Is.' mm- ,f.i -'- Ve fcit l.trttofwri ijoVtn Vof the country composing th'.a new county. E Ii the aCounta wa f strive from there, it would a to b desirable country fur the Toil, ftaati and cannot but lepe, that the current f ef ratio may U turned thither, instead of . -vending its course to sW fiutvs, sod lea gen 5,1 elio. . - ... , . v We take tbe liberty of baking tha follower, extract from Wttcr of fiicnd, received weik or 10 since, dale J lit but, 4, ; . "I came lo'tbis county In th Ull of 1831 1 t ,b,t lra ,Dt ,rli purchasers of (Jberokssl lands bad made ilulr first thp, , ,. u4 biJ aa yet bad neither time nor , )n(iui to build houses our places of or '.' ship lb indMu bad bot entirely lift them, and tbe season bed been devoted to , xdkin tubsistence. Without preach - 'f, ;iiyVrrri1clVr6r:incCeic6oltV .::nd till. lJc:j!LH.llo JublC. --jo-d Jliroygbthe country, except one "rnade itf'to tttrthr- tettUrV'tulTcred inany privation. Since then, however, every tiling common in a civilised back coumryi bas, bcto ttcadily advancing. Wjifiio tbe limlti of tbe Tennessee V ey, (which composes only a part of tbe county of Macon) we have tlx taw mllli, aud a number of grist mill , bUckimitbi, siarpeotera, masoos, bitten, four tan yaidi, saddlers, shoemakers, a great num ber of distilleries, six ministers of tbe (lotpd, betides travelling preachers a Lutheran,! well aa a Seccder tongrcga lion ( and a great number of Baptiat and Methodist aockties. On the 21t ulu Vubin one mtle of franklin, the county eal of Macon, tbe Methodists bald a Camp Meeting, which continued four . days. Tbey bad a very fine the for their camp ground, a good franc building, franuj icius, wcatber-boardad, fcc The auditory were numerous there being present, aa wat supposed, more than a thousand people. AU of whom listened "with "greas attention and feeling to the Y)rcacfciniC of the Word of Life, which wai tie live red with much seat and energy. ' A very respectable number profaned con version, and forty-one joined tbe church. To Uke a retrospect of the condition of - ' This country sbort period back, when U wai iohuoued by tbe beatbeu, tbu very apbt a part of their hunting grounds, and the theatre of their aavage games, it is contolalory to tbe philanthropist, and cheering to the Christian, to ace it dedi cated to tbe wurhi of the living God. Tbcre are in Franklin, two lawyer!, one ohvtic'un, and three merchants. We have contracted for the building of jCourt House, -and Jailr whicb will con runt $1000. Wc are situated ao remote ' from ibe aeui at government, and teem -to be to lit. lie known, and lets cared fur, by 4 be public inen, that hitherto we bave not applied for appropriation for pufpotes of jnteroal improvement, concluding first to jjuLour uwu aliuuiders to tbe wheel, and . then call for help. Conequefttlv, we itave opened msoy new roads, and are employed on Other. We are now open )ogi or rather repairing , a turnpike road leaiiing through the centre of the county, from the Tnnestcc to the Ueorgia linca. 1 1 i innirk hM . ttuv. inLalii.l.' r . .r- . - ums turning out, by captain's companies, and marching oC, tth wagona and other ' implement, to in" a disurrcc of 10 to (i - iniles, to work xm-tnit road Tbero are now more than 200 Lunda at work, who go on with zeal and enterprize. We ere iii hopes the ttcxl LcguUiure will be liberal enough to grant us' some assistance iu completing Road, which will be ol immense benefit to ibis part of the Sute. Our people are now about to build, by aubicripuon, a bridge over tbe Tennessee Hirer at Franklin ; more than the amouut necessary has been