A. -' ' 4 f A f f 1 A 3 1'ri, s r1 , v i a, , i y i 8 AUSuUUY, HO WAN COUNTY, N. C.TUKSDAY, OCTOIIEU C, 1829. f 1 .... Al . ?-( mmmt 1 aa. M4I . MM V ..,. m.Wim' yr ' hwi iot - h M - , li " r-r-- r . - . ,MWtt ". a -M "' i, m : t - .-r""-4 '"' " " pUiiMA4 talk aorta wi)ff f tbc tJ CourvlluitM tU Store attached to the jfrnwTnf in d7poci to kii vuvds very low. toUibwi, toptimb J8M, 1329. li THE THOROUGH RUED HORSE SON ol the Imported 1 1 orae a-lr w dl stand tbt Call Seaou, comoiea. ting the 10 day of beptcm. bar, and ending the 1Mb day of November, U tbt town of Vftiliriry.on MoO daV. Tuculava aiw! Wad. wraftM.frW Dtklaya i aixf in (1 lon jiif Cnfr Cabarnii county, on Ttiurtdava, FrU dav tnd Saturday! i and will bt let to Mare al fkl dollan lh Saon t mx dollars tiia Leap i and twthx aoiura inture a loal, hi 8. L. FFRRANI), kpt. 10, 18. C. L. B0WKK8. . HEAD QUARTERS, Xaliikury, wV. C. Sqjf.-S, 1 829. J 'ti wTiVlSU appointed CarL .Va': Lm. Adiu JX Uul of Ute 63d Rest uAcen; wtlljeaect gg VvJ wu vwiuiniy. : . j.. 1L YAKBROLCH, Cat C. . OFFICEHS ! You are hereby commanded to appeariin tbe (wa of SalUtary, on 'Ikurt J.ty, ikw Bin day of October, at 10 a. m. anncd and equipped for JM& Ami cm Friila, tbe 9th. you will appear with jouf reapfCtWe cotnpaiuea, armed anil equipp'd with full uniform, according to law. Captain, and coniroandaota of companies, are required to nake their re'urni on the day ordnll. By order of Edward Yarbrough, Col. Comd't. SAM'U I.F.MLY, JlJft. 4t87 03J Rrgt. .V. C. Militia. 4 Salisbury Light Infantry Blues : YOU ill appear on the court hou bill, on FridMr. Ho 9th of October. Droiimo. 9 ''cloci, A.wV'ajmeda'oTe'quipflor rtgnmentil jnutter and inspection, in accordance witu toe requiairioH, of thp Col. ComdL By order of Capt Thornai G. Tolk. J NO. H. H ABIU K. 6Vt liiA, 1859. - 4187 To i? otton U nnti$ . FJIUP aubacribet harina; been 1 old ccutomera, 'attain to eatabliab tbe da Making buaneit, Lai openea qii ahop in Salisbury, here he ii orenared in mk m rnitr fi;. Of the fery best material, in a superior atyla of woramansuip, ana on ternw the moat accommo Jat i nr. even in these hard timta. .! ,llatin; bcctt t ngsfed,id the, buinca ix or uveo years employing a part of fiTa time for tmMm rv.i, .r icT.ir'i;.'.-i;:'fr:T.i.! tori, foflhe eiOreil Dur'DiMie of more liillw ac jOjUiinunif hiauelf wiih prirxiplea ami prae- baring recently v'uuted South Carolina, where the moat imnroved Gioa arc in uv. with th- 4ew of examining them, and making himself ao uainieu wnu uie p.an on wn:cn tney are con- airucieii. act m incrnurf ii-ru aauirri. tn.t by hia enlarged esperieace, thua acquired, in inning aim repairuig uina, ana picKing cotton, he can construct Machines superior to Any ever done i.i North Carolina. Tlioae wishinsr work done in ttiia line nf haul. eS re renpectfutly invited to call on the aub- . rioer, wiine tne plan and execution ol hit vork", examine aud judge for themeWes. He ul spare jia painaut- wippiymg Dimaeii witu the htat materia to be lud in the country j and All! moke and renuir Gml rrnrriini nnl- uceived, on abort notice and reasonable terms. 'ill I . II . L- - . wbw iiibj pcise 10 can on mm, win find him either at I.i nhnn 1..l!mr U KaV,.. .oury, ready to execute any job with Lich they way uc picasea 10 i.vor mm. &1MUEL FRJILEY. $alibitryt Mr. 6, 13.'9. 79 doctor wMoouii'a Estate. 4 LL persona ret indebted to the estate of deceaaed. are tlHtirt tn ir . W n.tmHnt fit .1. Executor with as little delay as possible, and - co ana trouble 1 and those still navinc isUled Glaiffi agatHat flatd eirfate, wiH present Uiem. lerallv Voucher! tnr w'llkm th liin nn. ftribed by act of Assembly, or this notice, will Bieaueu in oar of their recovery. fctJIvNfcZEH WOOKK, ivxfc.- Srpttmber 1811829. 