r 1 1 7 (. f t i ! ' fi: 4 1 jr. t, I !,t m.r .y r 1 I i f " it tU0 u... J nw ill1 fcuu-t, ! une ofltta hlt;b J nwaMe lrul co , ..i.iiti l ,,,tw..Uby LU fBl!'wiiUiw. Tlyi e""t ,)! b dsrply drphml lh,rou6h.1ut ll tlf.ii 'u t i b it those ,,w ttfrejiely 'delicate feu4 ceurfout Mr. GdeV. health,' fully ap. Lfii.ii !! MtfoW'i i.f .! obfigatlois wblcb , jul,lrt,.'lfJwiowcb1cfriat;on. -In our icittwwi'i g're C circular to the forme fi ir'iH;nfcftf J 'whie they honored" fciT; ; , I cp The Report of tlit operation of the rilTof " tie- Coneor J f rv tfytery "?! e tJ A'X'tner liit n'VH "' ww Another incimu, icam, vs i ... ...m.Iulllirklt"! U'llll. 1 III I -- a before dVversl the nV.. vrt f Miiijnj'mlirtl lrfore much Jam .i.iiinl. Home of tli1 fmi'. . .a . III I-Id .. 1 an lirmfT rOOtA. wr?t rood o t Viti'lLf awk'c. before they le t, ip r ulBBOHCai ' ailv to 1,1 .(!-, t'xwit tw yfcr iinc. VM" t.-lnj ermoht, h p.tr. 1141,C-Va re'lain to tiat (T:ct,th i were run without tlii uw ofapiiitotia hrjuora rtaof.Le turfbe j.vVei With 'ryer f. r if V.ru. formerly of Ired'll .. J ,i . .lie J t lluSile. Alahjina. of wUf fcv.r, a tlr 30th Sept. Thai lata! !.'.-, 1 ': P'Tu " Mbile-ae late 14 H e i.t in Ocr)r. . Va'F VIIl pr'evalGnj: at New Otitis and .NatJiri, Um 1' .C - ; -: , 1 1 a) s r ' r-Wri-Tho"gAAl ,1-ktCoiiaVjqa 'iak'ta elaci in- Oh!i tae Jitkion party i triumph. ;,,r, 4hcir maijr'v hs been grratly Increurd amce last jrar", afTonlinjtMire eidencMht the rr.eaures of the A'Jmiftit'ration mret the appro, bit'nn of the people of that Vktti.thry y tliire hvc ot !ei) en wgh turnout jU . PUUitlr'p'un. I'lie Adn.i aud Cjar men kav. int;h".. '!::r ir.ena. gt'tn a majority In the .ri !., r 'tiev uriicd out or nffice Bcnja"- (1,I V I'T 1' I".'' ; - - - . r iai t .V. Kidurdi, th wonhv tind able Mtyor of iiir ci' i an.t nurAVtmum'M'mnr, onror uu-ir oy ina)! ' ' P'acr. .Wcarennt C.l5)0eil 'o hii- twrr tii i-Woval but will bandy rt-. mirk. Mit thr Toly.Wtkina party might now j cil -Iwt up their I oda about prttcrijifioiu -iaii 1 , jj.-.It-nuy vt out T aeaifjnr lo n'-'d 'he mcmher of tue House 01 uominocf ti the 'Gmf'fiyM'nuAU pue at the mt stisiv"! recommending to thft wcn.ur to FiT. at.the nex; atwioiLjclad it. iABwftr. Tcwlutfon -wat ttot oftbred Irr the ia(.1iiVuii no reatrt but the -na &ull concurred with tho Coamon- ra w.:ftirnanire, ana tnai iney win a!F atu-s'Jr ia d')iiestic hahi'iments. Ve hope . . . . . . .. . - . . 1 1 thii hi 'example, in encouraging tkmettic fpani;ixfwr. will have a aalutary effect in ill . r..L! ii- i- .v.: a; yw JU,u ..c.r era agimst the use 1 or IhmexpuH, for ereryay ear, atJeat.Xet Uomcsptwily uVKfi3 it.wiil loon ftupertedfe the. use pt the iiameTiie q untitle of Rimyor'i7u4n'c uitb which the country flooded,' nd to pur. ctuie which, thii iute, epecial! U lo com. Jlete!y depleted ot its csh, The work of litjurm gu oi bat loly v of iho wcw thoatuud offices in the gift : of the Aknrral (Jovcrnment, (a ; great proportion' of which ate in the Unu of theAnam pna City jiarty) only about 500 removals 7haebeen windc ! Thiaisbu mtrt dut n