subscribed. From all this, you may judge of the public pirit of qur caucus. The Town of Franklin is situated 38 miles west ol Wayucsvule ; S3 miles north of Habun court house, Georgia about 50 miles south of the Tennessee line ; and about 75 miles cast of tbe ex treme western boundary of the state. Some favorable appearances of the ex istence of Gold, bave been discovered in . tflis county 4 tome persons arc engaged tn searching for it, and 1 am informed rtha'. small particles have been lound." A man by the name of Neat, the master of a . .1 snail tcbooner in Pamtico bound, and one oi his hands named Midgett, were lost overboard -MtdrewiieoVfeveka-lacei XhejLiell OVer while wreatling ; and there beint; no one in the vessel butt small boy, who could not lower the mils and bring the vessel to, they vram till exhausted, and sank to iiae no more. W? have heretofore stated, that Charles FImIu rE4. would be fun for U;S. Senate , v , . . .. , scsaion of the LegtslaUre ; we have since teen the camea of tbe following gentlemen, either j croei -i th '.BubiiCi eniM pokea of in "offlcervrenen:iitokes;-JtidgeMa David F. Caldwell, Esq. David L. Swain, Esq. IsMjygiL piece of in- formation, without being entirely aatisfied oui elvei of the propriety of doing to'i but the au nunciatioQ of moat of the above names, in other Joints, sec m to leave u no alternative, sa po t&ctl chroniclers, but to ebime in with our con. 'temporaries and promulge ail tbe information, in relation to he aforementiooed appointment, of which e are in possession. ' We XQxisTh fjforn nnshipJpity ofcan- ei,anJ otifM! firaaint of tar- tuuny, tU If t fi iitcr ay her atrenjh, anj iio Iom the appointment, 1 wllcb, Ilia conceal J by tbe Ettt, the ! Juatt entitle! Tbe tathtr, tar two or three wacli put, bu bean dry aid warmi which la very f?orlU fur eaonn rvl opening the Cotton, but unpropi tlous to health, . Tbe brtlth of tbe country U, Iwwerer, improvlrgi there are fer caaea of akkncM, tod thoat Btore mild, than a week or two back. Tha warm wcttber aeemi to have bad a ftoUl influence on ruit treen tbe cherry , trees, wt bave obervH In particular, art lfU M at ilia Uau,wbkb gives tbe euumn quite a var. tutl appearance, ' It accata to Iiii beta V17 sickly la lbs bcglontrif of tfui awmb, (ami may W ao-oo, litxaj Jblnf -vt bare Jtcenio tb4 coLtrtry) at anu in the vicinity of WMhiniou cjt . Dilioua icvcra were fery prcvaicut, maligiuiiu awl la ta! t the diaeaae Kern to baf&a tba akUl of tbe taott a sperienccd of the madkal faculty. Mr Richard B. Maaon lutt Lit wife, a4d two or jbrce chUdrta, all withia a few buun. In mtity. other ioatancca, two and three bave died out of tbe auiba Uauj, within a ftw day of each other, Mr. SnUr baa been re-elected a DeWftu in CoofTcaa from Arkauaas Territory, by a outlaid erab!o majority over Mr. fieaicy. coxatffsicaTiof. Mr. JOHNSON, an Independent Cler gyman, has preached the Goapel of tbe Kkdkbmci, three yeara past and upward, in Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. Mr. John ton determines toon to rcvitit Pennsyl vania, where be lived tome years before be came to tbe South, if the Lord shall direct him to that laodr-'-' Mr. John ton will presch in the Court Houie in Salisbury, on Monday evening, 28th Sept- at candle light. Philadelphia Market. i he Price Current of the 12th Inaoaiit, n.'ki of an li6eaH-d demand fur flour i about 3500 bbli fretii attperfine, had been taken ior export at R3 50, and aome iDiall loti of Klect brand at &5 6JJ a 5 75 and 500 bbla Richmond country at gi 75, leaving tbe uuiket quite bare, and with a tendency to im prove, balea of