f 1',' " , ' lilDi f r ,r. ' ?0 r J A f Mill M l't'l 'f - lfi,1 ,.kfer I I . J , SAIJSnUKY, ItOWAS COUNTY, N. C TUKSDAY, OCTOHKIt 27, 1023. VOI X.....NU. 430. J - -- 'l"-" ? f ' m ,,M.I l tf .It..., ff f t , tu- -' I f Ivt mn r. If Ji f, ?uvfc vtWe prra. j. kyi.i i, 1 . -1 hcain the tuuulj oi C!nuk,uiU f...k l,f ll,. It ,,1. kill IV.M!- m ...in ir. fit. i it 1.1 111 Sut)k . 4 Ut Ai,.tiur,,jiii4 &U JrcJ tixl tevrot) ! biul. ' I be V.i.ii of . tU I Crst rlr, tf )! dwp, t! i-Uri-c 'Hir r U boiif ! hulr-d crr rltur tt my ''th i iMifnvf',ir!itiidfk:n( rt dUinf4iou!, iii c r nrly lour ttn-.n'i .dJrf. tud oihrr bml!ui nnmeft C l ''de All'!kiion lo ti;r)i of W, cn be nu l II. II. Alculor, in niv kl)Mnc. ' 87 J. AIX.YMf.K. Great liargaiux ! JL tathc Hit', if Wfble In lh frr tli ft1lo iiC I'rwpcrtjr for 1.1c, umi r uoM tf rn', nuro -ly i gf 1"0 w-rn "f Lwdi ty'npr in 1h jri jr? Fork of the VfJkin, nine mtlcii fnim CJtyJj' Hafi.bary, ailjiit'i'ff Vrcd'tk. rnril, J "r!L. which irt impMtTirmii ; ti fur hrlb, uprod to be ijttl l oy flai" tulion i 'h eimy - - fr, ihrre iiunri f WU If-" " ,f J.n rUnrt,TlHtr.n Vl. m1 Phr, ' on rt irH 'Ufii UB cr t t'r ci :2vi f,-m.l,of f'l qiil. A!o number id 7i ft for mm I Iiia ;ire in baliVjmir. Also, intw iidcoil.plrlc PlifV Wi M'l liar net, for '! liich, goo! note nf hand, or be. yro riwiprrtjr, will bf r, wtil 'l' m"nT Tn e lc1.t!irrfor.- or In pnym?m tbe nWr 4 oronariy, iiotea ol tiamt on aotrrm pt:ru. . . ... .e I I ...1 .... ... .... t negro properly, will be received. 1 tie? wbo wib to buy. would in well o ap ftleatwm. " f'.)VVABI t'UFJ!. SaUthry, Jvg. 1'. an af'', ni'' ubn ri!cr hivinj more f .' p M. than hr can ennvrnirnt. kV Y T E'jlt'vat'nm, it d-nrmn of d'tepueir.g of the follow inf tracl, iz : A Kmal on'aimef 34 aerev, 'vinr- -em the Smith I'ork of tbe Yadkin ovc,? mili-i ncrtb vt tateivitle, it'll ftH1lijikr-tiwuk)e, and 20 artys a lra(l iml'in- curtitnttoiv Aio:ber trc! ofi Wrffrt ' K tflrf Urt-tfiav aav w.ttw ewf w w 5 4 - a -4 witk -a 4efebflr-hoiijii.r,J. md acwr ln cultivation.- -Another Iract ot 14 acret, Sitjoto tlu abpVi'T'lt'Tnilrii north-of KtatenviUe, on i be mikin road leading frowi'lhenco U Vilktboru. Arv'irr trrt of 133 acrrt, on the water of iioclcy Creek, unimproved. Another tract, of J(!0 on tlie aeri of F.!k Shoal Crerk, nrtj uni'ig lamh f N. Norton; with a house, mid 8 or 10 acre in cultivation. Another tract ot 80 acres on the water of Third f reek. R r 10 mile north wet of SliteavilK, with a lions-. Snd abfyit 'rn ncre in cuhi' a:io . And anlw r trad, o.JU acrta. uuimpruicd, on. tLe .South ...Fork, of 4ite. YikUkiu ilvtr. -TrTcea anil'p4ment will be made accomrno - dating, tmd. t au be. kuowu on- application to the fubscriber.at Liberty Hill, hedpll county, N. C. ; or, In Ms abwnce, to John Ftimttrr. Persona dci roue of obtainiiuj liarpain. ?nd p. ting ihero-'clvea in a healthy country wo'i'd dj well to call and examine for themselves. 