M i krvii f"S - Ay a ' ' , ,- - I ' ' ii I) rrii 1 i ft,,-. ia ,aku.w4, kr taika train . ! fi ' Hh,i W '., si " , - . T MtoM M t I W tn Ml Mtr, If ft it !. ill laUw4, M U ' . r Mm mum inmii u 04 Sw, o y mt VMM ft w. , - , . A..CARP .jriAYE'enwreil lrt th north Corner if the iJJ jCuurl-IIouje the" Bt'vre "at'ic-ned to the rfltmoM HAitihu Uuy art ifcpfetd' 16 Mit GOODS very low. fitlilury, SifttmHrJVlk, I8?5. IS ,. - a ml TUP mbtcribcr thr plcaaurt oi tnouo cing to b'ta friml mJ euMume r, tod tb Ijblie in rtnm',UJ he i now receiving (rom bildelpSi n4 New Vof k, a r rirniwT coAfvrvirw j - - r ' : t.rmt Cheapttt ancf mo$t Fathitnabl t GOODS . .m hit haJ. IFavinr bceq rlec1ed with rrrtt care, by niawelV t boujrfat for etuA, he fefU perfectly eofifiJcn.tLtt for like patiervt and au'''litie, lie cannot be undersold by 'any ether Mouae i tie pltee. : Tee pgblie are ttepectfaHr in rtted to call and eaaiwne for ! tbr iDielve. 1 it asMitment com i prlant tlmmit erery article otualry kept in Korea, . MWIMKL BROWX. SJUbvrg, July tth, 1829. 3mt86 " Grctf Bargains ! TUB wijfcnber'i Intent n being 16 rerh6 to the Wet, if poatible In the apring, oC fer the following Property for aak, upon rea aooable terms, namely : Q 330 acrea of Land, lying in the Fork of the Yadkin, nine milei from SalUbury, atljoining Fred'ck. Ford, j . Zachariab MacAtee and otbera, on t which are aome impwementi ; and u for health', wppoted to be equal to any Pun ution in the county. lAl0i?5.Jpr 30acrri Land, lying on Crane tree k, three quartera of a mile from' town, a3 'Joining John t'Uman, Thomas Mull, and otbera, vn wrich there are ten or twelve acres Meadow round, of firat quality. . Alto a number of StilU and T.n Ware, for aale it bit Itore. in Salisbury. liLCIchf nge Tor, or in payment of, the above property, note i of hand on .aoWent peraons, dt "teen property, will be cieiL .... Tbow who wiih to buyf would do well to ap. ,ly on. . EDWARD CRESS. Saliibury, ' Jug. t, 1529.' . 78 N. B. the remaining Stick of GOODS on fund in Concord, compnting a good anrttnent, belonging to the tubtcriber, will be told ofT on kiw term i and paymebu made easy to the pur chtier, if the whole stock could be di.fjoicd at ''one saie. . " H. C . r. S.-There. wiH alw be sold, HOfJSE. ami .OT, oil Main street, formerly the' property of ' Jhtitr WUHttm Mnrt, dee'd liowe the property of Mr. Eliiabetb Moore, and -occupied by E. Crew. ; " Alio, a new and complete Stick GIG and Hr fiess. For all which, good notes of hind, or ne gro property, will be receired in payment. 20,000 awea of LA.VD FOR SJLF4 X YING in the county cf Surry, i M-A and. ai is believed from recent 1 Vjfwf discoveries, within the Gold flrjian mtmm 01 orh;arllns. Ihis tract was gntnttii or the State, in tfieyesr !795 consists Tone coiittnuoua survey, adjoining the county lins of Wilkes, and ettending from the Blue Itiifye to wiihin fhfee miles of the Main Vsdlin River. It is intersected for fifteen or twenty milesjiy Mitchell's river, affording an abundant supply of water-power at all seasons, snd many site! convenient for the application of this pow r to the purposes of Machinery. GJ hs late ly been found in the neighborhood of this land, but its mineral treasures are in a great measure ttneiplored. Persons desirous to purchsse, are frfrrred to the Editor for more particular infor mation, with whom the plat of this land ia de- -ytitil OoXAWttsVkinjr aMacluuc. OTICE. This is to notify the pubficin jren- ll ml. ThAUiaringucquircdjkaUbeJPfc I rrtment or State or the United States, a patent fur the" Machines for Washing, Cleaning and Separating Gold dust, consisting of a Funnel, Trunk and Spout, 1 hereby forewarn all persons from using or making said Machines without my permpsion, . RICHARD LEE. RuihtrfrdC9.