1. y rs ' 4, KETlIc ELECTlWs. i The LouisvU Pubtic Advertiser, ny Mr. Wicklia'a majority in the district, is about 640 o 6i0 votes. " - 7 Th. maidrlw rf Mr. Chilton over Mr. slandered, knd Kbosed for this Independent " course t but, like him, be will ultimately receive u Si&iA JW OcrAn official exam ination into the affairs or the Post Office ha, beCA made by order of the Priment which It Daears, that in 1817, the FRENCH CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES. Th7firtrnt Chamber (f Deputies in r....,-. U ihun characterised by the Par- the lasting gratitude of bis country, long after the lamentations' and bitter reviling of the dis- 1 1 SEPTEMBER ,1 , 1 829. missed office-holders shall have been forgotten. Wan cortespondent of the Currier det v.,. rNy.t' Let to a trace for you, total receipts of the Post Office ount- MEMBERS OF CONGRESS. Cruuher, willfe'c'ul our most aD8uin? In proportion to the number of persons then in ed to 5,392,374 pounds 'erlinS' V"'! ..'VncUnA naid 1.910,123, Scotland The following gentlemen wil compose the omce jr jeHerson made more refnoVala in the ayhe writer etch of the Charn- .rftifth-Jaar 1800 or 3WO votes. ; representation from North Carolina In the next j tw0 roonths of hia Presidency, than Gen Congress of the United States. In the first I j4CEt0n has for the five months since his eleva- 31 ,40ChUreUtyLJJOrji 3t omittWK at. Ummii has. we believe, been vvi v r ' i ieTeTecled by 1 xtf)tt?M!i iia a Mvwwaakrv w - alt- fractional perish J he total pay uwm. coTuinn, we give tte"pfesentTana 1a the second J iliDlEcl ... ..v-M df Sor 40Q Dcrson. showing in ihe same year amounted to 'jy j Mr. Lyon reeiectec wimoui oiia. column, the late representation . j; v . I I Tbe following letter from Mr. JcfTersbn was rt:.i P.ini ' : O'JMewiert. ' I drawn forth bv a remonstrance from certain mer- ottheir countenance the utmost ennui and Imitude, arriving as late erpoisibte at tion. -' " 7'- X ; . ; ' .' ,'. , ' Mr. Daniet bd wai opposed by. 1 friend of the rerit administration, ia no m ;iTirtaitw'tf4tw' aiaekiaiM.it.y. Theprincip'al business of the office i managed bV a Secretary, Sit Francis ' i ivtiK-m tt. Kh.nt. imuefSawW chanu in New England, against the removal of Etizur Goodrich. Km. an Adams man. from the 2. Willis Alston, tVillis Alston. m . o '-.. STV"i. a. " t . mm . .. ;-w.,.,- sett , -.Joon .as. After a iong r reeling, wnu, iaiy - w -,, .fitiied to.learo. that CoU R. a iMiftt0.t, John U. Brvan. I " . I'H""'"'-" r-""-J - to Y5V56 " Ajfj)v: 1 tL r4.. , ' . .1 ; 51 i ft" 'I- it '.I V U r . t ascends the tribune even lii Erst re scarcely iisicucu tu auu it us as vi indifferent politic, inattention is soon superseded by a buzzing noise one half bf the Deputies talking together in their seats, the other half walking up and down the Hall, and seeming to measure its length and breadth by way of occupation In Tain does the President or the Ser- geant-it arms endeavor to produce order and silence they toon get tired, and the session proceeds ss it be (ran. But if distinguished speaker presents himself man of marked character and opinions and whose talents enable him to exercise influence over a portoiri of the Chamber. Benjamin Constant, for instance, or the colder Dufiin, or tienne, the members re turn to their pieces, a momentary silence ensues, and one would be almost tempted to think that, the House wished to be en lightened, and would listen with attention not at all. This distinguished speaker 7 Wiif not have talked fi?mmutesf before - his voice is oerpoweud by ehemen.t io-L terrupiion j the right side, which speak little this f r. hut hollow a ereat deal, lanes uucito at a light pnfaie uttcrcu proceeotut the noise Increases-famor , interruptions, invectives, proceed trom II quarters ; the different sides of the Houses interchange above, menaces and calumnies, and very soon the hall is one scene of terrible confusion. This lasts sometimes for a longer, sometimes for a shorter period yet at last it finishes, as every thing must, and then the President addresses the turbulent lndviduals in very sententious discourse,, by which thejrappei iite eenv jncd,-end -yet re ready to begin again the next mo ment. Disorder