. 0, , f 1 4 3 7 f 1 i r $ f ( I 1 7"A y fill I F. suW.riber 'often for We rl M ii thst valuable Plantation, with Vjjit'i d"1 four miles of Safiabury, on both t-Wia 'de of the DeaUiti Foard rot. I, ' rrrtiiuy pi)rl and occupied by Mr. t.eorg Lotkf t on which there U a lar-M, new and iurMmofliulil iU eltinfj-houst, with all the tieres ary out -house's. ; . There is on?y about 59 acrei if this land under-cultivation t two-thirds of the tract i a" food .wpUhd ai aoy in the neighbor- hoods with a Rood ortion ot but rind ot swamp l Li-.- ' a honitable and auciut neighborhood g??!MwltjtMiL in the- ""Six" Cents VevtvT a iha subscriber, ran away on tne iw vvn : die above reward will be riven for bin delivery lo me in lancolnton t and all person are cau t'.oned aeainut harbor. him, under the penalty of the law. M UlTIN ZIMMIKUA-N. Jul 7, 1S29. ' Nuvy Beef mid Pork Pir 1830. Viry Comminioneri' Office, ) nth. tune, i;m SKA LED Proposals will he received at this office until the first of September neit, for the ripplv of 3000 bbls. Navy B-ef, and 2400 bbls. Navy Pork, for -the use of the United StaVs' Naval Service, 1000 febls. of Beef, and 800 bbk of Pork, to be delivered at each of the United State' Navy Yards, Charlestown, Mana ch(iftti Brooklyn, New York 4 and Norfolk, Virginia; and the whole quantity must be delir eredat each and every N-vy Yurd Hy the first of April, 1830. t Tin: whole quantity of lliemid Bref and Tork munt be of the beit quality. The Beef most b packed frcn well foiled cat tle, we itchine not le than 480 pound in the oaortflvjjt. P00 nminch on the too all t''t lei;. - lesramd: clmb. eheekt. thin. . the ueck ouft I "! o remainder of me carc.tr mun oc I. 'n,o P'e f rn P0"?'1" rfl "ne,ir1 i 2 A1 20 P'eC ,n"ke, a b"rrel of m tS ": ; pontid heu i'j;rir iNavy ucc - r- --- H , The Pork niti't be corn led and well-fatted, all the tktdli, feet, ana hmd left entire, must be wliolh excluded from the barrel, and the re. S eilit pwtnda each aa near an may bej ao th L:.: twenty Rve piece, not more than three of which T fllii.ll be Nliouldcra, will inke a barrel ot .'W poumjs nett weiRht of Navy Pork. "Til, wh'dtr quantity of the 'aid Beef and Pork must br perfectly aalted in 'he firit instance witli and afterwarda pat Led with a suflicieut quaniitr of Turk' Itland, Ue of May, or St. ur.fl San, no oilier, m iii'urr .JMSPj."!!!" """ Pi!L. " and everv barreT. HThe darrein ui Wt.tctr thc aaid Hi rf and Pork i to be packed mint be ma le if asl free from ta., w iih one iron hoop on Ii chine, and odierwhe fuliv and iubUntially each hoopi'd j and earb barrel mg-t be branded on iti bead Navy HMif,'! or, Jv Pork," wi'h the cunlractor'a najiif and the year when pack All the laid Beef 'aml Pork, on delivery at the 'TeiliCCg're WitV ' YaVJ "iwutf 'be aiilMittWiiV'ta, the lesi nd iii.pcctian of ,tome iiwr Intfti ctor of the 6Vtt?.withiii which it is to be delivered, whoahall be aelected by the Commandant of Silence, the parent of deep though, hidr ; tne'Yartl at the pbrr-e of delivery, w'fhout any Hia matin-sonic the hoiir when m )iniir brtaks, tharjre to the United States therefor j and, j And the k'1 hfaji torrkVldjiJ.ftLt.--''-iwlien 8ntjf fjy,b,,.'ttifl m"y tl-u t1" wn'tiiy-urh'ftS.ytK'- world uinp'ations fl. " " m'si put i1ie'bflrrrla in (food shippini; order: To hia own mind'. retirJ solemnities, .or the Beef and Pork will Tot he received. Krecti a temple to God. more holy .iliij ler m-e required to Mate their prirei Than any built by h.imai pride or folly. Sfmraieiy lor ine ijerrn rjjtiie riwit-, win u - i.flV. In fiii-nikh r mnrthnn nniT'iptr.Tlt?ltt'T eTsraTeiy"?or-:cir ari. i.uey ai.c ...no-rc-.,rr. '...!... K..r rwl.