1 1 i. . t;:' - Mrtllfc tubscrtbet offers for u'e IT (hat valuable Plantation, with .in four miles rf Satisburr. on hotb . j!''Mdet of th Beattie Foard ruad, 'Locke; on Which there i a large, Hew and T commodious dwelling-house, with all the neces. ' sary out-houtf . There U only about 50 Acre of thli Unl under e!tirtioB t two-thirda of the ' .. ' tract is as good upland at any in the neighbor ... .. itooI( with a good portion f best kind of swamp ' land, for either gras or'grainWit la In the midst of a hoapitable and aocial neighborhood. ...lToe terms, &c. Apply to the subscriber, in the neighborhood. JOHN LOCKE, Ken'r. , Cents AVewaTA; Li.iaUMMM.r 24U4ast "theWe Tew" will be "grveir-fbr tois Wi very tome in Lincolntonf snjl all rton are cau tinned atrainst harboring; him, underthe penalty ot the law. . mahiiw ,s;u..iuua. ,aJr,lS29. 3t80 POETRY. rt i Of . t4 frit lu bxW ' L too, im 4rna th rvr Wklck Howl UrantK kt' lr Jrtw the United State Catetti. BENEVOLENCE. , Ob, let lis never lightly fling : V ' v A barb of "woe to wound another r " Oh, never let ua hatte to bring ..;. The cup of sorrow to I brother, Each! hat the power to wntiforthe---; '., Who wound that he may witneaapain; Has learnt no law of charity; - Whi-h ne'er inflicts I pang in vain. , -Tiagod-like to awaken joy, i ,,jarjujctoaikln!lueD TBatMto wound not to annoy, , la part of virtue's letfwn too i - Peace, winged In firer worlds above, "SnaTI benl hef down and brighten AVr,fc When all men labor shall toetove, f ' 'tin ifftirthoughtl-a brother's Mis Navy Beef and Pork for 1830. Jfavv Ctmmittiiner? Q$ie, ) 17iA 7n. 1H20. ( WEALED Propoaala will be received at this "25? office until the first of September next, for the lupply of3000bbla. Navy Beef, and 2430 4h"a -'Nwvr Pork, for the use of the United C Slate', Naval Senr 1000 bbla. of Beef, and 800 bbii. of Pork,1o b delivered at each of the United State1 ftavy Yardi, Charleatown, MaaU ehUwttai Brooklyn, New York i ana nonon, " Tiivlniai and the whole Quantity muat be deliv ered at each and every Navy Vad by the firat . of April, 1830. The whole quantity of the id Beef and Tork tmMt be of the best quality. The Beef must be Backed from well fa'ted cat ' tie, weighing not lets than 80 ponn.la in the tuarier, or 800 pounds an the hoof) all the left, femuiub. eUJ$. theth. iWn. and the neck tfan. W. muat be wholly excluded from the barrel, and the remainder fihtt carcae JDUJe cut 'ioto piece of ten pouni each at neAf a may - be, to that 20 piecea will make a barrel of 200 pounds nett weight Navy ueei. The Pork mut be torn fed and well-fatted, aU the ekultt, feet, and hind lep entire, muat be whnllv excluded from the barrel, and tlie re- manider of the Hog mutt be cut into piecta of Vighf pMind each aa nrar as may be, to that twtntv fivepieces, no more man mref s wimcu ; "r1iihatl .Ireauoulde'ri;'" will '"tiialt a barrel of 200, poundt nett weight of Navy Pork. The whole quantity of the taid Beef and Pork mutt be perfectly salted in the first inttance with, and afterwardt packet with a sufficient quantity of Turk't Itland, Isle of May, or St. Ubes Salt, and no other, to inanre ita preserva. tion, with five ounces of pure Saltpetre to each and every barrel. The barrela in which the taid Beef and Pork it to be packed must be madeof ash, free freinap, with one iron hoop on each chine, and otherwise fully and luWantmlly hooped and each barrrl roust be branded on its head " Navy Beef," or Navy Pork," with the contractor's name and the year when pack. All the said Beef and Pork, on delivery at the repectie Navy Yards mutt be subjected to the teat and inspection of tome virn Jtup4:tr " " of the State within which it ia to be delivered, .hp shall be selected by the Commandant ol the Yard at Ibe place of delivery, without any when intpected In uid manner, the contractor '-most pttt the barrel w good shipping -order i or the Beef and