3t87 HIS "dty, t aAegr Miru who tuyt hit name Hi IS 4f anT tlm li. lkAlaiM a ta man ku 'hnmruuuL iif ..Chester, dis. nct, Sooth Carolina, was committed to tbe jail Jf VVllliaa vThompnoat Sooth Carolina, was commi wwtleirlrf IdB'iolioWarde W c"Mfcte,nd talwMmi- gmt Stk, 1829. 81 Mecklenburg ciunty NOTICE. 4 LL OtPaOna nAhtA tn ,Kj firm tf Bnmm Jlue their reiptctire dues with tae, as Mr. Bo 7 un entire i merest in- tne toove nrm io I ana I ahall vrnrrt mv Ahlnra tn rnm immediately ind aettle their account, with tuth :1 I ppw fi ffpNaw Yatk wnd Mula dclpliia, a cWm oJ banLsom a-sortmnt u --r oo;,v; narawaretr Lrocficrvrr 24 Wntsr', Dye'StuftX U00U, ' bfioct,, GrocerUtt fcfe. ; which wer, bought at reduced prices, and will be anld at a amlU prifit, fur auh, or on tiosa to punctual dealers. Among tbe Croocriea, are ftrat quality , itiunrn n,OJd Uuacatcll ditto. fort ditto, Malsra ditto, Ocnul .e ld llolUnd On, old Cognac Brand f, Jamaica fend New Rug. Land iVaasi tocether with ererv article usually found in a store in this section of country. Persona wishing to purchase, wiD please CalL I . a a . a aixj rnmuie toe aome unotis. SaHtburg, Sept. SfkA, 1829. 6iot'll Man&ion Hold, IN SALISnURY, N. CAROMNA, lly EZPJl JILLEMOXG, TWXIW elegant Ratablnhmert is VjL JL Mtuatrd at the North Corner I ft rf the Court House, and in the een. Jter of business. The propritr baa taken great pains to procure lot ibia etiali hshment, furniture of every description neces sary to the comfort of Travellers, and no ex pease will be spared in providing for the Table the bt the country aflords. The Bar will be stocked with choke Liquor, and tbe Stables, equal to any in the state, provided with piVnty of provender of all kinds, and attended by obli ging and a(tenti7e"11oatlera. The convenience of thii situation is equal, if not superior, to any in the place'i die Uoue contains a number of private rooms, with out houses, well calculated for the accommodation of Travellers, with or without families. On the pre mutt is an ICK HOt'Sr, which will regularly be supplied when ever the season will admit of it. The subscri ber aasurcs the public that nothing alull bo wanting, on Ai part, to make those condortable wbo majr think, proper to calL tt The .Vsrim, Siuthern, liwln and Cisrtfw STAGES, atop at the Hotel. EZRA Al.l.F.MONU, MmL Satiibury, K C. Sept. 10th. 1H.M. 8(91 ,TTN order tn cloe and expedite the settling nf JL the-busineis o the tate frm of Itiram fur. nrr if C. there will be sold at auction, in the Town ol Salisbury, on Monday evening the 12;b Octber next, and tale to continue every evening during the week, (it being the week of liom an Superior Court,) all the Rooks remaining on hand at this place, consisting of A C or "1000 Volumes, well assorted, and in part I -aw, Medical, Histori cal And.Mirtcll.ni.nm wurka. Thi ia cexUiuly- tbe moat splendid assortment of-Hooka avarof- fcred Xur tile by -auctiuo ia tba'weswrn part f the state, and will be well worth the attention of the pubttc. The sle' will x positive, and without reserve, as tbe situation of '.be estate requires thai it should be immediately closed. Terms will ba liberal, and made known on the evening of the aale. N. B. HUGHCS, Jfrni. fvr it. D. Turner, Surviving partner. SalUbary, A. C. Sept. 8A, 1829. 