5N order 19 elw al rtitstlie-settUnf of th biistneas o ! Ulc frm of raw Tr. r U C. there will te sold at uriion, In the Town eOaUourv, ) MoJy veninj;th 12th October nett, sl ' te continue every evening during the week, ( being he f Rowiit Superior Court.) e3 the IUh.Ii remaining oa band et thit flare, contiiting of "well asserted, audio part Uw,Milicel,Ifitori. c.l t MiscelUnecus work. This U eerteinlv tk nnd inWixlul alkftrtment Of tUuktCCT ot tered far le by auction In tbc western p f tetteyand willbe well V'in ins atteniien f the twine. Tkt i Jo win be positive, and without reserve, as the situatloo of tbe estate require that It ebould be Ismedialtly dosed, ;X Trt lw. fibe and wde eo the ir-ritHwijfMit- Irr IF. A 7VV Surviving part, to5iurfrACr, A, B3 Mansion Hotel, 1$ SALISBURY, N. CAROLINA, 2?tf EZRA ALLEMOXO. TY nP,,,9 elegant lbliibmwit U f I ftp JL situated t lb Nortb Comer I IfillVurtbeCottrt-llouMkaiMlintlitctn L 4 - - -lur of business, the proprietor baa Ui.su great pains to procure for tbls ettab nhint farniture of every description aece- aery to th comfort of Traveller, end ro es- peBee wUI be epareo inproviojng iwr toe 1 tbe bt tbe country affords, Tbe Be will bo locked with choice Liquor, end the Stable, equal to any in the Kate, provided with plenty of provender of all kind, end attended by obli ging and attentive Hostler. The ewnvenieace nf ihia lituation ia eeusl. if not superior, to any la the place 1 the lloe contain! a number of private roorr.s, with out-housts, well Calculated for tbe accominKh.Uoo of Traveller, with or without (amities. Oti the premiat if an ICE HOUSE, which wtB refulariy be eUpplied whep ever tbe acaaon will admit of U The aubarri. fcer aaauree tb public that notbinf .ehall be waaiin, on kit part, 10 make thOae comfortable who tMy tttink proper to cajl. IO Tbe ArrAirn, btutStrn, Unetn ami Cltrcw STAGES, atop at the Hotel. V7R4 ll tMOmi, r,w. S'tiikirt,, K C. Srpt. NX, 1919. 4l HEAD QUAUTEftS, Sjtetiury, X C. Sept, 5, J 829. J VTAVINQ tppointed Capt. ,Wt Lemli, Adju MM. Unt of the 63d Re(ft effioera will reapoct nd obey turn acorduiy. VARBttOUGU, CL C,mfl OFFICERS t Tou are hereby commanded to oppetr.in the town of Salisbury, on ThurtJay, the 8th day of October, 1829, at 10 i. u. armed ana equipped for Drit And on Triday, tleb. VW will ppemr wrth your retpective cornpaniee, armed arH eqtt'pp'd with full uniform, according to law. Captuina, nd conimandanU of companiet, are required to make their return on tbe day or drill. By ordtr of Edward Tarbrourb, Cl. Comdt. IAMX. LEMLY, JJfU - 4t67' OdRtgLXJ:. Militia. Sfllislntnf Ligtl Jnfantry Blutt : YOU olll appear on the court-boute bill, on Friday, the 9lh"of October, -pToiimo, 9 oKck, a. a. armed and equipt for regimental mutter and impaction, in accordance with the requiekioo of the Col Comdt. By order of Capt. I'homai G. Polk. JNO, II. HARDIE, Srty. 4rpt. M, lt29 ..- 4t87 , To Colibn Omneta. nHHE-eubKriber havinr been ' l ..1.. .1. J L tbe Cm Makinr Uuiinet; Las opened hit ahop in Salisbury, 1 where he ia prepared to make and repair G., j of tbe very best material, in a wpnor style of , workinanhij, and on ternu the mo accommo. dating, even in theae hard time. i Having been engaged io the buneo n or three or four of the last seasons in picking cot ton, for the express purpose of more fully ac quainting himself with the principles snd prac tical operation of these useful machine j and having recently vial'ed South Carolina, where the most improved-Gin . are in-i uae, with the view of examining them, and making bimaetf ac quainted with the plan on which they are con structed, fccihe therefore feel assured, that by his enlarged experience, thu acquired, in making and repairing Gins, snd picking cotton, lie can construct Machine superior to any ever done in North Carolina. Those wiehing work done in this line of busi ness, are respectfully invited to call on tbe tub. criberi witnc the plan and execution of bis work, examine and idge for themselves. - He will tparc no pain in attppfying himself with the best material to be had in tbe country l and Will make aod. repair Gins, according to orders received, on short notice and reasonable terms. All those who may please to call on him, will . .. -.i .. l . .1 j lr c.r nod JUm eituer ai on anup or uwturor hi cane "hdfyTTiadjrta execute any job with which tbey may p pieaaea to nvor mm. SAMUEL FRALEY. Salivary, Jtuj. 6, 13J9. , 79 WACiuNlius, Driving to Fayetteville, -1iflt"'$iatt' lltetf Misl'irjDr'it If the Hesn Tard, where every con remence ia nrovided Cor Man and Horse, to make Yard, the dee ae of a good bouse, are, water, and , jhdUfc.Atttbfi and Provitum Store, Bread, bhop and Confcc- tienary, and e louae tor Boarder and Lodgers, ift a plain, ciieap, wnoierame ana comiort' able rtylc.