,1 I, L V, rwWJi1"''. . rmi.o a i it, HALlSIIUUr, ROWAN COUXTV, ,N. f;......TUKSIJAy, OCTOIIEIt 1.1, IC?J. . . VOU'X N(. ir.n. 2 mm U iu mum, miI u4 . UaHiMawM -, M MM. 4 M W ,- k Mfl , sa4 t'f V '., fll KMt i a tun m i 4iwf , tMf f m M J " Tiux urr.n t ; . - "7 4 Ilf. now vpcairg at the tvibscftbaYs Store in JRft - J.I. .kiitou - - '.ar .. . - Dity GOODS ea)mt e'V description, aaiud to all actwon of ibj year, ' A9, - Hardware awl Cutlery, 'cttentivo in variety tnd amount. faii ii "MkcttJby himself it It core, ami bought for cash on the best term, in Pbiladel. pliia and New.Ycrk. Tlie pub!i ore aured fhy will Hud t bwee and full u ;.;, owl lower , fureA thn uwial, or other -e on sccommo. latin lcrni. ,Thy ere res,, cfully invited to 611, t4hiov. tiomiiK uu;i, beor pricci J JU1IX MIMPIIV. J. M. repf ctful! be r to return Mi unfeitfr. 4 iImmI f- ik n f.hchkl ind diitir(pjUlifd p4W( ho been to liutijf Itonourca vin. AitccrAag jifUtie."d hopet, br diligent ties'loB, to went b contir.iiurice of the Mtnc. " S!brf, .Wx. 8. 1829 . W THE 'JTIIOKC ) t'( 5 H B K ED JtiOUSK SO"ol the imported llurse f'ariwi'l itottd .the't'ftll Sea-oii, tomn.rrw ring the 10 diiy of SSeptem Lcr. oik! emlinn the litli cMinvW dojr of November, in the p r to n of .vaAtAiiri. oo Mon. dovi. Tuttdovo and Wed. fr'Wf.o elorir nq In the lorn .of Cnctrd, Cfcb4rru county, on Thuivli), 1'ri tUyiuid lioturdovi t ond will be let to More M tigU iWUr the Season our UolUrt the lap i rid twthf dnlloro t- insure Ibol. ' 84 "1, L. FERKNP, Sept. 13, 182V. C L. B0VVEH3. uWsburf Hacea. Fofl'IC race over the Salisbury Turf, will com- P menee e T1itwUyt S2u )e(oter j and continue three clayij first day, two rule liea, fre fame, mare or ft-Wing ; a?. uid da.r", ifcile heaf. & iv thhtff eaeept iiie wiwifnC bora. or mc jncvcuing tUy, three beat in Ave, free ff eny horoo ri4 and owned in the county. . SajUiurM. Sepu 8, 18 L . jSttf! fjp!IF. untleronrned qualified M August K'f mono X" of Hnwan county court, m the Executor of tbe lat will of 1WL Wood s All pt-rsoni in. debted to taid estate, are requested to make payment and aU persons having demands against the same, are requested toir!Wnt fhem tor settlement, or this notice will be pleaded in h, VM. B. OOW, ... TltAC liVtAn L ' Mt;uit 9th, 189. 3m93 ON Tuesday of the Superior rmift i SLtlesville. it beir.r the -id day of November i.ext, will be sold at puuiic lenaue, soerai I HOUSES and LOTS, and several mm unimproved lota, in said own: and among oth ers, that valuable and for business, foi merly occupied by Jamt Irvtn, and Roltrt Simonton, and uow occupied by C'oifan atul Alexander for a Store." It U presumed those. inclined to pur- of Robert SImonUm and '.he executors of James .JruUv joining in the will mke the title Mnqueattunahly good to purchasers. liberal 1 : credit avm-Jie tr'vfar" T ;E0RGU L. DAVIDSON,-) Executor of T1IEOPIHLUS FALlJi, R. Smvuten, JAMES CAMPBELL, )rlrceae. ALFX HUGIUNS, ( Executori vf Jamet JOHN IRWIN, ) Irwin, daeuteiL htptembtr 1tK 1839. t8B to the Stockholders of Ihc Bank of Cane-Fear. i half of the Commissioners appointed by ttoi State, Vetrigltiiidef coiUidemion; Resolvcdi Tlmt the President do advise said Commissioners, that it is (Seemed fteceamry and eipedienf to subiect matter of the T communication s ami fur tier that the President of the Bank of Cape Fear he. an he U herehv fullv authdnsed and -empowered v&tu ?! J.hc. ooara ot Director to can a gcnemi nict..6 -'the Stockhholders of the Bank of Cape-rear, to convene on the 3d Monday of November next, r . .. . . 'T. . ii iheitr t 'WflsMer -of their inteectagiiieiijxi and esneckllr tn tiirnifv how far. in what way, Bd"HpwotWrw Uhe GQfr& Air.h v in the estabUWimeni Oi a new Bank, by the consblidation, or ttherimh & tftos now-Mi eiwteBeopy. worn me-imuuica. JOHN HILL, CrwAier. In accordance witli the above Resolution, an 1 fcy virtue of my office as President of the Bank of Cape-Fear, notice is hereby given to. the Stockholders of aaid Bank, to meet at their Banking House in Wilmington, on the 2d Mon - flay of November neit. then and there to con- der of and to aet upon the matters and things IS now receiving from New York and FblUv ,lt)pbnn,-a