1 !u r ire churche, griM milk saw milk ool mi chine and cotton gina, convenient to the aboe 1hnt. and there are on tliein lilertv of good pure. wboletoTie rpriti? of water. C.nlJ has teen found on binds adjoining to ftheae tract?, AB;F.H FhlM-"'l'Mi. ffrigfier itt, 182?. Jt'JO I I lZVi,3V)V) .A ww"u V i aSl wVlT- FOR HALE. YINi in the county rf Sdrrv, .. aud, as it beliived from recent discoveries, wit bin the Gild Ur?i',n of Sorth-Caro'inn. This tract wa gram, a y the State, in the year i Jj; coii'uim of one continuous survey, ad joining the countv line of Wilkes and extendiug1 from the Blue Ridge to within three miles ot the Main Yadkin River. It is intersected for fifteen or twenty JoiUa.by.MuJi.meikiirrdins.sn biinlwi stjpnly of wa'er-poM-er at all senons, and many tH c.o'iyeaicnt tor the application of this jow. er ih: purpose of Machinery. G!JUn late 1y beeh fiiiind Tn 'b' neighbnrhootl of thin land, but its mineral treasures are i'l a great measure jm explored; . retaana Lsiro'u tQ piuxhCyare. referred to the Editor for more, particular info. nation, with whom the plat of tint land is de posited. Xuliiburti. June Mih, IM29. 71 BYV0T 1UTO Ol Vt!40U .TO. J. COWAN, Titilor, w oowan countv a.na me nuouc in ceutrm, hehMten"aopTftTo Store, 11 ved GroveK in a"id county, 13 miles west 'SknifNj(tieriel' -'" til its yaridtis brairclies. Having mnde r' rangements regularly to receive Ibe ,New-York nd Philadelphia Fashions, and having himself forked in the most fashionable r-bops in the state, be feel a confidenne in stating, tl.ut his Rarrnenti will not be ewttlled, as to style, fash ion, and durability of workmanship. , AU .order from a distance, shall b promptly te.nded. tfc and executed it short notice., He hopes by" unremifang attention to busi S to merit and receive a share of public pat. "nffe. The smallest favor will be thankfully received, and gratefully Acknowledged. if Mil Gnv,. Rman co. (Ar. 8, 1629. 3t90r Cht-ruir, S. 0. Sqi. 10, Ift29. f' rjIlllI'.nbK.ribi-r illrorv -tnOSthtf lifting u'i-rt tietwrcn tht plct lin, M b"r'(rtirt I im1 menj la (Fit r. ecpikm of Mrttkitmlt, ul lrfp,rititofl of IWW.' lm yi f lr I (rltt lrnfl r :..-.. . ' . . ... . A . .& . . m . rt. - we f iWkoiH.a m'u W3 nrmrmi ig nrfniiTTi', n"pr lof COIlIftl - ri ,. t vi'i ii:r. 1 iii im. llulr H"ie. TiiM. &.c. i rliirli lie of-ial liotad of rt to ;j; , . JOS, II. town r.i. 0 0 I4m rre. ivii.y from New York aodjrhiU. delfihin, a cbu.ie and lian Uon atortment 111 GOODS, Ifi JhrJuarc, Crockery, MtoXa, . Dyt Xtujjft, i?off, . 'Short; Orvcmettfc. : t. bich vrrebovebt it rrduced pncea.and will be t.M hi .Pali pr for talk, or on tub to r.rrrcnp.t tratcTr"Amoi)jf tb Crocerfc" fir l)Ji! . TmmfWin,,t)A Muralrll til(o. Prt di lo, Malaga dillo, Omii ic Md Holland Lin, 6UI Conae randq, Jamaica rd New Knr- , 'uiftiuer nn t rry arlirll ull It Cut.,,! ... . .i .i ' : . .1 it. .... ... oifttber iib eiery ,,, . oiurc in luiairciiun ui III O w"",rJ- . . - ffcW - mt Mia.-wtH ftriw r'. 'i IliC Mullti: l..l. !u h,u, V. 18,'A, l!iJ9. grnill A CARD. nfVr. removed to the n.