wis JVLY 23, 1023. IIOWAN MULE SOCIETY.' The annual meetlnr of the Itowan County BlU Hociety, will be held on Monday, the 34 Uy ef August next, at Thyaiirai, where t Ser mon may be expected from a Miniiter Previous. 1 appointed The Importance of the Bible .. and eDee'ally the etieutirat-iiMr asiiect wl.kli it has recently, assumed, will, it U hoped, t u.ira t fall ineetinif, and a Urce contrrrntion. - .-of v:-r-1. KANklN. THi 0U JWnetL,Tb9 New-York Courier 'Zgrfft that th'i;tM' ffiworeted. Iff cat 5 kJ.it IS!i'?Jd And Instance op in prow oi ii powuon. Ko by pln inference) we understand the Courier a placing North-Carotina upon a lerel with fiptin, unk by all the debating vice bore enumerated. And if lucb bo it appre henslons, welt my it regret the extension of that root o much mischief Into other state to'deitroy all that U noble and deiirable in their Institutiona, and alt that It virtuous and lorely tn the character of their citizen. But wesus- yiect the Courier labor under a ad hallucina tion, with regard to the conditioa or our State and the character of our people i for we cannot admit, tbat the finding of gold ha yet tended o loosen their mora! or repre their pa'.rioU i!mv Tbui far, the mine have hid an influence (be reverse of this: they bare, in tome degree, relieved the people from the heavy pecuniary embarrassments which so recently oppressed , them, and ire eren yet sorely felt they have inspired the friends of Internal Improvement with a hope of realizing tbejaeana of ' accom pl'uhlng those laudable works of improvement without which the State never can become truly great and wealthy t they have created new de mands for labor and provisions j and given i new impulse to indurtry and enterprise, which mutt eventually have the happiest effects in smeliorattng the condition of the country and people- Feeling of fellowship, and common justice, ibould dictate lo our brethren in other parts of the Republic, to be slo in jiving currency to the frequent slanders which are propagated in relation to tbW much-abused State. It is the attri hule of a charitable, frellnj, to prompt its po. jnor always to look at the bright tide of a picture, and judge and sjxrak eceordingly. A fire took place in Ifew-York, on the 6th Slut, j during the continuance of which, up wards of twenty building were destroyed. m ii i urn 'i i ""e)eSiajyv--'j J. AlheV Tung, 'of Iredell counryrbai ob. "Sined Bcense'to practwe ttw'ln" the Superior Court. " '-Jnuhif Ltcrft Ru JAi,Mr.' VVillisnr WeM, a nteran of the Revolution living a few miles from Salisbury, pulled a Radish in his lot, the other dsyr which weighed five pounds and a quarter and meaaured fifteen inches ia.circum fe.tnce. ... Many others grew in the same patch, nearly as Urge; - Mr. Weat says, that if the perple of - North" Carolina wilt only be Indus. trious in working their ground the right way, it ill reward them abundaatly j am that there is no need of so many of them rambling of! to the wilderness of the new country .The old gen- tleman thinks 'tis folly for every body to turn jheir faces u WW-wsrd. We h?e never known more frequent and heavy rains, thunder, lightning, and hail, than h been experlence'd thia season, in this region of country. TTe are informed that the country m the vicinity ef ThomMs Ferry, Iredell cbun ry, vss visitea on the mn inst. witn a severe Monn of rain, hail, thunder and lightning : the Minding com and cotton was a good deal shat tered one hog wai killed by the lightning at th house of Mr. S. W. Thomas, and many oth tr animals badly injured. Gov. Branch. The followinp toast wan riven at Lynchburg, Virginia. We have noticed simi lar sentiments expressed in various parts of the t'eion, oath late anrnversaryrof independence " grstilymr to the fnend of JckiranV ad niniitrttion, and particnlarly to North Caroll ranMo mc that the talenta and character of o mc that toe talents and character oi I sleeps, .. 