1 v J. V A v s . t - . i I I , - WW S Al 1 3 Ii U U Yy UP WAN CO UfjTY, N, C.....yl UKSI) AY, NOV IIMi: VAX s, ic;d. (V(, 0,, it. ' ' . .... iA HMialMB I Lkkkuri , .- . -..i J J.V.i. .r '( Mi, cr l M ' 4W ' : " ... .. . ..hi wl 4 k. iimlimull I I 44 li4.t (. rncsii, rAsiixoTAbiij!, xtd -r- 4- :riiAW ojnTn at the Wbkribert Store in Salisbury t ctiiiting of f DRY GOODS if !mot every description, suited to aJIsei'ons of the t r. Also, I Hardware and Cullcrif, txtnre in variety and amount. fctli 1 i Ja .l.r.1 Kv ti'imartf with rare, and bought for cash on the let terms, in Phjll. ami N w.York. Tie paal'ic uro amrd they will find i Ure and full aupply, a id lower '.,r cult than uiual, or olliervit n accommo dulajf tenna. Tbey ara ri-tjH.ctfvlly invited to c!l, ire fnihiona, csamino (uaUtiea. hear ; price and juJtfC for themif !ve. 30HX MURVUY. J. M. re apectiullv beja to return itia unfeii-e-1 ihankt fr the very liberal urvl distingiiihed hlronc be baa bven 10 bghy honoured with by a diiccrttioif public, anl lurytt, bt a diligent tifiiiim. to merit a routinuance of the aaineJ ;, . 1 r - a: ' A CARB. . A. .TOB.UK.NCE & C. njlvE remoted 6 tht Bortb corner of the uU Court-IIouHo tle Store attar hed to tbo Mts!on JtutH f here thry are dbpoaed to leit ..uuuvstery unci?" ' SuUthutj, Srpitmler IfiA, 1879, T " 85 npUK ubadriber ha Jtiat rtctWed, from Kew 4L York and PhikJelplna, and it now opeoinj , t.Wv Store. itt-l)tDUD, a f eoerai -aaton. ConitW of" "m"' . , , J llard , IVare, SadJler'ui Wedicinct. TainJs,$c.ljc. (Sc. I larinjf purchaaed entirely for cub, and. In. teixlinf to tell for enii, .be ftt aaured that lie can sell on terms which will be aatiafactory te Iboik! wiahing to purchttie" ; Tlir public are mpectfuHy invited to call ind examine fur themaelrca. . . D, ST011KK. , Octohrr .1 A, 1839. 3mtJ0O KV 0 0 ,...... -.-' - - HAS j it irceivetl, and opened at hi Store in 5ailbuy.i a large and landaome surx. meiii of ' v Spritis and Sumner GOODS ; "AT,(.rc7riea, I lard ware, Cu'tlcryTTISted Ware, Hats, and Hatters' Trimming, Crock. a cd awortment 01 iMmmg k Cloth. Shoes Bonnets, 'ami vry rtic!e -usually -SS anted for in a:ores. . His I'uck of guaJi la been purchased entire ly fop coih 1 and determined to sell thcrfi ti low a can be had in the place, for eath, or to r ur.crual customers en a abort credit. JT)it pub Tic re repefuHyjnvit apd for themseKes'A" " '."T. , ' V ,. wA of the most valuable plant. J' tions in the upper country. It VJ ties ii the cointy.l Cabarms, in the lork of - Rockv rirer and Coddle , r"L Creek, containing, aboui fife huh di-ad and seventy acres of lamLI'bC;qu'aiiU of lite Uv,! is first 1 ate. tba toil deep, the suruce rJrL-'Xhera is about two huoAlre.atr cJcti?. - en, tno7 iresh 1 anew, convenient ana elelfaflt V-ld'cUinp.hMise,' which coat nfrly four CIJ4J thousand dollars, and other - building suitable ton. The payments for this property enn be made easy. Applications as to terms of sale, can be made to It. II. Alexander, io my absence. . ' 7 - W.l. J. ALEXANDER, " 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' Great Bargains ! 1 B1SIE gub3ci1bef's intention being to. 