-Stpt. hi, 18S9. MX, wa(igi0BB(5wa TIH1S day, a Ktgr Man. who says his name isiSAIrai thhebaJojiso a roan by the name of William Tbomcson, of Chesier 'di'si outb tarolins-' wai. committed to the iU Fy Charges, andjske him away. JOHN SLOAN, Sh f Jupai 5th, 1829. 81. Mecklenburg ratrnry ; i Y Adam Terrence, in Iredell county, on the 31st of Aurust. a bav HORSE, 12 ar 15 VeiM flirt 1 C hn A. 0 I t w JLf iu j urvuv aata l ti, naiia, iinsu wot white, a small saddle spot on the left side, "M shoes on before, trota and paces j and is ap prised, by James Donaldson and Ephraim Tern Pkton, to be worth R. I. QLIPHANT. StfrfctftoJ . 2tB6 B1 , EXGIJSn npUSEtffMDS. THE THOROUGH BURD HORSE SOW ol JmpoHcJ Horse tagk will stand tbe FH Season, eomiben eirg the 10 day of Septem ber, snd ending 1'je 13ib dsy of November, In be tew of Xalitlwrj, on Mow amd Ttu i: j ii-L j kk.". H1, 7 V Cakarnu oounty, oft Tborsdsya, Fri- W wUl brfcrtm lara w tight l tWUrs the 6e. l iMm Aetp and l!v4 dollars ! Insure JoaL m - - 84 Srpt. 10, 1829. 8. L'FERlfAND. C. L. BOWERS. HAS just received, and opened at bis 8lor ia galiibory, a large and handsome assort meat of . r Spring and Summer GOODS; Also. Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery, Plated Ware, lists, and Hatters' Trimmings, Crock, ery, a good assortment of Bolting t lot hi, Shoes, Bonnets, and every article usually asieu lor in stores. His stock of good bss been purchased entire y for cih i and be is determined to sell them as low as can be had in the place, for roA, or to EunctuaJ customers on a short credit Tbe pub oar respectfully invited to calL examine, and judge for themselves. Wisoury, mi 34 1839. 70 r ttaUabui"s lVaces. THE races over the Salisbury turf, will com mence on Thuisdsy, 22d October next, and continue three dayi; first day, two mile beats, free for any bone, mare or gelding ; ae com! day, niile' bests, free for any thing except the winning borae or the preceding dy j third day, three bett in five, free for any borse raised and owned in he county. . SAM'L. J0ES, Profrntttr. Sali$bury, Seft. 8, 18U9. - 6t89 ON Tuestliy of the Superior Court in Statcsville, it being l.e 3d day of November ncit, wi'l be sold at public .Vendue, e rtral HOUSES snd LOTS, and several unimproved Iota, in said town i and among oth ers, that vslusble stsnd for business," formerly occupied by Jamrt Irwin, and Rtbert Simnttn, and now occupied by Cwan and Jkxandtr for a Stoe li ia prceumed tlo inclined to pur. chase, will examine tbe premises. Tbe executors of Robert Rimonton and '.he executors of James Irwin, by: joining in the sale, wiU make the title nnquestionsbly good to purcbSsers. A hoeral credit will be given. GEORGE L. DAVIDSON, Exenlri THEOPIHLUS FALL"5, J H. Simtntm, JAMES CAMPBELL. drctattd. ALEX. HUGGINS, ) Executor ,f Jomei JOHN IUWIN, Irwin, lUceatrd. .VWMiAe 12iM829. -it83 Medical College. of SOUTH CAROLINA. THE annmisl Course of LECTURES in this Institution, will be resumed on tbe second -W Jay in November, on the following branches : Anatomy, by Joa Edwabds HotaaouK, M. D. Surgery, by Jus Hansai, M, D. n f"Cti'"rVld- !byHE.atDICESo..,M.D. Practice f Medtctne ) ' ' Materia MetUca, by Hsvbt R. Fhost, M. D. Chemutry. by EftMCUD Hivtwtt, M. D. Natural JHi fry, ) . -,,.. KrT,M , r, and Botany, ) 1 J Demontlrattr if Anatomy, by J. Wash a, M. D. HENKV R. FROST, Zfean. CAartVirtn, Jug. 19, 1829. 