4t87 Cheraw, S. C. Sept. 19, 1829. lit subscriber will con tinue the Boating Bu- tinru between, this place and Charles' on, via George- town, as heretofore : and will attend to the re ception of Xerchantlite, and transportation of Lalton, and other produce committed to his charge. His Houit are of a light draft of water, and particularly adapted lothe navigation of the river ; and, with the assurance of the strictest attention to hi i charge, he hopes for a contiuu ance of the pationage of his friends. JWK SALE, Salt, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Bag. ging, - Barc-ltrjpe,-T1ne, &c. j which he orTei s at wholesale or re- 6t91- -..JOS. H. T0WNES.. tail MAG0NERS, rt.;...'M , r.. ..n..:n.. WILL find it to their advantage, to stop at the Wagtn Yard, where every con venience is provided for Man and Horse, tomake iherrt comfortableTal the moderate rcharge of 25 cents a day and night, for the privilege of the Yard, the tiae of a good house, fire, water, and shelter." Attached to the Yard, are a Grocery and Provision Store, Bread Shop and Confec tionary, and 1 House for Boarders and IxKlarer, in ,,,,p)aiiu chea?,:,hq able style. Favettmlle, Ut Jlprilx 1828. 09 .....,.0.;, !!-.. -W'.i:-r. "! ii'is r K Jl Pl;.. ... . .C!tFEEime-of-Uwi-MyerWIB29r i3 Marida Tanner wrJohni Tanner f petitibn for divorce. In tbia case, ordered by the court, that publication be, made m tbe Raleigh Regis ter and Western Carolinian for three months successively, that the defendant be and appear at, the next superior court of law to he held for the counly of Mecklenburg, at tbe court-bouse in Charlotte, on the sixth Monday after the fourth Monday in September next, and plead or answer to tbe plaotifl's petition, or the same will be heard exparte. Witness, Samuel 1 Ienderson clerk of our said court, at office, the 7th Mon day after the 4th in March, 1 829. tictlm$ Of tht bntrtyttrk tDaB late ly kllJ.d tlrowlf ,t New Totk, by drisk ins nine froraatltk lb, ksrf, till he died. ' Another teila'tl In'ernrxrinci died tht aat ij gr akp' u Oh. HAS just rwceived, and opeaed M bis Store in Kaltfoury, large and UrxUiue'asaurt- rnent of . ; Sprtngan4 Summn G0CJ)S ; Atao. Groceries Hardwarr, Cutlery, FUW Ware, 1 1 an, and natters' Trimo.iir'Crock. cry, a good aaaortmeitt of fohing ' Hi'rt anoea, uwincia, and ever article usually a4ed for in i;ores. Hit stock of goods has bea purctaaed'nure ly for tatk and be ia determined to sell tiei a low a can be bad in tbe place, for rA, or to Eurxtual custodiers on a abort credit Ttte pub. c ate rctwecirully invited to call, examine, and judge for theraseWra SaUtburf, Am .Id, 1829.. 70 TtmaU St'Uool. MM. W1LLKY. thankful for the liberal eo coursgement the aaa rtoeired it) support of brr Stktl, for the iatrcthrt c Yoeog ladiea, respectfully in for ma ivt cilice as of ball, bury, and its vicinity, that.ttUwrxt quarter wili commence on the 1st Mondajof Nov. next, and wilt certainly continue (heaJtj permitting) two quarten from that time i anbopet, by the as sidu'Kjt discharge of bcr djitjjto those who tny ne committed to ncr care, totnerit a cunluiua tion of favour. I Her tmns are the tajju)xt heretofore : Reading and Spelling, per quarter . . 3. Tvgrtber wi h tbe above, Reflations and writing, g4. The above, with English Grameiu, Ge ography, Arithmetic, Composition and Rhetoric . . . g5. Plain Needle work, marking eamilers, kc. together with sny or all of the above branches 6. I'lain and Ornamental Needle Wtrk, in its various branches, including Lace Work, &c. on a new and improved method, aliicb wrll enable a Lwdy to eiecute work with facility, equal to the impor ted, . . g:o. Drawing and fainting; on paper, also Theorem Painting upon Velvet and paper, a nrw and elrgaui m'ho4, gtO. N. B. I he preent quarter of the School wilt terminate on Friday', the 231 of October next, wtu'n there will be a vacation unlit ike com Oieiiccment of the ensuing quarter. Auiiiury, Sept. 2U, 189. 