'remove Ji to the VVtst, if possible in the springofi rs Vtr Irmnng lpanjpjIaTcX upoB rca oju ttrnv?, namely 1 J; . ' ... - J.W icres of rviNrTviiiFTnTrie r'o ks of tbe Yadkin, nine miles from Misbtiry, adjoioing Frtd'ck. ford, " f( Zachariiill WcAlei and nlhen. on which arc some improvements t and for h"a!h, opposed to be equal to any" Plan- nsi, i) or ju acres juma, lying on urane reck, three qiartr of a mile from town,' d. .'.oihinj; Ji,hn Uimun, Thomas Mull, and others, ... saatticfc there re:ten jortwelwaer cr Meadow -ATTTmsuriTrst quality. Y , Also a dumber of StUlt and Tin War for sale .1 k: . 1 . 1 . unsTore in allsou.'y. j v- f IfM.. For all which, good notes of band, or.ne- F property, will be received jn payment ;-jf hi exchange for, or in payment of, .the abof e rapcrty4, notoa of fiandon soJv6n.t:pcrsouvor Tlnwa who wish to buy,' wo.ild do well to ap. ..JK'jf : . ;- --.tuwARD LK ESSr" 1 .cEpnan ixiio wit IS notf receiving from New York and Phila delphia, a choce and bamlsome atsortment of DRY GOODS, Hardware, Crockery, Paints, Dye Stuffs, ..lioois, --anotir, . - - Groceries, fcfa. : ' nluchVere bought at redured prices, and will b sold at a small profit, for taK, or on time to punctual ikalers. Among the Groceries are first qnality-i-r- TeneriJIUne.OlS Muscatel! ditto. Port ditto, Malaga ditto, Genuite Old Holland (Jin, old Cognac 4 Brandy, Jamaica and New F.ng. -land ffif7"to?ethtr irhTeverv article usually found in a Store in this lection of country. - .Ferons wishing to purchase, will please call, and examine the above Goods. -&ilu4iyf .Vi. 28fA, 1829.'. erotmT taiL Chcruw, S.i & Sent.1 4 9 1829. IE subscriber will con tinue the Boatuut Jtih tiiutt between this place and Charles on. via Ceorce- town, as heretofore i and will attend to the tt ception of MtrthxwHte, ami transportation-of Ccffon, and other produce committed to his charge. . His Bat$ are of a light draft of water, and particularly adapted to the navigation of the riveru and. with the assurance of the strictect attention, to his charge, fie hope for a.contint;- aoce 01 me patronage 01 nu incnaa. ... .. . . FOR SALE, Salt, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Rag ging, Uslc Rope, Twine, &c. 5 which he offeisat wholesale or re- 6t9l - JOS. II. TOWNKS. ' ' . FOR SALE, m "B" YING in fiie- county of Surry, a xLA and, as is believed from recent VI discoveries, within the Cold Region grated by the State, in the year 1795 1 consists of one nmrtnuonrsarveyrajoininjf the bounty line of rWilkes, and extending from the Blue RiIge to .within three mile of the Mai Yadkin River. tIt ia intersectcd,for fifteen or twenty miles by Mitchell's river, eflosdimj an abundant stipply of, water-power at all Seasons, and many sites corivenientfor the application of this pow er td tbe purposes of 1Vlachiiiry.', ' f?oWhfs late ly been, found in (be neighborhood of this land, but, its miifcral treasures are in a great measure aaeaploredrersoiwi desirwtrto purchsseivfcre referred to the Editor for more particular infor niation, with whom the plat of this land is de-twft.tedr1-.1 1 " 'r .-ffr-7Tr ' "' " Younz Merit MissiSiiary Society. -The ' YowjlUjtt Miiklooarf Bode r Itblo the bounds of ihti Fretbytir; of L'oncordV?- heH thctf lUid ar.au.1 met ting at Cettral Chqrcbrlredcll, on the 32nd of Aotisv 1 8?t.