,fnM'-rs,,' nun.brr . In 1i.il and adjoining tM,,,iMra. ri'Hiij.fnu'.r rapidly abandoning thn. .o admitting that tt men Wding urh ' pniirfrli, l r .. to tlie fnplujrfn -. am umlrrlb fttni'e of convirtion aliamlihlng anch tne t'" "f :',,' mf,,,t '"! 1', f4b ailsukeiu )H '"'" b the men b r,a ,hf fI,r'"m"u- TVfl It 'l'rt mMr if action Invet',. ' Hi'tim"! " weh K,1',t " fh'' . . u J 5l. It should te re limbered, tk( Ury aro'tl.e wort Faroe ami . t,;jf pvt of e rwinity, who ensure !he em- j.f'fHf-- - iiwiUr, temptation " 'fJVf wtw o)Uf.(J,A)il 1 won't! " distil'" wlftfit ttlft'.do not ab. W frrrve.ea.. WCtet uni!IincPi Jo H nrven T n .nvrnijrtiioTi, efln;JrrV fears and 1t'' " lh lawful. V of their business I And ho ought it sc. eountsblr beig c. d,mt, ' ,.. ' Ibing thoutf'' 10 ,n('u,,' rlt " tnrtitou consequences? Those who wish lo ci jn,,nf this ubt In earned, should read Kit aermtn. aid Ikeman's sermon j most of which can be had fibrtry. Let distiller, wbo are pfoleoft of religion, " tea I t I . a ' Ime no time, until tbey have esamined the mt jcrtlL A I'M END OF Oil COUNTRY. .Vfn'rt. The wtr in Mexico em lo hte been broojftit to peJv clotc : the cirrer of tlt Spannh inttdinf ytty, unaer the ififltel brSgCt' BtrrmJu, hu been tn ephemeral and inglorioua one. Ai briefly a!etl in our laM, the whole of the Spanwh arwr at Tampica, which. It wm proclaimed the workl bjr the r"Tnlnione of 8pw!i'TlJW0tiJtnz wu Jo jjjrt Tr conquered the rferiubllc of Meileo, h ru. (led to the 1fican forrea iirnler the intrrpid Cenranta Anna. It appeara the Meikana ere at penerou ai tbe wrrhrae: thejr hare ry prrann attached to the inadin ei.f Uition. The Spaniards are to be allowed the priilr jre of tranip'T tbf'r force back to llaranai and Gen. Bada had arrieed at e X)rkaiia, with the tiew of procuriniT ?eivU and oJier mean of d'mr o. Mv ucti be thi fate of all mhilioui achemea of rjJ conqueat of licpubli can State. 'f Sinct- peparitig tle ahore, later infor. matron ba en reeeircd frem Mexion, via Mr "Orleanar-from HJeh 4t -ppeara -tht aj ther Bpanih army, !fHit 2000 itronif, hat iiu -taded the Mexican territory, and adrancrd 20 ""ir..ory..n (60 m,le.),nto the interior, the landing i -a ( 1 a av . rS'" MW4rtftr eBitt-fenaiverwiW no Mexican troopa near.. It ' TTiiisl evitaWy meet tb Iat Lich bcftl Gen. " 1 'ftarrarhw? wreajt at fempioo. .I-; --l-r.;. , A'ariA Carolina Bank' AWa, are at eicii per Wnt. dinoount in Tennetaee; while they re nlv thrft per cent, below par In fhiladeTptiia, Nep-Yrk, fcc. How if this f It doct'nt look tu'ghMjt to say tha least of it, in our Tennes see nrtghbvs, to cry down our money, at such a 'liiTaijwble'nte;-::: - - a .i. a .. ..aa. ..iiiaai itl iittm-mt -ir -?' Snof Bui Le county ws held in Morgantun, on the 28th ult. at which the following resolu tions were pajud. Rmhxd, That the member of thi meeting will wear crape on the left arm for the spare of thirty day, in tmtimom of their hijrh regard for the memory of Mattbhw FUino, Ej. Resolved, That