old atock Corn Meal in bbla, bud been niade at $2 18j frtih ground would command comctbiug more. Hick. Ctm. Vfii yorl, irht. 1 1. "War. Nearly as good battle bad like to bave been fought in our immediate neighborhood day before yeateiday, as we ordinsrily chronicle when we receive South American newa. A bank of oysters bat been planied by citizens ot Jersey at 1 great expense, near I'erth Am boy, and within the waters over which the state of New York claims jurisdiction. The btaten Itland (Uhermcn have always hao a great fancy (0 avail themselves of thia asterted right, and serve procett upon the oyV-ers: which bat as uniformly been re miiitkn th Jrn.iimrn. On Wnlnrulau 1 I . . . a . r.A ft 1 1 u rm tr . Arviniini Inir in nn. i.nn drcd aod fifty men. If we are correctly informed,' left the island in boats, with the determination of catching all the' oysters fhey could find.-- The ptople of Amboy were summoned to arm's, as the flotilla was seen approaching ; and having called council of war, a six pounder was brought down to the bank. Eight shots were fired at the Staten Islanders without doing any execution ; but the shot began to come ao near, over and under them, that they drew off their armada, landed and held a con sultation. Arms were procured, and it was debated whether they should return and give the enemy regular battle. Pru dence aod patriotism prevailed over head long valor in the discussion, and they abandoned their enterprise. Doth parties are in a state of'armed neutrality. Com. Adv. SwOrltan, ,1ug. 31 Our city is again a prey to the yellow fever. The number of deaths daily augments. Yes terday there were - from .35 to SO. For more than six weeks we have had contin ual rains, which contibute not a little to extend tbe fatal malady. " God only knows when this scourge will cease its ravages. In the. mean time, our cotpor ation performs every thing depending on it, in assisting the indigent sick. Mr. Clay. The Kentucky Reporter in timates that an attempt will be. made to white-wash Mr. Clay, at the next session I l I ho !.ylutiir F that ulul I hl ibllT 1 h- .on.idarert n indirorl nnmlnatlnn nf him as a candidate for the 'next Presi dency. New-York Courier. T)rwibury78 dayi Iwrxiln ifax, statea, that two officers of the Portu guese army were executed at Oporto on tbe Friday preceding his tailing, by or ders from Don Miguel ; and that two others, doomed to the same fate, but whose execution was delayed for a few days, had been brought out to witness the dread ful ceremony. In consequence of tbe unsettled state of the Government, busi ness in most of the ports of Portugal, was very much "dtprcsjtpd - Intelligence from France, four days later than our last accounts, hssbern received st New York. Letters from IWhtrest, dated July 1, state that the tlegesof Ruts- chock and fiiurgevo were to commence immediately, and that a part of ibe army of operation at Sillatria ba marched in that direction. A corps of observation of 30,000 men, remained bsfcre Choumla, aod General Disbitsnh wat nuking pre parations to advance on Andrisnople. Tbe reinforcements on . their rosrch had order to rendezvous with -all speed at Bixarerehlk. : h i A Uotsiao and Turkish Commissioner had ao interview in the can p it Choumla to understand tack other fct, to tbe Ocgo-' ciatlonir Wcbjit wai prppow xto'op1 Kuvi, It wai laid, proposes! a basis tbe treaty of Ackermsn, ai.d iiTdemnity to besuseqatnUy dlacuidIorb4xpcnt 9f the war. It was doubted tt Constantl nople, whether the Porte W0U4 nominate commissioners, until all tbe conditions pro posea by ivussu were positivdv known. The