.' --v t , ' . f " ; ' ' ' t "T ' '.,' . ,,'', S' (VOL.X..; mi- ri. m. i i i . r i . .. , t . j i i ... ' At tha rtittHtl f M4ft) of nriMmh tnrf In fmnlt U ,., S r.m;iU. r'.iK tit! t,..rau,r,.r.1rf.u-.u..l,.rM Ju(jjecti M(1 wh(J wrhe( Uw w Wm f ., u w.ll f imVf " . ...ill all rfuM mM II. U,).a.Mf0 . LMN " - ' .. . . T u, jII i.ti-r. t4rwi U Mr, itwi Bay fct comnienJ jt .Jt,?,!lflC,.,piil'"'J''r r"Me.nV'"1. f fwiM uhn ft.ir n n tnti-t in liir Ttiitsm ifH Pt BMmu, hllSK'EV, Wax, Shoe thuead, CalUe, CitnC Live Hadle Hhktm or C!i, Will be taken in exchange-foi BU(fr, ShoU , Lead, . Molasses . Sfp, ' , ' Tea.' " liberty Hill, S C.) Jmt Ut, ,1829.$. Coffee, 1:011, Nails, Paper, Indiga, tw rh. ' J. GAIU.1CK. 3mt8J 4, 0 ; tl.eymiKht appear tk-Utejfard lthTl Tbcre'u t ttrong temptation, mder auch circumstance! to drink to iebrUtiwji Should nv of ihe gueits be ring in the u6 nflhe (Iiwin? bowl.thjv are in- ... . - cesnntljr ureJ, by a cruel mndnesi, to 4)se it more freelf : it wjlha for you, s the Jjf t cold ar wfm ; a the weather is e!oomv or rent ; a the oc casion i iovfdl or btharwi. a.liiL M niiig fo friends aiid'ciwtoinVrs, and the Mil' i yenurai, inai uc i iiuw receiving irom i't;, . i j i'uaiiJ New Vnk, AN ELKwANT ASSORTMENT OF Til Chenpitt and moit FathionaUt GOODS lw, hw.,.4iJUi"(? Men scicctedi itu r-. . . . hv hitri.rlf. and Miiniirht fr cimi. lie iWh jicrt. r ly ii.tid g, that for like pattcrni ud ;V'T ()iiiiritte, ne cannot ue unuer)ia Dy sii' i ' ii-uae in the pluce. 5 ",c P"'10 are respectfully ii icfrfitl? '"l,c'VCJ- ' a)rtmoiil com a? lifii r f!W-t!'t"frh nnntcrfyf ai'i'.h: uvwltr kv,.. in : . MICHAEL HR01VX. luliotii and-laiercoumit fur 'altbouj we re tuna, m- aueiety,- .are- well. ira tuy jjm. i ... . . . . . .L. - .. ..I. . are ot greater ciintermence tuaii ai nrsi tuiicc i-aiwtaw FOREIGN MINISTERS. : A (oreitrn Mtnitler inn individual tent by one Oaernment to another, to treat on all affair of controverty that rnty arise oeiwecn inem , any who, ocing iur nished with a credential letter or lull powers, etij jy the privilege accorded by 106 I1WOI naMOn lO nil p Jiii; biiara(;icr. I'vcrv indenendent nation hits a riirlit to decide on wlut conditions they will re ccive one jqiho K'jverii.iicins win uui receive their own ti'izcni, or subjects, (namely, France, Sweden, llnlUnd .and several oxnera;) and u occasionally hap pens, that they reluse to receive an Indi viihml who it clitai-reeahlo to them. M. Godcri'kc, sent in 175.8 oy Oreal Britain tv I. " i C . i : -. looiocanoim, wasnotrcceivea ; .urumu, in 1792, reluswl iq receive M. de Ucmon- and in 1802. Amtrij would not re ' . - - - 1 1 civeCuMlA'rmiId:Mnt by S wdor. i nerc arc tnrcc rjucsoi iuicig' .'iir Uters, distinguished by the manner of their reception, and the various ceremo nials to which they are entitled. 1. The first jrrads of Ministers is com posed of those who represent the State or Sovereign!, tnst semjs tnem j . ano tney, of coune 2iave a claim to all the honors that their constituent would be entitled to were he present. These ie, - 1st. 1 he l ope a legale a or de latere, 2d. The Tope' a Xuncio. 