V L . vser vss en sua k titviasa. GtMilimeh I 1 en4 you publication copy nf tCirciiUr trim t Secretary of ine Navy ib 0 nicer, commending fcB.ndrom. in tclitbu to the Cnlorldt ofUme In purifying vessels tr.J discing conttgloti, w I'b a view calling ihe attention of merchantt, and officer of Quarantine to the tub;ct Jbhould lit 9K ruy be tueh it mere i ' . ... V . .... teesol 10 anlltlpsie, li cannot owt beneficial lo the brl ?f ntvlgatort, lo warm climescs wore especially, Pra bhUt da much toward riielng r itime cities of the United State from (hit wont of acourget, the Tellow r. ever o regulate tercwo intanal ifTtinf 4H tarodacilon into, i b Jtf t t y h JJ Vtvspr.tnsny pvwetiwlreedf c4 . th mal of the ortscnt secretary lor we CIRCULAR. 1' thi 0cc tJ diftreM Sfmt rtnt J UnitU SttUet Ship Tbert being ressou lo believe lhat ptoptr employment of the new disinfec l low i agent the cbloride of lime wouU Jd erv mach to the comforr, end pel haps to the preservation of tbe health, of the crews oi the united jute ips oi war, it Is deelrabU that e Mriee ofeiperi rnents be forthwith: insiliuled to teat the ' efficacy end usefulness of ibis interesting article With thit view, you ere required to cause sufficient supply of I he chloride of lime to be provided) and direct the j me lobe distributed -smongst the sur geon of the different ships uoder your commlnd, end to order the Mine to be applied according to ibe in'suuettont here inafter irUcn. Ti.e surgeoot tkould, in the firs! plsce, te squired to obtervo the enecu oi mi .nick, " removing the dlngreeeble emelli of the confined or other parti of puritv nd also, if any ill odour it tub atituted for toe one dispelled, and wbelb tj JH1 unusual degree of dampness aod beatiness of the air succeeds tbe applica lion of the corrective ; end general! to notice an oUer,and all tbe effect, which toty appear lo remit from Ibe eiperi mn;ti mde of ihii m Jterilr ell of wblcb they are required lo report to tbo depart loei.t in the quarterly returni. I; cannot be presumed that the sur geons of the Navy r unacquainted witb -.Jbe..iir.diDiry.jMjbodof.appljm chloride of lime as a diranfecting agent. Wbcn therefore, the usual method, of its employment is mentioned, it is not be cause tbey ere presumed to be ignorant of this usage, nor it It intended to prevent tbem from employing i! in any other way than ibeir dUcretion may lead them to believe will advance tbo general object the Department bat to view, that of pro moting the comfort and healthfulnets of crewa of the U. Statea ships of war. If therefore water of the sbipt should become fcetid and unpalatable, the Sur geons will, if they think proper, try the effect of mixing in it a half pint of tbe .v filtered, aohitioe or thechloride of lime to " addition, not only as ta ils uste, but also as to its efficacy ia queochiog ibusl Sec. Jc. Tic ordinary method in utingthis salt to purify foul air u, to dissolve one quar i rcf a piund, io one pint of water. V. n about -to be applied, let this be mud -uth about forty times the quanli :y of lit il water, and apiinkled over the irt infected, until tbe state of the air i conectrd. (Signed) J. BRANCH. .TIIE IXDMXS. If tbe dxtrloe every where msintamed be true, that e State is sovereign, o fr at by the coovlmtlon adojited it hit not been pjrtedwith lo ibe Uencrl Government, then mot follow as nutter of certainly, that within the llruitt of Sute there can be none other, than her own tovereigi powtr, that ca claim to ttercbe the functions of got eminent. Il is certainly contrary io every idee enterUioed of so independent government, for any other to attert edverte dominion end authority within heir iuritdictional limits t tb'MJ9 thlnge tbatcanaot exiit together. Between tbe State of Georgia end the Indian tribet within her limit, no com: naragrecy:ni was ef er entered into t k tUw ieXia-"iiM; foiUOolrtaM Iji the ordinary course of exercised autbori- ir, mat one or ins oiner mui t St?ithjf"ihdu!gcd It e robland ge erout trait of cbaracuu but U should never assume e form cslcolsted to out rage settled principles, or to produce io lie end a greater