-fa.vfiCTi7. 11 April. 1828. 09 DdcVot eMoote'a i3taU. A LL persons yet indebted to tbe estate of L -awawMaaii X JL Ur. Kobcrt Moore, late ot Kowan county, deceased, are desired to make payment to the Executor t with as little delay as possible, and save cott and Ireuble jand those still having unsettled claims againat laid estate, will present them, legally vouched for, within the time pre scribed by act of Assembly, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. . . ; ; EBENEZER MOORE, Ext. Aftfinhrlith,lf 3t8J a ta wiitiif tiouia. BATTLE OF pltOOrSCIIAN. f bfl lub'oined line may l comiJetM no thing more than the ebullition of the moasetit, produced cy reading the fl!owiBf Intefe. linr account of the battle of Drogeacbaa, frorn II ViVl narrwtt. Action which merit admira tion and fame, ihouU b eitenwvtly eircolated A publla p'rijl not enfy alTorJ effective me dium, bot gratifio it pron, eipccialiy Hiom who may out have read OoenmeoU eooulning cnlnal"lnrirmatln. t1 lbM rfiwna, I aub. mit to you, Mr. W hite; the propriety of divei fjiog one of your aomber with thia commum. cation. - A waver now ia the Vicinity of lUmnik, AimAM Mtareatiftff by the battle of Pni!' W, f'mrhfiri0'ViMiy, IXtll J.ouJdBOl paW tlMTKt without yialtlnr It, Md heading yew aome local detail of one o? the moot affecting trxrWetiti of nvxiem Ue U.connacring toe youth and circumaunee of the partiei enpged, rivalling ie intrepidity and elf devotion aay thing we read in tbe history of ancient .Oreece. Uptclantei, not finding In tbe province the auDDort be expected, waa compelled to retire before the Turk, and Uke up a poeition at Ter rotit, tbe ancient capital or vtaUacbia. rrom bene be wa obliged to retreat through the up per country, croated tho River Olt, and etb iiabed biraaelf in Kimnik, a mall town near that river, and not far from tbe Carpathian mountain which aeDerat tbi province rrom TranayWaoia and the Auatrian tarritorict. A Urr body of Turk, u peri or in number, here advanced againat him and it was debated in the Grecian army, whether tbey tbould wait for reinforce ments, or immediately meet the Turk a. The position they had Ukcn op wt very favourable to the 6 rat. There stood r.ear it the large mon astry of Drogeschan, which it wa proposed to occupy. The Greek monasteries are well adap ted for such a purpose s They consist generally of a large quadrangular edifice, surrounding an open area inaido, and entered only by a small door throurt tbe body of tbe building. Tbe wall arc very strong and maaaive, and tbe win dow narrow exactly resembling .embrasures, fo which they are well calculated. ' - The accommodations inaide are eitenu'vei and bence every monastery ia, in fact, a fortress i Droteetinr the inmates from pir on tbe aca coait, aoJ robber in (be inter.of i and affording the Gresk a Shelter wben bard pressed ay tneir enemies. Aa thli stood among the extreme bnncbci of tbe motmiaina, which here advance into tbe plain, and was encircled with woods aod difficult ground, it would be easy for light troop to advance under cover, and completely haras any army who abould surround it It tai therefore proposed by Georgaki, a dis tinguiihed officer in Upselantes army, to occu py tbe monastery snd woods and wait the com ing of the expected reinforcements. Thb ad vice, however, was opposed by Karavia, another officer of influence, whose motive was evinced by his subsequent conduct i tuch, however, wat too eotbuaUam of the troops that bisadTtce was unfortunately adopted. The force' of Upselantes Consisted of 9000 ef fective men, AmauU, Pandours, Servian!, Hut. gariana, Wallacbiana, aud MoklaviaDi general ly animated in the cause, and all united in the rvmmbo bund of profeuing the lame Religion of the Greek Church i but from the very nature of their former service, tbe tame total relaxation