a copy of the proceeding of this meecinjj be transmitted to the bereaved mother of tho deceaatd. A"rw eraey having a majority of JaV ton mem bers in her Lejjlalat Jre, "has etecl'ftl"aJSrks6'n overhor, C4ir P. Wa Rq. The Adams men have enjoyed, almoit exc!uViely, for aome yaarvtbjfjfjadttt state ; we premime the Jacksnnites will now come ir or some of the fnt places. ICT" The Nntinnal Gazelle rays Gen. Wall ,lui declined tbe office of Governor. He must JcjajganJej than roost politiciana. the legislature of Tennessee, establishing a Pen itentiary in that state, to be located at or near " NaihVl11e."""S?5;W) have been appropriated, to commence with.- We believe tho best interests of North Carolina would he subserved, il the legislature, now in sei(m, would follow the ex. tingle of our younger ajster, Tennessee. Air, Peireia, late chary- d'afTaires from Portu gal, waa arretted in Philadelphia on the 6th inst. JVihejuit jf JfeP? Azafhhtigfl, hi-ucceaor, AnettreseatatTve of Dofl iMrgttelj'fofahattcged detention'of-Koii ;e5KWBSM!eri , -aJUl ba a cnmmittnl to nriann. Next dav the ttatter'ccTbfc,fe"K"cw claiming privilege at a diplomatic agent j and at last accounts, toe argument of counsel were --foing-ott m -"maiiiaBBWUttaaw.'VrtiaH Qjppj&ttAiumwiy -BJWijVr.aajfaa-. -wmhj. The linn. Samuel P. Carwn, member of Cop gress from the Morgan district, passed through thla town, Thursday latt, on his way to Washing. 0.?.Ciy, 'preparatory to .be approaching aei alonofCotitias. AWrarl-, Xn. 2. Import of cotton for the-weekrin:t77T-bstes r the talea nave ted to 2500 Old crop 7 to 8-; new mi, aa U'liifhrd at Chattron, 8. Con the 3?th ult. award by Itmry H',r4,a r. Mtrclmit, of that ciijr. 6he U to run rrjf iUrl between Cha'Witnn, Aumta ai. Chrrtw, and ia well a!apted to that tr!e, etrry Jnf JJJ balrt of cotton, and drawlnj 3 rUt fl intlce water only, when leaUy Wen. Jyhn V. Henry, EJ. an eminent cfimeHuf t law, dropped down in the'atree't at ATanr, Naw York, on the 3 j ult. end n tfler dWd, in an applccti Bt. m 5 ttan 0M. - 'r-j-Johj Herr, and hia wife, of Perry, (JnhilTrfmif vi vnwtth jij lepl, wiea both cruahed to death, by the WTinj of uee acewei the road. The b'irtf .wai. tinh'irtr Tirrinlit (',rrni.A)rt tr Crt a?e will be faind ckmj extract fro-nie roee7in ol Ibla bo-ly. The debatee are animated and Uoaic: tut tnTirtTy fig prnTit lftj3nflUfjBULgiil Tn)( eVetTf a.iWtary of rtfew we rball, tower, er, h aubaeqitent paprra, giveaome eilracti, to hew the rle and arfumrnta of tome of the principal epeakera. Tlia eubject under debate at latt advice, waa the 4ie ' rrfrtnlarin the reution before the houe, a amended, ii a fu'lowai reaentation In tne Ilitiae or llrjfit. regard tumM be had to the white population toil taxa tion combined ami in the Senate, to white population excluaieet." On Friday, the OtH int. Mr. Fitthngh rriide aprtch In f'or of the bia of white populition. Mr. F, aald, thi' not withiturtdhi; he had been lntructed from fiort gf hU district,, to oppowe