evil than it would re medy. Admit it were, in the ditpotiiioo of tbe Government at Wellington to bold course' auc language different from that tperifij orUi.ferition,' comlnjj frorn a ditinteietd source. I'ut there Is one other view U the tu'jtct that we thinly equally eniiled to weight. The Ltglila- lure thoul J pitroruio ne wipapcrt, in cva ry way b f bleb the public interest and convenient can be aimultaneoutly pro mote J, at ehiclas of infjrmstlon, lending their aid, nd no feeble aid ehher,' when well condu ted, to enlighten end educttt the people In thlt respect Ncrrib Ciro Una It far leblnd any other State in the Uniooine' 9f old. Twelve or fifteen rtewtpaper , generally ef e dirplnuilve aiie, circul t e few hundred collet escb, weekly, wdle the little Stitct of Kbode Island end Dolswtrw bsve each more newtpapcrt, tod a far greater circulation. Thar a wo dajwertJ causes vftWa jdT-psrrtfanhii It one, tht tbe press i nor ibtniw wf H Lwgtaiature ware, aa u it in almost .eeeff tbarSute Jit tbe V ion. A Uw authoiititig tbe publication of ibe Aa ofAtsemoly io every paper in tbe Stat, nl requiring ibe publication cl Sberi(Tnd Contablaa tale. Adroinl.ua tor an Executort notices, etc in tome one ivwkpaper, would not only edd to tbe met of usefulnesa of press already in exutryce, but would natorally lead to the estalisbmewt of otbert hi remote tec iion of the State, where a newtpipcr it Dot almost en object of curiothy. Carolina Gbttnxr, they have heretofore employed ; and to encourage the Indiana to tbe bcliaf tbst rightfully ibey may remain snd exercise civil government in despite of Georgia I do those who are the advocates of sucb a course, and consider it reconcilable to propriety, dream of the contcqucnces to which u would lead,. or conaider aber what manner to strangeaa idee could be put io practice ? Have ibey looked to ;he state of Georgia, cookIoui In the rec titude of bcr own construction of right, demanding of tbe United States their con fttitutional authority to Interfere, and ap pealing to the states to tuatso ber against ' nr 0,her of Us Secretaries, encroachments, which, If submitted to. j tfo harge," bin Brancbe might, in the end, prove Destructive oi the whole. If nothing elae can be traced ftrtk Cartint .0r. Brwu From a let. te te the Editor of the Raleigh Mar, dated Vaihiogton City, Slat Aug. w make tbe fob faing extract t 44 You will be pleased to heir that tonh Carolina occupies a very high stand n tbe Cabinet o much ao, that the fournal occuh Mr. ftrancn of hsvlng mora ir.flaence witb tbe President then Some truth , , IUE-V kra from Hialaite, thU lU JAIL la tbat to a wst burnt to the grounJ, on Saturday eight, the 19ib bill. It aecirit lobe tutfected, thai e a'gro, eonfinad la tb jail, act U eo fire. Ho penoa wu banned, and ao otb ct bouae Injured. It wat a 90dea buiUuig, aid rather a frail tenement fur tbe purpoac intended. . , - mi m waaraaf cuatitiia. "ieBAbi-It requlret no little rorrtctae of (aate, aa well M nlceiy ia the proportion ef grave and volatile lathe natural umpert regulate this vierciie, la Aieh a way a to make a favors' bt; imptrim 7 ftf rHrH vl-1, relnd of tboae wrth wbont we aaaoeiate. ; To be rrava without' iullan net of naoroteaeai t cieer- fut and a'greajile wkbiof levity,"' aot tbeTeaJrj difficult attainmeet of perfect taaaaefl To guard agaloat tbe latter etlreota becomes lb anore ttAcult, from the eicttding light neat of tbe eoamoa topkka of cunvanatioa ia miied conpaiilca. It b In regard te tbU extreme, tbat I would auggeal a thought er two. la a circle ia which tbe conversation If of tbe buraoroue or jocular kind, eury one eipceta hi jcat to be rewarJed by a aide smile, or by a buret of (aughter- And common poHteneae Mem lo require that hi expectation be not di. appoiuted, too' It saay tat hi auditofy with no Kttle exertion to avoid it It U however an ex. peoaive Indulgence to many weak penona. a it render then blind to their wcakneaa, and Wad then to the repetition of that by which t iabe. trsyed. IVIiik if their diacemment ia wich, aa entitlea tbem to tbla forced reaped, they will not fail to distinguish