n J.J, lev. -t Th Kv. lf. Hit. Si I the 1 ruira. af Un,r. I1 " ''" 'V. ") Wrdnr. the Presbyterian Clmrc'i on the evening of tUt C,tU..k d "'' recently found near FreJeritkUiurjj, tirg valued at JVJWi bich ! Richmond Compilrr presume m th largest (tire I'1' m"' Md ll" t :uirl biate. TUi U a mistake i some 23 w "aj year nc plena j$.foui4 U the tirljf -hortnrf tr tabarru, valued at bet wee Ave and si thousand Oulun it weighed SfKw. 4 adl D iimMk a1! Auaun mine, In Aiuort junff. fieew d" "I ir erW"Jr .3i. J00a M-n ,.iher piece. if not quit a la'je, have 7TnmiW.The 1rgWaTirr nf th'l tatei f mblf J In Nashville, on lit 2M wit Dr. Jl !krr, jf -tfce AV4'cr- -a. Uwu J . iiptst.rbflheSt-Qa',ei rt Fpbrim ll.ro tf, rlq. of Dsvidson county, !ptkcr of the Hour 6rj.pTteirtalivt-bn - withoH-pisioH, Tbe acll't; Gov. Wm. Mill, sent In a borr, but ,cry kb meslsge, " X- ' ,rf ii'tur eeratu have commenced buine in earnest i subjects of sdme Importance, auch a lb judicial, a pvnitcn'iary, state bank, impeschmeol of Jid William, Cobb's roiel, It were folly before t lie in in a few ,tT The communication in relation to the eitrectim of wa'er-mellon aeed from the threat of youef nun, bill b attemleJ to hourntit. Tbt Extracti fiom a Report on the Gold BcfiwO of the Sotb, rtid before the l.yeeam of NnurJ Hiry in the city of New-Yolu from tbt pea Mr. VA. lata Cieil Hnfinecr ofthia ante, aWl be publUhcd, or part, al leatt, ifi our nest. V. S. AouV The vti.ton CweM nomlni'ei jud'a Murfy, of Ofinjje count), ki a auitblt dila? f-n ihe want et in the U S. Sn U8. Anl ln ailliti".'!, wilftaka the liberty to meotioi. thst Mj. Fintry, of Lin coln count, it lto !tkn cf fur utd appoint trDt. Vtr hare heretofore esprewd our ttotibt of the propriety of nnouncinf to iruny onJiJ;ri bat t!iU the eounw of other papr on the lbj left u no fcltermtle but to fol- their ev.r.iplr. Ve know not that it ac "eoni t'w Uhea of nmt of the fT"en-Bi !)!. thttr n.mri thould be broucht before the imbue, in connexion with the appointment of ienaton b'tt tai they bv been apoae wi m general eonvemt'um,' ia, perhaps, a mfflcrieiit warrant for ui barely to mention the fact. WV . aonot refrain from reiterating our regret, that tuere ahonld be. apparrntly, o Btt'e unanimity in the West, on tbii important eubject. .Vftieal Dtftartmtnt.Ytr iit from my inten j5TinoaTteiTdTlie truths and ktrtxluee error, 4u noticing an article which appeared in the faro 'jinian, diTfd Sept.' 5th.' enlace J by" Virgin. i,ia," itating1 tbe mirtalitf accompanying th YrevaTTivt; epUemlc, with which "a" particular M-etion of our county ii afflicted, ita caue, and treatment but fpr the.iutroduction of IucIk oh lectiuju witlj regard to ita cauv .( which j the only point in the piece that I deem objectiona ble J Yirffmui,-It is hoped, will be ood enough to elucidate. Fever," aaya I'i'ji'w'w, in a moit poitie manner, "ii an accumulation of black matter in the blood, predueed by too operation of marsh I cfSuvia." That blood drawn at a particular tae' of the diarase, exhibit a livid aipeet, i atlmit- tfftct for the ran. The lunpt, tlie proper or gan by which the aubstance that gives a dark appearance to the blood, ia separated from it, craaeth fur a while to perform its function, in tbe full vigor of health, by the influence of the caue of fever) consequently the blood, which W dependent upon live healthy perform ance of tuch functions for its colour, will be al ttrcd. It it further stated, that this effljtia ia "car. bic arid gat, the identity of which has been Sahsfictorily esfaWiRedly the iHustnbus J. E. Cooke, of Transylvania." From a sbmewltat corsory"ieW or bis writlnga."