of military discipline, and, above all, their being of different nation, and having no bond of per. eonal and Ivai attachment, they were not much to be relied on in a general attack. - There was however, one body whose former character gave them the higher waim to confidence. It had been latterly tbe practice ol tbe urecka in ceneral, but particularly those of tbe provin ces, to tend their young men of respectable famiriei.'for education-different luurejlftet iq. Europe, generally to those of ItaJly and Ger many : inch as were intended for the learned profcsston etuoVd medicine and law and aucb at were intended for business, mathematics. The first grflerlly returned and practised at home i tbe last were usually placed in the dif- -.-.ii,, h.,.t h.rh iK r.kht ow ehed In every capital on the conli. nent w,,en the ociety the eUlrU e,ten. deJ hstlff young fentemen enrolled theoneUea a membera of it, wherever it bad rmfictna and when the plan of revolution Mlved on, they vera the first to offer ibemtclvcs as soldier to support lu Every man provided himself with a case of pistols a aword, and a musket with a screwed bayonet, after the European manner, and a Uniform suit of Black ; and thus equipped, repaired to Upse lantes' standard. it was a lingular and rateres ting spectacle to ee these young gentlemen voluntarily, and by a simultaneou movement, abandoning their college andomce, in differ ent place in Italy, Russia, and Germany, march ing forward either singly or in email bodiea, from the remotest parts of Europe, snd meeting at one common centre, to form an army They enrolled themselves in a corpt called Irru Ltchtt, or (Ae toereW bandt and they evin ced by their conduct that they merited the ap- pellalion a much UiheTheDtni lit the day of Epaminondas. Tbey inscribed on their ttandards 'i'fmmatt t Ileuthma, Deatk or Fredom f aud the inacnption of the Spartan' shield, e fan t tpl tan, either thia or upon it. The greater part of them had never felt hardihip, or handled a military I weapon before i yet they endured faturue.pri't 4 ..tinn mnA i1i-inlin. m. ti. k .iih!..! J if... i .IIVIMIIW U,9VIilV, WI1U r'T VTIIWTWT-TT T" Tin T trtuoe setting an example to the ret, which wu badly followed. There were of thii corps, now with Yptelantes, about 500 menj and on these he justly placed bis chief reliance, Tbe little army, originally so tmaU, had been further weakened by tbe sbsen.ee of Frince Can. tacusene, who bad taken strong detachmeot to oppoie; tbe raaha ot ibrail en the Umube. What remained did not consiat of. more than SQCAi men, who had wrtrt thenrsr aroaH body of ArnaUt caYarrr.'aTtd atew iron fieki piece .that naershtp nea,rJy.ouWet thenum wea. appoinie cavairy. among woom, waa corps m, jjtuut, f ra ' " """" ' '-'"-"- The battle began at 10. A. M. of the 19th June 1821. Alter a tew rounds of grape shot From tbe small artillery of tbe Greek, the Turk rushed with their usual impetuosity on the corps of (he sacred band, who flanked and guarded the artillery. Tbey were repulsee cooL ly by the fixed bayonet of the corps,, who bad a great advantage over their cnemici in a close charge, a the Turk ated no bayonet on their muskets, and their yatigans, or bangers, fere too short to reach' withitv their guard, be Turks retired in confusion, but aoon again come to the chargeand were again driven back. Ypselante now teeing the moment for decision, instantly ordred up the whole corp of hji cavstry la itticli lit "fgdi U I f i if, tl tlty were retiring in cf.f.i'n. I !i4 th arJrn givea been obey'!, tl.ry.asver would ba rallied tgaia, ami the v'uiory would hv been at sfnl aa the cwM-qoercr to the Creek would have Kca jiomefitaiiaJ, The ctralrywa commanded by Karavia, who bid be to atreouou it) ad vising an Immedfct battle. , Intead of obeinf tbe etdert of tbe Ceneral, and attackingtths Turks la tbelr cwnfuaion, they turned suddrn.f round, beaded by (heir infa mou coAmande and riding fuHnuly through a body of their oVfi men, threw the whole I ft wing into confuted. Every effort wa aad to remedy the differ, but ia vale. The panio or treason of the Mrs communicated itself with tbe lalantryi thi whole dahed beadlonr into tbe Olt, and paiseJ to the other side, Uaving the taerrj hand aim 4 hnt in IM midst iSf plain. It wat now thsi the Turkish cavalry, seeing