Porte was by no means disheartened. ' They wrote from J assy 00 te Sits of July, tbat in consequence of tbe v'ctory of Kculevtcha, a Kusaiao corps, utdcr the orders of Genersl Pablen had parsed tbe Balkan, thus transforming tbe seaof war to Uoumelta. On be other tide of the Balkan, it was aald there was a Urge body of troops at Eski Stambtub A new army of fresh troops was entering the Principalities. Tbe reverves were passing. the Danube,, and the Arnt; of Observation thus strengthened sufficient ly to advance and appear In tbe court; of afew weeks before Adrisnople. I MTEST FROM IUROPR, By the ahip Caledonia, at New. York from Li. verpool, the ildttors of the New-York Courier and Enquirer have received English paper and letter to tbe 810 Aug. We makb fUiowiag abstract for this week's CaryJiwaa. njlaiui, Baron 1 lalloqk is dead. A cabin council waa rreantly held, and a messenger ira ovtlialely dctpatclied to f aria, auppoatsl on tba subject rf the Wsr in tb East. Tbe Enjflish fleet in the Mediterranean m to be incresscd to 52 vesacU of war. The Krb working people are reduced to extmne mnt, from the towneaa of wsre, Uc. 1 and yet ijioaey is to plentiful that only 2 per cent, can be obtained for it. Wand Mr. O'ConneB ha bceo elected a Member of Farh'aroebt from Clare. France, A number of Kreudi officer of dis tinction, accompany the EmpreH of Braxil. The cssion of the I'rencli Parhanent has been closed by an ordinance ol Ihe King. Previous to which, the budget r ways and mesas adopted, by a majority of 149 io 2. No change of ministry bad taken place. tyuin.--Thc King has selected s Sicillsn Prin cess, ss hU wife winch it Lis third one. ' Puiurul is 'ai wrttchej ki eref. Money scarce, bumnei at a stand, diieae and tsinine prevailing, the brute of t king murdering (he Seople, and they emigrating in great numbers to raail. There had been an insurrection at t. Michelaj fooe of the Aaorw Tslshdi.) ' Gttte. Tbe Greeks have obtained important advantages. Thebes bad surrendered to flitm, and tbe Turkish garrison was sent jo Smyrna in Creek vesacU. The Greeks expect soon to be master of the whole of Nrropont. borne of the Greek troopa had mutinied, fur taut ot pay. .J'sriajM The Suhaa ia makuig atjreraiia pre parations (i)r resisting tbe Ituaaiaiu; hi army ot reserve si-Adrisnople is to march immediately toShuitila. Thefelt of msirisrtias-Tiot dis heartened 4he .Turks.... 5humla is .Invested by the Kussisns, nd tbry mean to take, it by stpxni.. The English' and French AmbasaMlont were very graciously received by the Turkish Empe ror 1 but no isvorable result was aulicrpaicd from their exertion. Juitria and Monect.TUc F.mperor of Mor occo will not listen to any propoaitions from Aus tria. He treats his Imperial Majesty, Francis, with contempt and defiance. tVat ahall have a wsr in miniature ere long between these high and mot mighty powers. They have already considerable skir-mshing. Mexico. My the artivai of a vessel at New-York, from Vera Crux, accounts arc received to the 16th August. They give some paruculari relative tolhe'Tindiiig of the Spaniards, and speculate upon, the destruction of the invaders- It is stated, that a motion in the Mexican Senate to give Mr. Pointsett his passports to return to this country, wat lost- Something is necessary to explain this extraordinary circumstance. It is also stated, that Com. Porter waa under arrest at the C it r of Mexico. Great excitement prevailed both at Vera Cm and . at Mexico - oa JhctubrJ iect of the lanihntr of the Spanisn troops, i Judging from the enthusiasm manifested . . . . . in the papers, the Spaniard have