4 , , , . ..." J) fUli'ir.iiiWiijer offers for s'e ill iT4 M. that valuable Plantation, witb. I II I 4 in four milri of Saftsho.rv, on Solh 1 rJ- rutu recently uwneJ and -occupied' ft Mr. Ueorge lj)k!j on which there is a larjpnear . end cominwItAUl iWellirt(rhnusc, with all the neces sary out-bwiMS. there is only about 30 acres ?f rhtf tanl iwdetJCiillif lioai4Htj!r! l,.nS. i . ... .. . . tcact ia a.1 X'm Ul'lana M any mUie nei,i.uir. fcolr M gHid partioh of oetkiml of wmp Und,f.r cither e;raie' or grain iit is in the midst of S hospitable ami social neifcdihorlwwd. For term, 8ic. apply to tin lubscriberj In the ;Jrpw AiV, AVfa.. who aavs liia. rme - JL, U HAM, ana (bat lie belong to a mail by the name tf William ThomDton. of Chester div .trict. South Carolina, was committed to tho jail of Meek etiburir countv. N. C The owner ta requested to come forwarded, prove property, pay charges, and tV him away. , JOHN SLOAN, Stiff. f Jtututt 3th, 1829. 8t MeMenhmf rewwfy. - Law NoUce. Vtnn atiWrih liavinf? rrmSVed frlOl IJn J. eoluion to hla farm at tbe DurfWlo Shoal l'ord, on the public road leading front Lincoln. Ian to BtateCMIe, nine mnea irom ma tauer oJace. and twenty from the former i bega leave to inform tbe public, that he will continue the practice of Law in the County and Superior courts of Lincoln, Iredell. Uutherford and Meek, knburjr. lie may be 'found at home, at all timi s scent wheu necessarily aburnt on hit cir. cvit. All letters on biiameM, may be addressed to liim ia Statrs ille. oiee 72a.l8. RICHARD. T. BRUMBY. - P !. '1'he Rditor of the Journal i rrquuated to irV.r the . abeVe five times and forward bia account to StsVavilte. ' L'O A3iN0U GUUCT8. . . ' rinpllE subscriber hsvinr been 6 A. Ml frequently aoJicited by hia ctutomera. again to eaUbliah Gin JHatiiir Vutinct; baf --.opened- Lit .ahun. in;. Salisbury, rfl 'ne where he ia creoared to make arS repair Gin. of the vrry brat maieria'a, in a tuperior atyle.of worktnunnbijj, and on terroatbc mow accoramo. dnrtng, een in tbeae bard limej...; - , F-.J1. Having beea enKffed In the btiinea ail or aevenyearf; employ ing a part of hia time for three or four of the Lt aeaaone in picking cot ton, for tbe esprta purpoae of more fully ac quainting hiiwelf wkh the prirxiplea and prac- Ileal Ovr'MH-4H uciui iuwuuit, -m having recently viaited South Carolina, where tbe moet improved Cini are in use, with the View of examining them, and making bitnaelf ac ' iqnaliited-wtthihe-plan on hich-Ahey-ara.jojx by hia coiarged experience, thua acquired, in making and repairing filna, ami picking concn, ' be can construct Macbinea auperior to any ever done in North Carolina. Tho wiahing work done in tVt line of busi- n&U, ar rtipectmtlj -invited to call on tH auo KjnherjJwitoew the j!an and execution of hi worklexamlokauIjddg4rone.m will ..apare no Jiaina iu wipnlvirig himielf with the beat materiahi itei be Hadia tUe country ild will mVke and repair Wirt, according to order .. , - reeeied on abort otke4Ad. reaaouablc tcrma. AO those who may pleaie to call on him, will And him. either at hiv ahop or dwelling-in Salifc : bury, ready .to execute any joavwUfcbich..Uiey roav bt oleaKd to fnvor him. SJLMVEL FIWJ1Y ..-.SiMunt, wtuf.MSJit . -..7.?... MedicafcGollegeo ,, r i i n in ... , THE annnual Course of LECTURES in thia Institution, will bn reeu ned on tbe second Mtndatt in November, on the following branches : .Inattmy, by Jobs Fdwabrs Hotaaoot, M. D. Swrgtry, by JikS RAWiiT, M. D. InuUimm jbyMDirso,M.D. PractH f Median ' Maiena Mtdita, by Hinaa R. Frost, M. D. OtoatraVs and W.eose. j T & Prio4T M. D. t 1 smen anil t luldren J ' Citrmttry, by Edhuso Ksvssat, M. D. l?rwnsfrot fnofsfiiy, by J : Waovvw, D. HENRY R. FKOST, Mm. Chnrlntm, .luf 19, 18Q9. 