I- 6- r1 II' j . ' list up jAvrii.ua EM UMNO in the Post Office at Salisbury, . (Vohna, on the lit of July, 1829, Michael Alhrifbt William Dulen ' John Al'mght .' ' John Johnston Lticind Aine Isaac D. Jone u Xlarcn A. Almitfd Abraham Jone " James B, Anderson Joel Kimbol , B f . Mnli A. Andrew Jacob l,inp1e Marr Adami "": ' Aleiamler Lock Thomas Boyd L, : y . I'redand Lodjre 2 llctliias Barringcf ... Jamel C;leompt 7 Thomat Brown .. William Link " jjii'.p' lcaoV'j&.fiffi'olin--;,Ioor1iead .:'r-i.(."f-.T...rt.,-. Tsahiia iifihf i.a mi. nrr fMicf Baker - Allen. BafourLI James if ."mtw Forreat Monroe Charts Bile Fdmnnrf Birtt - - llenry Baker lUetiard BraMia Henderson Beiison Jo!inthn Barber ftarah Crump Daniel Call Lydia Casort Elizabeth Coltrf Almond II. Col Mary Cupie ., llenry Christie Henry Call Martin Clut Ithmael Coddle laaaC Co an XV m. Cowan 2 Jamel Carr Ford llyernett Wen. C. Dukee Thomaa Davi Clcrtent B. Dickeon Jmepb P.. Dobbin FJeams Elliott 0 John Elliott Cabrael 9. Fisher . Jacob Falin wider ; , " Ja'-ob llaber or Paul " Clutt Rcbcrra Gamer . Jane Garriaon Jane Cimn . John Gtc.an, Caty Clover Christopher Graham JohnT. fioneke ' OJtatokbeM John tiibbipa Robert HuVn John G. Makir Thomas Ilolrnet Celia Hill James Ilackany W'illismson Harri John Hall, aen. John Hughes 2 WUUam 1111 James E. Helo S JJuiitl Partly Samuel Huie Vtoses Hall John Hodge Thorns Joqe James Jackson 1ho.mVN'Arjo .Jrtargret McNee'y Jamel McCracken Samuel Ftaahe Aleiander Nealit Alanson Nash ' JameNnrres Chancer Newton oiish Owen Vmphry Owen Hafe Owen Anna Tark Jeremiah Patrick, John Plaster John Pool Levins Roe Maria A. Keener it John Heed Samuel Renshaw John Riulinel . . John Itoaaman Y John Ratlcdfre or Jamea Talcofn Diniel Reed' William Stoker John Shaver Wm. P. Stockdoo . John Sampson inarj r., rnn7in ' Jane Stikeli-athcr '. Jtenh Shnplnff' Edward Smart Alexander Smith or .tamea Smith John Sborr James Hraith Thomaa Sfhoxrt Caleb Smoot tiMiti iuiiicr- - Mary Todd Catharine B. Troy Peter Troutman Richard Thompson Daniel Webb, aen. Robert Wood A. C. Windrra Edmund P. White Goorife.Wi?iner.: Dr. Jamea Wilson Mary West or Elisabeth Crider Joseph Woods Elijah Young Philip Yost,. ; SAMUEU' REEVES, P.M. MST OF tKTTEn irp EM AI.NING in the Post-OfTtce at ConeorJ, J4.I' N.Carulina, the 1st dy of July, 1829. Ssrah Bradshaw John L Beard - Hiram Drown Josish Bradshaw John Raw Joseph Barker Newell BattU Samuel ll'aek Messrs. DisVil and Barker, ",..1 Charlen B.Biack' Jamea Bluster Jemima Houston - Johnlladly ' F.lemW. llarrie. .WjliUm a Hanil Jamel Harris ' , , Uriah Jonea Samuel Jemison . John Littleton - Georee Lfttte 3 - - Jacob W. Little " David Lonjt John Misenhamer Mirf Waek wellder a lijr B,McAkp ..J, 1 DOmaa lyancr ; Artuinu George Crider J Robert Mean Willians JwattZZrneorgf wm uaniei tune WlllUfrrCorinfton Moses Ctirzin Hiram Mitchell" Rachel If cant. Nancy Davis James Davia Jamea Eagle Nancy F. Erwin -John Erwin Thoa. D. Erwin Valentine Faggot Frederick Frcalam! Tobias Furr William Furresoti George Goodman John Giles Hiram Goodman Jackson Gijriey John Garmon Thomas GoiTigs Doct. C. Harris Mary Houttdn Eliiabeth Hsrria 3t77 William McUraw Ebeneser Martin Willism F. I'hifcr Nathan Philips Robert Pickena 3 George A Phifer , James R. Phinkct John Kitch George Sugb ' , Elias 8nn llincholrf 8uthe Jacob gtirewaV. Georg 8togh John Itill, jr. ThrmfcsTodd MararetC. Walke Jacol Weaver Jose).h N. Whitner WHIiam Walact Keziab Young. DAVID 8T0RKE, P. ( POETRY. ",4,lwTa4nk.lSratwMMrMai V.I-A am llirMlll fKf n sr f rtow raa oaiTit taattB. , jEAUTT OF BELIGION, Soft ae the fruitful dower that bring The wtcorrie promise of the tpring, - Am; toft the remal gale i ' - , . Sweeth wild warbling of the grove, J.