I-.' - t 1 VMST OF LErTCIlS 4rb F.MMN1NG In the Pont Office at Salisbury, J. N. Carolina, en the 1st of July. 1BW. Michael Albright Willi tulen Y oh Albright John Johnston tueitdt Ames Isaac D. Jones ltafcnt 4, Almtted . Abraham Jonel jmn B, Anderson Joel Kimbl lr1ha A. Andrew! , Mry Adaml ' T"'""" " ' "Thomas Boyd '' Hethiw Berrinfer Thomas Brown . 1areut F. Beard , Jothua Barber "" Michael Biker . .WfflxJ&arberS- Aareua-ta. ; . uuaritt euc . Mmund Bott -Henry Baker ' (" ttichard Bredahtw , Henderson Benson Johnatban Barber rVah Crump Daniel Call ' J-ydiaCalort Elisabeth Colter Almond JL Colt Mary Caplt ITenry Christie . Henry CaD ' MarthTClutt Lhmad Coddle baooCowsn Wm. owan 2 Jamet CarT . - Ford Dyeroett . Win. C. Dukes Tbomat Davis Clement B. Dickson Joseph E. Dobbins Dean Elliott John Elliott Cabrael oJishet. Jacob Lixrle Alexander Lode Treelend Lodge. 2 James C. lleeompt William Link lbn M. Moorhead lW Wm. D. Uertia VtA.'Vl. Stunf--. Joha. II. Miller Forrest Monro rJrnf 1L hrtin Tho-wat U'AfO. Martlet McNeel James McCreckeo, Samuel Naahe ' Alciander Neto'tt AUnaofl Nash, Jamet Norrest . Chaocey Newjofl Josiab Owea Umphry Owea Kafe Owen Anna Park Jeremiah Patrick John Plaster Joha Pool LevlnaRoe Maria A. Reebersca Joha Seed Samuel HennhaW JohN Ruditel John Rom man Joba Rath-de or. Jamet Talcora Daniel Reed William Stoker Job6 Sharer Wm. ?. Stockdoo LIST OF hKTTtMS , TT5 EMA1NIN0 In tUFoit-Offlce at ConcorJ Jail ,t. Carolina, the 1ft day of July. 1829. -Jacob Puliawidw'- JoUa'BajnpioQ", Jacob Fisher or Paul Ctutte - Rebecca Career Jan Garrison Jet Garvta .John Gucaa Caty Glover Christopher Graham ; ""JohnT. Gonrke Elizabeth Gbeen JohnGibbin . Robert tiulrn Joha G. Ilawkini Thomas Holme Celia Hilt Jame ilackany Williamson Harris John Mall, tea. John Hughes 2 William HaO James t Hefe Ilusirt llartly Samuel Huie Motet Hall John Model VJ "Thomas Jones James Jtckson Sarah DraJhaw Joha I Beard Hiram Ilrowa Joaiah Bradthaw John IUv Jovph Barker Ntwell B4tla Samuel Black Mr-Mra. D1(nI and Barker Charles 8. Black Jamet Bluster Uary n!ackwe!1der ' " UwuB.Jmrnrer 5 Joseph Crawford J" Thomas Carter OeorttLCrider Daniel CUum William CoYtngton Motet Curtina Nsncy DsU James Davit . , Jamet Eagle Nancy F. Crwia Joha Enria Tboa, B, Erwia Valentine Faggot Frederick Freashnd Tobias Furr ' William Furrrtoa Georrt Goodmaa Joha Giles Hiram Goodman ' Jackson Gurley John Garmofl , Thomas Goinrs Doet C Harrit Mary Houhoa Elizabeth Hams 3tf7 Jemima lottton John Hadly , r.lrm W. Harris William G. Harris Jamet Harris Uriah Jonet Samuel JemisoQ John Uultton Oorjre litle 2 Jacob W.Uutev..-. Darid Long J(n Mlaenhamer Hugh S. MeAlepe 2 JohaCMcUny i rr Dorcns McO4n- Archibald McUrdy Bobert8-?'er9 K. ueog vnucr '"rwT Hirtnr iHtrcfteii Rachel Meant , William McOraw :' . Ebeneter Marnn William F. Phifer Nathan Philips Robert Pickens S George A. Phifer Jam ft. Plunket John Ritch George Stotigli tliai saeu Hinebold Suther Jacob Stirewalt ' George Stough Joha Still. Jr. Thomas Todd -Margaret C. Walke Jacob Weaver Joarph N. WhitneT Wilham Walact, . . , Kesiah Ywinr. DAVID 8TORKE, P. M. POETRY. I, In, 4rsa lk ra.O'M Mro t Ose tiourit'jf it one b zct m, heart and 1 ( relate it that those children who have parrots to love them, maw learn to ralue them as they ought, My mother had been ill i hog time; and I had become so much accustom, ed to her pale face and weak voice, that I was not frightened at them as children