-"'AccbtdIr g (o"$y pointmcnt, tht annual AdJren was deliv ered by tba Ren SttfJicn. JrontU $ after wHttitollecttoii wit titen-np, or T7 dollars. . , , ' ThiTrf iiyeriuhxx.kte report , which, wss read, and. accepted. The Cpird of Drredor$" tTiide1hetr first writ tea .annual .report i bich--ws accepted; and ordered to be published . Io view of (he number of vacant Cturch est Iheir lipRuishing condition ; the wants and' destitute condition of ac ex tenaive region within the bouodsof tbe Presbytery of Concord I end the greet importance of the Missionary enterprise, the Societjremered Into the .following Re ablution Tvla 1 Retoived, that this Society raise, the present year, for the support of Mission aries, the sun of one thousand dollar $. Resolved, tbst the Board of Directors adopt the troys and mean to carry into e fTtct the above resolution. Addresses were delivered on tbe occa sion, by the Rev. Mr. J. D. Kilpatrick, T. Espy, J. J. Kilpatrick, U. N. Pbarr, L. A. Watts. Ret. Thomas Espy, (with Rev. Josiah J. Kilpatrick for his alternate) was ap pointed to deliver the next anniversary address. Resolved, that the next annual meeting of the Society he held in Salisbury, on the Thursday before tbe 3d Sabbath in Au gust. WtJO, - - The following are the office ra and members of the Board of Directors for the present year, via: Mr. Rufua .11. Kilpatrick, President Rev. Lesnder A. W.tts, 1st Vice Presi dent ; Rer. Thomas Espy, 2d Do.; Mr. Julius J. Reeves, Treasurer ; Rev. 'Henry N. Phsrr, Secretary , with .Messrs. Archi bald Bell, Jirhl Cdwan, Milus Davidson, Robert Hill, Findlt McCorklc, Rob ert McNeely, William McNeeli, Hugh Parkes, John Steel, and Hugh T. Stewart, Board of Directors. r - Resolved, that Rer. Mr. tsp , and our' necrexiry, o-a committee to prepare and i jrward, for publication, an account of this meetihfjof the Society, with the annual report of the Board of Directors. ' HENRY N. PHARR, ) . r THOMAS ESPY, om N. B. All the local acrents are reques' tetl to meet, the Board of Directors, at B.ck Creek Church, on the Friday before the 4th sabbath ot NoTembet,' at 1 2." 31. . U: N.-PHARRrSrt'y of the Board. Report of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors of the Young Men s, Missionary Society, in lav we be fore the Society their first written annual report, look back upon their small begin nines with interest, and upon their pre sent Operations and prospects with some satisfaction, and much gratitude. That jheLordtas smiled upb.e existence and added a blessing to the efforts o Societyr your-Board have"TOTnyfaCTr"is proof, to wbicb your attention will' be called in the bodr of this renort. Since your Board has not at any former tlnje presented a written report to the with which the Society h rrrsrde J, loth among the' churches and in the wilJcr ness. . . ; Br the e.r r. .cf tla fluents." funds eoough were collected' to wirrant the IJoard WJifrpblxiTi Jlissionsry. Several inefJectual efTorts werejmade to procure one .That the. money'alreadf ioltected might brof somravill to ihe Society rthe Board took the liberty of loanine It out at lQterest,.tilK Jlissionsry could 'be ob9 J .Thlscioief the account of the 'pfocce'' dingaof 1heB(rsrtl during-the Crsf "fear7 As it appears on paper, but little has bren done ; but In fact much has becn.'done towards effecting the (rest object of the Society. The minds of chri.tians had hitherto been