-. Tbe ice or nature and of love - , , , "',':"TTm gtaddeni everf faJe.f----"--. But after tn the tnoarner' etr ' mtifitnM alnii fnrriim ImA 1m lit miuu A .M.lli whel to tne rptrd emi ant tens . , 'nUf yew ana primia'd ficave,S. Firre the flower that deck tbe ground, jJl fwe ind garden blooming round. Unmimoer a cnarrn unioidr WAO0NER9, Driclng to Faycltctitte, . llKriLL.Cnd it to their advantag, to stop at ..?T . the Woztn ttri, where every1 eon. venienee is provided for Man and.Horae, to make centa a day and night, for the priTilege of the Yard, the use of a good house, fire, wster, and shclter. Attached to the Yard, are a Grocery and Proviaion Store, Bread Shop nd Confee nonary, and House for Boarder fend Lodgers, in a plain, cheap, wholemme and comfort hle style. FavrHevWt.Ut JhHUVitt. 09 ROWAN County, Mar Session, 1829 : Thoa. Gibbs and Martin Saner ra. John 8anet; Original attachment Htmuel Sillintan summon, ed as Garnishee. It appearing to the catisfc tion of the Court that the defendant ja not an inhabitant of this slate j on motion of the plain, tiffs, by counsel, ordered that publication be made in the Weitern Carolinian printed in Sat. isbwy fo nx week, thai the defendant appesr at the next court of pleas and quarter seasons to be held for tbe county or Rowan, at the ctmrt house in Salisbury, on the third Monday in Au gtist nx, and answer, plead or demur, or jjdg. ment will be entered against said drfendant. 6tr7,n ... : :J:11 GILES, LTk. Jrlght is the aun'i meridian ray, ' v ' And bright tbe beam of letting day. . '. t That robe the cloud in gold. But far more fair the piou breast, lit richer robe of goodness dreat, Where Heaven' own graces shine i And brighter tar the prospect rise That burat on Faith delighted eye From g lories all dirine. All earth!) charm, however dear, Howe'er they please the eye or ear, AVilLouickly fade and fly i ' Ofearthly glory faint the blaze, And aoon toe transitory ray la endless darkness die. - Tbe nobler beauties of the Just , ' bhalt never moulder In tbi dust. Or know a sad decay i Their honor, time and death defy, And round ikt throne of heavea on high Beams everfaaling dayx'. ' ----- Karj 13cef and Pork Hir 4830. Uth JvM, IU29. i SEALED Proposal will be received at this office until the" first nf September nert,- tot the supply of3U00bbla. Navy Beef, and 2400 bbla. Navy Pork, for the uae of the United States Naval Service, 1000 bbla. of Beef, and 00 bbls. of Pork, to be delivered at each of the tJuited Statetffary Yards, ChaWestown. Masa i. .chuetta i Brooklyn. New York j and Norfolk, "'""Tirgini f "ami thw wlrole ejuaiflity most be deli v. - - tred at. each and erery Navy Yard by the firaf of Anril, 1830. The whole quantity of I he anuT Beet and Pork must be of the best quality. The Beef must be packed from well hvted cat tie, weighing not less than 480 pound in the Juarttr, or 800 pounds sn A htt all the le;i, jroumh, t'tdi, ihetk$, sAins, and thi neck tf un imnl, must be wholly excluded from the barrel, and the remainder of the carcase mutt be cut into piece of ten pound each as near aa may he, so that SO piacea will make a barrel of .300 pound nett weight Navy Beef. The Pork must be corn fed and well-fatted, all the ikulh, tut, and Kind 1e entire, must be wholly excluded from lhe burn.!, and there- tnamaer of tbe Hog" rrrastbe tut into piece -off eight pounds each aa near as may be, ao that twenty five piece, not more than three of which shall be shoulder, will make a barrel of 200 pounds nett weight of Navy Pork. , j The whole quantity of the said Beef and Pork must be perfectly Baited in the first instance with, and afterwarda pocktd with a aufftcient quantity, of Turk's Uland, Isle of May, or St. ubes Salt, and no other, to insure its preserve- ...,,A?rk'',b fi ounces of pure Saltpetre to each anl . every barreXTh1n,eh-trr-w'hrcb-the laid Reef and Pork is to be packed must be made of ash, Tree from sap, with one iron hoop on "ealn7WdthMrlae AillvwidaaiistjDittrdl):. hoond t and eaoli barrel muH be branded on ita head " NavyTtecfr' bf - titxj Pork," wittrf tbe eontractom name ami the year when pack , All the said Beef and Pork, on delivery at the $io5 'ifXert&'CdriEriii. 