V I c snc .or. A. i A. A. ; aM ;' ftinr aa4 '. ' t iMf lf MltO vaifl.1 raaUhr4 tM !.( CvafrtM. J BALISUUIIY, ROWAN COIOTY, N. C.......T0K8UAY, SEPTKMURR 22, 1820 Vol. x.....n6. m. Kill I i Mi i I'll i y i ; lis I n I ' f rajM.......l af f pmt mm, aM in (, ,1111111 ! lb yimnw f ia liadSllniM1" '. . lrai( lk Wtr Caratiataa bii kta aUaraa, aa . , krjfnlor M fnltowi I . .. . . 1Mrv'rnm a, la OlM ttr. If ll 1 aaa't, ' i inlaaM. t l tl'f 4n rt " '' Iti rJ r. Mil alt ara )-. "JW!MIU4 UI M l.ra al Au mU Ik ,aar-lrlk tsat vmS, ) at ala rS vara lk art Mtar4 llxruflat. Faalaaa .! a saM ail kiun 44rftkw4 k Ik itllr, a UW, rMf a n4'4 W. lliik)lli I M ana,lw "As , -Tf ffAS iut received, and opened at liii Store If I in Salisbury, large and handsome assort ment of Spring and Summer GOODS ; A!i. Gwceriea, Hardware, Cutleur, Plated Ware, Halt, and HatterV Triinminjr. Crock ery, a jmhI awifmi-nt ut Uniting C'lotln, 8ho', bourn ta, rK and every article UM14I!) W'w5 mkrA fur in atorea. Ilia stork of ffuodi ha, been purrhanel entire ly fur tath t nd he ia determitu d to them t low a can be had tu the place, lor c uh, or to Jiutic'ual curtomera on a t'lort credit. T'.ie pub 'tfi are respectfully invited to c.ll, examine, arid judrfe for themaelvra. Wiibuty, June 3, 1829. 70 T' HE raeea over the f.ibury Turf, com mence on Thm'U, 22n October next, and coulinue three Uy; fi-xt dav, two mile tieaU, ftee fr. auy .h.:.?rs. "'rC or tiding i aet " cond day, m3t heata, free for any ng except the winning liorvsof ibe preceding dnyi I bird ly, three oest in five, free for any hone raised and owned in the cotmty. SAM I.. JONLS, Proprietor. Saliihurti. Sep A, lit J. - - 6;X9 "WT1R0M the ui)-ctibrr, on ih I0M1 Aup. ft -.fi-Lr WPZ.tt.hA!r Wjre );cars old, four; teen hunclii two incbe hipti, wi'.li'a amil star in her forrheitd i lun swiicli tail, well made, hih spirited, and run fast. I will give a reasonable reward to any nert xi m Iio ' ill ive me any in formation, no that I h'-t li (Hiii if strayed; and if atolcn, twenl) &ve dolbira for the ap prehension n' the tb'u-f, and ten dollars Cur the recovery 01 me niare. 1 3t86 JAMF.S S. BURCKHEAD. Jhrci Ut Cuiamu tuualUy Jm'. C Great Bargains ! TMF. mibscriber'i intention being to removr lo the We't, if poible in the spring, of ten the following Property for aale, ujon rea aonable erma, namely : 'ifgf"?0 '- ' r '-fl'iJ, Vn., in tU j4- ? Fork of tlieVadkin, nine mile from -Salinbury, adjoining Fred's k. Ir.Ii F Zachariah MasAtee and oihera, on which are aome imimivemenlai and a. for health, supposed to be equal to any Han- - tation wv the-couaty . Also, 26 or-30 acres lAind,Ui on Crane Creek, three quarter! of a mite from town, ad- ''wn'titg- JohTrt;t'ian, ttronw Miitt, nd others, n wbich there are ten or twelve acres Meadow Ground, of first quality. .;:..A!l'j f QUfftber of -S'a7t.nd ImM'arc, Sox. laie. -aTJiiiJtaEtaaJiiiluULurt Sugar Pitmting, Th Northern Edit or art much astonished at the ttatcv mcntcf Sugar aDi-Molass-Tnidfl last Americao,) 11 those of the South can be. The total bhda of Sugar made io all the 4 9 v8 T hfr"Tnor"prod or rt ve-ra (jfr et'tate U General Hampton'a, 70 milet aboe New Orleans, which yiejrfedl 640 hirdaTugairaml '.'.3 iOamMnVi br itsrh'a 10 milt abjov New-Orleans, 999 hbds sugar, and 415 rnolastca. Very large broduct indeed, and very wealthy propiieior no doubt Shall we add hafi flier than bthtr citizens f It is very doubitul, whether there are not hundred of smaller proprietors, who are happier than the wealthiest Who then it the best off? -Rich. Comfiiler. FATHERS of the REVOLUTIOX. A brief sketch of the signers of the Declaration ol Independence. Thontai Jffferwn. .