1 . henrfavefllWduiriRclaAftdtheesrm road.! I Shall long keep his memory green in our touls. ed abroad. B) CafitrJihn E. Xtrtnih John Branch. Sec 'ary of the Navy hit purity of mind, his fidel jff to the duties, of bis office, and a long tried w io the ervice of his native estate, prove him 5!1 qualified a station ia the councils ef the? WtlQO. from Norfolk, on his return to Wsshingtotj, the 5R0rd of the, Constellation fr'jrateY which was a jT'!te,a t9 England, and France. Gov. ranch intended returning to Washington Via OMtf BumWic Th fnllnvinr flfRrM in the '7 of Nt w.York, have declared their dividends Jr' H months, as foUojas s . he Ocean Insurance Company, a reirular Di- - - w ur qcni. ana an exira jjiviuenu oi ' ?r eent maVini. IdiMnnl fr lh lart "ontha. The Union Insurance Company, 6 Per cent i Th Fr.A fi r,u' tn.,.r.nm rnm. t'eent.! The Naptune Inirance Com ?sy, e pe, eenU Th Mercnantl f-.re intur. C-I,nT'' 3 Per ent- -The New-Tork prance Company, 5 per cent.i$ The Eagle u(wce uempany, 4 p centy ; ' f'dA$T font tithi'iA till'. Al.1lbanu.tf, Tttki Tha Antnrrat nf l! lU RuiVisti whilst he is carviniruo Turtru. m he keep hit knuckles out of Grr. JUann Kan Burnt True greatnefs will sir- vive, but enr.ot avoid the adults of cnviuiis calumniators i and genuine merit will receive its Just reward at the hand of i. discerning peo. , r-nvy, calnmny, tnJ tfite, , ffuvt rs vrnsni in tfmr bit. ' , At Charleston. 8. C.i Tha Vi TnM,1nt r,f ine united State i every assiult invigorate bia genius, and his enemies tell the Est of hia inumpna, . i . l . - At Beaufort, V C.r TSe-MviMt' CM- uio peopie ougnt, in eonacience, to give them iwo term or omce, t the bare double duty to pen'rmtDeir own, and tbatM wAnUUed by their peripatetie ptrdeceaior.;.---r.--;-,-y-.- TUm rreawfcmt of the United 8t rfni,! to Wathlngtoo' d Tur sdav. the 14ft Inst, from Mrtuur to NoTfblkr 1E n ttlaW winr tss" 'tunvtna tiiUaJ;b ,laiproveiLs-n wm the first relattionfrofn the severe and one rout du e . . . . . . 'I tie er hit office, which the President bat enjoy ed since hi inauguration into office. Mr. Jonathan Frary, a retpectable dnirrltt at Hudaiin Wsw-Yofk, hiving charged, thf ves sel of hi Soda Fount aiq-too powerfullr, an ex pivwun uiuk wnicn aiuea Dim. jnwe was peneeti neaithv on the SdJdlvi the Register of that date, aays the whole of the month of June was more healthy than has been known fur many years. fi'cwXMean; however, by hut authentic tc- counts, wai afflicted by that great scourge of the extreme Southern towns, the 9tUm fertr, A good many case occurred before the middle of une. ' A child in Qa!eigh lately swallowed a pbial of tjuaH$, through mistake i it died soon after. rhiladApUa, Jul 1 4. Upland cotton 9 to 10, flour 5, corn 45, black eyed pease 40,io 50, ba con hams 9 to 1 2, tear tobacco 4 to 7, common wool 28 to 28, mixed mermo do. 31 to 38. . pMtfmtuirm. JmLi 18- Oj caarkrt cojUwms quite languid, and but little business doing. Toe louowing pnecs wwrm curreni yesreraay i Tobacco, refund 3 to .XJ i passed 4 to 12 cotton 7.50 to 9. wheat 21.05, corn 50 to 55, bacon 7 to 7.j, lard trio 6.50. Uld Uminin. Mobile, Jul 3. Cotton 8.25 to 9.75, bacon 8 to 10, flour 7.50 to 8,25, whiskey S8. Baltimort JHarlctt.Tbcrt is very little varia tion in the prices of flour. We heard yesterday of 8.3.374 having been given for Howard atreet from wagons, though 35.25 appeared to be the general price. From stores. 