8r90 Uanl. Wood's Estate. THE undersigned qualified at Augurt sessions of Rowan county court, as tbe Executors of tbe last will of Dan'l. Wood : All persons in debted to said estate, are requested to make payment and all persons having demands against the same, are requested to present them for settlement, or this notice will be pleaded m bar." - WM; B. WOOD, THUS. WOOD, 1ugnttl9th, 1S25. 3m93 State of North-Carolina, Mecklenburg county t gt CPERlQRXoutLflUjwayJleuM8i94 v Eliza toxe v. William CoXe : Petition Tor Divorce. Ordered by the court, that nublicstion be made for three months successively in tbe Western Carolinian and Yadkin and Catawba Journal, that the defendant be and appear at the next superior court of law to be held for the county of Mecklenburg, at the court-bouse in Ch8rlotte; oi"0e 6tb Monday itner the fourth MtosidAyiWiSeptemb to the plaintiff'!, petition," or the tame will be heard exnarte. - Witness. Samuel Henderson. SerV'tra day after the 4th; "Monday In MarcTi, 1829.' -- 3ail97SANrL. HENDERSON, e ss. . c. Sttaed ot Stolen, I7VR0M the subscriber, on the 15th Aug. a . ) oung sorrel Mart," three years old, four teen hands two inches high, with a small star in her forehead i long switch tail, well made, high spirited, and runs fast. 1 will give a reasonable reward to any person who will give me any in formation, so that 1 get her again if strayed i andTf stolen, twentyfive dollars for the ap prehension of the thief, and ten dollars for the rrtvrv of th' mare. 3t86 JAMES IS. BUR.ctllEAD. f aea rss eaauaia rTs)T. A recent visit to the mctppolii, the " great mart cf living men,' d rathr aeduloua attendance tX potlkpUtca, civ Die tat to give tnw country nadir aome liiformatlbn which, ttftoof b tfJWreitiof , uoes noi lorra ,ou cr uteusutor the fft V'p pep; prei TrT7TTS!! tie &ntJ0t Hi I MiieitT Jahall nAt further epeek than te ear thattt-nnamt h tit ojoy OolcratltLeAUhXiiUfxi. erclie frccl; end looki well. IA report h recently prevailed, In' the rletropolii tbst hit iMsje sty's eysslrht It it, danger of ipeedy e i line t Ion. No such iar need be entertained. Tet it ii e fact lat age has done in work whh the King well i with other men. . - StSkU Hie Majesty's eight is not to perixt as it was in bis prime ( neverthelcu ia en eztreordinary man even in e phiical sense. Of hie mrntal qualificeiion4.hts msnners the goodness of hit hetrtf be tuivity of bit temner the world U nffi tlently informed- in these respects he it not exceeded end justly doet he serve the eulogy convcyed-io the exprf alon eo often applied to him" Tbe 6m gentleman et well at tbe first Honartt in Europe ' Tht Dute c Wellington I shall r attempt to ascribe tU contour of trt Uuket that may be wen in ell hiipoj. traitt: hut efpecially in the" ctrrvruraa of hit pert on; you the..' p" n the Jarxejr 44 Tot drivea the Sof ereine j" or In the Faferoan Wot Is made foreman to tbe Blush." " Mind wot I tay ) I'm the man hst can do the trick ; there it no rniatale'tbout me." No miittke itrre enough. Whether quiet ly itsuing into St. Jamei Park, from his Downing street residences with Paul Pry like umbrella tucked under hit arc; whether ptcing the least frequented walkt of the Park, or trotting homeward from the Houte of Lords; (he conquer or of Waterloo, end Foe-man to the Hritith," it the time person The House hat met. There site the Luke of Well itrgton et the right extremity of the Trea sury Dench, in blue frock. vJute trowtert strapped under hit booti, wlite neckcloth, thin, ttllow, dim looking face, prominent nose, mouth falling in en cxraordtnary de gree, bit small black round hat tbrun for werd, e It mifitalre, upon hit note, cover ing hit well oxmed eye brow, end kern eyes hit trmta-imbo. l he ' roatquit of Londonderry it at the table, discussing the coal