them abandoned jo Ibelr fat, rushed on them, and tdrroonded aieir LnU ir all eUsj wiO theirjWf p!nIT?kn, l-hi aw W Uia- tjon, thee yoog aoeo, uneriy unused to ma pline, kept Bmiy Wgctber; Ma rrpeiie lor one time evwy eAtet to break, them i the JV hie particulart, rushed on ibcm, but were re ceived steai'ly.00 tbe tKntus dtfritt which their bayonet presented, that their horse were alwayi threyn back in confusion. At length the pitottf the cavalry effected what their sahre eooVnoti tbey made repeated dischar ges on thee beyond be reach of their baroaeta and tbey re re gradaally thinned and weakened by this fling, and then tbe Turk nuhing on with ther tabrca, caf aVwe every oum thai re mom!, M tbe spot where be stood. Moratban 400 Perished, aide by side and of the lew uai escapee, aimosi aii uiea of uieu wound) t so that hardly aa Individual of this ad- mirabb band, tbe pride and flower of tbe Greek nation survived tbuf dreadful day." " No eoe hit biherto dared ie erect a tomb to deaigoate tbe pace where tbey He." Hani kt ott r pvpatvr csmieiii trmt." vusia. Ifcrolc youth ! I Freedoms cause Your heart aod soul were one i tour deeds have gained tbe world tppluae At bloody Drogeacbaa. Though buried here yeor bodies Ee Eeneath the gory tumuli, - " ' FoSterHy require ae spire To point te the sacred po For Clio's page and kiadling lyre Hill sooner be fsrgot. Than this distingushed plain abafl cease -To warm the merjory of Greece. Deserted by a Traitor chief la battloTi burning hour. Heroic was your fight aod brief Against o'erwkeTming power ! How dauntless ma by man ye stood On the unequal field of blood, Nor sunk your tUmdard whilst a man Surviv'd on bloody Drogeschan. That banner for It motto bore That of tbe Spartan shield of yore ; And well your deeds did emulate, -And well you marked ihe fait . : Of that ImrntrUd Band, whose name You took : jrou now divide its fame r While memory remains to msn. Twill cherish bloody Drvfescliao. OMEGA. POETRY. L, lw,kut 4rarih Ik ni"" Mru ' WMrt am lr, Urnf tttj In I or Bhtmt,4 M Mi i raow re rkw.yorb riimi. TBE tARMtlfS LIFE. How blest the farmer' envied life, I fit active days and tranquil nights, Far from the city's noise and. atrife, -0 biiwUvaeurse but feaUf lightav- When from the soft and pleasant south The Valmy mutk wind weetfy steals,' 'And s forth with rosy mouth To breathe fresh rreennet o'er the fields, With what a cheerful face he wends, - With tparkling eye and cloudlet brow With what a manly grace be bend, Hi sturdy figure e'er the plough. Then beaide the furrowed heap, The rich and liberal teed i sown, While in his breast tbe glad heart leap To think the soil the soil' bit own. Wbat pleasures must his bosom fill, W ben Bcath the summer's ray he td. Turning bit eye o'er vsle and hill, O'er all his richly cultured lands, He sees the harvest ripening fast, And know his strength Jiath.made it rise ; And he shall taste Us fruit at last, .. .. v Beneath his own dear native skies. ' ' And when the merry autumn's fled, And the large barn are amply stored, How many a gay and joyous head 1 1 gathered round hi plenteous board I And then when winter's rainy clouds, Rise in cold granduer o'er tbe iky When from the east in dusky crowd They almost chill the heart and eye He jtfely ih betide hi bearth, " That nany a frolic chiW makes gsyi: ' And to the thrilling sounds of mirth, .1 Hcwilrt.thettormyhQuriway. , JWrt, 1829. HOPE. M. I .. n t ,a1 m ..Im lit. mamI mm. a li.tk mm. 1 1 TJ IT, TIT ITTVlM IMIiyB MIU gHUjp That luastve hone hath but a srren tontrue I True, site may sport with life's untntored day, Nor heed the solace of it last decay.. The guileless heart her bappy mansion rpurn, And part, like Ajax never to return ! But yet, mcthinka, When wisdom shall aasuag The grief and passions of out greener age, Though dull the close of life, and. far away Eachllower that baifcd the daa ning of the day, Vete'er lowh;jopa that, pnee were dea bw Tbe time-taurht asmt. aeniive. nor severe. And weep their falsehood, though tbe love them Whoesettnew mm may have been, that wrote the following lines, be ought to be subjected to have hi head well tombed with a three-legged ttool, by every fair maiden in the land j Wwaon' iA and wsmen't frurt - Write the character ie duat ' 7 Sump there on the running stream Print