uaually trerrAt firit- it is trne,., 1.9 obbed wiolently when day after day I began to believe she w ould always be 'pared to me j but they told rne'she would die , , . , iOaldiy;yfbep JdostJajzce in 'the chit, and done my work wrong tide outward, I -came home; diacoura.. trier's chamber. She was paler than usual, but the met me with the same affect tonate smile that always welcom ed my return.' ALia ! when I look back thro the lapse of thirteen years, I think my heart must have been atone, not to have been melted by it. he requested me to go down suira and brine; her a gian ot water I petianiy asked why she did not call a domestic to do it. With a look of .mild re proach. which I shall never forget if live to be a hucdred years old,1 she said, 1 And will not ray daughter bring a glass of water to her poor sick motner r I went and brought her the water,' but I did not doit kindly. Instead 0 smiling and Visaing her, as I was wont to do, I sat the glass down very quick, and - left tha - roXxnirrAlieripJjyjog a short time. I went to bed without bid ding my mother ' good night j but when alone in my room, in darkness and silence, I remembered how pale . t t . ' sne looaea, ana now ner voice irem bled when she aaid. mil not my daughter bringi glass of crater for her poor sick mother f I could pot sleep I stule into her chamber, to ask fir giveness. She .had sunk into an easy slumber, and they told me ! must not waken her. I did not tell any one What troubled me. but stole back to my bed, resolved to rise early in the mornintr, and tell her how sorry I as for "ftyeoridrjet Mary B. Sloan Jane Stikr leather Jacob Sbuping Edward Smart . Alexander Smith or Jamet Smith Joha Short James Smith Thomas Smoot .... Caleb Smoot John Turner 2 Mary Todd Catharine B. Troy Peter Troutmen Richard Thompson Daniel Webb, tea. Robert Wood A. C. Winders Edmund P. White Gf orge Wtiiner Jr. Jamaa n ilaoa Vanr West or Elizabeth Crider Joseph Wooda' Ehib Young Philip Yost. J5 AMy IL. R EEVES, P. X Nat Beef and Port fdr 1880. " l7tkJvtlWl WAGONEUS, . tfrhinz to Faydttoillt, 1maJL.AU k to i their adtiwetr the law where eery eon venienoe (t ortrnded for Man and Horse, to make then) comfortable, tt the moderate charge of 23 centt a dsy and night, for the privilege or the Yard, tha use of a good house, fire, water, and ehehet. Attached to the TsrdTare a Grocery and Provision Store, Bread Shop and Confeo lionary, Snd t House fur Boarders and Lodgers, rn -a l!rny hoap, wnoiesome ana eomioir. able style. rayfwww. Jipni, ido. uy W OWA N County. Ma Sessions, 1 829 i Thos. m- Gibbs and Martin Ssner vt. John Saner Original attachment t Samuel Silliman summon. ed at Garmthee. It aopeanng to tna tatialac. tion of the Court that the defendant it not an inhabitant of this state i on motion of the plain, tiffs, by counsel, ordered h publka'ion be made In the Western Carolinian printed in Sat. isbury, for six weeks, that the drft-ndant appear arrbeTinrteoTiTt-of pU-at ami quarter stations to be held for the county of Rowan, at the court house in Sahbu-y, on the third Tonday in Au gust next, and amwer, plead or demur, or jjdf tnent will be entered against said defendant. - -677 - - 4W. uiuta, t,ft. -vj i n r r r. . r - rr . r -1 nrsn . TjptTv Steward v. Uariett Steward peti tion for divorce. . In this case, "Ordered by the cuirrt, that pubticatidn he made for three months SEALED, Proposals will be received at this ( In the Western