUie Iwrd rod, recently owned end occupied by Mr, George locli oe which there is a larje, new and commudioui dwclting-bonae, with all th necei try out houaea. There it only about 50 acrei i4 thii land under cultivation i two-third of the tract t aa good 04nd at any in the neighbor, hood i with a good portion of beat kind of swmp land, for cither graw or grain i it i in the tnidat 6f ft hospitable and aocial aelittiborliood. Tor term, ke. apply to the anbseriber. In the neighborhood. JOHN LOCKE, Senr. May 224, 1829. 68 VevAtttt&'a ftlage lAnt, IS art til in operation, from Lincolnton, N. C. to Bean' Station, Tenneeaeei which ii the aliurtett route from Raleigh to KnoxviUe, a .will fully appear on examination Af the following diataneea, viit From Raleifh to Salifbor), :. .. . JW mile. - front iheoce.to Morgamon,""."- - W' ' ; From thence to Aabville, 60 From theme to Warm Bprinjrt, 33 .From thence to Seaport, 25 . In all, to Newport, where thia Tine intersect the other, " 318 ' Traveller from the south of Raleigh, and in the neighborhood f I'avettevilie, will find h much the preferable and ahorteat route for them to travel to Knoxville, or that aection of coun. tryr'That" parf of tliii tine, from Aativille to Warm Bfringa, paaea over a new and elegant Turnpike Road, running the whole dial anre on the bluff of the river, affording to the traveller lh- moat romantic, picturewjne and pleaaing tie imaginable. i lit: a'age line from Columbia. 8. C. and Fiy POETRY. Of rmt, mi hit Ma m4 ft" MTo every thinj there ie aieaidit, and a time for every purpoae under heaven." fo.lii.Cknp. There la a time for every thing,' 1 A time to dance, a time to aing, , , A time to gather atone, and yea. . A time tocaat tl(,ae ironeraway. tBccl Dfl Wonreoienee or oain Thev !yrf. Yeiterday tficraooo, nji the New York Commercial Advertl.tr, Dr. Bcadder furo'tihed Mr. Graham, who is well known in this-city as the Rlind roct, with pair of artificial Eye. ' Mr. G. hat been entirely blind for many yean.. The operation of letting , wM .perlorined la few mo. menu; ' Mr. Graham em he expert - A time to laurb, a lime to wee?, - time to low", a time to keep, A tlriMt tt plan, and abw 'granted, -tmiitm ' A lime ! lilt, and to be born. A time to die, a lime to mourn, A time orwarri time of peat, J liice Jojtpeik, a.timejojeaae. Jim tfc Vf 1 1 tiN . hf A time to prove ouraeivet ingrate A time to break down and build up, A time to now, a time to crop. Thu we find to man i given For every purpoae undof beaveo Hut all the time in pawing day, That'a acldom found the tim la prey We dance, we aing. But poor frail mortal) That time will one Not time, but vat eermfy, Why then negct the time to pray, Tor fueling pleasure of a dav t Remember that thou art but dot i tVby pa thy time in ainful hut f life ia the time to aerve the Iord, The time to inaure the great reward Embrace the time thy aoul tp aave, There' no repentance in the grave. tcmiotPj U ilortef Food.-iht custom of feeding horiei with coarse bread ii common in France, and was introduced during the revolutionary wars, as more wholesome, more econ omical and more portable than oats The 'Furet de Loodrea furnishes the following proportions of ingredi enta lor making such bread, as adopt ed by a Bile sian experimental farmer Fjye gallons of oat flour, ditto of rye flour, yeut, and one gallon and a hal 16 lheobierer cannot be WsttnettUHitof DOUtoci. reduced M pap, , Wth d frotfl.thetn. -? thla u CMMcwikl fte tf eadmadcf rom tM troaMu'r tempt Dr,'t S. has made' of putting in materials he feffscven " hore'sTi-day, pairf-IlLauteaMiowtvcr oftwclve poonda of bread hal putia .jH,lmnre Vxty wo-icut into" 'pieces" tb'eacKTlofie7ind gieeyest aome . oi wmcn nive neen worn six years, and all witn pcruct ease and comfort. appear perfectly natural, and more in the lame mtoner aa human eyes, ana rriixedVith a little straw,- chaffed and mouteoed; . 