Pork will not be received. Bidders a-e required to state their pric separately for Vhr Beef and for the Pork, and jf the oflcr to furniJi at aur than one Yard, tRen aeparately for each Yard. They aie abo re- quired to give their names, their reiidcnce, and the namea and residence of their sureties, minutely j and muat transmit their bids seated, and endorsed " Offer to furnish Navy Beef or 4 Navy Pork' for the year 1830." The Com-niaaionertof the Navy are at liberty to take the offers of a bidder for any one Yard, or in greater proportions, if such bid be the lowest. ; Any bid not made In conformity to thit adver. tiaement, or not received within the limited time, will not be opened. The part of the animal to be excluded from the barrel will be particularly described in drawings which will form part of the contracts. Persons desiring information upon the aubject with an Intention to bid, may obtain it br season able application to the Board. 7i81. June 19 Sie .VariA-Caraliiio, Mecklenburg county t SUPERIOR Court of Law. May term, 1829 s Berry Steward vt. Hariett Steward i peti tion for divorce. In this case. Ordered bv the court, that publication be made for three montha lit Ih Western Carolinian and Yadkin and Ca- tawSa Journal aucceaurely, that the defendant be and appear, at the next superior court to be held for the county of Mecklenburg, at the Court-lloute in Charlotte, on the 6th Mondav after the fourth Monday in September next, and plead or tnawer to the plantifr petition, or the same wiU M beard exnarte. Witness Sam'l Henderson, Clerk of our taid Court, at ofB TRUTH, YOUTH AND AGE. a aroLooPi. Truth. What it Immortality f - Ttut A. It i the glory of the mind, The deathless voice of ancient Time j The light of genius pure refined! The monument of deeds sublime I O'er the cold ashes of the dead, It breathes a grandeur and a power. Which, shine when countless yean nave Pop iorne time I'tvity thing tttt conducted in a very orderly manner, except that the conversation was ra ther loud and boisterous,' as it general ly is among an uncultivated people; ; At length, one of the principal men proposed drinking my health, in which itV readily united, with many expres sions of friehdshtra,. After this they drank to the- Three Great To wert of Europe who" ;had saved "thetFnafioo from destruction. Next .to ,lhiswas proposed tie health of the American Ladicv whick;W with thfeeor '"feuFiou'dl" cneers and Truth. What ia Jmmorulity I Age. Ask it of the gloomy wavea ur the old forgotten graves, Whereof not a stone remaini : Ask it of the ruined fanes. Templet that have passed away, Leaving not a wreck to tay. Here an empire stood ! Ask it in the solituJa Of thy musing mind, And, too truly, wilt thou find Earthly immortality It a tplendid mockery ! fled, Jouoert glvcs-two similar instances. f ! f. tCOTTS tyotffts; A patient being very low, the physic W take, on the authority of the Efit ian who had ordered a dose oCrhabarb,. burgh Journal, tba annexed list exhii countermanded thfr medicine, which) ting the literary labours of Sir Walt? was left on the table. 7f A monkey in ecott. numerous and extensive as h; the room, iumninff ud. discovered" the writings are generally supposed to be.th ' ? . . . I- . ,J 1 coblet. and havincr tasted, made a ter- wm, ;c imna, fx rible erlmace. Aeain putting only his ci!? W Bess of the dissolved manna, while the ed before the public in 1T90, (just thin, rhubarbdiadaunktothe bottom. Thus ll" Ago) h translator of a tred emboldened, he swallowed the whole, ; u uui iuuuu suv ii imujcuus Pu"UMl 1 -.,kll'l. t. I -fWfri' - 1 rnousiy, ana nas oecn mtie neara or scd grimaces; he grrnded his teeth to ago- in 190j4 ha ouhH.hed the Minstrels clapninp- of hands; They did not ny. a Idridthpti burst into reneated Deals of lauchter. I clldoune, with a Preliminary Di&iertati,,, and the recovery of cheerfulness led nd Glossary t in 1805, the Liy of ult to the feaiorat on of health. 