3J. -Minuter seta wua the character or gt"-'" 1 II. Mr.iisters of the second grade do yoa TBI wrinas ciaouair. V"f N'o, lib i l id this number I will notice iome oth er-way s- in which -habrti of i?ten?erace arc lurmsu. .'..! hoiDitalitv. : jnaar.aro. .hroufl.into.ao I litaPA a an4 tpa m mm I a a jw a rl .11 I . . I. . -! I. L f I. . . ' ' t , to nn neignoor a oosom ana i t . , . - : Mane nothini? amiss f Svpp-t9 tj,i'""marc"CfarijEnfii8thjJnr' pent bifeshtoi ana no ie, whoornii m i.nuiin aitaiks. , ;-i el his dijf -Wnv wllf TVK CWBVlhti aether wiiL."LS 1 ! peiihfjfir." Is nd,i.ore.xtcnua1or ' e Fmiicr SetiJemcnti. Io f : mia. 11 AS juat reccued.and opened it Ms Stare It p --- met" . . ..ruiri . Sprmg cinn summer uvuu ; argument, ills alleged at Ifast it H vou no -nirm. Wiih thpsa smw"h. though deceitful argum-smj, the sime ara ensnarcil. and IT? i3a 1001 time correction of the ock, or ra.her lik? ai O'jc to the slaughter. Bj' oif warn aki.t wilt their blfi.l he ! . d ' "Wo un'o him thit giveth his n tvwr driuk When aniritous iin -lo.-.Jre used at nlaees of nulilic convocjtil9, the evil Is .iU . create! . I can noii ba; a feT of TiAfiimifnr ftir-ebietkmeer toe and electing candicles to water tiree tnem ff-rpata of nur countrv. 'ii tuch occa sions, it woulij e?m thrall should be sober, and act the part olWionui msn ... II I 2. M.I..AltU r -' - 7 , - mmx uiit..iiiaij.j Duo JQ.enaKe : J.D. I;. .ft ' . a. .. ..11 If Ida inn (a. touicedon those who give tneir neign; hct drink, does not apply in such case, Um at a loss to know wnen it wonua. Pistillers are aoother sourco ol intern prance. It will be found, there are a f.- who have engaged to any extent in 4Wf Wtnens, but some members of their farilies have become intemperate ; and f..,,-i ,!.- manv in the .neinhborhood. 'wwiv.j ' . , TTfTlalirtrirTOhcteitMHkn'MiiiMm o an fatbirs who wlah to raise sober fimiiics, not o engage in this dangorons and per n;trt.. hutint. though it miv be at .....i.. oiltK neiiniirv nrofi's tine nuu;u fit.'. . t- . dnirken sun may dcatroy more in cxw yearjthan his fathe' could nuke by tlisttl U.iq; iiK'uiR a long lifi. , i mil hr frii id i 'ut intemucrance in- creases in prop ction as tlie. avenues l ai-ccss to the intoxicating fluid jre inulti piled i and that it will decrease in pro Chnttmflt Qj Co;r We learn by a statement bv John Ward, in the St. lruis 'Beacon uf May 33, in.t lrc wis c.Ucilbc the name of tneir trovenuneni all ueeo- nations bwween the two countries, ui tlits tumh-r are, 1st. Tna Envtnr Extraordinary and " 2d.' "the Shniittr PtrntfiolcHliary.