duty queitioo, making a iurtout charge upon "the City ofLonon," sabre ing the redoubtable Common-council right and left; and the tmilet of the duke cf Wellington show that he enjoys the fun, end cells to his mind's eye other fields where the "Noble Mtrquit't ardor led him to take' more worthy met by the beard Another debate comet on. The young Maiquis of Clanricarde arraigns the for eign policy of the tbe Ministry, and pro nounces England " thorn of her glory by mismanagement, humbled, degraded, spiritless." Lord Aberdeen replies ; tnd Lord Holland comet to the aid of the young assailant of the veteran Duke, end vents all the fury of his blustering elo quence upon u Noble Lords on the other side," protesting1 that he wat tlmott afraid to speak, because he knew not which be was tddi citing the opposition at Oxford or at Cambridge 1 . Loid Hol land sat down,' puffing like a porpoise, and up rote the Duke to reply, cool, btt evidently stung. Hit bat was laid aside ; hit action oratorical, hit manner collec ted, and bis voice firm and clesr. J nev ver saw hit Grace to to much advantage no not even at the heed of bit regi ment in Hyde Park, upon the back of hit favorite charger at a long trot. The General was positively lost in the ratof... He not only made a speech, an effective speech, in eloquent speech, abounding in , ill tbe requisites of e Parliamentary re- Truly tbe Duke it en extraordinary nolle Earl It known as sn iml.t'le mm In private life i an Indottriout Afflcial i elev erinthe clhtet but certtinly doet not nine ii en ontor op out of door iutce- msn, - - - - The Ltrd CAanc ttlor. The : leirced Uid lolleori the wooluck with lordly ease, end per forme ell hit minor rune- Uorrtsvuh due hgnity-.I tit hlcA Lc4 ler" irTlbe'iroute ,of Feert than In tbe VWH..OI ..Chincerrs v?her be Is some wbat loo tiippaau., ! person he about D eeerWneTxbnjple xToOtlTo irr6 prominent, but not large . expression careworn, end not Dirticularlr aereeible . . . Y iiitiaicfue ire unquestioned lletpeakt itb great fluency end coricttncit l but bit nasal twang it a drewbtck to hit ora tory. The House la In dclibcriUooAo siii hor'n alive knock et the door ia heard. Tbe Deputy Usher of the Black Rod id vsncei to the bar, end cxclaimt, ''My Lords, a Metttge from the Com moot." Tbe queitioo that tbe Commona be ad mittrd it put and agreed tot and the Lord Chancellor advance! with the great teal i the Commons enter with a bill with three low bows, each of which the learn ed Lord gracefully retUrni t the bill is hinded over, lit purport briefly mention ed and tbe honorable Commoners retire at tbey tdrincec", with three low obei't ancat, and the Lord Chancellor returns o hit place, with an air that Roman senator , might have envied. I mention tbii to thow that Lord Lvndhurtt it a P hfimcem 'he eriuauat' Dart' Lrl Jtot$tun. This noble Earl hit lately joined the Miristry. His aspect i mild snd grtciout j hit address winning; hit speech polished- Looking at his Lot dp hip, one would say, that man is seldom mgry, and would neither fight a duel, nor ronsem to second one who would fight and yet he seconded tbe man who, in a petty party squabble, ahot the amia Sle Sir Alexander Roswcll 1 have heard that i be noHe Lord regret! this trantac tion ; and I believe i'. and rejoice at it As a politician, Lord Hosslyn has of Isle vesrs shaken off much of his Wblgglim He is now a link ihe chiin by which the Duke of Wellington seeks to conhecl the " mode rate" of the two ereat parties Lord FAdm The venertble Larl mil retains Ins hale appearance and hit teal on the cross berth- He, at any rale, is no weather cotk no fear of that -ahd will