6(90 Great Bargains! fill IF. subscriber's intention being to. remove JL to the Wtt, if poaoible in the spring, of: fcrs the follow ing Property for tale, upon rea sonable term, namely i - L. j"HLKm -f- 4nt.Jj'jng.i0tbe. rf w Forks ot the Yadkin, nine miles Irom a:alibuCT adjoining Fred'ck, Ford, 'Zocbtr'uh MacAtee and;othert ph --mi "which.are aome improvements ; and at for health, supposed to be equal to any Plan tation in the county. Also, 26 or 30 acres Land, lying on Crane Creek, three quarters of a mile from town, ad joining John I'tzman, l'homas Hull, and others, on which there are ten or twelve acre aicaaow Ground, of first quality. Also a number of Still and 7' Ware, for sale at hia store in Salisbury. Alto, a new and complete Stick 01U and Har nett. For all which, good notes of hand, or ne gro property, will be received in payment. In exchange for, or in payment of, the above property, notes of hand on aolvent pet eon,- or cegro property , will be received. Those who wish to buy, would do well to ap ply ahon. Ill) WARD CRESS. Salitburg, Jug. lit, 18C9. 78 N. B. The remaining Me if GOODS on hand in Concord, comprising a good aaaertoirnt, belonging to the subscriber, will be sold oil on low terms i and payment mace easy io me pur chaser, if the whole ttock 'cuuldJit disposed at one tale. E. C. Capt. BASIL Mil! & BOOK.' lea Tt aiinatoat amaica. , t There appearta) ,vrot time ago in our retpectabU tirt!, to wblch ht had by toBne 'rolshsp gained beceta, plain, rmff, ooaraa, prttovivvd W4t wtn undent cod to b trsvtllihg In thej United Siat,i witbjhtr,afcifttlotociri. pub. tithing Ma oCerttiot." If wipr,ttf generaHy remarked of M.mrthil ..H'TU'WI let rt(ed To? KiHaikVcuhcr Vr tourteir of jaaonwa or patbtMevio fvturfff ou!rf atrdly well be imagined. With i good nature, however, which rises iaioe weak neat, end which our traveller confesses all through bit book, we entertained him courteously and even kindly every where, end have received the reoumpence ututj in tuch' cases, in a book full of ignorant miaapprchentiont and almott ifh alloyed venture. e venture lo alsert that there it not a tingle passage in the whole of ;heto volume, not even where their an thor4cknowled(et the klndnett of the ottivcti in which one tingle thing it praised hcarttlyr in which hit habitual prt ju'Jice doet not appear in degree that it quite absurd. He declare that hit object jo coining wat to stake hit coun tryioen think better of the Americans thtn it teerat they do, and bat the in credible asturance toatterttbtt " ;here wldwns (mawnint; to aay, hat been) a traveller who visited a (nrtign Itnd in a more kindly spirit' Yt did not teethe tnuritt till aome time -fer bit landing but when we did, he certainly had Utile appcarnce of that kindly spirit," or ol any other quality lor judging impartially. or dcacrihmg with dittewmeni. There are others who will not be per suaded tha. tuch unrcUxing perversion can le the fruit of any degree of ignor ance or pr judice, and who will act down the Captain' bqek to the account of aome understanding between himself and cer tain cniployeis- Certain it is, that at long at he remains in the United btalet. every flattetirg acknowledgement teemi to be dragged out at patiiluily at confes sions produced by the " Scotch boot." I he politely trested at the custom house , It ta " due to the public lunctlonaitct to onlett tt.. Ioet be tee fine tccnery ? He "own thai Luke Ueorge exceeded nit expectations and after lirvclgtilng igalnst ine iipjding ao prevalent among us, he o..kuolc(lgd with a mar.iteet re luctance, that he taw Icat actual ihtoxica tion than al home. Bui ik toon r does be tel. footiu bit AlajeaJy'a Canadian do minions, than hit whole tone become In conceivably good luiured The imper turbabie tourist who had traversed the whole ataleof New York without an ex cUmalion of admiration, 1 transported with the prosperity," tlupgy.overn WelTTand the frne'rlTmate Tor that nablt tuiooy:.. eUbct :iht, imbrWgedri?e.i or ihexorduroy 'roidi, no, nor hi -travelling infiranu$, destroy hiaioyal equa nimity. The Captain' appetite, by tbe way, it at sinl a feature in him lo judge by hit book, as tbjt oi'a much more intelligent tourist, Uil Bla. Hw