fa f A A ' Mil lirill " . . , 8AL18U UU Y, HO WAN COUNT V, N. C,.....TIJKS DAY, NOT KMIIRRH, -1839. VOL X.....NO."43i. .1 ft . " "' MM. M . .r - m M ' ft. " . . '"V. h tlM4 f ... MM mm mm w"mwm It j,ImM , r hi m i KVt.f.H Bv MFI1NA.N, iAMpply . Unf Goods, -" Hardware, ' .". . kii ..f .hir !, will be ofird at very reduced piV tr. for of ftit. -V- trV-r(J turf rtcrWeJ, n4'opentd tU Str in BtwOWrj w H 1!L; rnf Summer GOODS ; ' ii .. . i ii.u.,.,Tr'imminfalrW' CWhi, ihwi, Bonwjt, nd e7 rtieU uMjr lin iock of rodi h Wen prrhr J rjirt- S ..-nil ei'. -hoHT pub. MW v ' - 4u4f hr thcm-tbr- 3. vihGtxiA comrjfTiox. JTutifay, Ott, 2aMr. Mr.hiH, from Iht Commix on iht Judiclarjr f)ptrt mrnl of OriunmBt( tni( iht fotlojng report from the Cucamliui i 1. Rtioltcd, Tlt ih Judict! power -ihll -vetted W- Court of ApfeU ucR Interior ,touri, m the LririM.lure UhtMJiA.ilNi cttuoi conn -.Th Ja' ritcicuon oi ihein iriunmii hu m icic uUttd by U, . Tlit Jadei of (hrf CouH , of Apji! niof the ' I nfcrhr CourUj VlI hoftT tViTroKcerurjrrg "jfooPte h,our, or until r'moed in the ntaoner pre Kribcd in thii Comiitutloni end thill t tho umt time, hold no other oCice. ppnintmcnti or public trnit and 'e ccepfince thereof, br eii her cf them, ahall are hU jddtolsl ofHce. No moli ficii'mn or abolition of tnf rourt, tball be rmtrrTjTrlTfl fleprlveiftf jiifitThefeortf hit ffTir e i ba such juiige thtll perform anr judicial duilei which the Legislator shall allien him. 3. KrKlvd( That the pretrnt Judei of the Cirt ol Appealu, Judgee of the Orneral Court, and Chancellor! remain In office uimlthp etpiraihn of the firtt fition f d)6 Lrioltfiinei held tinder the new CotitWion. and no lufieer. lla the tf;ilufe may co to be p.Ui to men ti tbrrn. n.ii oot do rc appom ted. uch torn a( from hit Ct, inBrmi- utn,,pti., put leryicet, ihtll be deerned reivjoablt. 3. Reovrd, That JodReicK" the Court of Appeal and Inferior Court.i except Juttktfa of ihe Counff .Courta", aKd the Aldermen or other Migiitratei of corpor ation Courn, thell be elected bjr the eon urcnt vote of both Hoiwe-vof the Gen eral Aemblv, each Motive voting tepar- atclf , and having nrue on the other and the ntem'bere thereof voting rna vrcr. The votee of the member ehall be entered on the Journal, of their ro fpr ctive 1Ioum. Should the two houe, in anr case, fail to concur in the election have come to the ful!oli r resolution tneriupini 1 . lit, lictolfed, Tbt tka cMcl Liccu tive f lUt Cfoenwtilth ovght to he veiled In i Governor.' ,tt Uewlved, Thit tbare oughts be WQfnfQonweahD. . - Llti,f?i'!4i-.Ththti..Fxrtilr Counoilt at a! preaenteranlted, ougb to U aboTMfced, en4 that H i-lftepedientto provide any other Eiecutlve Council , . 4ih, Kesdffd, That in caw cf there nDV GOODS raiment e verv ikacription, auited to all aeHn 0f , uiy, dnrinti the Sen, the Gov f thenar, Kn fa eaM SROCRIIIES- Ilardware ami Cultrry, Mten-ive in varir'y amount, KlrcteJ bv hintaelf whh care ami Mlh bMttrni". hi .,.- v,k . The dhWic are a-ircn ernnr hail rtcrn!e the elecMon, by ep- ooinmtj-ooe of heto person firtt received a majority of rote in the House in hkh they were respectively voted for. nut if any vacancy shall nrrnr, du rbig the recess ot the Ueneral Antmbly iml fwll ! aunplr;awl lowor the Qoveunor. or other, person, pel farm ' Kin -V .... r ..... ,lt . l.M.A CwLIh than u'lor otherww on accommo. ing the duty of Governor, niej appoint a UtW t'mt V"7 are reapectfutty in vited to per,,, to Rll sueh1 vacancy, who ahall ll w'lUiWrw-nntt sI'MKP'J. continue--in office until the end or the a.,u;;vuji.i v. Assembly -tfl" t-i-uiuirl with Lourt ot AaneaU, and ol the in'enor l$TX3Z JmL aud hope by a diligent CourtsTshill rcTelxr.nn Jcquat utbiv a r . f.k-.m I t -i..n . I SHiNC! fvnicn w in" m: iiiiiijuoiisu dti'ir.j- tiitir coniinumcc in onice. 