.-. lui ea'racior. a eornrEun.c ' ;,Bl0r CLior of the Bo-tan Bui- u.l. of the 'rr.j w.ihtmrtQii City. Uih ' ..t.s.tandintt the warmth L id the extreme enerfating In 'ftha atmosphere. at thli period ebinerf of government is moving , anergic 'e"; w,Th Pre1' and H the 'c,,, DPrtrtent, a their poni tilnlf etd incessantly fd In the despatch of publio busi 5 tVnenJ tJDOO It ther re nd Idlers .1. ministration.: From the Presl f; kimielfidowototb very humblest I ! ih most unwearied diligence it You. may P through the I nf 01 men win wuin inai 1 f tutu w i vim salary on,f Qloer. terw 6f L ,arlous. departments here (or eueb cKrveftif w,,y 10 T,,n' vuneu u order of ibe day. Every member nreunt administration it consclen ,.) imoressed with the importance of toting wov" P""6'" ,v ,ki nation t end those who hold subor ute office f-partlculerly "I bar itred epon.ihe transaction oi public ii ilnce tbtt oowoui oi tne old aynas .ire lottery instance applying them t to tbcir tMK.ih the most deter iti teal. It would teem that toroe otsr spirit bad diffused bit influence Mdirbout Ibe whole system, ana re- Led ibt eppsrstus, w.hlcb, it is every ir becoming obvious wat both corrupt i deranged, to'aoundoett and order investigations progrcis, facta are cqm- . i. . .1 il . a e V te. ugnt, wfiicn snow inai tne pumic nBdence nili in very many inaanccs, WorfTDeen gross! fibused. -1 raids i peculation! bate ' lor tor longa time U nractiCd winked at, that the Vjetraiors 'and abettort aecm to hare Rjuired the notion that such tbtna were IL ik . Mshtfnl nmuiti'ra nf nffleii ' If, lira W WW rwi'MvJW4tyiH.WJ :s after the disclosures which hare al id been made, who will hare the bar Aui in denv-lhn nereiaitv of Rtlorm to tnetr It the utility of the Searching vationi . Tbe Preildent, in spite of hi constant plication, it In excellent health ; though bit countenance, intermingled with ihe iracteristica of benignity and of decia- k raij be distinctly traced the marks deep Cre, and of i prolound sense ol t treat duties which a free and intelii tut people bae called upon him to per fin- ue. indulge diiukii in no rciAi o, tare occasionally a very abort ride, ir in the iWorninjr. The Secretary of ite ia at prcseut hUtb occopted in pre- ncg instructiots tor our nuniateri to eiana, I rancer end oiextco ana anc. 8ectetareareuIoualyngage(JI Katberintr and rtem.tino7 the ma- ialiWr' their respective Reports.' The .omey and Postmaster Generals are intensely busy in ' their appropriate pvtraents.- am CcrlecUFJatisfiedrthat, wbatscv cr isc6n1enTi-maTlriirewtieS4 aomt- ctions of the'toiirttrf with regard to rtaia.jQC.aI appointments, rresident kks-nTand;iTer.3r; me.brf We-;;abi- V are determined to actorj proadt'Ilo" -il; national grouods alone tbey will ones:iy aod faarlessly pursue that course policy, which to them shall appear ki: calculated to promote tbe general wk and will distribute, with the ot ost impartiality, -nd without regard to rtatrarjr unme-mnft obsolete Ostinc pxt, their pledges of confidence among ery branch of the great Jackson Kepub- licm party-1 f ermit me to say e word or two con erningsome of the distinguished public ents,, w hose, peculiar, duties require fictr constant' residence at the aat of orerntnent. The Register, Mr. Smith; a gentleman whose qualifications lor ta arduous office upon which he has en fcred, are of the firat order. Of pleasing Wress, prompt and bu&inesa like habits, e will make most acceptable and em ien't oOicer The fourth auditor, Mr. fendaJl. who baa been the envied subject K so much wanton scurrility, r is a man 10W The U. 3. 