-i,.-. ttud iha uaaies and residence of their sureties,, inintit'lys und must transmit tlieirbi la sealed, and endraed "Oiler to furni'h 'Nay Ueel or Nyy I'rk' for the year 1830." Th Coin nTDHiiners of he Navy are at libertv to take the offers of bidder for anv one Yard, or in greater proportions, if such bids be the ')oertl. Any bid not made in conformity toth'u adver . ttinta'Jprmitceive(lwWiin the limited time, wil' no be opened. The parts of the animal to be exchtded from the baric I will be particularly dc-ibed in draaini: which will form part of tne contracts. Persons dcsirinj iul'ormation upon the subject with au intention to bid, may obtain it bv aeaou able application to the Board. 781. June 19 Slate of.Yarth-Curolina, Mvcklenhurif county : SLPFJUOtt Court df Law, May term, D?rry Steward tvi.'Hartett 8tewarl t pcti tion for divorce. In this rase, Ordered by the court, that publication b in the Western - Va-Journal be ad appenr CourtTrroulel same will be heard exparte. Witnesn Sam'l. i . . , ' r. . . T- ? 7lh Monday after the 4th in March, 1839. . 3.M83 SAM'L. HCNDKItSON. r w. t. r. Ilu...1..M..n (Mu-lr nr.iia.n.1 Pnl, rt hlhrf Ihn fitate if.Varth'CanUHa, .'fecklelibarg atuntr: 1 Robert BiAam ta, Mary Biirbam i petition for divorce. ' Orderwl hr rmHv h publication be ml for .three months suecenrnly in the -tr ytii t;rtJiuiiri d Kal! rf that tlwi vw.lelMltbot4 superioi' court of law to be beul for tiiencoanfir6Fiieltv: ' )tnbu;rff, M 'ihextrart-fKmse t-Hmiott,Hi h gifrniviv " anr"t ne "4t6 RToiVIay Tii Septemb'eT ntj aiiU pjcad or answer to Uio plantm't peti tion, ir tin; lame Wifl'be " fcearii e x pr.vf . new Saml. Henderson, Clerk of said Court, at office, the 7th Moudav after the ,4th in March, 1829. 3mt8. . $AM. HENDnitSOjN. e; - Stale of .Yorth-Carotitia, AleMeiibw g county; CiUPERIOR court of Uw, May term, 1829: Marion Tanner vt. Jolin Tanner petition for divorce. In this case, ordered by the court, tl.at publication be made in the Raleigb Kegii ter and Western Carolinian for three months ucceaively, that the defendant be and appear Ht the next superior court of law to he held for the county of Mecklenburg, at the cottrtdiouse in Charlotte, on the sixth Monday after the fourth Mondav in September nest, and plead or liiiawer to the plautifl'i petitionor the same will be heard expart. Witness, Satnue"! Henderson clerk pf our said court; it office,' the Tth lion day after the 4th n hUrtb, 1829. ' ' 3pit86 SAM'L. UENOtRSON'.t.'tJc. t Carolinian and Yadkin and t u-, i .... r'hr:ot t :i. p,i l u.e , i.jm;i f,.. Uu, AA !the ODDOrtunitV of e aiicce4iiveiyTiiua-iuett:iCua;iiit' r ... ; . ' '.,i k in,:a ... ..,. ,,rt i. I mittcu aIIhaX Tie i5:ranrTtH x . . 'a POETRY. , , ton, kTt of tf-..u4 f.lt i- ' faux aoiteir - U excellent. After at. tdiiif aiMirt a lah(rr ir fair ;' rt no Iom to undemtand the spirited lefprf Aa fenrfrt-t introduced. We remmena w inc.r attention. '. :.TwaafaiHlon nnrv ftw Men alone oihpri ilinicrrei "Mrij are bywom aonHWiaeainiZ., Withoiitji JPm Tho'apme would hare their better parti Known' merely by rtptrt, Yct we wool.l hnvi, wot all our hearts, K'en !.adi-i go o court. . Their eloquence i ill divine, We f ive it our applause : Their urgumenti re always fine, Ami au-e H wtt (Aeir ciiae. In' Uyncn't Conn the Gricea lonjj Have oVr cur c'u'm (SicHidiid ; v 'l is Mi'Tf amonjr tte"uei thronjj, We'd have tbem all decided. There' no appeal from their decree, Tho' lutioiu are ai w ; Tin- t f mint alwa.vaiaJ be, .'li v'iipiit or in trover. fint we'll not hsve our cfle demurr'd. If tri it will brr one We're sur.