thus succeeds ennui nd mout succeeds disorder ; the mem ber !;trns,rly gape and halloo, till at last comet the. question, which is taken by ' rising. Such stormy discussions would lead cad to suppose that at last the pro positions of ministers would be amended aor changed not so ; an immoveable ma- and the project is adopted. This is the daily history. Such, in brief, is the pic ture of our Chamber of Deputies. Much noise and little work, is its motto; and the ridiculous point of view b whkb it ppeara before the nation, produces the xnost lameotable effect, both upon the . public and upon foreigners. One of the latter present, at one of "these eiltings some days ago, said" Why this is a market place, not a tieliberative assem bly." As to the public, the danger is, that, wearied with these useless contests, deceived perpetually in its hopes, it imy at last be brought to doubt about the effi cacy of the Constitutional system ; and that would be for France, the greatest of all calamities for the consequence of such a doubt, would be either despotism or anarchy." thcNl-iOISf-fourlbtUf: fifth, -iiif sixth 54 1 1 6 The remainder of the Clerks received from 90 to 200 pounds; their salaries being increased from year to year The Secretary, Sir F. F reeling, has the privilege of franking, tits average atten dance at ottice is 7 hours per day. i ne Assistant Secretary, who lives in the of fice, fives his whole time to, the olhco -ajn.w m-JT.-m f'iJufliV3BffeSiH'.P' WW.YV-T.'t in; tOr r V V a a :Mr7TahWweJii1tpri uadeo nas Deen Mr Kncaid is believed to be elected in th rfMrict lately represented, by the Hon.i'. P Mobre,- by a majority of 5 to 700 votes over Mr; Booker. Ar have no satisractoi;y returns from T;l:munoriBeberV?, XlfanleT lTBarringerr JohnCoipeperr 'GVTWSift 'haw received tne tcmoa7 - hstraiw V wt ircre f 4eeUo a'Klrea to eron t la - u districts formerly rt presented by The Clerks attend from 10 to I o'clock, Gn, Metcalfe and K A. B&ckner. It is or at that rate of time. Sir Francis ha? the power to give the Clerks time for n creationf and tbey agree to discharge among themselves the duties of their ab sent, whatever the case nay be, he is ob liged to furnish his subsiiiue at a regular and fixed allowance. Attached to the Post ' Office estaiJ'uh ment is Solicitor, who attends daily to give his advice. He receives a salary of 500 per annum, but wmi the addition of fees, &c the emoluments of the Solicitor amounts to IS2S pjtr annum probable, however, that the coalition can i did ate have succeeded in those districts. ' Jude Clarke has been re-elected io Fayette district, and Mr. Letcher had no opposition. ' If the information we have received be correct, there will be no change in the character of the delegation from this State. Thev will stand at they did at the late session IP for Jackson, including the two Senators, and 4 for the coalition." At the late commencement of the Uni- if 0ar.t)u the deirree of A. B. was conterrea upon i ttfiwi?r'j two are citizens of thii llftte, yit. rAoma ! FTJicQUt of 1 redell county i-An&JZdviari J. rw7n7oTBuTkPcbuhtyT" The firsthonor, which is the Valedicto ry Oration, was conferred upon Nathaniel Maeun Crawford, (son of the late Secretary of the Treasury,) of Oglethorpe county, Ga. and (be second, or the Salutatory, was divided between Thoma.t F. Scott, of Ire dell county, in this State, and Win J. Kanton, of Madison county, Ga. Rat. Star. .fMfniOne of the members offhe JJcicrr tk Commission in the Mores writes from Egina, under date of 36th April, that he bas been to visit Athens, where he wss admitted, by the Turkish authori ties, without any difficulty, and suffered to ko wheicver he pleased M Athens is a! ill the mst beautiful, the most rich, and nwV strik ing of ruins. I inform you with joy .hat the ancient monuments have suffered very little. They appear erect end isolated amongst the rubbish oi the modern city. ATmh 'WApeWr.rrTTThe-Oake-rjf At hoi is uid to bare upwards of sixty miles gravelled walks on his Perthshire estates, and more than half that number of roilei of carrbgr roadi ; many of w hlch re formed out of the solid rock, and lead through the most picturesque scenery, to the tops of various of the lower range -n, cth Onmpuniyr. Bat thrte yield fd that which the Eat I of File h.i been for. -som years-foTthiiig- ut Ibe Cp'of ne 0f the highest Bens lo Scbtlanrf. fMacHni. in Brae Mar, which ia upwards of. four thousand feet above tbe level of the sea,) bf which materials are carried for the erection of family tomb upon the high est pinnacles of the mountain! Tbe length of the ascent Is nearly seven miles from the foot. G latgov Chronicle. 