5. Resolved, Thit oh the creation o - t ..! nv ncy counts, ."Wires nt t?e i eacc snan no appointefi in jnc.uut. invancr, s may be prescribed or uw. tnen va i:HHC.ics shall occur in any county, or ! shall, for any cause, be deemed necessary tn increase their number, appointments Bhs.SI be mude by the Governor, by and ith the advice and consent of the Senate ration, to nerit a con.im.ancc of the -me a I' 1 77S. I CI a. 7 mw-.. it would b$ rjnjtm to requlrt eicli citizen to pay tn equal amount or public taiet. Oa moiioQ of Mr. Sutrmertt the Com eentlan (hen adjourned. . ... Friday, October 35. The Cenfenti.o mtt at 1 o'clocl, and wis opened with pt ft f $ f aywitlii'twjiC m mtm-vwpm f Mr. Maditon. froni the committee on the, Judkial Depajrimajit, aaked aed ob tained latve, that thtt committee might ". umnargi Ul in UUIICI OUfltlg ma MMinga oi me convention. wov.r Oernor from OlT,c of f'Tnnr RigT,(.T ItV'not refer ed to Z ui iwukiisuvii, 9T inaoilliy to ail charge me dutle and powen of Mi of Bre. the, u4 poweri tod dutie shall de volve cis the Lieutenant Governor t and the Legislature may provide for the cae oi re-novai, deaih, or tiroiUr inability of the Lieutenant Governor. Jttui;edvelTutihe Sheriff In tW difftnt counties in the Cemmon wealth, ni i tierealter, be elected by the voter qu.lilieJ to vote lor the . milt numerous branch of the LegliWture. 6ih. Resolved, tht the Commissioned Officer of Miliiia Companies be nomina ted to the kxecutive by e majority of their rrtneciive Compmies. fth. Resolved, Tkt the .field ()Kr$T 0r tni-ot bo ro(nif.M ! the execu tive by a majority of th commisvloned Officer of their respectfe reRimenti. !h, Reofed, Thatrto pirdon ha1l irevUui committees, asked and obtained Itave, o lay upon the table, (he fallowing pwposition, which were read and order ed to be Jnnted. I. R'aoforrf.That Ihe elective franchise should be uniform o thit, throughout the State, similar nullification ahoold efr a imibtrr)ght-of lofTrvgr.- i hat, among those entitled by the constitution to exercise ihe elective fran chive, there should be ennrt tyuatiiy e mjngti o that, In all election, the sur frige of one qualified voter ahouldail much a that of another qualified voter, whatever miy be Ihe disparity of their respective fortune. t . ta rs aTe VotflleJ to eejusl re'presetitstion, throughout the State. 4. That a individual tufreg t hould be tqual without reaped to the disparity of i. That I erighl to be orovlded. ih.r l H election!, of ir embcri of either brmch ouhe Oenenl Assembly, end In the clcc Wo! elt eflWrv -nti it may be recjui- " red to be mufe by the t0 House of Assembly! jointly, or la either tfp-fely, with the ticetforirthripjH.utMeat U their own ofTiceri..th,fotea should ..be' glvefnlfort'--otffindaol-b;bilJ"'j '- ' 9. Thatrto nin h!l be enmnnM. fnqueot or aupMrt anr relitloua .. aap,.iac?-renHst4r7afvvirTrfT' vnaii tn cnior:eo, restrained. ms!i...i or burthened in hi, body or goods. 4 "II oinerwuo mner en acccunt or I is re IIrIou principle or belief i but th. ..i men ahall be free to profess and h. gumer.t to m.lhiair tRarplnl, n' restter of religon and that the imfl (h nv wna oimmisn. eniarr-e. .or tha hr ?t1t rrs:T,:r. ' w IIICI. That the Legislature shall ha ... power to prescribe any religious i,, whatever, nor to establish b I.. ... .... ordination or preference betwr, a.k'' ant sect or dcnominatlom, 0ver othar Anrntii .I..u...!.l. r. ...j ,c.,,r,ogop authoriihp. any rel.giou soctety, or.the teoplc of ny, district within t, trnrpm-,.f ..... lor the erertion or repilr of my hnu for public worship or the tunpori of anv church or ministry, but that it b- left free to every person lo select whom be plj- set ior nj reugtou instructor, r,j . . mike for Mupport," itich privite rmt tract a heplesiest Provided hntyer, that the foregoing clause shal; not be sn construed, a to permit any minister of the gospel, or priest of any denomination, to ha eligible to cither House oi the Gen erl Avsembly. 