Brat great recorded adventure in New-York it the demolition of a breakfast : his most pathetic exclamation regards hit forget fulness to take on an excursion two leg of a certain cold tui key; hit chief regret at a dalav in ciossine a ferry, the lo of a breakftat .. w hich bij Tprodjeniu -wW-pered to be in preparation for hinj. One it tempted to think that he wrote all hit notes on our country on bis orrival at country inn, while waiting for hi din ner; h situation which wc have Mis Edeewroih'a authority forayiug tbat the nnlni of Knnlishmen do not bear with i'iud humour, and which Captain Hail is 10,000 atves of Lsl.Vb FUR SJILE, " 4f",N T t INO in the county of Surry, C jLi and, as is believed from recent 1 diicoveriea, within th Gold JitgUn of North-Carnlina. This tract was granted tv the State, in the year 1795 1 consists ot one continuous aurvey, iu:joininj tne eounty lino of Wilkee, and eiieiHlinir- from Ah& Wue Ridge to within three miles of the Main Yadkin River. It ia intersected for fifteen or twenty mira & Mitvhpirs riVtr. iffordine ah ahuhrTant aupply of water-power at all aeasonav an4 many aitea convenient for the aaolicafjon of this now. rr tn tt nnrnoaea of Machinery. Gldt late. beibun4in . lMl.UiusSlaJUMaM ellor'-"Ti1onir deMroOi Id purchase, ire referred, to the Editor for morcv partioular infor - .'. ...'..v. ,v. f i.'.. I... i .ta niaiioiv wivii w yuiii iuc nv vi iuw iwHi u- . - ' - .......... posiiea. SaiburivJune Villi, isat. 71 - GoA Vasung MacMtie. mjOTICE. This it to notify the public in sren- 1 eral, that having acquired from the Dr-. . r . . .i. v . . 1 b i . a a panment oi ststem we uuiieu oiairv pe"J for the Machinet for Washing, Cleaning and Separating ld dust, consisting of a Funnel, Trunk and Spout, I hereby forewarn all persons from using or making ssid Machines without my permiMion. KICHAKD LEE. dhtfri Sfer Xjfl, 15 Jgo. . SX hetefote.by nature still more excusable for not endurina. II thii woik passes rurrem in England for a true plcturo of . . s a. . v . !.. Amern a, tn apite ci an uie prejuoice, ignbrincei and in hurriour whicli dislorl it, we halbe hopelcs of an thinj 011 the score of British candour; but we vkr.vriw minrrf that, in stjite of hi abflsei 1 1 zL-r-, " r r-r i m an immense warenouse of us, ana his panegyric on tne climate. and government of the lanads, tnere will be found many emigrania, like those be himself encountered, who will pass from the latter to the former "for re- ton," to use hi own words, btt known toihefntelve.' ;- There are aome other fault in. the work, however,' which will apoil ita re ny ol us iffip1tf.1ktttt,'sr ever to. have read a volume of travel irom which a reader ia likely to rise with to few definite idea of the country treated of. W commend the latfi chapter in it a the datkest, deepest, most "mystical, nonsense imaginable. Th; disquisition in the ahape JJloge, is approaQhed, but not quite equalled, by other attempts of our blundering tar to generalize and, be philosophical. He seem rather to have travelled round the world than in it Tbe Vutriari cf his stf le are Cjjatit ; VOL. X,. ...NO.. 437. ; thf general lone of h low, and rhothlo i clioed lo alang. II talk of hi bono ' teinj: iAoexr,.rnesninK Mghtfned.r- - . He and bis lady atuck lo their cart flk . I trim death? . aiKlh being in leaky , boa.. M-( awa t, dm.litJ U -ooea not aleep, but knov ha kvnt Cr. . learned, And tttjor aaU ) Jove jucl word atlroay and fAoiyJ ho call Iba . ' , - - ' -i-profeftionrandactutllr"TJMl"lBi " AmailcoUri7airtriofr--Thw word fall for..iniiimn.iie.i pleased to thlntj might be adpotcd Irom American into Epglith be oblige a ot with a dissertation on the) tubject, which it unnecessary, aa Walker or Kendrick would have alio htm that lire word jrt that tense is true English. The Aaronaf