- to have, when we are Ke ird, A liberJ and a ma o ie. eoauBf. rRo TBI cHtaLirro cocaiia. ,n w;Ulbut eontr.lU, ; Of meaair'd aeums. that may blend : l .omo on noiut. and h,ve an end : V4fff nfTeari'i-un(;lytirot ,..... r,.,,' . Wild fancy c i0?lit the fleetinir pan. ' Kacli houi he liv'ci, from rtr1 to Uf, HoMuie loop hjjcs i 'i the past, Milt on ol wjrc stiti to oe,- But th.ue mude not tXeroitv. If drona thit fill'J each ocean wave, And )frai of dut, frmn every cave Of ciuntlfss worlds, tlui sl.i ie at nijjht, I bro' i ire fields, a specks of light. U'., ,. n,u,W tr,.ir ,.imv. iTheiw.iild not make Eternity, J i F.trth, Sea and S'ars munt all decay; j f aith saw tht m chatted and paaa away : ; With out-stn tch'd ini;s, it nk.imm'd the e wave j I hut (.nwunls ';ept beyond tlie grave ; j And then it rang'd 'niong spirits free Their life-time i F.ternity. e. r. tkutle: m M tm:mth . 11 an p-----.--- : "rnnm wiwrTiTT'ilIXritrJ J The fnountBmV are Cod's a'tar-', nn whose aides - - - -. jr.rz r T:rrr.rr:;:.Tr., . ; Com touch the harp, mv eri'le one? And let the note be aa t and low, , Such as may breathe, in ev ry tnoc, The soul of loni uo : That smile of thii:e i aU to b. i'ht For aching hcai 'a, n.J lwely ears ; And deaiRirTtlvcTTtTfti To-day 1 would have ie r'v Yet weep not ihu", yentle girl I No smile of thine has U i' its spell : By Heaven! I love thv s'iMf-: curl, ""OliT intre thnn-fsTdi- wril ( Than touch tbr lyre, m1 iei it wile All thought ot' jjne' and gl-wxn; aayr Whik: tl.ou art hy wih heart and auule, I will not weep to dav. .WSCSLLIXY. ry? CHRIST! I. V dSSUR IXCE. Fro n Dr.Musju's Sermon in Nat. Preacher, Every real believer has direct and lor j to the. hands of his iai.hlul Rdt eflher. I II I ) . nave you uone so, my nearers : nave j' : r t r - j ou d',,lC . professed GmlsrUns? Ah, how wide a diit;rrncc d-ic this - make between 'the loroi slist, aud the genutnr'uTsCTfJttn lor ttte uucsu.4n i a viULonefyou wJlQ n!new0c of Jesus,-who pass f ir the Co 1 verts of his grace, and PITHlda for three months : ronh,tt-iVlil irmtiinm ufitK rV.i ! ..t: A , id rni. nuinmenr ivhirh vnii anr vnnr , 1 eXeCUtlOUCTS a . a j a if .iu j ' ui . i ii a hub aik. ii.in v,wii i liiuiii i ut-aavw i iriii i b.a i iu tr as. caiaaiY aui j 1tvt.4w.0fii4$4livvt:ts cause, what j Liverpool pper i the following. par yourselves up formally, f.illv, irrevo-IBalmouia." ' The author (ts one of the ispysat i When, where, how, did yb.i make the bleised surrender ? How do you prove the fact ? What obedieoce do you perform ? Wuat self-denials do you endure I What sacrifices, even of the roost worthless of your posses sions, the trash of this earth, d you (dTer? n of alt the numerous re tainers of the Christian name, o( al) the decent professors of godliness, will trust his Redemer for to-morrow's bread. Who of them would not rath er rely on the respectable signer f a bank note, than on the promises of the faithful Cod ? Were it put. to thei trial, who of tTicm would not grasp the pa per, and let go the truth and the oath of God, who caonot lie. among the uncertainties of: life? And can any man with uch practical feelings, real ly, dJpe himself with the persuasion that he trusts in the Lord Jesus for the kiogdom of the just? That Ke .believe in that most generous sacrifice which Jesu Christ made for him the blood of his cross ? Not a word !.;Not io jrle wbH ' He is as absolute an unbe- airdabsolateJw Wolater4in his own riv-iastafiv:B6oH:wrthapevef ? rtir-r-h'iftlC-4indtr ihe wheels of DO . , . 1 . i i ' c .