XlT.wWri'xr 'uf..rm l.U friend, awl n ami 9 , ....Ml. Hut ke continue tlS) aUova bul. . . 1 - . . 11.. I Service Will. 1 Usual, U drvtrfrd ti lute-r. of tlo wH rcnilijf him, either in th W ol prothicf , or puf. I.ml'ii( RWmJ. .4t iidarmt hi cnt'S '" ?j"r J"' lUt tr ai tfWl hra agent k n Vhtrmm, OMon, Of Whir prwUiC, en t v i' . . tfr. ..:!! .-rrrrl1 -ml luv ..ki.t Mfurtrtflv. fr f cniniTIr.li h.t Kit . ....VWr thi'rct feepfif ripen- a?tuJ!yin. k,.aaaua- tT.eron K-mj"ir me r.itn threw hi channel, Xir. ,Uru wilt l eomumly upi'livd with th leading article rt,mi hn, BirrCt kjs ..JL". will b lornimeii to waKguna, or Crt1-' ' - Ow-der, at eot and charge which fcL'. aJ will h cttKff 4 U th psrtie, oa lay hooka, b Charfcauos. Ckarln J. Shw, E. continue ray Agent U Camden, M heretofore - - fcvi r ir. cox.YEn. OYiaW, ISA. 3mtl03 7 . LIST OK LKTTEUS -) BM UNING'm the I" Office at Statrevil' e J.V H. Carolina. Hi 1st day of October, II?, WllUro J. Alader Iwi iJacbangti j'Onrnv. Jm Alexander H. 1. AWxitvlar William Boilrt James Crw Hint ilrwin . C lteideraoo Forsyfi Dr. ri!rttf ..,TVi!ieGibr WlUisir.Grsy Wiir.am Uibtoa Ucnrv llicki William llaimn BnJ. liuia . NiclHtlof ICtUlMt HArr Jobnaot Kuberl Karr lienrjr C. Kerns Alex. L-B Scc'y.HUMonabLodf obn Miliar ruW. McKay ' JantM MdotlO ' .'William McKy ToVy C. McKce Sam. Md'aHind B, J. (Wort 1 Sieren Parker V . Ja.TH temter 8utwwn Ja. 8nith . - -- MWfllrt f lilfHM Ario W. Shine llicbard Sptrki 7Tioidi Snwier Jho Teltb Jubo IVoderrr. ' 8t9 rHTIE lubix-ribet litTinjf bftn W r .1- .-( '.-J t... l.:. j ' cufToroen again io raiaanan -: 'li-i tbo Making Bumnrm, liaa opcaed bit thnp in Xaliabnrr. - whr r b U prepared to make ani repair 0f vf (lie err beat materia!, in a luperior Kyle of workmanunn. and oo terms the cooat accomara 4aUogt ua tiwJ hard time. tiavlof beeo enirafed in the buinea ais or tevet jreart j eraployinjf a part of bis tint for mrM or imr ui uu uai icuoni in Dicainr cor. ton. fur tb exnrui purpoae of more roljre uuaintinf kimaelf with the prir.cipte and prae. tcai'opeatio of these ttseral machine j and 0arin( race Hi l J viaiicu yiuin varviina, wucre tbDvwtiiRsreyed.Cins are in . use. with lbs - .a ' l 1 is view or exinuiunf; tnem,rm nnsmf-ntmaeii ao ;. rjuamted. Wrth t.he pn on-which Mhejr are ton i iatrueted, kc. i he therefore feeti unlred, that Ti kle-wularred emerience. thtts acouimL in making and repairing Gins, and picking cotton, fee Can construct Mjiinea superior to an ever tone in North Carolina. -Tboa iabif 4ok done m this line of birf. rot tii warms cauai. .WTVMX. On Fanb's eatenJed en - AilarttJajri . . Ahd, Ttt t rpearaj 6mm, -.- MJ' flie fliiW ay. r ' - He bfiills bis faparUhif V.- Vtfl their ftnjfto doePi At if not born to Clc,' . ; Al If fo doort'd to alsep. "tir. what ts miassncttofaeif "Be all retire, nrattrre, fadef Behold th tear, In weed of wo, , I Approacbmf isf lorpM oca , ' frnrnt Teni bt Wwoties of tb sprinf , ; A saomeut plcaisd lb feartJ ey f Aad frwita, wbicb aumroef-un ma; tmiif, a Autusmal tewpeau dooa to di. '. rh retrospeetiv (lane of mind , . Uprlnj'a (loric may recall i . ' i And memory weep to lear behind " - l air for, fteld, ad feu balJ. . v ' . . . But that they wuet bo left, kow true ! -1 b pfwadt iaoaMch juual Ur at. .J.. To martial kgioos bid aJieu, faas throOKb tits darK defile of death, ' And mut at lb f"d review H Ware friends s.nd noaule armioa meet Nor lawreJ wrtaib. nor liUt'i plum " Can aave th hro from lh tpmb. ( , Th pohah'd eurir and tb dow.i ' Must gnd stiNguiaiied ibeiw li down. . Yon rtfal dom., whow asur roof 't t la spsgiad o'er Willi rsra and tun, , Attract the yeof mu youth -Tho Uart 'uSiI'd, thesjtlees tonfne- ' - V Inapera, - O lrd, My will abrM H Th see ow bub