a mere affectation of taurb'er, from tbat wblcb it would seem to be I lT I. L. I - J uc, ioiiik ioe gomi anu ids . nam" may, al least perceive lha: lo It peril is lo be discerned, and thai the ' weak ana un disciplined Induns, in tucb a contest, would be so utterly destroyed that tbe placea which now know tbem, would pre- aently know them no more. t rorn the conversations hsd with the Pretident, recently and formally, on the subject of the Indian, I am satisfied, tbat no man in tbe country entertain towards litem belter feeling, or has a stronger desire to ee them placed in the condi- , gjUh him hU eIectio0eeriDg predd couite it not warped by ulterior viewt of political evancacni he l therefore left free to act aa ha mi) weem most beneficial u ia country. The reputation for energe tic firrooeit wiich he sustained aa Gov emor of Nortl Carolina will not be di minished by ha conduct a Secretary of tbe Navy. Hi unfitnett lo be persuaded into the adottbn of any meaure which bis judgmeat dsapproves, bit Imptrtiali (y in ettim4n tbe menu ol individual! attached to bit department aod the Navy, and the ttri4 accountability under which he hat placet bis subordinate officers, are circumstanco) that very honorably dumi tkwu-wiuch may., conduce to tbeif ad vanceraent and happiness. But to en courage tbem to the idea, thai within the eoofine oft State, they may exercise all the form and requisites of a government, fashioned to their own conditions and ne cessities, be does not conaider can be ad- viQtageouttothcm.ortbatcxerciseof such J right can. properly be concrdrd hat would the authorities of tbe Sute of New York tay to an attempt, on the part of the Six Aationt, to establish, within their limit, a separate and independent gov ernment ; aod yet their authority, to do so, would be at undeniable as that of tbe Creeks, or Cherokee, within tbe lerrito ry of Georgia , jor A ! b t rn a. . cettor. 1 ie-4r peculiarly - quakbed tor delecting andpotung an end to the pecu tation wblcb for year$ hat been practised ' tit througn tbo Xtif Uepartment. e have no doubt here tbat bit courte will be straight oawird) end we hope, .that hi conviction of h oacaewty for reform will induce biro, wit boot fear -or favor, to f ford a bearty co-opeatioo in tbe lopping off tbe droaet in tbe public service. end important tubject, at will be teen by the extracts which we subjoin t I beg leave to assure you, tbat nothing of a compulsory course, to effect tbe re "xuoval of ibis unfortunate race of people, bat ever been thought of by the Preti dent atbough it bat been to asserted :TeKconiiJev4tit whic; coattotle-ia 'v'tlbel;61iHe!'lB alJy-and tn foctUlieved, were required, a well by a regard for the jutt eights wbicb the State ef.Geqrgia was authorises! to aa ert, at from e conscientious conviction that V? If, humsnity towards the Indians vou'.d more effectually be subserved. 0( thii they have been attured.and in that as aoraricc io other disposition wat bad thn io explain fully to tbem, and the . country, the actual ground on which it was believed tbey were rightfully entitled V: o stand. . f . How can the United Statea Gqvern tnent cpnteai wild) Georgii tbe authority i kboh raa aoarea ceaiMaaciAL citts. From an article in the New-York Daily Advertiser, it appears that an association has been formed in that city for tbe pur pose of co-operating with the President, and tbe state of Georgia', in removing the Cheroktes and Creeks from their pos aessiont and property in that state, to the foi estt beyond the Mississippi. " Thit a aociatton -recently addressed a - latter to the President ; and the reply of the Ex ecutive to this letter, dated Rip Raps, Virg. 3$tb August, and -aigned by John II; Eaton, Secretary of War, is published -IrrtheNe w-Ywk-ening !!ou neeaay. n gives me viewa oi ius au tninistration at length upon this delicate Sheriff ani Conitab!c'ilaltt.A corres pondent of tbe Warrenton (N C.) Report er savs t uf bave for some yesrt back, been ttrongly impressed with the idea, that Sheriff and Constable' aalet of property levied on to at;fy executions, should be advertised in some