'MeckJifybttrf-fiWtSL:- SVffcKIOR Court or Law, May term; 1 839 BeiTy 8teward"t'r Ilariett Steward ( pet, tion for divorce. In this case, Ordered by the court, that publication be made for three month in the Western Carolinian and Yadkin and Ca- tawba Jounjaljaueeeaaiyelyjjthat the defendant be and appear at the next superior court Ad be held for the county of Mecklenburg, at the Court -1 louae in Charlotte, on the 6tb Monday after the fourth Monday in September next, and pleaor answer to the plantifT petition, or tbe same will le. heard "exparter vVitnel "SamT. llenderaon. Clerk of our aaid Coil rt, at office, the fth Monday afler. the 4tblg31wV829:li:, -mtSJ-SAM'LPlIENDF.RSON. r.lS7f7 Stnte Xorth-Carelina, JHeckltnbwf teunlgi SUPERIOR court of Law, May term, 1829 : Marion Tanner vt. John Tanner i petition for divorce. In tbi cue, ordered by the coort that publication be made in the Raleigh Regie ter and Western Carolinian for three month successively, that the defendant be and appear at the next superior court of law to he held for itieeoTjnof-Mttkleftburf r at th cotfrUinusc in Charlotte, on the ixth Monday after the fourth Monday in, September next, and plead or aiswerto the plantifl's petition, or the same will be heard expart. Witness. Samuel Henderson clerk ofour said court, at officeTtneTttrMaHi day after the 4th in March, 1 829. 3 jrtS6 SAMX. HENDERSON, e, . e. L jejpectwe Navy-Yard: must be nibjected to ,,,th test juiiiflpftctwft of the State within : which it is to be debveect' who shall be aelected by the Commandant of the Yard aVtha place of delivery without any charge to the '.United State therefor and, "iinirfpmfndinfinerrbe' m4co. inut putt, Jhe; .barrels in good jhippinjf oHer t ler a-e reouired to state their Drier epelyto1r1b they otler to lumiM) at mere than one ard, then ecparately Tdr each;Tard.:Tbey aie aho re qulretf "to' rre- their- name, -their residence, and the name and' residence of their sureties, minutely l and must transmit their bids sealed. and endoraed " Offer to furnish Nay Beef or Navy Pork tor tne year igjtf." : The Comniittioneri of the Navvare at liberty Uptake-the offer of a bidder for any one" Yerc), or in greater prtjportions, if sach bid be the , Any bid not made In eonformityto this adver ; tiseraent, cr not received withjo th limir?d ; time, will not be opened. The part of the animal to be excluded from the barrel will be particularly described in drawings which will form part wf the contract. Person desiring information upon the. cubject with an intention to bid, may obtain it by season awe application to tU fiearf. ' 7tL Slute A'erth-Carolina, Mecklenburg countw .- SUPERIOR Court of Law, May term, 1829: Robert Bigham t. Mary Bigham j petition for divorce. Ordered by court, that publication be made for three month successively in the Wes'ern Carolinian and Raleigh Star, ttat the defendent be and appear at the next superior court of law to be held for the county of Meek ftnburg, at the court-house In Charlotte, on; tbe 6th Monday after the 4th Monday in September next, and plead or answer to the plantitl's peti tion, or the same will be heard exparte. Wit ness Sam). Henderson, Clerk of aaid Court! at office, the 7th Monday after the 4'h in March, IBJ9. 3mtl SAM. HENDERSON, e. in. .c. State Xerth CaraKna, Davidtin cenntg t emarof pleaaandquarter sessions, Mayterm, 1829. The Petition of John Murphey,trfea Murnlrv.alunaticwho petition by hi next friehd John Murphy, John Tomlinson and hisu ife Anna, Isvin Gorden and bis wife Betsey w. Stephen Mirrphy,' Jftbir Oall and bia wfI)ebflrah, Cbala Chilian; and ,bu wife Dulanar, .Stephon Stuart and hi wifs becb;and ipb Murphy alo pinM wiu oicpucn o:uari surviving cxecu- tof p.!niej Mmkidl&t&iisin&-JvA. Stephen Smart and Joseph Maruhv as adminis trator of Hannah Murphy, dee'd t- Petition Jet IXetrikutieiu-In tbi case, it appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that Stephen Murphy, John