the bnii of whi'e population, et he preferred tep reenttni the bie, -rather than a part, and expresef?Mmelf more tir.crjiiioe;.ly. in fvr of the bull which he believed to he of the very ernrf of Rcpubliranitm, Titndarnental principle, wiich if not ol r rrtdrtfc Republic Saorie lnr9m mcrclr. .A erre intereninR seen- then orrurred. A lonpauae enaued ; and the Chairmaa (MfcFowcll) waa about to put the question when Gm. Taulor roae, and L ir.fl J?crw,.f lofjiicnt e fTunion. explained the MMr'ion in which TKe TonnTrilniHirpTjc cd, and the courir he had t'etermintd in eonaccjucticc lo pursue. Hit opinions he aaid, had tern openly arowrrf at the time of the electron ytt he had rereived no inlimalirn that thev were in cor.Bicl with ihose of his Distrirr. Notwiihitantling the apparent acquiesenra. or approbation of hi rnnaiiiuri.t at thf iimi. h hH ... . .. Wit Pin a Uiy Or t0 received IllSt.-UCUons Horn a portion rf his Dutrict whi. h be wi'Twufi?r To ';"eprcT, , Trt we aRsinrr his known ar.d avowrd ooinions. fin cnrmM- . ,in to the basia.of white populaucK.)- Thew i(vttrgc,ion, hr ccmH p0, 0 I .! . .i i a. . to trivtl through it. he promise' he ahtild feef degraded and duLorinr ed i a maQ.ar.il a patriot, . to pursge. the course llicy : Wdicatcd.7. These circum stance were- recapitulated by MrV' Tay lor, in. a manner to secure to Mm the J'liLlL-rj.tinr o all svhohfard him Ke-.peciinjt ihe obligation of the representative- to reflect the opinion of the constituents as nacred but feeling the impossibility of ohcrlience in this instance, j. Uetu.. I ..announced hii deiermjiuitrOh to vocate A:'-a.:ttrnci-fiivcr4rate Jd aorne Villa, JJ.il l"'r wihiiw vMljutn vviltui llll more nearly to those of lhc Da r.kt. The Convention thus loses one of ils ablest member. roMCICATItr. Cure far Love. Take nne cincc rif patience, 87)011011 of resolution, and a handful of di.!ik.e; mix the decoction well together j tteep it seven days over a slow fire of hatred : on tikirtj it from thence, let it remain 14 days in the water of C.old-afTeion ? then put it in tbe moat sensi ble part of your b-ains, and Ire SMre you cork it in well with a cork of sound judgement : and it will prove an infallible cure. -N.-B.--Yoti-w.il find the ingredient in the State of Independence, in a stors of self-denial, Constant street, township of rVgetfulncss, coun ty of LOV E Pennnihitnla.-Cieorge Wolfe it elected Gov. ernorrtrra majriU-of 25.,ri vntr j receiving 76,673 voles, and josejih KitnertTieXntTTj .Willie Cndidalej 50,151 votes, , Jin extr-ssion of the Legislature of thi state a-ssombled, according to tue requisition of the Governor, at llarisburg, on Tuesday the 3d insT"f r? tanief Sttirgeon, of Farette county, was re-elected Speaker of the Senate; and ritUeliCk Sitiiiu, tisti. of I rankh 6pcaker of the House of Hepresentatives, on the 6th ballot. On the next day, Gov. Shulta de livered his metage to both houses. It is a sen sible. busineaUike document : the subiect of the Canals in that state, occupies a good portion ofi'whcat 0j ,0 ,05f (jorn 50 to 55 cent. per bushel, the. message ; indeed, the legislature was con- yened thus early, principally for the purpose of devUinjr wo? and meant to complete the canali 'fr,!W;!,W.w,w,,,J .. "I ;--,w5,.w....j.jiK.i.;a.. IM i.tecuo7u..