4' ' - aWoy....The Cincinnati Daily Adver tiser expresses the opinion, from the va rious accounts hich he been published of the favorable sime of the cropa, (hat there will be, at the lowest estimate, one yoiUion more barrels of flour made in the United, Slates, tbe present year, than were vcr made fa aoj year before. Str StetiThgirlVife was lately .apprehended at Sheffield, un der a warrant charging him with having stolen a pair of stockings, a flannel petti coat, a dimity petticoat, a satin slip, and a bonnet ! It appeared that the young gentleman bad, in Let, stolen . a young lady, and had been married to her at Gretna Green, that her mother, not Te- lisbin the conneUonJiad gone before a stealing the'cioth'es'ln which the fair Tui gitive was attired at the time of her flight.! What become of the case is not mention ed in any of the Sheffield papers. According to an official ststement lately drawn up by :he Russiun Minuter of Fi nance on the progress of Russian mines, ahead? 20t000 pieces 3 roubles hsve been struck off out of the newly discovered mine of fllatina, a metal which in Russia appears to have received the appellation of white gold. The circulation of this coin his not, of course, become very gen eral yet, but it is expected soon to be so, as the discovery of veins of the metal in crease! every year. In 1J27 the quanti ty of lOOOlb. was extracted, and in the following year the produce has amounted to 3,7201b. .Last year's cultivation of silk in Bavaria produced 366 pounds weight oT cocoons, and thirty pounds of spun silk. Fot the support of the worms 82,844 old mulberry trees are at hand, and 1(500,000 young plants in a thriving stale.' JWrc Crime. An English paper give, an account of four individuals, who were lately arraigned at' Chelmsford, on a charge of having escaped from the Poor House at Great Waltham, and wrTWy and motttioutiy tufifiorted themittvet by their own Ukor ! But it being decided by the court, that" there was no law to picvent man'e forking, the prisoners were dis charged. " Curiout trrartyOae Philip Bqaquet, who lately died at Amsterdam, has be queathed a legacy to a certain Benevolent Society, on condition that two fruit trees shall be, planted over hit- grafe-, ind that" a a .. me rruit snail De publicly sold at auction wrevy -yew for order w;:prdve3bVf UVti: ceptacles of the" dead "may be rendered useful and beneciai to the living. . Our New Orleans correannnifont the Journal of Commerce) under date of in, wrucs, "ii is currently re ported that there are letters in town from Mexico which slate that the Mexican government is about to order the expuls ion ol all Frenchmen from its territories." It is stated that the ladies of New Haven purpose forming themselves into an ami eating too many slicea -of -cucumber-in-the-morning-Society. An antigoing-ibout back-blting-neighbours-Society, it also talked of. Diabolical act.Thi garden and fruit- tf arefnf Mfbbri tangdonr of -Dunkirk, was entered one night last week, ty some imp in human shape, who girdled forty pium trees, aluost alLho oadand which he had for eight or nine years taken much ;aihT toncolTeef: "The" deYtruction was made with a diawing knife, and some of the smaller: trees' 'were"entiferyuf'"o1f' A man by the name of Jrigel (what a mis nomer) was taken up, examined, and was about to he committed for trial, when he escaped from tbe constable, and has not since been retaken. 1 he only provoca lion Mr. Lanedin has given for this out age, was, that he had sued this man to recover sn honest debt. Frtdenia Center. 9. AoguslSnH 10. John Uiles. John Long.- i collector oi pew-navcn, uiieiy tcc ujnm, I. Henry W. Conner. Henry W. Conner. I death of David Austin. Tke right of our fellow 12 Samuel P. Carson. Samuel P. Carson. I citizens to represent to the public functionaries it Will tarn. Lewis Williams.