U'X.ICV! Ir in) V.ia fl I'.fJ .!r)f,l!iP j u.Cu :t 10 the fiy-Wt. ' uj1 lnr'ut to be ' fi,,.ef,.r3unnrsof,,',4' lt!f. Had thcr bn 1 ,y of Rrailcy'a sweep uftniutions Sfiinrt.tho . Utter Would txA ttt 'cvter to t! world. Mr. 'uUUhlnf tb epUfc, U I i L.Utiii inn HpJillr l US IUM WfVM ( fricodrmpsun was venluKhirwas'sofi- 1 could net well tali a .w7M.,.vi." . t ,1 bo the iccouot o I t-mtr nffici j1 flairs.: r r - - - - - him vf suudry act', zs of . your, which J unfitness for the iter : Gcncr-l, and lubly lead to yoar aj, if known to the e were told hlni with idu.that they'ibould to you. fio fPrer ubiect bad theft bcea e defay arose row a Ue tuy ittn .which offspring of rceeoU thcr reflection, bow. Liuded tharssbatever hr have, it if" my duty havitr a proper re. t The Llfoiii,: anirbia from the New ark (N. J- lntelli.;cn'.er. It iU be found iu'ercttlng Inasmuch it profct set, (correctly we hvetr0 doubt) o spesk the sentiments of Gen. Jackson on the subject of removals from office, end alludes particularly to lh cs of Mr. Murry,lho lite consul l Liverpool. e sk the friend end foes of Ociu Jackson to resd this srikle It cinnot but gratify hit admirers, nd, we should think, will be scee ptabl to those whu honestly ' op pose Ids sdmlhiura'ioti i m . . , - "Pawing through-your Utag,l rested, by In beauty, to remain a M daft t jiod, taking PPr t h H Ul, amoflit nf trit change icnt the VesenV administration, I, perceived a crane rapr rotbrtog P tht .case of M Murrt, late Consul at Liverpool. Being etidaniaity present. wlun a fi lend of Mr. MurrtV calleWOeiTJicSioFlhItV J.irtiuoUU fcMl ihe-xwiwaraaiioa. t ht- Mt t-mrrnn nc fiviwi vr ' i n ' ct,or hia . . coun t ry , ual bavin 2 a uue re itiutftureprcseDt the which pi.t hititt the y to ajiy one WHO is Heioxf no loager your aa now become my duc fortni to ;the Treat wry, that you camcntl ' I have alo (r indebtedoes' to;tne wuiiind'dollLrs, is as I.n.l tnll.r-llf Lhlr it whatever t that .he ell. a " a tjWverVlhaf xcurpatioru which late- he Tcleifaph ia cciuaU- . - r x -- ommorj cse common c'uittU of the ijupTcnic bt)iir(a - nf -the -United Tias'al wavi been my W sire to pats smoothly it ot niCj'io avoiu every : it that was practicable :ndjricfd iff do acta of jidncss to all who came But- youTfadvtsetl son, , hat the public is y y Qaiu P) menu ana the -amount of nearly housand dollars j and hardly , aix months in therefore, i of making uiona is no less ifidia if uhprcasani, ITalw icrefore, that you will ind resign a situation re so entirely unfitted. lawr thathe President you frtm 'office his ive i and if he was tle- you, which I am con- ot bej add should hesi- Mtl'presenttate-- f j lie couuirvi uriotr oa a lrii;;hmeut, whlcri, althor Me .tQft pftweriui and of. its reaching matur 't3Tl him Inexpressible All f.f i . . n ytl t, il I. i tt r tt ltT ! Yua will oMi,:e M3y RrU c - nnrkt a f !ice in your PP-f; A NKW IIAMiIIinK MAN. r, S. It mtr be thought thse 1 am re turning from Waihington with a coin mhion in my pocket but I aitaro yoo 1 i.lif d Wa.hingtort with no tucb morie. f did not vte for Oan. Jackson nor Mr. Adams, neube'r bcior rar choice ,snd mr fint vitlf to Washington h Mar, was to sea the capital, and themso whom I believed totalir dirjat)ified for PretideDt. I'relurn, Sir, to siture tnf friendcthey ha? d nothing to fear ; and cm aafelf ad viae them, that Andrew Jackton woul not pluck a hair of M.ldo 'lo-glji'io Louitians. Ererf section of the Union will be dealt with alike. The) man's mo- countenance, r---. baiinu