ar fj Some aJtniieiif i -f tf i.ffimiun!fj u..ns unavoidably omit led, for want '" '"'J ." Kisint Sutt, lA)il;'e, l'ritintont .7. U SS2d. D.H29. , ' At i until of lb mm tit this l-odg , ., ih Jt 1 ,e Kw? lt M .naniaoui'y "'crtM lb left'era f If the tpare o f f . - i . a ' a. . I -worthy--ALajNin-.K tRWIN,. of nurk coubtr. N. C.,.ml iUtt th! notice b I ,,uhfi.!.d fn the U'tef Crt41r;a And Cat aw. I u Journal "-l"T""H'Wi WaJou At thVrecrnt Krm pn?i Unpwrtur 43w fot ' r. i,;fuH ewit t-.uc l.akaJi wsa pcd , 7m emiVr ennvictwn of Vny-imin)jUOlm to be ciecotcd At Hit ut term, t Kiit of llander w tried Bodon Mote coumy, w.-ii.. ,! and Wife, of Baking';"! county i Verdict fvf plaintiff I krtirRjirJ. TU !Ian.Jthfri ' MM,of CHI e- from South Carolina,' Ii4 beeti elected NUj ir Gnral of the 2J Iivi'ron of the Miljii it(,t fctate. . The Hon. Thoma Chilton, a member of Con grnfrom Kentucky, died a fee ince. m. m.i ret ft VoubK mn. under 50. SJuA R. IMhit, 'ate a metbr of Con. jrrot from tb s'l w' Nw Vork' bf" P f mtcJ 2 Aiitant Port VUafcr Uaoctal, in jUceofl'ttioeMDrailley. '('be SrrranmHji C'ifiua, publwlird In h? f i'y ,iSiinih, aVe f GrurU, by Mrwiri. Botrf. iw Av Bf La irC'Klv apprarrd m an tntir ju9 dtfH fii ia.oo ajnoiif lh lt printrj kini niott owful par)'"" i G.ria.; It la uid to Ua bt kfgtst .tirculatloo of an daily paper ifllhaaut ' ',' - ' Benjamin A. Datham, Ua. of RJeijrn, 1 ten pirJ A rent of lite Brancti of the Newbern Bank at thut p!cr, in loom of Shcr- rood Haywood, Tjk. d- -ral. ; . Important fmm .ViLrira,..t....,By an arril at rt Orlcana, iicvra i r;cf Lvtil from Tampico, afu:r fie occPe actb.nt, tt.e 8pani i.cii. hrrailaa hai aurreodewd to tho Mtllcan jorcri on tbe 12'h Sept Ne wa to embark for Havana immrdiati-ly. The conliuon aenn t- lav hrrn erv favorable to the coiwfuerf I J he Spiniib officer vera to retain tlirir urd t r.d color j th wounded arid ikX, am'iuntinjf j.V1200;To benkenaretf, 4ou5uviug, to be aunt to Havana at tbe expense of the -The V. 8. frigate Bra'lyiiie, litcly arrived at N. York from the Ncific, i ordered to gti in iradiocM to fake an ithcr cruise, to touch at ! Iibon, and oUm' porta. , - Biw.toax. oct. . Cn. The late account from .Liverpool and Havre per 1'acific and Knc, acre, not of a ty'thrtritif nalnre." ot .market-tbrmighoot the week naa of cicceaingiy uuuj, wecaii tuit boevr wwke any- change, oaour quota, iioiii the total biliinta from 17th to 23d iutt. . J inn i.v!...?. .tt.. . duel not cacccu vuv uic, rui.ijjiir o nianu ''Jiil'JJ ctnt. W.-The 1emand. TD',o'lir IanrhM been inodcratc, but the feejingjf rtherJctttrLa!id an anSance of Ji ctnt per bUL baa been re&L iird" Antonir Xtie"xtr-of ih"irfrkr are MK) bbl. of Richmond Country, at 5 5 8, cah, a:td 1 frTrl kQtall parcel of Georgetown Mountain at - TU Market. Nocbane;e of any conerjijem.e Ins occurred aince our hut, in he price of To bacco or Flour (ih the Lync' JetTeri n jan, 2lrt u't.) A hhd. of new Tobacco aild ..n Saturday at ft173. Flour wai 3.75 and Whiat 62 ct. to 67. ilatrt Mafket; Sept. Z0.Cmm-Our ratea for In iter: States short itaplc have undergone no variation rincc our last, but the favour we ltato noticed on ordinary to fair Sea lilanda, hu further iiicreaseil, and the advance on tliece de scription may be cti.nated it 15 to 20 ct n time upon laat uumiiU. The ulci siuxc utu liut farapriae 4369 bale. " The Convention. 