-nl. comrr of t. court. tliuiac thu Kin.. .11 . .U. 1 Miiision Hi.ielj where ilir ey are diapoKd to : AGoojf VVlea - V " - - rxiEsrc, rAsirt oi abxjb - Aim ; i A now openiny at ttie iHseriber,i Store in fm. Salijbury ; coii.isting of DRY GOODS' of almost every description, suited to all aearons of tbe wur. A Is, i, CROC DRIES, liar I tr arc and Cutlm, r "ltrnirejn vjriet V anJ amount, e7t c!f17IlnrTiTrr.?i"Ifwrth rfe. and botigftt for cimli on ifie" feHrm, in PliilmleL pbia ami v-'.iirk. Tbe public are a wired they will fun! a Lire and full lup'pty, and lower for dsli ths'i.usiial, or other ie on accommo laiin(r tiro s. They ure rewrtflly invited to call, see f'ksliionj, t laniinc (jiiklities, hear prices and judge for tLtiiit!w. JOUX MURPHY. J. M. retperlfullv bee to return hi nnfriin. ed thaivks fi.r thr verj' libera! nod iiivirgui-brl patronise he has rven ft hirhly honoured rhh by a Uisctrtiing jiublic, a-.d hope, bv a dilirrnt attention, to merit a continuance of tbe same. &i'i';..W, .VV. 1S "0 86 tj TfAS just rtceived, and o'ened at his Store B. y in Sail bury, a large arid handsome assort ment of Nmins find Summer GOODS; f Aba, t.roccrr-n,laplwr", Cttleryrriated Ware, II itr and Hatters' Trimminjrs, fVock ery, "a"got1 aiwofmefit Moltflig C'Ji'tUv Shoes, lwel. f", . and every article usually Vkt3a aked for in Ntorea. il'm stock of goods has been purchasetl entire- ly for caih ; and he U determined to sell them as low n csn be bud in tbe place, for rWi, or to pur.cjual customers on a short credit. The pub lic are respectfully invited to call, eiamine, and judge for themselves. Sdhrt, j,mr -id, .ivy, 7u ;tjll'L,-.(xXi.(i.Z.Aa:'. -ori nd FhTlnderplritt. stfd tso'ftpWrn it bis Store in ,CNCOKl. a general assort- Dry, GapIs, Dnrd Wart, Cutlery, Saddler"!, Medicines, Pains, bV. fc. Cs?c. Havrng. purchased entirely for cash, and in tenciing to sell for caA, be feels amirr.d that he can tell on terms which will be satisfactory to those wi6liinc to purchase. The public are respectfully invited .to call and examine tor Hyrmseivei. n. storki: Odder C;ih, 18C "F-W . f -. - .1 71 ta.il. corrox ctvr.m. Tht follower arv votM ttracla from t famphlrt, Hh wtik.6 hart twrn ft rored hj a fneml rt n'lii. rin. on the of ('. m prrfcraMi Urmpfot iba Ul of Uip nf War, or (kir rdut tcU. r ... 1 be eorr ()findrne between Mfk Di, of friiir fh Bert, Re- iif will inter. rnfl liKed la the culture or lianufec tore wf CotUf-11e rretih wf ik epfrimrmt no tindCr1aka by the 'Nation!' (.'urtrnirxnt. rioi ami rai.an.ni an i ir taccklul, wiD e kailrd by the bou'b ai an reent atcund only lo the imr.iduction of (bat rich Uiumphjut pUm to ber cil. 4 . 1 h 1n'ory of Cotton In tUt country, eiliibite one of lir rniHi ayrikir phrnuracrm tif lb aj U bkb we live. Forty ytare iee, no: one pound of Colloi ru ciportrd from 'be I nUrd Stale ; now amouutt to jO.UOO.G&O d'lllare, mjt of the RJfl.000,000 of our eipona. TUn we Imported Cotton from freat ditUnee nd at ry feign pr.ee i now we drive it mi of erery orket in I be world, by the abundaiKM, cbeapneia, and auperiority of American Cotton. Tbe country of itt firi euliiv.iion ia out cer tainly known t it it blieed, however, to be in diarenrxte lo the continent of Akia and Afriea, aa well Amerkai and o have been in the two for-ner a It ia in aome pari of the Uttrr eonti. nent, a pertnnial plant. It advance to a mor mirtbem latitude, tojetbrr .with rohure. baa iM'.e it annua). . 1 na manufacture an4 ax? bf Coron word wai anterior to Vttory. The Mummm of ancient Tbebn are, dowa to 'hie My, iwi Un.1 wrapped in CoM. tbtb of Ioh mi.ire. good fjhiic, ami apparent nrrain itioii. IV P.'