! cannot discover that he baa riven any evidence of the fact, ex f.ept that it alters the colour of the blood, and weakens tbe a.ction of the heart ; which I con liderai paramount to no evidence at all. In or tier to illustrate the subject more clearly, it is aecc8ary to make a few physiological remark, witL regard to the change effected ou the b'ood in the proccas of respiration. ft UlNVtt IctTo w liid Wl!feetAOTeiJ' fct,th'at IheTjIood, in its passage through tbe Ivnga, ia chfngcd from a livid to a scarlet hue and that this change is caused either by the :cmbinatj"n of p.ryjfi gut wjth r, which if termed oxygenation, or by the combination of the same gas with the carbon which it contains, n its passage through the lungs, and its conse-Hetrt-espttlfiorr -rntlie form trf carbonic - acid gin,hlch la termed decarbonization 5 c; by the combination of the same gaa, via. xy gen, with it in the lungs, which, in its course through 'jfe .circul&uoo, fQmbLfteawkhlhebm.wlwftll, "?n iL-Sain returoav to . tbeae . organa. ,axtd typpelli deearbonizatioii 1 which ahowa that the lunps r the prooer orrani bv which carbon is sefjar- v j , - . t 'ed from the blood, and not the liver. From thwe remarks, it is evident, that if carbojucacid C was the cause of fever, all that woujd be ne- ary to exeile the system Into a febrile ac would be to suspend respiration by thtak. "T a mbject, or in any other .way carbon ojffdMhereby acctrai.darc . in tbe bjpod, and 'i.;:;Ju,t-,rrto;U U t!. t,!i T.'.tS 7,,. runn'i)r, it it k'nunt unnrrrutry to iy, (! ,i m4 tke 'tic, Shotild th ar-iments alr.ly a Innct J lis ftmt? tent to prS that Crhgc V gS U B'H the tu of ftfr, thry en ba eonArmrJ by othtt of epul or nijrior mignitude. Miner, and wtll di;jf n, who are mmi romUt.lly tl rA to ateioipbere tontaiir.ng an bionfoiste quantity tf tliji gas, In eonaeqnrnfe of the deep caverns which Uwir occMpitiona compel them to work In, arc not more subject to fver thse ho who live upon the eurfsr of the ttnh. Blacksmiths, thwr tfalty labor roflitralns them t form carbonle eci4 gii, by lbs cotnbinatloi of the oxygen which etUu la the atnvjtpbcre with Ue Carbon of the coal wl.ichtbey born, ar not paribilarly subject to fever.., A multitudi. nious variety of audi facia might be lutwduccd to pfwve tbe bctriii ttmJti hif1 f-tm lUuso. .Already -4vaicd,- mply-snfficiet.t. t afiaM ihr rcfore bring my a'gumenU to xlr 1 a4o -dvig 4 shall advwiioe no tftemyffor then it might be imagined thai t was endtevoV.' f '".erect l. edifiti uaii the- fuina U . otlr. ,. CAROLIMIS. ' CkvUif, Sjt. 28f. I8?9. JMeoi an4 .1fmmarii...,,..tewnU fmm Mexico state, that tlif Spaniard had foil po-se son 01 Tampicoi which wa very sickly, JW of tbe trnops being down witb the fever. The Mexicans were at Old rampino, one mile dit lant undrr Ceo. Haula Ana. fortifying them ele. Th bpaaish Gen. Barradss, being ab. sent hi the country, with pan of bis