but'litile excited 6n !be subject ol missions. Tbst habit of cold indifference towards the wants of tbe des titute which says ' be. ye warmed and be ye clothed,' had lobe encountered and overcome; and an interest in tbe mis sionary enterprise excited among those who have always been satisfied wheo tbey have paid their penny to their paifor. Doubt; feart, ofifioition, and, that chilling it'difJ. rt nee which frces up the tender .. . .. . ... . ,. ... spunks o ne naotooe contenucu wnn and overc ; and uwng asn had to be brought into united benevolent action. W rejoice, in having it inour power to say, hat all these subjects have ia some good Icgree, been effected. ' '' t " The :nformtion rommunlcsted to the BoarJ l y the report oT the Itinerao. Apei t ktermiued the Board Jo send a Missinti.trr to Ashvlkie. Swaosno,, and Rhcims Creek, three churches con tie-u rns trrrrth' Other 'If. thi' to'titlf'of "Uun: combe. But before a Missionary could be h. d, these vacancies were' supplied without the aid -of the Society.- 7- - ?-s' : It.wss not unt'U the month' of April 1 82f7 that the Board succeeded in obtain ing a Missionary. The services jDf Ir. Thomas Espv were obtained for 6 months o-i ..1 ri in -.r fit Burke, lie commenced his labours On the first M May; 1828.;- rTXIT Thr cy pcsiodDf his arrival on the field of. hbf.ur is marked." with interest. Rev. Mrsra Krr tnd SHliman harJbecD ifpui'.iedj)yjili i?zAyicif7iitCgntiOT i-vieet rid orgawe t- new-church in Burke .Cuunty. la be"r Called L Siloanw These Brethren were engaged", this t'.u y wicn our Missionary arrived. 'The organizj:bn of a new chursh in that re gion, constant preaching for three or four days; inc. administration of the Lotd'i Suppt f on ground frr.tbe- first time con seemed bythe exhibi:nn cu the acra; mental hosrpand ''4bVpeVenxe"tBiU fiionryv with thr promise tf having foe a time, and perhaps permanently. the gos pel statedly, all tbe; gsVe. an lmputse to public feeling, which is still alive, and gaining, and crca'ed sn Interest in the subject of religion which would have re quired much labour from aVingleC mis sionary to produce. ; Mr. Espy took meat sure immediately ; and aftersome time and with" labour succeeded lu organizing a Sabbath School of 40 scholars, aad a Bible class of 20 members, composed of Jldjid yoiutig.,' This Church was organ ized with 20 members anu 4 aiders.? i rnv n.bers u ere added at the first commu-, nifp. s " Durinfr the .month cf May, Mr. E., corn--rr need labouring at Drusilla. - Tbis .71 llr.ah"''', ll 1 F. fln Jirsigned qualified at August sessions rt3w&caiMfuM-ibt fixeoitori f lie,t wilt ofPah-l. Food f Alt -peYaOrtf in Med to said estate, are; requested to malte vment j ami all persons having demands temt the same, arc requested to present them ""settlement, or this notice will be' pleaded in ir r ? voori, ) 1 hus. wood, s : . hgutl9t!i, 1829. 