i -.-.-)i.'W: '; i , .. . - " LIST )V MKM1IEU3 .Of the neit LEGISLATURE if North Carolina. f,wa.-Clemert Marshal, lenatei W.Uum A M ini, Joseph White, common. - - nJ-rioa Mitchell, .-nte t 7.:lrib Caktr, Jamea Clay, common " ' n,..,., Junh B. Hmto.i, aenatet John rtLL.ror-0. Askew, wnate, Alexander i.nh Leonard, sena'ei attrsaea it'-rinrrpii -'" - - i. .11 ,..., nunc. common. " Am onmntAAI. - . laniL Joseph JWi, comnwtv Pnif I M. Barter, William MTean wmmon. lforl Brown. senate iJobii -WO. 1... i Varr. RnmmOlil.' ' aAo.Joacpb Raniay, senate j Nathaniel G. Smith, Joesp" Brook, common. ' aui...wajiam Watson, senate George w.rrim Bvrum. commons. ' CIwnlia...J4me Rey senate j -Luke. B.; Simmo t, Richard Wooten, common. . Cro--Biobfd D' SP. M, Nl tbamel Smith, Eliakiffl Patrick, common, Cumblanik. M'Desrmid, nat A. Mac Neill, Alexander Buie, common. . Currituck Caleb Etheridne, emvtej Benj. T. Rimmona, Willoughby D; Barnard, common. IjwJM.-Rauonj Harris, enat t William Xi. Wiactsan, Lwia Snyder, common. -ZtyJiii.- Suphett Wilier, senate i William Wrigbt, Job Farrier, common. Kdgmmb. Lou'u IV Wilson, senate t Gray Little, Maw Baker, common. . f roriMii....WiHiam P. William, enatc t W il Kam Branch, ThoaaaT. Russell, .common, n Coet. -William W.Cowper, aenate j "W illiam W; atedmatfc Wieup R1 coinmoiuv-..-.Critt,Ulm Lned, enatcj; Jame " Wl Ctie, Opt mm 0lU. WWllWMt Qrtme ..Wyatt Mo, aenatet Jamei Har "pet. Arthur Speight, coramon. ' . . Oui'fird. John M. Dick, enate Franci L. Simitmh, tJeotfe Memlenhl, eommon. 7 Jfabfax.Mun Matthew, ente; Je A. . Bvnum. Thomas Nicholaon, commons. ! fcWrf.rr.WilhMWk!h Bi4IUMa E(lmondtoo, Jme B- Lo'e common irotI...Bri,.r L Montgomery, cnatt Jn. II. Wheeler, Elian A. Chatnblee, cottimon. Hyde.:. John SiWerthorn, enate v Marvel Wilkinum, Fniter Jarfw, common. mWiAk.,nmaf Ar Ailiwn,- enale f Jame W. Bogle, William Kinjr, Commona. ...Aara..Wrubtn Sander, aenatet Hillary Wilihf, Allen-Ricbardon,comroon. ynrt.-.Riden M. U'Daniel, ente O'Brien in..William D. Mwaeiy, enai 1 uouneu Wooten,-Allen Wooten, common. Unctln. UanieUlokt.aenate ; Bartlelt SWpp And; II. lxretx, commons. Jf4cen. Thomu Love, aenatet Jame Whit aker, Atapb Xnloe, commons. -VdrtiiiJoaepb J, UUliami, senate j WUUam : : WsUv Jew Cooper, comtDoni. t - ' .Mukltnlurr WWi.m Datfidaon, .senate i TTVm. J.; Alender, Eran Aleaander, common. ' ' 1 '.- 1 iiiim ii . 4 ' -;t A.riiM amrti ni t w Alexander M'Neill, eeoala t WiUiam Hancock, D. MurchiaoD. common. -' JVmi. W. W. Baddie, atoale Duncan York; oseph .Arlington. comniQnu . Sfrw Attwvr......wiiuam d. mearea, Koate t . 4VTUa Larkina, PalfjJriihyaomnvHi. JViWiuCoIiD,.AVBartti, senate Jame Haley, Roderick B. Gary, commoni. Hatch, Juha B. .Thompson, commoh.' . OrH;. William Montgomery, senate $ John fitorkard, Thomas Taylor, common. jf'aiyutton. John Pool, aenate Thomas Bell, I'boma Jordan, common. rerqwtm. Willi Uiddick, senate j Benj. mm Mullen, Thomaa WUon, commoni. Pr-on.MMaurice Smith, senate; Thoma Webb, Thomas McGehee, commoc. fitt. .Marshall Dickenson, aenaU Alfred Move, William Clark, commona. Randolph.- Abraia Bro4rr, senate Alexan. - tr Cunmngbam, Abram Brower 2d, common. Richmond. Trjam MTarUnd, aenattj Niel NiclioUon, James Murphy, common. fiAQi.-N.B. Johnson, aenate John Brown, Jihn PurcelL commoits. - irJU'Bibert:Msjrtin.iJ Jiam Bethel, Wilson 8. Hill, common. Rtiwan, David F. Caldwell, aenate t Thomaa (;. Pulk, Kicbwond M. Fcanou, commooa. Butkerfonl John M'Entire, teoat j Joseph VD. Carson, Jmes Graham, common. ' SompwLD. Undtrwood, senate ( Dixon Sloan, Archibald Monk, commons. $. Gabriel T. atoore, senate John Ban. tier, John Burner, commona. l Jrry.w JUeBick-Franklior-enate -Alfred Moore, KpUraim Hough, common. - rre. John B. Beaslry, senate j Daniel N. Cateman, Frederick Davenport, common. IFalr..Charle L. Uiuton, aenate j Samuel Whitaker, Weley Jones, codimon. - fr'orrrt..Bichard Davis, eoat William G. Jonea, John H. Green, common. IFuUnf(N.SnMiel Davenport, senate t iraN.nn.Gabritl Sbertard. senate i Jame Abodes, Jobn W. Saaser, common, n'iftr.Jme Wellborn, senate j Montfort stokes, W linam Horton, common. 