7eiccfii)! glrcs the foil in. list oi ine c;..ccrs removed end re liined I the Drpartmcotl at Wihlngton Cf 18 la tba Sttte Deptrtmeot, 7 hire been , rerauvei. 9 In the TrtMurr do. 'I 19 In IK ComprM'ra oflTice, none 12 lo lrt Auditor's IflhM do H In 34 do J7in4th do 13 In 3th ' , do . , 18 In Land : do , e fln Iwa!rre T5jIrtKKiiier,ar' Win Wsr v da' : 2S In Adj. Paymiter, Oca Sttfl. ac X Vie sry prtper Ca,, 4 11 in 'arjr t'aiomiouMers pone" jo General run. umce none do do do do do do do do 3 none , I none '1 nooo I V 3 Xhf.Moriti-Prnce--Vtt have seen iys mo iMi i or& Journal oi commerce a latter from Prince Abduil Rbahaman lately e alare in Mississippi dated Monrovia, Colony or Liberia, Africa, April 13th. lie baa ascertained that bis relatives in Trora- boo ;re itill the reigning family of the country s end Is able, by means of travel lers, to transmit or receive communica tions In the space of fifteen days. My brother (be says) Is the reigning Kioer having been enthroned three years since ; and bis magnio:cat and placid qualifica tiona endear him to all his subjects.' H eipresses the .deepest sympathy for hi children, who are still In slavery in wis alssippi, and ssrs their emancipation would be paramount to every other con- ifatAffinn mm a owi a T The new Pope it is rumored, intends to abolish ctabaeu etnonz the Roman CathdUc Clergy."-If 1e does lhit-w shilTiet him down for af fcood 'sensible rope, ana so wm his Uergy we should suppose. ' It is remarkable enough, aa Is well taid br a Rhode Island Editor, that the Romish Church ever baa required the celibacy of its ministers since the Great patron, aa thought the founder of that Church, is the only one among the Apos tles wbaia merrtioaed.Jo tbeScripturea aa being married, "reter'a wile's mother ay sick of a fever." Camden Journal. Na. yara. .Rumor his run ebcut with a story thiii an old steam boat waa to be fitted up to uke tripovrr the Mia, with crew, not consisting of animals and dumb beasts, but of a merry company of laciea and eentlemcn : tbe nassentren were warranted a pleasant and safe trio, provided company wat select. The pilot wanted five families who had lived in one bouse and were. agreeable to each other; a pioue clergyman, owning himself " the chief of sinners M an honest la'wyerr a mith-loving--o4Taac)ir gairulitr a baiuluim aamtaL. who niver looked in a glass, and a person" who goes about giving alma in the dark! The conditions being ao particular, tbe expedition will doubtless fail Tlio Vew otk Owstf'vcr Jd tht less ttrandy Is drank yearly in this Slate, from the circumstance that less waa im ported. We -sincerely srlih it was 40. The decrease in the importation of French braodftlaroore proUU to be attributed to the fact that little elae is now drank in the country except M whiskey brandy." Four gallons of French brandy ia enough tegire flavor to a pipe of rectified whis key, which is Immediately converted into t reach brandyi and sold as such. Jf , fork Mtr, J J. 1" " 1 13, Baur fl JO to 7M, ton 60 to 60, eht$t 7 1 , p Tin Dult tf trdinftn 4 U PHcut Litvei. Several oaraerabha have anncai ad in the London papers relative to. tbe disa-ZTI' JhM Cotton 10 to ii, iwt .1 r r. . ;... m, L87 to r. ottoa barnna? made 01 bmo 19 slan Ambaisaarett. It seema that the L. n - la.