8t90 Departmcht or Statc, ) W athingtn, 25th Jugwt, 1829. S THE Proprietors of all newrpapera now ta ken ty Ui Department, are requested to discontinue itndiug the same after the first day of October next and to render their accounts "t'othartlaXei-'-AfdiHitke i hereby ewe -that ,joppejr wi!!be.paid for after that time, ex . ..capt,auchu,ainay- i specially aubacribedfo sunvquent to thia notice. WM, COVENTRY H. WADDELL, Jlgeni. The publishers 6t the Lava of the last Session of Congresa, are requested to publish the above notice three times, and forward their accounts senremenr Mg. 27, 1829. t85 Taktu ttit CowvmiUcA 0 jail in SuliiburVTbn thtTSth lnW.-twa fie- iiw lormer aaysnc Oeionguo Allen W'atgon, and the latter aaja he belongs to Capt Benj. Watson of Prinee - lldwsrd eountv. Va. i - fatrick is .about Vfyw&Wxv$$ j-ravgj nfte ioy mer is a irei o or . tue latter 5 teat tm inches iiiglt they are of common size, rather airs: Cimpiecrct,arvdhtei4a4-;they4id pv t go w Aiaoama, pro&awy forged t no particular mark on them. The owner is deired to prove properry,-py charges, ana take them w.y. u F. SLATER, Sk'T. Jug" IV, 1829. , ' 81 WAGONERS, Driving to FayetteviUe, ... W 'ILL find it to their advantage, to stop at ' the Wastn Ywr where every con. vehteace is provided for llan and Horse, to make themr comfortable, at the moderate charge of 24 cents a day and night, for the privilege of the Yard, the use of good house, fire, water, and ahelter, Attached to the Yard, are a Grocery and Provision Store, Bread Shop and Confec tionary, and House for Boarders and Lodgers, In a plain; cheap, wholesome and ecratort. able Wyle.Fye! l WJ, 1628. 09 , POETRY, kick 1i. ILr.t. 7 ' " I raox thi aiw toaa tocaiia h axoiaaa. The following ia an ungeneroua libel on the laJira. Muwo la an accomplihhmcnt of the highest ordered faction In, the acienco U apaakt a dUete and reQnad aadcntaadiilgJl ia an old adage, that we mtj, get Jo noch of good thingi but If a tUng be raoJrjr gooI, it a Ion time before we ret too much of it. Ud not the name of JJayley been attached to the Ii Uior. ."UUt no, never menuon ucr," w one of tbe sweetest songa, and is sung to an air of aurpiusing rnelodv-botu tlie worda and he air are by Buy Icy, whom we rn'iat now act down aa an arrant I'.bsller. . , , . a ' r". Tftt MUSICAL. 'WIFE. ' ! ("Prm ttuytry'i BultaJt J My wife ia very muaicaL , blie tunea it over much, And teatct me with wb;' ihey call Iter fingering and touch ! Shc'a iwrwHntolK my pain, Her yery B road wood quakea t . Her vocal effort! split my brain, . I ahiver when ahe thakn f . She tells me, with the greatrst eae Her voice goes up to C! And jrovt at, till her rr.elodiea Are mutadiei to mei . SLe'a "MiViflatir, Front where my hooka lie hid i Or, Oh ! no, im nevkr mntim Kmr,' I wish ahe never did. Her newert mu turn out to bo " The eame at heard laat years Alaa t there'e no variety- In variutUnt here i k I ace her pufi, 1 aee Ler pant, "Tl broagb dittaea wild and ttrange T wish sbe'd charigi tmr tutti, they want Some aiiwr ami omr. thangt i" WHAT IS LIFE fa bubble vain! "An interval bftoUknd parn; - - - A period spent in sullen gloom, Betwixt the cradle and the tomb Whole years of woe, with hours of joy, " That only Tig1ifelftodccoy . The spirit into keener grief, And mock us when we seek relief, A season spent in anxious strife With all the world and this ia life V Bot what ia Cfe i Ula to aec Around us scenes o!" mhery Ii is to see the ladine cbeek J That suffer, though it cannot apeak, lt is to aeo the-dHB y-lo. On friends that press around j while flows . J he bitter tear far Confort lost When De'aih affectTo'ii