v :..' . "' ' ....,-..,. ''' ! fulnr uf a Lawaaf Cugrau, , J err: VOL. X...'..NOt 434. r)TWSM JM iwit aJauraavaatraa,BM to (. la. friM'f Uw WMtrft Ckuiaiiia ka tml alur.4, m T aUar aa a kail FT aaania r t. 4.11m mi., If paM In Taan. N'n ar anu aa awaatoaanS, nutyi at ifc lix I a T ! tM, aattt all aura an ant a. 4rrti.,..,t W kwM itt craia iSMa ferlat Mm tHt,a4 cms ara , lkr ara awUaur irntltn. rauli-, aat b ll m w MHiMauiaHa n an Uilw, ttti ktf aJ 0 .MgriJ4..l,aiap liallllwillj fl -ear, w?J!l,y;ry'cnpirte,.i:;i':: ' buper. Black Mating ' ; ' ; VircQiiiani lUl. ! '."'' Fluid Xormch I rapt " Kt I A. York MM Shlrtingt ' LV "... Spool Cotto,Xt. 12 la 20 ' LW(n Card, 7 to 16 r Slumped Bonnet liibhon .... Parted Ife't do. -White WannA, Irish linn, lie. t KYLES f. MEEXJIX. .Wiw, Aug. 230, ISA 3i84 WTERML IMPROVEMENT. to Mr. ftladuon, with the nnexed paptr, in the' form of Declaration to be idop ted by the State tf Virginia, rtUtite to I!.n rKht. ? i.h general Government to pTtagcajnternaiimprertingntiaUhiaiaft me conntrv, will be read with interest bj HAS just rcccircd, ami opened at hit Store in SaiuburY. targe nd handum vrt njcnt of . ' Spring end Summer GOODS ; Aki.GfOcerie, Hanlware.CuUei-y, riutedWare, Hatvaml Hitter' Triiwn? Crucki rv. a oxmmI &iiinut. .ill' JIoIumi- inked for m tore. ;. i; , Hlg stock ofgwda nai Veen purchased feritire' asjoww can bt- Tnl in tlie plac, Tor" cuihyottS pur.ctuaJ ciibtoii.ei- on tliort credit. The pub. tic are respectfully invited to c&ll, examine, aiid . judge fr themselves. SaHtfiuri, June 3d, 1829. 70 ft 0 A. fl'IE subscriber lias the . (ilessure oi, anuuu. JL cin to hi friends aitd customers, awl the fublic in general, that he is now receiving from biW-tpVii and New York, AN ELEtiANT ASSORTMENT .t::::; , ur tms Chevfiefl M .! Fathitnuffi . ... . . cairns le 1m ever liaa. iisvui Been seimea vuii gmt care, by bltnset ani bought for cnih, he teeli perfectly contident, that (ur like patterns vii ennal .qualities, he cannot be undersold by jjr pherjloiyise. jn 1 UiejUce. T he public are respectfully in v'ttcti U call and eKumine for themselves. 1 lis assortment com- aailurisesalHtfisI e crvmicle.twuaJIv kept n. Stores. MlCnAELBROVJi jfffijm t YAVU1, 8jc. tor SaU. 5 r'FlHE subscriber havinir deter X. mined on removing to the re presented to the public by the editor of the Charlottesville Advocate, " M i to be presumed that Mr, Madison did hot agree tth hi$ excelleni friend, as to the propriety of the policy recom menced to.be pursued by the State, or in some other soim, nothine was ever done with the Declaration here Riven. , ' TO JAMES MADISON. V, : , ; . , Monticella, Dtcember 2 1, 1826, DitAK Sir j 1 have foi some time con sidered the question of internal improve ment at desperate. . The torrent of een eral opinion sets w fttrohgly'ih favor of it as to be irresis'.ible. And 1 buppose that even the oppptriiiuji in Congress will here ufter be feeble and formal, unless some thing can be cione which may give a gleam of encouragement to our fiirnds, or' alarm ihtir fancied security. -1 learn trom-Ovicbmoudt- tbat-4hose-w bo- think with mtnere ire ia uuit of perfect di rwl knowlrt what" to do, or what to propose. Air Gordon, our itnresenta yerpiruUilyv has wriilcn 'to mc in tery despondiuK terms, not disposed lo yield indcid, but pressing for .opinions attaudvtcerttn-' the'xfbjccr.' ihave tro- doubt you arc pressed in the same way, and 1 hope-you have devised and recom mended something to them. If you hare stop here and lead no tao'e but consider all Ihat follows as non a-MUue. 1 shall be belter ftaiisfitd to 'adopt implicitly any thing you may hate advised than what occurs to. myself. For I have long ceamd to think on subjects of tl:is ki4r-4n4 -pay-4Ut4ettritofT -to- pubiTC m. 11 ... I T v a jjiuccciuiis uui i: you nave done no ifting in uthtn .l ikk for your consider ation what has occurred to the, and is ex prsssid in the inclosed paper. Bailey's propositions which came lo hand since 1 wrote the paper, t. which I suppose to have tome Irom tht.i'rtsidcnt- iiinmrlf other rlgltsrTnJcpenJeilt g-yernmeot, tereftw;---.