-A distinguished statesman and philosopher a native of Virginia ; boin April 1743, educated at Milium and Mary; and Stu4id Uw un der 1 hat distinguished Chilian and patriot Chancellor Wythe. In hi 26th rear, a disiinguHhed member of the Virginia Legislature, in 1773 appointed a member of the "committee ol correspondence," the, mot "efiwierrt bdf la'direetlng and maturing the material Horn which spr4g the revolution ; elected toCongre 1775 re-elected '76. Member of the comani tee WhUh drafted the declaration, consis tini; of JelTerson, Adams, Franklin, Srter man and Livingston, and as chairman made the original draft, conformable to which, QZih Jue, .hf.tairi)dujpedATeolu lion -'that thete Stalei are, and of right ought to be, free and indi fiendent Siatet" which was stcondod by John Ad-ms, and ununimoiislv passed 4.h July, 76: Oov to ernor ol V'iiginia '76 '84, minister rranre; which station he held until ap pointed Secretary of State by 1'iesident asjihigion, '89 ; Vice ! resident United Scales '97, and Titsident 1801, which plce he held eight years. In the 83d year of his ap,e, on the 50th anniversary ot our independence,. he died at Monticel lo,the seat ol hit fathers, having filled the Inghest office and enjoyed the greattat honors witbin the nift of hi Countrymen. flenjamin- FrankiimS Printer, philo-aophei- tind itaemanf a native uf Boston : born 17th January, 108. At the age of 30 appointed clerk to the GeDeral Aem biy , und Foy master jat jPhiladelphu,at M ' member of trie Assembly. About 'this time he identified jltctiidty and I'bt nine to"be the same, by drawing the light ninu from he clouds, ' and manv other inirrniuus. cxDcriments ; commissioned To 1 than 430 pupil attended hit lectures I he wa auccctiively choeo prolcswr .ol physic-- Chosen 1r, July delegie In Congrett, ht wat net' prttht when the declaration was adopted, byt fgnd it on lakingiu teal 4tMutotr lorff htr conatitotion. Died !0th April, iSIS. ncc horn in 13otoo 1 742f and luxated at Harvard college. Removed early to No,r'h Carolina I a re presentaiive to the General Aemll for several years; a member of Congress or 1774 ; and the succeeding until the ad p ing and signing of the t'eclaration ; a judge to settle the dispute between New York and Mass chusetts. Died, October, 1790, in the 48th year of his age ; having retired ev- etal years previous, from the cares of of public life into the joys of domestic happiness. Charlet Carroll, qf Carrolltoti.t)ny sur viving signer, at ihis time, (1029,) was born September l?J7r at Anntoli, Md. Being of Roman CaMiolic dec cut, he com menced his education at Si. Omm, Great Britain, and finishes) it a Hhetms, France: studied law In Pari nd London ; an ac tive and efficient newspaper writer, in fa vor ol the cause of the colonies. Being a rloman Catholic of education and for tune, was ae letted as one of the Commit tee to visit Canada, early in 1776, to make overtures to the Catholics of that province to join the colonies. During this tour, the declaration was adopted, but was promptly signed, on his return on the 3d of August : soon afier a member of the board of war ; in 1801, retired from pub J lie life, after having been 1 member, of me nrsi committee 01 aatttf and observa tion ;- twice in the Convention of Mary land 5 twice a delegate in Congress ; once a senator in the. 0. States Senaie and four times in that of hi native State. Ctiar Rodney, botn in Hnvr, Dela ware, 17JU ; a member ol L giaWMrr sc v e r ajycH r s 1 m m b r 1 o j C on gi e m ..0 f . l 74; continued until '75 ; an acute lea der in the war upon i4the enied field ," a general in the army : and the intimate friend of Washington. Benjamin Hart inn, a natire of Berkley, Virginia, the descendant of very reapec- laiue. ancie.ni nc walihy tnmiiv eariv a member of the provincial legislature ; a member of itrt first' Congrrss, and of those succeeding, until the honor of vo ting for sod signing the' declaration i a member of the. committee, pj . Safety 1 chairman of the "board of war." Aficr resigning his seat in Congress, a mem ber and president of the colonial Askem- bly ; Governor ol Virginia in 1782 ; and reelected the vear following. Died In exchange for, or in payment of, the above property, notes of hand n -solvent -persona, or reyro property, win oe u-ceneu. Thos? who wish to buy, would do well to ap rly ao.m. KDW.YKD ("KKSS. 