'The Newspaper. Ont cent a day csrefullr aared from the poorest -fur Lrre elettaot parade horse of a ch laboring daises of citizma would be ngt coif ur, high spirited and gall War Horsct. General Washing a m m ton had two lavorite horses: one hes- ant , weLbgb, we drink, more than sufficient to pay the whole (carriage j this horse had belonged to dly pKrovVto'be pen of g -od weekly ne warper, f thc British army the other was small, tiernitw. ' Such a measure would enure for rt!aDj nia colour aorrcl. children a treasure of knowledge which This he .used to ride in time of ac could never be spent by them, howrv. t',O0 , ,0 trrat when ever the General er prodigal aod fit them, Wcvever poor in public wealth, to become the most useful of all the members of our republican family. We have lately aeen notices of sev And ealla u fnm tlii world of rtrife, Unto celeatiaT WW ii eTTf 9iTrr? ' Or sink in endter nit;lit and woe." PARTING AND MEETING. How aad ia friemlabip'a parting ioor, ' When anxious thraba the boaom swell ! How fondly memory linger o'er The vaniah'd form we Me to well ! Ala! whatanguih rend the heart. In that and hour when friend muat part t Vet young eyed Hope h!l turn tbe view, A cheerful acene of bliaa to paint. When atartiiif tean tli e)et bedew, And all eaprcviona thall be Taint j" ' To make tbe hour wifh which we greet That rapturou hour when friend do mecL .. . 'it a g . . . l i: . f i . i 9 i ' cuvo'ir, r. inirrvcci iiiii line ai L.incoinion ; RRrvK 1ST VITA the line from Augua, Geo. interaeeta it at A.h- BKM a"i ha, tilie; and the line from Leiington, K, ntucky. ! M Life, like the rapid weeer' buttle, fliea, interaeeta i' at Newport. Thu it will be a en , Of'ike a tender flw'ret, fadea and die, that laeiliiie re affoided Tor traveller to reach 0r like a race, it end without delay, any -ction of the United Stateaj and the aub- 1 ' like a vapour vanile awy, . . acriher hope njch manifeat advantagea, will ' Or like a candle, at each moment waate, secure hi line the aupport of a diacrimiriatiiig 0r I'ke a Port it gallop very faat, " pubHc: &AMt;KIr NF.WLA Vlrf JO Uke. the ah4aw,4f. pJpud. "ti pat u M9jtmm, A". C. March 25, 1829. . 3mt73 t Car. lea arc but wreak, and atrona; lie foe;" .! . i i . mwmj. rr - " " ' Our time 'a but abort, our death ii certain too i milEinWrobM'jlsat- -hen death eutaahort the hreadofr.r, et1 MW PaPc" C ?f which CJTZ l -ara.' jt. i. 4, rrfafi JL returned from the i JWtli -mtt fci.M gnnd anv it Jntrlry. Hatchen. Stiver-Ware lc. a waa ever iffered for tale in 'hi places hi ;e wthy 1s of th llet importation, and h moat fHiluonaWe andrlegartt kind to be had in . anv of -the. Northern CiUeaj. elegant. CokUaad Si(wr"7ricJip1ain p(f.i&c; &e.- "And tn a few davs,tiewitl receive a very elegant aorU meat of-MHtarj Gotdt.- 'Ato, U kind of Sit-f-w'1'?!i kqrt conattnth on hand, or made to order on abort notice. AH of which will be aold lower than auch goods were ever diapoaed of before in thia place. The ptiblic are reapeetfully invited to call and j examine theae good; their nchneas elegance, and cheapneii, cannot fail of pleaaing thoie who wiah to buy; AH kind of H'alchtt Repaired, and warranted to keep tim : the hop i two door below the oui4ouae, on Main-rtreet. ROBT, WYJVNE, Saliibury, March 30, 1629. 