7V aliwr.n.Chrle Fisher. 4Mha3ft wiwm(iws ifiir'ar(A)M.Frderkk. MaittjuMf. TTtmn TdsHtlnilU.ioa'D: EcclosT" Trvn .e raArtMMluliaa.iVL(tDg. - 'i iPwnyjrtiftwntsjtotfpniJLIUU. cf douAu..MM3amucl, T. Sawyer. taoit ' xaa vaiTK mm aasarra. A considershle portion ol a late Nash ville ppcr is occupied with an exposition at an affair of honor that did net take place tn the vicinity. The duet did not take place because it could not be agreed vpoo wbetbertbe rifles to be used should carry 75 or 80 balls to the pound. W dislike duels, but those who aet at naught the law of God and man, in entering upon such a mode of adjusting diaputes should not add cowardice to folly, and eakv'tif lie fray. h-' port lo ho from 1 letter wrttten by French Physician who ha'Ued thirty year t Constantinople : . . r orrneny no Vnrisuo wu 1 "vui on any iccount, to touch 1 prince of the Ottoman rce, much lei to drlw bJood from him but ill Turkey it istomabeu t the change which the Suiunhas brought about since the destruction of the JanUsiriei. The troops nowesrrf mu k-erc with fitcd TOttettf t. th reetmeiitl march to European tones the .drum major In front ; snd the Grand Sigrior himself, in the iniform of an fficer, is. 'WeMfow'';twtvtw 'ThesorCist'oMfcMnifi m'entioii- still .more rcrasrkable .depar-. Jure from anpicnJ customs. - .On tho 1 4h SfsjrTI Vecelfi stion In "vaccinate the cnitJren of the Sut tan. On the 16th I repaired to the "py. act, and io the presence of jhe Echmrj Bachi. and! the Chief of the Blacku nucha, 1 vaccinated 1 young Prircess I about eiht years old, her sister abUt 1 year and hair, and a mil younger i nn cess ail wiihout . the least difBcoty or ceremony. Immediately afteri , per formed the operation upon two ywnj? la dies of the Harem. On tho 38h I re turned to the palace and found 108 opera tion had succeeded perfectly I was dis missed with a handsome presentfrom the Sultan", as a testimony of his saisfariion, and was told that my services vould not he apain needed until the birth of a new Prince or Princess." - Hraihineton......JTit following state ment shewing tho proaressire increase of t he number of butldtRKStlor-a period of-t veirs, lff11e City of Washingtont we ex tract from an articlo in 1st Whinton Chronicle. - What is remarkable, it. also shows a considerable decrease during the period, to the numbertF deaths. J,Thst the proCTess of our City may be justly estimsttd, we give the following atare'meri which, whilst it exhibit the increase of our improvement and population from 1820 to 1827 inclusive, how at the same time the decrease of tho number of deaths r -. - Number, of Dwellings erected, from 1130 to 1837, inclusive, and the Popula tion and number of Deaths. Turkith Cro- The f.j!o.wi.ng par 1830 113 13,474 237 1821 . 88 14.031 335 1833 III 14,748 398 1833 54 15,188 256 1134' 49 15.493 60 1835 $7 , 16,016.. 225 '1836 103 16,677 . 284 187 123 17,418 351 -kti. 3 utHiotr.sifi tr Siimer' set R. Waters, an ingenious mechanic of Frederick county, Md. has constructed and presented, to the , President, of-the United Sutes, a eau'tful . casket,. com- posea oi a ainerent xmos oi wood: the outside of thirteen, the inside xf represeiting ihe Mafld.tw.sute,.,,Tbe main frame, which binds and unites the whole together, hhickory. This beauti ful aptcimcn of cabinet work is denomin ated by Mr. Waters The American Box.' JVViA Carolina SiUt. We hive seen a specimen of Sewing Silk, manufactured in Duplin county ia this State. It was white, the material extremely fine and ghsy. Upon comparison with silk made in Connecticut! we give the preference as to the manufacturing to the Connecticut. A