met wTt boa v-oTabteec andine, as has bren reported at Havana The landing was effected at Capo Up to the I5ih nothing bad been heatr decisively on the subject. The greatest contempt is manifested Tor the smallness ofthe'jDtilbeif'oftbrS A mntlnn in rlnthe the executive with extraordinary power for five months, ei.v,uu.a.T . ' Ttispafi ;'inTcWnB; city, dated the lltbinst. we learn that, soon experience tbe vengeance of the Mexicans, as, in tbe immediate neigborhood of that place, there were more than 12,000 men, deter mined to conquer or die. ' -. The Captain of tbe vessel which brings this news, states that according to the in formation given him, five Spanish soldiers and a Corporal bad deserted to the MexP cans, who alleged tbat itjcludtnfi the troops cn bosr4 the ship which baj cU'tipjteared, (the Uingharn.) the Expedition had bnt mora, than 100 men since leaving Jla ans,; v, t TheaboTe gratifying intelligence will be read with much pleasureby every advo cate of free principles.' Tha Mexican na tion seems to h-ve rlent rn mane, and we do not doubtfbut the tenor of our next advices, will bo tbat Ibe invaders hive paid for tbeir temerity with tbeir lives. The following advertisement, appears in Oalignani'i (Paris) Messenger, of July law. 1 "V ; rp A rich riaoier and Merchant, from Gusdsloupe, who vsill remain few months ia Paris, bat an only daughter, aged 19, of most agreeable person and manners, and cultivated education, Is dls posed" t&' find ;i suitable idlrrli jefof fcef , ni wiaTglve hit poruor.;'' MOOXJO f?. An iatroduclion ma be obtaiue4 bvar lyInrtd-t BrahcrTNoryrroti del Beitii Arts, I aub. St. Germain. Snov in Vermont. Vt learn, from the Woodstock Observer, that on the 3d Sept. snow fell on tbe bills in Sherburne an inch or two deep. ai WAMCX)XW3 as 1 MJIRU1E1), la Davidson county, on the 3d invt. by Wil li W. WUemao, iVq. Mr Jets A. Ilotlgtns, of Kowan, to Mrs. Patsy Smith, of Davidson. DIED, On,8unds of Monday of lattWrek, In Ruther ford county, after a short illueaa, the Keverend and vcnatsblc J08E1I1 D. kILPATRlCkl, Fsstor ol Third Creek and Back Creek Congregations. We Uope to receive, for our nest publication, the particulars of this afflictive dispensation. . THE MMKETS. 4o46wry ri,S, $tbttnUer 6AM.n..H.L'otlop li to li cent,, corn Zi to Ju, beef 3 to i, but ter 8 (o 10, flour 3.75 10 (H.r barrel, wheat 50 to 6d, I. iK tniaiiit 30 to 40,sweel do. ;5 to 35. brown sugar U to 15, cotter IS to ssil 1.1 to l.2i, Uuutcsun ck.lL 15 to Ji, wUukey .0 to Zl, bacon 8 to IU. uyeet., .Sept. 16 ..Cotton 6 to 7 bacou H to o, peach brandy 55 ap;le Jo 40 to ii, butt.-r lo 10 15, corn A'i lu 55, rl.Wtd 80, flour 4toii rd7i,mJw- a34sug8i to 10, tail 75 tutfU.tsllo tf, wbeal H, a SrU, wbi.kcy t to iA t. S. bank note t a 1 J per cent, pre mium, Cape Fear ditto, 1 a 2. Uiim. Srfu liA t'otton 7 to 9) cents, flour 7 a 7, ah'ike, 26s 27, bscon S In 7, ham o a 9, beat amd of bagging '20 tu t'i, uh ji to 50, corn 42 a4X),coHee 11 10 l i N.t.'srolma bank bill 2 a 2 J per cent, discount 1 Georgia, 1 J ditto. rettnbuij. f7rjr. ept. 18 Cotton 7J to 9, Tobacco, niidJIing 5 50 to 6, prime y to IU , Wbetf93io iuO.Corn SStooOccmi perbUihet, lour 6, Uacon 7. lutkma etu 10 .CoUoo a 91, wheat 1.25, corn 45, bacon 7 to 7i, brandy apple 4i a 45, wbiakcy .6 to '27. Ctmpler. Camtlen, Sept. 19....v.Cotton 7 to J, flour 4J to 5 out ot the wagons, tbat from Camden mills tJ to Ty wheat fcl. corn 50 to yj, oats 3S, salt 65, .whiskey '2U to J5, bacon 7 tu 8. Batiimtre, Sept. 18. Flour j a 7, cotton 19 to 1 1, whokcy 24 to '23, bacon y to 1 1. , Sept. li C ton 9 to 10 J, flax 9 a 11, flour 7 to 7 12J, Corn So a 51, cbecnc 3 j, tallow 8 a B. Cincinnati, Ohio, Sept. 1! Cotton Xtfc: thersn Cent: 'ItaxsewHffsw 40, fl.Hi.5J5 5.8j, Kenhawa salt 50 cents, t ctch brandy 62, apple tlo.J7, wliikkey ao, Uii -r- 0 to 7, toijac. 