20 N. B. I have recently employed an'tcellent wurkman, who will in future be constantly in my Shop ; ao that thoao dUpoaed jo patronize me, in my fine of buaineaa, need be under no appre henaion, in conaequence of mv occaaional ab aence. R. WYNNE. ROW N County, May Seaaiona, 1829 : Tho. Gibb and Martin Saner vt. John Saner i Original attachment i Samuel Silliman ummon ed a Garnishee. It appearing to the atisfac tion of the Court that tbe defendant ia not an inhabitant of this atate j on motion of the plain tiff, .by . counsel, rdered that publir.atmn be "made tii the Western Carolinian printed in Sat. isbury, for sis week, that the defendant appear at the neat court f plea- od quarter eainn to be held for the county of Rowan, at the court Tiding in tiitbu''v. tr the th ondar in Au guat neat, and antwer, plead or demur, or j. ids- . . ."II I . . I . . a - . , uciii win ucciucreu againat aaia ni-ienaant. ML .JiLQUiVUtiUXJk. be . necessary others appear at least . IP. .he tupernu merer rr I f - thia .. butu ness is noc aireaoy ovrraooc, uii to a fair way for it as they say we over do every thing in this countrv. This is the opinion, . probably, ni . all the present Editors j and the new ones will most assuredly come into the sime "a , w a opinion. e may, indeed, ask whe ther it would not be well to give better support to the papers already in circu lation, before we start new ones j un less it be in some gap that we have not noticed i Columbia Register. THE WARRIOR. He cornea from tbe wan, from the red field of fiiht. He cornea through the atom and darknea of nirht. For real and for refuee now fain to implore, The warrior benda low at the cottager" door. FaTeTpileT Ids Ttheik, and there Vwounda.on L : bb) brow . IE tocka o'er hi shoulder dittraetedly flow. And the fire of hie bea t ahoots by fill, from hi rre. Like a lajujuiabing lamp that just Caabec to die. Sunk In aSence and atccn in th Hrr' bd, Oblivion ahall viait the war weary bead : Perchance he may dream, but the Ttaran ahall Of hi lady-love' bower and her lateat farewell. I OA Li., thought on the piniona of fancy aha! V.-.. roanv.-. And in slumber revisit hia love and bia Lome, Where the-rye wf-affeetion. wW-tendemea ..... vleai t-".,..-. Ah who would awake from so bUeafuI a dream. Em-Am. Here lie John IMft, who dodjtdtA good, But never dtdgttt an evil i . And after didging all he could, He could not irfje the D. "iVttmw.....The MacsSeld Ohio blacksmith to his son, as he came from Gazette, states that the young gentle- school at 12 o clock. Thomas tucked racn 10 the neighbourhood wbere the in his ruffle, and took off his coat, and youfg ladies hare resolved not to re , , , . . . i was a DiacKsmitn nil ne had earned ceive me aaaressca or any young gen his dinner, and then ate it with a goodjtleman wh is in the habit of using relish. .'iPull out your ruffle, Thorn- pirituous liqucrs, have resvlvcd that as, it is school time now1 said the fa- they will not seriOUSh pay their ad mounted him the word ran through the ranks, we have business on hand At the battle of Germantown, Gen. Wayoe rode his gallant ro4n, aod in charging tbe enemy, his horse recriv ed a wound in the head, and fell and was supposed dead. Two days after roe . roaa . returned .: to ; ine American camp, ' nblnVtertly rTnJuref, and was' again ni iur service. EPITAPH. """Stranger, If e'er a eWW of Oilne, v'..r : la held by memory dear, Let but thia simple single line , Pre thee to drop a tear. If poverty has been thy lot, " " Ahd"deaVh perchance ianeari - Oil I abed upon thia hallowed pot, , One single pjtying tear. Z Tbe teiir thatVahed o'er virtue Vgrave"" ..Like bread eart onKhejea, Repaid with interest you ahall