-or v,:, a i in1 w wiiiiaauw-waaacv iv tuoen iDtalt U to 40,ai'yl DtaAdy OTtpiorBfr9I! Cotton f J fo S) ec'nK fur 7 a 7i, wln.krv, 26 a 27, bacon 6 to 7", hama I 9, bet kind of btpginfr 20 to 22, a!t 34 to S, corn al a 4 coffc v 11 10 15,....N. Carolina ink t.Ul J a 2J per cent, diacount 1 Ueurgia, 1 4to. ' ' T i , CotSn. Is Upland Cotton, the'aalrt were i to a modenie extent, and decline 01 a (a cent vu renerallr aoSmitted to. Cumikn, July 3.w.....Cottot y to 8, Hour 4 I 3 Out of the wairona, that from Carndca tlla 6 to ft trbeat KL corn 60 to 621. oati 32. tit 75, whiikey 38 to 35, bacon 7 to 8. H iWntM,iif ;..M.CoUon 7 to 8, flu 10 la brandy 33 to 35, tallow 8 to 9, fv EetaiUoe 17& cenUi.and b'ltUt'le Jn aarketi Baen tsaellinc at 0 50 to 9J. retunr carca cran irora 7 to a tenia. premier, to ?hf Russisncause, and thit .l- it ' . j .1' .'rr- ins nenucmtn manucMeg tne moM ira ptrtvrbaSfe resolthloo to bare oothlor l do with It. . Tbe Princess may be Cle opatra, but the Duke la no Anthony. UvrrpHt Majf 23 Wa hart again bad a nrettr rood demand for Cottoa this week, and during the paattwe daya tht market fur Ameri can Cottons at' leaat haa wiffened a little, bat Brazil Bat given way further. . P. fk Evcnlnr. T1ir kaa Iimi a continued good demand for Cotton tolay, aud prices of nroencan ara at waai eiiner,. r Another letter, dated tame eveninr, ears tat itl have bean 3000 balei at, b some caxa, 14 advance. ' - . ibe Philadelphia Chronicle says, in ingenious mechanic, of tbe district bf Soutbwtrkt bas. invented a boat to oati gate tne air. it la about eight teet long, bas two bows or items, aod holds two per sons, and by meana of very simple' a- chinefy, Is made la glide through tM air at the rate of five or six .miles 10 Aogr. It may foe seen in operation) at she Paccla and Labyrinth Garden, nesr-Fairmount. A Factotum H'anledIhe Londwi Time a lately .contained 8 notice to tie following effect : 11 An Editor, one whose principles a'e church and state, ia wanted for an old s labliahed .proviociaL paper... Uevwittii, required to retort firocttdingt t fiutlic mecfingt, read firoeft, la tufirrinttnd ht firinting defiartment, and to fill up his ivre Aetrrt to the counting bouse r V wonder the advertiser did not add, to rock a cradle, to take charge of a turtlp field, and mend umbrellaa. Samuel Mifftin, Esq. who lately died at hiladclpbia, bad made an insurance on his life to the amount of seven thousand dollars t which sum has been' Dromotlv paid br the Insurance Company to The executors of the deceased for ibe ''benefit of his family.- -"--V- 64 A W tubacco 3 to 5, yellow bf eawai 33 to noTtn-Caroiina bank billa la 9f par t. diomint. loath Carolina I to II. Geonria 5; Virginia X per "cent, d -i;-:.-.rr-c f atfm, juiy a.v...uouon Tii to o itj, nour 9J. wheat l.OOaStl.bacon J to6.a!i 80 tO 1CA n.ack hraiulv Ti. annla ia. Ad aaJ. whia. keySir.-""' V "J Wifia',,OAM,irti28.Cotton It, fea there 33nts, flaiaeed 37 to 40, floor 575 to JJt, Kerluwt aak, 50 eenta, peach brandy 62, apple do. V, whiskey 30, tallow 6 to 7, tobac co 3 to 7 cxt per lb, Ktrhmtmlyif 3J ..jCotton 8 a 9, wheat US, torn 4Jcon 7 to 7i, brandy apple 42 a 45. whiakey 3o0 27. . AaaArVffe, TA Jim, 27 ..Cotton 7 a 8 flour 5 a 6 lard 6 V 7, whikev 25 to 37, tallow 8. avr t a a.T . . ' n. varonna Dank Vila 10 ner eent. dia. ON Monday, the m day of Aitguat neat, at the Mill of the ktf Alfred alacay, dee'd. will be told, , the SLAVES belonging to his estate, 14 Mulet, Horaeiau. 