.. IOik-i anTfrj p jcre clotbed in (ittton, tf.rt-e laouaaua y oar t -. Mi ii tb ntmrtt ! h crninn . n Is tne rltiU ,n... 1-. .k. avrinmii .Irjwui, of tbrrt qutrter of Ibe Rlo'-r. i the ihorea of Um new wuld. Iumwh an I ii.nl, beyond the mrmory o- record of -vwimntnii, ii wutnetw iprrimi 'SA jlinMiririal ll... . J .. . " on continent!, h watthefcret iperimcn ! v igni ine re cn i.ninm. u,,,,,,u'r'ortbeadrnlrinraare.ftbe j u.i. cm i lie perwHi of the admlrinr ffhetw. Tbw o-of tbie arttcle ft mn lo have bwn, more anrient and grnrrl, t!.,.n either iilk, hemp or fluai m iot ;" f!u;r,or all the useful ami orrumooial imr. p i. auvantagra over aU or either of tb.in.4t it !.trr, a durable, and innn.teW cheaper, tli i. -;lk. It become whiter hy t-hing Silk ialef, and become dingy under that ope. mti'ili. ('nltnn i.uW;i t.c .w l.- i i i . tn lire nn lt'nni tav(. h,co the court. fXZZZZ tunc, toimtw abort ,,4, btimi. lar ailvantajrer ovr hemp and flu It would eem fnun the. ltitimonv wbjoined. that i,,tton is preferable to bemp, lor the our I01'' u r navijaUon. a well fnm tbe intnn. etc iiialitiei of -he thing it If, M Oom. i Jm. portjnre to the. wealth of tbe int. t.ottoo 4 e " "Hr 'Wn hem- hemr and will no, to readily break friw flapping ; it is so much cUwerin its tevurr, tU ' the ind dec i.ut penetrate through it, ai.d wear it tbreails by friction as in htmp or flit. 2nd.' It will not mildew, mil. i aiied and starcbi il, which ia hot necesary. Jd. It holds wind better, and will propel a ship ncarh one mile per hour faster, umler a breee at i milts per hour, than hemp or flax. 4th. It is lighter and more easily hand'ed, 5th. It j itotTts combustuile a flax or (temp. .6th.'. It ia cheaper now by 3r Ter rent: and would be cheaper, with cotupeJttiot itt the man ufactories. ... ...- ;, 7th. It would require no oppressive dutie to protect the raw material. 8th. The uic of Cotton duck at home- ouU increase i Ue demand for the raw material f the planter, and the fabric of the manufac turi?r. ;)ili. It is the richest staple of 'he. nation, aod the present pioduct can be pecdily quadrupled in the Ini'ed Statu. The lingle fact that Cotton sai't inrrtnsc the (lie celerity of Ships ' kumcitni, of itself, to insure their general adoption. In times of peace, and for the ordinary purposes of cm- me ice, the advantage of a mile per hour would olten change the late of squadrons- and fleets j Ulll BOllirillllCB UI IIBIIUHB. In addition to the above facts the publiabrr has the authority to tate, from s highly respix table quarter, that tbe experiment ia now mi king to rai.'A' our public vesaels with f'ot'on . ... stead of hemp : that it i already acknowledged to be decidedly preferable to oakum : and a di' linguished naval officer is of opinion, that it m even mipenor to new nemp, wnirti no ol late b en much used. Upwards of s'utv tori of lor- eigttliemp.has been thus ships of war, which, it is now almost 'certain, f w.u oeaoanuionen,. hit toe superior sunKoue or our own Cotton a most interesting fact to the (kA ton cultivator. -, It iaalso worthy ef remark that it has been pp4Uvlv ascertainiid that tbe uiuf-Jiempeii-L. oakum