1 co 3 to 7 cents per lb. .Yew-Tort, Sepr. U..::.Coton Vj ti) ioj, flour f 6.87 67," "clHToiTafJfmg n.udc 6TTicnipr'19"" to 21, wheat 1.37 to 1-5 J, uak unu'd sole IcutL- tlllK l.inlli .l.i iHlo'Jt hunt (I In 111 salt 42 to 60, apple biaudy 36 to W, wliukey 1 to 22, leaf tobacco 3 to 5, yellow beesast 21 to 24 bank bills 3 to per cent discount, booth Carolina 1 to li, liioiyia 2 to 2 J, tirginia 1 per coin. do. .Vrweera, Spt. l9...Coiiun 7 25 to 7.50, flour , fill . Q t I. . l. ,.11 . ..j 1 u t 1 1 11 l.i lllO hmi li hrunitv 7.1. 'u. 4(1 a i. u lu. I ' .' ; ' 11 ' Ladies, respectfully mlorin '.tic citizen, ol Sabs. 'm-'i. . i . . .. n . a n mV htiiy, and i vicinity, tl at the ii-xt fnurter will ' nUTg'yy "C " 1 ,cm ir.i on the 1st MomUv ..f Not. nt. and to 13, dour 6.50 to 7 Oo, corn 60 to GO, cheese 7 inv cnnimg (hfitUh ' i!t!l0ll l 9.. i.Jti.rtera from that time , snd hopes by the as iinckburf, i irg. Sept. 17. Tobacco 4 to 9, suluou discharge of her duty to thone who msy Flour 4.37 to 4.0, wheat 75, whirkty 23 to 24, bo committed to her cure, A? merit a coutinus. Ilucoii 7i to 8. Tobact o, dull sale. U'htut has tion of favour. ri.-tn a little, and sella readily at 75. : jfa, fmM arf ffo sam ns heretofore : jvmhvtiie, ten. . rpi. is... potion t an,.. flour 5 a 6 lard 6 to 7, wli'mkev 25 to 37, tallow 8. N. Carolina bank bill 10 pel cent, die. To the SlucUoWn of the Dank of Cajn-Fear, firillE ldtcr of. JL half of the CununisMontrt iippninted by be Mntc, being under conaideration, Resolved, I'lial the President do advine said Commissioner, that it is deemed necessary and expedient to he subject matter of the communication i snd fur ther tout the President of the Bank of tape Fear be, and he is bertby fully authorised and empowered, by virtue of this Resolution of the hoard of Directors, to call a general meeting ol the fcrockbholdei of ike. Bank of Cape-LVar, to Convene n the-2d Monday-of November .Beat, at the Banking Houw in Wilmington, then and t0 colder of their intereM, generally , id especially to stL'nify how far, in what way, miUl cansider lt co.ouerate wirti (he .UeJDers,I.AsteiftbTyjji the estaiilishment ol a new oanK, oy ine eonsoHiaiioi, or eweivitc, m those existence. Copy from the Minutes. - - . ..JOHN Ul,L, VntMer. In accordance with the above Resolution, and by virtue of my office ss President of the osnk nf CsDe.Fesr, noiice is hereby given to the Stockholders of said Rank, to meet at their Banking' House in "iimingion, on me i iun rlav of November neitj then and there to com sider of and to act upon tire matters and things at set forth in the above Resolution. 'X, R. LONDON, trerident JYcio f MfrGoods,. L i 7 TILLY EVlltl I 1 BF. now ojicning at the subscri Lair's Store in iS. Salisbury 1 eonaUling of DllY GOODS ( of almost every description, suited le all action" of the year. A!0 ' llnr l ware and CV&ry "alect4d bv bimslf wiiti ear, and aiRDiiva in taririv ajui aoiaunr. bought tot euli on the best term. In PiiiladeU pbia and New. York. The public are iuiret sr; iney iitno a wki mil upy,miut Utmtt . i i tut eaab: ttua Miaiv w-arwuae. ju Mcc6mma:, n'c . I . daSirtf.lofmtvi-.Tbef are'rej!fefwllf inviteJ lyr-rr-r r-; r ; 1 call, ce fashions, eximineijaalities, bearpricea .J 1 and jwlge for themt) '''","-'," ti ! .a .'aaaaia 1 - . a I la. ; jonxruRPiir. 