'SalUhwv, Jug. lit, 13.I9. 78 N. B. The remaining Stock of GOODS on hand in Concord, comprising a good assortment, belonging to the subaCt ibar, will be aold ofT on low terms; and payment inude eaay to the pur chaser, if the whole stock could be dipoed at oue aale. E. C. P. 8. There will ata be sold, a HOUSE -and LOT, on Main street, formerly the property of Xc.r ; itfioin Moore, dee'd. now tbe property of Mr. E.izbeiU Uooie, and occupied by E. Cress. , Alaa. a. nc and complete Stick. GIG and Har ness, l or all which, good note' of hand, or ne gro property, will be received in payment. tXK 'liit. suoacriuer uavmg oeier- .a.. wined on removing to the WVlSw Weal, offers for sale his present place of residence, lying on the tern of the Scuth Fork of Cra:ie Creek,, containing 7Wo Armdreti and thirty one fcfM! being.,8i.njile. and a half of Salisbury, "idjounng the land formerly belonging to Jacob Visher, Mr. Waller, Williamson Harris, and others; On the above premises, there a good comfort able Dwelling-Home ; a new Barn, built in a superior atyle 1 and Stables sufficient tor any num Der of Horaca necessary ur working the farm. Persons wishing to purchase, will. of course come and examine for themselves j w hen due aTOthfion witl be naid. . Tlie pay taftjrt fon vhe -above premise- wilLbe, 5fJU0 in tath, the balance on a credit ot on and two tear, in annA and annroveil note. riV?''iWfor1 """ s3fomitig johtv Uddgt, tin ram; "--i'-i'WT-theaBtsve-pTefflrycrsr 150 -Bmkels JVIIfWr; 1000 J)o. CORN. The above premiaea. if not previously disponed of, will be offered at Public Sale, on the 25th inst which will be on Friday. JOHN WILLIAMS, , Sept. 2f.'l829. . .3t85 .Committed tu te 3a OF thia county, on the 2th of August, 1S29, "1 JVeor iMtm. who say hw name is TOM 1 nd that he belongs to a man by the name of -ipruham Mayjteld, Chester district, South Caro lina. The owner is requested-to come forward, . .... I prove property, pay cnarges, ana taae mm away rrviiM bimv ,r .r .I.29rt,.l... 83' tf&liknbrg .ctmt. j teacher in medicine; in Congress in 78 t member of. the con vention which formed the new constitu tlbamysteriQ Frani4 Pievtral ilauas Governor of Mass. f Vlc Preidnt of the U. States In 1808.- Pied 53d No vember, 1814, 00 hi road to Washington tr-Viee fmWmvt ;ttitf .fjfirtiniifrtt 70 years. . . George Ron, wsi. bom In NewcsJle, l7eLiii J 7S0. A scholar t became law yr of eminence after he VerrtoVed to Urn caster, Pennsylvania j a member of the legislature of Penn. a early a 1788 , a member ef the first Congress, and of the three succeeding ; several time a mem ber of the ttate legislature ; a member of the Board of Admiralty of Penn. Died July 1799, aged 49 year. John Jdam, s lawyer and statesman ol great eminence, we hern Qutncv Mass. I9ih October, O. S. 175, of puri tan psrents writer and active leader preparatory lo the adopting and signing the declaration : a member of the fiiat committee of afey for Boston; had the honor of nominating uen. ashington to Congress, as commjnder-in-chief of the American armies ; and 01 making the motion. to adopt the declaration, which ha supported and advocated with hit power ful eloquence ; a member of the first and many succeeding Congresses. Soon idea may be formed of his business hab- haTwfienTt l stated lie was 'member of ninety committee, snd Chairman of 35 ; commissioner in Trance in ITJfl, and minister to the same power in 1781,. and minister to England in 1785 1 a member of the convention which formed tbe con dilution of his native