have, It) er hed over thee. ' rtTRABCH, Jr. MISCELMXY. rao.n tbb it. oaiaavaa. " Tuck in your rujffle, Thomas, we have a few nails to make.' said a ther. This is the picture of one day but it-would answer just as well fur a good many others. Thomas expect ed it ; and lelt as happy at the anvil wun nis rup tucicea in, as nis mates at their play. ft. wouldhe n(, j,aj notion,, JMo these hard times." -for . many a youor nun AaJuck M$ifVjfctMAj!t an axe, or noid a lough, or make a dresses to any young lady who wears corsets! It is said to be doubtful which destroys most lives, liquor or corsets. Honey Cwn. Wax may be ex tracted from bee combs, in the fol lowing economical manner: Have oo the fire, an open., vessel of water, and have standing by the fire an Tpeh vessel of . cold water.4 put the nail, tor many a young man,' whose combTxlOTeietfioaovwSiagg-ia- State f Xartk.CarolinO, Mecklcnhwg cunly : SUPERIOR Court of Uw, Uay term, 82$ . BeYry Steward t. Hariett Steward peti. tion for divorce. In thia caae. Ordered bv the -coiiTtt1teat1on bemade for threenronthr in the w eatern Carolinian and Yadkin and Ca U;ba.Joirnal.ucceaivelv, that the defendant us i.u.itpHMU ai utv lie; luprrior COUTl 10 DC . . , bUl Tor --camivtf tekfe'aKaarlthe' Courtllouse In Charlotte,' 'r."h the 6th londaV after the fourth Klonday in September nett, and plead or ner to the plantifl,a petition, or the K aame will be heard eiparte. Vvltnea Sam'l. Henderaon, Clerk of our aald Court, at office, the 7th Monday after the 4th in March, 1829. 3 H83 SAM'L. HENDERSON, t m, t. e. State A trth- Carolina, Mecklenburg cpunt i SJPERl')R Court of Law, May term, 18, Robert Bigham w. Mary Bigham petition for divorce. Ordered by court, that publication be made for three month eueceacively in the Mretfern Carolinian and Raleigh Star, that the detendentbe and appear at the next superior court of law to be held for the county '-of Meek, lenburg, at the court-houae in Charlotte, on the 6th Monday after tbe 4th Monday in September next, and plead or answer to the plantifPa peti. tion, or the same will be heard eiparte. Wit ne Sml. Henderaon, Clerk of aaid Court, at office, the ?th MoiMlay-afiertheh in-March, , .1139, ,3mtl 8ASI. IirapEJtSON, cm.:? s . '. : :v . - ' . J i' expectation of riches from the rains of trade are sadly disappointed to earn a living in some callingN which the world honors less, but pays better, some humble occupation, whichj wbile iUwikiamj) mense wealth by a aingle speculation. teTO,lii(wL!?mP food nd (iiiivuif " We votitd here Tecottimend' Atrrii .1. ! . .' cuuurc, id special manner, jNotsuch farming as consists, in, first running in debt for lands and mortgaging them back for payment, then, borrowing money to put up fine buildings, and then hiring men to carry on the farm. No! This is not the way. But lay your own shoulder to the wheel tuck in your ruffle, and earn your bread by the sweat of your brow. It will be the aweetest you ever ate, t. old xxrXRitacs. Poison..,.k man litelv died, in England, from the. effect of arsenic, wbidMieJi. hr hit stomach ! I - ; r ; - ; to the boiling water, and repeatedly tqtteeziutQ'fwHJli!! or 'ar8e wooden spoon ; the wax will come through the bag and swim on the sur face bf the I water i skim it off, and py&JlM the vessel of cold water t by repeatedly squeezing the bag, and skimming, every particle of wax will fb tibtained vhtm ctogealeothe cold watery it may be taken off, again melted, and cast into - moulds of any convenient shape for sale. Preservation of Eggs.,...h has long been, known that eggs may, be kept perfectly well for nine or ten months in lime-water. A still more effectual wayofpreterviog them has been tried it is that of depositing them in a weak solution of hydrochlorate of chalk (thirty grains of salt to a pound of the liquid always above the eggs, aod to stand in a cool situation. So treat ed, they have been kept for a whole year, preserving all their freshness. 