'tb discussion has fommenceil in earnest in the convention, undthe debate promise to be more ex J ended thun bad been generally anticipated- Indeed, the Enquirer ol Tuesday vs of opinion, that it would not be con cluded before the meeting of the assem . l?ltr1IKrit'rttnioir-ytt changed oo Thursday, from the circVmTiance''l!iar there was a manifest disinclination on the Jft"Of mUr. lO-paiUcipalC J bite, we k'.iil dunk that the dcoate will V an extended one, "it om! a fit m belief, that the magnitude of the question be fore the. convection, involving, asjheyjio the Dronnetv or impropriety of an almost " totatrevoltrttoirt tbeiaxwaejUd Ijiiiiaiuc viucsi, itpuv1"' w.m "in tot be aHowei tcbeasscto ve t in, kijenc?. Ij'f 'Slfch'Weti 'Il Th "ltd chief imtic -jrafeurjjd jpj PresW logi- vai aim sagacious ioxrwru, nu vuicrs whose hamet occupy a splendid station in the. galax or Yirginia' most, brillian't and celebrated Worthies. Nor? do we auppo&e that those who have already ad dressed the convention, will be content with only once manifesting tbeir zeal and intrepidity in the great cause which has &een entrusted to their hands. " Old Domimon. Among the on dif of the late Paris pa pers, is one, that Piince Cobough,' the busbind of the late Princess Charlotte of Wales is about to ask in marriage the Arch Duchess Sliria lmi the widow of Napoleon,- - v;U ' r J . . FOll MUX ATJl'S. Srm TV, tkl, JVHy the 'np Mary Lor.l, from London, we hv reeivrd th London AlUi of Brpt-mbrr 27, tiirh announces tht frluitm tfuuet btsetn Hnniu4 Twitj, in the following lermii . fly y.xftrttt.hf diee from Berlin whlch have Juii reached ui by e tpcil courier, wt have pHittvt inivllirnM thai lh Trrai of Praca b-ltr HuMta ao l Turkc It actutlt Conclude) an, I Vtir.. T TIms Iti im oT lli Ti7ljr nut fttcwiot ill h 'an tvilfncf to tb twiU vodj of ib moijuiion of tb Hmtcror Nic'bolav Tbcy arg.bHtl,M jLjiTnyajf of Ackrrman,ilti pnvi.iim J imJtmiiity to Kuawa fat lb cipen Rt oflll Tba Turkith Pli-nipantiary ImmeJlalely rt. turned l ConntntlnojJf, baarin; tb Jrraty tf nf 4 byimrTr'iitbwrti"inuJrf p'wtn rrl la hire by ttta I'm per or. ami cacottcj bjr I1" I'tl 'lllll llnhttt IttrimnU " lali-iml all lie. Juiawaa.pnaaocn. t( ttf, . wu Ht on ueir ifurca hotiiewani. A conspiracy had been detected at ConiUn- tinnpl againal the life and pnwer of lh Suhan, and SVJ U the wld Janixariei loat their live. Xo 'rate Krf. The arrival of the packet hip Sully, from llirrt, at New York, whub buna French paper to the lit of Oct. prove that the Liprctt of tbe LbmJot)' AtU, carried forRrd neI, Do Tcaca hvinj been concluded at Ule at the 3th cpi. at Constantinople though nctrotiationt are ttill K"'nJC The actual condition of affair at the latt diM may be thut tlated. Oo the I at September, neoiUtion were