pa'.h bath crossed" It ia to see each promise rife W'uh all the world and this is life. -Then what is life, that we should cling With so much fondness tp a thing ; 14t yild.not happiness wc knor 1 . . " Folf well, and dly.that the glow - in jty; but ghmmert m mr shies A laomoM, i'r tt, ladaa awl -r... ; .Our sun acts darkly, and the cloud t)f gloom, oiir fondest'EbOeif erYitlYOdd1 We linger here, then yield our breath ; . And all i s.i!l-snd this ia Death. B. II. aoxiaaiarit. -vi JtCHOXTlCr" Joy1! elbydtess sun Ibrever round thee ahiue As bngmrndglonoiia-ashe-UveJoiig flajU-i Nor grief nor sorrow, with a blight malign TJer oast ahidoit o'er thy ftowery way. When atorma uil thee, or when griefs oppreai, Or earthly friends be cold to tby distrefs 0 ! may that Power whose goodness none can DeferfJ from anguish her I love so well ! tell, H him protected, in this vale of tears, Unknown to ill shall pan away thy years Rewards unthought of may He give to thee, o aerapli brighter no redeemed more Tree ! nun ruaviiuus. A'rvvifle, P. Aug. IQth. TO DANDIES Ye mincing, squinting, smok'd face pretty things, Willi corsets laced as tiirht as fiddle atrinca, Chnsked a a IomI, mmI supla'aa ii" oat t About the wsste p. sharp, the pate B flat i Ye cringing, auper-serviceable slaves, Ya self-complacent, brainless, heartless knaves, Ye lizard-looking apes, witb cat-nah gills, Ye acoundrela, go and pay your Tailor'n Bills. I love to hearken to the simple chat Of pratling Infants. ..From the lip of youth I draw a sweeter pleasure to remark Ho w reason dawos towards hex pctfeet day, How passion kmdlea ana impels the soul,. To all the useful purposes of life, ihtrdii. MISCELLANY. lOa4S4MstBBV Vn mnWtf ttw ! fcr Ita Urn. Have I come to this r' How paio ful -muat be the reflection of a yousg msin:whisw tjr . . -1 . . k . . . 1 ! , i r r wiciy, moral lusirucuona, anauiuilul admonition, to find himself arrested justice, and about to receive the pen' sky of the law. for . his crime, while tmparing ;fivQfigel wluVTiis prcswi. CtrrHmstaoces. Indeed he may say ' have I tome (a this I . Tuis is not altogether an imaginary case. It so happened that the writer of this was present when several con victs arrived at one of our State peni teotiaries. Among the uumber was a young man of ahduHhe age ofri4 years, or goocuy appearance and well Pressed. On goinrr into the nriaon he involuntarily exclaimed, have I come to thisTKUi I too late to avoid the punishment justly due him for his crimes What instruction such a icene anJiuch thnsuJAe ttre calculated to1 pflord to yOuth. It should teach them to obey tne first command with prbm- Ue to honour tfieir pareou j to avoid vam compaoy i U a word to remember tnetr lyreaier ia iac uayi ui iucir youth. And to a parent who poaaca sea a dee,p iaterjst ia the welfare of a aon juat coterioi upon the scene of ac tive life rwho mows the. vil pr open antes of the naUral hjcirt; and.!(he ex-, poscdnca of yojih t.i the snares of the world, a scene ike this must occasion I decree of anxious solicitude, lest on ' V -"M- - -, , m-nvJ,", K,,..rf. some tutors dajl hMy, feave, ,i'CcauAu to hear. from that sop, trie 'melancnoi reflection, kfivc come 16 this V - vlarn'air..There is one circum stance, or event of human life,' and that bv o? means of a trivial nature. avrf. wi ich the influeace of .Fwrtune'a f.pe is' considered supreme. It is agreed that 11 marriage goes by destl 9V,n, Here ' lack" reigns paramount, sod ' good guidance" is uselss No precautions can insure a man against a ttrmiigant wife, or a woman against a laitrriess nusoana wnuc unions tou tracted under the most apparently un favorable auspices, sometimes afford very edifyiog examples