- 1 their ooiniun. on nroceedines interesting to Me?.rs. Giles, Deberry, Potter, Bhepard, and them, u unquestionably a constitutional right . ' . . M often useful, sometimes necessary, and will aU fpeignx, are new mcinocr., pnvo I wltg be resnectfully acknowledgeu Dv me. Lonsr. Culnener. Turner, Sawyer, and Bryan tl of the various Esecutive duties, no one excites Messrs. Cuipeper, Turner, and Bryan, were not more anxious concern wan ioai 01 pung me f c. ...... iniereaisot uiir icw v....B.. ... ...v canaiaa-mcr.. -h,ne,t men witl, undnrsta.Kling aufucient for beaten by thetr opponents. I their station. No duty at the same time, is more Of the new representation. Messrs. Debery I diffi .ult to fulfil. The knowledge of character and Williams, were advocates of the late Adams possessed by angle individual is of necesnty ....!, ..n.i.i l'm ei To seek out the best throuph the and CUy Administration the other gentlemen ...-,,. t nth are firm friends to the present patriotic and t5on whirh from t,e Dest of men. acting d'uin. Republican Executive .and ba measures. I tereted and with the purest motives, is some- iw times incoircci. in me case oi amuei nisnop. TENNESSEE- I however, the subject of yoor remonstrance, time L.i A. Iniormat.on was sought, ana s.ic ue.ioiiuwiiiK . f nKi.m.d . p,,,, .1 tave no room fop doubi'nF . - " " ' representation in the next (21st) Congress, from niu fitness. From private source, it was, learnt the above State Messrs. Standeferand John- that his Wcntanding was suiid, bis WteprUy . .u. !. I pure, in lliruict uni wucu. nnu iiic unices ....... i.t. nl .. . , 1st aiatnct - - -uim T. i -vid-nce, 0, the estimation in which he is held A eirl. sixteen years of age, applied re cently at (he Hotel Dieu, in Paris, for advice respecting a tumor in the neck On examination it appeared clearly to have been cau-'d by wealing tight ttayi f corsets.) We iQmmcnd this fact to Me notice of our lady readers Lamer f Feet A pert young lawyer guineas tor speasiti in a certain case w And 1," aaid the other, " received 2d do iryoruea. by the state in general and the city and townw 5th - - - - Robert Deaha. M of the Citv of New-'H.ven, an oflice held tob . Johnfle-.t. the will of the Ugislatnre ; Chief Judge of 7th - - - - - . James K folk, the Court of Common Plea for New-Haven 8th ave Jc countyt , 0f high criminal and civil juria. th ! David Crockett, .tom, wbereirr moat cauatJ are decided with. out the right of appeal or review; and the Before the election of Gen. Jackson, the ruf- sole Judge of a Court of 1'robates, wherein lie fle-shirt Adam, aristocracy, stigmatised the Re- - ' " publican party, who supported the General, as lheir mjnj j faCt Iim under his jurisdic- being made up of tbe offscourings of the coun- tion and cart, all the proper.y real and personal trythe mere ragamuffins: claiming, that the of persons dyinf. The two List offices in the . , a .k- m..,.Kii;,r t.Unt. armual eift of the kgisiature, were given to luin Adam party comprised the respectability , talents and wealth of the Union : And they arrogated u pfc tjUl ,ve man whom the Les'a to themselves the prerogative of determining turr 0f Connecticut i so : recently comtnated upon what was e;r in ntyle, and rt,ptctjul in trustn of such d. hcu.ty anu m.gn.r.iue, . ' . . ,. ,r -.-,-. ,vK-.rK h fit to be the Collector ol the District of New. language, in the political di.qu.MtiOns which the i( KknowBdged in tbe same p,.l..nt;l nuei'ioi called forth. As a matter of course, they decided in favor of themselves that all they wrote. an', said was marvellously decent andrw; but that the .vulgar Jaoksonian, printed and spoke nothing but falsehood and scurrility. ,Kw had not tbepeople of the Uni- -a,VtVa hcen supU slifT-necked democrats, as to I funk anajntlgtor thtmtervei, the world might to this day bare believed, as the editors of the double that sum for holding my tongue in j alional Intelligtncer (who were wont, in for. mer timea, to write as though their pen had been dippcJln rose-water, but hose' "gray goose quill" would aeem now to be surcharged with pepper and mustard) very .recently assor ted, tbat the Jackson party was a w vile end vnl far herd, that delight in the kenntl" It will re- the same cause." ,"" A new kingdom it svoki!tf of in'Eurdpe, of which Genoa is to te the capitalthe Sovereign to be an A!