f A t... t r - -. - v . f (m 4- r. IT 5f I I IU,i ;, r.y.y.iJUXMOXC. r " i i: i i. mi f !!!".! tl f '11! . 1 - . it - T , , I. I m f thf li' " r,'Vl in!.c tin- a 'I ! j . . I . m . .. .-.;.' In r.fnriirM f.r thU ritab iff Ol l"J t I t'V I ' V i l v.-i ! oi ftry iiocripi'in urn- V 1hobt.it tlii fc'Uwry aisoru i . ' , it.K-W with, choice l.irpor,BCj-ihc SuhU-s, ': lJM , tnVirt lH .UtMrovid;4 a.jhlWy ff provf ,vlcr uf all sin J. a I ittemlud b.f old. J. ,$ .. ; ; r J W ..id attend?. Udders The cuiivrnienre " .f this n'ttutioft i equal. If not upernrf to y . in the t.l-iri-i thf tpnuini number, of I Tin?'? rooms, UHi t i wv ---- .L . ... I .. .... u!i iflitlilil without fin.Slifi. On i he Tifemiirf n n itfc. )!OUF., whih will flurry be eupp .a w-cn Wr j;-Cv2rdif;t tc:n.e nber,. her awirei the public bt .obinjf bn wntin)?, prt, to mtko those cdttfoHab.tf STAGES, nop t ttir Hotel.:, ' . !-iOoU AViUMng-' AlacAiVn'e.:- i 7J0TICE.ThU U to hotiijr the public in (fen n , '". I'v cr1, tMt hijf icqnired from he - ' . "'..Mtni-ni r State bf the United State, k tMent " 'for th Mc.ct for Wuhinjf, Cleininjtuid 8i)ntli.r Cold duit, Coniiitinf of Funnel, ' iTrunk mi Sp0"'' ' bwb? forewarn iJl penow : fram ownror maVlng aald Machine! without my 'pvnMJi !-fi- '. ItlCHAttp LtK "ffN Slibry.N. C. on tVe 12th Oc4oler4 1829, JL NctroMaB,whoiafl)iimamfNED, ainl WfthvbeWngt d,Col.i Arthur, 'Krinf about tire milea from Colurohia,- 8.' Carolina, .lie appeara to ba 50 re otd,- U 5 fe 10 r II zxb Whr hlrbr ftUr wanrrtcetioovr ftoBt! biu't i ftifl; cauaed fjr a le n "r inia; per Vfinklci aivahe-Uft bom alxmtJOhof Aa r - ' pitUft Townea-kdredUottpro- . Utrty, pay chirVea,W lake liiraway.' r 4 I. - V - w - f, 6LATEK, SAT. .CKU'AjHft To Cotton GVnpeTft.- ;! THE (ubsenber bavmg been fVtauentlv aolidted by his okl eanto'nicra,'igain to" eatabliih the Cm Makinf Btainett, baa innl tit Ann n Balishurv. 1 ... r ... where he ia prenared to tnake aoo repair 07n. V the yery beJ materiala, in a auperior atyle of workmanuiip, anu on terms the room accommo- "naating7eeniatbce barditniea. V Having been engaged in the Wineu aix or - if ven yeara .eu4uiog a pirt rJLbia lime- fur Jiute or fou? o the laat aeas6na In. picking eot J ion.' for tli eipren piirpTae of more-fullr ac- 'aBBaHMBtaaaaV - 'nuainting hiitiaelf witU the "prtrci plea and prie ticat operation oi ineae. ustiui macuneai ana f'y paving recently Jrisited-Southi Carolina,; sbtre i. yjfwoi exaoiiniioinem,anamaungnimscii ac " " Ht.qilaiWf d with tbe plan on wh'cb . they are con j.Jt -atructed, iic jhe tberefer feeUTisiifeilT'linat " ..t ,r fey hia enlarged experiencethusj acqaired, in .. . inaking and reiwiiring Cine, anil picking cotton, !" hewn tonatruct Machine auperior to any ever " jonr in North Carolina, . ' ' " Tl.nu aiUK'mir lirnrk Ann in tf! lino nf tuL '.-ttiepeit maienaiswoe nauin inesouniry 1 anu 1 a t ' 1 will make ana repair Gins, according to ordera r","Lv; , Jill WMWasts aiv w. v ym.m is saausf w ,t h mithr at h s shoo or dwe ins' nSa is.l . bury; ready to execute any job with which they ; r'.iDaj be ; SAMUEL FRALEY. State sJvartA tani.ndi h i . BUck, dec'A v$, the heiraat Uw of Jacob Blackji Ii'lecVt;u8Ucey,;eietrt6i,kvied ff nni'irihff to the iktisfaclion of tbe court, that '.;'. Adam Black, Polly F.tchison, Daniel Black. Ann Sweet j and Daniel Black, Guardian for William Black i are not inbabitantaof this state j on mo ' tion of tbe plaintiff by counsel, 'ordered that publication be! made In tbe, Western Carolinian 'for six weeks, that unless the aaid defendants XppeaXjO& ty of Kowan, at the Court-hosjae' in Salisbury, on tbe third Monday in November next, and Userd'ctRi6n,' Jii Jgrnen'rwill Be" entered Jor-tlipldutjfl'' demand, knd execution awar led aceordingly; 1 6t9T JOHN; qiLESTcr "ptOl'RTbfrieaa and QuarterrSesaionvAa- ' y' ,J . vf gust term, 1829 . Joseph Clark vt. Freder- v ' icjk Craver ; Original attachment 1 Jacob Cook ry. summoned ai garnishee. In thia case it appear . 