Ball and hi wife Deborah, Charles Cilfian and hi wife Dulanar, live beyond the limit of tni Matet it u therefore ordered by the court that I publication be made i weeks uccesively in the western Carolinian, that the aaid Stephen Murphy, John Ball and Deborah hi wife, Charles CiHiati and Dulanar hit wife, be, and appear before the justice of our court of pleaa and miartei sessknw, to be held for the county of iaviason, ai ine coun-nouse in Lexington on the 2d Monday in August next, then and there to plead or answer to uid petition, otherwise it ill be taken pro confesso. and beard exparte as to them. '.Witness, David Mock; clerk of our aid court, sv otFce, the 2nd Monday of May, 1829 D. MOCK, C, C. C. mststfK-MW ;fftveTe. iWWfcj The Vitafh of Promise jledect, I've gat a money-mended heart Throurh all it rent the silver abine, And esery mon returning amart, I mollfied in, mammon' minee. ComeJ young adventurer, prove me now, Tbrov at my feet thy Manliness, Breatie deep to me thy paasion row, . Aod rray me with my love to bless. III bits tbee with my thrice won poaa, I'll git thee what has hronght a price, Or catch tbee in the elf aaoie toil, Aa traps inveigle IIfjr mice. Bflieve my every fender sigh I've rtade them o'er and o'er again Tbe thrice told tale u not a lie The licaled breaches give no pain. Thy COTlt; Adorir,Tbarnv me-epiitef And I can never cease to gaze On tbt dear band ao promp to write All that thy first effect ion say While I, ah me, bow new is love ! Am lost in ecstacy'a deep tea, And, akerWtf' coding dove. T. Preent my Wtf, dear one, to thee, rotir. jfOTEshm "AtrrGirrs oziimaxt.--The spite of the Cathedral oi Btraa- B'ufglrfouf' "hUffdred and ninety- feet hig'i f the tower and spire together, of that cathedral, defy all competition fop beautj of jjothic ornament, for al rast inconceivable lightness of archl- teeruref and for gigantic alutude "There : is a custom: tn the North of Gernvany which seems to be worthy of imitation in all countries. " When an individual is sick, the friends of the family call and ring at the door. In the hall they find a book Mng on the table, in which some one of the family writes, every morning and evening, T the: state oPtbe "palieritV health, giving all those particulars which would be . interesting to the friends of the individualirlJnder-this morning and evening bulletin, all those who call write their names," to apprise the family of their sympathy. They never see the members of it, unless they have some other object than as. certaioing the condition of the pa tient." . . It is a custom in Prussia, when two persona are- engaged-toJbe marriedj tol puousn me engagement in me news papers ' Fjchhorn, the elder, of the Untvcr sity of Gottiop-en. has been in the hab tt of studying sixteen hoofs in a day during the last fifty-five year. It is calculated that there are nay thousand persons alive in Germany who have written and published books. Within fifty miles of the 1 current of tVllbiaeir p4nhahitaits? indnteriirise "irt ! not anrpassea by inyathprth The bngevity of the German literati iiTemsrkblif professor Streaume. yerjT of rGottlngen; ii 1 delivering his hundred and sixth course of lectures j Eichhom his hundred . and frst Heyne 'died ;at 86 j Ksstner at 81 1 Michaels at 74 Hallar at 70 ; Kant at 80 j Jacobi at 7&f AVielapd at 81 j KlOpstotk 79 1 Goethe is now seventy even, ioj-c. No law Superanuates them. 411 are hard students and volu minous authors. v,V. ! Thert are in Hanover eleven Pro testant onvent,' where single ladies tniy retire,' who have survived the blpom of youth.. Each of these. in- Ititutions is under the direction of aa elderly lady .or abbess. The inmates receive annually from 2 to 200 rix . . -i t aouars. ,as tney receive visits wun out great restrictions, it sometimes occurs that the ladies are addressed, but they lqse the domicile and the pen sion as soon as they enter into , wed lock. Nine of the eleven convents are