the balance -hardenotigtfliT'T'ilw a met: -The gretet complaint we hear among the people, U, Why don't the Government go on In the work of Re. form f--ar they afraid of the cltmoft of the oi position i"r We will take upon ourselres to n er, however, that tle aIminitration hate no luch 5rt. Be patweti wait till Coopress inett', and vou will'ice th saliitarv u nVt turt frtrsli Fata! f)u Qa ,he 9th'ult, CAarfca WicC JLAk.ilkd.injs. dual . ! . it vc us oe recot ected. Itiat. thia, Mr VVick'iflft not long aiuQe went into ihe.ofllcef rtrrttrckrazettf, and" dioermnflKoT " ais. penning, farmer editor of that eanef i but w biatrial, he' wa defended by lrCJogJvni :IUljtedj jrhjOaze itflwasja .itsunCbJackaou paper t and wasauch a thorn ro the aide of Mr. way and Ms paraaiteB, that they determined to m-f H piHteri t But it. aeema Pthe bloody youag WicklifTV hai methis'deaertal the hands ''' - "me)a'ini T Judge Wffl.Av . Dade.d trtltrf reslchrncW WrBTounry;' rirg.on 1W " 150i wt. - ..af)o.i i"' "' v . The elettidns took "place in Penntylvtmia ion w I ,th ult. Veorg ffW9 U no doubt elected vernor, by a .large majority over Joseph Rit. "er, the Adam and jantl-ro'aaonie -candidate.' Pennsylvania ia Jacksoniitn, to the backbone.' wv weya. within a 'few weeks past. a number of road dogs have been killed in, and "Jsewit Jo, Camden, S. C.' A gentleman from. -saeeuntr,lfite on hU return from market, W,k n hy 0De of these rbd animaW; in t T" .Carolina ; hfe had the bitten par cut out; ua suffering good deal from it,- is nov. e underst and, in a fair way of recovery. 1. - . ". . ' ? - - . w liL0? c vat. The cdmmissioners'bf tK'e -j uave aa vertueu for 13 7fi0 vi. nf .... f I' ifHV0 be, eliverd at Norfolk, for the use M Vy V(f h pleased to see this early aence of termination of the Navy Ue tU'f n5 10 an effective experiment of -Hi! ,,r? V!,l,e antf Duck, for 1 r. it f i V. II? 1 r. . VlUC.lXLl coxniYnox. The temmiiteet. The Committee t!e tailed hy the C'unentlotit now sl from 10 to 2 o'clock t tid re bciiecd by rtum tt prnwijt, attracted by the Impyrtantc of their d. liberations, and th rrlebritv of mny who join io Iho dhcuniioni. The Cofivtntirm iticlf merely meet to ad joWn, presenting thi unheard of apectt rleof deliberative budf whose entire numberi tr borbed bjr, .Comroit tcend which, until thusa .Committee) ihil) report, haa no ont thing to do. Iniereitlng ,decJUo(t were feturdaf msJc la teVertl of the Commltteei. In that ot the Le phla ture "j M r M adl on , c kir man )Tt 1 5 W o lal hw i n prcxntt tont tubmitted by Mr. Joynei, were agreed to by ; Urge mijoritleCTfigmVTi incmMroi in oenate to M ay ear oi . . : .. .i. - r . i " - . - lemueroi the Senate too 39 ye art oil" i) liC-JA4Utftit t-Ol t U-1 1 ouc Ut- Ml II I nil II tj.mla' IMMMlMkM jf-f " Uttitirj, 16 be S3 veVra ofge :r "0U7 16. Tie Commrtee n?xt took up a rc&olw tlon orTetrd br Mr. DoddfiJe declaring thai white population only, oiizht to se the )ai of representation in the cute of J)rtegatfi. After ti able debate the resnjution was pined, 13 to II. The Executive CommiWco, fir