- Ud. Thk. t'opeVifin,t'o- ? - -Hlr Mtniste? or tlia third grade diffet from those of the second onty in the cer 1 1 ftttrinir the session of J ----t lillt I'll ""') "I their country, will; but jniny scorn "M lhc C'irstiit Court in ih t District, .and .ask think it m eaaeiuiaLparx , $ liberty to fjc ' c( ny hft Vrn, " lo yuu koow of any come gloriously drunk on ucn occasion... ( (jn i,., ,,, at ,.,r m this county with Arvl how mmy are tnere,Mmj m.n suHTrages to the mn w towill Kvc them the best treat? Those fandidales who make it their business i.alJsaLou'. intoi- r,tJn lini,nr fnfiil' iln ti Suff jirC of Th'el r"f e Itawnrra-vrtT-aTe- to im-v as the greatest corrupters of human so t!ii Iiii vcar?' Ward replied, "I (!,." The foreman then requeued mm u, r.ume the person without naming htmolf ; which he refused to do, ..liil to. ordered Ward to answer, but couli'e'Pen'ee'of the rtieral apprehension of danr, some oi ir i''''i " neH if last r mited tne v-rce geni av-".. Mi,rhrll. for the nurnoseoi obtain iar whateter Informatior, he might pov husa in reiaiu- " - , " -- ties. The following n tne miormaiion which' be aMod. Tne statement il . r.i-nished us br ne of. the genilemeti who held the cinvcraatLiii with him. The gent statti that ihcro had beeji several aecret councili held by Ihe chiefs; that he hid liccii informed by several Indians, that they the lgd'una, in i these councils, bv! resot.ed to stay and die up .. .hrir'sial i tint titer hvl ! resolved. to kiij him the brcti -iI -K5 of extermination up n tt ironuers, ami as .vr whiu west of the l lint Still U't v.v T - river j and het .ro.m aUojjld be sent to fight them they w.iuw rc-ire u tno vvamos and die to a nun CishnnR for the soil of their forefathers, 'I he ajjent, not QUltinff 9uflk ieiHrniiticclaiht5a n'. rV;;7iTtfnitaim timil an old tfcpstta. Me ciiier, In who ii he Kid aiwiy yrwtfbe ..,r,.ST confidence, and who had always manireitcd !or'hioi",c Kra(t....f. itr,d:. ship, cume to him and told him in confi dence that the report wis true, and that he hVmWlf was s member! ton e-rst rotmcil wi'ich passed th- aforesaid rcs.oin- lio;', and lhat he vmcd fx i', hut that be hud so great a friendship f jr him tha ap-ent, that lu) could nut lecjiicile it to hi coascieticc t,J fa'" to violate his faith hs to see him sacrificed wi.ix.m apprising heic:oiro becon pniI-, no lajury csn f, r.,,1 the rct)Otiii)n of ti ; Im" s,mn rit.knn. 4'" I. 'f M ts the chut V If " V i f . ' v. i I. J not represent their State, or Sovereign, ri(Jtr Th,y m,v uV 0f lib-nv : '! Uca.ill r, fusing, Ihe Judge (Car. ) .oml. ""'f do;) they are only charged to carry on in chitf Uberlv C(W1; Thfcy ra .y talk commiuc,i for contempt of Court, ndi"Jlle lo " J- . .' 1 , a,(, U n.ma. in-i.. ..nMrmiunl all 11POT1- . . 1 I .. h:T I . -i i i.u .1' .-. -SOUS. 111! I IIJIJ J II J 'wi 1 I Ali.Cr6ceries, rlnrdwar&ttlerv, PUteAlVarefcj.era9Bi..t,4iwir reception, and .Wl conoid.' CjckjUtt..attar.he.d to. Alieir station. ney iiaia, i'u i r, ,. , '.- .- - i i .a Hon me-1 i . i ik f, .'I.Vwiuir manner; "l.iths, brtoes, ionnci5,pjaj. 'and every iuticle usually &uZtk - . ; v i. i..i. :.. ly itn t'lin, fit , . i r l ' J . par.etual ctjstonMTBOit a alwrt credit. Tl.e pub- Lcm3 pon the. usages . of lie are reapecttuiiy mvucu io wm, cii".i judifejor themsclies. may be classed in the follcFwing manner'; 1 st. Mnhter KcaJen'. 