Ir i'i 1 1 M--.. . ' Mansion Hotel, IX6AMSnt;itY.N CAltOMNA, Jhj HZIU .1U.lUMO.YU. fglUIS lfjtnl FsUbWim m u f i U X s.tuatrd at th North Corner 1 1 1 ! W tb C. irt H mu. sM in th efi. - Vti..l'tf f hiuines. 1b pmprktnf lit ue "rat pains to procure f. tbi estab Lahnwiil, lurnitnra ry decpptiJ here. ry to thcimfrt of .Travellers, and pet, ! be prJ for lb Table the bs th fcoitry tflWda, - JM U wifl bs ,ukfi wiib choice I jiiors 4 l ha inablea, fiiutl la any h thUie, provided with plenty afprnvriNUr W bind, and J'ndl bjt ftbti ring nj utentira Holler. Tha convemeac f tbi ituatioj ia eioel. if a4 siprUr, any rttxmt families. tha fff BUKI. n en ICE ltOTJr which wttgulariy at lupp'vl " ctf Mil KiwrrliTO o H..1M Muwri fcef Mwirci tb TJUbbeltitt ixxhiif atf be wanUng, A" P" rak U"4 ComforUlI who m1 think proper to call. CCTi" Tb ViVth, .WAm, Jiwwf and Okfr STAVE, ate? the Hotel. KZK.l M.I.FMOXM, Jrnl. &sry. X C. IQM, 13. 191 To Cotton Unmet . A xfTTVl!', subscriber having been ' a, if frequently solicited by hi isJy. 1 4d customer, again to establish 1 -i tl Cm Maki'if Ruii, brt 1111 opened bit hp in 8IUbury, where he i prepared to mk tnj rrptir Oin, of erv bett material in a ivpcrior ly'e uf worlaDantbJp, ami 0 tcnci tha oiuat ccommo. JtMfieea in theae hfd time. Having bea m(fftJ in the bauorn tit or aefeo yrr antJo)injf a part of bia tim for brer or four of tha Um aeiaona ia picking & tim, fur the tprM( puT" f t" f"y qiiamting biimtlf itb tlia pritxipWi am! prac U(al opcratioa f tbeM-uarfu! machine i and liinjr recently Ited South Carolina, brre the moat improved ina ara in ue. wltb the vieW f axiKuung ikem, and nuking bimaelf ac jdlr.ted Hh the plan on which tbey art isoiw Mructcii, kc. b Uierefjre freb aawred, that by bia cftUrged ckperieiMy, ttml acqoireJ, in making iik! repairin)r Uina, and picking cotton, he can comtnict tchinei tuperior to ay ever done in North Carolina. Tlie itbuig wrk dona in thia fine of btiti nca, are retpectfully invited to call on thaeub acribtr, irtne the plao-and eiecution of hie vork, esaftiiiM and futile for tLcmvea. Ha will (part no paine in atipplying bimn-lf mitb the brit material to be had in tbe country ( and will mke and repair Gins accofJing to onlera received, on abort notica and reaaonabla term. All thoe who may pleaaa to call on him, will find bim either at Lit abop or dwetllnr in Salis bury, ready to execute any job wiib wbicb tbey nuy b pkaaed to favor bim. SAMUEL 1'RALEY. Sditiury, Jne. 6. 1S.'9. 79 Got A Washing JSlacVine. fTOTICE. Tl w to notify the public in gen 1 eral, that having acquired from the Dr- lartmcot of State of the United States patent or tbe Macbinea for Waatiing, Cleaning and . Separating Gold duit, conaiatiog of a Funnel, 1 .Trunk ind Snout, I bereSy forewarn all peraooi 1 from using or making auld Machine without my -j permuaian. KICHAKD LI'S.. BuVurftrd C: Spt. Iff. 1829. 8t9l j TTIOWAN county, Auguvt etsions, W8: ' m jobn Ctchison, Administrator of John Black, dee'd t. the heir at law of Jacob BUck, Cc'd.j Justices' execution, levied n Land. It appearing to tha wtisfteiion of the eourt,abat Adam Dlact, Folly F.tchiaon, Daniel Black, Ann Stet and Hauiel Black, Guardian for William ' BlacY i are not lnhsbrtintsof thi(aU( on teo. tion of tbe plaintiff, by counsel, ordered that publication Be irudc. in tbe Western Carolinian tor sit weeks, that unless the (aid defendant appear at the next court to be held for the coun ty of Kowan, at the Court-house in Salisbury, on tbe third Monday in November next, and wn'wer said petition, judgment will be entered for tbe plaintiff's demand, ar.d execution awar d.