5.53 a g5.6j 1-? is considered the average price. American Farmtrt 17 1 h intt. The Torkville fioneer. has been tranferred bv Wr. P. Crty to. ilrsars.J. li. Cocks and N, M. Foulke', by whom it will be published hereaf. trr, under the title of "Pioneer and Soutb-Csr-olina Whig." us nit, jclv 10-- i?uwr. There a rumor (we know not on what authority) that preparaiiona are miking for an arrangement., with -Great Britain, on a basis of extended commercial Reciprocity i and that a tariff on imports will be agreed upon be tween that Government and the United Stairs, which will meet the approbation of both. It a said the Bntim Minister at WiAhington ap proves of the project,' and that a. special mission to F.ngfand ts on root, far tire nurpime of aim pleting the arrangements. Mer. JIJv, Extract of a letter to a gentleman of Baltimore, dated i - ... . . - . LtXIBOTOg, Kx. Jctx 4.. . -Tbe trial of Mr. Wlcklifle for shooting Mr. Rennirg, the editor of the Kentucky Gazette, af ter octui'vinp the Conrt fotraflda""half davifc haa ended this dsy. The Jury, after retiring fifteen minutes, brought In a verdict of Not Guilty, falling is no murder, then.' Ttabtrt Emmet. No Irishman can pronounce thia name without love and veneration. Robert Emmet was one of those pstriot martyrs whose memory will live forever in the affections of bif countrymen and to wnom, tne scsitoia conse crated by his idood, will , remain. prouder tr nhy thsn the loftiest monument tbat rears its head in Westminster Abbey. Previous to hi execution, it is said thst he re- S tested his epitaph should not b written until e wrongs of his country were redressed un til she stood M redeemed, regenerated apd dis enthralled by the irresistible genius of universal emancipation." It ts to this mournful request tbat Moore alludes in the following beautiful and deeply pathetic lines. MOh! breath not his name-.Iet it sleep in the thade. Where cold and unhonor'd his relics are laid Sad, silent, and dark, be the tears that we shed, As the night dew tbat falls on the grass o'er hit Sot'the night tTiw that fall, tbo' in ailence it -----weep. " Shall brighten with verdure the grave where it sleeps. The time, to whirh Emmett so ardently bent hia prophetic vision, has arrived. Ilia epitaph may now be written, and where shall we look tor it, but from the pathetic, rich, animated, and patriotic muse w Moore, mm- - The followine anecdote -is related of IUC ItHC VIUTlJ?Jiawi w uiuv7t a uiaiiu- guwhedeffier and f mm ef not approved courage. An inoiviuuai wuu uuuv.ciTcu iiiinicu insnltidy GtlrTlt determination to challenge him. " You are perfectly welcome," cooly replied the latter, but I will not fight you." "If you do not, I will pott you as a coward." You will then" replied the Gen. post yourself as a d d liar, for nobody will believe you." We find in tbe papers the followinr account: A British ship of war touched off the . Island of Tristan D'Acunha, in January, where she found seven women, six men, and fifteen children upon it, all English. They had been there twelve year,, had built comfortable houses, and had cows, pigs, and poultry, meat and vegetables. The soil produces suootweou, and suh aa U.e Leiltli'mtjloi'tlui RtV. Tack Uhk nuJ of the South Atlantic, and to may hundreJ miles from it nearest land, that ten the ills common to children are there unknvn," a lua It the Island mentioned byone of our publio tplrlted citizens, st a suitable ilsce for ut to tend coovict. , , . , , , i ' Suhrtme CourU...Tha trtuneriti of Counsel before the Coorl art CHed, and the Judjje art engaeed In Vrepsring their opmiom. i lit. Hrgliter&Qth iiut. mman .Jiut)tiihcL.Y-&ii the. fol lowing curiou advertisement I an Ohio paper.. ! ' . . . -t--- - 1...... ".