3m93 Driving to JFayeilceiUci . V1LI- fi'"1 'A to e' advantage, to stop at -v the Wa&n" turd, tvt every eon cnce , provided fOT Man arvJ Horse, to make m comfortable, at the moderate cliarge of 25 vtf ,lllay a"J,nlS for tbsjsrivilegl of. the A?" f W'f1' water, and ',:f,-er. Attach n K vij.i;.. . .' -nd d. "c iruyre a urocery : iL'JTT Bread S d Confee- . una a tiouse tor nonrdM unA I ivt --'i nnq a House for Boarders ar LIST OF LETTERS KEMAlMNGinihe Fost Office atbtatesvil! e r-Tr.Xaroliha,! the 1st day of October, 1829. William J. AlexandercJLewi Xinetaugh 1 JamesTAlexander -r Sec'y. Mt." Mpriah Lodtje N. W. Alexander ' John Milfer ' .WjUinm Boilcs - Robt. McKay : - r James Crew , James McKenzie tlrl Fitzgerald!S:t Siim. McFarland :.: Wilie Gaither ? IE. J, Osborne ' ; TrrSteienHr'kerv WillianrGrayr" William Gibson Henrv Hicks $ ' MaryM. HaH William Harbin, Benjv Uuie; Nicholas Icehour Raker Johnson Robert Kerr Henry C Kerns Alex. Long ., - - James Sumtet1 ' Thomas Stevenson Jas. Smith , Michael Snipes ' ' Astin W. Shince ; ' flficbard Sparks ; Thomas Snider John Welch - Jon Woolever. 3t9I ' W. KERR, P. M. THE! subscriber ha aGod Mine, in the coun tv of Cabarrus, which promises, as hie be lieves, better than any other mine in the coun try Vbich he ia disposed tb sell, on the most Society, we consider it proper now to eive I pi ice, had been destitute of preaching (bp you aa corrected $ narrative; and as spe- iftye?.rriJTke..jou?exwa3,iniji de cific a stateruent of the operations of the i ciythe Elders wjercd acattjere--and at abest communion season hut 7 persons coutu oe jouno wno were me mbers of the churehr Mr.- Espy Missionary Society; was formed. at Thirdjsuccecded here in forming a abbath50 ,h necsu jCreeltiurcJibeS8V tfTeFIo 1 il and - Board -of - Direeforf "sine their organisation) es the f.cifficumes of the case j ill .pe.r.mJtT.heltoung.JI.ea'a 1825. a &onttitution was adopted, officer were chosen;. a Boaid of Directors" ap pointed, w& agentt for the Society fn all the coiigfegaticrns1 in The bounds bribe then Uoncord f resbvterv. -4 . , ; ' J ' , . ... j , j .1 These local- agents aoott scted wrtfl some cfiiciency in obtaining funds.' The cuiisvuuuon.pro.viaeu iur ine appoiatmeat H, Kilpatrick was sppointed tohijmj portant agency whh iifec the churches and present the object and claims of the infant society tqthc patron age of the friends of the Redeemer ; to cxtue a : missionary spiru ana 10 collect funds also, to visit that region in which .1.. c-!.-: .. . .. .. . :;. . the oociery propose 10 carry on its opera tions i to. obtain mforniation, respecting the- number? ndc6nditi6nTof vacant churches and destitute neighbourhoods in wbicb missionaries might be placed to give information irijhosejregiohs of the existence and object of the Society j to stir up a missionary spirit and collect funds. ;y .'c- Oti the l?th of May 182 thegent re .......uumiiK icriua.. riwM w vumfianics, i uuncu mo luiuimcnt ot his appointment.itne' ooara ;oi naifun w huiiomu -ttv-a 1 destrbus of makinrj a fortune at -the business.! Taia . f-.'--. tuu -i '.u. l tn ti..tr nA n ih r'n'rnmiirat Imrr h 1 WOPtJ - 1 woulddo well to apply soon to he subscriber, R&rrlf U ln.A -L- W liiJ..;. .-.5. nnnrctinled. Theei-vice.tmM.tL at voncoru, p AJtL:3h) tlirXSZ sats, 1 His tirnelhas pot ) expect a report fr? for which he m r ' Tp close this r' led, shd.rnsnfoth' which thVtimitr nfi init u to detsif, st; ' drhce tHnt the r r beerj'wuh, find hit prospered our atjen liis aid lorrrtlhing h slftllerlin us, , .; J operations 1j t'wli things.i'ijrhit.t tut Ion has somsthin' much for the ad vine, a wt . mar's Kingdom an .1. All that we ha tflfnmfnfm,nt nf tx tniint dp. J1 ( Respectfollv subn, J MVM.Y-N, PIIAJ . ' , J ' ' -', , , U 'X n VaoM ras rt. Thi folloAing leitr! to' Judge Mttiwsring furnished' by the at We take' great pleasu .1 .. 