1 wmstrei J in lauo, Dauaos and L. ncal rieccs; tn 1808, Marmton,-.r,t www '.1.1 t a i the uorxs ot Jotm unrden. in i s vnu. v.. """"""" v .; llnv,r,tH -1,1, Nnt Hlalo.trai: IV K a as tSt KlAa kV Iaa IiUaSi awa, J IIa I wh a . - . : ' ..... i,.ul,vfiKu,vwiiii i and anator. and a Life of th goes on allfours. Why is a person thors in 1803, the State Paoers and Le who ukes a certain Boston paper like J ters of Sir Ralph Sadler, with faistorlci! a loaded rifle? He has cot a BulleU Notes, and a Memoir of hi Life, ami in. Why is a person justifiable in pur-1 Lord Somers Collectbn of Tracts, in 12 chasing a ticket ia the Rhode Island r01 4101 in l2oth Poeticsl Works o! lottervf He trusts to PromdenceA "nn a wr.a aoshscis irom be: raox tbs MatTLisii etarrrt. What must an Acrostic be V Acros'ict must be neat and terse, And uk!y apun in lover's verse ; - They murt present a picture fair. Of mind ami form dressed nut with care : Each ringlet must be curled with grace, And ev'ry charm must have a place s Tlie snowy neck, the sparkling eye, The ruby Up, the pensjve tigh. The rounded limb, the well turn'd form, The teeth to white, the sni!e so warm i Then tout ensemble . v'ry grace,. Tlie angel form, the angel face, The very air that she would breathe, . Must be sweet scented like a wreath : When thus you have ransacked your brains, Tjkejry.uj.jMha'jcly.04ir.paiifc atLicmaia. There i much force, and more truth, in the following lines. Their author is T. G. Festenden, of the Boatpn Tarmer. Tien men of arrogance attempt to anar Above the limits if ibt:ir deatin'd sphere, Their every efi'ort serves to sink them lower, CjyrtaU'd uid baflld 4n their mad career. Yet witless sights, in rash pursuit of fame, Sim far f a.nimiuuc if puer Slid place, Who, if they gain the rank it which they aim, - Become the heralds of their own disgrace. tittle hitVOTiiraota the! aniTtn8 fr 8 or JO minutes, nothing was to be heard but Ions and reiterated cries of " Long livs tne American juaie : L,ong lire the American Ladies .'" 1 must confess, that the hearing of this, five or six thousand miles from Vny native country, among a rude peo pie, on the tops of the mountains of Arcadia, in the heart of the rclopon oesus, excited to my bosom peculiar emotions of pleasure, and showed me, that the kind and benevolent exertions of my fair countrywomen had pro duced a powerful effect, even among those who had never received a single article ot their charities. INext to that of the Ladies of America, was drank the health of the President of Greece, and then was proposed JJThe Democracy ot America." Some of the young men present, among whom was One who bore in his face the scars of wounds which he had received from the Turks began tct sing songs in praise of their Compan ions, who preferring death to slavery had fallen in battle j and one and an other young man was pointed out to me, as among those who had distin guished themselves in the late struggle lor independence. How dear to man, thought I, is lib erty. Here on the tops of the rocks and barren mountains, where he gains fbut a scanty subsistencrtc-he can sit aod sine, with a glow of enthusiasm not to be described, enkindled by the thought of Liberty ! "Live Liberty," and "Death Treachery," now resounded through the room, from every q-ianer ; and as all had become very noisy, J deter mined to retire, which I was permitted to do, after the Priests had sung a kind of spiritual song, which seemed intended as the concluding service of the table. HOPE. - . Wliat it Hope? rhe beauteous sun Which colors all it altioea upon i The beacon of life's dreary tea, The star of immortality fountain of feeling young and warnVj -A day beam bursting: thiouirh tha storm A tone of melody, whose birth la, oh ! too tweet, too pure for earth ! A blossom of that radiant tree Whose fruit the angela