-....t.f - j... i r ' - iciui ; q . lariiun r- jmr.r repute ion ft cenUr adw Vf Mrs." CtlBabeth Bf raara to luomii to vny acqnatnvnCS tn j the publkl Tb uld Mr. Eattbe "iiiS la a lisr, and a neighbourhood nulvm t and tnismuch, aa the licsntlouinea, ni ber tongue cannot be 'curbed, the Du )uhc wuni ww otiiBu, inai nor sacriioivi L. L- . J!.. J .v.. . are enuuca io ao wci;nti accordingly hereby give that inforntaCoh, and hold tnyielf ready to prove it. "" " SAMOIL DiTlDtOlf.. .1.1 m - . t t . m A (fvH JFisA.-.Tbe editor of the De mocrtlio Prets withes Mr., Cliy health and happiness in the bosom of bis family, until his country shall call him forth to do honor to her highest station." This is certainly erer friendty with. It even; exceeds tbe Spanish expression, rosy you Uve a thousand year. If he enjoy health and happiness until he Ells the Presiden tial chair, he wiHv we tlink, pur Methu aelahvery vouch h the tear of him in point of age. Balt.Urfi. qol4 -The Philadelphia G statu We are informed that considefable quan titiet of North Carolina gold are now r ceived st the U.'S. Mint. It h a melan choly reflection that we shall nn be able to keep enough of this metaf in die coun try to serve the purposes of a crculating medium, even if our gold regim should yt4d ten million a-year. -iilver abhors t So company of dollar notes) am! gold and five dollar notes cannot circulate together. A Toes' with at Imiro'tmet We learn from a correspondent of. the New Hampshire Spectator, that at a late pub lic dinner at wbich the Hon. Dariel Web ater ..wai a guest, the following loan was givenj John Quincy Adami-roay he live to confound his enemies;" to which Mr. Webster added, "cihehai hitfriendtn and immediately dnk it.A. F. Cearifr. ''s HmL '-i. renniyhmnian .Loan. The. Secretary to .4 ne mmonwealtlChtl'np.. WThila deiphis, attempting to negotiate loan for the purpose of carrying the Internal Improvements of the State Into effect. The Aurora states, that the Governor will be enabled to obtain much money as will be necessary to continue the state canals, without convening a special ses sion of the Legislature. The Ui States' Gazette repeat the report, that it is not the intention ol tbe uovernor to convene the Legislature! even if tbe whole works I should be stopped for want of fund. ' r - " nrr n r iv - men. ijomniicr. Tlx Lutheran Church...7ht Lutherans, now found in almost every part of tbe United S'ates, have 900 churches, but not so many as 200 pastors, tho mem bers being in many parts widely Scattered, and one paator itinerating among several churches. The -ministers are chiefly aupplied from Germany, and the service is usually in German, though in many placet it it In English. Al their" theolo gical seminary recently established, at Gettysburg, there are twenty students, preparing for the work of the ministry. National Intelligencer.. ..We learn from Washington, that Mr. Staxbauoh, editor of the Harrisburgh Reporter, and u a gen tleman from the North," are ne gociating for the purchase of the National Intelli gencer, and if they succeedT its columns will be devoted to the support of sound republican principles. "Thus wjlUbis old establishment once more become