for caulking the aeams of vess' Is bus frequently bud the seeds of tht dry rot, and that 1 ouod Cotton alter frequent experiments, hat I never yet been known to communicate stick a dangeroui infection to a ship' timbers In the Navy, tor ooat awnings, oag nm mocki, and the liebter aails of men-of-war, Cot. ton baa for two r three yean past been prtfer- material. .vignnl wnTen' coajtjh j!P9rtLk"Sdl4- tn4.twj6nJly-fifjB. cents in Liverpool, was yeturned to Charleston, S. C, m a manufacturea stste, snl aokt Tor one hundred and ten dollars! Such is the sstonih ing qualities of tbia plant. . Copy of a letter from the lion. Josw Cai!cR, Secretary of the Navy, to Warren, It. Davis, Eq. Member of Congress from Sou'.b-Carofina." . AVty Department, Jlugutt Uih, 1829. - SiR t 1 have receifedyoUr commMtii cation of the 12th inst. containing your views of the expediency of introducing into our Navy, the use of cotton canvass . Th? tcsumonials presented by you rrom blirbtf reipccubit tourcest nf ibt reault of t arloui eipcrimeoti in ib rrter rbant icrtire, nl.lcd to tht trial mado ef optall of Ihit malfrialt durinw h latt f rulkf of tht iioop bf ' wif liuitois'lrt itifTicleatlf Mtiiuctor to tuibtrizt mcfavtitndaiiopcflmtai. .. Tht (5 nri of preat atsj ' f er ti Uuliy 7of liiC manufacture of Cainraia ml -lit Lf uafcj puVpoaca, ikU, ai It d e r r a t beUi lly itd ( r l t e cd, 1-ieet ofordwelf. with Ibt approl4 ttun of tht Prtkulent, ordered t foil tuit tifi.il for ibt tlonp ef war Caacock, now fning rr to be mict from cottoo cn k. I im, rry rcipecifull? , tour obedirot Mftint. JNO. liRANCII. Hon. WaatKN R. Dai f.I'rtct of Irtter from tbe Hon, John Branch, Secretary of the Navy, to Com. Jeaae 0. 1'.Ui- Ott, DlJelllhlMlKtfUrtt.tfV. Siti Your.f.ror of the 9ih inmnl hat been received i ind duly apprrciating the imporiiDce of the icbjrc' lo which it re feri, I hire nol nelcrlcd lo ixitow the mot deliberate cotulderatiun on its con ten. That preindieet iboutd ex'ut itrtiott the iotrodurtion into the Naval ten ice, of an article, the practical importiort of wbirb baa ool been fulir letted or etpt- itrwf.liaot to U wondered it. ((bow. cr, tht contcro plated ircokjtion bt n nent, tbtet prejtfoicet ntlt nt rar-i pivc wy to ttperimenti whicn hil! lemoostrite the lue and import-in e nf iht dUeovefy. I am much pleated, on this occasion, to !ae the bene6is of your aid, in giving t f .ir trM to the meri of the proptted oHwiw foe ttX-atwat ow 4isd in tht Uni'cd S'te Nivy. You trujr rely upon the beit cfTorti of the Drpirtmenti to ifford you n cp portunitv of making this trial, undtf tlr otimM ncet I he most fvorablt to their surrrsss "d that your re qui ll Ion I for the Cotton i ail, hummock Sic. shall be complied vith, is specdsly as they can be P.repir.Ctl j lOd tf not ready to be put oo board the Peirot k before her ' necessary d'Prture f'om ile LTiiitd Statct, they Mull be forwirdcd lo the tqu.tdron by the Erie, or by some other life conveyance. Withinp; you a succei&ful cfuizs ind IC ICUIII1, I Xlll4in ,fi J J.-.IVL iuut, Ci m Jesse I Ktt totT, AVw fori. Uufal Mrnw&ula London U (lintant f om l'-rlitiburh 395 mile S. .from Pubih 838 S K Amstculdm 190 W I'.rts 225 N N. W. Copruhagen 610 S YV.