the ruIWig Uod Tbey bend ubfuiaaie at Ins nod . iJ They rcasoa wot cw ctwn iarL U flaah'd by tb reolinj year. . Back, back y t Athm bef out I -Nor mar'dMkrts Icrvld tooct- f If haa Us woes these woes p ly Like drifting cltmda on Anlumn's sky j 1 he mother and ber diild must farl i Stem death rerarda no broken heart ! fKiare n 1314 iarrBte niult lotvK And kindred fcel tb pane of wot- - And dearest frisnda, wuoae mi1 are bne,, Must yield to ature'f change! pUs- ' Tlat sr those men of mighty minds to maemfied by fame, " v But atoms on tb stream of Time, Returning whence they camel - - - - Tb sesaooa, in perpetual roundr Itemind ua of our mortal state i AnrAUTt'M!f8 hrw, derjr,faorling sound, Are warning harbinger of (ate. - ' None can survive lift's wintry gloom! Th falling leaf prtdiflt wur dooat j JsMVta renovate the yer . Jtnuhtr rac to warn and cheeri ' -. ' 14 'ism unvarying- Tnahto tel " Suhmm react M&ng H'ti " .: j?a, U f UrIr r 1 i . -fOVCtncr.tl, Ti6t in iitcn ; t t' ' much t once nj rtrvrf ta Lrr'n n work wit5iut a ffO due time. !c to finish it in V seas, ar rerectfully invited co call oft tb sub sxribcr, witse the plan and execution of his woik, cJurnin and judire for tberorelves. lis will aptre no psios in . aupplyiDg bimKlf . ith l tD octi auicnais io oe nau id uie cmnrry t tna "1iD tnkfl and repair Gins, aeoordinjr to order - received, n abort untie and reasonable terms, AU those who may please to call on him, will find him cither at his shoo or dwelling in Salis bury, ready to execute any job with which they may be pleased to favor rim. 4 SAMUEL FRJILEY. SalitlvrfiJug. 6. 1529. -., 79 ; WhiX U the toil,oc we, bt pim, ' Tbo human heart cannot aurtain f Enough if struggling can create, A change or colour in our fate t " DutaKere'i the sjirit (bat can cope tVith fintless suffrring, wbea hope, The Jast of miser) ' .allies, Sickens of its sweet, self and die, nUSSMXawl TURKISH mm. Th fitWrif srtkle accorncaniel a Mnp ii Sfj II of U turvpt In U; Nsw.Tsrh Journal tA Commerc i 1. , 'The DJrfloa of war by Raul, wi$ liiaef on m S6'h of April,-121. that document ti e Err perof declare! that h ootliy don hii arrai till b has jMsi4 tU . raauiu, ailklalt,Cllitin,ht tier iH t8e etpemer nd loiset oecsaloo ed by th r dtfriy 4 ; by Turkey ( pjjTr'l ackaowIedcd iod color c'ed invioSTeirutr'y f.hre6riTfflf of the Bir.k 3s, and fre nrvixiion of the Botphnrua ( sr.1 Cja!lf, the fulfil merit of ih Conventioo of iu!y 6h, fsr tie 'pacificstlsn of Orcec. Preaeftt proipeeti indicate that 1 will be able to enforce these condition. Th principal event of the war to fir ji hst e bcn able tVeollecr rtrniVart'brlofly" eM l0WI.; :'- "'V'a .May 11 h, 1 18 Cimplgn commen ced. ; Junt lA. -Ps"i of the Drmihf, r,d capturi of Sanionnoirt wkh 13 piece of cannon. ' '. ' f Junt Enpnf men: between tbt Ums'lin and Tuikith flv'ilia near Brit- lo- I the former cn'M iii df If vscW fcrdncrnr.s!zfV,snd'tho latter of 9'i Orml Viir i tr, i, Tuili-Mcnta k!!M,:ooO Kuv.iar.s,k'i:!c-J 501. wo-jn- dci,t:r. . , Junt Oreat battle rirer the sillifje of KuUwurha, not fr from Schamls. in which the (Jrsnd Vjtlsf commanded In person.' lo thd engagement, and b suWqrjent ght, the "Turk lost 1500 men killed, I great tumber of prltonera, 10 piecat of eannon 6 standards, ill ihe amnuitLioir'.wagorn baggage iufcrtd complete diipeiiioni 'Jpfli 39. orrttidf r of Siluttla to the Russian. The gsrnson, con'IIng"of 8000. mePs and the ifmed Inhabitants, ronainina; of 10,OOd,wert rniI priaon en of 'sf 1 "'mqnjt ihertJi twothree-tstled rchai( 2 JO pieces of cannon,' and 100 standi of colors, were take. Wwri7IX4ram,X4purt(lJbtJh?l Kussisnt. Among the priwnert were ihe Serstkier and four Pschaii I SO can non were taken, 29 of them at Hsimd Kesl. Julf 19. Cboris aad Dcrbuit, (At. Turkey) occupied f the Ruialan. July It.