tbe ... .j .rr,:-i .. rn,. tration. - J . I. Lourtcr. Tnaae Jenning$.Tht Cincinnati Liber ty Hall Gazette, contains an advertise ment cautioning the public against ju vil lain by the name of Isaac Jennings, $ fiddler, dancing master, dentist, havitg divert wives. See. from the tillaee of I a' a XT r A . if - ning-'s character, renders it a querf with US now ne couia ever nave ooiamcu iuu uwgh'flCincirmattW Tender such an advertisement necessary t (or a greater blackguard never went south. Toattt on the ith. At Raleigh, by tbe Cold wster party i v- Cold Water Nature's beverage The best and safest ever drunk by frail and erring.msn. 1 jlrdent Sfiiriit. Tje..ihop of he, Apo thecary their appropriate label- -and the prescription of the skilful physician a wise nreliminarr to their use. 1 Washington, Adams, JcffersdL and a . .! . . tlf i.L ! ' 1 ,. nost oi nevoiuuocary ' onries-Aii jo Fonniax muvs. , LITEST EUROPE. r ' MxoYork,Juty I J B. the Sully, from Havre, French paper to the Ut of June-have been received. There it no thinp; actually new, which we can depend opon, from the teat of war. . It U evident, however, that we ihall'toon hear of aonia far aanjulnarjr engagement. "It appear! that the objact of the itua aians ia to get by tourner) the Balkan by bearing upon 8iieboli, and effecting a dis embarkation at Bourgaa. The more mtTrtrcmcemra0on'' tope rate f'ihli morflenf opQftlli'trttl'W !A. reference to the map will wke thit Should the ftuimn ucceed lr turning CKoitiilaTMeTt'l barrier" of the empire, the war would be terminated, and it it very probable that they would find no further obstacle in ineir marcn io vonsianunopier i. rt , The report Is again circulated In Get nny that the Kingdom of Hanover it to be'mde independent of England, under tne Dukeollumberiand. Froth Buentut Jyre$Tht U. S. aldop of war Boston has arrived at New-York, in a ahort passage from Buenoua Ayres, naving Kit there on the 15th My. liy thia. arrival, the New York papers learn that the city of Buenous Ayres wt in possession of the " Army of the Provin ces,, except the Grand i'lsxa do Victoria and Ibe Citadel, and it was expected that they would soon turrender. Lavalle was in the city' and uiing every exertion to maintain the ascendancy, but there was scarcely a bope ot his succeeding. Th lovadinr armr from th interior ( stvled ie.rederal party beaded by Lopez, uovernor or,ine a rovinco ot Santa re, and their object was to revenge the death of Gov. Dorreco, r and re-establish tha Federation of the Provinces of La Plata Lavalle't party, Which had caused the revolution, was called Unitarian, and they were io favor of a consolidated govern- Tpentitbeteid of which should be Buenos Ajrrea. Admiral Brown had resigned his situa tion at Provisional Governor of the Pro. vince, and it wa reported when the N v ton aailed, that he was about fitting out a fleet to proceed against San Nicholas or Santa Fc, but the last accounts received at Montevideo stated the project had been abandoned. In consequence of alleged insults, to the French flag and nation, the Consul Gen eral, M, iMandeville, demanded hia pats, ports, which were granted, and he left Buenos Ayres, with hi family and effects bnlbe '"Cih"iJ ' Way rln the - f renchr ship Galatea, for .Montevideo, where he arrived a a - f a t. -. . on ine oin. me rrencn Aamtrai on that station had .also taken potaeaaion of the uuenos Ayrean squadron, consisting of foortrig andseveral gtmboatsr The vessels were attacked by the boats of the French squadron, and after being repulsed R. times, the. surnd-d 5n ;.I.B, . j . . ,7 . --f them, and burned one of the brigs. At Montevideo all was appirently tran-' quit when the Boston sailed but it was said that ther- was some jsr ring -amoni;- the leaders. They were busilv engaged : in regulating the government, and fra ming a constitution for that province The Boston has been absent from the United States three years and three months, durinir which time she has onlr test three of her original crew, who died r .,, n.irl.. v.. ..:.. pJcoMumpUon.Uurlngh us aa wm i iiu are assured that, although she hat fallen in with hundredi of vessels, she has ne ver met any that could outsail her. Mexico. h letter from Vera Cruz, May iJ.tayi; Thit country now enjoys! a degtee ol peace and tranquility which I have not before observed since my resi dence in it yet the dearth of the pre cious metals is so great, and the public treasury so empty, that the government has been compelled to issue paper, which ia sold at a great discount, in order to raise means of meettnp the exieencles rf thenomentr Guerrero end his cabinet are very popular, and there aeems to be a a'" r Wsposmon atiwing an masses io oear wun patience any privations under his sdmin istration." The Navyi I fear, is abandoned, not to be soon again resuscitated. Commo itore Porter is in Mexico, settling his nc (foUfit prevloilsir to his1 "t eturn'to iHe United States, lie will certainly carry home with him the best wishes of h3 emxfmnMMtcL The newspapers contain energetic cd horarrttcie ld bfial ' oelamion in reference, to .the, JreaJtncd paiikb invasion, which appears to have been re garded as almost certain. According to the articles just mentioned, the Mexicans are not only to exterminate the invaders, but to retort hostilities upon Cuba and Porto Rico. Our government is accused of having done more to frustrate the in dependence, of those islands than any ether power. Cincinnati, OMnJidy 10 Cotton IS, fes then 83 cents, flaxseed 37 to 40, flour 5.75 to 5.8. J, Kenhawa salt 50 cents) peach brandy 62, apple do. 37, whiskey 20, tallow ? to 7. tobc eo 3 to7fnts perlD. , Mn. UiyMskn Indictment confaic ing three distinct counts has been found against - Mrs. florall. The 'nt count charged Iter with being a common slan derer the teennd, with being a common " scold and the third, with being a common ' brawler. -. To tbe second count, she put , in her plea of nor guilty j but demurred 16'. tha other two counts. Yesterday Judge) ' Crsncb delivered the opinion of the Courts which luitilned- the . dernufrcr, on tho ground that the terms coramon!nder . ' ar.'.'.. and . : H com moo. bra w lar .t w ere aoi ILL vim, ii in lint i uiai umr wii o- . cbnd eobnSha wai testera c&iitt k.. i.l. u.. ..u il ... prp ired ; lot ectfUU bhVMlWMMSZZp occdphc br thenention of the Court byTr " the case iii)xi;AYatkbahe,jM:tmot -x-sjzzz without pasting ihrough-lhe.jnrdcali.. for which we have no doubU ahe was full prepared. yi at. Journal, I tih intt. Cotton Seed. A machine which prom ises to be of great bene6t, to cotton plan ters, haa recently been invented by Mr. FoIleU of Petersburg, Va. Cotion seed has long been known as posirtsing a largo proportion of oil j but its hull, acting as an absorbent, has heretofore been tho great obstacle to the extraction ol tho oil and the seed remained vatuelesa and a 44 cumberer of he ground" around tbo cotton gins. The machine under notico removes the hull w(h great facility, and loaves the highly oleaginous kernel fie for the prebl. The effect, therefore, of the invention i!l be to create a new source-of profit to the cotton