only aee ! A beauty and a charm whose power It seen enioyed confessed each hour ! A portion of that world to come, aiing doom. When earth and ocean meet the last orerwhel- I care not. Fortune, what rou me denr : You cannot rob me of free Nature'a grace ; You cannot shut the windows of the skv. Thro' which Aurora shows her bright'ning face j you cannot bar my constant fret to trace Tlie woods and lawns, by living streams at eve t Let health my nerves and finer fibres brace. And I their toys to the great children, oi lancy, reason, virtue, nought can me be reave. C ante a Indo'cnce. cantt 2. if. 3. State tf tftrtk-CareUiUL Mecklenburg count i l PER10R Court of lav, May term, 18:9 1 Robert Digham t. Mary Bigbam petition for divorce.' Ordered by court, that publication b made for three months suceetaively in the Western Carolinian and Raleigh Star, that the defendent bt and appear at the aest'superior , . nexi ana pteaa or cntweno ine puntin's peti - tkmi w th time will be heard exparte. Wit. neM Baml. Henderson, Clerk of said Court, at .o(Ece,tteril Monday after the 4'h In Msrefl, 3mt8J. UtnUEKSUiM, e, m. t . c. S W . m Why iM bottle of wjne like a hog's 7 T -T.. CI.. x, liM tooth ? Because it,, drawn fronTa f l,ho .L.e ' J?rfDo i w. t Kocenck in 1813, hokeby: m lg4, nogsneaa. vnen conapart conquer. th. Wnpk, nf ni4, Sf " I1M BOM TRB KSKTOCBV RIPOaTBR. TO WIIEJ1T FARMERS. I am an old miller, and have observ ed the progress of' the weavel for ma ny years, and I offer you my opinion .j ... ..: o.: 1 . ... cu every pruriute iu jisin, uui one, ,nd , Life 0f the Author, in 19 vols. 8vo. why was he like a nsked man? He .-the Lord of the Isle and th r,u had not Aaragon a-rag-on. What Antiquities of Scotland snd England ii four states may be considered as fe-1 1815. Paul's Letters to his Kinsfolk, thi mle states I ,- JMary-larid, Virginia, j Field ofJYaierlocv--and aw wk icq Ice f5-6uriand"JfwiV.sippi. " IsndV In 1819, an account of the Regali; a ai "aa ,a 01 ocotiatio, anu rrovinciai Antiquuie and Pirtnreimia Scenerv nfrnilm.! 0M.,They are usually fattened Uith Historical Illustrations: in 1820.Tr5 with Indian corn, given whole ituthe Ulal Poems and Triolet?, by'.?. 'Carey cob, which is far from an economical with a Preface; in 1822, Hslidon Ui!! made of appropriating that grain, butMbe lile of Napoleon, in 9 vols. 8vo , the diEculiy aocl. exnente of .shclUogPmol" of I.rochaijfuelin, v'uh s Tre and cracking it, is the great bar to its ltCf for ,hc fir,t r.e being ground. Putting the cobs into a ? "celiany.-and tne letters ot Waiarl. barrel several days before giving them . . , 0 Talesxf a Granduther,i;f rrzi ; and to the pigs, will, in a great measure, ..1. T,- -f a Qr-ndfj,her. tenm answer all the purposes of grinding, I ff, m 0 heM ,IiroW the Diun, as the p-rain thus becomes solt. and is 1.,.. nA ,h R4.t f ,r,i-rni.in. .kiri easier masticated and digested. It is originally -ppeared annonymousl ? a commoft-saying among-theScotchtsays onXnTvairy,riornsnce, and the Urs house-wives, that for every pound of ma, in the Supplement d the hncyclopa salt yot give a fatting pig, you have in dia Dritannica ; Uvevof the Novelists return a pound of pork t and the her- tracters 01 me utc uuae oi uuccieuci rin .th ia hnimhr nn in firrulaml fr George HI-, Byron, and the Dqke thi, v-rv h,,rnnrf York ; the Visionary, three periodic r 4 I rt irtaM vukiVK Ariinul1n annsare1 lit iL jJtpifasa svl piiiat;iinitiij wh. Edinburgh Ifeekl'j Journal, on the sute To make. Kitchen Vegetables- Tender v the Country in l HO ; and -innume rai; When peas, French beans, and sim annoymous contributions to diffetent n ilar productions do not boil easily, it riodicJ works amonR which we may p li. .i..,oilv Kn ;m,....rt k. .nni ticularly mention the Edinburgh at ttaa uouhiii si tuiiiuii.u tvs m. s aa luui i m - a Pess of the season, or to the rams. This popular notion is erroneous, The difficulty of boiling then soft arises from at superabundant n;iantitv of crvn. sum imbibed during their growth.,. To fJhr.yoIwetbxe ,,.,, .l;, .u'.'u, .m,u .