3d. Mmiaicr Charge d'.lfiirt. 5J... CLaree.XJl-ur... - - tt Ait rf nilrinlUm ;.,! I "Ml ft llf CLIll lM l'; tl( there is something they love more tnin country.. They may talk ol s-erviog the people; but there is tw- one they arc ho remained in jail uu'il ihe Mth ol April when ho was brought Birain oenrc tne Grand Jurv, and asked, " Uavr you ever seen Joh.iC Smith, or Uu Jiy lui.ail uct r , i - -.t. . h becomes Terjrwbcf eitiztrtiaiKai-r j,,,- at- an,- Umo " w.hr,ln tf,c -h-t ou,...-.,,, thismattcrcarefullynduietnctretTom;;, ro whiCh Ward replied, Ffl :rt7,M;ffr;,, trrrKwe these fl.t gales ef ina morality J JfV(f .ren anv ,tfch nmii; in this coon- Ch5n! ' r , ... s m-n. the t . L . ..... . rliC ciiUClll ren i th if l"ss, tn lor ii pciunncv. w - r--' I tv, i was a mnv co'icerneu, uom ai i " , ,, t , , ,,.:,.,, '. e.w .i... ;t t;..i i " . x . ...... ......Liut.i. , tui-iurins a talk lrjHs oatiu), stream issuing : irom vibih j j ha I best ifi '"J i'ds Uo nublic. as ;lV apperain to the safety of ' 'V .. . . I.' . I' .1 :n :talr.l I ht llf- , , t . .: I., llw ( .!ii'ni7fl. -mr I'M. iVMi occn u- - ...,,. u ,.. ...... .. . .. . I. . . .. 1. .... l TlM 1 a . ii,--i:i.i:.f.Uws.aaJeioin""fj.!4"4 - Wv-the - -an I that 1 rest- ISSSP.. Xe.rJL-thln ucscrvci tuc name of irbertlromrtand.'--'-'--' "' I would nere respectttntr suggest io all who regard- the future elory aril wel fare of Me country w,cUier,Uwi3e leasts TOFverxt6mm5mWi SaUJury, June -hi, IS:'). 7,1 Negroes Wanted. WANTEDtopiiKha.se,;5 9rr,0NI;KOKS, -4tr-wKieh hheealftrtc-e-wilUi glvstn, in cash. I can at alt tirftea be found, in Sal'a. biirv, at E. Allemong's Maminn Hotel. Any perMm wishing to sell, to whom U ni iv ,bf in convtmi.iit to make apjilicatior,, ca" direct a few lint. 1 1 me, at Salifcbury, N. C. and they will be attended" 16. : JOSIATT UVIZ. Sa'uhwJHnc 23f, 1829. 73. fN H'ir' subscriber hn just ff'9 JL returned from (he y- Svy North, with as good an as- gort:n''tlt uf r'.V . 1 . - AVE rfvTcAr. Mim&ZSEZ&SZ- UVMLMr.t.Lt-. lt-ttthcrtrSrthMW . n l r . , ., ! 1,:. " . ,lmnlf' in np ll.i 1'it.aa, ir.i ri n-t ilium, and tllC MPaOISatflCera C.tn.a ;.. elegaut UQia .an'l fretrer -and keeperorneiaD.e ; at.. ne , - ' ,,', ,.ivfi Uleir . .. . I ., - . .K ,. rJr. 7 1- T '.' but kill every white mm wii.icro.sed uiwntneCdtfrr ordered hit-ttb aa.4P.!4i, t Jim .itt.( m iail fhr thirtvdvs' tndlaviVf,,,- ; : ., ..VhI'V' Y n, it thr sj;nc : -rirmn winniiir nends uuon the usages of lie several rf,r!s. or covcrnmcms, at whlth they r, reside; they have iv cretienua- . - uer io th.e Secretary ol butte, or ol me Wepatt i.f Kornitrn relations: wi ir.i-t not iiltiin "i - - -1 - li wcver, confound tnem with the charge I'AIT.irp.s nd mtmnu who are I'fq-joiitly only ..prcaeaie.d voibally by their M.nister u, hii rienartui'C. The relauvc rank that each foreign Minister is emitted t" in the country