opened at AdrUnoile, then the ItuitWn bead q'urier. o tbe 2d, and 3d, thcte ne Ifoiiatiofl were' kuapendrd, but not bro ken off, the Turluab Conmiiioner bav h akcd Ibein to cootult their foen ment upon one of the point at iuc The MotuaiT chief acceded to thik delay, under Viipolatian that the treaty ihould be kigned and ratified by the 1 4th cp tentber, i.vtke tneao time hi troop were advancinK upon Convtantinople, and wett within 15 league of it, at (he laieatdatc. Theie will, then, we doubt not, be peace. The work of fortification are puihed aith latii nt). .liit Sulun djc.1 iiuLqiut luifimp at lUrnil Tcliiihrk. t he Hu-Milmaiif are CO- join d'not to lay aiJe their ami. Tbi mea sure, and the uppearanee or Koa-lan troopvat KamburiiM. on l.e Black Sea, and at l iurli, in diralc bill I. to clear1) llut (ii-n. hiebituch in t null to foil. up hi orr'.iuo until ill; con ctualnn fif p a;e." 'lb? folio- ing intelligence Inim Belgrade, Sept. H, U kljo Furnuilicd by the Augtburg G- :'. letter from AdrTanoplr, announce that the Turlinb Coinminioncr clmrdwilb negotia tion! at thf'ituvun head-)urtcry endeavour to protract, but Gen. Umbi'ctSa filed term peremptorily, after btcb he iiU attack the capital without delay." . Puf Minivri Mr. llrown, and. General Scott cUKe U. S. Army, with their Tatni lie, airivcu iu una vessu. The rackel-'liip Ctw tiuhian from Lon donurhed atNorWk, bringjaritr to the 30;h ot dept.: but ncrtliinrr later Irani ihen&inBT r--rr-rJrr-ri:-v r x taken place, theie it no doubt that these ha been a aiiMwnsion of hoitlHlie. - . . a ' 1" ' 1 f ...a a i.yi mat wnen ptcmiscn natrrrreTreo Hvvtx loroiiuii. that the ouitan uu ulspqea to iteat. for ociicc, hT assUTcd the allied ambassador that if the-commiastoners were named he would hot march upon Constantinople; having received oidertj to act with the greatest moderation, and to avoid all useless conquests. It is sta ted, thut on hearing that a general insur rection was feared in the city, the Ku aion General tent to offer a detachment to protect he Suitan and the city. It i added tli-t this might have occasioned the rumor of the capture of Constantino ple. l'urtugal A private letter fiom Ma diid, dated Sept. 1 4, contains the lollow jog: u The paitisansof the Apostolic .paiiy, speak of a treaty i"jil to have been concluded between the great F.u'opon I'oMei as well as Spain and Craiit. 13 v this treaty Portugal apreat to- be given up to Miguel. The King of Spain redes the provinces of Rio de la Plata to Donna Maria, to indemnify that Princess lor the loss of IVtugal ; she it, moreover, to espouse a prince of the house of Austria, who Is' to govern thclrkingdom as an Ab soluTe' SdverVrgtrr- Tne"Etnptror of Ura 2tl, to whom this treaty must be the mLhnayiati&. ia not tn franr an y terfi lory, having only to yield his consent to these transactions, in which it may be sr.en, the SpjnUh King acts with singular gene rosiiy, since he gives up possessions over which he has no control. This iKrffaTi1r edvU I hi. ..jtfPjecAJi, atnbuted tohe .tuke "J VVHiojt ton.