ftfles. Chairnnn) hate adapted tnc iAWA -tea soluMonsi ' ' . ' Hesotverfi'Thlt "the. ci-. Executive otTice of th'M Commcijou!!U, vOht to le vested in a Gnvirncr. , llcioJusd, Tat tliie r.tj ;ht 10 b ap pointed Ltedteiiii'.t (.gverftor of tt.i Cnmmonweaith. Ilftoiyrd, That :s V yKuiive CJtu il, as at ureenf nnii 7 J. ouSr 'ho 'b oliihfd;a'no flirt firn ro"pru-J Vldf anr" inner h,in ti:iip"(fjiinril Keiohei,' Yiit rn'c'iae of , the re iiTovf f of the Governor from ofnfe. or 'of hi! i ' deai-,rciii:njiion.oriiit.i;itv lodiH-lurL'el rhe' !6tit'si awrpVvvera'bf'tiU oHircT the said Vffc otii hall iltvolve on t Onvei no' and tne L?g-J ',omte W t?'0 .mrni J!d Pmg m oipft f.v the rase of rel'1' ".cTiu." "'GrnrrirGeumir is the Mcmenant Uiature may p taufal, dath,r.r Hniiirii' inability ot the t.iei:t:nant'(jovrrnor. , ,The jtropOkition tt e!ec the Governor by llie people) was thrown otrt some Hys a tie. We under stand it will be brought forward gtn. r rThe Cftntmittee having thus establish ed white population a thr b t&U ol re pre eentatrnn trt-thellMiie-ot Drtegatc, pro ceeded to constder'the resolution, riechr thj It! ho proper basis of lepresentatton for the Senate, and the' vote was taken wit hmtt dcusion On . ibis reioltttico Mr. Madivmi ":vot'Al with the former nilri- drity that is, egainst the teswJutron,-and this producing n tieL tho reoluuro tell of course .aUcr which- lb Committee adjourned. ' , j ,J:. In the ITxecu'ive Committee, a rcsclu ono fTere-d by-M r .Nay ror of H ampsti i r r, wai adeptcd, .12 to .9. (tivo absent fjr -tofl.ir XA.-tfi A j the hfchlr. chdoiing ShertJJ by the lecftlr. - a...ht .-vv.A-,r 1;.,,.,? Com. hX:AlrJQhp.Iotrt:waa jMcd.iuuu the numheta ot the IJjuse of Ucicffa.ca the minimum al 10, the maximum A I SO, Much debate Occurred 0.1 aud o'hei propos'uions. The txreutive Committee is supposed 10 be divided 12 and 12 on tho qiiestioi, of r.lioojking'ihe Govc.nor by the people. October 19; Mr. Taylor from the Committee ri the nil! of Kihtar report ed the following resolution in part : Reicilvrtl, Thut in the 0P'J(rih Committee the Hilt oF Declaration oi Kighta'requires noamendment ; the rrpott was then laid on the tshle. YrQn yesterday n tTierKxecunve Commit- tee, tne resolution oncreu oy mr. uor dvn ih the following wot ds : That the Governor be elected bv the qualified vo- ers, and coniinoe m ofucu thrtt years, "svas7aTenu" thereon J)y. ayes and r.oes, on .motion of mvi ujbell, stood i ia to i. herelbeii -r the- resolution t fell oi course.,-....: RUSSIANS AND TURKS, f BfjTe" Shiplyh0 TorTOrom Liverpool," English papers to 12n S. pt, have beeiiv tecejred.;TviQki ,arrivI i4ule rdsuog'ahtl imper55 jtdrtanofde war surrendered to tne tAemomihg.q ttie dth; Wftl yuguaL Constantinople aa.atiandoad. toLftOOQ, Brigands (deserters and Janissaries) who were committing all aorts of excesses. Trebisond vhad also opeotd its gates to the victoHoasKussiansi and the Turks Were string for peace. The Porte had formally signified its readiness, to con form to the provisions of the treaty- of Lbijoiiwitrriiespcct-to Grece. This however, did