1 1 haa been suggested that the' aaiphate of iron would hare the tam effect ;I Jlmondf:.;..k perion has just called and communicated the following (acts. We give them in the words of the communicator. 44 There ia rnw grow. tog in-. the Garden of Mr. Mm, in Third street below Bhippeo, (Phiadel- phia,) 'n paper shelled Jllmoni Trce The Almond was planted in December 1824, and the tree is now about six teen feet high, iit a healthy aod thriv ing condition. It has never yet blos somed, nor do we know how old it "ucht tn be before it should bear fruit. The experiment seems satisfac tory, however, as to the fact that this tree, bearing the best kind of almonds, will bear urwiotct8,wd.grouW tur-J dily and handsomely. . . . ?u lolbelamT gifu'e'tf are twtt proii perous -Vines, which-bavesprongiTip from two raisins planted.w - - -: riiladelphia Democratic Pren. - Good Taste.'-The American Cas tqi Oil is now manufactured as trans parent aa water, and with the flavour o f w aTn u t s . A Balti ni or e pa per m en -tioi s a bon vivant who relished 'it 3n his bTcd ifcgustibut no est dis- A new and very elegant mode of eorating the walls of room, instead of papering them, has been adopted in Paris. It consists of glass stained by a peculiar process, with landscapes of historical subjects. It is the in vention of a retired officer; and in that country, where novelty is so much encouraged and glass is -so cheap, the inventor is likely to be well remunerated. A Vine 'Ml YafL.:Vtitt:Utii once owned almost all the western part of New York the whole region west of Bcaeca lake, excepting a' tract of a mile In width abng Niagara river. Ia 1787 Massachusetts sold these lands, lix millions of acres, to Oliver Phelps, r Granville," Mass., and Nathaniel Gorham. tn 1 783, Mr. Phelps pen--ctrated the wilderness lo Canandaigtia, and purchased of the Indians (among whom was the famous chief Red Jack-H eVwho still alive,) all that part of thw tract'whlctliea-catt'Ofenetcr rlreri about two-mrlliona of ms, snfl a apace 12 miles b' 24 on the west side of the riverlwas libtaitiedjn,cl. following manner iJMr. .Phclpa pro-; posed the erection )f mil Is on lit at etC side at the falls, (where' Rochester now is,) and told the Indians that he wished for a competent space around them for. a mill-yard. The Indians finally assented to his request, anj gave him a tract about 24 miles lonj no ix wiae lor a mm yaro. ttnetj the Indians came to aee the first mill that was erected and found out what' a small thing it was, and how much land was requisite for a mill-yard, they uttered their expression of surprise. mwah I, and added, kauskonchlcot I (signifying waterfall,) a name by which they ever after called MrJ rhelpi. This milliard includes, the present townships df v Gate's, Greece, Cale donia,' Wheatland, Chili, R'ga, Ogdeo andf itma,' td thefloHmhiog viUagt .. of Rochester. Hampshire Uazctte.- SALUTING THE BRIDE. If we mav believe Dr. Taylor, 44 the era present ceremony, (now in tasnion alt over Eur-pe,) of saluting the bride is to be derived from the practice of the ancient Romans, among whom the husband and his relations used to salute; .ihr.wif?,;-m::Order-.to.;-ierceiv whether she had been guilty of drink I'.a t tf ing wine, wmcn tney maue equally criminal with adultery. ;. Sleep.lht capacity for.kleepin? lilce the capacity for eating and drfcl- tag, is to be increased by indulgence. Much depends upon habit. .