state ; Vice Presi dent nfthe United State twice, and Pre sident once ; jtnrtd from. pubJic ilia 10 1801, und abut 4 o'l lotk, P. M. on the fiftieth Anniversary of our Independence, he expired, in the fllt yesr of his age. Richard Henru Lee, a native of Virgin ia, and an .egant srhol.ir, ws born 20;h Januit v, 1733. Like manr of-the distin euished men of his time, he was educjted iu -Eog Uud ; h t eady ia -xmr-Mtmwlc become a polnial writer; and in the hour of peril, otlicr early 0 mrmr of the House iTliurgcitses, of a. a pol ished and eltgant speaker, he was called ihe ( 'ueruol America j a member 01 the firt Congus ; he first introduced a mo rinn in Con. res . I'O'li June 1776, 44 that these V'itrd Cotonrei mere ana or ngu ought to be Ffefand lit Ufiendfttt Hint$. Bairn. 'railed away by sickness in his fam Uv, Mr. Jefferson wa appointed in hi pUcc on ;hc CromiuM bich the res olution was rrferrrd; and filling Ihe v canrvof the mover, Mr.JefTetson became chjii-mauTa r. rtTh ti ?beniirrr-dTfrsrrrarr nf mat instrument which has ao justly given . l-i.tiiw to Ins name. nce ri;rMUnl -- --- lcl writer of eminence j member of Congress eight tlmrj rnefribtf fif lb., convention whiew Jormec the constitution 1 of his arate and r f the convention which dopted the Cons'itution of the U. States Lieut Governor and .Gov. nf Maaaacfcu whom the" firitish authorities proclaimed beyond the risch of pardon. . Died, SJ. H. 1. tana. 1. k. 4 "-' iwJ 111 I K VLI TCdTi 4ohnnxnrci ft -schnlir n"i-in3Trtif immense wealth, was born near Gjilncy, Miss. 1735. A member nf the general court ; chosen spesker, and rejected by the Governor acted with Sanuicl Adams in remonstrating against the mu.crv by the soldiers on the 5th March, 1770, and in procuring the removal of the troops from the ci'y. On the 5th March, the vcar following, pronounced his celebrated speech on the massacre occasion ; was one of the proscribed patriots with Samuel Adams.. A member of the first Con grrss; and President ti the second snd third, in witch capacity he signed tho Dccliration of Independence, whjch se purified the colonies from the mother country forever; Governor of, hi native State, a series of timet He tpt.nl large sums of hi ample fouone in benevolent rharitie and wa gathered to his fa thers" in a rips old age, laved, revered and lamented. . .1. . - ... . - r ,. - -..,..iv.iKf-win YfRrni GrMtBritalnTrdm iheUorontcs,exa-m- 1791. at Ins -residence, nonoreo ana re jm rnKn.., - ined before iht bar of tfielleoH ot Com-- spetved tyls couniryrarn. hit age,-.oauuo H ons with great credit to himself ; elec- if;7iam Pata (m ,cholar and an cotmN vmen. - - ' ; . T77r.76nrnTelTft efnlnennurinvtorn .740, at Wye -Hall, -- ffXl IS one of tbe committee to hear proposition E5(ero Shore, Maryland, a member of lo ,L . JJti.ln U.ihnol much of reconciliation; comr.issionertoFr.nce tne firl( alld ,everal Ii.cceeding Congres- f1'" " ' 1'. in the 7 1st year of his age ; concluded a Immcdiille,v ttfter voting lor and ''''' ' C"2 T 3n,W of the treaty -i.h that power in 1778 ; .nd in -,,-,- , he declara-ion, elected Z member brother ; . v er v r ;"7;."rMth! 1783 concluded a treaty wi;h Ureal Uri- of,he Nttyy board twice Governor of nou ' r'h" frm RiJirnond, the tain, by which the war was te.min.ted, Mirvand, and twice chief justi. c on the .1 inn -A l ll nil wwj- - -- l-'lOU Kti' t 1 I - I . 1 .1 ..... 