( tions which we particuljtise. In 181 correct this, throw a small quantity r,f w ,8l5, buy Mannering; 181 subcarbonatc of soda i..to the pot along Xhft Antinunry.-ahd Tafer of My LTn wiu vm, ,..c iluUiuv suu 0rd) xrtt seri consisting of the Hi Quarterly Revtnsi. ' Edinburgh 1nhu htittr ihtkc, ...;:..- Sir Wslter Scott's Novels have con out in the fallowing orJcr, snd each h Al " . i .f ...V..V. afeiltl AM. (... m .lm 1 rtM . . 1 r r . r . . . . . . . as to the mode ol savintr vour wheu . - vc ui,u" "'s uwart and ujd ivortsiity, vols.; isi The cge of the weave! is deposited thc KyPs.um. and trcc thc legumes Hob Hoy.-.nd Tales of. My Landlor in the wheat while crowing. When ,,rom InHucDce' rcoj.rf sfrir. consisting o! the Heart Mid IiOthian, 4 vols.; 1819, i ales of 3 growing, the grain is put in bulk,' it usually be- comes moist and warm, tne egg is Grease Spots. The following me- Unaiord, thhd rrr, consisting of t: O I . . . . I ICoBJaW . I .m.MdXIIIM . ft fl Si a I M S then hatched into a worm, and whilst thort ol removing grease and oil spots " ' 'c '1' ' u'Al. in that state, it iniore.'the wheat. !f?m k oher articles, without 1,11 ' 1 - - .1 11lll'akTISU.Jll1 W VV S W a JUISCELLWY. M.1RKI.4GE HUP PER L GREECE. siTaacT raoM ua. kiss's jocatu. In Damitzana, are nine Priesti; In the evening, the Oicooomos, br Prin cipal Priest with whom I lodged invi- rSBtSS 3mt83 8AM'L.. HENDERSON, e. m. a. e. ,uPPert which he wished me to partake, and also, he said, he wished to make me acquainted with his peo. pie. I accepted his invitation, and was iutroducrd to the guests,- as an American Priest, and the highest place (next to the Oiconomos) was as- cohK of law to be held for the county of Meek, signed me, ao)tr7 thc.Prie.sts -of the ftjibuiX-Btrte village who tstat m ri.l,t nj i.r,, 6th Monday after the 4th Monday in September X!"6! , SVt. "!lLll,ef- 1 ne . uuies consisiea ot long boards, raised about twelve inches above the 1 floor, pa. which of course - we - were seated, borne lew had cushions .to lean against, aod I was fsyorcd with one as a seat. The supner was such as might be expected in a village built upon rocas, and where almost, the only produce of the liule earth between them is that of the vine. Pilaf, goat's meat, coarse bread, vegetables, hard cneese, witn an abundance of walnuts, raisins, and figs, .and good wster. and a plenty of wine, which is about as uuug Aiucritaa.ciocr, were tne principal articles which appeared upoa the table. . ' ' J fitute tf Xtrth-Carolina, M?cklribuf county j SUPF.IUOU court of Law, May term, 1829 1 Marion Tanner w. John Tanner t petition for divorce. In this case, ordered by the court, that publication be mad in the Raleigh Regis, ter and Western Carolinian for three months successively, that the defendant b and appear at the nest superior court of law to he held for the county of Mecklenburg, at the court-house in Charlotte, on the sixth Monday after the fourth Monday in September next, and plead or answer to the plaotift's petition, or the asm will be heard esparto. Witness, Samuel Henderson clerk of our said court; t office, thc fto Mon. day after the 4th in March, 1829. 