Th!svle of Oen. Jackton it triilr Jils dwn.'ind 'unrivalled, as to the ehkjaence of the heait. Mr. H , of Viririnie, sooke of th i;e nd lon ser vires of Mr. Blurry, his hberaiii snd he octolence iu supportiutr and p-otextmpj our unfortunate countrjrmeu i EnUuUi Oen. Jtcktoti replied : m Witb respect tot ho consuUte at IA efpoohtbe emolurpent of that titiuiipn are ret. J appreciate the chancier of I Mrt Murry; as highly as it (,esere. I doubt not your ttaieineut, that a v;rf partof hKprofi's are applied lo benevo lent purpotes. Our country mjn are pro Verbially pro,i(?l j' ilir , bounties broad, Hut, Sir, in the oo;;prrioi of fhiny yor, a convidorable sum uun have- bftn tttracjf d . ll a ir.whitr I cool.d nsat think he thn;ili.wiielyjitKect t the aopport of his cJechnin f4rt in eje and indepeodenf : and wherf, Sir, U mo askou, fonld ' patriot ih to send tnoa ycars lleie he qui led. which he seldom doct, the a;oiro' ptitvf.Sir.Walter &tut, . "Breathes theie a man, with soul so dead, ace." 1 would not, Sir, for all the honor and wealth that office can bestow, spcud ten year successively out of Tcnnetsee, or. at least, alienhte myself from the soil of America and . if Mr. M. tlots not feel those attachments does noi find with I each year a lengthened and more onerous wosld excite in sounieersal a dajree the intsrest; and awAb.io exenteJy lhe felinji of the western people, as the ac qiisition of this prorioce. Lying opoo tee borders of the new and flourishing: settlements of the Sooth-western States possessing a cllmsta salubrious, health; fal and nteatartt i comnrisine ia Its exten ,i,c area every variety of soil capable of supplying in abundance, the 'rarest aiu most vsluatle productions ; supplied with noble and aavigsble streams, viib an eX tended line f lea cost Indented with bays, hirboors and iolcts, and spotted, with islands: variegated iu its external surface' with hills and dales, with peren nial fountains and aparkRog streams of pure water containing in ita subterra nean recesses mines. of all the precious metals bi profince Is naturally looked i to i h wihhfiil eagerness by the Ameri can people- li is just that it should be so, and the American President who an: nrxet this fair region to the already ex tensive territory of this Union, win place 4. wrcihof uifdwK pUndMir upon his own brows. Wc hope this distinguished honor is reserved lo Andrtv) J act ion ; and that his dei'inv may be, to continue a parallel line of conduct lo the end which has already assotia'ed his name wilt) that of the illuitrious JerriasoN. ttta : I ..: :. .: c r ; !iuuntry lcn:r wj, a ! 'rr ,!J Cj .)'. Porter by tbo I'tcu let t tf cx;, en his Icasiour co .try. .S.Vfrr l)n Ihivid i'ortcr. hr Pear Sir i liy yvur atten'.ive note, I sm informed of the determinst'i you have come to, to retire to the United Htates sad to the bosom of our fiuly, considered as you arc at this moment, that you cannot bo of service to lb He; public. I give you thtnkt' h the nsue of rny country for the very important services you have rendered it, durinic your com mand In oar Marine, and I do ool doubt, whatever event may occur, you will show the same tneroaity as you have don be fore, towards a" country In which you.roay count on many and true friends i-remalt-wUblUavhinUeu. considera tion, your friend, wh' kissa your hand. ,V tun- - - . . .' V , UUMWtdiW, rivMfTaornim m - r - rv m - it- 0 - . m IiKencer.or ute oate maaes rocnuyn wi sn tftyptian oiummy,wairn wasirecui ed to the