for the daughters jDf the nobility. In J826, the -numbcr""! medicsl students in the-Oermao , Universities was1 at least five thousands In rend- tationjhe-medicaV faculty w arenot re1rnedr6fofeSlour;TheyTa tayrMrfiwi;Ti' acquainted rto a coniTdcrabfedegrVe witltilreritate -and leadctijoLthe science of medicine in other .countries. FeveraF of them at. ' a have conversed ' with me respecting Messrs. Physic, Chapman, Hosack, Post, Warren, and other eminent doc tors of our country,' more in the man ner of Americans familiar with the reputition of these gentlemen, than as residents pf the centre of Europe." In no part of Germany which Mr, D wight visited, is the Sabbath regard cd as holy, in the American accepta tion of the term. Protestanta and Catholics act alike. The only difference-' says Mr. D. 11 between the Sabbath and other days is, that no newspapers appear, on that day, and that the shops are shut. . The latter, however is noPcenerally necessary ; it results from the custom of devoting the day to recreation, rather thao froo) a belief in its sanctity. The laws, however, of many of the cities, re quire that the shops should be closed during the divine service. For about five-sixibj of ' the population of Northern Germany, it is a dav of mere amusement ; particularly for huhtmthe4Mr4ui4i.Ahootin, among the higher classes for duel ling, with the a'.u lents; and for dan cing aud walking, in tne summer moug the lower chises of citizens. Wranc FatulUy The Literary S tftialrrrTy a ; paptrr tri -iProv U ticncr, whor rditor has travelled in the Western couutry, mentions the fol- luwi:ir singular instance of fatality at jentlint; the marriage state : well recollect one instance ..winch oecurcd in Nashville wbiUt I ras in the city, "and I nevcf 'i6alt:dFortIiu' r" Bix sisters,- all posscwed of ample fortunes, had resided rn the citr, and were in the enjoyment of .popular favor, and tte-ry cf ths urAindncss bf the fate)' . .1 .. n F I. r 1 " uiiiupinwusncsa oi nis for tune and his hopes. A more worthy individual never existed, and shouU. this note chance to fall upon his view he will be assured, that it was written by one who honors his gallantry, and well knows hqw to estimate his exal ted worth, distinguished bravery, and splendid talents. '. v " TOeNsshvitle Binner, In publishlnV theaboyf , remarkaj " The truth however is," If "we "are' right inour fcojij wiurc.'as jo the instance referred ?o, there were four sisters only, instead - xeit isue.ana..corisequci)tly SM.mU ted poscsMcu,;otihrw did not fall ' into the hands of theT bfflct who married the list survivor; The Major, we bejievc, i$ still living, but does not enjoy the benefit of thij accumulaton of property, The Cocoa Tree This is a small tree, with" pule bright green' leaves, somewhat resembling in shape thoir of the orange tree. The. leaves are picked from the tree three, or four times a year, and dried in the shade j they are packed in small baskets. The natiyes in several parts of Peru, chew these leaves, particularly in the min' Mng districts, when at work in the' hnincs or travelling j and such is the sustenancjy ,ey oerive irpm them, that they freouently take ho food for four or five days, although they are consUn'ly.vorking,f,.. j have often bceo assured Vy "thcin", that wBTfst they have" a good supply of cocoa they feci nei ther hunger, thirst'or fatigue, and that without impairing their health they can. remain ,eighL.orten.. lays and eights without sleep. The leaves are almost insipid but when a small quantity of lime is mixed with them t hey" "fi avlTaoagfeUeWe t "TSiftT' The natives put a few of the leaves in their mouths, and when they be come moist, they add a little lime or ashes of the(molle to them by means ofastmll stick, takmg carenot to touch the lips or the teeth ; when thr taste oT"th"ecocoa""dtmtm5liesra'sntaH quantity of lime or ashes is added, un til the taste disippears, and then the leaves are replaced with fresh ones Tbxy-genc am Ml Teather pouch containing cocoa. taad': a imallxal.ali' Ho1d?a K neT or asncs j anu one oi rnese- men :win un dertake to convey letters - to Lima, u distance of a hundred leajtuesi Without On uch occa- The oldest was married first r and in six months, died ; the next sister was uot long afterwards wedded j she died soon after heTTiion with the man she loyKkjr.'