Carolinian ana Tactm and Ca office until the first of September next, for ! tawba Journal tucceMively, that the defendant the supply of 3000 bbla. Navy Beef, and 2400 , be ad appear tt the next superior court to be bbla. Nary Pork, for the use of th United held fir the eounty of Mecklenburg, at the States' Naval Service, 1000 bb'a of Beef, and Court-Houte to Charlotte, on the 6th Monday 800 bblr.Nrf Pork, to be delivered at each td the .after, the fourth Monday ia September next, and United States' Nary VaWtbarlaUoUaisia..plcad or answer to the plantilTtipetltion, or the ehusent Bnoklyiv-Net. York and Noriolk, sane wm po Beard exparte.-wKneaa sami. Tirjrinia and the whole quantify mutt be drlivr HCTderwon, Clerk of our said Court, at OfHc,lbe ered at each and every Navy Yard by the firtt 7th Monday after the 4h in March, 1 829. tt April, 1830.vTbe whole quantity of the said , . 3mtS3. . BAM'L. HENDFRSON. e. m, s. e. - : Beer and rorK mutt oe. ot tna beat quality. The Beef mutt be packed from well fa' ted cat tlc.vweighinr not lca than 480 pound! in rA quarter w 800 pntmd n iht Aati all the Irrt. lefrwmb, c'tdt, chtekt, sUnt, and the neck f an- MuH0 tfXtrth-Carolina, Mecklmhwy etunlg t SUPERIOR Court of Law, May term, 18 9 1 Robert Bigham vs. Mary Bignam i reutioo for divorce. Ordered by ro'irt, that publication W, must be wholly excluded from the barrel, be made for three months successively in the and th remainder of the carcase mut be cut Western Carolinian and Raleiirh Star, that the Atopioaaof tea poundi each as near st mavdoredent be and appear at the next ttipQrior be, so that SQ piecet will make a barrel of 300 court of law" to" be held forthe eoanty of Sleek? bounds nett weight Navy JBcef. " lenbnrg, at the eourt-house In Charlotte, on the The pork mut be corn fed and well-ratted, 6th Monday after the 4th Monday in September all the thtUftet, and kind leg watfrc, must be next, end plead or answer to the plantifPs peti. Whollr exduded from- the barrel, and the re- tion, or the same will be heard exparte. Wit. )tnider of the Hg mutt be cut Info pieces of' rens Sarnl.' Henderson, Clerk of uid Court, at etfrh 'Hinds each as near as may be. so that 1 office, the 7th Monday after the 4 h in March, twent X S?e piece, not more than three of which f 1839c Jmifc-SAM. HENDERSON., . m. t. e. ahall be shoulder, will make a barrel of 200 1 1 ' Pounds nett wKT ot wavy rorc - I V r,n.vrwiiw, iniwwj ctwmji . ttECANT EXTRACTS Art thod i Ct'jutten f Though thy cot Be small, and hoverty thy lot,' Rejoire t tby laviour bent to know ' The ills ot want, tn cares ot we i - And to the umM poor hub given The rich Inht stance of hrsvea. Art then i Chlstala doom'd to roam, Far from thy fiesds and native home t rwib Mitrwl tti kifl ind nliln. criffa crown'd Vio trees, tod fields with jha'la View natures tturdu, andouiy inaaw Ana teu me, imaa me vanra pinr.. tVhat hst thoa muk'd of what turvey'd. That Cod, thy tatter, httA not jntdef, , The lovs ait wtrfct, aad love to tract Ilia aemhlartce In a atranger's aaee Call eacb sveet spot borne to thee; And evert man God's family, ' Art thou t Chriataht. mid the strife; Of yean mature, and busy life t ' Re active i for th race it short, Tby bark it kastenJng to the port Be cheerful i holy angels bear Aa antidot for all thy care i And let no pangs disturb a breast r Prepared for sveriattlng rest . - WATCH TE."