-,ian Prince, the Archduke Francis. Pi inca Caricnan is said to be moat legUiroMely entitled to it 1 he present Iving is to fxlicate, so lar as toutiafy the refletting portion of community, regards the old kingdom. tjltt those who use it have any legitimate right , ' to set thecnaelves up as patterns of decency in Kneading Bread by Machinery. Two ' style, kc. But the truth is, the factious oppo- machines have Deen constructed in rarls nents of Gen. Jackson's administration, have for this object the Petresseur Mechani become desperate from tbe hopelesness oftheir que and the Petrin Mechanique. TbelCaVMc Th wise measures and aalutary rrformf latter completes tbe making of bread jrf lbe minii(rttlon( ,re giving prper;.y ,0 writing, to l.ave obtain d an mis cotitutjnee; " by a long course of usefulness It w object ed indeed in t!ic remonstrance that he is 77 ydiirs of ape ; bu', ht a much .nore advanced ae, our Fiai.kliii was the WJiament yf human nature. He may not be able to perform in per son all the detaiU of his office i but if he Rues us the he'ictit of hiaunileriKrnit:, hi' interit) , lita waictiriiliicrs, and taXts Kit that all die flo-v tails are well perfurmcd by Iiimnelf or h'ra neccs ary assistants, all puutic purposes will be an. sercd. The remonstrance indeed does mc allege that the ofl'tee hat hem ilhr conducted, but only apprehenili tliut it viJ be . Silioulu i'J h9p"enn event, be nur-d I will do iri.lt what shall be ju-t and tr-'ccswarv for the publn' '-ice. In the mean time he should be tried v '! -ut being prejudged. I : f n mmal ai it is rilled, of Mr. Goodrich.-" il'tllier subject of coipiiuit. without submitting it to a human hand : aod its operation is spoken of in high terms, as combining in the best possible manner, neatness and rapidity of execution. tbe country, and contentment to the peopU-: and as thia faUifics all the sombre trediction of the coalition, tbey, in a paroxam of disappoint ment, are peering out the vial of their v ratli, without measure, on the heads of the venerable ' . . I . , . L i 1.1' I ' . L j . . . . . nainui no nrcntici over me ucuujiic un caa- Anecdote. A meeting in one of the J ' Western towns in Massachusetts, for xhtT ? T " ''7' bor:n ' " purpose of forming a Temperance socie ,hm ,n lhe u,u',ry Vorkof br,n,nf brk xhe ty, a gentleman who shall ba nameless, , ministration of the government to its farmer occupied the floor for a time, advocating , ,l.Pblican ain.phc.. v k. r j , . ""a e Loud and liijrubtku complaints are still made in the coalition papers, on the removal nl sund-y Adams office -holders. -No matter if the tbe house, and exclaimed u Mr. Mod era tor ! Squire has 'spresscd my mind exactly!" This short speech overset the gravity of the assembly, and the -argument of 'Squire , both together and a society was formed without farther dif ficulty, en. Ibe principle of ettirabfib Journal of Humanity. the suppression of gross drunkenness; but at tbe aame time disapproving of the principle of entire abstinence, and plea ding the necessilv of temperate use. When he took his seat, a man more than j'ctd office-be a peculator of the peopla half intoxicated, ragged, filthy, with a money, a defrauds of the government, a public long beardrvttf ted try in a distant paH of jkfwltr, or a nUaru.ua aandcrctf-lht-rxcau denl and his cabinet officera, snd sn informer to the opposition, hit dismUal frcm tbe sen ice of those whose most imaortant interests he be. trays, Is followed by comptatnti, long siidt.uid. of Being persecuted andtproscribed. But tia is all Berfectlyjn eonsopAncfi i.th the, character and principles of the Adams aristocracy t they wish to. make, cc (as their eandat, Jja land, doea knrt nV taUty' T.TiTXiYTWt among thenwelvea. The Jar.ksnnians, beinfr blunt rrpuhlicsrrs, -e, in the estimation of these starched up gentlcmon, entirely too csawM to become tbe recipients either of offices or hon ors. But Gen. Jackson, in supplanting tbe younger Adams, finds it necessary to do precisely as Mr. Jeftrum did, when be succeeded tbe elder Adams j and the General could wish for no bet ter precede at. Ceo. Jackson like Mr. Jeffer son, found the country filled with the abuses of office, which had grown up underbis predeces or, if not connived at by hire i Ceo. Jackson, like Mr. Jefferson, was elected by the people to rtfrm these abuses i and, like Mr. J. finds it necessary to remove many unfaithful p'ubhc ser- tvantsr Like Mr. Jeflcnva, he as, m frttrnt, -TVW fmrfn.