number of pair of stockings have been made of the Uuplm silk, which we under stand are equal in appearance, and much iupeilor in dupibilny The worms svere fed on the common pur ple mulberry, which abounds in almost every part of the State ; and, upon com panson its leaves werelound to be more tender and nutritious than the leave of the imported treo. Cofie Fear Recorder. CwM...n has been sUtedTsTterjexpeVi men:, .that, thenew small coiui i&sued from the U. S. Mint,' are heavier,jn "pro portion, than the arhall foreign tbin in circulation. A communication dbm the Director of the Mint, recently putiished, denies this statement in some priiiilrs. ftjpanish. quarurv oi doJUfs-aM finned to be worth intrinsically, 24 ienfs the dollars however being worthuOO cent. hi i differanee i ettnooted sbli ly to the greater fraquaocy of use of the -mtiUer ciBhtlxTOT: wicnay ger Minace to inction in proportion to ietr. w t... '. - . -mja'MIW uWheae heat th yanketj f Ptrfpetuai rffrMrrRfchard"T? ird a very ingenious mechanic of this village m latwly invented a tioet which vifldi ittetf at4. It keeps correct time, strikes the hours regularly, and will continue to run until worn out, without the applica tion of any power to it. He baa set up one in the office or R. S. Hinman, Esq. in the village, which cln be seen by any person having lib curiosity to examine it. We understsnd Mr. Ward has applied for a patent for the same. He is already the patentee and inventor of a machine for making lead pipes and of other Im provements. " 5, Suicjjt rid$ctNev Haven Co, Cojiki The Yarif. The National Journil, which hi honored us with a quotation from ou columrts, in conjunction with some of lur brethren, in order to prove that then is a coming attack upon the Tariff a the next session of Congress- need no continue to be so very excursive and tabo ious in mustering op detached nsraerai is to prove this fact. We enure the Jouihal that an attack. will be made, and that) too, whatever may be the course of tho AJminlstritlon uppo kMs tilo" sy s tem of i nposff which has brought ldn the txei -ationt of all sections of tho coun ir. V, 1 trust it is destined to fall to ru ins, irUrjisKlii its wreck the political prdpecJi;toX ih at champion" who claim the bohor of Iff conception and ;rVtrr."nd vhois atDreSent th mtl wilrrte DrouKnt oeioro vwipjrBM, "wmsi President assumes that task as we : Columbia (S. C.) TeUtcofie. The Speaker of the British House of Commons is a man. doomed 10 be bored doomed to sit in chair all night long nicrht after niitht month after month- tear after t-earbeinit bored. No relief for him, but crossing and uncrossing his lees frnm time 10 time ; Ho mptte. 1 he sleeps it must be with 1 his eyes open, fixed in the direction of tjhe haranguing bore. He is 'not bound, however, bona fde to hear all the bore says. This hap- nilv was settled in the last century. " Mr Speaker, it is your duty to! hear meiw said a bore of the fast centuryr to the then Speaker of the House ef com mops.- u It is the undoubted privilege of every mem Iber.oliheJlouie.(oAf Jeard .rLSir. replied the speaker, " 1 xnow js me undoubted right of every member of this House t peak, but I was opt aware that i. "i.".U-f!f--'.." .t..u. k.t i - - " -London fiaier, Dtn Mitrucl.k private letter received In1Bn"6nhr the hopeful Dorr Miguel in reply to one o! his ministers who advised him to moder ate Ms excesses, ssid " if 1 am obliged to vacate the throne and absent myself from Portugal, 1 am determinrd at least to x terminate one half the f ortuguese." liberal and charitable sentiment and high ty becoming the welt known principles 0 tbiemiW-pro;ege"-lb crowued heads of Europe. Royal Wedding....K letter from Munich dsted the first inst- mentions the arrival of the Marquise Barbacena in that capital, to demand the band of the third daughter of the Duchess of Leuchtenberg, for his I m