tiaotn mi bxndaaiMf'tOoMtteirf Mi VRXAWUm, 'flj Hardware, Crockery, ' vLicE tit tourht at reduced orioc. am1 wiU bt aold fct a small prcQt, lor r4, or on time to punctual ucaJrrs. Among the Groceries arc urn quality Teiurljninf.OW Muscatel! ditto. Port ditto, Malaga ditto, Genuine J1J Holland Via, old Cognac ' vranaj, Jamaica ana rew Kng. land Hum i tocether with ever article usually found U btore in this section of CfKintry, ri rons inline to mircbaae. ill ulcase call. and eiaoiine the above Good. Wiseur.v, Sept. 2da, 6mtl 1 f KS. U lLLLV. thaalful for th Uberal en- courogement she has receivej in oupnort of hei ickupL fur the instruction of Yonnr oury, sik ns nuiiity, mat ine nit quarter win commence on tbe let Monday of Nov. neit, and will certainly Continue (health permittioff) two quarters rrum mat time 4 and Itopes, by the aa u'uixji discbirse of hvr duty to tbose who mr be committed is bcr ore, to merit t contimia. lion of favour. : ller term arc the same as heretofore : Reading ami Spelling, per quarter . . Tegrther with the above, Keritations tnd "nunc, u. The above, with Englpu Crarnmor, Ge- ogvaphy, Arithmetic Compoaition and ifhetodc, ..... . S. 1'loin. Needle work, marking samplers, c tov'ttber with any or all of the above bronchel KS. rliiri arwl Ornamental Needle Work, in its various branches, including Lace Work, &.c. on a new and improved method, hich will enable a Lady to execjte wok with facility, equal to the impor ted RIO. Drawing and Tainting on paper, also 1 iteorrm fainting upoir Vehret Tntdpnper. a new and elegant method, .... glO. L B. The present quarter of the Schol will toencrment of the ensuing quarter. Salitlurs. Srflt.2l", 13- A LL persons iodtbted to the firm of li im. JSre.aremDecUuily4nviua iocuana settle their respective dues with me, as Mr. &m haa soliMiis entire interest in the above tirm to me ; aiul 1 shall ex)ect iy debtor to come immediately and settle their acccunts, with tuth or by divine their note. Til (J. .. JSUIUlbJVI. Chatlottt,,'. C. Sept. 15, 1820. 3t88 Ciwriw, S. C Sipf 19, i 820. ' A ItK """ JL ' tihUe the Btatine Bu- VfC.mr.rlcyuLyunrit between this plsce ayfrjrr ytm m? in( Charleston, via George tnwn. u hereiol'ure s and will attend to the re ception of Merthandii;, and transportation of Cutton, and other priHitice comnmieu 10 ins charge. His Boatt are of a light draft of wuter, and particulirly adapted to the navigation of tbe river ; and, with the assurance of the strictest attention to his charge, he hopes for a contimi. ance of the patronage of hit friends. . FOR SALE, Salt, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Psg giig, - Bale Hope, Twine, &e. which he offets at wholesale of re- 6191 JOS. 11. T0WNF.S. ONE of the most valuable plants tions in the upper country. It lies in the county of Cabarrus, m the fork of Itocky river and Coddle Creek, containing about five hun dred and seventy acres of hind. The quality of the land is first rate, the soil deep, the surface Welv..TUer is ttbouttuiuhu adred acres ekar-. ed, mostly fresh s 'a new, convenient and elegant dwelling-house," winch- cost neartv jour thousand dollars, ana other buiimngt suitable to it. " The paymentt J property can be made easy. Applications as to terms ol sale, can be made to UTtTTAIeSnUerT in my absence. b7 VVM. J. ALEXANDER. Medical of (TP SOUTH CAROLINA :"1IHioTtia1w.te JSwiaaJ8ssej Inoromy, by Job EDWaua llotaaooK, W, V, Materia .Vedica, oy Hiirat n. rnosT, v. Obtetric and Dueatei T G PRIOtI4U M D. of It omen and Children ) tnemstry, oy (.hwobb mvamt, m. v. Aorurat Uiiury, t hv e-.;.-.