1h terms will be, in part, for note neotiat1e in Bank ; and part with bond and approved lecurilr, at si a montha. JAM3 Mi RUN, Jun. Kxtcuttr. JW10iM89. ; '- 3177 . .:- "E)tncztr .Icatlfciu. Trrrs tnanranon, onnrr- n Mimtuteudcuw of the aubacriber, ia now open for tbe re ceptionof Stodenta. A courae of atudiea ia here puraued preparatory 1o admiatlon into the l;nt veraity of thii Stat, la addition to tbls, inatruc- tioo will be given ia all tbe brancliea of aa En rtiah Cducauon. Tbe healthy aituatioa of thia Acdtmytb good statt. of morale in the neigh borhood, and the advantagei or an enugmenea Miniatrr. which the students ran always erjoy, are objects orby of tbe attention of thoae wiahing to cduCHte their aona. Btnrd can be had in retpectabhs famil'ica at ana dollar fxrwrtk. Tuition ia proponionably low. II. II. li.iLL. Btthany Ckunh, nrauny, ) V. C. Juif 7lA, 1829. 2176 piiposition to labour with teal and fidelity the advancement of his country 'a 10- Ns." Tbe" chief clerk in the Trea- Capt Kelley, of.the brig Congress, t Boston, from Ivica, confirms the report oithe deat h"cJ nicb was officially announced at Ivica previous to hia sailing. May 7. ib Creek Jndiant.- Ejrly this month, 900 emigrating Creeks paned through Pike county, Alabama, on their way to Line Creek, to join another party under the command of Captain Walker. The whole. it was supposed, would amount to 1 500, aod were to proceed immediately to the West, under command of Captain Walker and Mr Blake. Havana, June 10. There is nothing new here. .The expedition is fitting out rapidly and will sail from this between the the first and fifth of next month. The expedition is to consist of a line of battle ahip, two frigates and one or two brigs, with five or six large trans pons. These latter are all Americans, a- ai.u s iflXJXj ,.1 and 18th ultr the Thermometer etox1 97 degrees from one to three o'clock r. at The Floridian says this is the greatest heat experienced in Florida since its settlement. faoatamtabtrmMn fr tbe Mient requisite for the full discharge ol NotTTcapMsihle-idutiea, and every purpose, and are to carry ironv suw to 3500 troops only, under tbe command of uen- UarradaK bcnr-lsot-fikeljMhat with so email a force, they cat) have in view any thickly aettled province, or strongly fortified place, unless they are .Yavo. W understand that the new ...1. m".I.n 'Jrmaf, moat be wholly eaclud.d from the barrel, T V I S. K Ki .1 T; V.'.T.;2-f ' .Jl . ... i' y-a eru, iw us utvu jui . k iiuc that the command of her-is to be given to Commodore Barron, who will proceed in her to the Mediterranean aa commander of the squadron on that station. JV. Yorh Gazette It is stated in last number of the Afri can Repository, that in JYortA Canlina two thouaand alaves would isamediltely be emancipated and committed to thjSo ciety of Friends, to be sent to the Ldony of Liberia, if funda for their transporta tioii were provided. Magnanimoui 4dmiition:...MTbtn was a thunder storm at Cincinnati 00 tbe 3d of June, which waa acknowledged by a John Bull on the spot, to be superior to any thing of the kind he bad ever witnes sed in England ! Portugal. Tbe latest accounts from this country, state that it waa in a dread ful rnnftitioti. Numbera were committed . '. ' - rrr--vcnr::" tlie Tardat rha- place of flOTvii; wioi in prison J 11 were executed on the day ax tfc lttd 8tBte- (hf refur , Wrt Densrtmen. Mr. Dickens, is another