4 . ana our innepenaence acKiiwicu;cu elected to the high honor of foreign As sociate of the Academy of Sciences, at Paris, in 1781. After his return to Amer ica he wus I resident of tho Common wealth, and of the Sute convention which adopted the new constitution. Alter ong life, spent in the most, active and useful pumiits, he died in hU 84th year, 27th April 179D. Francis Hopkinnon. lawyer, and man of elegant literary attainments; a native of Philadelphia; boin 1737. A member of Congress 1776, and voted and subscribed the declaration. Me dted m bU-5ad.yes.r, 6th May, 1791. Hubert Treat Fame, LL. u.A Law- r r n ver ot eminence, a native 01 uosiyn, born 1731. For several years past a member of the Legislature of Mansachu setts; a member of the Provincial Con gress,- 1774; a member of the first and second general Congress; a member 01 the committee of fiveto consider the State ofMassachuseits and ..Supreme '.Judge ; . r a-' 'ia i . j ni' " 1 ' 2AomaMMay.yw4MWM JU)etJlttMi of Su Lukens, South Carolina, 1749. Edticateekirr Awertcar whed -lw irrthe M-iddlfrew-- years on a tour through Lurope ; 1775 and '76 a member of Congress ; auer- wards Supreme Judge of his native State ; . . ' Vl' was wounded at tfeuuiort ; taken pusoner at Charleston ; was in the State Conven tion for forminc a new Constitution, j770; died March 1809. limmmin lluih, M. U. born near Philadelphia, 24th December, 1745.' A physician of great eminence t studied at Edinbu'g,, Paris and London, his name is written as indelibly if possible, on the scroll of medical fame, as on the declara tion of our riehts. . A -most successful - ( j 1812 not less bench of her judiciary 66 years. Arthur Afiddleton, fine scholar, hav ing taken the baccalaureate degree of A. B. at Westminister, England, and a gen tleman of fine fortune; born in S. Caro lina, 1743 ; jpent two years.in a lour through Europe ; a member ol the 44 se cret committee of five" in 1775; s member of Congress in '75 ; and took an uctive part in the war ; a soldier ; taken a prisoner at Charleston, and sent as such to St. Augustine ; suffered, with the rest of hi fellow prisoners, great hardships ; elected again to Congress, 1783. Uepar ted for the better country-beyond, the grave, at his country seat, on the Ashly ; aged 45. Elbridge Gerry was born July 1754. it Mutbleheadr-MassachMaott. Took-iu degree of A. B. in the 18th year, at Hjr varda merchant by profession v.-.nvm ber of-the General Court of Masv i3y. in his 29th' year ; a member ol the n-w committee f safety fo Mas, i onwe and.efficlent leader during the revolution sprnt'the'evenvngprfvioiis - of,J!unkex!,Hjn,iOAjw,k to Lexington, among whom was tne brave and early lamented General War ren; on parting in the morning with the General for the scene of danger, this brave man, all devotion to bis country, droppped these classic word 44 Duke et decorum ett,ftrofiatria mor?' before this night was an example. A member ol It was this committee, which consisted of Chafle Coataworth Pinckney, Wm. tlenry Dray; ton, Wm. Gibbes, and Kdward Wajmar, that re .vA nn hivmir rrrnuiae to force, in 1770, in ettlimr the difficuhiea between the coloniea and mother country, and tbe public arms .then n possesion of. British keeper, were takn po- aesaipn ot aqpraingty Senaie of his native uc. I he pnriP u lars of his death r.ol recorded by hisbiog raphe r. , Samuel Vhae, a lawyer and iurlst ol .rrrat eminence, wjs a native of Md. born I7ib April, 1741. Early a member of ik. Colonial AemblV ; a member of the fir.t and four succeeding Congresses ; member of the mission to Canad i, in '76, vith Charles Carroll and Ur. franklin; at his suggestion, the convention of Md. renrindcd tluir instrucltons to tneir rep restntat'ives. not to vote for declaring the colonics, independent,; ihe early patron ,nd benefactor of thaisiiopuisneu 11 .... . .... f .4.- Kf. , lum r nktiev ;t a memoer oi inCi.iy Innd coiiveniimi which adopted the new r.m'stiiution : d ief justice of Md. and ap nointcd by Whingtonftn associate judgo He itle. I In- u . niaic Samuel Adam, i native of Boston, a fine scholar, a men luni bv profession, wai, trirr 22d Senttler,.l723-. He reported ih first resolution lo. the. citizen of lies the right of the mother at'-iinst their 8 polii on, denying c, nntrv to tax the coionies nt lor purposes 01 reveuue , attended debating club composed of a number vnuii men. LMirmtr uie ut-uaic n a.