-d accordingly. tl9Z JOHN G1LF.S, iT. , State nfX.rth-Carolina, Mctkltnbwg cnry . QI PF.IUUR court of Law, May term, 1829 : " K7 "IWinon-Tarmer -,-Jbn- J'anna4etitior fi-r dirurce. In tbi caae, ordered by the court, OioiLpublication be made in the Raleigh Regis ter and Western Carolintan forttrrg month successively, that tbe defendant be ami appear at the next auperlor court of !: to he heid for the county of Mecklenburg, at tbe court-bouse in Charlotte, on the sixth Monday after tbe fourth Mondav in September next, and plead or . answer to the pUntifi'i petition, or tbe same will be heard exparte. Witness, Samuel Henderson rlerk of our said court, at office, the 7th Mon day after the 4th in March, 1829. 3mt86 SVM'L. HENDERSON, e. L . c. Stalt f AWrt A-Car (Zic MtckUnbwg county : UPEKIOH Court or Uw May term, 1839 : Lt.K7 " E lix Cte William Goxw - Petition Sot Divorce. Ordered By ihe coiurUhat pablicwtion vc nwr iwt Hirsg iuuiiuu iuvkhitcij in iiic Western Carolinian and Yadkin and Catawba Journal, that tbe defendant be and appear at tbe l-UICILI"D'r'or court of law t be held for the countv of Mecklenbtirp. at the coiiTt-tlonse-ti Charlotte, on the 6th Monday Acr the fourth Monday in September next, and plead or answer to the plaintiff's petition, or the same will be heard exparte. Witness, Samuel Henderson, "tier of our said eourV at eflfice, the 7th Moo. day after tha 4ib Monday in March, 1829, 3mt97 BAMt7 HENDERSON, c m. . e. Utatt if JVsrtA Carolina, Uavidion county rarnisbee. Ju thiscaiehab : ing to the satisfaction of the court, that the de, fondant, Frederick Craver i not an inhabitant of tbi state, it is therefore ordered by the court, that publication be made air weeks successively in the Western Catoliniah, printed in Salisbury, fur the akS Frederick Craver to be and appear before the justices of our court of pleas and Juarter sessions, to be held for the county, of avidson aforeaid, at . tbe court-house in Lex ington. on the 2d Monday in November ncxV then and thereto replevy or plead, otherwise . judgroenriihlTwniT entered against him, for the plaintiff' debt and costs. Witneta David .Mock, cltrk of our aaid court, at office, the 2d Wonday of August, Anno Domini, 1829. 6t2 D. MOCK, ffJIt, l-tmmuiMKiK.V9i riea aim uuarter besatona, Au. nmiiv. Ul rx. m4 ' ! THE ABBTU r r.u, r waa. roaaviil itaal wiiaoa. fllgr'., thtwi baet mrrVly bomi All tt,e cold world l.'i'tvf acorn Jmimying through tbi raW of tea t ill tin promlaeJ land appear Where lb pure in heart (lull dwelt Tumj dxt bleat tb labbath ik0 S Idler, folio ii'g Gtlion'i toy, , , Bekiflf, 'mUi n etnpty loya, ' rbraatirc that awful end M pal ( Ibat muat tnd in ram t lVbat due wbuperir g coi.vciencw tell, )Vhew thoa bcai'it tbe Sabbath B:B t Waniig leafth IA3 yotftbrnl firf Woulng aitll tha Jitunronr fime, - -,. ror,'al brcf.'l fltetingtimef Btirat tbe Uaiiia of Fancy'l (pel! " list !-'tie tbt Mabbali Ull I " Monarch, on thy regal throne ' Ruler whom tha nation own i Captive at thy priaon gala, Had in heart and desolate i Bid earth' minor caret farcweD llarkl itUthaSabbwih Bell! w fitatearaen, toiling in tb mart. Where ambition playt her parti Peasant, broruing 'neatb tb tun. Till tby ia day work is don i trery thought of bu si nets quell. When ye bear tbe Babbatb Bell. Travrfer, thou whom gain or taste Hpctdcth through earth' weary waste, ' Wanderer Irom thy na'iv Und, Ileal thy Meed and alack thy band. When tb seventh day' sunbeam U'l, Tbera they wik the Sabbath Bell ' Soldier, who, on battle plain, boon may 'at mingle with the (lain ; Sailor, on the dark blue ara, Af thy lark KdV gallantly ! I'ravrr and praiae beevme ye well, ' - Thougw ya haaf wo Sabbath BebV r- Mother. that with tearful era Stand'tt t wstcb tby tint born die, Bending o'et LU cradle bed, Till tbe hst pore breath ha fled i What to tbee of bone can tell l ike the solemn Sabbath Bell f - Mourner," thus it aeems to say, " Weeing o'er this fragile clay, lift