-Vicmm 820 N W -Madrid 860 N K. h. E.-Kme 950 N N. W.' Con stantinople - 1 66ft- N- N. . W, Moscow 1660 R S -R -Strykholrn 750 S. V PcrTshtirt' H40 VV. ttrthn 540 W. Idsbort 850 N N." B." Boston is iltjni liora New Yotk 229 Philadelphia ?3 1 -rlUhimore -421 Washington 461 Chirlcston, S. C. IO0J -.Savannah 1 12 1 New Orleans 1624 St Louis. Missouii. 1444 Eastport 395 Montreal 340 Quebec 500 Halifax, N. S 500. Cunoui Statutici.A Frroch doctor, Falrei, has recently ret tivi d a prixe from ibe Paris Academy of Stiem es, for a stat istical table if suicides, c. in the French wouMnot mLx4eap'Mil. Thedocor, in ihe course of his -A.. si - i . WQf ,hM smwnR mcn (he great est number of suicides is between tbe sqes of thir: five and forty five j and anions women, between twenty five and thirty-five ; but that there are twice as many suicides amonR young girls un tk-r fifteen years of ae among boys ol t be same ace. He calculates, t hot the in ilucnce ol disappointed love, anu oi jeai the proportion of 2 I 2 among wnm.n t 1 in men ; that the reverses of "fortune prrdtiee as'3 in"Trrcn-to I in to ncti ; ondiiia the influence ofbaffled am id: jon is as 5 to I. Acntil misery " how- ei, i. 8Uistd4. ItZYC atl ; flMl effect QQ both 'sFJff5iruiirig to the number of !caihs by apopTt x, the doc'or estimates that thr y wet r in t -us Irom 1IS4IO tout, 390 ; fioni I8H :i I 1 4, I v j anu irom 1814 to 1824, 919. There are nearly three times mote apoplexies among men than womrflr F i v'i" oTsi it ybuh e nie nt ibnte"vof them- medical students, ,aa?$, been tried at AI bany for stealing and diaiecting an Egyp tTah Mumm v; the property -of Meisrs-- Brouehton, Curtis Sc Ihorn; and tinea twelve hundred dollars and tosts. turi osity prompted tbem to violate the law in this instance ; ana mey hbtc ubu v pay pretty 44 dear for the whistle." . Puliteneti. An officer in battle hap- nenino to bow, a cannon ball passed ovet his head, and took off the Head of a sol dier who stood behind him; 44 you see (siid he) that a nuo nerer loses by po.ne ness.' ia rat wiii.itarrtwf jktMiTr. "r.usonnv.- OTatlthe faUtholnla put Torth Ia tEtl lylnj wotld, nont U mort often told, of . iih t mort hyfWriiJ.ul Intent than tb two wordi at Iht head of ihlt irtlcle. -To plrf itrt tB-TeriTrTt.tf KutttihfTt fiA!,o.t.!tf fwuff htUphf feeling m r nt rout, so mncu likt tht T'it author of oar being that timeit all men covet tht rarmtadoq of. povssI.wr a po iii Ion X but H thef irriTtl Reneol'lodi'1 ulbsh to eterdtt it lo reality, ther en dtkvor to counterfeit t similar ftelinr, thougn h their beirtf ther srt contciool of not hiving any jott cUimt to tht char ae'er. Whin wt compart tht Isntrja? of those wbo art often tiprttsing their grlclattht nuicirriict tf otheri with their tciuil endeavori to raltlgutt ih suffering tbey pretend to deplore, wt at onct tee Ibit Ihey titt tht phriie, H I ant orry either ai t muter of course, or in I he hope of gaining a credit for lymp.'hy to which they are by no meant entitled. In proofs of this, look at tht man who witnei to borrow t sum of money; tht mso to whom he applies, knowing him to be a bad py master, determine fora tht Cat todtny him but