PfihoseaHable "on ; 01 whom Tenects honou? upon tne iiscernmenrof the edminietration, while iltecures tbe respectability of the ate- ipprobation of the community. In snort, 'wry" teconSkwbT ffiw whom L.bIf rt seen, is perfectly accessible and ur un'ethertianotbioe like official super-:iUousness-no austerity no ariatocracy. """ aaajaaaawa"a we bavVreceived til New Orleans, rthagena papers to 7th May inclusive, w they cohtaln no news of the lesst im Wancet the paper of J7th May i filled decrees of General Mariana Mon- relation to the appointment of Ngei, ia the different departmental a'nd 'Pacifying their respective duties. We n4oodatei frora Bogota, end not a word e.f the fjoljtical affairs of that country. erala of ihe opposite side.. Colombia Intelligence has been ;re te4t;:New York, by the schooner fJbatbimwhicb from Forto Cabello, that a proclamation had beenre which was received from Bogota, atating that Colombia had vdeclarad war against Peru. The report is merely a verbal one, but it is not improbable that bostili ties may have broken but anew. The Journal in Belfast, file, states that within the spate of half a mile in Sears mont, there resides three famillca, which TU out thirty girU. By the new rule of the coalition the beads of these three families must im mediate! be put ia some ' office under tbe government ; r wA. hia palace without Ms guaida iaw aaaam eji waiisw MARRIED, On tte iatliT Mr. John Morris, of Rockingham county, Vlrg. to Miae Anne Brown, daughter of the late JphBrowE.orkeac """" ' --mtuii' 1 to If centa, oorn 25 to 30, pork 3.50 to 4, bet ter 7 to 10, flour 3.75 to 4 per ban V wheat 50 t60, Iriah potatoea 40 to 50, tweet do. 40 (O.50, brown augar 13 to 15, coffee IS t23, taM.t'2 to 1.25, homespun cloth 18 to 30, whiakey 20 to 35, bacon 7' to 9. fayetteviUe, Julg l.".,.-.Cottbn 6! 0 7j bacon 5 J to 6, peach brandy 55 apple do 40 1 a 42, butter 10 to 15, corn 49 to 50, flaxseed 80, Hour 4 to 51, lard 7, mofsJeea 32 a 34, augaf 0 1 10, uh 75 to 80, tallow 8, wheat 85 a 90, huk y ?4 to 38,...fcU. 8. hank notea 1 a l) per eentyro. mium, Cape Fare ditto, It a 3. : Balttwre, July 3..jiFlonr g6 a 7 cttton tO to II, Whirtty. 34 fZ5,. BSCon 9 to j; Navy Beef and Pork for 1830. , A'flff Cmmiiiitnerj Of re, 1 17th June, 1S29. ) SEALED Propoaala will be received at thii office until the flrat of September next, lor the'eunnrv of SOOCTWikw-'avy BI tf. aud : 4W W!a.- Navy Pork, for the e 4 tlCLUnited. 8ttV Naval Service, 1000 bbl JHtf, aid 800 bbk of Pork, to be delivered at each of the " 1 LIST OF LI'rrKKS BEMAIMNd in the Port OfHce at Bi;bu( N. Carolina, on the lt of July, Michael Albright William Dulen John Al'jrtirht i-ucinda Anet Marcus A. Alma'ad James B. Andrraow Martha A. Andrews Mary Adama Thnmaa Boyd Methiaa Baninger Thomat Brown Uarcm r. Beard Joabua Jloner , Joibua Barbtr- . Michael Baker ( . Wm. Barber 3 ' , Allen Boroagha " John Johnston , 1,040 V. Janet ' Abtuham Jonea , Joel Klmbid ', Jacob IJngle . ' Alciander Lovie Freeland Lodge 2 Jantti C. Ltcompt Wtlliam Link . John al. Moorbead , linn. Wm. D. llartfn .ti o. M. VL,rr F '-Jolmr.H. Miller J'orreat aUnrn ; f Jarnea II. Martin t Jartiet Sl'cCrackeBr7'''' 1 '; riarlas BiUa . -TU'avia AVArgo, t-iiwwaiwtr;; llenrr Baker , ltiwTrfltlw-ajriif1 NaaK4 Handerton nenaon '' ' Alexander Iteabit Jotihs'hn irirbeT-Abrnaon Waab" Rarah Crump . Jamra Sorreat . , Daniel Call Z,VUucT2$t wtani . ' Joaiah Owen , Lvdia Caxort