not seem to be looked upon it ConjsjantinQplf ,"aa offering any facili tie to aeconciliatioh with j RusUa. vWe hope not. ; Tlie treaty of London waa a Keaitlesa and a' col blooded proceeding ; leitvipgthe Greeks substnttaUy ths salaVn4 tribulrlea of Turkey - tfna we hop (hej EhVperpV Kichofas; will pay lit tle attention: to it lo an y ternqta he jt ay airree to' with thoTuak. Russia vaa tin- r t'.o t Jt t r ' t a!... from l.on. (In, fjrrpofl, an I llarrr, t'.i cr loft fJmjN irr an 1 l'nihrer tu" iccricd Taria pjiirs to bept, f .ivrrpoul to tl.a loth, and Lji.J m to the I5ih of-tl.at'tnonth. - Tte Cotuk-r aud F-ii' purer I) n th fjllairig aummary of neti 1 Occiifidnvn ij ' jldrianof.lt On tbe 20th Aug. (lenetal DicVmch took possession of Adrlinople, witho'at rneetiog toy op position. " tin the euthoflt of lettera from Sophia,' it U listed ihit tbe main arrnr aoon after war Jt adranced ca the roote to Constantinople, ata! that e coitfmb tvas detached on the read to Fery, about half way betweca Atiriiuople end tbe Uardipellci, lor the purpote of it tacking the caitlca of the I'ardanallci on A French Cnurier, who left Conf.antl tjopler'twrttrerl f rbrte 1hiTthtr8uttait 1 Vrbcr B J?f, yr"u t-uuLummiMuwtt. so -s a-i y nan neaa qurteri 10 treat cl peace. At all cventa tne Sultan wit determined to mike, peace, and the French Minister looked upon the war ai already termina it ' The -cc epunce of the Greek treaty ia.elao oientioned, but with, a reserve, respecting the extension of Greece lo the Gulls of A. u and Yolo. ' The f ilowibj;Ut the basil upon which it ia s.id that Russia will consent to treat I st. The entire andjuarestricted xfiutiun'of the convention of Acker mnn 2d!y. The craa'ton ef two places tn the Aaiatic coast of the Black Sea. ?div. A.i indemnity of 100 million of .v; Mtiiii nia$res,(j0O millions of francs.) 4thlr. Vti'o occupjtion of Varna and J!ourij, as a security for the payment. '!r' i4e ''ee passive of the Uoiphorus Trrhiwnd (on ihe-Asttlcfchbre of the ,UCK a'"l h" surrendered to the Kua H." 11 1 "n rl,c, frm Buch arem, thu he Pachi ol brutari has ptn set! the Dube with a considerable force wito ms heurl quarters atLzeroy. Frankfurt, S'it. f. According to let ter uom Si. Petersburg it doe not seem that the Umperor Nicholas la much in dined easily to renounce the advantages which he may derive from the success ol t.i ar msi EntfjUh Mediterranean Sguadrov.Tbt folio wg intelligence fro Leghorn i nf the 31st Aug. : '' lt'hai been currently rumoured here that Admiral Malcolm has received 01 den to collect bis armed ves sels untl proceed to the Black Sea.. Let iVr from Cobitantlnopti "aiinounce that consternation and despair ere aLtheir ut most hlht in the capital. Two English armed brigs which were here sailed ves te.id.y for Malta, by order of Admiral t 1 - 1 i .i ..iro.m j j r M. Pettrtburx Gazette rontaini a J rt pon from General Paskewitch upon the ( on.ratTons ol the Kussian armv in Asiatic. Turkry-up to the end of July. After a Jelvif Ct ofirit "of -the atiacjrmjdey the P;chj ni Van upon the Russian troop) at li,A zctt under ueneral 1 opoff, which il tat i tulikrl rsv Ina Russians, General ' . I P..skeitch state that his loss Was four i i , t . i ' fcjr, tit :i I - !, ( -i ns c tcrri".r . r. rA . . , mium, uape rear unto, ij a a. . . ofii. . 