troops, the Mexicans attacked and cx.k the Old town i hut on the return of Barradai, it was surrendered, and the Mclicsna retired. Un. W!. Humors have reelid thtsei'y, which we foar are but too well founded, of the death of the Hon. (i saisi Ifoiets, member el ect from the Wilmington District and late Uov. enwr of ibU State. , iui. U.g. fail. lmfxrtahi f'tt frm irvA. The packet ship .Vspoleon brings to tbe Naw York editors Liverpool papers to the J'kb and London to tbe 24th August 1 inclusive. . Tbe wiieliigence fr'nm tbe teat of war by this arrival is bigbry impor. tant. It appear that the kuMHau' Gcnrral Dicbiucb having been reinforced at Aidoa with tbe corps of 12,0 men which hd been Undrd at Sicebotl," followed the Turks to the town of Kirk Killi, twenty French leagues from Coa tantinople. Here a great battle took place, 111 which tbe Turks were defeated and di'pened, and tJ!uiu atrpy waileft rnOiout ny ob. stae'e to Oppose i'S msrth to Constantinople. Already, according to. sccoimts from Vienna to tbe llth August, in anticipation of the -1 iratu m mc nrmy 10 ( ons'antinopli', mai-y of the wealthy inhabitants of that capital had removed their property, andmatle prepara. tions for proceeding to Asia. Tbe friends ol the Janissaries had begun to uliow tliemst Ivrs at ('oiiMantiimple ami had set fire 10 the tireek suburb ol I'era Fifteen hundred housei hd been drrroyed In the canHagration. All ac- eonnta t'em itiwtem tn hfct. ttiat m cmw. quence ofaome tlexterou manwivres on the lKt f the R;itian, and onit. ne(;!igence. per baps, on the part of the Urand Via,er, afntiis have taken a favorable turn for the invading army. .ru..;..-;.;Th6-renincoIa Gazette states, on. what it., coruider . the highest aUthor i t f , -1 h at t he IL S,- bi p - Jfamtt, Cap't'NorrW; is now. down at Tsmplco or Vert-Crotf-reedy to x've aiMstanre to Mr. Poinsett, and to allurd every protec tion to the citizens of the V. Sutes, and their fowful comiocrce- It Iso states that the Gramiut i efTordin active ron voy from Havana and Matanzas that the Shark is on a crime on the South side of Cuba, protecting. our commerce, partjeu. laTly belcen Cutis Critz and Antobio- Liverpool date to the 13th uit. inclu sive have been received at Piston. The Lord Lieutenant of I relund has is sued a pffKlarriiition, stating that o party of Orangemen on their return home, af ter dining together in the vicinity of Ar ncybridi;c, were attacked bv an assembly of Uibanilmen, when one of the Orange party was piked to death, and six o'heri wounded, three of whom had died. Me oflfets a reward of l"00 for lite appichcn slon of the person concerned in the raurdet- : A London paper of the 10th sy r-At late hour we are favored with intelligence, by express, from Constantinople, to the i 7tb ult. It fully confirms our statement that the Sulun itMantly rejected all over tures of peace from Russia, and that tbe offers of mediatiou of the English and French Ambassadors were also declined. ( . i t art j lo i'S U.a ( !.r,r tl tli prt a i.f tl, i aMii 't, bi-,!i n i,e !n'ih add Frrn ! It,rlt. Iht (t mum-in vf It Un It rj'i.l!y Jrtliiiing in Inuce . V, (J, J,u-nJ. Sl' An arrial from Yu'jtrtui brinra Imt'li rrnrt, that a llntliin in I'tM 4a4 bren f frrtH by the party I ieivlly to lWiaf, and that