tiiaabeth Cotter Almond II. Cole tfaryCnpia Henry Chrittia MrnryCall Marjm Cluts Iahmael Coddle laaae Cowan Wot. Cowan 3 . . Jamte Carr Ford Dyernett tVm. C. Duket Thomas Davia Clement B. Dickson Joaepb E. Dobbins tleaaii Etfiott John Elliott Gabratl 8. Fisher Jacob Fulinwider Jacob 11'lier or Tsui Chius -Rebecca Garner Jane (Jarrjaon Jane fiarren Jobsi.Cfuqan . ?, . ", Caty Clover Chrialojher Graham jnnr, ohs ElisabHb r.been John Cibbins Kobert llulen John (1. Hawkins Thomaa Holmes Celia Hill James llackany , I'mpliry Owen Raft Owen Anna Park ' Jeremiah Patrick JohnPlaater . V. John Tonl Levins Koe ' Maria A. ReehentS John Reed Samuel Henshaw John ltudiel , John Roaaman . . John Ratlrdge or Jamea Talcom Daniel Reed William Stoker . John Sltaver Wm. P. Stockdpn John an jaoit Mary T.. 8Win Jane Stlktleathei Jacob Ahnping ' Edward Smart " AleiaiiJtrfmhh or "James Smith- - " John Ihtirf-"5?7 Jamei mi'li litaatM Rmoal . Caleb Snroot - - ' John Turner 3 -Mary-rodi . Cailtuina B. Troy Petfr Troiitman Kkhard Tliompaort Uaniel Wthb, aen. WllllatfiKdn' Hsfrtr""'" 4tnwt H'od John Hal!, aen. John Hufhet 3 William Hall James U Melt 3 lluii'.l Hartly Simncl lluie Mosea Hall John Hodge Thomas Junes Jsraes Jackaon 3177 A.C. M'indm tdmund P. White (Jt'Ofire Waat'iter Dr. Jamea Wiiaon Mrr tVea't r r.!.betli Oridrr Jopli Wuoda r.liiah Young Philip Yoat. SAMl'ft. riEF.VES, P.M. Jo,h barker cri; "; itpil; i t'-Vk Me wm, B:ail and barker ( burlet 8. Black Jsrarr ttrnwer- Virginia; and the whole quantity nmat be deiiv erea St each and every Navy Yard by the frst of Anril. 1830. Tbe whole oiantity of the aiid Beef and Pork roust be of the best qjali'y. The Beef mutt be packrd Irom well la ird cat Ue weighing no Ie tban 4H0 piiumlB in ihn iudrUflir 8w potmd tw th-4tft-EL'iLii k.t L-rraunJt. tfodi. thrrtrt. thtnt. h4 ih ttttk tf uX- imal. muat be wholly excluded from the barrel I cwi B. F.rimittjrer 3 and the. remainder of "trie"tSfrase"irin't hexwt-far Ceam-ford into pieces often pounda each arnear at way be, o that 20 piecet will male a parrel of SOO pounda nett weight Navy Reef. The Pork mut be corn fed and well-fatted, all the ikult$, frt, and Kind Iff $ entire, muat be whollr excluded from the barrel, and the re- manider of tbe H"g must be cut into pieces of eight pounds each as near aa may be, ao thai twentv five pieces, not more than three of which aball be shoulden, will make a barrel of 300 pounds nett weijrbt of Navy Pork. "The whole nu"''t7 of theiaid Beef and Pork muat be perfectly aaltad ia the first inatance with, and afterwards packtd with a sufficient quantity of Turk't laland, lale of May, or St. Ubea 8aU. and no other, to inure ite preserva tion, with five ouneet ot pure Saliperra to each and every barret. The barrela iiV which the said Beef and Pork is to be packed mud be made of ash, free from tap, with one iron hoop on etch chine, and otherwUe fully and iubtantially hooped v and earn baml must be branded on its head "Navy Beef," or "Navy Pork," with the contractor's name and the year when pack ed. All the said Beef and Pork, on delivery at the respective Navy Yards muat be aubjected t the test and inspection of some twn Intprcltr al the State wittiin which it ii tu be delivered, the uomnianoani ot ottrawyf charre to tl Uuittd Mates tnereior; ana, LIST OK Mi'lTKlIS vjTTMAlMNr, i- the Poat 'ffie at Concord, av v f.r..r. m J. ..t o Sarali' flridihaW " 1 Jewlma Tliuturr John L;'T)cird v Jolw JJadlyi - j Hiram Brown Llrm W. flarria Witt;., ,m li Harris i'riah iwtei . Panci'-I J. (i,!on ' John f.inlc'.in Gc'v l.it 2 Ja.