0 , ing to tbe satisfaction ot te court, tliat the de, S fenantf.?redertck' Craver j not an inhabitant of ' . - thia atate, It iajhrnfor ordered by. the court, ffixbrpiibtiiad tor the said Frederick Craver to be and aDDear t quarter ssto3ee ingtoiji on the 2d Monday m .Novetsbernext, lad udamnl Rnu ur I h ntprerl air.mal him: Inv I ' Wie plaintiff's debt and "coats. , Witness David Mock, clerk of our said court, at office, the 2d ' , Monday of August, Anno Domini, 1829. . CiUPERIOB Court of Law - May term, 1 !S i Elista Coxe v$. William Coxe j Petition for , afisiHataArf Kit t hsk rvuirt thaf tMiKhaif nn A C be' mide for three months jsuccesaively In the - -1 r Western Carolinian'.' and rYadkin - and. Catawba Journalthat the defendant be and appear at the next Superior court of latrito be held for the e - county of Meckleobure, at tbe court-house in t fH Cbarlottej of tbe 6tb MoridSy tfter tbe fourth ? . "t ' Jdonday in September next, and plead or answer - , , i to the plaitifTa petition, or th same will be . heard exparte, Witness" Samttel Henderson, -' zTiSl tlerk of our said court,, at office, t,be 7th, Mo. r--ryRertfle4ih wpuday in Rurcn, i ... i ' .NAroLKOfJ. . . ' lie o!.' , MO-; -attit m at davtH l.'lv.- a !.iOib;rin world I CorrH.'.ii.jn at hi! no.i WR r,"H " , lit tyra'abiiinrrftrlMl ( , Tlirotm trcniMcd at hia ftaiit tread; Cron fell around hii Icet, And hrwk the axhea of the dead,'. ." Ilil f agle gbnee to meet, ( F '' lie CMr.r, a cl.jlil whoroWn aaigit 'tftKj , A ti-ioa Uint to feel, . . And klnfr and eonaueror fwicd Car f In nhaiiuwi trtoiA bi He, - A fr th finieat ailer etar J Pcln"d th airlw f aftcT; ' ,Ha'wept Mponthc battle und, j1 ' vRtM.ir, jc. inylrkKM. Of death tdcncnuel around f H;aeani.orttoti werafulli : n rrqynirTiBfbbtmmtt 4T And fell aa vnmy foc Iruiri fcr, B . f f frf" orpo"" ,n,,, Jln Wind ia a'aleepin ea J.Himjant abroad ti efy ... An island in a ttormy aea ' Ha got him hack again i ' .. He eama'on earth,,deiennined, atetn . "vAnd liardlo be denied, . . Empire and thronea to overturn i" And oo the freateit-dted. J. 0. li. SONNET ON A KOAST HO. Thou rert thia morninB;"a a lily fair, hole, hen I peep'd at )bee tfirough the pantry key Cut birjnf and the fire'a exccire rlirr, Have made thee quite a qtiadrupedian Creole, StUI Umu art lovely, and an epicure Would now prefer that eyelet face of thine To woman'a, though array'd in arnilea divine j Would deem thy odoroua fragrance much more PVrsriS-Ai "(cal TUan bcauty'a tweetrit breathinga, would re The many tempting cbarmi with which thou'rt .drcatt . fbreaat, Tbf well lurn'd neck, phtmp frm and ottinp Acd fondly tee that greute wai in them all. ' y; ' .' Prov:Jonr. AUUMNr Tbere U a hue, a aoft and mellowing ahade, fitea! o'er the foreat, and embrowns the glade, Lone; ere the rugged Itaml of winter drear Tear from the wiiber'd branch its garment tear i Scarce shall thon ace it on the yellowing edge Of each green leaf j ami yet the certain pledge la there, that the year's youth is past, . And cold decrepitude is coming fait. It speaka of bngjft thmgn fading, and of light Shrinking away in the dirk arm of night ; It ahadow forth man's ever withering state, 1 With dim prophetic? romment on