where he resides- strange as it may up1 pear io us plain ItcpuBlicjhs,' has !en a Ihowever, finally sttilcd at the Conjrcia of the A'litd lowers assemMed at icnna in 1815, that each member of the lipio- maticbody hhouid ran in Ins Rrauc, it the cuu;t or government to which he is accredited, according io UicoIVicul r.oiift cation ot his an ival; which arrangement has hew,, MttacUlCi-acrt.iicsc(.u mM extremely nitinris to tho interests oi virtue v.m m )r aiity. i s,oax ot tne mau rv. nf rtiftrvinir it bv diinkine toasts. A . not these celebrations calculated to rmrti, the cause of intemperance f Are tnere not mmv whose hearts arc ful ler of ,iftrt ihn their heads arc of sense Thise places where sniritous liquors cnif! o.it in small no aVitiiies arc. per III W S Jt m harts, the most fruitful sources of intern- p?rance m the laivi. i ncse piauc aic, the resort of the idle, the profahe and 'he infempira'P They meet und spend their af.enioo! and their monsy, if they have any, or run thtmsclves in debt if they have none. They bring 'heir families to wrr.tche dncis and ruin. one spend their time at a'i.:h-placcs withouc reviving the infection. The num'icr of 'hose who resort to thsm is continually on the increase. The children of such drawn tut the snare, f,h m.ilPrnn eve. HOW miny ucH'- !)AFh.,ft,U.arn.nd such places, present tne mitted to jail 'for thirty days' and pay 'j a " hue ol one hundred dollars, uivi starrclxommied --wrtH the-fiiieeiid cost be- fuliy-paid - A'vAher Steamut K J7a'rr Tim boH erof ths showy, glitirrjo-; Sleitner, " lc nowned Ta'ole Uidior," litnry Clay Com mmder, when lying ut anchor, at the Tort of Louisvilie- Kcumkv, burs', and blew up wiih a terrible explosion. Her Corn man !ir was blown ' Sky-I.iirh"! and ev.ipora ed into thin air, whilai tho whole ol' her ! u,v,u,. lsi le ini. t't Crowell ccming the aff ur, and th .t h - w.oid aso h ave'appl Ised the liveroo -f -of tho same, but that htthe A;je:H; does not apprehrnd immrdiU'r linger io. the (.HI2UUS ol'irorM , ov w.n.u ui-.y iufer that no informstioti will he, comuni cated to the authorities of this statf, by this humane ofliter, unlit luiiiH-oia'e uan- m j, tnly appHntel to M i44ion-of the firkt and second' rrrad? his person ii In violaWe, and he. is entitled to all the im munitres or the' Minister, because oi nis ntihlic character, as well as on ac- the Minister. A CamuL cannot be considered a vpi; timtic .Izent : he does no1 enjoy the pr wt ip...mf such: he has no credential lei- ... .i...... ..I.- i...... .i,,..1m , ..,... M.r .jYl.....tJ.li.. .il letter ; an.i ne in mm,"" rial capacity after having obtained an rr XUUUirUl VI v - P rnent from the government of the couiv iry where he is to reside, consuls 10 ;nc lwer of Birbary form an exception, and are the ouly ones that arc accredited Aod treated as Jlmisters. i'h. nnhlie Ministers of the United Spates hav generally been men of great ahiltiv. Franklin and Jefferson would do honor- to any age and to any couuuy