a plot, involving rtrolution, bad bacn diKv trd U . Jaro, (ten, Ia Fuenta tartisa of Dohvsr) witb 1 103 troop, had re vlmirnied Urn a, taken powemon of the palace nd tattle of Cailo, Al Albany, N. York, a Udv, 40 years oil, oh tainad a Verdict of Jf i ktrmhtJ JJUri namagea, sgaimrt a.ying man of only about 20, (br s breach of promise of msrrligt t In Guilford county, on tbe Ifui ult. Mr. W'il. lisnt C, Hsnkin, ssn who waa rip acted am! ei!ermrd-. . .. ... ; 'JKilmtf.lJlMiA, V.CJlU!ai!kllk .forr,'")nfant -ditigttfer1 if wnWoHriUain," E-j. of that district, aged 15 months. , . i.Attuafeuknoa..of..UatLd JJock, ,Xsri...k I '!) wo county, on thelitb iaat the Rev. Wsit Ti. Ablxngtop, itinerant rrcacher of the MetWU EpUcopal CUurcb, fonweriy tf Henry cnuntv. Vs. . , ' In Lincoln county, on the S5tb alt. Mi JW . it. McUan, wife of Lr. John Mr!-n, and daughter of iirn. Fphraim Davida-in, of Iredell county. It U neadlevs to say, that Ilia dispense. lion hs rast a deep shade of aorrww ever tbe circle of her relative and friends. In the kJoora of life with a purity of heart, and unpretcn. ding mildnesa of character, she meekly moved in the sphere of her du:y,eateemed and be. loved most bv those bo knew her beat. If ' 4 conanlatioai for those to whom her virtues bad endeared bar, and who the more deeply grieve for her early blight, that tuch a life was s meet preparation lor death, and a happy immortality. CtnmtinicaltJ. Departed tbt life, on the 25th of Augurt but, Jane Catharine Summerow, aged 3 years 11 months and II day-; Again i Mary I Ian lot Sum mcrow, on tbe 3 lit of the same month, aged 5 year 7 months and 3U dan Agaioi Robeit Iichael Summerow, ul ruber Vtk, aged 2 year 7 month and 19 day i All childrea of-Mr Andrew and Charlotte Hummerow. of Iredell couory-tbe rising nfTtpring of a youthful pair. An only one is still left in tUtir care i The Almighty Hoverelgn, w bo gave them breath, I.) mercy and wiadom ha willed their death; In tbe morn of life, jnst bad beeo enroli'd. Vet on the threshold of the eternal world j ' ITiou lireat hupremc' thy wavs are dark and light : Mot sure the Judge of all the earth d-ws right. Ctmmwucaltd. f.edrtfeiny,fjfi,3 lr ' ' Till: MJIUKHTS. An arrival at Boston from Liverpool, hrinRS-IjtgUsh. papers v t?$MsCJLH intelligence from the seat of war shews a rapid progress of the Hussiart arms. The. account from Constantinople, Ton the other hand, do not indicate that spirit amtjrighrTcrkrwhbrriiajteeTrTXhitjH ted on former emergencies. The Qtders for a levy en mane have produced but 20,000 tuen,.and these only from tbe dis tricts where there weren sufficient num of troop to compel the levy. A letter from Madrid, published in France iaya that Gen. Vives. Captain (ieoergl of Cuba, SaHiburf J'rictt, (Mtober 10 Cotton 1 J to 1 j cents corn i5 to .10, beef 3 to 4, but. ter 8 to 10, flour 3 7i to 4 ptr barrel, wheat 50 to 60, Iriah potatoes 30 to 40, tweet do. J5 to 35. bniwn sugar 12 to 15, coffee 15 to 22, u!t I.I to !.2i, homespuu cloth 15 to 25, whiskey 20 to 23, bacon 8 to 10. FayrffrnMr, Sept. 30......- ...Colton 6 to 7 bacon J to each brandy 55 apple do 40 o 42, hutw 10 to 15. corn 40 to 55. flaxseed 80, flour 4 to 5J, lard 7i, molaane St a 34, sugar 8 j to 10. sail 75 to 80, tallow 8, wheat 85 a 90, whikey 4 '. 