10. That no bill of attainder, or rr fittt fa(t Isw, or law impsiring the obligstun Oi contract, otignt to be passed. 1 1. 1 hat private property oufh not ft be taken for public uses wi-hut juit torn pvnsatmn. 11. That the members of the Lcialj. lure shall receive lor their SfrvKes, a compensation,, to be ascertained by law, ana paid oulol the public treiy ; bit i .... ' no taw increasing mo compeni'irin ot member ot the legislature shall tke r-f feci until Ibn and of ih h ihh-i -! r. . i . . sion ner me sail law may hive bcrrt enacted. 13. That no Senator or lf Irpj'n .:i during the, term for which he ahall toft - been elecietjbe eppnind to anv ciul v( rice"oTproGt under this State, which hi have been createrf;or tfir which shall haye-been infreaaod dtitinr uch term, except such ofTires as may K 5!!.lV.,!e!!l!?'BJy..he people? On Mr. Madison' motion7the preccf. " " ing report was ordered to bo Uh on the table and printed. 1 Monday. Oclobtr Sfi.The Cnpvntin-' met at '1 1 crclocknnd-ril opened it ft prayer. On Mr. Leigh's motion, Ihe Conven'ior relvrd itself into committee of tl whole and the President nml Mr V. P. Barbour, Chairman of the committee, who, on motion, took the chair. Or .Mr. Daddiidge's motion, the R- !iort from the committee on tho Bill. of tights, kc. wa taken up, declaring tht no alteration be mado in the Rill i f " Rights ; . and it .was adopted-without U- bate or oppovtion. Mr. towcil then inquired, If anv pro positions could be offered as an rddi'ion to the Bill of Right uxh as the resolti Tion"ubmitted a few" day ago W th gentleman from Norfolk, Mr. Taylor. The Chair pronounced it to be out of order ' After some convocation between Mes srs Doddridge, Johnson and Taylor, Mr. Doddridge moved to take up the report from the" Legislaiixe .conunkMM-wkh . .. f orsa mnrfpA ,n It,,, ..,.,.t;,, nf Mr. rowell, the committee re con-klced the question of taking up the LeMsiivo . i. ! r. . . .- . ... " rcjiuri ana laying u on me taoiewnirn fi nti t hen - be granted io Ba):oMAtii.ec-xoDdiit tn t9t vinion or judgment. I'oth renous were ubquenUf order ed to be printed i . , . Thurtday, Oct. 33 4 he Committee to whom ws referred the BUI or Declar ation of Rights, and all iuth parte oMbe prcent uonmrutien as era w reierfw tn the committees en the Letislativc, Eiecutlve and Judicial deMrtment of the Government, have,1 according to or der, hnd the subjects thin referred under their con side ration, and have lurther in part p-rfjrmance of the duties devolved on tbern, agreed upon the following reso lutions t I. Resolved, As the oplnhn of this Committee, Thit the Cons'ttutioe of this State ought to be to amended aa to provide a mode in hxh future amend' m.nta (hall ba ! lb. tin. Resolved, that the 1st and 3d sec tlons of the present Ctmsthajfon ought to be stricken out, anil that an introduction clause, ad.pied To the amended Cotitt tution.be aubmitedJnJfjtUhwL..-. r'Rc'toivedV-That the I3im 31st. and 2id, section of the present Constitution ntiaifter of qualified voters are entiled to equal rep resentation, without regaa ' me unpir ity of their aggrtgate fortunes. Saturday Ott. 344. The Convention met according to adjournment and was Mr Madison, Chairman oi me commit lr an thm Laislative department of Government, presented the following atroHT. I. Jlfiohrd, That in apportionment of representation in the House of Delegates regard should be bad to the white popu Ltion exclusively. 3. That a census of the population of the State, for the purpose of apportioning the rtnresentalion, should be taken In the year 1831, the year 1845, and thereafter m. u.ai sin r aa In pwtt twentv veart. - i Th.t ihe riht of kufi-aee ahall .ntinne to be eietcised by -all who now i..?"