Bis tatei It couraela hope suiee things (hat fUo on earth Light; Kixcns, flowers, all know a second birth. . rOvr M1lr ,f r wlin Ihf IU lli.. rauM Tsa nir ivec cocaiaa aid E.iaviasa. - Andrew Jackson,' It is a peculiar advantage of republican institutions, that uodcr thcirjrjroteaipojlicJiigh 1 aT K sat itai In 4riiwwfraea Kl sa ftaaiast 1 wv ginv, m vuuhuj unaaiu j with Civil liberty, no distinctions be required, save those f i at a . j wmm uiuic".isa uciscu crcaicu there U no bloated aristocracy, whose pretensions rc measured by the weight of purse or, the length of pedi gree there arc no degenerate sons of virtuous fathers, who.findjn anceatral not merely a refuge from dis gaCe, but a claim to honor and Tes-i pends on their ' moral or intellectual power ; their private or public useful ness : aod but few instances present themselves in' which mediocrity meets with unmerited, reward: whilst genius is ieu to langursn in poverty, ana neg- iect. ,;ir any apuoc coma exist 01 tne truth ofihe fcreg;oing remark ix wotild be dispelled bv cursory examination oftJieHreeToTtKfac men who have, 1, led theTiobleatobjectlaubaeqeotly .led to his-political eleva4 of "humab ambitiori, and ioscribed their names,on the tablet of their coun try 'a history"-We - mightp-vithout tasking our memory to the utmost of tie powers, iurnisn numerous exam- $kt: J&f sdeRtiad vitme;iiointl nurtured in obscurity,- which, at the fortunatelnornenrof their productionr gratitude 1 but of the many within our .? " wui wuw m ui ine uisunguisnea lnaiTtauai 'wnose name is written above and whose char acter will form the subject of the fol lowing observations. 1 ; ,5' -tlc, not our imtipn accord withthe ! J narrow limits of a sketch, to give a minute circumstantial account of the life and actions ot this extraordinary man. To s the ; pen of the professed biographer we shall leave thr executica of a task of such magni tude, and . content ourselves with a brief and gencraLview of those events ia his v career, civil, military and pili- eai ,- W'Hcn jtena - jo- oring-ioio iignt 1 tU Attlut critical t fried ofLu.'.,:.:s cx Mtrr.r. -.).r. t!.c necessity cfl i ' -t jI 1 ' , control it -deemed rnoif, orrcnt, At drew Jackioo was thrown l'ricndleni tsr on the world to rathtr wiiiom from- the Icnons oC experiencenor wec her hinh rd levereMeachm without their value Of' effect. They tended to develone; that dcciiton of character o indtipenlabIeto tnt cor rect diicharge of public duty, ttd thcr tilled into lf thoie. ntuae K?nni of oc'riiui' which, without their qutckeoing influence, mrght bare per iihed unknown and -unregarded. It waa not in the Upof J.t'Wj" JeneV tfiat that mini wi palurecl arid "Jjfnge tfiat that mini! wt irnaiured and thUCOUtiSQ-len)Pe(ew'ct'- w' 'deiVtncd it rfature day to ahinc -frith , k.:ir,. K :n In luch hrilliancf on the one aide, In i spirii of si vaee raocour aod .'pcriccu lion j on tne otnrr, wiw uoaniico cooitancy and indomitable valor, was the school in which, tleyouhgaitpi. rant for renown," was tanht t6e rudi ments of the military art. Iirred at an early age to danger nd privation, he learnt to rely withr cnofidt-nce -on hi mental energies and to fmd in hs own heart resources, commensurate with emergency 1 and altriough, at the period, too young to do more than follow in the track where others led, yet the dauntless resolution of the boy, was no unmeaning presage of the future glories of the man. - - When the restoration of peace had effectually closed the. career of arms agatast' furtherexertionpit- became oeceasary for Andrew Jackson to turn his attention