.three.nthri rred, and followed the aamcUut; alter the, lapse of but a.few months. J.'ut one now remained.' She was young, qucros, and this epithet is also giveif to different conductors of the mails. The Incas had men stationed on all the" prlhci pl rosd f for the trjnsmis-sW't)f-nyarucle belonging ;.ia ...the. Incas,-whfi- according- tocihcqualitr q jhe road, bad to carry, it to differ- yuuiiK, . .11.. " l.-.i.i ' s beautiful; all who knew her ad-, k ' . n . l it i.l iL three. These men were continually mired her t and her wealth, and beau- , , . . .. .... rmninvtrl. and when one or them ar- tv. and innocence, elicited unnumuer- . . ed suitors who PeigneJ or felt a flame,'1 rived, he delivered to one in ivaitine . .. - v . . whatever he was charged with, and Vnlr Ur ,hen pnd anLeltefl Kit K him the watch word, chasqui ; hand in holv wedlock. She well re-i tfs mn ran immediately to lhe next membered the' fate of her sisters, and sheresolyed . tQ-ApeodJieriJife in a state of single blesscdnct Si For two or three years, she was resolute ; but at length an officer of the United .States Army, Major , visited Nah ville, and w&s introduced to her socie ty. He was a man of. prepossessing appearance j his manners were pol ished and popular, and gallantry and SANDY SOILS. The proper methud to correct the two irreat onenness of sandy soils, i to Chivalry were never surpasheci. ne i mx them wi:h clay, which is the most stl SSt.ll J w i post, delivered his charge, and repeat ed chasqui ; and then remained to n-st until tbe arrival of another. By this means the Court of the Incas (or Aboriginal Emperors) was supplied with fresh fuh from the sea. solicited her hand in holy -wedlock,. 'tenacioulof all soils, and as an eartli attraction of the officer could not be COmnounded of alumina and Tilei; resisted j hejTeftedfandfJ fomoTigmeoditedheeUnit cholv fate of her sisters, whilst fhe confessed that the officer wss not un welcome to her. The Major, was an adept in the- war s -of lov as well as in the wars of arms, and he-resolved not to surrender the attack, till the citadel capitulated. He was successful i the young anu Diusning sieoe consented, aod ibsjltm .were bjated. The happy pair Hyed in perfect harmoi ny for a while, but ere sit : ..rrfOnt'fi's" had .elapsed, she;, too fU viatim at the? shrine of -wedded. luveIIlTHetc was something exceedingly singular about the unhappy fates of these young ladies, and though they now all slum ber in the same sepulchre, their merits, their beauty, and their forms are fresh in the imagination of those Who ex perienced their friendship, and best know how to appreciate their inestima ble worth,' . : .-, ' The unitcd possessions of the whole family fell into the hands of the officer, and he yet lives to enjoy it, and to recount the cad ancl doubly mtlanvholj.;! fossil and mineral, which causes it ty abound Jn thejood necessary almos to all pfants. . Where clay hiHs or hot- I Ullt a 1 lV I vl xtw w rw '''wirig wwwt-v, j v.x-- dy sbils,-the remedy is at hand, W' ought to he liberally carted on the sur face, well and judiciously mixed, arw a artificial tenacious soil is formed, amtttoriiw. parts of vegetable and animal matter within reach''oTrtherts:of;..p)nts Where clay carmot be convenient' obtained, sometimes lime may, which answers a very good purpose in some soils. 1 ' Memoirs. . Why is a man who whip, his like a quack medicine f Because I. . . . . ix-ir "Why is a female fairy like roc ? E; cause hc s Mise-LU. Why trelKings like ladies' hors" Because they, canVerr,'. ' - - I ; ;. ;v '.V. , '.