-iier a spinteu, ana moci ac tive election of three days, tbe polls closed last evening at unset It is impossible to say with "any crtamTy yhtntiaytbTe the genenrt resioif of any uci iij r j ."' if ttuorwft to believe that eiirht members of the n-trular democratic Assembly ticket are elected.-Anew, I Aver pool, Sept. 30. The cotton market open ed this morning with a more animated and spi rited dimand than has been experienced for a considerable time past t the aalea are estimated at tpiards of 7000 balel, 5000 of which. 1ave been taken by the dealers and consumers, and 2000 by the speculators, at anadvahde of 1-4J. pjtet lb., on vlxs prices obtained te,d) -fp, . Jiff FonvAGX .v;;r.v. Laitil Arefi .NVn, Nothing from the teal ol war thm the inteliirr n-e (iMiuiiic'j in our latt, nat teen rtctlved. Indon nd Liverpool ditei Id lh Z0U ncptambcr have reached ut b iuW our.nl artlrili, and fill up the chain of eretiti to thai djie. At lo lh rar Ihert It I peat tirlety of additional ink lei of newt from viriotai quartera of the Eitt, all going aery clear ly to anew ihit all rumori tf ffice, ba tond tbe mere fjet that I upnloa bad taken place. are or conjeenirt t Ind 'thaflher'f at no fotmO Conclalon fi an ertoUiice for ipeclal period, but the Roaaian General contented Ut teapoi ry iuipenOon of noatilldci during il prOKfcifpf jhexftetirfnahkMha Sulian aolicited. Should lbeaihV(ocIa tiona he broken off, or protracted beyond h')Mwf lWlRaJu-4ttroodcf he rnif reauAe'oper'itlohi 'Without lff formal notice, and In that rate the Co aacki -would toon be at Cotatantinoplc. Thw pacific dikpoaitlon manifested by General Pelbitach, however, renders aucb an event highly Improbable. Mr.O'Connell bat tueated, since hia efrrthn- nr-FirHiTTirTTrrtherprditncf ni taaifla! preparatory tps tjr the repeal of the L'nion. If be should be Indiscreet enough to stirMhat subject in earnest, we hive no Jiuht it will excite strofl(( feel ings h England j as it wa understood, at the time the subject of emancipation was in agitation, that the Catholics wou'd generally be contented if that measure ws carried. AMerman Crowder hie been elected I.'trd Miyor of London for 'ha er.nint Mjrie-Iou!e, Duchess of Parma, ar rived lately at Lausanne avh a suite of fif e Iwo- paraons and elesjea. cirriajjeaj ho Vtopprd at "the. IIotI de Taljerin. Next miiining she v'uited tht Cathedra). Htid afterwards d parted for I'ly, by the passage of Simplon. A Kussi ship, in nine d I 400 ilrfs. rradteetthsrtfml wyW-SpaaiWaaJI'.' , Mrt, V1LM . . 