to some civil employ-mcni- The piety of a mother had destined him to the ministry, but hap pily for America the wisdom of a aon made another," and amorejudicionr selection. Of those pursuits which are thrown open to men of industry, talent and education, there is none which presents a wider ranee of I thought, or exerts a stronger and more I saluury influence on the mind, than I the profession of the law. . Intimately t connected with tbe science of govern ment, it leads the student to the con stant consideration of those great and immutable principles, which form the ground work of social polity ; and, by cherishing a habit of keen and subtle discriminaucnivesTxeTcise and. vU gor to" the faculties of memory, judg ment and perception. Nor do its ad vantages terminate here the practical lawyer is hourly bn.ught'm contact with men of all r inks and of all char-actersrThe-theatre of hi&TxcriionaTs a world in itself, where, we behold the wise and the weak-Mhe Industrious and theidle, the -moral and -the profli gate, seeking the establishment of a right, or the palliation of a wrong. A thorough acquintance with the human heart in all its beauty and deformity, is the necessary result of this close and constant association with men of every class and degree, and although the acquisition of this knowledge U of ten attended with toil and d.fficulty and disgust, yet its utility will, in the end,-moreihan compensate Cor every evil suffered io itv attainment. But however high, or deserved, may have been his reputation at the bar, it is not as a lawyer, or, as an ad vocate, that the subject of the present sketch has any claim to central con sideration and applause. It is suffi cient. for our purpose to have indica ted'the study -qf jurisprudence nsone ? the80uice those ' treasures of the mind," whicb tion; We:rshall hasten-therefore, to view him in - another and far different lightpleading the cause of his'-coun-try, not before a limited audience, but before God and the world , not . with jtJhe aauencer ine more persuasive eioqucuce oi tne SW''ri? :. : ,....r..r..-. Th& .year 1512-fautjd t!vc,Artri can people uiviaea on a question invol ving the safety 'and;i honor , of the re ic. The "justice, or expediency of war with England, at that juncture, though vehemently supported by a ma. jority of the nation, was yet doubted, or. denied, by af powerful miodru v. i nis uisumon ia couopu was unnappi. lyiprcuctive of "disunion iri faction, and whilst the high toned federalists it the East stood alodf from a ' contest which' their conscience or their wisdom disapnroved . the -republicans of the West, "less scrupulous; Jn heart and less fortunate in position, were left to encounter the full force of a desolating bbfderwar ' ;At this moment of-doubt . - i . . r ..' . i i . ., J, tor cf the 11 81:711 " f the t:;.:n.'' J Ic Telt that Hrc linu... r; ence morr irj lit bosom, which twenty yean f j ca:r had'dimmed, tut not quenched, nnd with the prchctic eye ot gcr.iu, fore saw in diitaat pcnpective-hii battles and "hia triumphs. , We Have the ' au thority of the rt Geoeral of the age for believing, that the warrior likejhe p6etf' derives his intprration irnmcdi. ately from I leayen. Nascitur lion Jit, is ai applicable to the one aa the other. The itudyof booka'rnay forrn XfXck, never Napoleon, ana where nature m - without. -nrluhV-The claims' Df 'Ati drew Jacjtioa to a distinguished place atnqog tticftetlewwrr) nature; formed for baUle held, will not be rcautefl by him wh has studied with attention the history 'of bis victorious ampaigns. Io common 'with alh cel