10 tne 1 aiuaium, as v plef advanced' by th accordarte with the t ism. The liberallt 1 ly creditable to the au cover' lo the people t rtfitm has more 1 isio in it, even ' In the esti whom U has been ma .' " iRBlASirOL Solomotf Manwarinv wsjt Jbe.fort the Uu.br formation) of myTemovl ol Krgtater, and .cf - tb Arthur Sp Clairr Esq. Apart J from tbe cbastis removal Indicates! IJcori cause I hrtve been in ofii J saUsiy any man not over ous. ,7 Uesruesi my deaf when -we wtre associate formation tf odr, const firm stand trcainsuhe do ments : daring good be then a young" rAin,' vritho eneesbut furtherteQeciic are-eoiiceroed," he "noi niindon tbat subject.' Hut I appointrffenu "are fimhed. lion, that incumbent ciiir ted to serve out the time are appointed.),4They' 1. Sw . s : . . 1 vua in ai expectation, and. rangeraents ac,cofdinglyV t taxation iri tlutv should m' vaTineceVsary; TToniy c to inform yout bat no. den ia alleged. " -' :d ' I have land, and will go age , of forty, with a corf hardy by much labor in d vored with heal'h, I can s at defiance. Besides my ing as I hey cfo'the'. hardy the Uermari with the ma the Irish, can be employed uianes. a nereiore, rcyor lost us forcer - I hit?hin 'ttift1f! with the VvVining ebrriplsiil have been removed from opinions Were!, not v worth why ever entertairitherb Ihat removals may operate hardship on ' some) but the not be without its benefici tesfii Every '?cltnvsboul than that or a public etli wb6-havethelesi6fryet no See the necelsity of 9: my 101. her, h'ot tp feel a siftglep count ana so soon as. m rives, and vr e settle.tW con fice, I will trome and see h n in wiin miir.n winprr vnn rr xV"-Y ' ROUnUT of .'20 ' :ftmbers, oid ana votine.' ne preac'H'jd'frt;ni twice to six tiroes a week, attended xtgubrly 10 fmily Visitation distnbulipg -Tracts, &c:- At the end of sx.moo,"hs his com mission renewed for sit monibs lonKirrTbr whole year eaie4CiKaiiuiruvuuu .lutauuMiuii v'nv olS2awuclio Sslvitt 5-hnrtllv'iKVf"ni rfrnrrt hnllieLi.fn w.J.9' ip wluvwi- f ivukui, t ; Jbft"r '. bou tveniraltrbyaic1iQnt6; amount of 8000 pages!. 'The Sacrament of the Lord s Supper was. administered twice ,t 'each 1 place durmg the jearV 17 were hopefully; added to the church of Siloam : these, with 14 added to the 2.5, r with which the church was organized. leaves that church at thejnfjhejrst year of its xistence with S 0 members ; fjourishing sabbath School and B. CJass At Drusilla 19 persons,, of hopeful piety were added to' the communion; of . that church 'these L with6. membera compo sing the church at the commencement of toe year leaves u resusuucu.ni t wuu a s. bohool and p: VN iH tne viewjoi 4 AmiXMfWTi-", lofi halfT4eas-overt"wa"u-i vaia tried to silence him urn him put. Jackaentr might stay loncLenough t; I won't take y our bid,Vsa" eer. Yoii wUN said: Jack you adic l ; ,v - ' , A public house m the vl oistoo, jn Yorkshirej ha'f sisttntr of oortraitsi at ful. in full vcosttime, of four I as foUowsVa king, a -sol son and a farmer and I y'clept " The rTour Alls' tne flteHitns ot his; maic. govern;; all tl pray for all jM and, tafldwmfoTti h?sth;;i pay fdraj