Th. knowledge reouistte for one is not u...r. in he acnuire d by "intuition ; other knowledge, it is only to . .. i .i . ..i ft and I be obtained oy stuoy " wpe,";vt I:. .,a, k aItmtMed. that, occasionally, blunders have been committed by.fgrwr- ant and, incompeicnt persorw pdctf-phyfcicalauid...nual.dAth. led - for. rnmet UOijn tllC OCUlik. I''H hctll h. , i : " . ... t.A . si h-.m nr unt. -lt he IS flnref 10 .. IL, lll.l l w - - - oasscngerii and crew pinvidemi illv re hjs oii1itu. iliat the Indi m-. nrr mcditn, mame.l unhurt. The. acrid-mi e video' I y.: li( WilP pon ti,c whites, a huin;lv con arose from the unskilful aud .ahuti-eperotu ! cei ve l w iC ia4 duty an tiflii cr, and conduct.. of her Comm ti ler, by charging M conaialy as a BiM t.o mike, known hu- hnilder too high, directly against the 1 hc fjf , ,rj lhe (ioVenior of (leorgia, and admonition of even hia own ctiatuourcd j m n Governor of Alabama. Uc devotees, and particulHtly of a kind-hear'. , f jVTssitilv have coinmutiu.red with ed Irishman wlio being present in tl: ! (he . aniilbchs declined io cor- midst of tho unlortuo te .oinmander a i rt.s.ori(l with tho former, because ol a delirious vagaries, cied out in an audible 1 ,()i,uli,y w4jch he m y havo cm, traced voice, i' Go a htad, my honey ' you aKJj uHr ute, i.i eoi-ieiuei,:e of her bursting your own boiler fa i' eiiough .'" ,,f,rtM , 0i)la, j,cr iiUis, which he ao Kkhnnnd Enutrcr. , ..ooo-.ed. w.- ran onlv say that it ,.,,..,.,,.,.w.,r3- fchuuld, M)dnt-"am' Cly.iti. ':wjyyhiVg-'W-b?rttM . Speech at Looisvdv, on the 2 lh of Jtme, j Incick.ivs.lhjf. Agent has not thought have raised agais' me, are rufimiy nvs-ny , f,yf ns ol hosiiluy a nou '-na . tnuians. -HI jwaa9'V-' V fit I - f- 4) itives tortured bv the sjow, though ex cruciating fires of pining grief and cheer-.-f.r. aa l liuildiiiet, fallen IC '" l '' r-" . into d.M;ay and .ttto , me - lQ0 ,,., , morsel fordih," household, is. spei.dm? His rat the Siatem. have raiseo aynis1 "'G , ' , y , ! ni.frons ot nosnmy "-'""" ' . , , , awiy.MT.lep1ie-ara to ba ' u'.iwnscWv j, (5VlJoel of uir comity 'iU Lewis'; has that he also is 41 rapidly uwssing .away." .... praiseworthy promp nss in hfi.j fn"'lt. Bll! I wilh it, all thtir2s.r ;-S miv Li'.L.- .. 1 .... IVi . foi- !Lf An.i in n few days, he will receive a very elegant assort. meat ot M,HiZ.lrty Gjbj..- Also, all Kimis or ver-ll'ar?, kept conatantly on hand, or. made to tnler on short notice. All of which will be sold awer tftin"uefr')jwttitr wirre" ever- tlrspwtett -w UEWtPf. Ill n!a.p . The public-are a;e.peclfully invited to call and J ciiiiiiia uiew gonusf tneir ncniits", cn.-nuuc, aidciieapnesa, caniiotfail of pleasiiijrtUuae who tuh.to buy; "' Af iMrpffitiKfrrfopibrt, v wmrtA tc keep time s the shop s two doors below the coiirUi,,iHe. on Main-street. ROC '' W NNE. . ft. I have recently employed an ixcellcnt oikmuti, who will in fttiurl- bectlnstanlly in iv Sliop ; so that those disposed to patronize me, a my line of business, need be undhr no appr 'isnsion, hi concequence of mv occasional a 'rtce. ' K. WYNNE.: MOXEY IVJXTM). 