-JMWr th. 38. Whea Sumner decks thy path with flowers. And plrawrts are sweetest i Whea not I cloud above thee lowers, And tuntbfee leads thy bappy hours, Thv haspieet and tby leetett i. O i watel thou then, lest pleasure's mule. thy tpirit of its hope beguile. When round the gathering storms are nigh, A nd rrief thy days hath shaded i When earthly joys bloom but te'die, . And tears suffuse thy weeping' rye, . And heoVs brirbt bew bath fadel t 0 ! watch thou then, lest aniioui care Invade thy Aa rtnWff.fJieret e t ji r r i ,- iw m .. .. k. Tt.rfltv attt tc the Spat intnrj , 1 .1' , : . : -r..u : . : i.:.!: : ror divorce Marion Tanner vt. John tanner 1 petition J . . . ; ft l . in mis raae, oraerea py me courr. Kn.tna auerwaroacireo w K,r tk!t,.f.n K m.- in th. B.liiK n,.l Isle of Stay, or St. f . rnit r km. - aiantitv of Turk's Island, A. 1. 1 .1 : !. JFl?irZ!rZ ucces-vely, that, the defendant and appear " iH " i: " 1 -rw. 'lrVS -1-.L at the next euperior oourt of Uw to be held for WWveTy-wrjr-a naia Drci ana ror n law vmuu uw io ii.jiixKT-'vKLXziTi:- eacine.tndothewfc hormed 1 and each barrel must be branded en TV . .j ..... . a. 1 j , :r " ,v " w.:. -k"'- fc.;v . clera or oUOTeoortrarPrertlie fttt 1 7T ' 'T rw rTjday after the 4th in March, 1 829 ;.V:iw:.4 tiJ. Henderson. e.s.e.i respective NaVy Varda 5iut bft'tuBjectferdt fsMr7MrtXVmUnKDavifa cewtvee. MY MOHIER'S GRAVE. Coun-tousef bad a mother once like you ""W66 reriny pillow humj," Kias'dfrom my cheek the briny dew, 1 And taught my faultering tongue - But then there came a fearful day, ' ought y metoer'a bed, a . m a . . t e test ana inspection ei some twem aupttur " of tbe Suu within which it is to be delivered, i j who shall be selected by the Commandant of the Yard at the. place delivery, without any charge td,: the United Eutes therefor i and, when inspected in laid nannerj :tbe eentraetor .must put the barrels in rood shipping order i .sOTwwr4ejBeci and rorx wm not be received. ,.r aSffiSjSiddert aht) iwowWVjt&alMfr prices :aepafat'ely (at the Beef and for-the Pork, and,, if they oner to furnish at sure than one Yard, then - Separately for each Yard. They aie alo r. quired to give their names, stheir reidentr. aodthe names and residence of their sureties, ninutelvi and mutt transmit their bids sealed, and endorsed " Offer to furnit h Navy Reef or Navy Pork' for the yesrI830 ' ri' - The Commissioners of the Navy are at liberty tt take the offers of a bidder for any one Yard, . or in greater proportions, if such bids be the lowest. " W' ' " ' '-,' ; Any bid not made In conformity to this adver. 'tisetnenv or not received withio the limited time, will not be opened. . I . . ;. : ' The pant of the animal to be excluded from the barrel will be particularly described in ' drawinirs which will fortn part of 1he contracts. . Persons desirine information uoon the aubieet With an intention to bid. may obtala it by season. , at' PP'ieanott to iu. Beard. . 7t81. Jtaet? ; . .. ,,r-.','.v . ocar of pleM snd quarter sesvians, M ay term. 182?. The retitionotJohnMurpney.ttiarles Murphy, a lunatic.who petitions by his next friend John Murphy, John TomTinton and his wife Anna, Levin Garden and bia wife Betsey vs. Stephen . w ii i t " 1 rv i inurpny, jam nan ana nts wne weooraa, vnanet Cillian and his wife Dulaiar, Stephen Stuart and his wifeReteccah, alid'Jeph Murphy, Iho aftaaMStepl5ruarttsttriHivirEiecu. tor of Daniel Murphy, dee'd'. and aitainrt taid Stephen stuait and Jmpw,mrf9dm3m