1. M. repcctflly bes to return bit unfeign, ed thaaks for the very liberal aiul dir.inguihei patronsge he haa been hilily honoured with by a discerning public, and hopes, by a diligent attention, to merit a continuance of the same. .Sulubvry, Hrpt. 2.1, 1829. 86 0 OEOI1023 w. snowir 18 bow receiving from New York aud Phila. dclpbia, a cho.oe and haiflsome aiaortmcnt or Srjjjj DRY GOODS, llurdicarv, Crockery 1'airUs, Dijf Stuffs, JiOOlS, OtiUCS, Groceries, &c. , which were bought at rrdjcd prices, and will., be s.ild at a small prftt, for aA, or tin 'line to rMiiir.tiial dealt r. Ailkoig Ue tjloctria, ! firs fpial'.ty fenrnj ;,n,tlJ tticlrl!(iitto. Port tli! to, Malaga ditto, iM-nuinfl Old Holland Cin, otl Cognae Rrandit, Jamaica and New land Hum 1 iiKrtn r ith every article usually fouad ia a hUire in this lectiprpf country. Ptnmns wUUinjr to mrchae, will plesse call, ami rxaiuin 1S0 uluic Cooik Aoiiry, Sept. nnt $?). 6mt'lt VWTi3Vi. A I.I. person indebted to the Qfm of Ron ( il Jfwrmenl, are re;rcifuHy innted tu call ami setll lUcir reiprctivc dues with inc, m Mr, Koaa bst sold his entire interest in the sb-je Grm to 0 i aud 1 ahall ejptl ' JtaV debtors lu JMJUm rlnmcJi'strly aitf ttli' (heir accounts, with tuth or by giving lli.-ir noti s. Timr. fr xormext. Charlotte, A t Hyt. 15, IS Jy. 3lW j4i(laUSs '.C'. Ke)t. 19, 1829. rpjllll'-xibscriber will eon- tinue the Bouiine Hit' unn tD-tween tun pisco and Cbarleaton, vis George. town, as heretofore i snd will aMend to the re ception of Merthatuiue, and trannportstion of Ctiitn, sihI oilier piuJuce comiiuHed to bis cliarxe. Ilil Jhat$ are of a light 1 all of watT, and jjiurticiiUrly adapted to the navigation of ths fiver jarttV With -thrwmranew -at'' U- tincua. , attention fu hij charge, be Imp, a for a coittinu uicc of the pstionage of lii Fon sJLFi, Salt. bu(ar, loir), Sl'ilassea, Slag guig, ilule Uopr, I'wm, Uc he till'en at wholesale or re 6t'J. JUS. II TOtVNW. . MRS. UII.LF.V.hankul lor the libprml en. ciMirarrinent the li received in wipport of her Sckuel, for the instruction of Yountj ... . . .. Readinr and Stiellint', per onarter . . 83 8. jTugithir wi h the above, Ilccitativns and v. ruing, Tin- above, with F,nglih Orammar, Oc ograTihy, Arithmetic, Composition and . . Rhetoric . ... - .-.. risin Needle work, marking samplers, be. together with any or all of the iio.Yt h.ranclws ............,.. Plain and Ornamental Needle Work, in Its S5. various branches, including l.ace Work, he. on a new and improved method, which will enable a Lady to execute work wkb-faoiUiy,-equal to the4wH ted, g.g Drowing and Puiiiting on pa-per, also Theorem Psinting upon Velvet endpaper, a new and elegant method, ... glO, . - N. . The pTcetit quarter of the School will terminate on J'tidajTi the 1, 1 rf Uatwbor we v when therti will bo a vacation -entil the"coin mencemenriif the ensuing rjuarier, ' Salitfory, Sept. 21, 12V . . 6t90 i tail a6S.i,.!.Wj..,.-!,..stt(Ri.i-... Marion Tanner vt. John T anner netit ion (. loevoreew rtiT t55i ic7oraerM.i ft1aNiit-" thai publication be made in the Raleigh Hegia tet and W nrewaroliniaw for three ttiom hs r uccessively, that -the defendant he and appear at the next superior court of law to he field for the canity of Mecklenbcrjr, at the court-house in Charlotte, on the sixth Monday after the mirth Mondav in September next, and plead or answer to tbe plantifl's petition, or the aame will be heard exparte. Witness, Samuel Henderson clerk of our aaid court, at office, the 7th Mon day after the 4th in March, 1829. ' -3mfS5 , SAM L, l!EUtl0M:,'.7, ...ti . a- V j 1 .v. ''I' 1. x' I i J'

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