-. -Jyil, .The'aeha of -E'gf pt is abou to declare himself independent of the PoTteV-"-" - rr;r-. Parity Sefit. 1. Orders have been sent to the authorities of Lyons, to prevent La Fayette being feasted as proposed. Sept. ;9. The reception of La Fayette at Lyons was superb,' upwards of 80,000 persons were present. The crowning of the Princess of Swe den took place at Stockholm, the 5 1st Aur. .'. . 7". fr The King of Naples will pass through the Souih i of France for Madrid, with the Princess Christine (sister of the Dutch ess of Berry) who mounts the thione of Spiin. u-t':: We cannot withhold the, tribute nf our idmimion when we look at the rapid t ndmiilerly rhirtVcf Count DitaiVicw. lie I f, ret man, an ) lit hurtlt are ImperiihaLfe. ThPauer cf lb flal kar.,M iia title which t e I U eiatinc lion h hinory. The Grind Wicr it no soldier h wnt eye r,J tri, or he would have ccn ni heard soroethlnir of the ml army which in crowing the Bal kan pitied Chuiula at few raile dis tant. Caur.lfKnj. -A iol!craaa,Meh Jn the. coDHJcnceof the Kmperor of Uratsl, hi le chrgd witfc a mission of great Imfxitince to jhl ajd other Kuronean court and only w'alttlhVafrTvai "of the (?ue"n. of PorVu gl tt Riot Janeiro to proceed Ms mift aion. ' " Lnlim Mowing Herald. ..Amee'aPZhiiiieeQ held at Corkjt the head of which the Eirlof Mountcash tini cie?d? jfijel to tauie e ttroni lentttton tit and, at Wclfll Ireland. The individual composing the meeting wet alj cfiurchmn and torietj the object of the meeting was an eiten ive reform of the Tuet Iff the church establishment of the Uhited Kingdom. aw Uevflutiondry SvlJitrt. U if la Con teraplaitun to metnoralUe the eniulr.g uongrei in ftvorof such Noo Commi tinned XTirert nd Soldiers of the Army of the Kctolution, it enlisted for three year, served to the dose of the war, and were honorablf olKbrgtd,and who re ceive do pensions, .' v '. ' With thi view, it h deemed evpedient to atctrtairt tbeir. number. Will tome perton in ech of the Untied States vol untcer in this service, and communicate the result si toon a practicable to Jimtt Fairlee, City 1111, N. York t :,. ' The patties interested are most likely to be foundjn the horoble walk of "life. OfTicer of the Revolution, and puriotic cititens, will therefore do well tccirculate thK notice t- their patronage ii wllcited. .Xnt. -Claimants must be particular to pat down their whole time of uryice, whether io one or more cmpgni, and their proem places of residency ind pay their postage. ' pi r-r Death 0 Gov. Derbirny.Tht New Orlean pipers of the 7th insi (some of which are in mourning as a tribute of re pect to his memory,) announce the de cease of Peter Derbigny, late' Governor of LouUhni. That event tocA plice 00 ihe day preceding,- and -was -caused by t wound in the head, received from the trunk of a tree, whilst he was leaping from his carriage to avoid tie danger likely to result from its being overturned. (ienrrat Pott Office Drfiartmrnt. it -stated in -he- iVadtlngU TeUfrapAfihii the recti pi of the PostOflk Department for' i),e qujrter eliding on' Ihe T jt ofJuTyV exceeded- thcoe