3mtg JSAM'L HKKDERSOri, weavel, the. wheat must be kept cool Tne most criam way to do this is to dry it weirinMhe sun, and then spread it thin on ' a Vool floor until used or sold. This made of saving wheat pro- .... . i . . .1 1 .L-I'n.c 1 Without .his warmth the egg does not .."jury o u.cu.our,, g.vcr. ,n mc Ktniluorth. ,822f ,he Firate-snd t hatch, and the grain remains sound.t Journal uea uonnat-sances usuenes : Konunes ..f Ni;tl ; !823, Qneniin Dj Then to prevent the hatching of the jTake the volk of an egg and put a lit- Wirrt ; 1 n, St.. Uoi.ati' Wei!, ai tie or it 011 tne spot, men puce over it a piece of white linen and wet it with boiling water j rub the linen, with the hand, and repeat the process three or four times, at each time applying fresh ved successful in many instances last boiling wjiter; the linen is to be then season,' and where it was carefully at- removed, and the part thus treated is tended to. in no instance f.llil. far.to be washed with clean cold water. aJ.hit!t.uodersUx)dTltere, ia-ano-ther mode of preserving wheat, uhrch is eq tally effectual 1 that is, kiln dr iog ! it, which ktUshtaveUiohtTiag"tY OtttlU$pGpe7s. Many peoj INTEMPRiNC PROSCRIBED. CxtiaCt from Minutes of the Proceed- And sometimes it is saved by leav ing it in the field in hand-shocks for ten days or two weeks, if during that time the sun shines l Yc.ryliQt.. The great' heat of the sun operates like a kiln to destroy the wesvel. If, however, the wheat is well dried and kept cool afterwards that is all that Wnecessary7rrTo VccblnlilisK'th'ts it must not be pot in bolk in garners or Tail peoa. because iff " that "Situation it undergoes .sweat, that . generally hatches the worm. When well dried, spread it out on a cool dry floor, and I doubt not it will escape the weavel. F. KEATLT. Lexington Steam Mil, July 4, 1829. in r ...v .r . u i..L.r... V'. 1 uiun ciiv-c ui me lucKiuiiiiv episcopal Church, in Fayrtteville, N. C. held on Monday, July 13, 1829 : Whereas we have viewed with deep tegref,"-Yhc'dem6fi ing men to Congress or the State Legis lature, who are either intemperate men, or who treat, or employ ; piherMo do so fI :'f Ipctlcihiering; purpesesi we as aiedy, u Retotve That we xrillnot vote for men whom wrknow- and" 'ftquesTHie Preachers ti recorarnend he. private number. tf the Chursh to follow our example. A true cOpy, CHARLES BETTS, Present. Deverlt Rose, Secretary. Laughter A witty writer says in praise of laughter" LaogMer has even dissipated disease, and preserved life by a sudden efi'ort of nature. ' We are told thit .the great'Erasmus laugh ed so heartily at the satire by Reutel ler aod Van Hutten, that he broke an imposthume aod recovered his health." In a similar treatise on lajighter, Conflagration The roysl Bstsr in London (a covered street with a row of stores, tec. on esch side) was destroyed by fire in Msy. The eahibiter of s pic ture of York Cathedral when on fire, ac cidentslly set firt to something behind the scene, and the whole Bazar occupied by aboot 200 milliners, haberdashers, fancy goods dealers, &c. wis toon in flames, and most of the goods were' consumed. 1 he building itself cost nnward 1 8 100,000- J Rer.g.tuntleii 1825, Tuiiiof the Crm der, 4 vols.; 1826, Wlstork; IKI Chronicles of the Canongate. firtt terii 2v. ; 1828, Chronicles of the Canonga nccnd tent 1 ; and now, 1829, Anne Geiarstein. It was in this year a'sn that the fiiat of I Waverly Novels rame,.oit, but. we abU c clwJtf"o"ur 'TIst of hi cniscel'aneous works btf. 6je4kir.g of them. " - take newspapers, but tew prtser them ; yet the most interring re ding imaginable is a file of old new papers. h brings - trp the-very aj; with all its bustle and tvtry davaffa'n and mirks it genius and its spirit mc than, the. most labored descripTion -the bistp'riin:- If is" easy to presef ?P5EcJn.ii,4li.,repjtj, ttoixJo?: sjktrjhat'.'rjf rsilfee'pte value increases with their years j n 6td files have sometimes been sold prices too startling to roentioo. " Do you print for the mssons ?" ak s good natured, ysnkee doodle sort oi fellow the other day, who had strolled i to our office, and seated himself. "1 sir' we answered. " 1 heard them s you did,n continued he "No J m ami mason, and swear I"I stick to it i a holy cause. Dtin't you think to, r lad f addressing himself to eur dt 0fi"Yaa sir," replied the little wag, foli of fidct."'' Vcr!.nrt .fa'tifrr, 1 HfcMWOWHH"'"-' W"t

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