pe rial Ma ster Don Ped ro Empe ror of tisvarta, and widow of Lugene Beaubar hni. - Onii nt fhi rt.unrkf ip. alr.lM married taihedown Prince 4UseirFBtktttMi IKy, hi aioie and good uuseeretnfdotte.T 1 be frincess Amelia Aueusta Eugenia Naooleon. was hern ihe 2 1st Julr I812i-8he win sooii WlWit1 AuKu ha vo be Qfsgfe wiJUcavemb thcJMjrmnb ot tne montn qi August, one is to em bark at Ostend for England, and to con tinue afterwards her voyage to Rio Janei ro, accompanied by the young Queen Donna Maria da Gloria. m . . .a 1i a Cotton Conwm....The Washington Tel egraph, of the 25tb August, contains a correspondence between Warren R. Da vii, Esq. and tbe Secretary of the Navy, on tho subject of employing cotton can- vast in our navy. The Secretary informs Mr. Davis that the trial of a top-aail of that material, during the late cruise of the Sloop of War Boston is sufficiently satis factory to authorize a more extended ex periment, that " the fitness of this great staple of our country for the manufacture of convass, suitable for naval purposes,! shall, aa it deserves, be fully and fairly tested," and that " with the approbation of the President, he had ordered a full set of sails for the Sloop of VVr Peacock; now fitting for sea, to be made of rooe cai voi..'!! .,, wr!. , . We are glad to see this. - We. hope to see an additional value given to this great staple of the country. . JVVC. Journal. - Gold.A lump of this precious metal, intermixed itkansiderabltponiorrof quartz and particles ot earth, and weigh ing altogether about , six ounces, was plong bed up i fe w days' since," on the lljnfJItdUUks ty, Virginia. It was brought to town on The allowing has becti often published rive advaauge.from a method t prrr cheese from mice : Take a pod of red pepper and put into a piece of fine linen moisten it with a little butter, and rub .your' cheeto frequently. . It not only gives a fine; color to cheese, but is sd pungent tht no fly will come near it. UjAw- l?' t Farmer, A carrier to newspaper in Philadel phia has beea fined before a msgistrate for aeglectirg to -serve the 'subscribers regularly. The loss of a subscriber in consequence of the neglect of tbe carrier, was proven in cun jkriiiih JaMari'Jm It 8pfrrs' to" US truly astonishing, that in the British Lit erary world, 1 spirit of jealousy so strong and withat so injurious, towards Ameri can Literature, should be su tiered to ex ist. Englishmen seem to be lost to ere- ry principle of rectitude, as well (as to every generous feeling,; when the genius or learning of their American brethren Is made a subject of contemplation. They hesitate not to atoop to arts in the highest degree mes tho. following, taken from the United Ststea Gazette.-- The Editors of the Monthly Review, ought to have had more retard toself-rcspeculibanaa hav ba- Come: parties in a transaction ao dishon- A" terretpondent ssys; rtdAct Jahft iWwtfM ihHebrtsr tornC moftWeaUhitriMtrStdwerbf rtAfltft ver Theological seminary has been re published in London.. , From its. thler is eiven in the English Journals, and the notice of it in the Monthly Review, it js evident that it is intended to pass for an Enclish work. The designation of the translator as a student of that 'seminary, which appear in the American ; edition, is omitted, and the Reviewer speaka in congratulating terms of the revival of in terest in continental learning, which the appearance of the translation evinces, in way which evidently refers to Lngusb men." The Preident.'