of conjugal fcliuty. ' A ten years' courtswp will not prevent quarrels In the honey moon, while an affection sown sudden ly at a ball, and of which the harvest follows in six weeks, shall endure un. chanceabie all the buffets' of life. Couples atyearsof discretirn,have pro ceeded gradually and steadily thro the grammar of love, and when duly qual ified for a"mstnmoflial 'jdegree'; nav advanced moat decorously, and nf ter the mst approved methbd,'t6" the altar of Hymen. Cupid and Minerva preceding them hind-in-hand, and plenty of coogaYuTaM fot-1 lowing in bridal atttre : and a Itte a la cat and dog has been the result j While boys and girJs, scarcely half-way in their teeos have fallen in love at bjttledoor and shuttlecock, galtopped off the next morning to Greina-Greco, been mar ried by a Uackara'uhjiDd. throw uulwo whole families into hysterics, who have afterwards passed their youth like turtle-doves, their maturcr years like the tenderest of friends, and their age like Earby and Joan. English paper. imnak,'.7.T;.Committees have aaceruiocd byw:arelui. :inqttiues,rf -.aJIJ Uic ct4ilcia. ami tavcrp tt). i royt iV. i.tbat 74,656 gwlons of ardent spmW are annually consumed in that cltyT The popfulstionjs about 1 1 ,000. The number of habitual HnihTafdi nnd lipi piers., is. J85T ad the ouinbex ; nbt have adopted tne prTac4pIeXf em ire abstinettce -is - about the same, . The denominated temperate men. The city coroner states that in three year! hi has holdeh inquests over 33 persons found dead, and that 29 were suddenly precipitated into eternity by intemper ance. The keeper of the house ot In dustry reports that since October last, 224 persons have been received as in mates, and that 95 of these are intem perate, and 82 are children of intem perate parents. There are in the city, about 50 widovs, aod 300 orphans, of deceased drunkards. Wide spread as the evil is, an evident check to its progress has been effected in the city, Some people affect to believe that the pictures of the evils of intemperance are overdrawn j bulk the truth is, that the half has not been told. . Ilamfithire Gazette. JffigkttngilACMvtSH editor of the Boston Palladium in the account of his late visit to the Shakers, remarks that " the nightingale was pouring a plain tive song through an adjacent grove.' Irhe not' mistaken .' is nonhlrtlrdTT so celebrated for the softness, mellow ness and duration of its warble, a stran ger tothe United States! -The name of nightingale may have been improperly applied to other species of birds, whose tupeM otes. arc, tomtwhNuatmtt!, lujaic vuAMciua luscimaj is iimuea modern Eurspeans have related many, wonderful things of thia little songster. It is said to sbg.in unison with the flute or the lyri, fo'fill a circle a mile in diameter with its melody, and to change its notes with so much judg-1 "'vui as iw jiroaacc. iiic must (Jicisaiug variety. Hampshire Gazette. J The Tea Shruti has been natur&liz ed in Asia with complete success, so that sooner or, later, the Chinese Monopoly will come to an end, and with that end, probably, t the Celestial Empire will break w pieces. : A . llhtim. '.!M New York; list week, P. U. A. fitith, a young' man of res pectable connections, was convicted of stealing money from persons who boarded with him at the Eastern Ho tel. After the Recorder had charged the jury, the prisoner uttered the fol lowing blasphemy, which struck, the persons present with horror. " I de fy any one toj say that I did commit "the crime; autlTver f-rrd4iad-said so it there was - a uod, uut tncreis no Cod I say if . Cod adjudged mc guilty. I would impeach him upon his was ordered to confine him sothat he could cot: commii suicide