Gmrtit copie the prece ding article, and thua expresses itaolf on the general subject t W, are glad lo aee ihe Infliction of (big apecle of penalty where it ia merited. Editor, Americana by birth and in feel ing will he prompt to thew that tuch defimert ht, to expect just reiribu lion from the American press. Impuni ty in these case is encouragement and silence would not fail to be construed aa pusillanimity or conation. Cjptttn Hall's tyoikpostcses, indred, but little intrinsic importance, vet it comet from an iiitiividual of nation and pretrnsion much superior to 'ho tt hit predeces sors io ihe ajme care ir of inspection and detraction. American writer my tniuso themselvc at, leist, in rrmwting ni, mik, invalidating his tfolerncn , and ex posing hi prejudices, blunc'er. shallow ness and illiteracy He it aft awkward, ball wilted ibstrunieiit of a geat design tbe depreriation cf rcpublirtnism t what ever may crve to Irus.iate Hut design merit sorno etcriion. He ba to mix ed, up hi personal sentiments, manner ana! adventures, and hit general character a i tour lit and author.- with oit report of the condition of our country, that to do justice to ourselves in the task of refute tion, wc have, in our turn, to display and dissect the man, explaining hi, affecta tion of forbearance, hia real bad faith i(H (he world, hi craky assumption. and 4he modes, spirit and temper in which he proceeded in hit inqniriev As fir ta ho tan be equitably and solidly criticised, wo trust be will be, .i bas es yet been mudr sgainit the book or author, which) cscnoi be luby aualained' from hit .tell and his personal rnt'rrse nrd story. Tha time is com when a formal and signal example should be iTwdeol tome one of the tribe of foreign' eiiiariet or searcher, prrjudiced and inieresird, who undertake lo deeir institution, wnich they are unable to comprehend, nr whicit Ihey labour 16 drgrade for the exil:uiin of others (-who reps'y the hospitari y ind -aid 'Wkicrr tbey iieveOuTr'iT)d""i'iniS: dimly, Uied, by .sneering onterly aUbe kind efforts of their host and guide to whose rajbheana circumstance give a temporary consequence, and who betray degree of disirigeootlsndss, littleness, presumption, and incapacity, snRicieiii in themselves to warrant the utmost rigour of cassation. Comfort to Fig FmU u The mis fortune of the Society ol tbe Merchant of Smyrna Ts, that the aubject of figs is ever the fruitful theme of cotjvetsi- m. You iJL1lfiardfl-cf r Baurnabut, and you hear that fipja abound there : you inquire about i In curiosities' of the place, and they W.td you to the fig mart. You solicit in formation oo politics, and you arc i iiil that fig are low : and when y-u s' k for further intelligence, you iarw t.J that figs are flat." Io nhorf. i -4 -li a t -Ji a1 i r A. wncre you win, tne eternal topic s fig, figs, figs ! and the very name, 1 comprehend, will be found written on iKoir liearts at a decease, A more disustinp; operation thatf the picking of frgs, I never witnessed. the fruit lay atrewed over -the floor, and fifty or iixty aqualid women, with mewio in fants, sat squatted on trie heap, picking ana sircicning :ne iruit ana overcom ing ite icoicity with isliVi Wd munt pulattons. I - Btvr the dirty children mauling the figjr and got out of the way as quickly as I could JcstXhib rirngmorj, js' would do. It i an extremely VawMu T'l . : . 1; IW.Jrt'J! ,s-.v' ,w;.A 2 i ! f Iicve. A French '-traveller tells irc: tbat the Arabs of Upper Egypt and the Red Sea, make a sort of bread of locust ; Ibey dry thern and grind them to powder, then mix the powder with water, and make imali roMnd cakes, which serve for bread, when that necessary ankle J, scarce. So "that the account of St. John eat teg locusts in the wrldergess, cs,Gjgj je sneered at by fireside travdTef. i. . ' v t: t I