4 LL ihoa liwlcbted to, the uh;cril)er, by ' note, or otherwise, ar hereby notified to '""il immediately a'.td make payment. This nor vilt apply Wore parreulaHy,- to all W ho do riot live in the immediate neigh 'Wl'itid of Salisbury. ROBERT WYNNE. iarcA30A. IfUQ. ' - . - 60tf aarthlvt and Mr. Marry May. unless ne v j. wj.n thc-- vmh.es nt m .ny ol tho iii.ioi i o iu.-j, IOR land anld by order of writs of venditioni exponas, for sate at this off.Qc, grog ship. J.lstei4.'rf :'Kml.!ay and 7 , . i. Kt. f .mit. his return ruppme Utrn;,i on it :. . ....;..t tv',- trl.toinv anxiety- "hen i.i - i r I ' .L - ......rt-a nil f.ih,.r. ) , nitTri tn-Il -OVe Uiar wi-v ifrchiWrtft?- ,";J-y.r(sjv9r than . C . . tUia tiatis inhd -ls ; ihcv p .v .e not wr Over every sue.n shop it should be writ ten, in large o'uck letter Mis if me Wvj It death, the giie to hell '.-cnlerfn all ye that eck death; arim oj me war ti.t T hmip minified. Let the youth lake waraing ana stsnu far from these deep pits ; they "are like . v ,..i- When the victim once co- ters, he will hnd no soiva grounu to si..m Ari.; nCntf Mrnncr men - llve-iHei many t oung men have fallen i let the k h u.c.,r.f! that there is nosiety yUlllH K,.t it. kmn! at a distance. ut are u.ose who administer the destroying fluid guiltless I Can a man put a serpen; in r.r,nt Ant - In n Mi.-itrtr a celebration of l- .u ;,,:iv! ,ir.:,r lia'iL'h. the Heifis ieV or iTai" MrMrVilaT Vait ; itn' m hia lODth year.wa yarticulnvly nvima; he'cxrliste-titm'it'lt'mrwjfnttn- tf-,-oiK btiv with' his.crap but' said he wouki send one .ot his, boys a iao uioi "i - toast. No toasts however vcr uraniv, for there were no intoxicating liquors on the croutid j Long fefore ,l,e dca ot the' evenicn; the grattu,'i compmy a day of sober and rational enjoymenl departed for their homes, with improved national and neighborhood feelings. An easttrn paper mentions that the buildings afMiddletownv Conn, recently occupied by Capt. Tatridge's institution, which ha" J been discontinued, rill be pur chased for a Wesle-jvy, I'aivcxihy. ri izuns of "his pLcc, -h? fo-varded last I Ut'SUjy " liAlIV with a reouesf lhat his excellency tho Governor woutd cause a depU u bo ,.,.,!. in this nine of Dubtk arms and ! ammunition, auflKi-m fjr lis protection Town U hi a very tncrle-'.'s Viuratioh, nm 'tine nu. in ld Mk VWl1 fu artat vlsajj riT.ii. Williams, of btonington, (Connec ticut) has scut a schoonef tothe btia'ns of bellisle, with 1.3 men and but one gdlo of spirits onboard. The men agree, to forfeit 2 lur every time they drink ar dent 'spirits,. anraTeffreceivex UUiey refrain during the voyjgeiJ A yotmg man was lately kftotked dowtt by the hail in a worm at l)rummo;id, U. (J. Ohe piese consumed tije!.t Minetot W"-Wiw?wf rtssrww f?-vimtt fs& imsx AktuA tisWr& . - - V - - - - ' . I i ( Mr

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