i&WK dQubilm wis -plMn Fa,nnYAVngtt!s discioles a it is evident, however, that he has some miagi viol's, for before he was 'taken from the Court he said, "my only hopeis that the bowels of hell will open and receive me." , Wit nesses testified that he was an atheist,1 and that there was no appearance of any other insanity. V. York paper. A "AfW norometcr, Observations on a Leech, made by a gentleman in England, who kept one several years for the p tfpose of a weather glass. A pnial of water, cootainiog a leech, was kept in the lower frame of a chamber window sash, so that, when I looked in the morning, I 'could know what would be the weather on the following day. If the weather prove serene and beautiful, the leech lies motionless at the bottom of the glass, acd rolled t- getner in a spiral torm. ir ttTatn ce tore or afternoon, it is found crept. up to the top of its lodging, andthrre re mains till the weather is settled. If we are to have windjf the poor prisoner gallops through its limpid habitation with amazing swiftness, and seldom rnt9-tMHrbgtfl'to4lo remarkable storm cf thunder. and rain is to Succeed, for some days before, it lodges almost continually without the water, and discovers uneasiness in violent throes and convulsive mot'TOn; fji the frosr, as in clear weather, it lies at the bottom. And in snow, as in rainy weather, it pitcKes'T.s dweTTTng upon the very mouth ol the phial; The leech was kept in an eight-oz-phial, about three fourths filled with water. In the summer, the water was chang ed once a wetk,' and 'in the winter once a' fortnight. - - ; ; , i xizr.sYxan. ;, -A Cjofdertticc, of j. ii ,;n!i-rr of the MinistJn ViT''I7aTvDe'-'F4'5i'-,rifthe-Evangelical Lulfteran Cnu ch of Vir ginia, hW " rVeTnnff tepUyrrHdSrr- the j .Luther, art Chjrrch fWood?tock, in the. county of Shtoau Joiih? ' '('here . were . eicriitMioisiers prcscn1., The Rrv. N. feenraucker w as calUd u the CUiir ji aod tte Rev. JvJichier appDiated Se cr.etary The principal Uisiuessisfthe Conference was the formation ol a oew Synod within the bounds cf Virginia, distinct from the Snod o? Maryland and North Carolina. The Contern.ee . was remarkable for the animated and active preaching which it put forth. Though the object was to lead to a separation of the Churches, yet the whole affair weut off with the utmost harmony, i No jirriog interests ap peared to interrupt the concord of the meeting. All seemed to admit the nz-r vancing the good of th? Church. Rich. Compiler. A New Fashion. The. last num. ber of the 14 Petit Courrier des Dames" of fcaris, contains print? of the fashjuni for June, w h ich leave a l.arge sleeves worn since the American Revolution quite in the back.ground. It is the Bishop's sleeve! The tight wristband and, bracelet too, are dispensed with. The hem is slightly turned back by a loop and button above the wrist, and is broadly pendant belbwj exhib ting the. ss surrc eiedr 'loWtfa!S waist, it is comparatively a small mat- Logic Q'we me that logic that will prove blark to be white, and white no colour at all. Many are they who wield the weapon that can do it, and that too, despite of reason 1 1 will prove to you, says the logician, that every car hath three tails. And is a wrapper. Ot py in ti:,..:- V"rjt w-T anaeaoy a urnau hero, emoroia- ? p aK . h.V(. tfi94t(.1 h i AVrmilaTlietab' . 