--- - .. ; f For the administration 'of (Mr tcieM branch they agreed to appoint i cobjuiic tion,' distinct tet of functiontier, ecii uNinncr KHiea raioat compact while to each, scver-iry.and of course rerjained itself, a separate set ol functionaries Jeg isUtive, executive and iudiciarr, alsS for adminihterinu the domestic branch of their respective governments. These two sets of cffiYers, eac.h Indt pendent of ihe other, constitute thus a whole of government, for each State sepa rately; me powers ascribed to the one. a specially made federal, exercised over the whole, the residuary powers, retained to the other exercisable exclusively over hv particular Stale, foreign hereio, each to jibe others, as the j. were before the Original compact. To this construction of eoveroment and distribution of its powers, ibe Common. wealth ol Virginia does religiously and af fectionately adhere, opnosimr. with eaual fidelity and. firmness the usurpation of euntr mhi turwtionanes on the rightful powers of the other. -But the federal branch h " w.wUIM IJ while-we wjll bresst with them rathef han lenarate from thftn everv misfor xune lave that only ot living under a cov- crumcni oi unumnca powers. . VYe owe evqr other. sacriSc to oursalves, to our federal brethren aJ ia mtl& t larifn aomexase vend claimed in others, ric;ht of enUrKing itsv ownjwwex by construe lions, inferences andtndefinite deductions from those directly given, which this.As sembly does declare to be usurpAlion of the powers retained to the independent branches, mere interpolations into the 5oropse, nd diretj infractions -of Tney claim, for'example, and have commenced the exercise of a right to construct roads, open canals, and effect other internal improvements within the terrt'orici end jurisdiction exclusively uelonRlfli? to the several states, which this assembly does declare has not been given to ihot bi'anch by the constitutional com pact, but remains to each State among its domestic and --unalienated Do ; e i s, e xer- citable within itself and by its domestic vwt.rviit.va siviia;.' - . et, oller for cale his present place of residence, ryin on the wa ters of the South Fork of Cratic Creek, contain'mr Tw hundred and thirty one arret f being six miles and a half of Salisbury, i i I. ... . aiijuining me lanes lormeriy belonging to Jticob TuJier, Mrs. -VV'aUtir, Will'uir.aon Harris, and others : On the above premises, there a good comfort able Dwelling-House; anew Bam, built in a superior style and Stable! sufficient for any num ber ot Horses necessary tor working the farm. Persona wishing to purchase, .will of course come and examine fur luemlvei when due attentioi will be paid. The payment for the above premises will be, 300 in eath, the balance on a credit of one and two years stood and awroved notes, I likewise offer for tale, one Tnct of Land, VffC oo Panther Creek, containing fifty teres ; sdjiiining John Hodge, Eara Parks, Uc. For Sale, on the above premise. rr5Q-BuiWfmiE.Wi Hie above premise", if not previously dipoed of. will be otfervd at Public SaU, on the 25th 't. Which will be ou Friday. v .. . JOHN WILLIAMS. Spi. :. 1829. 