newspaper printed in the county, and in cases where there is no paper in the county, these officers should be compelled to advertise them in the nearest paper to them. At the first view of this subject, :Jtjnou.ldj appear.. tPbflini 'curring sri unnecessary expente-T- but in ten case out of twelve, it would make tbe property thus sold bring 40 percent; more than in the way these sales are now effect ed t for this very important reason, tbat but very few persons see these advertise ments, they being posted only at theCourt House and at one or two public places Many times a man's property is offered for-sale,., and he entirely ignorant of it, until within a few days of the sale", and m many cases he never aees tbe advertise ment at alb These notice do not give tbe public sufficient notice, to draw togetb ' Sfuxnith Invation e Mexico.-' Capt. Nirtigue, of the Schr. Monk, arrived at New Orleans, from off Tampico, informs ttst tbe Spanish troops under Gen. Bar rtdas, took possession or tbat place on the tb. oh. TbereT was.. tome tkirrpFshing between them and 900 Mexicans, who made - e -flight resistance-theformer were reported to hate lot; about 60 men in killed nd wounded, mostly officers, tbe latter bad 15 wounded. Tbe Mexican retired into the inle rior. Tbe Monk was not allowed to enter tbe port, and conse quently returned to New Orlean with her outward cargo. She brought 248,000 in specie, and thirteen passengers. As a specimen of Canadian justice," Collint, of tbe Freeman, ttya i pie to make the articles sell for half their value. Would it not be expedient for the Leg islature, at its next session, to past'sn act compelling officers to advertise such sales io some convenient newspaper, for such length of time at tbey might think suffi cient f -r ' .' 1 am aware that msnv will be oDDOsed found guilty of a-violent breach of the peace, was fined one shilling and dismis sed. Tbe editor of tbe Freeman,' found guilty of only using jhe words 'nti;e mslignancy" in reference to the Attorney General, lest fbey might lead to a breach of the peace wat committed io jail for one year, fined one thoutand thillingt, and bound down to keep, the peace iar . three years, in twenty-four hundred dollars ! Tbe country, tbat. can bear, this sdminiv trsiion will bear any thing.' Jn Important Ofieration.W t learn by the New York Medical and Physical Jour nal, far July, that Doctor Abner Morton hat succeeded in forming an artificial eyelid tor a bhek boy. This important operation was performed in a abort time and in a few days afterwards tbe boy bad 4 very sightly eye, answering ell the pur poses of t natural pnec- The ball of tbe ; And betides liter may be one Individaal In tbo elrcSe, f too aaucb correctness of tatte, and of (oo mweb delicacy of feeling, to be able to join in such gUriocjr! "ch vociferous deerpiisw, or to reject those who do. Tbe eitreme of laughing loo much, on all oc casions, la but a common One both with eld and youogi but specially aitUtbei.terv. JTibout considering ha connexion with religion, and without roentlonmtnyJf those' scriptural de clsrationa, which wem to regard much buigbter wuboat distpprobation, I consider it merely aa it bear upon our reputation aa aersont of ten and mumuri. There is scarcely in arty feeling a greater aamenesl among sH men of sound judg ment, and correct taste, than in that if pity and light esteem for those who are invariably found laughing. Men thus let themselves down, much below tbe real dignity of human nature. . Who has not heart! it advanced si an evidence of weakness and ill breeding ia an individual, tbat be is ever laughing l baa a peculiarly uuhap py effect on a roan'a atanding in H)i,respett a it argues peculiar weakness, to become so exr.l ted by Utile and common things. , Tlicre are few of tbia plas of persons, who nave not sometimes taxed tba sympathies of their friends, bysk- ,V,'i f..f Il il of mtt i iiU!i4 iU paper lo Osfard, CranV.lle cwn!y, to bs tt'lt tbe i.VumiW, s'4 edittJ by E4ia rsicsU tiq. U'e are afraid tU plating tf a tbst place, will be a losing coucero. Mrnut BtuliK.lVu ia tbe title sf t ptrU