Philosophical Society of thai City, by the late, John Blake, Esq. and which has reccotly undergon a complete xaminajion by that body. On unfolding the bandages in which the body was wrap', there was discovered a copper plate with hieroglyphics engraved lhreon. the in: terpreta'.ion of which made koentbs; bu rineit and character of the ilcceed, nd the time ud place at which thebKly,was embalmed. The time proved to be dur ing the reign of Mannatses lh Mh,c.Jird bv the Orre ks Menophiti of the dyftatty of Maniteb, and faiher of the renowned Sessii. MuHiiataes wat the e'lKhteeoth of the Egyptian Kings, and asceiided the throne . 149? years baloie i Uc -bir U ul lemporarteoosly with Moses. 1 h en graving also states, ihauhe deceased was an inefcose bcaftr and secretary' of tlA relics of the God Mandoii at Theheii which situnioii he uccupied about So03 y eifrao.- ( . - , . -) j - 'S.XJ'S oa las w trial tac tnu, At a meeting of th Members hf th Anio f.r, i .1 1'T.crra tt lh Court, on FriJy, til Mil tH-toUer, A. V. Jhn GUttriu, y. a railed to lh Chair and Jno. A, Melt," ljoirc, Hferctary when ilia following tt lion was offered aiul unani.noa! adopted i In teMimony of vuf b'g h r-vJ lh, Honorable J1I.N liiLllH, dislKijuUiic i fiUff.ber of thU bar, that John li, ktilv, Utforg C. Mcbdwhlull, h ppoiutt(j a commute for and on bcl.alf oTihit ntetint ' wait upoti and rtj'itfb"' M pairul'c of a 4' er, to ti funiiabcd for tb oceaMun. t .14 pursoane of ta preceding revolution,' (tar foiiothigtote w iuih tuidis ycc&'iT ""7 .j, 4iaf.VVe,aia couiioiUte for and on hn oTiUelamiirfa $JttieJurn Hrf wHf vf the Courr.'are'trittortivd yrs'ott Hie ,vu ' ure of your company at a Dmni-r, rh0 MdUtd at Jlui'i Ltnif It, ttoa iUyt 0mo o'clock, thia being the- laf opj.uitjof i( (ifyiug our poraoiial ailaob.iient tuwlljlU rtr,f(j 1 for our private v'uiuc aiid Jitingutaliw J uicwa ui member of iL A.taun ur, before your prture (br VkLinjjtort Cit, to atKuJ to t pohlie alfairs oflL nation, a a Kf1'ct. tt.iitt in th kt Congrea of (be t'i'ted States, Iroa, frotothu llHU Cortjjrwlol DtsUici of Kori Cio'tiia 1 And we beg you recti vo our vidual congratutAlifna on the prcnt occsiiusr and rest aauKed, ' il atTortli u great p'rauT to kave been the ortiia selected t3 vvije blgb rvgaid ti.Vcriiuucd fur you. With SvnuineiiU of lii hthcat respect ssj eatcetu, sre reinaij yrurH. Ue. - - J.N J It, KEUr, , - - , - - - - i ' i To tobkh the fullowi;-rejly wis Kre.rcl; ' H'nJ.V tut. i GaBtLtii(: sour Utter, cevcrmg- a re- . lion of the Members oi'lho Ai.-xi iiU . lreATdjiJL iU.dq .norsvldbc 4.:. tiuciin roy brothers of the IW. I am ni : t That these loir ane extensive provinces once belonging to this country cannot bu doubted that they were abandoned, lost chain, drawing him towaras his naii.e and sacrificed by Mr. Adams, is equally land, he should not be entitled, artbe ex pens of lh country, which he nominally claims, to the emoluments of an office, if he does feet patriotic tove, his tecall will awaken other feelings than prejudicei against me, for doing nothing in personal dislike, but all in unison with principles springing; from love of thav country and MwisU to restore what I conceive a fund emental rule in popular governments, of claims'. But, Sir, my conscience acquit m of personal prejudice l shall go on, wills fwkic--gaui(. ui vie w, :eorca,...and I cureless ul suvii ODncqueiir.es asprro:j- a I sple etiTs wak e rV db y a v a r ice y p a duce. I hope to see MrT3lu'ry , pr-f as ti lVitUful public