from earth tby streaming eye, Seek thy trecire in the skies Wliete the strain of anrels swell One eternal Sabbatb Bell !" Fiom the .Vlantic Souvenir for 1 830. LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP. BT WILLIAM I.F.OGI.TT. The birds, when winter shades the sky, Fly o'er the away, Where laughing ides in sunshine lie, And summer breeze play. And Unit the friend that Cutter near . Whits burtune'a in is warm, Are startled if a cloud appear, - ..And By before she storm. f - w PROSrERITf AND ADVERSITY". i'hen fortune smile and look serene, Tie " Pray, Sir, how d'ye da, Your family are all well I hope, Can I Ktve them or you ?' But if, perchance, her scale should turn. And with it change your plight, Tir then I'm sorry for your, frte, .. . But times are hard good night. Oat whenrfronv winter's howling plains Each other warbrera part,"''1 ' - The Tittle anow bird still remains, ' And cherttp midst the bUst. Love, like that bird, when friendship' throng With fortune's un depart, Still lingers with it cheerful song, And nestles on the heart. SUNSET. Day sna in glory, and the glowing air around. Seems dreaming in delight i peace reigns Save where tnme beetle atartelh. hcrt.snj there From the shut flowers that kias tbe dewy -ffftmudi -. A burning ocean, stretching vast and far . The parting bauuers of tbe king of light. Gleam round the temples of each living star That eometh forth in beauty with the night j The west seem now like some illumined ball. Where beam a thousand torches in their pride, A if to light the joyous carnival (bride, Held by tbe bright tun and his dark robed Whose cloudy arms are around hi bosom preseM, As with her thousand eyes she woos him to Lis rest. ...XPITAfll. psi Dimsb, the hardhearted us- f uf - wha diedh JolyH?" Beneath thia verdant hillock ies Dimab, the wealthy and the wiae. His bcirs, that he might safely rest, tttjmtAiateJnjLChertr The very chest in which they say His other te, hi money lay i And if bis heirs continue kind To that dear, telf be left behind, J-,- We dare believe, that four or five Will think Am biuer halftiivt. & Witt to Snuff-lakcn. once illjteodedjjMid ..t&latc Dr. Rush, a accompaQied with a loss of appetite auu twuHiucraoic eraaciatton. uoserv iog that he frequently practised the taking of anuff, to which I attributed his complaints, I advised him to tus. pend the use of it. This he accord mgly did j and soon began to mend very fast. I v?ai informed by him a few weeks after, "that Jie.Jd gained thirty weight in flesh, and was at that period in. the enjoyment of perfect health. .Mtscrj.M.Yt Till) r.Ul.MlJl. The fallowing just and beautiful description wt extract from tha ad. drtss cf the Hon, Mr, Kowan, of Kentucky to the citizens of Louisville, on the 18m Aug! Who Is there among ui that beholds the condition of our farmers, sod does not tiult in tht consciousness that he is an American citizen i The house of the farmer js the abode cf the (.Yir tues. tt It a school ia which lesion of practical wisdom art" taught It is a icfliplejn which tha precepts of our holy itYumMiim4tJtjht castle: ot gOYfreigtitT,' for it is- owaed by its occupant; and :hf U freeman, tt Is the residence of peace, order, harmony, and happiness. Patriotism and piety unite in consecrating the place, and ia suffusing every counte nance with their Unction; Indeed, what condition in life is so likely to produce that patriodim which will stand the country in stead upon tm ergencies, of that piety which Will af- furd solace ia extremity, at that of the farmer ? He occupies a constant, intimate, and sensible relation with Heaven. His mind is subdued with a love of order, by constantly beholding that which prevails around him. Tbe regular succession of the seasons, of day and night and of seed time