tratora of Hannah Murphy, dee'd t Fetitivn far Ditmbutio. In this ease, it appearing to the satisfaction of tbe court, that Stephen Murphy, John Ball and bis wife Deborah, Charles Cillian and his wile Dulanar, live beyond the limits of this Stater it is therefore ordered by the court,that publication be made six weeks successively in the Western Carolinian, that the aaid Stephen Murpfcy, John Ball and Deboralhia wife, Charles Cillian and Dulanar. bit wife, be, and appear before the justices of our court of pleas and quarter sessions, to be held for the county of Davidson, at the court-house in Lexington, on tbe 3d Monday in August next, then and there to plead or anseer to said petition, otherwise it will be taken pro eonfesso, and heard exparte as to them. . Witness, David Mock, clerk of our taid court, at off ce, the 2nd Monday of May, 1829 t3t78 D, MOCK C, Ct CV rnEe.eiann.j53.- Through til tfe't toes throorh weal and wo, Through days at mirtn and sadness. Where'er tby wandermr rootatent j O! think how transient here below Ttr torrow and tby fladoetti . .. And wttch tboa aleavt, lest thod stay From Him who poujs thy heavenward way. -.,.,.T,T()J,SISTEK- There it a love that tights The heart if set the eye, Where no suspicion blights Its holy seoctiy A sister's love tie purest ttreasa Oa which the suo of life doth fleam. It shines la infancy, It beams ia older time, Unquencbed by jealousy, Through every age and clime. The tame in skkneat ts1n beahh, Alike in poverty and wealth. Take then these lowers to twine, . Loved one, arosnd thy brow i ' '- Their fragrance la alt 1htoe'r!rr!:--r They're emblems of thee now. And when they wither in their bloom, -TUos theoif'Bweet ter, on thy tiomh. : r ::-: : wilA? I ittTiv-" 1 bate tbe mean and grovelling soul, ' " -. If be can boast of any,- i i . Who lurks about, and of each bowl Is sure to take a doable toll, . But never pays s penny. . hate to ride a pacing pad... That's oltea apt to blunder, t hate tasee a womaa sadV'J-. I bate mueb worse to sac one tna 4 And hear the home-made thuode& 1 bate a midnight serenade ' ' : 'From eats a caterwaufinf t"' " I bate to tee a cross old maid Broom beating children cross tbe bead. Setting a score s squalling. I hate the tattler who goes round Retailing ties and slander, Some reputation drp to wound, Where there is not tbe slightest ground i 7 ' Such sctitns raise my daader,i , I hate the hypocrite hate worse A person void of feeling, Who hugt vou whle ha eteals year pvrae. Or if he faift, bestows a curse r v I bate this double dealing. I bate s heart that't full of guile, .' I ha(e a female traitor, - Who under love or friendship's smile. Receives your confidence awhile, ' And thea betrays I hate her. MISCELLANY. Til) harth heads tore me thence away, . And told me the was dead. - ' ; It was thirteen y ears since my mo K7at)B7 aence from my native village, Tatood beside the ' sacred " mount, ' beneath which I had Been her buried, : Since that : mournful ' period, great changes hadcpmftAm had passed away, and witK ' them'my ybittif;iEh1ifatte'ThefWrld' altered too anda I jtopd at my mo- there gravel could hardly realize I was the aarne thoughtless, happy crea ture, whose cheeks she had ao often kissed in an excess of tenderness. k But the varied evenls of thirteen years (3 not ejTaced .tbeiremeiribrance of that mother's SmiK, ; It seemed as if i had seen her yesterday as if the blessed sound of her .voice was in my ear. The gay dreams tf my infancy and childhood were brought back ao dis tinctly to mind, that had It not been for one bitter recolleption, the tears I shed would have beed gentle and refreshing. The arcomrtanctj may seem aurifliog trere a!l Ilonins. With Chat tl 2 a ne was eoiperer, he aJcptcd the Ito man beard. Louis le Jeune brought smooth china into fashion. Francis ihe First restored the bcarJ. Henry the Fourth wore it of 4 middle size. Louia the Thirteenth wore it rounded at the sides j and terminating in a point! The fashion then was, that the hair should be - wonr lour - over- the left- shoulder, arid cut short over the rjght and the beard frequently cot in the shape of ao artichoke. Leviticus, id the 19th chap, prohibits the Jews from: jhitbg ne radciis barbian r in order" 16 tompty " ia TornVmeaiorej" with thts law. a few hairs are left tm- onr-jne- chio. won tnfe.,.modernI Greeks, banishment andloss'of beard were two punishmenta which the lavs united. The young Greek was tot permitted to wear whole beard until he waa thirty years of age : under thi age mustachios alone were generally worn. . Of the British rnonarchs, Ste phen, John, the Henries, and Ed wards,' all wore beards; ' THE INFIDEL'S CREED.' i. I beireve that there is ooOodL but that matter ia God and God ia mutter f end that itis no matter, w he th. er there is any God or not. 2; "I believe that the world wu not made f the world made itself tha It had no bigin'ningi that it will la forever, .world without end.w 3." 44 1 believe that man Is a beast 1 that th sou) ia the body, and thlbody.-; is the aoul j and thaT after death there -is neither son! nor- bod v." 4. ' I believe that there is no rettv a - ' ae ' e.a gtoo f tnat natural religion is tne only true religion and that all religion unnatural.' . 5. U believe not in. Moses 1 I be lieve in the First Philosophy j 1 believe. not tn the hvaocelttUi 1 believe. in Chubb, Collins, Tolland, Tindal, Maodeville, Ilobbes," Shaftsbury r I believe in Iiord B jlingbroke,' (Hume, Voltaire, Diderot, Boolenger, Volney, Tom Paine,) 44 1 believe not St. Paul.'' 6. 44 1 believe not revelation j I be. lieve-4radUioa4lJLeligye in the TU mud 1 1 believe in the Koran ; I believe not in the Bible j I believe in Socrates f I believe ia Confucius I believe ia Sancbbniathon believe in - MahomV -tJoxjiZt Christ." 7. " I believe jrv alTjiw- Piclu mFemaks" Woman withaf out religion is a solecism in morals, a deformity in social life. Sheresem ble thr ided ohkT"HcTwFiclii the" ver dant ivy still gives the appearance of freshness as it twines its flexiblcr branchea-afound . theiwithered Vstcm.T TCrerfifeTTrlrTrocerrf n the main body cf the tree, but in its- . a WSTf extrinsic, decorations, woman may 00k attractive at a distance, as if al! . . e tier cnaractenstic requisites were ia ull vicor 1 but approach htf nearly. and vu see a redundance of ornamenu I qualities, covering, like the unsutv- sranttal Ivy, tbe lifeless trunk, from. which .emanates nu' one substantial good, for the principle of life is taff-" tine." Mrs. Cory's Letters. The sun was shining brightly when I awoke, and, hurrying on my clothes, t Justened tomy mothers room. She was dead J she never spoke to naetnore --never smiled upon my head ju. bles sineT it w at "acTcoldlth a t if Tm ade me atart.' " I bowed down by her. aide, and sobbed in the bitterness of my .beart. tho't then I w ished I could die, and be buried with her; and, old as I now am, I would give wsrlds. wsrethey mine to give, could my mother but have lived to tell me she forgave ra childish ingratitude.