them oo the pale moon-beam ; ' And each evanescent letter. Shall be firmer, better, r And more durable, I ween. Than uc thiaf then letter metja. MSdr.LJ.JlXY. m mm&i ''' M imm- raow Tas us toai lanraicaa. Advice 4 Fatmmm l$ hit eny Daughter. , WrMM Imililitr aTMV Mv The following letter i laid to be from the pea of one el the beet and greatett men that vlrlnia vcr prr uucedt , ( Mr DEAR DAUOUTtal t You hVC just cotertd into tbt itatc; which !t replete with heppioetsor atiaeryTbe isiue dependi upon that prudent, ami- aoie, unuorm conauct, wnicn wuuom andvirtue to itrongt recommend, on twhlch a'waotxfcflecticmriiiiwj Meaj ayiwe - wa av Vivsj .a Y6d""irtTirrtd' to"ktnaroT honoar7 oftaleati, aod of an open, geoerooa diipoeition. You hve, therefore, in your power, all the essential ingredi ents of domestic happinea it Csnaot be marred, if you now reflect upon that tyitem of conduct 'which you ought invariably to puruc if you now ee clearly, the path from hich you will resolve never to deviate. Our conduct is often the remit of whim or caprice, often such as will give us ma ny a pang, uoless we tee, beforehand, what is always the moat praiseworthy, sod the most enrntial t' happiness. The 6rst rr.axim which you should impress deeply upon your mind, is, never to attempt to ootroul your hus band by opposition, by displeasure, or any oiher mark of anger, Aoan ol sense,' of prudence, oi warm feelings, cannot. and will not,-bear an opposi tion of any kind, which is attended with an angry look tor expression. The cureDt of h'u aETections ia sud denly slopped ;"" his attachment is weakened j he begins to feel a morti fication the most pungent he is belit tled even in his own eyes and be as sured, the wife who once excites those sentiments in the breast of a husband, will never regain the high' ground which she might and ought to tuve re tained. Wheo he marries her, if he be a good man, he expects from her smiles, not frowns; he erpects to find in" hi r one w nd is not ttttootrool htm not to take from him the freedom of acting as his own judgment shall dl rect, but one who will place such con fidence in htm, as to believe that his prudence is his best guide. Little things, what ia reality are mere trifles .t ' i r. ' i' . in tnemsetvesi onen prouuee otcaer lings, And even quarrels.. JTeyer per r t " t a . mit tnem to oe a suoiect ot dispute yield them with pleasure, with a smile of affection. Be assured that one dif ference, outweighs them all a thousand orjten,.thousaocJUifrjiS!lt ,A. difference with your husb4nd, outfit ever , to be considered as the grea est calamTty as one" that la "to be most studiously guarded against t it is a demon which must never be permitted to enter habitation where ail sh juld be peace unimpaired coi.&dence, and heartfelt sfTection. Besides, what can a woman gain by her opposition -or her differ ences? Nothing. Hut she loses every thing ; she losses her husband s respect for her virtues ; she loses his love, and with that, all prospect of future happioess. She creates her own mis ery, aod - thca - utters - idle- and.:silly complaints, but utters them in vain. The love of a husband can be retained only by the high npmioa which he en tertains of his wile s goodness of heart of her amiable disposition, of the sweetness of her temper, of her pru dence, of her devotion to him. Let nothing upon any occasion ever lessen that opinion. On the contrary, it should augment everyday f he should have much reason to dmireher for those excellent qualities, which will cast a lustre over a virtuous woman when her personal attractions arc no more. Has your husband staid out later than you expected r W hen he returns receive him as the partner of your heart. Ilaa he duanpointed youi to something you expected, whether of yenieoey I Never evince discontent) rCCCIVC I1IS WUUIUKT "III! Lll&tllUlHtBS. Does heV; when you are liousekeoper: invite- company without informing you of it, or bring home with him a friend I Whatever may be your repast, however scanty it may be, however impossible it may be to add to it, re- ceive tnem with a pleasing counten ance, adorn your table with cheerful ness, give to your husband and to your company a hearty welcome j . it - will more than compensate for every other deficiency j it will evince love for your husband, good