odlcsl, publiaLed ia Ililadelptia twice a feeatlj 19 ocuvo page aaxb No. at gUi per anauia. It is to be ewulucud by aa eocUtia of ray. alcisM, siiJ iadcagtied te fornUk the pubt wilh s variety ef useful information relating u tbe prtveniioa snd cor of the various 'ills lesb is heir to," divested vf tecbtiksl 'brsseols. gf, knd tutted te tba'arHlcrttanding of every pcraon. Any of H.Jutult$ who ay be dee. rout of saclny lie wk, are rerruetted to csQst our oflice and etamiile it i we shauld be gUd of tUUvpooott U to ltftufatprr:rr. ft setmi tfiie year to W'tklftreuitr out tbe ttnion, their iw prdtfry-tentr?TLa? westber bas bean well calculated to geserv bilious complaints. Tie pbysidiao an aJo coatUut'y emulo)td it is berf (bvest tiow, and we de not cavy tbem tie' profit tbey r reaping -but still we devoatljr If pa ibe aeetT, of tuck a harvest may out soon agsia be & ; tbaUol. We perceive ttat Otany of tbe pspers, (M 4J Jscksoa as Adaras priuuV sCU aock vf ibe era. venoulod bypocriu, Jth Jdtitm, aa North Caronna." We will again repeat, tbu the 'man doca not disgrsce Al, tVw neither by nsUvity nor ciliseaabipr sad we bpj tbe nends of tbe A'lministraiion will bo U,Btr degrade tbe name of North Carolina by n tioisioflt in counetion wito that uf a oaa bi bat gained o infsaioua a notoriety by tba obi J cjuily of Lu poCucal course. W e learn froa theU Telegrspb, tbst Aj( Miaxktn, of fcBBiylvania, baa beeu anDokit.? tbe CotinJ al aUniatque. ' Tbe Nstional Journal attempts to make itself witty over paragraph ol ours, in relation to tb refusal of Judge 1'reble (Mioiater to the 'Ned?. erUi.d) to -eai" a puoiic dinucr tenderrS him. hi lai.ie. ilttr criucally csaniing ibt AcUon of our article, tbe ednor of :.tl Joiiraii' (an EnglUkiw by birth, as well as ia ltding; charge us aub.aiaiuWuig mal of pror deference fbt tbe lung's Knglub." ow, s: tliouir'a we concede to said :h2i.a.,m ,h nr wardly laughing aloud in company, and after vilege of jj; wllateVcr u thu committing themselves, having the mort.fi. UU maaler.aa. loval-As hr la i. w - duty bound to do, and sltbougli we conlcu, Jtluit in hastily preparicg. wlkU tut our parwrr Tkt BanHtr tlltt CwntitnHn, Is rbs title oa new weekly Newapsp,r, propo10b eon. anenced at IVaabinga City, ia December aer( by Col. CWy Raaei, at presoiit Jiur oi i sole and sainted paper in tinlsdelulua. eal'erf (aw- i'm dimdi : Awross, end fete A&eriaa Charge de Atfaires at Brajil. Tie new papti will be of large (bmeiunont, and embrace the dikcuasiuu of all the auba-Ctf usually admire into the columns of papers. The talents, sj4 the sterling icpuolicau principles ef Col. R. guet, sre a aura guaranty that bis paper will b conducted with ability, ai.d be a firm upport( el the present Adminittrsliois. cation to see that they sre joined by no one else. Too late they ace, that those tio most regard tVir fedingvtnd would moetWiHingTy free them froos e'bsrraMfitnE, can aaaree-Jorce. emilc. Personal ho know the world, and who bave profitted by their knowledge of it, will not so far forget themselves. Another infraction upon the rules of polite life, not a Lttle offensive to persona of refilled Uste, (and her I do not mean fastiduus per- sons,) is tbe habit of talking ahdUuhing at the aame time. Ibis should be avoided by all who would make any pretentions to an acquaintance with polite lifo. To close my remarks, already continued be yond my intention, I would say, tbat it i all very much a matteref habrt. Nothing-ieMiw-ee:lw taia than that tbo difficulty of self-command is ncreased by indulgence. And by a little inat tention, a man may fall into babita, under tne influence of which be offends grossly, without being at all conscious o it. While with a little attention and judgment at first, we raa acquire different habits, by the help of which e can make ourselves agreeable, as for as tbi thing ia concerned, without care or effort. Sir, If you think these suggestion might be profitable to any person. In tbe town or in the country, and you are willing to publish them without knowing or inquiring after tbe name of the writer, tbey are at your