.Vt learn that the Pre sident's beslth had been much benefited by his visit to the flip Rapa, where be chiefly 'remained after his arnval, tnhal ing the salubrious ocean breeze, and daily taking the salt water bath. He received no visits of ceremony, It is'aaid, but was at all limes accessible and affable to those who called on him merely c , wnd appeared to enjoy a fine low of spirits for an invanu. r vr.jc lunaway S'srr. Qothe ) 3th inst. Col Bramyof Louisiaoav eocntpsnied by Cm-j stable Hsys the younger, attempting to secure a runaway nsgroe in n. York, the fellow drew a knife and stabbed the officer in me toign ana cu; mm in me wnsi,ma king a thruu at the same time at liis mas ter. Hays however, with assistance, se enred him and lodged him in Bridewell The negro has been four or five yeara in N.York. On the following day he was tried at the General Session for an attempt to kil The Jury alter 30 minutes deliberation returned a verdict of Guilty oi the as sault and battery and not guilty of the at tempt to kill. Counsel was furnished him by the' Manumission Society. ' TAeJVV.rcHCfa..Am ,, . . i . . . 'I ,uwl w" " jeci, a ii nas none in the I called at the Insurance office at half past year or two on ih. sjMt,j4nrw.H w"w ,cuu-cu ms circum ,unce occurea at tne late destructive fire thdughfii woulil dcTas well efteriilbcr.1" The London correspondent of tbe New York Commercial Advertiser, under date of June 23, says The curentol feeling here sets at present very strongly against the Russians, and if war were declared to morrow against that ambitious people, I am convinced that honest John would en joy the circumstance very much. There aeems lo be an impression that a little blood-letting would benefit the, body poli tic, as much as it sometimes does the human system. ""It Ts statecT that the. Trustees "of te Tremont Theatre, in Boston, have taken a lease of the Federal street Theatre, with a view of keeping it closed so as to bring all the grist to their own mill. ' Five Cenfa. Our attention was, yester- terday, called to the fact, that the newj fi"ve ce'ntiecea penny, bits -On trial, ihe dime at once made the . fip kick the beam. In like manner it wa found that four dimes were 1 heavier than a quarter of a dollar, Bnd of course the new twenty cent pieces will also be heavier, and' in consequence of mot rahiethBtTtbe qttsrtet. ' 1 Philadelphia .ittrora, Uth tnat. -Fopulotion.-A census of the population of the State oi Sooi rt Caroliti i Tiowtin prpgress. A writer in the Charleston Courieris. oCopintonahat the retulL.iii isbed tae-tnneTatioii recently mad pear iktt ia futatKiti as follows: white males, 11,665 ; White females, 10,035; total permanent white population,.? 1,890; blacks and fnulattoes, 2,948 making a population of 24,18 souls. Since December 1826 Ihere have been built eight hundred dwelling bouses. ; Bait. American.- J Jrfre. Col. Wootley.of theU. S. Array, convicted by a Court Martial at Jefferson Barracks, of having Bogged a soldier, has been sentenced lo be disbts sed from the service and this judgment bat becu spproved by Puaidebi Jackson. e The Fall Term of the 8uperior Court for a,! 6th Circuitcommenced at Rockford last ti the lion. James Martin, Jr. Judge. ColaJ tVm.J:jUx4nlert f Mecklenourg eninty, J appointed Solicitor pot t:m, in place tf Juup tfflton, Earj. deceaaed. , tt??s e) a.., IC7 W will once more state for the vix mation of correspondent, that it it against tj rule, and tht dictate of common prudent i. puW i Marnagei.. amUDciiU,i SMnymjy. We always require that tbatr aulhenticiir vhm,i thVnftfiiteU:he,iy ,MPMlu .- Wt ltfl oavMig receouy reoeivea many communicstioiu of this kind, in violati&n of the above requir. njentome of them, we have inca atcert from esteemed friend, whose favors w tlu bare pecufiar satisfac'.ion in nubrulii had we known their author. , The communication from Macon ttuntt 'M ceired, and thkll be attended to a Won n (' can find feme t9 do it Jnfirev " fecicTi.)" :t Satitburfrlh-pt, B;h. ig Mr.. tJiitrt ft Is rnde my duty to nnrHiv4 tbrwieh your paperthe formation of a Tpv r tll-Vt awitrT, under the direction of tU Concord Prehytcry, on the principle of i,n Mbttincnct. It waa fiitt formed t Lincolntm the pnne sessions of the Preshvterr! h.it r-l