-A nn. whooooke with remarkable ease. -i....nr. aiw Boencv i alter tne ueouie riiocii, the Judge sought an; acmiaintance with tli mn. ami learned hi. name was I'mkim; YUUiift . . I ' . '. . ..... mw.r nri wan then earni ik mar ire '., -.. - - .. hv his services in an apothecary shop and designed studying medicine. The Judg . I..-....I k'.m tnaiudv aw i ana Oliereo nun BU,W.. ... ... , .i: , I.:. use or his library, aim invneo .mm v ..m.I hi had completed hi studies-thesc .. ....... lo.lw arr.fnteri. and VOUWST propoamona m ---,r---. , tinkney put up his trunk unVned.ately lor the ... j. ...;,inr. Thit same youiie man alter- .aa became one of the moat distinguished 1 nf l.la time : Attorney General ot ni fnred 5-tat, Minister to Russia, fcc. Rrnrfit nf Corrt! !- larhr wasthrowiT " out ol a gtgin the streets of N'rw Lutidtn lew d.iys since, the wie.elifJlkh pas- ed ttuiicily over her breast, but to the) vci lasting credit of her corset be it po- cn.kbe escaped wi liout the shgh'tstin- a, it ti uiy. jvcjii ttuvrn HrgttliT. The Gravrl, tifr. At a btc sitting . of the Paris Academy of Sciences, a etter was read from Dr. l)ud-n, stat. ng that he lias discovered a prrfect olwnt. for the stone in the bladder. ven when it is encysted. lie re- juests the Academy t name Commis sioners, in whose presence He will make use ot. his solvent (which is in the form of powder) upon dead sub- ects, preparatory to Ins performing the experiment on a Uvmc person. rhe Academy has named Messrs. )umeril, Rover, and Magendie, to assist )r. Oudon, and report upon hh proceedings. At the same sitting n )aper was read On the discovery of two new caves filled with fossil bones one at Combes, and the other at Bau vigard. -Yht preen of hiMVHft- banes, mingled with those ol maraert lous anim.ds, the species of which are eilinct, was in these instauces incon- testiblei They hear evjidrnt traces ot the"teeth; of Wtiirrttrrt. states, that the excrement of the latter animal was also ictunu. " RUNAWAY SCOUNDRF.l.S." This is the cap'iraUng raptign of the first Editorial article in the J j'iiefton, N. Y. Republican of ihe 25;U tib. Tho paragraph which it graces, run in the following terms t - 1 " , ol Sugar Grove, and of -liii Sown, . hav- -tn jway iry our debt. 1 he fornvci' nwrd u K3 50. iha latter 6 50. is asm ill mn, with 1 lank and masonic visage, and resam hies Nrrsganset Indi in. We are thus minute in describing tlicm, that they may not gull other editois as they hive us.' We omit, of course, tne names of the) Runaway 1. Ti. ariicle l a aUifte on tor a newspaper ; and really it appear to us, that he fium$hircrit ia rather dinp-o-poHloned to the offonre If 'every" ub sctiher of every ncwspiprr, who oe a way from a place, in the Editor' deot. is therefore to be Called a. runavay and a . troundret,- and to he published as m'ch, w w. , . 0 - Vwiuiin tati9t Vai our newspajtera would be crowded with 4 Uunaway ScodndreU- 'Phi MKHih ment, however, iaas unhpte, SHlheotfcnco is common. We distpprove, of course, of siibs'cribers '"Sisappeairiig," without due' " pavment o( theit aucaisj bur wc disap prove of Ibis visitaUOu of tlta- Jtinestown Editor, more than we do of their 4 runa wiy panoiis. nirn. jomnucr. S.jiaaw.-ssi.a Jr. Ui(f!erm -The excellent Mr. Butler was living in great obscurity in country parish. , .Queen' Carohns one day happened to ask Archbishop BlaCkljumy whether the pious Mr. Under was not dead? No madam answered he, bat he is buried, The witty reprbacn had its effect, anil liut Icr became a bishop. No man is evrr satisfied with another man's reading a newspajwr to him ; but the moment it is' bid down he takes ju up and reads it oyer again. BMop fofttt. v -1 tl 'V . i - .-yvy.v(--ay'.vix; ' '

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