28 l'- s- bank note 1 a 1 per cent, pre- lharft( Sept iSilColtua 7 to fl) centa, 7. hiskejx 26 a 27, bcoo 6 to 7, Urn o a ?, bct kind ol bsgging 20 .to J2, salt to 50, corn 42 a 46, coffee 11 to 15 N. Carolina bank bills 2 a 2 per cent, discount Georgia, 1 1 ditto- I'ttertburg, Fir r. Ocf. I if Cotton 71 to 9i looacco, mumuog 5 50 to 6, prime 9 to ; AV.M. J. COWAN, Taihr, Tf r.HI'F.CTftl-Lr informs lb Inh.b.Lnts of ii m Rowan county and tha rmliUc in gmrra', mat ii na iakn t !!. p at I on lietvet ( Stnre, If '! (iw, in sn toniity, 13 miles west o KalisSury Wr Its Intern! csrylng 09 till T.ULOMXG JMtXESS, . In alt Its f ariuus branches. , listing insd ar rangement ttfMittif u receive the Ncw.iork Sml Fhiladelphia IVhltms, and having himself worked in tbe mu4 faihlonahle shop in th tat, b feel a confidents In stating, that bis tarments will not be excelled, a to syt, fub in, nd durability of work mstnliip. ' All ord.-r from dislsnrf, slull be promptly attended to, and I (touted at iHort nKke. . " iTe'ltopea, by unremitting ittcntiuai to bust. oris, te merit and receive a sliare ef pubfid tisk ronage. The mallt favor will re thsakfolly lMidr-d gsaUfally aak -ow UwbL .. Jfii Crttwe, ttjwt ei. Vct. 1 TW ' ,1r50e ment uf Cowainlii g of .v;ir coons. FTTIIIr! r.t.rr hi j ut r-relrl, (mm Nw" JJL I of k iid I'liili'ila'plii I'l l ia n.iw i f rung, at bis, Kora in ('ON(.OHI), a general ort , O OOPS; I Dry Coo Ut Hard ll'arr, Vvflrrjf Pa inlt, is e. Ue, (Je. ; Hating pjn:lis?d en'irrlv for eaib. and In lending to aell lor e,k, l e forli awired that he Caa aril on term which will be mifeiory te ibwa wnfttnf ItTiorchiif. 1 h Llll.ti BM tj.MM.,Ha t... 1. I I. -fl ...I tumiae for UktaadrfLl.. Otfher tih. UH. ' 3mttM ' LIST OF MHTBHS, . I UL.ULM.U ia ibe-Fe-1 UlW4 ftlUUry, N. CaroHna, tbe 1st day of October, 18, Mrrhwri Afbriglrt"- Marcus Armatcd Wilie P. Almond ftarab Anderson Thomas Brown Marcus F. Beard Jerem. Brown John DIacbwcll Michael Baker Mom L Urown Ricb'd. Bradahaw El'ias larbcr Henry Bek.c'f John Bark'ey John flutner Dan'l. tile Nat baa ChafTin Christena Cauble Jbbn F. Cowan Uisabetli Polio Maiiin C'utU David Chroaa Armond II. Cole Wili Coals Andrew Cruse Ujiry Cliriaiian Calen Cirubrel iarah Crump Din.el :!! 'A m. ('. I)kr 3 John R. Dutin . Tito. P. Orveraux J oi. F.. Uuhbiiu Llixabeth Kdclmin Prtrr l.arv Ja. or Jack. JJJii . lohn Fraley ' Jariib fisher or Paul Klutts l'u Hon l.olge Peter Feawr C I'raucia Uibaon - -Oaks ft (iriffm 2 Joseph Oraham l.'aty tilover John 1'. Gonikee Dan'l. Heifer Btmetn Hartly ''arn'l (foin Jimea Hydw James t. lie'e Jolui'j. Ilulcn Wm. A. dowel John lliiebe Jame K. Hele Col. J IV. Hunter Henry Hill Eveline llenderaon 2 tieorge Howard William K. Hughe B.llv I). Iladen AbraUin Hill t Celia Hill i ., .... Jsmei f. Kerr " Henry Kern Ann l ock 1)'mI Orch John l.uckie Matthew II. Locke Alexander Lck John K. Icke Jacob Link Francis Uagle John Ience Ale binder Loretx Jane (i. Miller Forrest Monroe Fetcr IL Moury Margvet Mekentie John W. Moyer Fdaard Mason Andrew McMaken John f. Miller Philip Miller Thorns Miller Hnry Meselmore Jolntathan Mills Jaif M( berry AlciiiHler Nvabett JinvgNorris 5aT'!. ,Nahe Henry C, twen llumpliry Ven John Po.'l A. I'almtr Jacb I'ool A i Pack David i(erd . . . . Jacob Hiblen iticliard llobinHtn Jarob Heee George Kufty Cittiariiie Ktiotlctmith Micliicl Smith 'I'homai Scott Jane ftikelether John Ktrd art James Smith l.dw'd. II. Stephens tieorge V.