of - the-correspotidtne rut" " ,ucru"DT "norm. - tnr n'Tiiucty uaztue iy a private Lj jat t V. d .fit f Vtnrvtrtn ta m L .vn ikil t'mrai I the affair with young WJcklirTe, Mr. Trolr.? tr the Tciltor 6f the Kefltuck.f..iixciie,1 mind- " Whifkey-very little tonunj in ( price has received one chalfetige from one cf 1 3' J, per gnou. . .. Mr. CUv's sons and another from a nearl iMim, nd. 30....;.rhur 5 6J, cot'on relation of Mrs. Clay, both of which were aflcrwaids withdrawn. Kings and Emperors are becoming The Um- quite condescending ol late pcror of China permits his pjteroal un rle, now 84 year of age, to appear in hts celestial pretence without kneeling, and he allows his brother to walk freely about the palace. From Portugal Capf. WirrenraTlhls poit un Saturday evening fron Lisbon, whence- he ailed on the 8th SeptemberJ iofiims thai part of the squadron engag ed ii 1 he attack upon Terceira, had re turned to Lisbon and reported a loss nf 750 killed and drowned, and 550 wound cd and taken prisoners; and that, consid erah'e chtcrin was manifested by the Tf fiie,nds cf Don Miguel, and exultation by ! iiis opponents, it was siateo mat ine om- er vessels of the' iquadroft rCTnaincd offrj V I lilt? wtUHUI VI v"v j xtetmg arcifrcemftu4.f t f l- ,1 nunrti ns of war from Lisbon ; . . l . . t-k iorctica man and muni but as it was nuUlic'v reported that . Don Miguel was without money and without credit, it was thought they would have to wait a long time. - Bott.Gaz. ' fluenoTJyeii.Tho ' Editor of the Nar tional Gazette has received a file of Utl usive. . ihe The Uaeeta Alercantil ol that jJlLgrat ulaTe a reptlhllc"" on" The liperki ol- allt'tbei)u3auc ened the political horizon, and ptoUaimi Wist ihe'uevr mtflrstenTrOTitTinakeeveryJ effor. to re establish order and froapen ty. The revenue yielded by, the. cus: torn house of Buenos Ayres in the month of July was nearly 650,OdO dollars;; and the receipts down "to- the :l6ib. August were proportional. From I that source alone, the new goyeromenj derived in seven weeki, nearly millioh so fruitful is the trade. '. J sx ' An Anaconda, and a 'Boa Const rictorj said to be the largest ever brought to this country', are exhibited at New York. The Boa was to be Jed yesterday, far the first time' since he left,' London, j The Ajiarymd has fasted for 3 rooaiht . a , Grntr.l A'if, and d'n'iotl ttlated to RutusoIT and lUmuHjfT. Account from , Algiers to the lib An gust, state that there was no hope of a petce being agraed upon bet een that pow er and trance. 1 he trench Admiral Hretonmcre commanding the blotiading tQuuroOi.jiicfjwgu.uniuccetifuLJoter .. with tbe Utf, was informed that hirutelf and tune might consider them wlvef fortunate In being permitted to re turn on boaid la' rtVylu7cVuIial ore d upon by the battel i oo leaving the port. . . . . . , JOlllciJinelLlkeWth tilt, by the Rev :W5& T ' ' ' )n Uii town, on Thunday lat, the ilk Ind. after t few dayt line, Robert Mumford Jones, aged atout 19, ton of Ismuet Jcs Rq. ' ' la tat county, on th 2d inat Mr. Mtry An oeraon, relict of Thomas Anderaon, dec'd..fed