- v.. L. - . r. D. and Botany. J Pattobgicaland j b JoM Wi0, D Surreal Anatomy. ' . ... . Demanttr'atvr of Anatomy, by J. Wrtiris, M. V. I . . ,.n n . tail. JKRl'SALr.M. 1 Jir, An 4 n'i rtmarki tH ikt Oft City, There arc two account! el'th indent City f Jerusalem, whicb ha tome down 10 us with tb isouiofl f Mgb au thotitr. Tfc Rrst h iiu ta the ihlrd rhipter ofchmaiawhokuilt the walls ot the dtv, sfier the rtlata of the e V (r.m. J?!! J00'1?, Cptt i'Jfr ,.Hf . it tentiorTwas. ' pinkii&rt-dirca'tOtbU Htovntf bf tKt-Counteti -of-Betmerf who vUte4jhttiutno'bli.poli ia jmd tbout Veruuleitt;-Uti tbf ml ttul fitt ing of a ploai Cbrlniaa, lakin iht Scrip, lurti for bar guide, while at ih tami titna ihrtf alted'tcrulf of TiltiniHghi that modern triftllera niva been able lo collect for the Illustration of this most in tereatinf portion of cred.topographf . The other ia from tbe pen of the Jew ish Historian, Josephutl who haa the misfortune lo witnaaa the lacking and tit ler destruction of hit native dtv, by the victorious arrat of Titut Vespasian. It it a tantalizing circumstance, howev er, for the traveller, who wishea to re cognize In -hie walks, the aite of particular building, or the Kane of rnemorablt events, that tbe greater part of the sub ject mentioned in tbe description both of the inspired and Jewish historian, are en tirtljr removed and razed from .their foundations, without (earing a trace or name behind, to point out wfcare ttiey were. Not an ancient tower, or gate, or wall, or hardly even a atone remotni. Tbe foun dations are not only broken up, but every frKtneDl of which they were cornposrd, is swept away anJ tbe spectator looks upon the bare rock, with hardly sorinkline ol earth to point out ber gardens of plea- aure, or groves ol Idolatrous devotion. Aod when we consider the Salaces, tow ers and walls about Jerusalem, and that lhe.aiwiof ..aich sows of them were constructed, were thirty feet tongy 6fieen feet broad and seven and a half thick, we are not more astonished at the strength and skill, and perseverance by which they were constructed than shocked by the re lentless and brutal hostility by which they: were shsttcred and overthrown and utter-! ly removed from our sight. A few gsr dena atiiL remain, on- to aWaw. tJ J Mount Zion, entered from the Pool of Siloara; the Oardeos of Gethsemeoe are trees decaying, as it the hand that dressed and fed them , were .withdrawn, .1 ha Mount of Olives still retains a languishing verdure, and nourishes. a few. of. those tree from which it derives 4 name. But U around about Jerusalem, the gen eral aspect is blighted and barren; the grass is withered t the bare rock looks through the scanty sward ; and the grain ttself, Uke the starving progeny, of famine seems io doubt whether to come to ma turity or die in the ear. - The vine, that was brought from Egypt, is cut off from the midst of tbe land ; the vineyards are wasted; the hedges are Ta ken sway i the graves of the ancient dead are open and tenantlesa. How is the gold become dim, and every thing that was pleasant to the eye, wttndrawn ; Je rusalem has heard the voice of David and Solomon, of prophets and Apostles j and He, who spake as never man spake, has taught in her synagogues and in her streets. Before her Legislators, her f'octsr and hr jipoailcs,lboac.of all Other countries become dumb, and cast down their crowns as unworthy to stand in their reaence... Once she was Tich m every blessing victorous over air her enemies and resting in peace; with every man .miner under bis own vine and fig tree. none to disturb or make bim afraid. Je rusalem was the brightest of all the cities of the East, and fortified above all other townsso strong, that tbe Roman Con queror thereof, and the master of the whole world besides, exclaimed on enter ing the city of David, and looking up at ed, 4i Surely, we have bad God Jot our assistance in the war ; for what could hu man hands 61- human machines do agsinst t hee4ower lt-i -no--other than V' Oil, who has expelled the Jews from their for tifications. Their temple was the richest in the whole world their religion was the purest and their uod was the .voru of Hosts. Never was there a people fa vored like this people. But they aet at . J -n . V . 