3185 W ANTED to employ, three or four journey, men tailors i 'o whom constant employ, sad good wsgfi, will be Riven. Apply to the briber, in Concord, NVCT r--THOMAS T.- CANON." shew a little, hesitation in the nuroojes of ins pill iy, aim in tnat smic ui iiiiuti) bold shot (.liticiilly' may decidj the con test, by its circct on the less bold. The olive branch held twit to them at this mo mett ifray-be sect pteuV and .the consliiu: tion thus saved at n nioflerate scciince. 1 say nothing of the paper, which will ex- pUiu itscUV ,.The following beads ..ui, coflr sidcratiuit, Or some of them, may weigh' tiv its favor It may intimidate, the wavering- It may break the western coalition by otter ing the same thing in a different form. It will be viewed with favor in contrast with the Georgia opposition and fear of strengthening that. It will be an exam ple of a temperate mode of opposition in tuture atid similar cases, ll will give us the chance of better times and of inter vening accidents ; and in no way place u in a worse than our prestnt situation. I do not dwell on uiose topics; your mind will devdope them. The first question is, whether you ap prove of doing any . thing ol the kind. -1 f not, send it back to rue, and it shall be suppressed ; for 1 would not haxrd so important a measure against your opinion nor even without its suppori. If you :hink it uuy be a canvass on which lo put something good, make what alterations you please, audi will forward it to Gor don, under the most sacred injunctians that it'shbll be so used as that not a shad ow of suspicion shall fall on you or my self, that it has come from cuber of us. But what you do, do as promptly as your convenience will admit, lest it should be antitipited by something worse. kvf u4ueaionaielyjtfltirBj TH. JKr FEHSON. Tnis Assembly does further disavow, ami declare to be most false and unfoun ded, he doctrine that the compact, in au thorising its federal branch to lay and colter 'tflxesr-'dutin7!mpot9 :and ;exches rnWnelfrcif' Utttted States, has given them thereby a power to do whatever they may think, or pretend, would promote the general wcl-farff-wlMch.-onstjucUca..w.oald..jm4k.5 that, of itself, a complete government, witbt.ut limitation ol. powers hut that the plain sense and obvious Mea!wgwits;j VbiY YTVjey- might levV laxea necessary 10 t r a ..1 .... . 1 1 . fc 1. a 1. ioia8lor vne Keneiai uct ui me ynttous acts of owej iterem sptctncai ar.d delegated lo them, and by no others, Nor lilt admitted, as has been said, tliat iht people of these Slates by not in ves'iti their Inderal branch with all the means of bettering their condirton, have denied to ihenijtlves ai.y hich may ef feet that purpose; since in the cli-t t ibu sion of these means, the? have-Tpven to that branch those which belong lo ti da tat tmcnts and to the States hav rm ved separately, the residue which belongs lo them separately. ua mus oy orga.-nzi-tion of the two branchos taken logelhsr, have completely secured the first objeu of human association, the lull improve ment of thir condition, and icsei ved to themselves all the faculties ui multiplying their own blessings. Whilst the General Assembly thus de clares the rights retained by the States, riirhts which they have never yielded, and which this otate will never voiuniari the great: experimentjvbieb; shall prove thai nfan is capable of living in aociety gtm'riiHfnjfUiett'Wfi and Atcuung to. its.mtmbers ihe4 enjoy ment of IUe, liberty, property and peace; nd further to shew that even when the government of itt chqice shall show' a teldency to degeneracy.