-. - . ...... - .....:...il. . if under the exis -uiir coihihuuuh i Pravidtd. mat. DO person 911011 , yp.w , yj iirmsof his freehold only, unless the ssme imall mrwMed to-the vsroe of at t g -for the payment of . taxes, u wch as"ment ne requirea oy ibti rery. 4." ResoivedrTFt thTreedom" o Sprcch and of the Press, ought t ko held sacred md guaranteed by t' Consti tutiaiu - -- , . .. J,.lleoived,,Xhi liile pt oobiljty -Oull be crested ! knnied ; and no per son boldip n1 offite of profit or trust oughr to be stricken out a no longer ne'4jjjibeextned, 1st o every freeman utuicr .. f, v- Vnrlr Ami Phita. X dclphia, a cho.ee and hanasome a-aortment on the recommendation of their reipeC of DRY GOODS. Crockery. Dye Stuffs. Boots. ihws, Grocerict, &?. : which were bought et. reduced price, unci rill ffii Hardware, V I - - OVufr - live Countv Courts. 6. Revived, Tut the Clerks of the severil Courts shall be appointed by their respective Courts, and their tenure of of fice be prescribed by law. 7. Reolved, That tho Judges of the Court ol AoDeals and of the Inferior bearram Sl.teeither puBcua tuaii... .-.... by mal administrauon, corruption, or neg ur4 . i,v. 01-1 u.,..i.lt Attn 1 l..t f .IniD. tr hw an. nthr hlch crtmt Port ditto, Malaga ditto, Genuine or mlsdemesnor, shall be impeachable by Old Holland Oin, old Cognac the House of Delegates, such impeach AwiwrV Jamaica and Nw Eng. q cmed btioie ,he Scnate land uumt ror..... , . - n.n.ihir. ally found in a Store in Unawction ot " tounu Kuii.y y - J of the who e Senate, such persons shall Persona w'iihin'e to purchase, will please be removed from office. And any Judge jM.rxa0dne,Jh above aWugrp'- v"u" exercising the functions t his ottice tin- " "iiKn , ufttf .' " til the impMch Cjotmtry. IT Cirr VVnoC lifOVe. nowui d-OT-wtthdra w rhr- 8. tiesolvetl,. I hat the Judges mav oe hv, lS'miles west of Salisbury, a removed from office by a vote of the Gen ,1 ami ra supply of . erl Assembly but ti)-lhirds of the Fi nnrTWti I MS- whole number ot eacn upuse musr xon Thab ulon llBVf nt hand, a irood assortment of'J rnrJa. sucb votei and the cause of femo ;if&1irflhkbrattsnd Wrtfer" ,mutM far buth. ficntlemen a chased in New-YorV and Philadelphii tfng of ' ihe United states, or under any King, Prince, or foreign State, shall hold ny office under this state, fi. Resolved, As th" opinion of this Commit! ee, that the Constitution ought to be so amended as to provide, ' that no man shall be compelled to frequent or sup port any religious worship, place ot min istry whatsoever, cor shall be enforced, restrained; or bu rt hened in his bod y or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer on ac count of his religious opinions, or belief ; but that all men shall be free to proless, and hf argument to maintain their opin ions, in matters of religion, and that the me shall in no wise diminish, enlarge or affect their civil capacities. Mr. Tavlor of Norfolk, a member o . .. ,, r D:..u.. .1 the Committee oti.ane.Diu oi ivigms buu nitr matters not referred to the pre ... . vious Committees, asked and obtained leave to lay upon the table the following propositionst ;whjchj were read ndor dcred toSe tnted'T"' Resolved.Jst, that Jhe cleciilljrjin chise should be uniform ; so that, through out the State,' similar" qualification's should dXa, pur kfcettUKtVfrVboui lo.,cetf,tft.Te lphiat conam. J noUce thereofriccteticJiJI Bfih,e. black. brown, iteel-mixed aod olive copy o the cause, ajledged for b -rfc .---c,- - - White and Red l lanncis Point and ttrtw BUnfceU-------' Camblcts a"d Plaida s Canton Crapea and Silks ' Bomhaietts, Bombalines and Circassians Caasimere Shawls arto Points i Assembly shall act thereupon. The renort having been resfl, on mo tion of Mr. Marshall, it was laid upon the table Mr. Giles, from the Committee on tne therein, ahove inje age oi ,wem7 years, who owns, and has possese'J for "st months s or who has acquirtu oy mar riaee, descent or devise, a Ireehold estate aeasdto the value of not less thin "doiraaof the piJment oTTixeV, if ' iuch akseaament shll be required by law j so or wbo shall on a vested estate in tee, in