die at his uott. When Lord Edon iht to eneak.even on triflwe -mattera the house evinces very marked attention and respect, whatever the newspaper may tsy to the contrary or nol. Lord Fllfnborouxh Tuis infant ttttei man it any thine but child in stature Hit fine urnnortions cmce the Tre ssury bench i Ion if white trowtrs, half dress coau flowinc rinclets. but vinepar aspect i ne rore Ijmq pr.iKt Kiioiy, somruine sensioiy out seiaom proiounoiv. n, the diys of Chatham I When Lord El lenboroucth was in opposition- he hud per sevennce enough to annoy the Minister I am much mistaken if he does not still do the same ! Look at tbe Premier and upon tbe President of the RoHrd e Control upon thii picture and upun that. J he contrast cannot be conveyed into words- But however perfect the Noble Lord's curlt may he, I do not believe the waggery of John Bull 'hat her Ladyship ran away because she would not repose on the same pillow with' a man who wore his hair en pap:Hote i - Ldrd Holland. I was sadly disappoint ed in this Noole Lord. With the linea ments of his great ancestor, and some of his talents, he impresses a stranger with any thing rsther than an idea of intellec tual superiority. The matter of his Par liamentary oratory is solid, often pointed, ficquently humorous and sometimes ex quisitely win y. but. his manner .that may justly be characterised as bluster, bluster, Muster. He runs from a guttural to a aporano in a twinkling, tpluttere him self out ot breath at the top ot nit voice ; t I command chkecture, and the expression oi his mouth i and these, as well as tbe cari cature, proclaim that "there is no mii ttke about me." - iW Jbcrdeen.llt Lordship.lt rath er, tall, good looking pertonage, with " a manner ben" apealihgT i(fiirrtaHfd mtJditt rarely mounting to the eloquent, never to the mDptsioned."ef i the- revaraa of a wit ; and taure of sarcasm ere apparent ly alien to bis nature. Tbe Noble Earl excels in narrative in detailing facts. There is one defect, which his friends should tell him oft he speaks like a breathless man j end! raises bis vocie at tbe .close of a , sentence aa if expressing extreme surprise. 4' The noble Marquia has said that the policy of hit Msjetty'a government," kc. These dasbes indi- jcate bis pauses ; thej are ipeJaarjU The VOL. X.....NO. 436. Lord flurham.-.Yh,i Mr. tamsten wAt that'll liord Durhim. rn spared the trouble of dcteribing hiiemiibllhleer hit talents would require a line or two could they be applied to my useful pur. pose , The Noble Lord, however, it an. titled id eratitede for no art hi. t;r- He lately inubbed AWrrmsrt Woo4 ao4 ' ' the hmfTer?!a-r?W fmtt,rii.. j., . ia e tnan utled llood or Wood, or aotn. v---r such nsmc, who hat been giving bioiaelf eirt eitd-indafging in Impertlnenttei resi-- ;jrt.rirt'.r: ri - - -. . , . khwk in proceedings ei tttia House i and wertfthit perton worthy of notice) I thould call tour Lordsblo'e attantieis. r hit conduct," &c Brivo I Oh, Alder man, how did the Wood leal at thl. The bett ol ike loka hi that tha etnt i. ittocrat, in hit radical (Jits, nil often spouted md dined t Keek-by jowl with thtj aforetsld Hoed or Wood.' Sic rreiV. The t)ukt of Qhutnttr.L.'Th ttauocla Whir of Roval BW. svlth the f.e. Ar Oeorge the third, end the totiume of uiixty yetrt since," cntefefhe Houte of Lordt now ind then, and whit L takei part in tbe debate f adds wisdom id tbe wisdom of the nation i No suck thing, gentle reader. Hit Royal Hieh- nut comes to shake binds with hit broth er Whigs, and to cry hear, hear," when Lord Holland makes a set speech If a man looks at lha Duke of flloucest'tr and tmilet, he m.v b what it wrong but