's ,r,d wven privates wounded, andf CtorU,ton, Oct. l9....Jcotton 7 to 9J cents mIu otircrs and sixteen meo killed, j aour6a9i, whiskey, 27 a 23, baoon 7 to 8, hams Tmi Tuvks, according to the report, had ' 8 a 9, beat kind of bagging 20 to2, salt 34 to 20OO men killed. ' 50,corn42 a46,cofliie Hto t5.,.,..N. Carolina On the 18th August n obstinate c-lb!ak,b3.?ir-e?niLG0.1 tion. toi k place l before Chuml.. Gen - irasowa,i c.iiivu u vuitr vvias oi me fonfeits. . j ineie nas oeen sairmisning netween.nouro, uacon. s v . the Turks and Russians on the Danube. 0" 40 prisoners takco by the Russians, 38 were pu to death. England. The King is afflicted with a cataract in one of bis eyes. An operation is to take place. The London Star, of the 12th olT aTesrthur,the--Cabin"hitrdetermtned; on declaring war against Russia, and was only waiting to sound tbe in!entionjlbfjtlour.2.3Z toJL52,.whxat.7 'Austria,. rsaufed ofiuccourirom r ranee said ltd held.rooferencea.wUh Jbe prin-j tip i nma'hsts, for the purpose ol en gagttit? Hie necessary means. ' France -Tripoli and France are about going to war. The Dey of Algiers icon-" timie trrre'at the French government with much rudeness. '.The Duke de La- Urtlntr tt Eng.id. M.dr Ray neval succeeds '. Duke de Lval at Vienna, tl.de la mfjay4poken'f -? for-apy arid the Duke ff Btacas for Rome, rjtr-1-- Whrrihf. Cxaritra told of the' thtifige in thr French Ministry,-. be shrugged his shoulders, ex,claimioihgT 'Itis too late my "oops have crossed the Balkan.". ItuMour of Peaie-?k telegraphic des patch at Havre, on the 20th Sept. the day on which the Erie sailed, announced that peace bsd actually been concludet) 'be tween the Turks and Russians.! . ' Portugai.- By the recent arrjvals from Europe, we learn that Ambassadors have, been.Teceived from i Lisbon by the Courts of Russia and Prussia. England is still delay ing any action in tbe affair of 'Por tugal -probably, aber is waiting for events- '.4eviern, Oct. $4.t.Cottim 7-35 TJSOf flour 6.50 to S7, wheat J.00 a gl.hscon 5 to 6, wait 80 to 100, peach brandy t$, apple do, 40 a 45, whisr as la Its . I'-i. t--. ,.!.'?, .,!.. !' ..'. ' v r." Rev.S. U4::ia-i u -n, fir. H. I, i , ,f t,.-' ' -trict, S.C.totli.f'ifIii,. H,( I K, 1 ! - ' In Aa'n, i n tL 1.'. u!u Ly 1' 1' I , Wright, Urubcn Ir'J, I ,j. : -y J. Disaiukea, daughter 'f (;..!. ii'..:.-n I. . '. At ttocktnrlutit, JUchuiOnd County, u 1 t!.c Kill irwU t'lnncnt Martha!!, r'. 