agent r give hint my hjnd, clear. Southern JJvocalt. . Celebration at .Viaara. A gentleman who witnessed the performances at . the Fal's, . on hef b intt. hss communicated to the. editors xJ th Nw York Commer cial the following particulars : About 3 o'clock, the schooner Superior-appeared in ight. towed by a small oar boa:. Wjun within a short uisiance of 'the.. rapids, the small hoM made for the shore. The Su perior fame dowit in tr.e cei.tr of tho s hr!',Kl. between. Goat. Island.. and the Cucuda shore. - On the first plunge into the rapids," the masts of ibe schooner felt overboard, with" ci ash s he then drag ged down few rods, and stuck. fast on a " rt rs r 4 A n baiog ''Jio hcreditarylor lift ffice. AViihfock. to the great disappoinment of the respect to valuable public servants, should they become indigent from circumstan ces where no improvidence is charge able, i think-they have a lien for faithful beneficial services, upon the public for protection against want ; and I have no doubt they- will' find, at all times, the legislative bodies willing to assist them. I feel do cowardly anticipations of hostility."! do not expect to please ev ery body. ' I may frequently be disap pointed in changes mad (Vom the best moiiveTThoae console me in such an event; snd the reflection that the wisest ere but fallible beings, will enforce caution in the men and measures I may appoint, or propose." . y - Miv shook hanih wrrh the Pf esiden t7 on retiring ; and Mr., Boston,. ende'ivoretftO'fevrv abuse, and villifyjpg, adverse papers, upon wnicn un. Jack aoajobaer-ged ; r . : - lentTU-blu kltribule llm seminioiti of rorr. A corroponoeiii 01 lis se'- iConti.arU in tr.j resolutiuti, to a t) i. .r. , , v burg Intelligencer, -pnaking cf the par-1 0,1Uu; ltf u14! f, an.i r.f,t .;, ? graph concerning VVcstern P.ork rwhichrou aU occaw. u. that ono person alone, f.om. that place, ;cuurc U . ,. , !t.;M, ,.: ha boorht sever! lots, amounting o no i .... w-, . fewer than 10.000 hogs, til of which bre now, or soon will be, on their wiv to that and alonir the rood never was so cheap; ibis circuinsinnce Totie, will brmg down Urge drovea all oihtCtsta'.cmeul to the contraiy noi withstanding. cuii.cciion, ilk; O'ir.ii' t:iu wU-ii tco.iri : a. pracucc at the Anaon tiar, tuc.v lv l.ap.x.ioi he -Hichmond marketr. Feedrrr"-,LJ"wr-w ,r t,. was so cheaa: "d w u,e aprooM.o.i . my awn -ct-. III kliowleJ ol tU tad AVri Ma h oh tkr-Uiiited "Atfrt. We learn from the Dailv AJvertiscrof jester rlay, that Abraham Bradley, Ksq. recent ly employed in ihe'Post-fiffice depart ment, ha issued proposals to publish MBp of ihe-United Stotesii otw-plttrjjjy Mr. liradley ih doubtless weji sjuauneo for such o undertaking.' -Acquaintedi from persons4 experience in the depart- '-, t.iat in .OivJuct Lit beco apprevedby M) ui jllie. liu-yeri Centle.iitil, w umtt a:.:zrate ;ri 'J.-nti bui) I klatl Carry wiih iuc a rc-woilcvi im tjtt km eaorjdawhiht4l cicty U" each other. Ik pI!iaod, gsr.tit ; -!eiVto accent, tr,youiJvti aidiaoia; i'UZmj tf resent, tho' hotnie of my htif. bcie crcry pulc beats in union williyuur bt :tere&:. to'L servudt, , -JOiiS GILE?. MessrVtrf. AVaa,l r ) anrr " TlSqiT'r'' add mucb addmonal mfarm-Mon toth geography of the country, J- Cour. M fim manv thousjnd spectators who crowded the bunksof these mighty waters. There is no doubt the vessel would have reached the gicat cataract without any other inju ry thun the loss of the masts, had she not unfortunately comedown the very shal