- Two divisions of lb Koiiian riy lU.SbunUlo.uodcnktbe pas of the Balkan. Julf IT, 1139 Trte principal obstS ties overcome, and 10 cjnoon, 14 stsnd- ards, with nearly. 400 prisoner tker from ihe iurkt, who aiao tad many killed. A.' 39. I ri ricrending the Balkan rhc Ktitam ciicrjtfiitcrcd a Tuikiih dii tf.r r,f GOr-i or 1()O0 mtii under H S Of ao arii 1 JyO m lies" lo Ncw-()t 6() mi? leant, is not outlet" enough it is a mere morning visit. -The mouth of Columhia or (Julf of California ire na 1 country pUecs for a family. , - . Tbu thick we tall a Rote, ' By a-ty otbr nam wuld amell as twretMJUU; It il rcroatUble fact, that if there ' it no virtue lo a came, it may te unj la a very profitable icnae t-f the troro," or appiird to suit every taste, and fan. cy hovvr"ttr40g4 .'ld' etceolricV" lo.old timet, the lad'm wore jiikij aatiit, or caHcoct, thete vfcre nam'ea" well tiodcratooJ Ly' our racibcnfctuir daughters, but where are they now f Uooe the way oi eld groderi, and in thcTrptiee-1! ba? r r reitmbhotr to"- the ariiclc, bat under a new face aod a new oame batlsta, bareget''palma rbict, foulardit kvantinet, grot At nap, aod eircamans (or booueti, wo have " JJoUvart aod Jfavarino$n, ':.'-(!tr A.du!ii lUemsn, and defeated Willi. 1 I., .M mw w Of thU turner, 16 were teken, au.,kw'". I cf four gun tcri, art lour o:nfr piece oi caunou 400 MliHrWt and seven standard . July 7J. f-ipture of iHembfT wWk 30 ttandtrrt, I) r.nnon, and IOOO pri sortert Same dy, Achioli was captured cooiainirjj 14 piece of Cannon, two pow der matrainet. kc. July 34. Capture of Bourea, Cor.tuin Ice 10 pieret of cannon and abundiiicc of rnilita ry "atoreir ' " '"' July 35 Capture of Aidof with the whol Turkish camp: 600 tents. 100 barrels oowder, four standaidi, four can non, a great quantity of small arms, aod 330 prisoners. kurnt, or stranded.1. Same dty.. a Turk litLflotilla, -with., armsi , ammunitiont kc-was captured oiT Anapa, em the Asiat ic roast i 1300 person ana, 6 standard, were 'taken .."'f . . 4 June I Iri..urrender of Isktcha to the RuisiaJt, together with 17 pieces ot eanovn, 1Z stands of colors, and a large " Siati f it"rth Cortliiu : : ROWAN county, August session, 1828: -John ttchiaon, Admiaiatraior -of John Itlack, dee'd. t. the heirs st law of Jacob Black, etesAlij Juicps' exeewtion,- levied on Land. V appearing to th aattsfaction of the court, that A lum Black, folly Etchison, Daniel Black. Ann Sweat i and Pauiel Black Guardian for William lilack t arc not inhabitants of thia state oil mo tlon of the "plslntlff, by- counted ordered that ublication be made in the Western Carolinian or six weeks, tbat unless the taUl defendants appear at the next court to be held for the conn. ty of Kowsn, at tit uourt-nouse in saiiauurj , Ort the third Monday ill November next, ari - answer Said petition, judgment will be entered for the plaintiff 's demand, and execution awsr. ded accordingly. 6t9S JOHN GILES. cClc. tale rfTtrih i.'arlina, Davidt cvnty i . jVXmt term io9 vJosepp Giarfc w. rreder. Ick Craven Original attachment t Jacob fjook summoned as jraro'uhee. ' In this case it appear ing tobetaTiiiiaeiiuiror rag coun.bat ttieTter tnaBagemeDHaarmrwe-jououung fendsnt, Frederick Craver is not an inhabitant of may be;rccommended. ' thlt state, it ia therefore ordered by tli court, r.iA f- a.,,m ... j that publicsUon be made six weeks sticceasivelj Ttle fi,rn?cf J0U,d r'8e e"y ,nd h the Western Carolinian, printed in Salisbury, that Others do 80. lo the; whiter Jn,l5Jn In. attempting; to carry Br,iIo by Itorm, the RuUn lost 640 men Lind, loclodiotr luaior uenerait Wolf sod TiBoth, and 1S40 wounded. June 20Ml