- we are not at one to despair, but that the will and the watchfulness of itt sounder parts will re form in aberrations, recall it to original and Igitinute principles, and restrain it with; the rightful, limits of self-govern ment And these are the objects of this BccUbtion and Protest. Supposing then, that it might be for the good oithe whole as tome of its co-States seem l think, that the power of making roads aid canals should he added to those directly given to the fedoral branch, as more likely to be systematically and beneficktlly directed, than by the inde pendent action of the several States, this commonwealth, from respect: to these opinions, and a desire of conciliation withJ . W - A . . .. I Its OriaiesiaLiQftBt who them, to make this addition, provi ded it be done regularly by an amend fment 6f the compact, in the wny t. tab- lished by that instrument, and .provided also,, it be suflkicntly guarded against abuses, compromises and corrupt practi cca not only of pirstlble but cuCprobable., occurrence. And as a further pledge of the sincere and rot dial attachment of this common wealth tothe nation of the whole, so far as has been consented ,0 be the compact called ' The 'Constitution of the ITnited States of Auierica,' (construed according to the plain and ordinary meaning of its language, to the common intendment ol the time, nd -f lw)ewUo-44itt4-4t4 to give also to all parlies and authorities, time, for . reflection, and. consideration whether, under a temperate view of the possible consequences, and imperially of the constant obstructions which an equiv ocal majority must ever expect to meet, they will still prefer the assumntion nl Dread of Flour makes a N-ge p ortionof r ' ffiy.aod,;j nr l most commonly. drink one. glass of,xll J'i...2.':." . Vine plain boiled rke I am fond blit ' ' ' makes nearly half my,Dinnerrnrhr' ff ' ; - often- ts everv oiuer Davl rirelr eat fuit. vay ctwf jf.tw;wuenti getable food one klnd .or o her makes commonly two-thirds or three-fourths of 9tnwui..jvmuJMtMAriHh "and Onions. As to Drinks, 1 - se.ldm uko " any but at meal times and with ripe in younger life my most common draft was Cider, seldom Wine, leldom or never.. Beer cr Ale or distilled Spirits i but for the last 40 or SO years, my most usual rfrtnk has been' a mixture, a little singu. lar indeed, but as for me it is still palata ble and agreeable, I still prefer ittho mixture is this, via: Good West India Hum 2 Spoonfuls Good Cider, whether new or old, 3 Spoonfuls; of Waler.9 or 10 Spoonfuls of this mtxtuie (which f suppose lo bo about the strength of com mon Cider) I drink about half a pint with my Dinner and about the tame quantity with my Pipe after Dinner and my lip in the evening, never exceeding a iai inc whole Day ; , and I .desire nothing chn except one glass .of Wine .immediately after Dinner, the whol day. 1 generally take Pi.fMa jt:JhniAi..M In the Evening, and hold a smll pcTr Pigtail Tobacco In my m -jifb om Hroakfast till near Dinner, and agin in the Afternoon till tea ; this hasbreti nty prattice for 8p years 1 nsernn Srruff -i drink its about sunset and eat -vitft it a small slice of Un.sA toasted i!n H itter; I never eav any more till bre--.l-.. I have not olten had any con-pLtm Itnm indigestion, but wbon 1 have, ubsiinence from Bricakfatt or Dinner, or both, has usually removed v indeed I have several tithes thrown ofl seriou coniplaiuta by abstinence. As to Clothing, it is what my Friends csll thin i 1 never wear Fun nel next my Skin, though often ndUed lcdLMdjfijJgjjitb)e to take- cold. a U dawtaaSi is called ti.an niont people a good Warm double breasted )aist Coat unJ a Cloth coat answers me for winter, and as th5 aesson grows warmer, 1 gradually con form my covering to it. As to t.ie Pul sions, Sir 1 iced not tell