1 r in thr ltiilaturfl fmin Aiioti couuty, to At .1 l.l'u Iake, tf the former plsre. In Linculnton, on the lOihult., V'y tlm Frv. Patrick' J, Bparrow, Col. Micharl Itrinlfjnlt, i f l.lnroln county, to Urs Maria Alien, Ivrm-rly of Nea Iondon, Connecticut. . t . , , ""la thU town, oolhe 3H u!t; with Liliaya h. Ver, after aa llWa r iwo wrek. in tH iH yearofheragt.Mra,tXAHY JlAJlllUL eoniort ofthe.Itcv. Jm Uankin, (I'aator t.f thJ Preihyjrriaji ChurJi in this place) anJ da'tjrhter 3 tiKn'Wm - i'itkj,iif iiuiiftml rminy. The premature death of title amiable d, is a etaaawf pienttarfHci4tm 1 her tWrttt; and of BoiirnaTif trlef to the Ciarcli. and Ihe cirt'..' f rnrnimeflUalIu!;6iiBiIaJ)osae4 fo;iu a bright example, of all the ftrnaic.TirUiCi Christian gracea, fov tbe guidance and me of the other. She hl been a profcti ot Jteli. gion for more than half bar lire 1 an4 her walk, during all tha' period, had bce4 rcntrkable fur its exemplary character. She wai benevolent and unauuming, Industrious and prnident 1n her domestic emplotopfi!, and coaatat.t.and unweatied in her devotional eervicea. . To her two ir fan t children, (one ea'y four weeks old) and her pious and Reverend husband, the death of ich an rarth'y parent, friend 'and boioni companion, is indeed a severe rJipenaj.tion, whicb nothinx but hi unbotindd coriftdeaeo M the juatice of tiod, and bis holy ardour m tk cause of the blesed Redremert could enlhle him t sustain with ao much placidity of temper, and unmurmuring resignation to the1 will' of hll Heavenly Maater. S In York District, 8. C, Uth ult, ThbmaaCaf. roll, it the ntnety-ihird yetr of bia ag. lie Was a dislingriitahrd aoMier of the Ke volution. '- - . In Burke coonty, on Sunday, l!e 2lb tH. XUj. -sJathewBaird, afedb(jt li. ' Ue ha.1 repeatedly been a in:mjer of (he Ceaeral As aemblv, and had held other honorable poata 5n derthe state government, with credit to Lin aelf. and usefillnea to hi country;. At hit residence (Cherryneld) in Kurke Coun ty, on the I6th"initsnt, CapL .llsjrundrr trwhi, ttfS4.yrjp,8 month and iiv lew remaining rainotaoi 11 ti woo supponea and main'ained the glorioua cause of American Liberty in the timeaof perilous trial, in the war of the Revolution Me wan distinguished thrq' life by a peculiar suavity of address, for bia ioate hospitality, love and charity to man, especially othe bereaved and helph.' ' lift5d with a firm, athletic constitution, scarcely knew tick nes or pain, until tar advanced in the evening of life; when it came, be bore it with exempla ry patience and resigtutionin the end, went oft without a groan or a atniv-gTe-JeavirTg be hind a nurnerous and respectable family connec tion to-egret - their-ha and pptciate hia worth t- hut consoled with comfortable" hopes that tbe better part n eommiutd to a House cot mode witb hand; eternal lnthe"l!eavenl.T: " . """ " ' f'mmunicated". Sah$bury Jfricet, October .Sr......f.;.Y.;..Cottoi 1 j to l cent?, corn" rZ5 to CW,beef "3 tdf"4,' but .er ,0 t0 12 g()Ur 3.y5 lo 4 per Barrel u Keat to 70", Irish potatoes 30 to 40,weeTo. 2i'to 3" brown iugar 12 to 15, co!Tce IS to 22, salt 1.1 t0 :'i5 homespun ciotn li to n, v&ukey JU to 2JT bacon 8 to W. ,4 '.lowneville. 