and harvest, admonish bim to the obacr vance of regularity and order in all his conduct. JIc perceives that the Sun and the Moon perform their circuit without oitering on the way; and learns from them, that industry it re quired at his hands. He looks to Heaven through its rains and its de ws, lor the reward of his labor in the abundance of his crops. He makes the swered volume of Revelation the man of his council, and source of his consolation. IJe unites with his wife and children in tones of supplication" and strains Of.praise around the farm ly altar,' on the morning and evening of each day. lie acknowledges no sovereign but Heaven and the People ; he bows with appropriate reverence to the will of each, and exults in the freedom of his own for his homage is a free will offering, claimed at his hand by the convictions of his reason. His affections - are conducted by his judgment and not by his tears, in bis aevoiton.-- matron cuasiuy inu inin tile influence s'weetenandl Religion hallows the atmosphere of his homr and render it rcsistlessly attractive. He loVet his country because the farm and the domicil of which he is the pro prietor, and with which his affections are identified, are a part of that coun try. His patriotism is an essential part of his conscious identity, Cod nected by his' affections'with the soil, and by his piety, with Heaven it par-; takes of the stability of the former, and the purity of the latter. It inspires him with holy enthusiasm in the cause of his country, when its honor or its safety ts concerned. It is electric, and strikes every contiguous bosom, till it pervades the community. JIUTUMXr , . ran xaULAmiMFCOBDtR. Linger, then, yet awhile, i A the last leaves on tbe bough, Ve have loved the gleam of many a smile, " That is taken from you now. Deviant. Had we the tender and pathetic ex pression of Bryant to clothe our mus ings, we would dwell long and thrit lingly upon the lessons taught so forcibly in the advent of sober-suited autumn. Coldly indeed must he look upon nature and her changes, who does noting Tuxu contemplation of all her seasons, All are but chorda to that instrument which! yields its tone to every breath of man, andVibTatea-involuntary-to every feeling of his breast. In the Soring, the fairy melody is made up ot the unmingled warbtmg-of rapture, the iDvoluntary thrills of untaught fin gers the overflowings of that spring of gladness,-whtch gave my hology her fabled fountains, and from which issues la& I" VT : - - ---.. . h ' '"' tnon ot ine voiceless nrmonyt-nea ven. Ia Summer it is mellowed into the haraony of hope. The voice which never mourned is heard in its rich diapasons ; its glowing progressions are tempered to the calmness of ma tured desire t its echoes are unbrok en by the irregular responses of untu tored passion, and its deep and ever varyiog consonances chime, iswelland estuate in infinite gradation. Beauti fully, though sadly the reverse of these, is the styje of 'Autumn's 1 unwritten r..-sic.' I i.c r.: i f 5 UI I.. 1. U 1 , ( i, cf t'i arJcr.l t'.din' anj the devotion mer have been damped, but not t' deaJcn a single tone. The chords on which ones played the trrath cf the affections, are strained, but not to break. The mind is no longer a migh ty organ yielding it sounds to the hard of man j but becomes a gentle Xol'un harp, catching Its magic tones from every breath of tha Autumnal breeze, riaiotivc'and tweet, as though sound ittrlf Hd tsught a charm from the bouuttful hues of decay they came up on the ear, blending into harmony such strains as no art can imiutty do science arrange no skill record. Such ia the music of Autumn upon that deep-tontd; rrjou ioMruencnt H M.,.-..,..,., . 