about 60 ywra. . t ; At the houie of Dr. McKeniie. Cabarrui county, on the ?0t!t ulu Mia fH'ua Lucinda McCal, of Yorkville, I. C. . A fw weiki wrvce, at Italeigh, in th 681b year of bit age, bhrrwood Haywood, F. lie wu a highly citeenicd citiien 1 and at tha tinic of hi dih, wu Agent for lb Bank of rxrn. Tin: M.iiiKVr.s. ibubtlur irien. JfH-tmb 7. J...... Cotton ll to li cebt,corn 15 to 25. beef Ifmi. tmr. ter 10 to 12, flour 3.75 to 4 per barrel wheat 60 10 75, Iriih poUtoe 30 to 40, iwret do.. 25 to X). brow a augae 12 to 15, coffee 1 5 to 22, ealt .1 2, to 1.25, fcoOR-ipuu cloth 15 to 25, wbukey 30 ts 2.1. bacon 8 to I0. . FtyfHrnlle, (ht. 2l. ("niton 8 to 81 P m ' a a a r . - . i bacoo 6 to 1, :racti brandy u lo ii app.e J 30, fitter 10 ta 15. corn 49 lo 55, ft x iced 80, floor 4to5LlarJ7, ifloW 3; a 34, sugar 8) to 1Q, ult 75 to 8'J, (ailow 8. heat 8 j a 9 hi. key t4 to 33.-...U. h. hank note 1 a I ) percent, pre. oiliim. Cane Tear ditto. 1 i a 2. CAarte$t i ci. iA Cotton 7 to IPj "ieeit flour 6 a 9J. wbltkey, 27a 23, bCon 7 to B, ham 8 a 9, beat kind ol bagging 30 to 22, tall 34 to 53, coru 42 a4sonV 1 1 to I i.. ...... N. Carolina bank billa C a 2J per ecnl. ditcount 1 (ieorgia, 1 ditto. " Peterti'irx, IVrj. Orr. 271 Cotton 7 J to 9 1 Tobacco, ninklhiiK 5 50 to 6. prime 9 to 10 1 Wheat 95 to ' v5, Com 50 to 55 ccota per buahel, flour 5 a fj ltaron 9f: a 10. Rickm.lf,(t. 30...:......t,oton7 s9, wheat 85, com 47 J. h icon 7 to H, brandy apple 28 30, whiskey 27 to 28, flour I iu.r. Cam.Ln Ccl. 3l.....t;ottoo 7j to f!, ffttur ! a to 5 out at the Wagons that from Camden mill' 6 to 7 1 heat 8J a 93, or,, 45 to 4J, oaU 32, salt 65, whiikex'-IS to. 35, bicon 8 to t? . iiyunren. Oct. 2H....Coiton 74 to 8. flu 10 to ITrflaur 8 00 to 7TW, row JJ to DO, ciieeve 71 b?Pi.''e.J?rJ3J to j", fi!to: 8 to 9." - Lynehtrurg, f r?. Oct. 26. f o'baew 4 to ft, rimiV3.75iQiW het 70, htkcy JO.ToTJ.i Bacon 7 to 7.-Tobaero, dull sale. ----- T7iMjrT tr Orir29.T..roTtirr 84 9. flour 64 tn 6, ahikkty 30 to 3! 4, bucon 6 to 7, wheat 87 j to I j0, com 5 to 66, salt 87. torn ia ukrce and in Uemaiul. t lour, very 17,0 ,,'',Mf zl0i3' wcon V1-"' - faton, 'V. 24 Cotton 94 to II. flax 8 a 10,' floor to 6 25. corn 53 a 54, checae 3 a, tall.. 8 a tf - Vi- irJt, tht. 24 Cotton 8J to 11J, flour 5M to 6, cut; of hugging made of hemp 19 to 21. wheat 1.04 to 1. A oak Unn'd sole leath er 20 to 2 . hein'ock do. 18 lo 23, hum 9 to 10, alt 42 lo 50, .ple brandy 36 to 40, whiskey r 1 to .leal tooacco J to 9, )tiiow oeesaai xj to 24. Norh-Carolina bank bill 3 lo .1J per' cent, discount, South Carolina 1 to lja tjcorg.a 2 to'2j, Virginia I per cent. do. - Cinrinnnrt, (Mr, Oct '"Tr;::C6on iT24," fei therif 23 centa, flastt-ed 37 to 4n, flour 5.75 to 5.8 Kenhaaa tilt 60 cc-til, jicarh brandy 62, ple-dor37, whiiJ2VUliow 6 to 7, tobac co 3 to 7 cent per !u. Jack-ton, Trnn. Oct. 14. Cotton 7 to 7.50, Bacon 10 r 1.' 