-Some people can sleep when they willr aod can wake when they wish j, and are si much refreshed wi ta short .nap as a ong one. .Sea-farmg people have this property from education.' One gen- tleman, who entertained a notion that a secend nap was injurious, invariably got up as aoon as he arvoke, no matter now early the hour winter or sum raer. A, B, C. v Consider how ' bimple and itoxatvn ing in-tbemsclves MclcIlcriJjfUhti cI'l phabeim mere artificial . signs i . bot be noia mem in an meirvaneu comoina uons.They sprak all ianguaes thty communicate all ideas,-they - ctve at teraoce to all sentiments and feelings, they are heard in the lispings of chil drcn, the shouts of youth, the-tones ef manhood, and accents of old ace They embody the boun.dir.es. of the tmaginatinor they flow in the strains i of poesv, and peal tn the thunders of elo qucnccT icy"dje theearth, scale the heiterrtanrf gtve us a nomenclature for the fiony tnber, the beasts of the field, the fowls of the air, the sun, the moon, and .ne stars, and all the phenomena of nature. They are the depositories of the laws, the learning, the religion of mankind; they hsve written the biography of our God incarnate, and the history of the human race ; are the girdle of the io tellecrtiiil universe and, as each- new constellation appears above the hon Remedy against Flies Farmers might easily savethe.il and cows, and confer a great kindness on their animals, in preventing the usual annoyance of fties by- simply mling th paru,mot .eJipqjediJlKd. will not aught a moment on the spot, over which an oiled sponge has been pressetfrWobaWytBer 4xsced oil wblild atiswet f but what i bave known used with success was the . , ....... .. ,., ., tanner a oil. Lvery man woo is com passionate to his beast, ought, to know this remedy, and every Livery stable, land Country Inn, ought to have a sup ply at hand for the use of travellers. Dog Power. k cabioet maker in Bucks county, Pennsylvania, states, that he has applied dogs to the turning of a lathe that two of them , move at a moderate trot, like a brace of squir rels, put the whqle machinery in mo tion, and turn the latter with sufficient velocity from morning till night; with a ffatftaa iAfrrritiAflii . . . zon, they plant its glories on high, robbing death of its victim, and the W i O- .,... grave or us oouvion. y v : a The nearer, the bone the meter tU meat." It is said th it in some parts of Netr Hampshire, it is so rocky, the owners ot sheep are oaligfd to rrtrtd the noses Of these interestine animals to enable tKJMvTt ....... ... 0 - -. oo O I grass which now and then peep up be tween the crevicesi. A gentleniiin of nnr arqn?iotanci, tnpping at a tavern in mat nara nearim pmte, mqumu of the landlord how he contrived m -I ., t L L " 'A-A as tnat wun wmcn ne was surrounutu The man coolly answered, J Sir, ve find no difficulty here onthat score $ Weiittrrouhd rocks, and wherever an aperture prer (me0--.V6od'! aTksmattr'' win in mis way irequcmiy s " - bushel of grain belure brcjakfjst. J. jbom tbe fraw-roaa: avritrtrfl rpTT DUMB Coyffxswx.' ; I caught the answer aa it hung On Emroa'a parting lip And truth and friendship on her tongtle, , .Were linkM in fellowship. She apoke' but In the lanfiaje of Utr toft expressive eye. . ! BUe breath'd-but irt the anguish oT : ' j TI19 Iong4nipri8oned ighv. She spokenot h the language of . - - Vet la one Soph'ntieated.srt t4 4 ' . ft v j .. . .... ' . ' ... ' 1 , . '

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