7 The grave cornea gloomily upon the thoughta of frouth." They j hsve not yet buried there the better part of their hearts. To the pilgrim who has far ther advanced on the hlghwsy of hu man disappointments, the last home of man it a welcome theme. Lovely to him, Dot only that it already holds his best hopes andhii only charms that made the world fair amid all its deso lation, the grave the cold and dreary grave, sends up a sweet and holy call to his weary and broken soul. All that speaka of decay has a charm to him. Na marvel theo that he wootthe mel ancholy influence of Autumn, breathes witrt untoia aeugni ner signing urcc zes, and settles ao unwesred gaze upon her red and yellow forest. Let child hood hang with' enrapturicrg fondness over the brilliant beaaty ol bpnnts first flowers but it little idols will wither. Let msturer youth yield its full devotion to the fruitful and fervent hopes of Summer yet th.ey, too; shall niss awav. But who that has ever relished the calm yet passional love nf fadinr beautv. which steals UDon w o y i - the unsubdued tho softened spirit of one whose hopes have been like the Summer cluud, will cling to such Decline hues asriin. There is ao au- tumn in the soul, where all these ima ges are deep and indelible. Even the Winter of age though it withrrs the outer form, can never supplant the sweetly lingering hues of autumn in the soul. They ding to the memory longer than hope and the memory tself is life. . COW TREE. Ur. Lockhart. a celebrated BoUnlit,- writes from Trift'uUd, one of the West India l.laaK and apeaka Utua of a ewf frea in, Tlombia I have just i c turned from an excur sion to Caraccas, where I collected the juice of the cuw-tree, ("Palo de V'aca,) and I have now the pleasure ol send ing you a phial of. the milk, together with a few leaves, and a portion of the root of the tree. The Palo fie f'aca. is a tree of large dimension. The one thst I procured the juice from, had a trunk of sevenfeet in diameter, (and it was 100 feet from the root to the first branch. The milk was obtain- ed by making a spiral incision into the bark. Carauo, the place where I met with the tree, is about fifty miles east of La Guayra, and at an elevation of from 1000 to 1200 feet above the level of the sea. It is likewise found be- tweeii"apr-iTdera-aod-.liarccljouu The. milk Jsused by the inhabitants wherever it is known. Tdrank apint of it,- without experiencing-the least inconveoience. I a" taste and" consis. tence, it much resembles sweet cream, and possesses an agreeable smell. I was so fortunate as to procure some young trees and roots of the Palo de Vaca, which I will endeavour to in crease and, if I prove successful, you may expect to have a plant. I am sorry that I was not. able to. collect ;anv specimens """"worth "sending daring-my visit to Caraccas,' my stay beinj; limit ed to eight days, sii of which were rwnLin-procuring the cow-tree. I. however, picked up t few seeds, which are sown in a mixed state at St. Ann's, and which are likely to afford some thing intcresuog,. . J am glad to hear that botany goes on prosperously in Europe. I am sorry to say, that. during nine years residence in this Mrtof-the-wMld-r.lJa8VBla ine avaneemene oi scjcnce..jTiepTra cipal airr of the people here being to make money in every way they" can. For the last eighteen months, from close attendance to the garden, I have had but little time to devote Uncol lecting. - 'Drying Apd Candles. In village not far; from Chester, a lady entered her kitchen, and found the.oven swim ming with grease. On asking a ser- i t & ... I ( t . tU vit.t, a VrL!i i'iit ,; i, , Caniraift nuil tswrrrj w greatc&t simplicity, " 1, )ojrr.l tress the cinJle was fll in tKe water, and I was put her la the oven ta dry," W.mRLYC of ItOllSKS. This it a part f their dietetics tht it not of a trifling import. AU horses prefer