lowest part of the channel. W aUo teaan that, on the next day, Mr. Patch marie? a jump down a distance of a liuudrrd feetilut we are " not informed from what point. .. A 4scnso f innocence preserved 4me ?rom intemperance, under certainly the I severest calumnies,, and the most vindje- iitb aaciaiuna uuj - v.aitvabs ever birth to-but Jus D3$t and the gav nl have cancelled all the jLiiurlcsa nun iiiumcu. i icii is iniiici iba that New England con- 00 splidles in their , fac- ouras for the lont; yarns be Tariff.'" X: , . ' fac niencan, at 4fafiJuuuJxa.aracier.?4h through it own -Armpwould he vilified aoroao, ana uscon sequences acprecated urbance, too. great for esr jr; ; Youtan: there od, and. ought, there kiifcouhf, ta gfo tely, i This meaiure I mi me pain oi dciop a yourself froirtHh'dM mcation J.t For whatever has io. wish to depreciate v.ou ot your fneDds. unpardonable know ;oenhcquarter pass, of the great contracts I' to come into your roper efforts for pre- Sir, your obedient JABM. BRADLEY. y, Pstiaf. Gen. Extract of a letter from Rio do Janeiro, dated Aug. I : 'Tho Marquis of Palma, who went to Europe on the 20th June, in the Brazilian frjgjitej.Majitibeib). basJeen tltargd- by the Lmperor .to settle the affairs o( .Jfoi-ttigai; ri here rsTreporr here," whicii is generally credited, that the Emperor ha-ar-length - gtvenrup the " idea and wivfl his rigbt fo grant a Constitutional Chisr'. to- Krtugat; and - rhatOTTthtf condition both Spain and England will compel Don Miguel to leave Portugal and restore, that Kingdom to its legitimate sovereign: and that these Power: will guarantee to the Infant Don Miguel the enioyment of the revenue of th Casd in the opinion of other patriots, upon dignity of this first of Republics ; the but ational azeu.tates tbaUbe Society of Fjrlejud have ofeahized a" Bible Society, under the title of u, Bible Association of Friends in Amfrica.' Thaw intono to nuhlisli an consoled myself with the hope, that its octav0 edition of the bible, in largo type ana on nne paper tor general uistriontion. JF. Prince piopiietor of the Lin naean Botanic Garden and Nurseries, near New York, will forward catalogues of his establishment gratis, to any persons who desire them. A line per mail will suf-' fief; and such editors iscbuse will tc copy this notice. . Th U. S. t.Ioop Vincenus, h to cii cumnavigat iho glabe-Ott-hei.ietui)Jlo the United Stutea from Valparaiso. She will pass the islands io the Pacific and Chinese Seus, sisif some ef thefprihcipal commerciui trnpoiiunis in Southern Asia, and call at the Cape ut Gowd hope; ihe occasion : , ' Our respected Brother, Jn oGiles, i dis' t'uiguiihed bliko ia 'liio waika of priv vnd jnibjic life, lor urbanity fcdcriei3t deportment; the war meat naiahea oi ihc .cttien of the lc uuumpanv Uioa, tg. .the .thoiu-rabl statiofl lo which. he has b'i-a cWei by ti.e tree voice c w 1 cliiifehleUv.U l'eo,)lc." . .. w a s consumed, togelh erwi children." ;. excessive licentiousness ' would react in a salutary limitation by the people them selves of its libellous propensities. You may suppose that my love for Mrs. Jack son excited ther most violentindignation at the slanders heaped vp herit did. Ilere,Sir,aII the feelingsof my bosom were lacerated. No man whose feelings' are not as intense as mine, can imagine my sufifer ing ; -But let them sleep. " Yet, there is one scoundrelll hold ;an alienT to every pniKipie, iiuman or oivinew no aspersed her in an obituary boticeV this wretcti 'A long Aewory.