Brsilow surrenders to the Russians, oi condi'ion' of the earrlson being permitted to retire to Silittriai 273 cannon, p 13 JXO Ibi. of powder, and aa insmanae quantity xftallawere taken-1 June 33a Surrender ot Anapa t Asiat tc Turkey) with IS pieces of cannon, and a .large quantity of ammunition. J he garriaon consisted of 1000 men. Jutif7nL Previous to ibts due, -the ussiana ha taken seven fortresses, viz. Braikw,.Mnschln,,Touhscbsr Hirsova, Kostc ndil, &eoztronand Blanagalia be- aides AflapaJofiTlK Wk.orAii I mx)H acba was f arrisoned by nearly 3000 men, and had 91 cannon on the rarop-rli. yy 15 The fortress of Kara (As. Torkltaken t f-itonrrrThe-Bariison' h is std, amounted to 11,000 men, 2000 of whom were killed, and 1400 made pri soners, Including Pacha of two Tails t A 151 pieces of ttfunotv-M ere lAen. , , rl-:'.TTm"'": " ... .Jug, 7 In the night following this day, the Russian flotilla before Varna made an attack upon that of the Turks, and captured fourteen vessels. : . Jug. 20 Tbo Grand Vizier left Con stantinople for the army. X '. Jug. 33. The fortress of Ardaghanc (As. Turk ) sttrrendercd tothd Kusiians. , '27-Ncwa arrived at Odessa of the capture of Achaschil and Topsschale, (As. TurV-Ttogether "With 734 '6tandardf and several thousand prisoners. v$rfi.-.2l-Tht Sera'skier t.f Widdin having crossed the Danube near Kalei and being on Ihe advance wasattacVed by Gen. Geismar,' and after an obstinate engagement was compelled to retreat Hit loss Is represented to have been very O' .' . tr . . j : ' severe., .same aay, a roanuesio was is sued from St. Petersburg, ordering a ne levy of four men In every 500 of the pop ulation.:"'."'.w ;,...:'' - ..(?flwjt!"",rDa ' crrifd by assault. G arrisoD inclu ding IfiOraicd in habit anta supposed to have amounted originally to 32,000 men.'-. Y hen, captured, was re armory rr9 rikiak, w 1 aw Kt i FARM MJIMQEMEXT, Vc. To conduct a farm of considerable extent, so as to be a profitable concern, reqdires ncarlv as much management, (though,: to be sure, of. a somewhat a. a- : tr " a more atraigm mrwaru sort; as to oe a leading poliUcuii jQ-.ihcserwayffard timet.' Neatness and order, whether on A farm, io a barn, dwelling house, or a man'e dress and manner, are as indispensabh; to competence, cojtvforti aod happiness, at the sun is to day light. Neatness I is necessary to health, as well aa respectability. The want of it in cultivation and domestic economy, is extravagant as well as dis graceful, A slovenly husbandman r housekeeper is ou the high road to 3io;rrn: . . li pneraT" f ule Veonnected with- the, arrangement, and the successful for the said Frederick Craver to be and appear beiore trie justices or our court of pica and m mt-wftttt vr, ai .ma BisfcrfciwMiie.ut, ix.i "ni4ftoirr,'W r thf-n ud thereto renlrvv or' nlMl-nthrw; Judgment final Will be. entered against .him for jiio piaiiivui ucut auu vuaia. tviinciw uavia Itock, clerk of our said court, at offlne, the 2d - Monday of-4gusV A i)omini, 1 gJ.'--- 6192 v v D. M0CK,cfiK fitate o.VerlA- CattUna, Mecklenburg ctunty .- SUPERIOR CoHrt of Uw y May term, 1829; Elita Cuxe t. William Cox "Petition for Divorce. Ordered lay the court, that publication be made fur three mouths succtasivdy in the " Western Carolinian and Yadkin and Catawba . JournaL that the dpfeiwlant h nA iriui at lh. next wperior court ofja W to JbeheU forjhe eotmty of Mecklciburg, at the court-house in Chart jtte, on the Mb Monday after the fourth frmdy io September next, and plead or aniwer -to the plaintiff's petition, or the same will be heard eparte. VVitness, Samuel Henderson, clerk of turid court, at office, the Mi Mon day after rlie 4th Monday in March; 1829. 