--Hprars - Mary K. Smith lleiuv Secldcr Jitbn Stiuman Jacob Skilcs Mai. James Smith John Turner "JficVliompson Catharine Troulihao Jacob Trouttnan Adam Troutman Dan'l. Webb Mr. I. Ward F.dw'd. V White tieorgr Warner Peter Walton Jneph WooiU Tliurtiki U ninac- JL taM than ht can cmveaictiU. . "t lu. kai M1II...1U.J A. ai 1. uia,,uig lllf UIIUI Ig UaC't, Vl i'. comtimng 24 acres, lying tu U4 Roub Fmk of the U ik.n rive 7 mile, north of Ktatrerille, aiih a dwelling hf-ls?, and ) aeres cleared al in cuHistiun. Ano l.er tract tf ICO acres, lying on the water of .aid river, with a dwelling hofinj, barn, and 25 acre in cultivation. Another trcl of 114 acre, edUn- ing in ioove, II a.ilci noK of &iatettile, on the mala road leading from tbracc to W ilkaborw. AwHher tract of t3a twi, on the water rf Rocky Creek, unimproved. Another tract, of I00aer, on the watr of Uk hl Crxtk, adjoining lands f N. Nortoaj with a bouse, and 8 or 10 acres in cultivation. Anxber tract of 80 seres, on the water uf 1 bird Creek. 8 or 10 mile north snt of St.trtnlk-, with a house, ml about ten acrei In eiltiatirn. And another tract, of 50 acres, unimproved, on the Houth Fork of tbe Yadkin river Frier and payment, will be made aeeommr. dting, and can be known on application to the tubacn'ier, at Liberty Hill, Iredell cnun'y, N. C. or, In Mi abaence, to Jekt Prmitr, Persjns desirous of. obtaining bargains and srt. tlina: themclves in s beal'hy country wou!d do well to call and examine for iherrsMrea. There are churchca, gritt mills, ne miik aonl ma. chine and cotton gin, emirenifnt to t"e sbve land 1 and there re on th?m plen'y i'f gno. pnre wboleaotie 111111:1 if 6' has bt-en found on landvs (joining twj -.f th-je trsca, AB.M.K FtiM vrr.it. JtfK 10, Wheat 95 10 100, ;orn 55 to 60 cents Der bu.beL f II ,OTro,n.lon,. 1 Robert Ilulcn Richmond, Oct. 2d Co'ton 8 a 9J, !.eat John Jolimtonor I'etcr Jamrs vVillia 1.25, porn 45, bacon 7 to 71, brandy apple 42 a K rider Thorn Walkef 45, whiskey 26 to 27r v. Ctmpikr. . John Johtu. .. .-. -, Flijalv Vuiinfi :iM r I ri.,!... V... . r !.--.- -rt-iA. 1. a ., I liomai . rfiiina to '5 out of the wagon,' thaf Troro Camden mill 6 to 7 s wheat ft I, corn SO to 5Q,oati 33, salt 65, whiskey 23 to 35, bacon 7 to 8. Mi-fsArr I.e. 18:3. H. HS just rreeivi-d, an-1 oncnr.l at his ftoro in Saliibuiy, tjrb-e and bandsome a'S-jrt nient of Spring flirt Summn GOODS ; Also, t.rnccrii-s, Hard war , Cutlery, Fluted Wa'e, Hats, and Hattcm' Trimming, Cro-k. ery, a gond iriiimnie 4" g Cloths, Shora, 'io,,''e,njrri. ev y aniue usuauy tj'-i rr asacd tor in stores. His stork of goods has been pnr hs vl entire, ly for raiA ; bimI lie is delernnnn! to r-t tltm I as low t can be hail in I lit! Iilafr Irir rtk. utln punctual cumomt rs on a snnn crruit. 1 ie pun. lie are respectfully invited lb Call, examine, and jutige tor tnemseives. . Saliiiwy, June 3d, 9?9, 70 A CARD. A. TU1UVK.VCK .& Co. 1 rlWK removed to the north corner of the uJ Ct.urt.Hotisr the St ire attached to the Mansion Hotel 1 where they ar dispoa,. J fo self GOODS very tow. Sm1. Johnston 3t90 Iteuben Yarbroagh." S.WlfKL RKF.VKH, .. R Xem-Ytrk, Sept. 29 Cotton 8J to lOf flour 6.87 to 7, cotton brfkryme nisde of btnin 19 I.. 71 u.l,..l 1 ".7 l. I L. ....'