1, . t l. j J UldUCII VUUUIT IdlCIII liUllui: Uil u how r inquires the gaping multitude.1. f,jllll,',WOelb,lB,nt., ".sn.uy iuui j r, w vv ,a'.l no. Granted." " Every cat hath one tail more- than no cat.M " True'.w . Two added to one are equnl to three ergo, eccrjfcfiih&h three tails" Saul, Cashier of the Dank of Orleans", put an end to his existence on the 5ih ult. about six o'clock, by shooting himself With a pistol. The ball enter ed the left side, passed through tho heart aod was extracted from his right side. At the moment he committed the actj a Committee of tbe Hoard cf Directors was occupied in examining , the quarterly accoont nod counting-' tne1 c8h. (Ja jhe tahjejo the dlrec tiob where he committed the suicide," a letter was 'found, addrcsicd to the. bewtrd, ia whtcix JuruiAtaxcg.Jiimw self to b'e'aaefa'uliVr sum of shtrthdUsaind dollars, and that he had'iptJ rn.eans of paying it :: Darin the ' reicTj of Lewis XT. si prince of the blood returning, one tjay from hunting, perceived a poor bof upon a tree when with. the greatest- sang froid Imaginable, he instantly fired at. aod killed him. The affair was mentiooed at court, according to the etiquette of which it was necessa- ry that the prince should repair to the king and solicit his pardon. tTbe king sarcastically smiling, answered, 'yea cousin, I graqt your pardon and to whomsoever may fire at you, I will grant the same favour. The sarcav tic manner of his most christian ma jesty's answer, was, . at that 'time',; thought a sufficient punishment for tho enormity of the crime Maul de to Cour de ljouis AT.. . i '. ' . df.having been educated at two col lcgs. 41 rou romioj -n,w- aa'id an aged divine, "of ao instance I knew of a -calf that. sucked,. two.cowsv . " What was the consequence !" said sc third person. Wny sir, replied conse'jucn-e was, that he was a very great call' Prtures of Father and .Ao old wmanf who showed - the house and picturr-s at Towcester, expresses hcra.-.lfin these remarkable words:-. 1 rToIa ts Btr Tt5Tr t rarmerTTteiived in the country, took care of his estate, buiTt this hooseyafid paid for it ; man aged weu saved money and died rich.1 That is his son j he was made a loro too! a place at court,- spent h estate; and died a beggar " :- - . Task, for Jfi'.T'J:r ment, composed of powdered sulphate f lime, made, into pas t. witV ,wajter . and a small portion of the acetate of" morphtne, is no-w-4jsed by some den. lists For stapnma-naininl raflgHSiteett irTiTeu of g-ld leaf or silver. After cleaning" Out the- tooth with lint and', warni''"w"ater-the--eavity-!"gat-asiis ed with a weak solution of acetate of m orphine, by " "f a esmflVhnir pencil j the anodyne "powder is then inixed with a little water, and instant ly introduced, so as to fill the csvitv ibout half full j after which it is filled up with powdered sulphate of limey immediately on its being formed into' a thick piste with water," which rapid ly becomes solid. The practice, where the cavity of the tooth will admit of the cement being ...retained, has proveik very successful. Fancy. The vaursries and transi tions ot fishion, are extremely singu la! . Old and young dandies now wear blue striped and checked shirts, like sailors." Coloured shirts must be vul gar; yet dipped in the crucible of fashion they become purified. Had rnasterjack7" compelfrf-" would have considered it a emybol cf disgrace, and wept accordingly. Dr. Brown had long courted a lady, who was his constant . toast. One 'day 4eanoot make hrBrown . P&U$MHg:-T?h prsnnjrmleBw- after dinner, ha vine civen another la- pany accusine the irnn nation wun uc ing the most unpolished io the" world, ;'( was answered mydly by an Irish gen- 1 tie man, 44 that it ought to be otherwise, for the Irish 'met with hard fubs en ough, to polish any nation on earth. 4sA fayvrk .Miss Ann Davis, of day M" nevett yards of cood Cotton Cloth, in a common loom. The act Is atteaied by aoch res pectable authorityi that it cannot be douoted, Who, mong' be ladies of Xcrth Carolina, can titat ijiis f ; . Qfa J-