ebrated commanders," he appeafa to have, poiacssed the power of vigorous (toi'Ccpucrj nnd rapid cxecuti n nor wa tht'irt dented to him of jnspirios rtis soldiery witn a large portion or nis i . at' a own fearless cochdence- a confidence not founded in vrNwecAingprrsump m a a tion, wuicn nt'pisca a danger it can not perceive, but based on a thorough and just estimate of his ovrrt strength and resources. The two first tears of his military service found him op. posed to an enemy, wiih'iut'civilita-l nop?: but"notrw about -d isci pliDe. They had forrnedto themstlvcs sys tem of tactic, as'well.euited fo .their oatiorm character aitok the nature of the country they defended. - jlld in the depth of their forests arid surrourf ded by marshes -and . ewam'ps -.-almosf impenetrable to roan it was with min gled terror and admiration that they beheld these natural . advantages of position vanish before the. genius af their ardent and pertevering-foei" In vain they had recourse' to those arts, which, on former occasions had prov ed fatal tollarmer-and grr:CJair their plans were baflled by the rapidity of his raarchf anr) therr ambuscades turned to their own'deatruction,' until ar last, exhausted by their etTorts' Vnd humbled by repeated defeats, they re- ceiyca a; tne nanua 01 Uit victor, : peacehich they scarccIy.Tdeservedr::! - But .whatever mav have.been the danger and difficulty of theIaJian war, or the co .r; ge arid skill display. ed io aifronttr.g tlic ojjand surrnQgntv ingthe other; xnrf would i.-evcjr have extended the faoic of the conqueror beyond the'TImTts of ih'e"4te rn t or y jm?' mediateberYrfirtert liy-nis succcsifat operations. "I'rovldtfiCe had,wcV4 er, decreed that heahould reap an other and a richer harvest of nlofy. To bis care was entrusted the safety .1"1 Louisiana, menaced with British in. vasi u, and the (8th of January beheld the fulfilment of the trust the-tri umph of America, and thelunriiliation of England, We will jjot dwell ioh events, familiar, even 10' those: who posse si buf"a li mi ted k no wlcrJge "7oT their country's history. Par ty spifiv ever blind in its rage, and unjust in its aspersions, has since Suught to attri bute that success to the valour of the soldier which was due to the genius of the commander, but the impartial de cision of history wilf lbe, tlw tlthFch ief was worthy of the army," and army of urenier. JIkeT..m..At lady at'tnest enif pushed pffa tittle ways, and aihole in the 4on extitintr theladvi?8curiositv ee-4aiswRhe , . r W 1 .. w - . " j sj &e on; their mother, whose toaa greaf kindness, "Jm often hannens among, otheC orders of beinpproved wicir ucaii uuiiun, -, nuswn l uiriOf. Gen. Lafayette. It: ti'Mtid in a letter from? Par is published, . in Uhe Ewek Kegister, thaLLafayeue hade cently.travelldrnluch in rancei and was every where, Veceiyed withfi en thusiasm' and respect ' and he , took every occasion to'expresk bis bp'nionsj in favor ot liberal principles. We are gratified to) rerVfsays tlie; JRegistJr) that bis pecuniary cently enhanced by considerable arnbunt of property wnich harl beeniniitigationb inthr French our -i c i;..ru - - has railed in htttowinfr nortion 01 1 oonrs wcrr- iacu the sacred fire, even Icngth oT aer-jany !(, ine piece; w rice 'becomes labor without end jnd Spanish brown for ret theityeeentlytshe dosetrwhere were1 deposited Sundry; Wd the javTs (ogether till: a -pies and other good thiagsiOhe pie cieocy :bntJsswailIowed'; or, the sjI' wasovered witlra plate, 'lirnTcTwasT' :mt iff walerhd admff- 1... ; Ochre h vr tcvtf I tiT.' f..,!u.J with Intun rtmiim. - i h i to - ).'r. enrcul ticn ai b the raV tivrn (,f the 9 la turvir, w with trie Indies l tncir uead, J,jJf f. .L- l ...I. .1. 