1 tin imagintionS''of.'ilf.owT)fcAt city ;,giMPlforf?'Bf'r,"th!l!' gloty departec from taraei, ana sow t.i. l..i,thft dav nf venceance ar rived and, the rebellious sons 01 vvo sVe scattered, and pelted, and driven un der every wind of heaven, without a na- tinn or countrv to call tneir own uoaiw.i- ..... , , , gamated, persecuted, piunoerea ana re eled : like tbe ruins of a blighted towef, ..!,.. fr.trmants remain to show the ww aavwv - O ' tremendous lesson for (he kings and peo ple of the earth, in the midst if their prosperity to recognise the hand from which their comfjrts ! It is impossible for the christian travel- ler to look open Jerusalem with I he tame fetUogt with which he would set s1m1I io ton'emplate the ruins of Thebes, or of Athens, or or Home, or of an? other city wblelMhV'WWve all the doing s of tlseJewsr their virtues and their viteSj Jheli - wlom and tyeir follyi height and fietxbr breullb and lengihi that angels cannot fathom ( their whole historr is a history of miracles Thereeeptv of their -Sacred Ilohrere the most profound, and the best adapted in tsery situation In which man rsn be placed they moderate him in prosperi ty, sustain bim in adversity, guide him in health, console him In sickness, support him at the close of life, travel on with him through death, lite with him through out the endless sgea of eternity i and Je rusalem lends its name to tbe eternal mansions of the blessed in heaven, which man is permitted to enjoy through'tbe atonement of Christ Jeu, wbo was born of a descendant of Judah S ioa vaa witTsaa caaotisua. INTEMPERANCE.. ..NO. V. Ma. E di to it t. After the brief notice taken in ta last number of (he more prisate mischiefs of i.iironce, let us proceed io lake a similar view of it more wide spread evils, as they appear in their bearing upon our national Interests: W'e believe that no ssiion can long retain the glory which is now univrrsollf ad judged to our nation, with ao euormoua an evil in th- midst of it, or rather spread abroad in ail its length and brradth. Let us consider firM, the number of deaths which his believed are annually chargeable to liitempcufice. According to the calculations of several permits who have taken much pains lo proOjte prop cr data, especially M,-. I'ulfrcjrt iha in temperance of our nuiion furnishes vie lirm for no lc than 36,000 graves, an nually. Now who me thosu thai die by a. . intemperance : .ot our women orchil dren f noimr aUvcs - iLer t remit men, our ilorer our soil.'icrs the bone and sinew of our n4U0n.J.ct us just ihinLrifJruftmWsS'ou the ril5w,"eiii, as slave population. Over thirty thousand while mm die of intemperance e very year, while not one I how sand adored men can have the me-ns of fhus destroying them selves, "ht fcadul luuucnce does this leave upon tbe ratio of colored men 10 white men ! Aain, let us consider H as it respects iit tendency 10 diminish the revenue of the nation. It will bo sid, perhaps, that the duties on importation, and the tax unon licensed retailing houses, pro duce a revenue u ;he governmcouBut let it be remembered, that in this country there w a no tack ol tmplay mentr to those wbo hsve-industrv enough to seek it; that there are ways enough for the invest ment of all the private capital ot our country; and that those persons from whose capital this tevtnue is produced, W ill Id hn nroductive of ntire revenue in some other way, were this source of pol luted and cankering tribute dried up The diminution ihrp ames from the in aolvencv of the mivchtv host of poverty stricken drunkard,. What ah Increased value would their labor bavo given to many a plantationl How much higher added to mans - a nu,n Iai 1 Then who dors not see how it diminishes the revenue ii this way f ft.., .ut .1. rnnsider it as the &- -- --- i wreat source of increase of pnupetlsm. Ve have no means of ascertaining with certainty the tax which it imposes in this .. .. . hut wamII know llut the irrcat por tinn ftf the nauoarisui of the United States wises liom this quarter. WV have scei H vtiou4y cfctuualetL f l fr9in .. ..?. milliun. of dollars. .. U. is no do.ubt much above the lower estimate, ow what an enormous aunt ta he paid every year. yjtJiout "y advantage whatever; and t: .?:. :....!". r,;; ...rv rtfortH cor.necied, or supposed to be connected, rtain nv-i ii-uium xcniuua imi e-j -------- ,..h diminution of taxation I wimi m w. ... . . . But still egsiii, Ulw be ainsiuetea as the Meat source of crime, me j.mnn r.f demoralization among dur pop: ulation. - Many pious prosei.uuw6 y--- farWwPW UaWJaiiut under their cognizance, ... ..... ik Afffnre annealed to have II v 1 a si ? 