vnuah.V-Mn Lnrlnlo"'' thmm . Ilf-t -. - ation, In our expectation and inn yt, and to preserve Peace in the meanwhile;! contriHute nrirh to our Health, wri . " . .. .. . . i. t i. . " -t". .T'r--5- r- we proceed to maxe ittne tluty ot our pur nappiness, auu uiai mixaiy is injun citizens, until the legislature shall Other ous to both. wise and ultimately decide, to acquiesce 1 bsd a (jood Set oi lecth, hut they uhderthme-wty-of th' tedi4MaMJuifmlea nte gradually without pain, so that our coverhmeni which we have declared I by BJ t lost tficiii ill. la belisurpaiioift, and iiguinal which. Hi Jbiht"Cftjihtfwo'dur void and never to be quoted as prece dents of tttbli We theiefoie do enact, and be it cnai ted by the General Assembly of Virgin. "e ;PI0,BK' "''f ,,on; ' that all citizens of .-Mi Co nmonwj.lth h ",,h,n rURunJerairiiediuAlified atUfuH . -ju Bawa4 coiity.: iourti-M ths xe!lr oi lbs will of Dm Woody- AU peiaons in debted to sai,i estate,, are requested to mske fyment j and kit "persons having demand JRsinst the same, are requested to present them J01 settlement, cr this notice will be pleaded In . " . WM. B. UOOD, ) .. . . THOS. WOOD, 1" JngM 19th, 182S. 3m93 0 ommUltA to Wve 3t T this eoumv. on the 23th of Auirusl, 1R29. a AVara Mtih. who sava his name is TOM i "id that he belong to a man by the name of "vwtM MayjUld, Chester district, boutn uaro-,in- Tlie ow ner ia requested to come forward, prove property,,nay charges, and take him away. and pet sons and Authorises within the same, shall ny full obedience at all times to the acts which may be passed by the Congress of the United States, the object of which shall bo the const ru tion ot post mads, rnaktni; canals of navigation, and maintaining the same, in any part of the United Statrn in like manner as if the said acts were, tutidem vrrbiut, passed by the legislature of this Commonwealth. T DtisMtitic Extracts from a let fer from the venerable Dr. Ilolvokc, of Salem, written in October last, to a gen lleman cf North Carolina, who had asked of him same account of his mode of tile, kc. Dr. H. died at the great ago of 101. As. to ny diet, having been taught to . . . ... . 1 1. eat ot-sriMnliii! tnai wasjireuamu ioc ui.c. from their Sister States, co-operatca with themselves in Ibis compact." They know and value too bifibly the blessings of their Union as to foreien nations and questions amiwg-smong thcnmUc3t.lo vonider - ii .u-.. J Mn .in ik anil havi)l? slwHVS a IV VICIU, "HI VI W .IV. .. y . ... f . ...... . r j; r .....iin nr irtiaut about ntv iood, and I do - iwMs, ; -..; The Kditor of the Waiertown, V. . RcgtstcrY? l'ion 'he 1. r the. y-- discount on Canada nioiuy to r.i. ted. A subscriber has ulso " pay. The crops of gmpes, and paru the Isabella grapes, are Said to bt fine in the gardens around Brooklyn, i. I ho oiar mention1 that one vint. lit Poplar street, Brooklyn, entirely covers the end of a two story house, and that Mo (ruit of the vine ovcrsnadowa the windows of ...Ibe t and front of lllfi hotise. One James Read, of New York, bis a machine which weaves eight different watch ribbonds at the same time The townol Salford.T Kng J which has a population of 23,000, his but one law- tirs oil ice. i here is, perhaps, ho other -i a I I . - ..t civuizea ana cnristianizeu coinniunny, oi equal population, which can boasi but w good appotite, 1 fn I single injb cf the la. "'J ,wu' ' I , -. V. I f-.. .L. not reccllecl anv thing, that Is Commonly . . uui HHiivv., i r, i I iL. alir.ni hall a rti.Hn tjuvrri nth my atom- I"!''; ., ,'. " , ' . . ' f tv.,t, i,i,h have filled in 1'hiladelpbu. 