-Ll.U .u. u..:t 1 ajiion, wnen mc diudc wuivu mc uui das rejected, shall grLd him to pow der. B-ar with me my friends, I niay hot prophecy smooth things may not raUia.te I tust declare the whole mth, on the peril of treason to my lesvenly Matter. If any of you find it to cut deep, there is a balm in Gilead, anrl a physicun there. I can do no thing hut commend you to the Lord, the llsalcr. IROV TBI WCHTIII BI8MTII. Jlr. Editor: I am a fiousewife, an.l toy husbasd's a farmer.' 1 have frequently asked him why he did not subscribe for your paper. We know half a dozen toys and as many girls, jjrowiog up in'gnorance of the daily t rahs at t ions of ItTe'at hdme and abro sd (dthn moat of them can read : well etiougly and 1 insist that it would be a good school for the rest and not one of ihem coild tell if aked wheth er our nation i at war or at peace whether Jacksot or Adams is chosen pTctTd?ftther7thTrreeka yet gajnetl thor independence, "or whether Bolivar is hailed as the liber ator or disclaimed as the tyrant of the South, jnd all tis for want of a news piper in the fnnly. It was not so in my f.ither's family if he dont sub scribe for the paper, I will it is tlownri got folly to be-without one. Respectfully Yours, Charity Philom. Xcwspaper Reading. Who would not take a newspaper? Why it is worth ihpre tbari all jhejrtyejjinfrd'm.- f!,., to th Slorv mrm?y::ttQit ws. IW. from the Lake of the Woods to Terra del Fegt. -Seated in your old fash- i .juedarch on tne worm as a mirror, anu ooserve the busv scene, passing in ever chang ing reviev? before your mind's eye. A newspaper, friend, is the camera m'iifa tKbritigs the objects abroad TWitnineatTowriomnass. DL.i?isiOTi.i:r6 6 7 ' " . .-.,.?! vk." unAA aT;TTm "Urnrt't All. amusing, instructive, and enlight ening. A.;,! frnm trifling centle rMrler lewu make-matrTtmatical calcula- thc Solely of bhakers m New Leb. tion. Are you aware how much food ! n0Q aud ma- bc,cd on a1 correct' for thc mind you get, in the course of! a vtar, from a volume of newspapers i Chinese Murtkrcrs Seventeen Here is a paper containing 16 columns Chinese were executed at Canton in of r7S2rt m fot.-ti murder of 14 of advertisements , each column com- ' Frenchmen, orr board a junk near the crises, at least, as much as 5 moderate , Ladrone Islands. The culprits Were pages of a volume. Here you. have!pad upon their knees, and hehl in a 80 iages per week, and 4160 per year, isufliiie it to frrm a .work of 8 large I vlu n.-.s. aait, a snuff little librarvJtner heaus from their bodies by a sin- and aU lor a mere trifle of 2 dollars, ; And tt.eu only think of the vast fund ' bors. J . -r r' i s . ..Ffiend A: -.-arvefy teingcnCTt",w--Pf"eJ- .dts3ltQ6 rflnwtravtrandh - . i . .''.... in".-. r . . : : r .u i . ... l l -v l- .i iTheFiimiiS send to Congress at some time or other- ? Think of this once, and who would not, take a paper, which costs nd more than bne paper of tohacco, or a glass- of gtog perweek -. - . Vtu Brunswick Times. ' ! " BWC o ' and it must he griftiyingio'the'' hum- bier classes of Christians to, perceive one so rich in . talents, accomplish ments, and the pride of learning, pay ing so eloquent a tribute to that reli gion i which is their all : ' v " I envy no quality of the mind, or intellect in others j not genius, power, witj or fancy j but if 1 could chdose what would be most delightful, and I believe the most useful to me, I should prefer a firm religious belief to every other blessing j for it makes life a dis cipfine of goodness creates new hopes when all earthlv hones vanish, and throws over decay, the destruction of exiueoce, the: most gorgeous, of all lights ) awakens life in death, and from corruption and decay calU up beauty divinity ; rmkes an instrument of tor. ture and of ahatrie, the ladder of as cent to paradise j and far above all combinations of earthly hopes, calls up the most'dtlightfut - visipnijDif palms and .amaranths, the gardens of the blest, the security of everlastng joys, Where the sensualist and sceptic oalv View glormf decay, io"nihiLuion,,aud despair J . ' .. M; ' ;' ' ' r't oXJilaria Louisa was very'unfaVorabTy wntfasleB '. . society thai the secret of her amiabili ty was known. Her coldness wa$ considered so constitutional that it was even said to extend to her child. 1 The fact is, she had never been in the habit of seeing children, and she scarcely dared to touch her own boy, lest she should hurt or injure him. He, of course become more partial to his gov eroante than to his mother. It was different with Nopbleon, his father, whose affection for. him was of (he most lively description he took him in his arms- wherever he saw him, caress ed him, teased him, carried him. before the mirrors, and made all manner of faces, at him. At breakfast he put him on his knees, steeped his finger in sauce, and let the child suck it, and tUubedrhfl? tiithr face all over. , The goutrrnante grumbled," the: Emperor laughed, and the infant, almost always in good humor, appeared to receive with pleasure the noisy caresses of his father. Whenever any one had a fa vor to ask, this was the time to a-1 it ; they wrre aure tcr be -favorably-recci v.. Liter icort A. P., a young m m between 25 and 30 years of age, has been apparently in consumption for two years, or more. In the winter of 1 827-8, he was confined to his room with every symptom of confirmed hectic fever, incessant rough, with expectoration of mitter which in March amounted to full a pint daily, night sweats, debility, and great ema ciation,:. After hay iug tried, the usual first taken in decoctiou without appa rent benefit a concentrated syrup was lthen'al:fo7f6d'thjr-istoaishmciirf all his friends, he rapidly recovered so' far as to be able to attend to business. and the summer following worked a L,rde"' ad p'f"- t h -Ie7---. r: 'ev Lebanon, Jpril 16, 18'.9. Nr B. The abuve.account is taken r. .l - i. i. . r.i i lrom lnc case oooa i vne pnvcan io fixed posture, and the executioners, at a signal given by aa tiflker, severed j g1 stroke with a heavy sword about jthrec ,cct ,onS ana iW( incnes wiw scemeu to exuu i. xerting their hkill, 'erence, their words half a dollar for every criminal they behead. One of them has been an executioner upwards of SO years, .and he declares that he has in his life time ed in-small caeca; at the torn of noles stuck in the ground. ' 'rhe Frenchm had'tiuanmrm money eyl! and Ttf was1 tht .gcd&ihaUejLlh them.- - ' Jtilk and Milking. The prsctice of milking thrice a day, especially when cows are in good pasture, is re commended ; each milking will give almost as much as if poly done twice, for, when the udder is full, the milk begins to be absorbed into the body of the animaL This practice will, be found not only to increase the quantity of manure, but of milk. MiMc should be poured into pans as soon as possible, and if carried far, or much shook, never gives abundant or good cream, - . put !o,,d.eath upward lady may be jjrawn without pccasion- inals ! The heads ofthe I7murdcrers Tng rlmoTfand" were conveyed to Macao, and suspend- The Editor of the Courier is of opin- . An lidcrf sting l,af.,....,$illimatj.,s July No, of the American Journal of DCiencc nuu atis, contains