. I 1 er 20 to 25, hemlock do. 18 to 2J, liums 9 to 10, ( John Andrew salt 42to j0, apple biandy 36 to 40, whi.-kty ?1J ' Laiiso,, II. Alexander to 22, leaf tobacco 3 to 5, yellow beeswax 23 to ! John C. Bandirart 24 ..... ... North-Carolitja hank billa J to jeriJames 11. Burns cent discount, Smith Carolina 1 to 1J, Georgia) Matlias Buninger 2 toJ, Virginia I per cent. do. j John Uarnheart 6.50 to g7, wheat 1.00 a Rl, harnn 5 to 6, l, 60 c,h"r,"e Bfpo"n 3 to 100, peach brandy 75, api-le do. 40 a 45, whis- . "?drd key.15. John L; Bamnger Wilmington, S,pt. 10....Cotton 7 p 8, flsx 10 3 Craiioft. to 13, flour 6.50 to 7.00, corn 60 10 60, r lieese 7 f;e0e ciine to 8, apple brandy 33 to 35, taiiow 8 to 9. , "m Andrew Cur- Lynchburg, I'irg. Oct. l Tobacco 4 to 9,: 'ne Flour 4.37 t.. 4 50, wheat 75, hi-kcy 23 to i4, E'iJu B- !)vU 2 Bacon 7i to 8. Tohac n, duU file. Wheat has Andrew Davis 2 risen a little, and sell readily at 75. J,,," l)rv CefaRfcTx, 5 C. Oct. 1 Cotton 8 a 10, ! Jnac"b ,fot flour 5 fo 6,- whiskey 25 16 30, b'acbfi to lOrr i - p!"!!. f wheat 87 to. 100, com.57-U.6Q, salt K. l' """' ...JZ Philadelphia, Oct. 1. Cotton 9 to 10, Flour iu. Garmon 2 4.62 to :, Wheat 1, corn 44 to 52, bUck eyed :-nTa Care reas u 10 ju, ' irginia iiams o 10 y. LIST OF M.TTKHS F.M.MMNti in the Fit Office st Concord' N. Carolina, un the Ut of October, 1W9 Chri'topher Liflltr I'.iioch Mr(;raw ThomsiMotler 2 Joseph R Mckinley Jacob Mouse Stcplirn Mck'inley -CluiMoyhcMelchar3 j . Alsiy tfcuhvitte,. Ten. Sept. 26..........Cotton 7 a 8, flouTJT 15 taTd 6 Tff 7rwhi.ker2Jld37Tratt5 " N. Carolina bank bills 10 per cent. dis. Baltimore, Oct. 1 Flour $6$ a 7, Cotton 10 to 1 1, whikey 24 to 25, bacon 9 to 1 1 , - Jtttton, Sept. ?6..'....:..;Ccrtton to 10.flar 9 a II, flour 7 to 7-124, corn 50 a 51, cheese 3 S, tallow a 8J. . , Cincinnati, 0Ai', Sept. ' j5..,i..Cottoii 15 j, fea thers 23 cents, flaxseed 37 to 40, flour 5.75 to Bamw kiiav ucu ?-- 'jimiii vawsiv 1 s w uuuat i i, tf A i u gtn I t. r v et energetic remonstrance against the project or W no. r, wrosaer vt t" 1 .- inf auine. tMeiicu,-10 w uicj) njcujcpreaciiia par- ' t ni-aiiiuij AlexiCo,- in hicl he, jepresentl radavfthe commaodeTxrf thwpreseirt rxped it ion; as a dangerous man, whom he had several times been, under the necessity of expelling from Ha vana. t w roas;, axfT. 2C. Cot ten. Tbe sales amount to 12j0 bales; of which about 900 wee Upland, consisting of mid dling atal 1 8jc fair quality at 8 j a 9c, good at 9 J a 10c, aud prime at 10 a 10 je t about 250 aL9 a lOjc : a parcel of .New Orlean at 10jc, and aboet 100 5 3ic lb. fxnert, 2644 bjle. 0oi Mine for Sale. THE subscriber has a 0'old Mine, in the coun ty of Cabarrus, wbicb promisee, a he be lieve, better than any other mine in the court try t Which he ia disposed to sell, on the most accommodating terms. Persons, or companies. desirous of making a fortune at tbe business, would dp well to apply soon (0 the subscriber, at Concord; Cabarvus county, N. C. JOSIAH W, WKDDINGTON. OrttbfS'h, 1829. " 1 Josiah Harris James Harris itilinrltn Jonathsn Hartael Ivi House Rolerick Hartlin Capt. Sam'l. V. Harris Miss Sarsh Harria Alexander Irwin William A. Johnston - Thomar,6fioit Thwmas Littleton Alichael ilMer A. C. MiHee Bfljmford S. McRinxie Ilobert T. t'lunkct Willism Teter John N. I'hirer M1-1 Mary Park Vnrcn Ruk 5etli Rodger 3 John Krmlleinan 2 Ozni Rodgi-r 1'elix Raherts Klius Sticll IkcrHary of Stoke I.fdge 37- An liibald Smith Daniel Stough K!ia4lieth Jkclingtou Samuel Shinn' trTfm-M.