0rl;:2K ,j-CoUo 3 to 6i bacon 6 o 71, peach brandy 55 apple'ilo 40' to 42,7' a - . . - . mm t- - -m jftM&. . " "P' cuitf r iu 10 lOrOorrt jo auweeu ou, now 4 to 51, lard 74, mohuse 32 a 3J,TUigar 8i to 10, salt 75 to 80, tallow 8, wheat a 90, ai.key ?4 mm 1 X al A 1 a o 21.r.U.'bank note; Ua lJ pef.ceat pre hrfvJC 9 tbl H TobaCCO, middling 5 vi to 6, primed to 10 Wheat 9i to ) GO, Coro 55 to 00 cent per buahel, I Richmtmt, uct. 2J..,.....ipuon ay, wneat 1.00, corn 42, bacon 8 to 8, brandy apple 30 a 35, whiskey 30 to 31, flour 5. y iiiUvr,t Camden Oct. 24......Cottoo 7 to 8j, flour 4J to" "5 butorrtbe "wagons, that from Camden mills 6 to 7 1 wheat gl, corn 50 to 5Ul,oats32, salt 65, whiskey 28 to 35, bacon 7 to b to 1 Hour O.UO- u TAiUr ow j to-w.taeeser to 8, apple brandy 33 to 35, tallow 8 to 9. ' ' Lynchburg, rtrg. uct. za. i oDacco to 8, JAUIIll I III f . -.V.VW, . . U W tuxj6lht8kcy.30 taJ hdb acoir.jS.4o-;7: wheat 87j to 100, corn 57 to 60, suit 87. ' . Baltimore, Oct. 23......Flour fc6J a 7, cotton 10 to II, whiskey 24 to 25, bacon 9 to It. " iTMVis;m:l7.LMCotton'9 te.lt, flax 9 a lirflout 5 to fi 25, corn 50 a Vl, choeae 3 5, tallo 8 a 8J, '-, - ' r . - Arm.rrkr Oet, l7CcAon&K Xa UJf, Sour 2 to 24, Virginia I percent. do. Philadelphia, OeU, CO. Cotton 9 to 10, JPlemn 4.62 to 5, Wheat $1, corn 44 to 52," black eyed Peu 40 to 50, Virginia Hams',8 to 9J) " ' HE naw Steam Boat Andrea Jach. built rlCSr- expressly for the, Cheraw Sa -Jnd -Aiigttata trade, will commejnee tunning alternately between Jtbe two places, as soon aa finished, which will be previ ous to the 1st of Nov. She goes direct. (inland) between Charleston and Cherawi and will take (reighUat the Joweafreaaibleatei T3mt03 , Maj. """Joshuk '"lU'aarua"''''- agent, in Chenrw for her. ako, and will attend prompt 'y aak 4to50,lple braTidy 3fjt , te22,leaftobacco3.toyellowbeeax23to TjtS?- 'c. i iti.v. ' ' ' 24..North4;aro1ina bankbiU3 to 3J per - wiw ift"nrr,- v rVp i1rr " " " cent discount', South Carolina 1 to li, uWia " ' 1 'k ." U ni . ' ' to tue nip:'x:'i;'iy(,ri, with h ..t after on vear... Where4 y .iiW to mvtelf or otbera in Charleston. :..ji vino.-- ...... . , . -1 ,1 ' , . Hi Hi S, ' all t.f v!,irh hs frt.l v f , f. r tin or (ufrq. .WiiVj, (hi, 3'J . fl:). . r. C Cowan- c Vu'tiVi ST m "1 H -IT'4 J'f' X i -ff. " '"1" ir- . J Con , y, H irih ifcmt of -j... jr'"lot!i-n fiply of " Tlc-jr isvoi h-nd. a MionabIe fall anj Uloter . !,t, aultabtarf. initf,. irthvn(tr k't ! l.vl;,,rV'' ' T" rhascd iyNete-Vork sad rhiUdl.ii,' er.aia- ' ' " BliteAfetteWwrWn,'eTlm5irt'naeW 1,3-n mrrr, visiiiirrinj - fj.-'d line atiii ueu i un nets. ; ' r , . .'. ',, . Point rnd Hoae Illankcu'' "'Vv ' ' ' Carr.Uei and Plde . ." ; '- , .; .iwrnbaeetia, Bembaaiiiaa aid Ciresisj' r ' rf:Y CWtmere bhawla a.o Po'nuj ; ' , -.' t' "', together aith every olher ar'. U noisily f'.7nfl V ia a Store in thii section of ev i vjy, . , ? ?v. All ef which thv are d'tirr Mt r. -4ti : law a anv otficr ninn u lni.i.- t j the same fine of huinr, for lshl'(,'.ca, tfi. "' en a credit to" psnnial dclen. , ,4 t . t -; The pubfio art refpectftt'ly invited to call. 1 1. amine, and Judge for taosna.Uct, t J & fc l'cwjur, jo.'y. , r , . . j.fiv'U.,- t. nWriX' poe ti pnUtc We, V )T.ed4y ti 1 m 'tipcr voun nrsc, o n previc.tti.irl.av poted of at private sale; the following prVfr,7 i r"9n Trkl land ykz k the f Kotki of lhe? Yadki)o!TnIn,f .320 aerei ttoreT Jets i adjo Mif . iiac anati sucatee,' Frederick Foril,. and Mlirr tf).fuhtwi i . Ali v cne rnher Trect or pfefVof Crane Creek, half a nula fr'oin 5iKiui. " lairjlag J5 acres. more or Urs i on wHirh th ' ia( piece SUud vf ten atrw.