1 1 . . v. - . ----- UaMMAm ..nn mm iniemDeraiicc. wr...v ... ,unce his nine'tentba of the Indictment-v may oc -i,,.d it intemoerance ; and in many -r.L. if.at.a and outraces which led Ul Sliuse . . . ,n indictments, many were involved oe sides the particular persons whose part s- .1,- matter would bear an indictment. Ill lliw ssoiovvw- aw t I I t.A Their demoralizing innuenco wouiu subjected ibemselvea 10 ciiil essilgstion. in ordinary cases, aa ay individual! and families, aa are e x iied by such col rage, are more or less dcmoraUzed. Oa lo the d'xr of e rei-f.in house, ( rt any puUie"6csiIonVnd wiinesVla n law, a. rf 4- w- as, yny which generate then, lis ttodency i0 de morallra 1 and see the same thim U ik .... ... . . . . ... . , IS 14 sM loatnsrrnr and nltBjr UJChlPgf fjr:lfcf wmh m eewg"rpfopetr Jji: v-rnu(ru uzue uieac, twtier Mir tiirouffD-Uie alreeia Jlul again, who does not tee the threat entngetpecta oich it assumes, when it jrawnHii a art cieatorteertrrg weipon ? What reBectlng or thinking m.n docs not tremble for our political institutions, when he sees a large number of voters. turning around from the fountains of h sanity erected on electlondays, and walk ing away as directly as they can to tba polls f And who does not tremble, when he heart the mellowed mit of some who watcn at toe oHM box, nroelalmil K- their loud and inceitant babbling t Who that even thinks seriousfv on the im.r.t.. of a population, to amonnt, probably, ia one century, to a hundred millions, does not tremble to see the elective franchise put in this way so far under tha rMiri of aspiring end wealthy demagogues . ivw ..M, mew oi me auDiei-t, tbe appeal is most loud 10 every patriot, and ouhr to be deeply felt In every bow. Jn wnjch such a feeling resides. Again, Its tendency to effeminate anil destroy the soldiery, oq whom we depend for safely, when our country is invaded, torwhum is entrusted Ida t.f,ia r seaport towns, most liable to toe ....st-j is another ground of alarm. V10 does not recollect, that when in the late wsr a diaught was made upon some parts of our own state, for soldiers to defend sicajy seaport of Virciou. tK u.,h. amounting to about one in ten. were bieuy confined to the w ho can tell how much the loss of 100 oui or a 1000, might have been felt in esse ofao engagenifnt I The drau,' and enlistments, as well.as all the "Pn" ses of a war, must be iacresu e,rf one tenth on account ol tcmperance. Addr to t he-deaths, "t tMMftber-wf kk, tbe diminished strength of the consoles cent, and bow arv 1 mut the real we nemw the n""" - We must conclude, with this verr par tial list of public en!, firot. W. the wu( of time ourselves; and secondly, from the iear -yow wooid riot find room for is more perfect one. Let cvcry.ch'ivrian. patriotic and benevolent man, feel as if II his powers were laid under rrnuiMtion. r. d. m. FltOMm PL.1CE BOOK. If I possessed the most valuable things in. the world, and were about to will them away, the following would rjelTTair6f distribution V " I would will to the sv hole world truth and Friendship, which are very scarce. I would give to physicians skill and learning. T oclergymcozeal and disinterest d piety. , To young women common sense, large wttistt and natoral feet. To servants obedience and hones To masters humanity. To Ta r me r a pu n t ii ati lyind iob'rt" To young aprouts or dandies good 1- . 1 L I . 1 L a . sense, little casn, anu naru wora. To old maids good tempers, little talk, and suitable husbands, To old bachelors a love for virtiie, children and wives. To scliool-boyshafd study, and Iic.DC5O0iprfr::;:;:::r:r':::::::' To ichool-Rirls adornment ol thej braio, simple dress, and more work. Tecboot-matra abiUUea to teaclv what they profess, and atten,tioD. To our college--the ablest profes- sorsi without regard to bitth.pUce-ot seer, . To mechanics punctuality, hones- a... ntaialr f a-sS- feP poltteoes'a r7l' luI'V. I, ooU.U4o.ihe-tMi..--. - - r r did dealing. To judgealearniog and impartial ity. To printers constant employme.nt. good senac and fai work. -To the charitablelittle parade and home bencfactidd?. ' f Cw. JctWtOl'l . a set forth in the above Resolution. ' J. R. LONDON. President: feaate-WaHpa.': r litrviiT iv. r KU3 1 , imm. i Chnrmui. An. 19, 18W, 8tU0 t ' - -w