tU want f time, ws not tufBctently mvntti to he laid before the public. At the Wl tn. ions at Sujrar Creek, the subject was renewt, member generally. The congregation fitetM with appateatly Jeep kteieat to the dUeuatba oii . the "tbjecfcarullt J belicedibu most w the conjrregstion are ready fa the formatioao: cwg.i.l Bla4,.a. Tt presept list er members i pr?ncipi'v composed of the membeT wf PrMbyterv, p 1 canseitja-Tngto-the-hnmatufrtf of the nfn h i waa ui iivi iTcivrq vuncr oi ,a congr? fi'ionj in the- boumU of which we have set. inir. ,k. fofmatioa C,Ahe .oc4e4y.aThMlHoer . f ... socipiy are mct. nooen ii. unapman, D, b Preiidrnt; Rev. Jwph D. Kilpitrick, and' at-' I Thomas All.nn, (Tanner) l'ic Petilen, f Rer! John Silliman, CirretfHiuline &rttary. Rw Jese Rankin, Retwdinj- 6ecreta , n'dUe" William A. Hal), Trtaiunr. The Reeordiny Secretary win ordered to w. nounce the formation of tbe society through tl paper printed In ilia place, and in the Visitor anil Telegraph, pritVed at Richmond. ConnecteU with this notice! ..will mentis that one piou merchant of Concord, hi seters) months since ceased dealing in ardent ri-iu. Ta-o other have determined to gir it up, it soon a they sbafl have disposed of the littls they have on hand. Tbe latter remark will in. ply to two or three of the merchants in "this place. All thw i done from conaciestiwu tcrttpiea and'miv b atlrilMtetl to the state" 4 public feeling produced principally by the dt cnanl, whose policy expired, at 13 o'clock. T:iZ'.l?r? nse." lit ana obtained a renewel jIu-vASxewcT: . J. UANKIX. Gen. William Gregory having lately been r pointed pojtmaJtcr at Kliaabeth. City, in tki aate, in place of Joalah Fearing, remold, 'k JLIaia a XJjt'dI imJitwOyruukii Z$T' arid abused 'fi'o'Airra' 5 iatration in round tern, for burning ill of thr opponent tut of office, and f reforming' thei own partixan inia their places. Out lo it wn aoon discovered they were on a false scent thi Gen. Gregory was one of their on partisan ! a more sealous one than the ejected postmaster and of courae that the motive for removing tlx okl incimbent could not bsvq been a seliitti, no a prvcriptivt, one ; but that the re-nova! wi made for good and valid reason. The cagei nes of the coalitiocUt to decry etry act of th Administration, good or bd, frequently prccipi tale them into moat htdicrou dilemmas. The coalition paper, are exalting, with 'ex ceeding great j.iy, over the re-election o Mesvs. Dutee J. Pearce, and Trestam Burnet' to Congress, from RkJ Itland. Verily, thei muit be hard run, if they have nothing bettc te crow about than thi. We expect next ti hear thaA the Yankee have taxi a JVexr-Eng Umd ttod that the Adams nd. Clay jmen: r illuminating and aingitig hosannalis oifr tV greatiiiry.,D!l":": :" ' Jon Jickmii, ojuin. -tt appear from coitimtinicalion in tbe Raleigh Star, tht tin vagabond office hunter did oner1 reside at Wwh gton, in this state, far a limited period t but W he is now an inhabitant of the District of Colun hia. " We are glad to learn, that he daei no disgrace North Carolina, neither by nativity no eitrwiwhipi wretch, would have asked for an effice at i'" baodauXowft wham.h,UlievciLll)eii.h4. acwrjlojua puhUeation. a of Cincinnati la totally aDOii,&eu tne militia system in iuai and effutls are making to do the same thin? i Pennsylvania. Aa editor in thi state, who r cently lost bis election for a high military com roand, k if North Carolina ought not to f low auit i If he will look into the acts of th last csion of our Legislature, he will there fit" a proviaion ihjch efTectually give the twp gract to the militia system in this stxte winci i beiiig kiL'ed up, intib by inch. - r. 'Trtvel!eri.TM Albany Argus ssys. There-were riting of twtlve hund persons arrived in this city on Sund, passenseisi? atcatnbaats aid stages-

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