-b W I it Je Dsvi'l Long - JUh V.ut4Vt Mary Ulckr llder ' lliyrti JJ?!rprs. J e i, R. F.rimiiifrer 3 Jjlm C. Mcl,riy- ta .'a. t ..a ,.,.rkir: i . .r.'.A I cuarire iu . "" i i zav umce, aro requcwea to uirect nieir com- ne aaneu. von wigyci m,., , mmnrr. tUC-Cnntractor u,M.;.at;fini rtirrntlr Tn tip M"r-H-i1rV r.f muat put tf oarreis in t'O'Hi Biiipiiiiiff uer i or tbe Betf and Tork will not be received. Bidder ae required to atate their .prieev leparatrty for the Beef and for tbe Pork, and, if ther trSVrtOsfiiroUU atiM.tlbarunOiLrA.tAS teptrtteiy tor eacn laru. mey aic ct duirid to give their names, their residence, tor the names and residence of their sureties, mnutelyi and muat Manumit their bids scaled, 2aiM!,' fottrMr-Jfaty BeefNfr 'Navy Porkvfor tlOeafl83ff.--' The Com-niasioners of the Navy are tliherty" or in greater proportions, if such bids be the lowest. . ' , . . . . .. ." Any bid not made in conformity td'this adter. tlaernent, or not -received within the limited time, will not be opened. The parte' of the amnw to be excluded from the barrel will be particularly described in drawing which will form part of the contracts. Persons desiring information upon the subject with an intention to bid, may obtain it by aeaon able application to the Board. 7l81. June 19 . : . . SHERIFFS DEEDS, FOR land sold by order" of wjiu f rendificmi exports, fir nh at thU dfsce,, ThuKiaa. Carter teor(fe Ciidet ... Will am J. cowan Daniel Cline William Covington Moses Curzine Nancy Davis James Davis Jsmes t.agle Nancy F Erwln John Rrw in Tboa. B. Ersrio Valentine Ftgifot Frederick FreaUnd Tobias Furr William Furrfson oorg Goodman John Gilee Hiram Ooodmtn Jackson Ourley John Garmon Thomas Goings Duct. C. Harris Mary Houlton Elizabeth Harris 3t77 4)orcuiilcOtDMil ArrhibaW Mi-t'nly Robert 9, 'Means' " Ue(lrKen1illeF", I dram Mitchell lUflirl Mcana WilUmn ..cOraw Ebentzer Marrin William F. Pliifcr Naihan I'hilipa Robrrt rickrna 3 tJeorge A. Phiftr Janus R, I'luiiket John Hitch Oeorpe Stough Miai Hn !l Kinchold Suther Jacob Htiirwalt George Suwigh John Htill, jr. -Thomaa Tinld Margaret C. Walke; Jacob Weaver Joaeph N. Whitner Wil'ifn Walnce Krziali Ymihk'. DA ID STORKE, P, DartaTMrar or Ktstb, ) ratent njRct, June 9, 1829. S "A" LTprjdrVt' harmi owiiwa that office, instead of the Secretary of State, tho latter mode being attended with cOnaidtrabki -inconvenience, and sometimea riak. All aucfi communications are free of postage, and will re .c.immediate..atteiU?)n,. - 4t78. JOHN ;I. CRAnTWienr" Xcvf nnt (jViears (soodfA. HVf tubscribee Jwa tbepleaaura of. nou. . "iftff to tu frUnda anJ cuslamr.ra. inH t ba public in general, that he h now receiving from PLiJadelnhla arid New York, ' .'AW- tl.bUAIXr A3U1T51EVT-4 ' or tu - CAafU tutJ mtt Fathienab! GOODS . he ha ever had. Havma; been selected M ere at pare, by himself, and bought for eaeh, he feelt perfectly confident, that for like patlerna and equal qualitiea, he rannot be undersold by . . i a. . . i any oiuer iiouae in uic ibcc. The public are respectfully in vited to call and examine, for themselves. His assortment com. iirisea almost every article nauallr kept in Storea MICHAEL BROWX. '''' , . a- ::- r ' ' if t. aa-aataaiJSaVt-feV''- - , . i- M V' i -r 6.; S4 i-4 h ft . i '" j

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