-But T-cannot ca her. back, and whetvr stand - by her snd whenever I think of her manifold kindness, the memory of that reproachful look she gave me, will bite like a serpent and sting like an adder.' ? HISTORY OF BEARDS. Kingson assures us, that the ar. ranjrement of the beard forms .an es sential pari of the religion of the Tar tan, He says farther, that these peo ple branded the Persians with the name -of infidelt, - and declared and waited cruel war against them, solely because they did not wear their beards after the manner ot the Tar tars, although, in other respects', their faith was the same. . Before Alexander's' time, the Greeks wore their beards t but this prince caused the Macedonians to be shaved, brfeafctheir -cnemies-should grapple them by the beard;-The-Romana did not begin to ahave, uotil the year 454. At this period the first cutting oHhebeardasiieJdjaXKdaJincJJhje hair thus taken off was some divinity.1 saenhced to The first fourteen em perors all wore smooth chins ; the em peror Adrian retestablisbed the beard j but Cbhstantine cut it. off and.it was riot again restored until the retgn 01 Jeraclus. The .Goths and, i ranks wore mustachios Only until the reign df Clatidrasvwh&ordereduhe-Fxftnch toktiear4afg04fe wisaom was consioerea 10 uc pgsscs- sed"! fn'joirtio beard,' which was worn dressed and arranged in different forms. .It is not so many ages 'ago that knowledge was Heemed incompatible with v smooth chin. The Egyptians, in deep mourn- log, let their ,haifn grow and cut ott their beard. When the Franks fixed in Gaul, thev found the people all bearded, the Remans having intrc uced thia fashion. Then short coats and mustachios were the dress of the military, and long coats and long beards that of the learned, or such as could read and write tvfrHh Isrt? jn A Scene on the CMm.;..Ooe dav. as I was walkiop on the bsnks of that Ganges, I saw a group of people sit ting together and mumbling something to themselves. Near them I saw a corpse, wrapped in a white sheet, with its feet covered with water. A ew moments after, a young man, I should thnk about t wenty years of age, "snouTJereff slowy to an elevated tank r bhnrled -i r into thc-TiverrHrtt the- s ame manner . you would a lozTof wood. He then plunged in alter thc3df7iePrif ed it of tKe winding sheet, leaviogthe corpse to float down the tide in a state ofroudltyWhen the youth reached.,; the shore, I asked hira who the yoyng person wsa that he had thrown into the river f He replied vith a kind of grin, 44 My wife V I said, "You don t seem to be very sorry sbout her. , He. saidpopli ar iiedliWIiowwdw he. sjtioVs thirteen years, old. I thenjoquired ifaherWImytimllf jf c replied 1 4:Not no w j she had one, a little girl, but that the Gunga had got the, day Jjefore.", I then asked him how lontr hia wife had been dead, when he informed me that she died the moment befdre t came up. The father and mother of the unfortunate girl were both there, but seemed as indifferent as the rock on which they had perched themselves, to watch her . progress down the rippling stream the cold grave of millioos. ' . Mmctirs rf Jala Sttyfi 'iM!1ll'nam',i--iiirisri fiiiWiilii'i- .... - w-- . " ' vMMIKWWAt.tu .-t.K MM .. .J

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