two letters from Dr.; Joseph E. Muse, of Cam bridge, Maryland, which gives an ac count ct the resuscitation of a valuable Hound', from drowning, hy means of oxygen gas.. ir.e dog was cold, stiff,-, and to all appearance perfectly dead, when DrTMuse appried FIinanlop," cock with a long beak, attached to a, larce bladder filled with the tras (thae Ci r .t.. . . '' air.; as soon as ne naa tnus lorced -siJWglA solitary-ytipr to -th&fulL pitctuof hM usual and shrTirvoicr lulhe'cTiase ThXp'roceVswarirc which Dr. M. happened to have pre pared, was ethausted the dog was then wrapped in blankets replaced by the fire, friction was constantly ap plied, and alter a great deal of trouble and skilful management the hound was fully restored to the use-of his physic al faculties, in 8 or 10 days. . This cane suggests, therefore, a problem t fan important character, viz. haw far the inflation of the lung with oxvgen, instead of common air, is calculated to resuscitate drowned per sons. M ty not a sttfficiriit q-ian'tity of the air be preserved in glass bottles with ground stoppers, in institutions which are designed for th? recovery of the drowned and thus the experi ment be fairly tried. Business is the salt oT Hfe : which not otly gives a grateful smack to it, hut dries uptime crudities that would offend, preserves" ffoiri 'piitreneatton, and' drives off all those blowing flics that would corrupt m Spanish Ladi 'S-r'lhe dress of the Sp.uish lady, is remarkably eligrint, and generally adorns a very pcrlec; shape. Black is the universal colvr, and the robe is mo&t tastefully work ed and vandyked. A mantilla, or veil -thrown over the h-rad, :nd leaving thc flee uncovered"," TaTIs" "gracefulTy over " the head and fclnmklers, and is confin ed it the waist by the arms of the wearer. They are both expensive and particular in- dressing their Teet witiv neatness, and;, thir :Iitte sftoes '-fit tla3clyv : Taeb?c black eve, the Urk expreijivc ancee" HrHrtborl.tin. ed olive of tlu-ir glowing complexion, make the unwilling n'i"lis,imaV"ciru fess the m:ije5ty of Sp-.tntsh beauty, and feel that tho' ihe soft hluc eye, ,hk1 delicate loveliness of his own coun try wemcn awaken mre tender fet-1-ings ot interest, he w iuhl deny or pefiority of -these. dar5e)Tc:dand;fiaey:r: formed damsels. .Slander i i the reveng of a cowan!, acd disannul .tion his defence. T!"re 'u no sufficient court of judicature agVtrtst the venom of alander for though you punish the au hor yet yoa cannot wipe .ff the talucmy. Icr of Tuesday g-vea tlis f ilowing humorous incident which took place iti that city, i few evening i since. 'Who goes there ?" said one of cur citi.irns who was on duty as a patrol, on Frid iV evening, to a red-headed rrishtntinbusily engaged in rolling don a hogshead through the mod. " 1 ' J the self same as ymrself," quoth I rtf 1 HAW Sil I Af i inr vvat.4aiutii ' Jh;., ' J Sl 'r 1-m . HIT -ill ' .1 . L . ..... U . has invented an instrument, to wtiici helus given the name of " Corscl roviltcf" T5y this instrument one can ascertain how tight the waist ot n io t that " ir is the duty of every mm. F.PlGU.VM,rw BOILr.Al'. Your Brother cure me of a fever ! lie was not my Physician ever i The surest proof that I ran give, K Coaster -I am still alive. At a Ute dinner at the Old Daily (ridon) city Aliltrman volunteered gnrcc, and 11111301: livered hinitlf: u God bles the niea,, 1 -' ' "And fhein eat." CRATITUPK. ; It flows from the soul, !t springs from, the ifif: Tlw ehiW of natttteifot tbc oflijii-utg of art. i :.,;: It, L eeA?Wf

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