3mt9? J; 8AML. HENDERSON, e.ts. a. . ; -s SHERIFFS DEEDS, , -" TORland sold by order of writs ofrenditini J, exponaa, for faje at (his olHc, . , lit season, breakfast thould.be taken by candle light for, by this meant, an irf a werlrafe ncarry ecrtrai tovthwwk'- tnart of winter Vday';Th44. iat material object, especially where a riaferiefothalido The whole farm should be regularly amiocd, but every beast seen, afieast once a day, either by the owner, or by tome intelligent person in his employ, ment. .-. -V?... r"" . Previously to engaging in. any kind of work, whether of ordinary practice or intended improvement, the beat con sideration of which the farmer is ca pable, ought to be given to.it, till he is satitfied that it is advisable for him to attempt it When begun, he ought to proceed in it with much attention and; perseverance, until he has given it a thorough trial. It ii, a maia ob r m CROIVDIXG. Jn one- ofmyxxcjirsiooi Lpnth frontier of Missouri," l came to small log cabin, with some five or six acres, undet improvement, sorrouod ing the house. 'The usual salutations were toou-ended, and 1 foundjhe oc cupant of this retired spot to be a man of the nanie oRo6d, iVusticef the Peace -id-Gaacbnade Ijtounty -a ; sec tiou of country - wellJdcalgnattd hjr the ohr woman a detcriptioD-otiiei too'a residence of a few miles be yond the westward.. The of d man led my horse to a stable and returned to dinner as he sat a stool up to a large stump which occupied "the plare oLa Utlc7 he. laid wjrriibat, hospitable blautn'css cj peculiar, tojthe inhabitants of the western wilds, 41 perhaps stran ger, you'll set up and skin a later ?" A good appetite wauts no compliment, and in this case 1 think I used as few as a Yankee schoolmaster would io .a a a eating a luncheon wan his scholars. After partaking of his bounty, I asked him how he liked the country, how long he had betn there, t$c. lie an swered, I like the country well, but) I am going to leave hire. You II go to some puce mre convenient tor schooling ln said I. "No, he rejoin. ed,"' No," I'ni" too - much crowded to much hampered up. I've no out letthe range is all eat out I'mHoo miuh crowded." i How," I respon ded, " crowded ? who crowds you !" Why, here s Burns right down upou me right down in my very teeth stuck rigbt here : and then on I the other side, I'm haroped up, they're lamminir mc oui mc ncigiiufirs arc IUI nut l il u i nt it auuitici duoeTto0007Tsw asff .most important fortresses of. the Turks, and its capture secured to the Russians a permanent looting on the western part of the clack Sea. : 1 he bmparor, In a let ter to Count Diebitsch of Nov, 20, sneaks oT-tfaWlu active operations of :X he .campaign may be Oct, IS. lilockade of the Dardanelles ofiiciallyjuinouncejdy " Jlarch ith'f 1829. A: battle was fought near the river' Natonebi, t As.- Turk.) in which Weurtilosrfol "men tnTiiihH and wounded, and the Russians about 206 ; V . March 2a About this date Sixeboli wss captured by the Russians aod imme diately fortified for a permanent position. -JflrU 1 1. -Three tf etachments pf Turk ish troops cross the Danube into, little WalUcbia, but ire driven back after suf- fe ring considerable loss. ''.' ' May I7 Siistris again invested, after an engagement about two miles distant, in which thd Turks lost 400 or 500. men, and the Russians about 150. j: On the same day a battle was fought near Para v ai, the Turks being led o.ri by .the near are your ncighbora ?" I asked. Why here's that drotted. Hums, stuck down here within fifteen miles j and thea on the other side they're not neighbor can come to mv house and poiiome the fame day. Poor raau : t.ho.lhll '.asX'tfll J iJP.wiRUaefiaw sume my journey, you would not call this. Crowding if your fam'dyJfiirmed r r r .,,,. . one or tne layers wnere . six-or JUtye oM above another f But on reflection, I find there are others crowded" and "hampered up" as well as Mr. Rood. Alexander was so " crowded" that after conquering the, world, he wept for another td conquer. Napoleoq was so crewedcd in Prancejrthat Moscow appeared the on ly breathing place ; and when he came io possession, he found not as much elbow. room as Mr. Rood had. In' our own country we are all ''crowded." A trip of 500 miles to Pittsburg, 11 00 jto the mouth of the for eipt, crazy Jaittt, and for tipbetiy ! ccTi;zX-.-!iJa ldJv to start a new oame to a old article to invent with facility and apply with skill, when the full freighted or half empty puraeu are po ircd upon the couutrrj aod what was exploded under an old name, be- comes fashionable and 'elegant under some new, foreign, or romantic tide? 4 These changes in name and not io, qualityf are making ssd inroads iq our , economy they lead our wivea and daughters into CAniu.it tempta ttoirjrardjfllthejrishopping ieur- sj.ont tut) Orio jhbnj toJ-jy, under a new title,' atn arude itjectetl a year since-iod thoae who would, acorn to wear a calico dress, fetT quite comforu aide in it under the name of foulard. What cao be more hideously ugly ami p5sitivtlyy"ulgar, than the row'oV silk;" fringe now worn on the etntre of a dress similar tu tne-deep fringe of a parasol, and yet it it fashionable and must be tolerated. I fad we tome twenty years ago made, our boys wear checked shir Ss, they "would have fancied them, selves dipped in tar and ready for a sea -voyage-x -notaiihstandipg Which. our dandies voluntarily weir blue strip ped check .shirU and " lithographic cravatift:tto&rtev are considered quite the-thing. We carry -this rage" for newxaonci into .every rjepart-. : mcnt of ourJiousehold operations, and foreign manufacturers rack their brain tnve ew jUlfjTVihen they fail to invent .a . Lew v article. eanouiuoo " above such nonsenaef and return to cur old .JirjUcdi.tcd SPdenpretjertjsve terms, calling Jftingaby thcirjroper uames teaching our children their proper 'uie and fixed value, and not permit ourselves to' be 'dazzled and theatcdibyj names; trrja-forrignr fan- gaage, orphrases industriously culled ' - roM a dtctTonarv-v.hjchEtnie from their nneltv, atd rc costly from their singularity j it is picking our pock ets by tbe aid ot a French and Italian dictiouary. N..Y. Covr. and Enq. Uur incomes should be like our shoes, if 1 10 small they will gall and pinch u ; but if- loo large, the) will cause us t v siumhliraTidtp-Trip;' Hut wealth, alter all, is a relative thing; sibce he that has little and wants less, iittv.heiv.th in . he that has much and wants more. The contentment de, ptrnda not upon what we have, but upon wht we would have j a tub wa-s large enoiiiih for Diogenes, but a Uwty was too lilde for Alexander. A fair was lately held in Lynchburg, (Va.) for the benefit of Infant Schools. Several article macufavturcd -in- dress for a little girl, we understand was sold at 8 100 j several handler r chiefs at S50, and some at 220, each. A young lady made sale xf ;a -'chew of tbacco a Wal tender in ' euld fir'' ?iw at . S, . The proceeds, wc- i3;.Z..ThcnLittle F-Tls'fJ itates tbit several deathi have occurs redlrthKvictoityrTrr els which iudJjeen Jrjrit.tQClLjQn ... brass vessel and imbibed poisonous qualities.' rk : Editorial ChaneMtHr. MoonT Ounn of the Waterloo Obseryerr bare told their establiahmentr-rMr.iJooe hM r hairgedf his residence, and Gann. has Saneitf,; - IttUan J?Kfr. A corresponient of the Richmond Enquirer, (who writes from Cantonment Gibson, Arkansas,) ny ' An Osa Indian can rin IO miles :f'

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