remainder, or reversion, in land, tho assessed value of whi' h ahall be dol Urs; 3d, or who ahall own and havepos sessed a leasehold estate with the est dence of title recorded, of a term ori ginally not less than five years snd one ol which shall be uneapireu, onne annual value, or rent, of dollara $ 4th, or who for twelve months next preceding, has been a housekeeper and head of a family! within the county, city, borough or elec tion district where he may offer to vote, and who shall have been assessed with a part 'tf the revenue of ihe commonwealtn within the nreceding yesr, and actually naid the snme, Provided, nevertheless, that the ricbt of suffrage shall not be, ex ercised by any person of unsound mind, or who shall be a pjuper, or a non-com missioned officer, soldier, sailor or marine in the service of the U. States, nor by sny person convicted of any infamous offence no W monweslth, unless they man nave resioen hrem for five year immcdistely pre- hich they. shell) together with every other article usuaKy found E live Department of Government the aame fine of business, for Cash, Cotton, or The Committee appointed on the luxe- -"on a credit io pantual dealers. cutive Branch of the Constitution, have. The public are respectfully invited to e according to order, had under considera 4. SortW tionthe subjects referred tom, and onfer a similar right of suffrage Resolved, 3d, that, irmong those enti lied by the Constitution 10 exercise the etpctive franchise, there should be mtirc alxaQ . t k C.U1I frraEeoLonc Jiu!iOidvoter qualified voter, whatever may ue n Warnrrif their esDective fortunew Resolved 3d, thartq?T7Wett tuivlifiedtbtetisitre iit-ledN''esuap resentatibn throughout the State. Resolved 4tlH'tba4a4iuUtldaBLsllfigfe hmiid he eatial, without respect to the rii.naritv of individual fortune, ao an equal ni.mhee of uualified votera are entitled to coual reoresentalion, without regard to the disparity of their aggregate fortunea. Resolved 5ih. that in all pecuniary con trihntions to the public sertuce, regard .hould be had loiheifciTifOf Individ uals to contribute i nd as this ability Jo pay.from disparity of fortune is unequa It.. . L .ImiNu a, - XI? "h, ii. , .,7-, ,f .; ,. , . . Jl.iJ.ri ,v-K-HfW...n- .i . urt iirarriimi'- i - - ............. v uw 7 ' ' m offer to vote, and t the said election, in the county, city, borough or election district, wheie they shall offer to vote, the mode of proving such nrevious residence, when atspuicor seas, moreover, some one or mor wl snftVaii'drir Bbovenuatersteitv rtntttli Senate of thi State ought to be neither TOcreMei ,nf diminUbed.rtor the classi- !gwrvaeiiieflt v 5 Tnat the numbeT of members in tne House nl PakiggtLl5: ed, so that the same be not less tnan on hundred and twenty, oor more iu u.,nArA una fifty. HUM". , i, , I 6. TUt no person ought te be electee a member of the Senate ef this stste, who is oot at least thirty yesr of age. 7. That no person ougbt to be elected a member of the House of Delegates of th'u Sute rwb itjiomt IciM tweatrfiv years' of lMju;' -- on motion, the question of reconsidering the report of th committee on (He Dpi of Rights, was carried in the nffi-m? ic Whereupon tTio "Bill of Klgh'iY"was""iiself read, first by the clerk, and tlien by tii tharrmwnwherr Mf. Taylor? ttnftfhe resoluttoni.ho hid;-nrBTWBslrF!t-ntt ?" Mr. Johnson moved to lay tne tej.u-., tions on the table ind not diirusv ink till the Report of the Legislative. ,' Tjjt;. tee bad been acted on which nixie;, wis carried in the afTitniaiive The questtotr was then puriorrtakiw up the Report from. the Legislative com mittee, and carried. The Report wis then read. MrrGfecn meved to amend the 1st re selmion, by slfikinft.lherefrom the. word 1 excttu&vtlyl aid isferUog. taxation com.' bined. - - The rtsot'trion, as amonded, reads is f follows . '.T: )

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