-Walkw Itt-v. John W ilton, D. I). Elias WincotT (ivorge liry,.Es. Mary Wilkitwn DafSielfdr-" Dan'l. Walker Kam'l. Weddington 7 Capt. Jame Whit James Wie'r, AT Augtt term of Rowan county court, 1829, the liubscrioer obtained letter-of Admin iat ration on the Estate of Robert Penry, dee'd. All perwns indebtrd to said isiste, are reucs. ted to make payment without delay 1 and all thote having demands against the same, are re quested to bring them forward, legally authen ticated, for settlement, within the lime prescri bed by law, or this notice w ill be pled, in bar el their recovery. . .NBK?S0N, .Urtr. .iIL 2n?). ----- a,J' Greul Bargains ! TTHF. subiotiher's intention being to rem to (lie Wcit, if pomible in the spring, i.i Ir-rs the following Property lir sale, upon ft s'jnshle errrir', namely -rfcSV .1.10 acres of lnd, i-ig in tho ff-Forks of the Yadkin, nin ii '. s from V'Hitf ''ali .Miry, adjoining Frn'-VK Ford, JP Zachiriah MacAtee f,l 'drs, on wlnrh are some improve mrnisi and a for health, stippi.ncd to be tqual to any I'laif tation in the county. tuL.lvinjr on Crana Creek, three quartets of a mile from town, ad- joini'ig John I tzmsn, I homas Mull, and othrrs. on WTich there are ten or twelve seres Yieauw Ground, of Aral quality. . I C -..iis I ft a- .mso anumoeroi anu in nnre, tor aaie at his store in Salisbury. Also, s new svl complete Slick f'I'i and liar. nets, tor an a men, gooa notes 01 nanu, or ne gro projir rty, will be received in payment. In exchange I"', or in payment t, me an ive property, notes of hand on solvent persons, op r.egro property will be received. I bOSB WUO WISO 10 ouy, wouiu ho wen iu ai ply toon. . EDWARD CHUSS. satttinw, vttif. m; tjvt- o N II. the remaiuimr Vick of tlQtiDS on hand iti Concord; Comprising g.id a.jrrmerit. belonainir to the aubscrilwr, will ba solrt tr on low ttnni rxl payments made easy to the pur- chaser, if the whole tjek eould be ii;Med a ooe r l''. E. C. ZV),0V) atrca of LaV.VD FOIl HALE, a . discoveries, within 4he Gold ('tint siasBia. of North-Carolina. This tract was I VINO. in tbe countv of Surryj . J and, si is believed from recent irranteU bv the State, in the year I795i consista I I rt ftmitlf.tif ill, snitnaw- nr')niiun-w tftan nount,. , ..., aii-',i. i.i : i . ' ; ... -. i - fii n in p 1. wi" f Trpimtntr Tiritii-''is wrwr- River. It 1 mterseeted m fifteen or twenty miles by Mitchell's river, affording an abundant supply of watcr pnvyer at all seamns, and many sitei ctmvenient'for the application dffhit pow er to the purposes of Machinery. Gtdht late ly been found in the neighborhood of this land, but its mineral treasures are in a great measure) unexplored. Fersons desirous to purchase, are, reforred the Editor for more particular lnfpr tr.a'.ion, with whom tho plat of thi land U d planted. Mn4Jfiim, 7i -

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