1 his, so far eaten, that does no: agree wi . f I. ... l..f. u).ii.h I aca, except .. ... y - " from bcing n il,jicalion 0f .. hai d um, s, tnoug. very .r . , " shoud bc onMdcred - proof that ah oth- niOSI Wiways uiaa.w. - The okmn declaration andfirtel fthe CtmmA vrahh ol Virginia, on the principle of the ton ttuuuon of tM, United Utatei of , America, and :" WtJIWBli n lit T Atmbf of Afl irginvay, every infraction as to be met by actual resistance. 1 hey respeci too auccuoo ately the opinions of those possessing tlie same rights under the.sanie instrumunt, to make every diffarence or construe ion lbcreof.do declare as follows : confederated to establish their -indepen dence on the governmetit of Great bri talr., of which Virginia was one, became, on that acquisition, frec-ajid independent States, and as such, authorised to consti tute governments, each lor itself, in such form as it thought best. They entered into a compact, (which is called the constitution of the United Slates of America,) by which they agreed to unite in a single government as to. their relations with each other, and with for eign nations, and as to certain other arti- ele? particularly specified. They retain er! t .he sknic.time, each to itself, the wfuci, Soint of Sal Ammoniac drpsf Aqua Ammonia pure in a wine glass of water, gives me relief after Pork, Lon- 00 behalf nd In the name or the people would indeed, consider such a r upUirjr as ww..vBf-.r.., ..it.......... j,,..!,,, among ine greaicsi ihih could btf il tnem; but not b- greatest., Tijere is" yet brie greater, QOtnsiton-tow government of unlimited powrs. It is only when tbe hope of avoiding this shall become absolutely desperate, tut further forbearance could not be ihdulged. Should the - majorities of the co-parties therefore, contrary to the expectation and hope of this assembly, pref, at this time, acquiescence in these assumptions of nowerbv the federal member of the eovcrnmenu we will patient and sulTer much, under confidence that time, ere it be too late, will prove to them also the bitter consequences in which that usur nation witl involve M all.' In the mean I T ' -- . .' . I mr Irinrlv of liiminen"! tire in a thriving ia however, I have J remedy, in tnet "" ; n KiKht or ten es a wi c ti . at-wA i l lie u. ufizefc says nai n unu- cock-roach socitty ik about Id bo'itarted" rj af..r an. thin else which of- in New Lngland i tv e expect shortly to kndwy sromacV-A ionn'er W thwe is. one peculiarity in my diet, which, j ivcf- Btuijc n9J been established in si it , myJJ.er"P wata tniriDir.n in Health, I would mention; i am louu i Fruit, and have these 30 or "more years dsily indulged in eating freely of those ofihe Season, as oirawocmes, v.Uirin. Peaches, Plums, Apples, Ecc which in summer and winter 1 eat just before din ner, and 'seldom at any other time, and indeed very seldom anv tnmg wnateve- betweivicals Ny wreuKlasi i vary VrlitK tfua Ul ivoraa)s ort IJostcm, ihe'SSuWbTT' '. A lady correspondent of the New York Ameiicn thinks that " of all the absurdi- ;ics in dressing yet seen, none can equal thc.ccjt- third in which it it the pleasure of some gentlemen to conceal them.-; selves." ' The Cincinnati Chronicle speaks of s ..... f. I . - - .a. I ' ft g , l 1 . a l Kit l l mi w n nniii wr ills ai n aw ill l liar ill ll - continually, toffee, tea, v. nocivoia.o, uaiiw..e - i "''""IT with toasted bread and butter, mux nn "'" 7"-"b "- Bread toasted, in hot weather, out. never wnai yu.. ..v.y u. . vy u. v any meal in my-Lifc-seldom the same se.ecteu a w.e - w ,v Breakfast more ihan 3 or 3 diys running. Uc placed In theMuseum! . v ii i V . V I . . 4 V i . ..." i H I Mrwiat:'.- t i M . v, tf- r r: 4 .41. ! -A I ' 'i H . 1' il' n 1 II - J I