50, Flour 2.50 to 3 per cwt., Corn 75 cr j :r Ludtel, BnlUr 1.', Fech Br mdy 1.25, -j io do. J .05, Wowkcy 62, Cider g8 per bom-' , ti ill -mm jqjfj I DRY GOODS HviiMMitv -; - 1 1. V LlA IUil . v If the tincriber Jiuchtt, "c . mfi-e the i e t ovember next, at ucfion i'S?9re',"wiII com-'' PHY G OOPS. yc; Straw and Isg.'itkn Bonnets, Cotton Car;l 6ff . rreeived (iirect from NevA-Wk, being the Stock of a hott"- decUhing bunVvn in that city. tcj - Counlry Met-ChaBtl and ,otberr may Come tjrwrd with rew'icrW txpettation of pnr- ing Goo is In. atich qiuiitiue to tUirihVWl. 200-f,. aWa -od Aipei. -camfeti!!. ad.ftiSP.l,r! i Plain and figured cambric and Jacnnet Muslins, Swansftewn, pi,lnett- nl Marjaallc. .V,etg, Elegant Merino and Chmere,' Common Shawl nd Handkerchief, Men' and womem' ilk cotton and worsted, Hoef A plendid assortment of Uibbon, .. Men' and women' kid, beaver and tilk Clovt-s, Whit and red Flannels, Edging, lce and lace Veil, BombazettJ. Uinghaow, Silk. &C. tc. ko. , term liberal, and mad knawn it ule. 7 WILLK1NUH Si Ci.rBffiWeri. fayettevHU, October fy. 2t9t TO be ihot for in the town of Stteville, on the 3d Monday in December, a hilf d.n of Comtablei, full and fat : among which wiif be found T. M. Campbell. Term, 4 rent.fcr llie hind quirter, i oejit for the fo.e q-iait,tr ; bids and UII9W grpti. Paid for-- lr One nf tta Rutttm generals in Aits It Count flurit'jf. Hemuitbea cousin of A. Tar.nrircn itco. A fir. now tciifj( ilinr , ikv rh'th, aiih iti ir t , i,l ! mibla aofji" j kof diiy coons, will contiaf of an iitrn-f iaofmant of Sugar, Vi'fffp. Salt! IROy, euitabie for f;I a mI e.rr I Tyr an1 t Urr aawirtme nt hi gt!, hich tb , ,d in iur rmi nr. (iw. W aketoiV aacnWemY. lrHl,fR. Winter kr.:..r."f.f t.i Ata.lrmy, will ' rMr ximmnctm Wwitrrnr"5frrt ijtrr-h" rain of tuition will h. tor I ami and l.k "and f.r r.inWV nk,t Ccwrauhy? -. im miuiTT nrr tt, hi bm ITlrifilft. Jtuant CM O prjTUMul lnm .Ubf ! tt'f Par-aa-- m "JX; )fcr 4 n ntitf, sr. u. An, 4iA, I rt). ,b Hia ar ftltvlc ot N'orUinroWim: 7 M Hktrift tr tike tthtrninr n,.r. A, lA ttuntiet Chatham, PauJion, 'iU,Ubk and Wl IF. nC.tS a varaney in h rpreeMai(on - from thi Rtate in tha Houia entative, f th, VnUe d S'atea, liu brtn ooca nonfd h the 10th C6ngre,Mril Uialrkt,-hv lhi ' rewgnition of AAi Gitrt, Eqoirx Horn there. Me, knnw ye, that by virtoe of the wi and mthority In me vttfd, by the Cor.snmiHm of the l'nlied Slate, yoq are hehr coinmarxWd an.1 requirrd to ctuc polls lo he open-d and heLI, on 1urt,Uif A id Jag lie.m t tirt4 m ymir rfnectise eountie, at th place eub' hihrd bv l, for an election of Iteprcm,.,!. fe fill the vacancy aforesaid t and iht you meet on th Thur!y following, at tht to,t. ' bmi of lUndoljiri county, for the pgrrK i,- of comparing a. id polla, andafceHainirg fL r whom (lie greatest number of vote ajiallliavc bfen given in ai.l diilnct, a by an et of A-mhlv' . in thii rac is made nd and (hat on ea-ite due return thereof to be ma ! tbia 1U flee. - - -.- -. - --a,ot Given umfer my hand ai Uoterwor, and t 1 tn Cily of H,L Kh. h 1 :9ih dy of . October, A. !. 