1 11 v i njrr urcTj witn mc qrnu prcu rving, the bodies Ir&w Cortu-u 1 1 1 . inc louuwin cxiraci Iron J I i r t J 1 c ' Husbandry would seem to saottion sucH an opinion t, " A. hit. roultntyf ol PhiUdelj,! dined rn b ird a Hpanish ship of )r at the IIsvana; and ate of lulled l:, pork: wi.ich appeared aa if just Wh lie was 't dd t was liUecriindputbn. vcar.ueiore, at L.a icrn iruz. Tk. ire covered tilk Jocrtre.) men paccea n Tgi, ror mc c,iiictr They showed him some io bagi, ur they were covered with rcd.otU.' woicn is wasiieu 011 wun water pr,. vious to boil'ioj; it. I presume other 'pure, impalpable, especially dn astriogenrday, will anuer as Home clays ao" far partake 4 ,Juai fijp '-hew it exuded, like a white mould.' Buch'I have seen n fa ba ksxf the Chesapeake. But d&et ppaniili brownfccontain alum V Woman. Prauci I. of France, t the fir ail monarch who introduced Ij. dies at-his Court. ; fie said, in a i!t of true gallantry : That a drrior. ponj without ladirs was like the yelr witnout tne p log J -or rather, pnoff wjthout. flowers. Aoojitrre i(.ii(e vftulild atnsnUf -.1 .1. ... . up i.ic inoiigrta ri enjoymp; tne ioci-. to of woman. 'Iri'youth'sivs lr l Bjcon, womth' are'bf rnTtrev.ws at a riper age our companions, in onl itt oor nuraes, and in arrs ".: friends..-, ... Fontcnelle being one dav naked a lord in waiting at Vrrsaillrs, wh,i difference, there, was between a c!cx L and awomao instantly ' replied "4 cloct 'serrcs to po nt 6ut the lu ur". and a woman to make in ;or?et ihem." ' I have alwaya remark 1 1," uv the -celebrated laedyardy-'Mltat xrmn ioaH countriea are civil, obliging, tec -der-and-Knmne. Tn --a-Voiron-, whether civilized or savage. I npn-c Ijireis m);!tAneJaDgqage'cf dr. j! cency and- fnendshipwithfiut rcceiv- 1 i S " '. liecer)t -Jnd ftieudly.? anawer: yitttt'UJbs9ften..cnj)t!ie'rwist;' fo..wanderLDf.Qyer the.barren pbini 44' inhospitable Denmark, Uirough honei: Sweden aod frozen IisplandYwJc and churlish Finland f- uftcririckld Russia ; 'and id- spread 'reckon ii the" wandering Tartar, if hungry, dry. ever hern friendly to me and cnu rm fy so andto add to fthts Virtue, ( worthy the appellation of benevoler.tt) these action have' been performtd iu so Ire'?: and fcinda mbnner,, that if I. wlRdry, t'crane: the sweetrst dracghi, and if hungry,,! te the coarsest nio sef avith a doubleelish." 1l ' V f An Important Convent ion. A for ventionof delegates from the s-veral Bibte SocletiesrrrS. C. is to In held to Colombia; orfthe 35ih of Xo er bti next.- The object of the meeting ist adopt measures to' supply every desty tute family in the State, with a cop) ofihe Holy Scriptures within the pe riod designated by the. Am. Bible f? Ciety,rtr supply all tie clesthule in the United State?.' ' 1 5 f a.taoie appn.!ull t fine salt mto tne istered in the liquid frm. ;The cuk I is Irnjnejdiate and iiire-A farmer, wb JWbk fiausebt Bible 5? eiety dfiVarkjJistrjct, g. C. have m- dertakert to supply all .the desntore families, within their .bpunds, and hps empioyed for tbat purpos;e, an cfiicicnt agent. Mwnawmj;.On Tydy-et?. nmg:24tli''uit. at the. 1'arV street pfrutch, in Boston, twelve youog g tlernenwere Ordained as Missionaries and f.vo as Evangelists. Etg 01 themsfe rthe Westerr SUtCS.7 A glass of brandy and vst? r a i v'' tja "' ' iWl,f,.sfc'r (.''.-..'- v Vt-jsv'- ,--': ;:..'. c'Li- f--t ' stienh -ot Olir civJHijstitdtietig . - l'V t -::, Li.,: :....Mi,iSSl

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