7 , r . , liaUe MaL'irrj'e. aln crt'errrrmnrand ernrrient, to reinforce t.on-modore i (xjrdc'i squadron at Havana. Pwnot Jyren... News from this rountry "" 3a oi oept. aii quirt in T101 A7re 1 the new odmimsiratinn h-.: been manned, JI 'he i.ewlvppoim I r(l M iKisMCTS hve ciliated on the disciirtrcf t. r.u.ia I r...: . .r .i ' l,,r,r cciai iumuiw,) ui rr- m. ( Ilk esra a . a I "un ' nomas uiuo, in sigMiymK nti ao "P'J'u:e of officcu Jf markt, Iht " it w "cl1 known to tbe Governor that in . r.-.lrl rr.frrl wr 1 1 K ruin. I, Ma wm A1 fici.lt to avoid ttiimtillng bur ax he waa i o ioorribtife--U-iii hia pacjr to re mo thrm,'ind seek the shortest and secure! pjti towards the re-esi8l)'isbment of .the tnvttuMons of The countryJ. The Ian' triage ofSenotet Oafica and EscaljldiT was to the same effect. The new pro vUionah jjorrrnor of the- eoltnyr Juan Jote Viamot, issutda proclamation on the 20ih of August, in which he promised hopes that the trade of the country vtili be opcncJ. The .Vrw Orrant Courier of the J'h Oct. atv: 44 We are sorry lo slate to t the epidemic still rages on the o;im. nesrlv all the wy from this to Xatrbei. with the exception of S. Jques and ore or two other parishes, which still lenuin estremelv healthy. In Laiourche, pjr tirularly Danaldson,lts ravages are fit. The oldest inhabitants inform unhat tht ir recollections furnish no pra!Icl to tht present autumn.- - TIIK MARKETS, ' Salttburv Pricei, Snemher 14 Co lj to 11 crnf, corn 15 to 25, beef 2 to 3J, but. ter 10 to 12, flour 3.75 to 4 per barrel, .icat 6 to75,Irishputatoe.30t)40.wret,l.. 25v..) irjrntTir ta? t. Up.fniTrf 1 Vto 03, salt 1 , -10-1.25 honkespuu-cloth 15 to 2 vi-,-,i-.e 2.1. bucon a to VJ. - Fayettevillf, A"ot. 4 Ou'ton 8 t.i 8J bacon 6 to 7f. pach brandy 40 to 55 a;pl -! 30. butteflO to 15, com 38 to 40. fl-rxxerd fl 4 fo 5 j, lard 74, moktsa-s 3i a 34. sugar 9 to 1 0 . silTT5 ta 80, tallow wheat 74i, whi.key 4 to 27........X'. S. bank notes j a 1 per cent, pre mium, Cnpe Fear ditto", lj a 2. Petertburif, Virg. Sor. 3d. Cotton 7 to )j Tl.. mU.lllnir .S 5ft tn 6. nrima 0 In JO i flour 5 a 6J. Bacon 9 a 10. Cotton 7 a9r wheat 90, com 47f, haoon 7 to 8 brandy apple 28 rmrarr ' Cotton. There has been a moderate demand for this article during the, week. 11e stock i weU-awtacavL . ... , . ... .1 r. ..3 i w siderable business has been done in articlea un. der this head since our last, at a alight improve ment on former rates, vir. about 2O(000 bush els of Com, R"e and Oats, have been disposed of in lots, a follows : Northern Corn 66 a 68c ; Southern white do. 53 a 54c ; Oat, 37 a 38c, and Rye, .68 a 70c pfr busheH caah. Lynchhur?, Vir'g. Xv. 5. Tobacco 3 to 7, Floiir 3.67 to 3.75, whet 62 to 67,-biikey20, Baron 7, ; -- UBICa afUIHaa l3V".' '"I ...w....,- . . lo pjftrJotPtT--etntrffTjut-tlwtV r ;rJ!:oriJ!'-- "n the t tn ,fl .hyf-. Mn1 n ) r1 wuh Ihe Itrong arm of power, those that after an iH.i.iaof7 daj-. ifWi -m .TX"'' ..raitm. trwl e3 lne. .hould raise the cry of,discord. Tun'r tTX " Vr-' -" A report .as prevalent at Monte ed, tiftl; l that Dror Franru,,h. Dictator of F.rsv Ucr Udcprircl ih. ra (Iran." this hat caiien Sume lw!ioniir art: an.l rter.I Brothers antt aia- ,i - , ', . - -.