toftwatcr and it protet more 1 wholesome. It it net a good custom to warm w(er generally fur horiei, bat it It a rnuJi worse custom to give thcni water, lust it awn from the pump' or well and particularly in summer, wbenauch water is comparatively coU dcrthan io wjntcr and when the hone Is probably much hotter from exerciip, 4cAi-tomt.honesdriok .J9,jickrrw than "others,- iHtmofe proper to gtrr- therif their waief la the stable thia i pond, where-thty often drluk- Ira- - moderately .The"qttintliygivea' should be regulated by their ciercfie tod other circumstaoees', . Ia summer' when the exercise his been severe, more it necessary, fa common cases . I l .1 large nurse require rainer more lain the half of a large stsble pail, aol and that twice ia th? djy at oight a full pail should be allowed, making in all three waterings. It is erroneous to suppose that abstinence from water increases the wind or vigour j on' the contrary, msny diseases are encour arrd, particularlv ioflimatcry onei by this deprivatim. If it were the custom to place water within the reach of the animal he' wuulJ he found to drink more frequently, but less freely than when watered according to the usual method. The restraint in this particular wbenjournying is barbarity itself, and is fatal to the appetite, tb the spirit and to the temper of tic animal. Horses should never be gal loped after drinking it is the frequent cause of broken wind; nor should horses have much water glrea before eating bo on a journey, wheo the animal is Very dry, give three or four quartsthen feed and when that is parity eaten, some more t and after wards the remainder of the quantity intcuded, which io hot weather shoV-d be liberal. .1 SHORT SER.MO.Y. ik vlfy Ulmud-cuidiaicti'-ljbO'v crave your reverend attention ycuie-: thai 1 am a" lade' nun, and tnow tr.r to have come at a short warniog j rr. ohject and meauiog ia to preach )'u . hort sermon, upon a short sulti, and I ihiok iu aii unworthy Hulp'n. M beloved audtenee,-mv-Tf- 1 s .Waff: now I cannot divide it into sentences, by reason it has none, nor into words. it being but one, nor yet into tylabla the whole of the matter being but ot monosyllable, ftow, I must, as oc cessity enforces, divide it into letters, which 1 1 ad jrt my text to be' thcK four, U.2 LT mjdt-y, "my belov ed is moral.?, is ' allegorical literal and T, is-theolugiciiL T- moral part is, when oue thing is sp ken and anosher meant, the, thing I spake was Malt but the thing I mar. was, the Ale of Malt, or strong Ikerj which you 'gentlemen -admire. Tta latter part is acc rding to the letters, JL much.?, ale L, little-T, thirst, vizMudAleAoJittle.jhirst. So the theological is the effect which i: woftclhnn-melfurderaw in others, .i, adultery and in soxe a gain, X, looseness of life and in others T, treason; and the . effect winch workcth iu the world to come is, .1. misery .1, anguish A, lamentation and T, torment. Whereas my fi; np !ill he a use of exhortation, th-' i3for.), mvsclf, and .'J, all of yo; L, leave off T, tippling, or else X myself, and , all of you, L, look ic this time and.. text. W, by way of caution beware of drunks ness It impairs the understand wastes the estate. bsnishshe-fVi tation, ctinsames the body and reticle I the man of the brightest parti, iH rimmrtn 1aS nf fVHTV insitfniflC! he Alehouse's benefactor, the C: MnVtrAitlde- hi wife's woe. his drens sorrow, his neighbor's scoff,111 iw5rSs It is not generally Inown that Ij Lvndhurst never wears a pair or sw spcnnrl im. Pine doinirvthMl Melmoth ! One has heard of " --i ij o. loTiiries in tb sua. auu uiu sai, . . -. - - wav : but it is reserved for our diVi' discover thit there is comfort inaiH shoe.-. -an -fe Pi 5l th "fa th. t '. J J

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