-tninl'tu ay1." " ' jAlw, cha tew 6r .C, a"wung tfpon steel spiingvaitk lUrni-as'efxllentrrtake '; Also, four or firnew5opur. Stillv.f4jaiiuua.-a lirea.rTermrmaditlnoiaon.thdav sal. 3t93 PnU aubscriber Inarms his fri? nd. a.id this . ' '- Jfkl JuKct ! hat hp cuntinuf the !ovf b-iti i -BesajutCAarlciw, aaherrttTort-JHwm- and J- avrvicei will, aji us6f, h d?v,trdo--t;ic nTtr.. ests of thoaa who employ . hio,4it:wVir9''''i lof produce, or purcbe of gjoai."' ; - - - - -- ..: .-..He Informa hia cuatnmer,- ihv- yAttv' t.ataria srlll act tJhifaeoVt7iVf.iii;ien- ,wmir uuuuiirur.)icr pnnjuce. ser.r t-v- - him, to my ad li caa,- will he rrcefud. smi-;.-; ' ' warded iirenptry frer of " eofhrri!".. s' iivrtll UUII iher "ekargea except for eMea.'aci'.'arf in. ." --lor the 'convento!-; tJf nfMOfs iinr'irr'I' r. es"" Cotton through tki4.-,arJqel,.Mr'J-.T2artl wiJI " v ' be ,conitaDtly supylied vith f,fle (coding kflkn , w tirder, at cost ui' J fci a rjr-.a, w irtea ' n ; - will be ehnnre'a to the :irLfi.at,' my beeks, and made payable in Mr!e.itiv u . ,CAarAt . ihannin, Kiq. contiimr Attvt in Camden, as heretofore, . vV . ?f henry jr. co-v.m-t . f Orto6yl829, ;.;fK.:..;' SmtiviJ. i. . ITROM the lobarriWr.'on'jiW 23d Oct. a baf MaMTand V Uiorsa-iCeiH--!he-mat17rwr1T" akXsV-4.yeMiow, J-or-.lluciUHu.. some white od her hind lrt, steep runiM, j, the eolt h a cheanot 9o'rrei 1 8 month-Told, vxh. a atir in his face, head tnark-fd. u-i'h a .Kli, ' ring rouna uia tait, od ctanr'ed over with bt.rk. - spota. ;It ia auppbsed they, wijto get f 4 Chatham county. Any penw giving wfofma tion of the'kbove mer.u'nncd h.orsca, willbe hb- ; 1 erally rewarded.' Direct to tho ubscJher. ' Spttnf Grove, Iredell cotlHty: Ni (T7 V ""r - T" ' ' KOPEUT MflTIfri,.' h VctofirrSth.; IT HE-1'HQllQDGli:: BREPx HORE- .."SaTV ! t'VV 'l-! n....'. j I.. I. . . - r " - ' drfk.''-ebigtheluAireri-esnv t -N K'm2fcHr f ;town.of.VJrjr,tJit.Mon-,-r . - nt in I iioii. rnintit.n . : - 14;.;. A . . .. . f . i. - - T-. . . ?STOTjCE..,wThei wibtenbtr nul veil; tub- X ' l"! ; he sale-, at hWhouievf :iucrta;!k t) o 'Mx ' day of NWmher nctht'i,Z lUh.i ,i vVrAn ofLtnd,withatgoxl G'i4-(:N, Ksfidr and JVleadow, a w goiK 3 weTt ihg h-...us. OitiiI -t; 7 likely negroe. via : one maV-ind orui'u'a'it ber children, from one to two yeis tlJI at likely Horica, one yaluahl i V"jk.i sm, and a Cartf. CaUle, Hnjr a'nt Mpf-a aW' ty of Wheal; Cora, Oats, arfcl arl:y, V n! ,r tJ Hay v Farming'YAJtenaiK Kitcbeii, ilritijte, with a number of other article r; Oij a crdTnr twelve months ;" eweept fjs land arid .ji'gr.tti,' which will bf r Id on a credit pi' one anl two ' C uirruiuLE v.ii ur riven. . .. t .liiikAr iri.1; ir 4 i " ' . i vr. i j 4tQpe ,.. . X r tT LitTtear-i-jti-fl! "(aiisisMiv . . ;

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