service. - "UKAVIt'AS-. wesometKiie inadvertently pay more attention to leroe thaw- synrti, yet weeannot a.l.nii tbs justice. xftbe. chiirge of , .an JPLterate coustra tion cf our sentences, for we have prred oh Murray long Snougb to hus hint to write ibe language, in s'Vletbalis readily comprehen ded by Repjbacu understandings, bowevr: grating our umtnenit (or ayntas) way iuuiiJ in a roonaicuai tt. Tie Untied Stalei i'l'rgraph, hit been er,' large;), and improved n its form ; and ia no One cf the largest and most valuable papers in tbe L'niun. Tiie Iccsiion ol this osDer al tlx- eyg had been gored by an ox, andteveral attempts bad been made to unite and re after it i tried, tbey will find it to be tSe best-pollc)u..Iost.ther Statea hsva all . f a. t s a S a ineir puouc saies acver:ued in tbe nearest ne wspajier, and4 am-ur cihat propehy. sells Ut much more in most of them, than it does in ours. If I had never felt the effects of ssles conducted in this way, I should not be under the necessity of making these re marks. Sales conducted in this wsv, al low the officers thus telling, too great an opportunity of buying tbe property them sclves, many times at what they know to be not more than half its true value." Tbe aboro remarks are worth of re- etcisnsf wRWbsU proved abonive A London Magatine tays, tbe prujsic ci.Oss.Heae teavee of green tea in to conceritfited "iatate7fjfHa' one drop -killed a dog slroott instantane ously. A strong infusion of souchong tea sweetened, is as effectual in poisoning flies, as tba solution of arsenic generally sold for tbit purpose. A hemp factory at Ithaca, N. Y. waa destroyed by fire on the 1st inst. caused by tpontanebui combustion. Whole loss 7,00 at which 23,400 were iostjred The six-penny Toby Wutkins printers, like un Sledged liirdiings,. constantly keep their mouths stretched open, to swallow whatever the old cravens may drop into theuii and then croak forth their vile tlandera against female; charac ter, and their wanton libels agattiat'tbe officers of roverument. We oerciiv e that this herd of little croakers are.busUy. enip'oy.e& just besd-quaiters, cttsrges sgaio&t, Wewr iwry. Livingston, Lewis, Van Net and others, of being ffl(erjr, wht. ;Uie aively proven, and the accusations nailed to the counter as base calumnies. But they have be. come so accustomed to look upon peculation, fraud, and corruption, in their own party when in power, ibaf nothing looks clear to tkm, the purity of the pofitical atmospbere in Washington at tbit time ; the industry, integrity, and sys tematie order with which all the public business ia conducted there, appeals murky .and corrupt to their jaundiced eye". being the official organ of ibe " Adihinitritioi.. to-etlitr with the able, uiict'ttigab!e aud indc peiident course of the Editor, mmt renuer -invaluable to everj' politician friMitHy to tb' pre sent Eiecutive and his adu.iiiwAuon. A tveet potato, 18 inches in circamfcrence, 1- inches in length, and wcighiiig 12 pounds, f stated by the ftiirrerva'to have been raised ifi Hslifsx ccunty, this season. The Nice Crept, iu tbe vicinity of. WUrning ton, in thisstste, are saiJMn the Recorder t" have Buffered greatly from tbe overflowing of Ibejaltrcaurst-s. Soae planters nil! n- two thirds of their crop, other nearly the whole. Tbe com crops on the low ground, are also very seriously injured. Tbe planters bave sus tained a deep blow, and the prospects of the whole community are consequently.depressed. IVild pigCon are ery numeroul at the north .this scaaofl : during the day the air seemed to be fiileil with tbem.. Immense numbers were ietKhtbti!lBllert fine eating. . """jTsrsnrtt tee tyjmfh$tt tlemcn t few weeks sinoevwhil ssiiiiij in a ooat on an excursion of pleasure, off PulUieyvilbr, i Lake thiUrid. It swam about the boat, ami showed a disposition to get in tt the after p. but wis prevented. was the firrt ul those aiuinals ever seen in that Lake. Mr. Abraham Bradley, one of the Assign's to the Post Master General, bas been remove' snd Colonel Charles K. liardner hs appointed in hit place L

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