sense in yourself, and tut pi.tfr.v:$ el u.. v, 1.1th as the most riowcrful tlarra ! If v.4!l give to tie piajnTstfirea ztiHuperior to all that luxury can boast. Never be discontented ca any eccatioa of thia nature. , Ia the aext fcUte, as your husbsnd'a sucens ia his profcinon will depend ppoo hit popularity, and as the mini nera of a wife have oo little inSuenca ia extending or lesscniog the respect aod eoteera of others for her husband, yoti should uka care to be aflable and polite to the pocrt it as well as to the richest- A reserved Haughune'sils sure indication of a weak tniod and m Uafceliag hcarC v With retpect te roue am ants tesck-. tKe'oi W JepcClandIloVepu7MB I you expect from, (hem a reasooable di chorgoofihtif-rcapecdrr-dntitti, , Never tease yourself, or tbem, by scoldingj it has no other effect than to rcodcr them discontented aod imper tinent, Admooiah them with a calh firmneif , r Cultirate your mind by the peruif) of those books 'which instruct while they amuse. Do not devote much of your time to oovels t there are a few which may be .useful and improving, aod hi giving-a higher .tone to' our moral sensibility ; but they tend to vitiate the taste, and to produce a disrelish for substantial intellectual food. Most plays are of the same cast they are not friendly to the de licacy which is one of the ornaments oC the female character.' History, ' Geo. gTsphy, Poetry, Moral Essays, Bio granhy, Travels, Sermons, aod ether well written religious productions, will not fail to enlarge your understandings to render you a more agreeable com panion,, and to exalt your virtue. U woman devoid of rational ideas of re ligion, has no aecurity for her virtue j it is sacrificed to her passions, whose voice, not that of God, is her only governing principle. Beside, in those hours of calamity to which families must be elposed, where will she fin support, if it be not in her just re-' flcctioos upon that alF benign IVovi, dence which governs the Universe? whether animate or inanimate. futual I politeness between the motr intimate friends, IT essential to that harmony,- which should never be once broken . or interrupted. How impor tant then Is it between man and wife .' The more warm the attachment, thr leas will either party, bear4 to be alight ed, or treated with the smallest degree of rudeness cr inartcntion. This po liteness, then, if it be not io itself a. virtue, is at leant the means of jiving to real goodness a new lustre it is the means of preventing discontent, tod even quarrels ( it is the oil of inter course, itrenwvejspejhj, angi-s to every, thjog a amooth, an jeven and a. pleasing movement. .L ., . I -will only add, that-matrimonial happiness doesnotdeptnd upon wealth; no, it Is not to be found in wealth ; buc in minds properly tempered and suit ed to our respective situations. Com petency is necessary ; all beyond that point, is ideal. Do not support, how ever, that I would not advise your husband to augment his property by all honest and commendable means. I would wish to see him actively en gaged in such a pursuit, because en gagement, a sedulous employment, in obtaining some laudable end, is essen tial to happiness. Io the attainment, of a fortune, by honourable meauij and particularly by professional eat r. tion, a man derives particular satisfac tion, in self-applause, as Well as from the increasing estimation io which h is held by those around him ; Io the management of your domes. tic. concerns,- let prudence and wif economy prevail. Let .neatness, Ol der, and judgment be seen in all your differentepartmentaJJiiUC-liberaIi ity with a just frugality t always re serve aomething for the hand of chari ty, j and never let your door be closed to the voice of suffering humanity. Your aervaotSr in. particulai will haver the strongest claim upon your charity - let them be well fed, well clothed, nursed in sickoesB, va& nsver le4hea-, be unjustly, treated,. id 'witthe com by an unfortunate son of Erin, who. had been tried before justice Whitmsn the other day Are you' guilty or not guilty r" said the clerk' " An what the divil are you put there for but to find out" It is not lone since one of the pelry African kings said he would send his tpn to England, that be might learn. " to read book and be- rpgne'' . i ;:...V ''J.. V -'.