whin ht ao- pliet, tell him ht i very tttru ht can not accommcdait Mm, and toon ht gont coogrsiulatct himself on to eiiUr eiciplng .from the ptoipect f lost -bf pwiuoa; t.U tw ow' una j kUlt. " I this catt no mm can doubt, that, ina-ead of felling sorrow, at ht said, bt rejoiced that he could nol( or did not comply with ne request. . r A mn losei hi property in conie- quenct of being surety for a friend, who, brougb knavery or mikfor'une, f.ilt to perform lili engjgtmenti. All the neTch- bo r hood trt profritedly trtrtmrlu nry while at their heart they .reioi-e t tho opportunity but offaied hm f pLe.ing tholr own Lresight, in refusing to hear roponsibility, Ir) contntt with the blim ey of their week oeighbor It't ill a Lit they are not aorry; but glad ih dlttttef hrppencd. W hen t perwm uYtn sick; Ihooah all around profeti to be very torry, run one it ten win do-ffnyihing for hu romfiirt or relief. Their torrow ends in wortft ; and if eikctfta aSTord muitjini e, they say . they are aofrj they cannot render it eon- &miTatf1le but. talk and tht only thing ther are io troth sorry for is, that Ihetr aid is rt- quired. Iet a young lady lose tho object of her" affections, or be otherwise unfortunate and you will Immediately heir all the cir cumstances trumpeted forth to the world by those who were either her rivals or her unsocetssful luirori: they lose no opportunity of ipreiding the report, ind tbinkld hide their joy unde' ine slight veil ahd'coniemptible i subterfuge xif "say inp ' I'm torry." So ll is through the world ; profeaslont of torrow in most cases ire mere wordi, nd he who thinks (Ley are more, will sometime or other find himself previous ly disappointed. Even some or thott who pretend to be guidid by thu princi ples of religion, show that their worde and their practice ire two extreme! which cannot harmonise t is for instance when men profess to be sorry that in temperance it making such fearful rava Rei imong ti y while tliiy do not ihefn selves ibstain from the uso of ardent spirits. . Quick Work A turn of S30 wat bet a few days bioce, that Mr, John Hillings of this town could not make 36 horse abbes in three hours. Mr, H. took up the bet and went to work. The first hour he finished IT shoes, and in two hours wnd sixteen min tfVtf th whole number was completed -At the end of 3 hours he had made 45 shoes ! Saco (Maine) Palladium, Barents and nurses should do all ia their power to jtrtrent diseases : but t " . when a child ia taken ill. profeistooal advice ought to be immediately ob tainedi The diseases of children are. in general, rapid in their progress. OUT. "jowwitOfHealln. 44 Talking of storms," said an lionest lrSshmBTirihe iiThfriaiyHonrTr1en4';"oT':;' ours; 14 a! Wilmington, last summer wa had the hravicst I ever saw in mi life considering the size of the town." As the sun in all his splendor w4a peeping over the eastern hills, a newly married man exclaimed, "the glory of the world is rising!" His wife, who happened to be just getting up at that mo ment, taking toe compliment to herself simpered out, 44 What would you say my dcafi if I had my silk gown on Vr i ..-t 1 .-' ! i ..

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