18.9. ny Oie overnor : J. H Mrn, Prhi'.t WN OWHN. s'f y. iVtO.M the plattum of tht abb rriber. on Id ('rerk. ahuot the 20th June, a fi..a Archie IVIv, tao yean oldi Her rnhir ..V. rel. win while leet. Tia anprxwed ihe mad her y to Mecklenburg, hut haa been taken up. .A reasonable reaird will be given ta any one who will give information to J,,o. f. Hodge, or David Allen, in Mecklenburg 1 or n the s ,b acriher in Malirbury. T1I JS. f'OLK. .VfewW 611, 1829. "--'"' - 9 i.alt uAvm .nm .VtUC WILL ba old. on Uie 2Ch day of .N4.ve1.1 ber, inn. at the Lie of Ui ia it Neill, dee'd. one mlr west -of Slieii.l' l eid, .Lfhcotn ewinty,. ; ". .. . :. .. ..... ..., . -. 7 Ukrhi XwofSJ 1 ant-horse Wagon ; .. ... . ' quantity of (tion, -ndvarioui othej articlei, too wdimu to men. tk-ii. A credit of 12 month extended, on giving bond nd ecurity, NOT1CF.. -All person indebted to the eite, will pleate to mike payment a a.wn ai Mmible , and all permn hiuua nUinia uniri 11 ,;n prewrt-ltlem, prnperlv vouched for, within the le gal period, or thi untice...n-y.bc lilcaded lu r -THiW.'j; At.t.m.N. r ; UIU.IAM NF.IIX, I'-'i' Oct. ;S..182V. 3'94 CutawhaXaviiioii (?nnnniiv. V si. mceh g of the 'atwba.Navi. ration Companv. will be held in th.- town of Lincolnloii, on Friday, ihe 'lib dv of De cember tint. Important object require thai a .Ttujurity of the btockheldera should be preneiit, cither in person or by pruxy. ISAAC T. AV f.RV, lre,i,!rnt. Xot-eter Sii, ld'9. 5r6 .ILJMX.I(;IS. TlQiUaU, at tha oflic ofth XVtem ('ha. linian. the 44 Farmer ai d flanler Ahi.a- nck,' fortba yea." 1820: price, 10 ce.i a pirrr. tow s.Wivr ffiZX tf"4NK of,l,e ni0!ii valuable piunta- ' . ,'on"'ll,i eupptTCii'iitiry." It be in the county ot Culwui, m tlnj ..( 'ork of Ko'kj riv.-,- and coddle - m"" 1 Creek, ronlamii g alinui f..r iUn dred and seventy acrci of lainL The qua'.nv of the land in firit rate, the sml deep, the surface level. There i about two hundred icres ticar vil, muitly JiAtin. OCCiinvenient and i gmit Md'rling.houws, which coat' nrarTv" Touf" fliOiiaaml ' doirai" ai.d "6thtf hSJtcTirVa : auitable to i". The "paynu-nta lor tin property eau be niaile easy. Applicali.ini is to leTffiV nt'-wate, uan be martcrto- tt-ttrA fexa rider, in my absence. fc7 V.M. J. ALK.YANDFR. bTaUWFal. "RTtKOM the aniri-.i:riher. Mie liV . 23d Oct. a fc:o Mare ani: a r?v- year old, T3 or 14 ha id hrrfr, t Weft wfflrewti?r1iitw,w . . ft.(ltiiaehr,ulj((ivi,J8,niuutl)oid,,w.ii; af'TttWfaWrWrtnartM,',Wr ring rountl hU tail, nd duppled over with alack poi, lt. ' pod,il.ey.,J!iU .U Chatham county. Any person giving iMFortna. lion of the abiwe mentioned borse,( will be lib erally rewarded. Direct tn the subscriber, " Spring Grove, Iredell cour'y, N. C. IIOBEUT MITCIIEL, . Ocloher 25A. IS 29. t92 Dan'. Vt)ti,j Visttxle. f BllIF, uruh rrignrd qualified at AugUHt aeHainna X of Koaan cmtnty mart, aa the Executor of t he it wilt of Dan'i.TU'00 1 : Air person i ;i7" dcblrd to said as'ate, are requested to make payments aid all person having demand nninut the s-irrte, are requetted to present them for settlement, or this notice will ba pleaded in w pieaosu in i ID, ) .. . ' bar. UM. U. WOOD, TIKIS.. V 0D, I r r-i: b A .- .t .1. -t' "' 1 V .A i4