-i.The following is sn extract from the instructions of th Post Master General to the several Post Mas ters t ' It frequently happerj that newspa pers are sent by mail, addressed to per sons who do not take (hem out of the of fice. In every instance of this kind tbe Postmaster should give immediate notice of it to tbe editor of the paper ; adding the reason, if known, why they ere not taken ; that is whether the person is dead, has removed to some other place, or merely refueed." American Silk is aaid, by an European Manufacturer of the article, to be aupe tkf te foreign silk. . lo-rs riiollipr suliiect of coTtimaint. IVr'a.- qulre other evidence than such scurrility as thi. , ti.,,,? bv rrvsell iti Svor of pa'tUt-aTMe'CHem ex-- hn,i .,ig tr ,arw.my and affection in social i-tercii.;-. and lb- respen for the renal rich: of the n. . .i v. vn certain occa-inna, bct;i quoted a 1 V'Wustnied ito assurances tbat the teiHi:- ' f'tnees was to be umlitut'be!. Iluf could cuvior apply such a construction t'' is tint inder t in the rfmonotranee that we find it: but it leads to the e vplanutions wliich that r!! ff When it h eonidered that during tl.e Utc . i ninistriiii'i ihoae who were not of a pi. ti '. sect of polices were excludcil from a t offi.-t ; and when hv a steady jinrstiit e.f thi neure, nearly the wlinle oflicrs of (lie United States were monopolized by that rct : when the. public aintiment at length declared i'0'-lf and bu at open the door i of honor and coi.fi lertce tn thnsa whose opinions tliey more (proved ; Ttni tt tt he inapned that thi fumnfttlg nj fitA wii tUtl t bettntinuedin the hardi f the nut' i.v ' Does it violate 'heir tq-m' rihtt to asiei- some r glits in the majoiity a's i ? I it p f.USi intufrrance to chum a prtiportionate fhare in the direction of the pnbbc ailairs Can tl.ty not harr,iute in society, upIcm tlicy huve exery thing in their own hand. If the will of the na tion, manifested bv their variant elections, calls for an administration tr government arcurdirif with the opinions of thrw. elected ; II, fr tht fulfilment of that will, displacement, a-e ne-re. sary, with whmn can they vi justly bein aa wi.i. xrr'". a;ponied in the In a? momeuls of an aJ ..': li.i'ation, not tor its own aid, but to begin rk'err at the same time with their succour-, by whom iliey had never been approved, and who could n arcely ttpect from them a cordial coKiperation ? Mr. Goodrich was one of the,. Ws It pr-. irr for him t'pla bin aelf in ofTice, wiUttw.t k bow ing w lkUkk s these laeaav affwn h ' be, coiild bare cnnbdciwe in hia agency ' Cau the preference of anothrr. aj-tlitiutxe jfr, AiiatinVG einthdly railed a remo! of Vr I. Ukjdrioh J If-avdu'e-tkrtkipatioa of oiT.ce is .. . wta'trr of riht, how are varaueirs to be obijiiw d.'- Thoe by dt-sth ar? few, by refill"!"! none'.9 Can any' other mode then but removal be proposed t This it a painful office : hut it i made Ry duty, and I meet it at such. I proceed in the operatiua with deliberation and inquiry, that it may injure the bet men leait i and effect the purposes of justice and public utility with the let priva'e distres: that it may be thrown ss much aa possible on delinquency, on npprr aion, on intolerance, on anti-re oluiivnary d here nee to our enemies. The remonstrance laments that a cUnge ia tbe administration must produce a change ia the subordinate officers! H in other words, that i' should be deemed neeeasary for ail ome'ers to think with their principal. Hut on whom does this imputation bear t n those who have ei eluded from office every shade of opinion which was ant theirs t Or on those who have been " eaeludtd' 1 !srtw sincerelr that ; rti:V -.

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