-Mr. day ha travel led three hundred miles to the; preen River County to eat a public dinner, but his aDDetito was. adlr baulked, when, instead of a dinner, Qiey presented him with the followed resolution which he introduced in Congress in the. year 1803. ' '" Retolved bfthe Senate and Home of itcircaemanvet, 4 nat provision ougni 10 be made by taw for cokrcikg the hay- mens of $9 much of tfit ftrincifiai bnd inter' Suppoced to be, Charcls" King, editor oTtbp'f lfMdebtvvtnglby tht lettlcr mm ha been roKr New York American ? : . o Green Hint c Aai iOimt du'i " V , j tareens stolen li..- : . ., '..-'.J,.:.-- - - -...-V. 'W!j.!.f-Ay .iieiwiVi.;V.' Penitentiaty StrfW. -W learn from the Milledgsvillo Recorder, that the labor ofjjhB convicts Confined in the. Georgia Penitentiar? ha been found sufficient la fttstmtintfn vratf Bou g & t h LegislatweVHiad appTtvpriared3 money tor us support4:Jt nas- oen louno 86eeeasry-tordniwirona.-tbe- -treasury any purt Of it. ' " 'S' ' The New-York Commercial Advertiser says tlrat water of an excellent quality, has been obtained, in that city by boring fifty feet io thc rock, uuA our Jnmdred feet through the 'solid rock below the slur face. -T;iiewatef Hs' "eighteen yfeer above the surface of fhe roct, und within thirty feet ;o tlieIeyel of ,Uietreet, Such i the supply that thifty ? gallons' "minute bay been raised by a hand pump throughout tho day, without any apparent diminution of the sdpply. ! v - -- j -7.y.; The Tresiary of the State of yermoot ha bleen brokeuj opvnratul, a bag of pis- Mure Jrm2-.d-MM,tnT. tsanTinici7 aged 16, on of artsj.ecublj n.n in Edgeooibo county, ui tbs alatc, - th;-o-n from hi horse while' runulhg a jt-7 utv on tho luOi'iiit. atJ" was killed iiiutitttieuu-!v ! Take warning, joung' ii.ni (auj (.U 'xiif' too) n j forswear h daiieroui Iboiiili, iludiiJld, and liscless i n r a a I - . - I hoUewgetown, p. i.l Jntemgejicer, ', oracAiCiiL ot ine rth inst. suya, " i wo nine negioes wr burnt to death on the plantation of Mr. Francis WithefsTlast-weekUuunu t he"bsence-of t he "pmotherr-1 h"lieto houso in which they were, took fire, and Worth Carena. It ia iwkl, that ef the 50 jneinbei whicli l c?jnj)yse .tije.JkXUtc.ul'eiuita ieSiwTw'.ruor fiom tiorth- Cuililina siv from Virginia, one from K bode ffl la atid only-one-a native Of ffcnnesse5 JRenwvaU.-Vt would refer the candid reader; ' of whatever . political creed ktnay"bettoVii''rirr"' tide in thia'uuy's rjarolinian, giving tbeoplniins ojt'l'reaidant Jackaon ofrthe subject of remA-! frohVoffieetlt'flf b'ose not' MvTfaTii officers, . t mere ;iyaijiMijivaiAW44kw party o the 'hjixWlmijhi sitd u ,'r be a facjit'Wjajl ascertained, that. twu-Juru of die .. offices hi the gift of. the General Uovaiimn, arc actually, at this time; hfiftl by persons whr were decided partisans of the Adams and Clay dynasty. vf hi is a most effectual refmauon of the ceaseless cry of Pnwiption, wbicll is keitt up'by tb ntaleoktents. " ( ' , "'SaUtK73lmerican Gitld .Krie.Con7 PoAzh while in Mexico, travellckl roHes out of Iiis Vay to bake a personal inspection of the Te mascullc'pcc and Vanuxen Gold Mine in that country be reports? tbt they are under the" most econominal 'nd efficient management.' Many citizens of the Cnitcd States are' intcres- ted in these mines a and fcomi P ; hiade5- an inv ipection fortheir special satisfaction and brt. em j .juua evincing, an raeni ucsare io scrc ujy ffouu yli-ii t vlffilvyTjfr t3JW?J'e

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