planter, which . requires no additional capital. We shall have occasion to notice thia nKjrt aRtin in ths mean time w Hiyst, Vefer those interested to the "advertise'' ment of the proprietors, in this number of the Farmer. Amer. Farm. MARRIED, fn the Oth inst. by tbn Rev. Jsmes StarT)r. !u8;m.,.! JWerto. m RicliellKf Juoiiu a!i of thia couuty. DIED, In Iredell county, on the "il int. after a short illness of four ily, Joseph Vllai Mvtn. son of James S. Uyers, l'.sq. aged 9 yer .1 "months. In Iredell county, n- the HH inst. M. WU liamMurdcick,iiiihe9)tbyrsrof hiage. Tliit otd gerrttemaii hiS been rrmrried fl years, snd has lived on the plsntttion wlre he died for about 65 year, lie has left an aged widow fie ctiiMnen, "and twenty grund children, to mourn h I of nrj affectionate parent. He served a our in 'Iw jvoltitiortar war, and was aJwajo a tutinck Republican. ; IIe;..t.as a mem-. I. 7 . be of the Preabyterian 'Church r and wjs a ar .inata.tca' f IBgev'i; '- putntirW aMn'citj-riS-: and devotion to his country and her fr?r in'-.itu- t', (cOMMCflCiTIII. Departed Uiia life, on the 7ih it air a e. vere and protracted illness, Mr. U'UUtmS. r-. vrd, in the 24th year of hi age, son of Ucni min Brevafl,-Rijr of hedefl ewmtr.-.-As nie i Wk,k ,rorn vo,,'h "pwards, had ben in the paths "5 n.d ' "d hi hol emirse of llfe eiemplary we msy rationally hm hi. exit was serene and hsppy. Communicated. - g- Gen. lne Alien, in tbe MiL vear of hit aira. . In the rlty of New-York, on "flie" Utli inV "''aitt mM,-Uq.- (lie-sble and vrte run- mtor of the New-York f:vei.hig Pott, tgod 64 - tttctut Mwaa THE MARKETS. Salithury Pritrt, July 25th Cotton jl to tj ccnt, corn 25 to .30, pork 3.50 to , but- ret ' '? .'J flm"' 3 " ,0 htrrtl '"' .tff to ou, inn potat(M!i w to sweet o, 4 ) to so, ;to !.2J, homespun cloth 18 to JO, whiikey JO tu 35, bacon 1 to 9. ' Fayfttei4lle, Juty 15... Cotton t o 7 bscoh 5 J to i, each brandy 53 npjilc rtu id tn 42, butter 10 to 15. corn 49 u 5. lt'tri HJ. flour Jl. 7i molaw aaHmitarSJ to 10 salt 75 to 80, tallow 8. wheat 3.'. 90, nhi.krv M to 28 IT. 8. bank note Hal' p--r 'ent. prr - mitim, Cape Fare ditto, I) i 2 BaUimore, July 17 Flour ftt" j a 7 rotten 10 to II, wfiikey 24 to 25, diVon y u 1 1. Churletttm, Jult It Cotlm 74 io 94 ctj. ! flour?.. 7 aVja'h kk ey2fi a. 27bcun jfiLto 7. . 8 a 9, bent kind .of .barjrinir 20 JoiiMii 34 to corn 4i in 46, cofiee it to I V Carolina j MU ' Pcreen'' "nn tttorg,, tr Currulrrf, July let Cotton 7 to RJ, flour ii to 5 out of the wagons, that from Camrk-u mill 6 to 7V wheat Rl, corn 60 to 62 J, uati Z2, salt 75, whiskey 28 to 35, bacon 7 to 8. , ' H'ilmintfton, Juk 8. .Cotton f to 8, flax 10, to 8, apple brandy 33 to ?5, tallow 8 to 9. AVw. Yk, Jut 16..Cptton 81 ito 10 J, flour lft.9lJ.ajr. cpUoa bagg'tngmsdsk-of- Jmhbo. 49-- - to 71, aheat im to 1.5 J, oak tann'd sole leath-- suit 4 j to W, apple brandy 36 to 40, wlutkcv SI i?2;1eaf toba J to iv -ylwr bjtMix 23 ut -24.......... North-Carolina bank bills 3 to 3J per cent dixenunt, South Carolina-1 to 1, Georgia 2 to 2J, Virginia 1 per cent. da. " --r . - - Vwrn, July Cotton 7. $5" io 7.50, fluur 6.50 to g7, wheat 1.00 a Rt, bacon 5 to 6, salt rtO' to I0O, peach brandy 75, apple do. 40 a 45, whii key .15. C Iter aw Jufy 15...... Cotton, fb 8, bacoif 6' to, 8, corn 50, flour 4 to 4.50". whiskey 25' to 28, peach brandy 45 to 50,'arTpledo.'40to45, leaf tobacco 3, coffee 15 lo, 18,'talt74to 75 tallow 8, roolarses 43, beef 3. , Jlttion, July 11, Cotton 10 to 11, flax 9 all, flour 7 to 7 corn 53 a 51, cheese.?. 3,rti! 9 HH ' " . 4" . r