he cannot very wr.ilhehit. F.arl of Matorturh-A LrvhtfernanTv ned not as, int n he utteri mskee a corresponding impression. Men love common tense, as thry lave geld, heceuse) it is e valuable article. nd cannot be verV reaiiuy imnateaai jeast, not of t4oca heads- . V ' Earl Grey. A poVerfuI oretor i but oo the decline- Ifis lordship haa lived lone enough to tea the follies of party, end ie rapidly antraitimelllng himself; he will not, however, lake office, though eorelw ursssed to do so. The rreatcst service I can do to the Noble Barl is to nrav that Heaven would mend bis temper. "1 1 " s . 4.-i4awsfc.a- i minTheVlsTiomtoi i attention, eave his ratal ar tne perspirsuon .ro... ... " - gins a new senience :o anive ai memc psinful conclusion. I would much rath- ' . . H t. I. 1. I er react uora nonanu s spcccucs u heir him speak them 1 Lard- Londondtrrv.S. well-looking, generous hearted mani of aanguine tem ptTWeafcJfe rect, but noble4 manly, candid, Jona Cun ik0.rWMtefirM"nf eeymg'iif-''"'" nv mrn imnretsion. A warmhearted man flwaye findt the way to the hearts of otbera. I would rather pe uora wnaon derry thin the most of those who con demn him- In the lite proceeeding re lative to the London Bridge, he complete ly beat the Duke of Wellington and Ab solute Wisdom into the bargain; end wit nrohablv ftroud of the exploit, lor two reasons he hid right on bit tide ; and, it it a feather in a man's C4p to foil the modern "Sewerr". flat: A thort time since, seven hand ' red and fifty bats were killed in a smoke house on H:. Simons laiand. The building is about fourteen feet square, and was, after the slaughter, fill decerned by mt ny animals of the kind, hanging, unhurt, frenvthe wallt and joins.- -; : " . : Chatletton Gat, - Home Indutry..n I80.4, it wisestim ted that the totil consumption of Cotton by tbe Manufactories of the United States, but a little exceeded I000 bales In ISIS it was estimated that the Factories con sumed.WjOOO bales; and itj now estim ated, tht, we mVaufciure cVtou gnods' jo the amouiit of 230X1004)00 per untium, orhicft"S2J,0O0,0O0 are expoHed. " ' Chtrtetton Gar. The Ontario.-Tkis ship tailed from New York on 23d u It. under Command of Thomas II. Stevens, Esq. Henry Lee, Esq. Consul General in Algiers and ar r lauy; flir. Drown, private secretary; Lieuts. Glynn and Ritchie i Drs Cowdrey and Freeland ; end Midshipmen F. Clin ton end D. Lynch Jr were passengers. A oil. BuUcltn. --f-ftttn of Whithty.... A , lad in tho village of Canandaigua, nine yeirsof ige, list week drank so much wbiskay, aa to produce convulsions which terminated in tbe course of a few hours, io death. Ciiiting Ircct m Woodlands. Loudon's Gardener's Magazine re mirks, in substance, that the shoots from the'atbbi "of stumps 6f forest treea may either become crooked bran ches, of little use for fuel, or beauti ful straight timber treea, according as the old trees may be cut over ctoeetijr -'J : k . it ' V 4, 7 si V i H "A the surface, or one foot above it. The closer the stump is cut lo the ground, the atraighter the stickers or aprouta. This important fact ought to fimil tar to?everr owner of 1 Vod -otiaAtl coasanily kctio mind by the gardener i' pruning iruu.vrcca, v. r (t ; -TIII.VlMErAalERCH The trunspet of Fame bas exalted Um namev To thee Afric'e hero In glory must bo : Not Hannibal's self, though an eminent elf, Wa half so successful a warrior at thou. . Hi doings the pages of Liry display Thy liquid attainraenti spread wider and quicker: . By vinegar he through the Jfpt mad)s hie Wty,- But thou through this wsVftfby the very sime 1 4 Wt5Wt i M

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