-1 - . . :.f.r.'-v.k "J r,r?n n ui m.j, i o.ir6af..whi.kef.:yi:i,Ue.,rt,M,h.mal 30. aTfatM 41 ft alA rt.Pm 1 I l I K M ff..f..l tbik b.l!3a2 prrtrM. dtM,nt 4 u, tela, II II WmimfUn, Swf. 4 ...CottrMi fj In H, 13 to M, fl..r J.W lo S V), enrn J ) t M, tU(K f to a, appla branly 23 to 3 J, ulUtm f to 9. txir yCotton to f I, flmir 4 1 to f nut of tha ?otM. that from Cinxlra o w (tcai nj a VI, Corn ) It !, watt 33, eah 75, whitkry S8 to j, bAa 1 1 iW44, J C. ,Vw. J...Cuttfn a) a 9, lMir it to 8, whitkry SO to 31 1, baron 1 f, wheat 674 to V), rorn 41 to Su, wh 70 to fa. rffn. ltif re ha been larf oupply of v. ail on. u AJaraai tua .week. o4luittf hT advanced ! per fbr h flimers) rop of prime Cotton ha beaaoJ at (J pr lb. CV ca-ce an. I in demand at 43 to iOe.1 fhwr, f ry linli xmhg in, food demand tV pnwMk, fiaetn la eery r.trrr. a prime M w"'l eom. nd f f,TIt3"' e7 "r,rr and" corrmif tn. ... fiu'dnwnr, Are. O..Tlmir a flt. cotto , wW.ke 24 U 2iy. Um 7 h i..,. W a 6.50, wheat I dollar, p.on J tv A, tO to 100, peach bramly 73, apple d-. 0 a 45, whia kev.U. XuMIU, Trn. 31 Cotton 77, Amir 4 a 6 Urd A to 7. whikrv 31 to 40, tallow I. N. Carolina bank lull 8 per cent. d. octrren, Tea Or. 2d. Cotton 7 In 7.W. Oacon 10 to 12 W. Hour 3 50 to 3 per cat. Trnfn7y rirrrnri rwmmt;rt;nfmfnr; friers Bramly I 25. pAt to. 1.05, Whiakey 62, Cider 9 per oarrrt. Mrm o tmtn Mnnmn, In thi county, on Hie lh inat.br ttm. II. Morah, r.q. Mr. U.clia'-t II.I-k In Mia Sally Bron, iliuplitrr ol Mr, Jamra Hniwn. la I'iptun ciKjiit. Trnnee, Im 'irw J. Tip. inn, on the H ti't. Mr. W iT.Nin Ilafa to Mi Mary M. Trobock, farrr.tr!) tif flawan Ocm my. N. C. w In teeklenbiirp c uf). m (he ? intt. morli rrjrrrttfij bv In rrla'i" ami arcpiai'ancea, Mathew I., ilrmpliill, K1 air;ed abotit W vrar, ton of Mf H Jwhn lcuiiluil lu JJLoOhcAr aoriate flrrirnird t-bitrrh. a' Oirtier, !. V.. '! f Mir t 'ikrlfston ppt arr deairt-d lo no tice thi obituary. At hi trainee In lhr rmintT, after a e e and rrotraetnl illnraa, A mart AVe, I j in tlie Pi'ijen. 1 Ii tn m-iil lie ler plv Ir It h thr cut' n ur ity, ihI muwrned by hia cunneiUxia ttml nti(libor. Ilrpnne I tbi life, ner Mfrt M'Mimr, rut tHe ilt of tlc'obe', Jame lil llmtaton, Bjjr.l 14 r", 2 rr in'l' trniPl I ilai a lie bid fair t ) hr an ormment to hii cmiil'v, and acnmlort totiw l4!'ii!y ; but death cit in nlTlf.irr h pmen- . r it . I i - J a. i. r . i .i. . n-.. ' . . .t n mi' !ienT were ''"'V win a. phi n i inr Mil oi .iu, n Biir, ......air muiurr, a.iu t a ..a' a l. 1.1 il I a -. a ... .Miii.ini.iii'.i a.ii.M.1.1 t i . 1 1 Trm .a nr. mi. " t' " , r,v m-'"ir.lv be hiriawd ol one in ttooiti were ; rrmrrrl rhnr tr.nrlrst tiopn. t In Mecklenburg cotinty, n lite l hult. De jil f'lint'in, 'iilant . mi of lamra ('. bloan, I'jfj jgttl I i itio.'irj a it lJAiy. " XYlr do ae mourn ili-ria-'"!! friir.at, "- '.'trl'fip St drVh' alarfn - -T.WWMif e ttiaL Jliul iiat'm To cli u t.p In arni." Toe f-rtaw from Ibtt word Af Vim w&sapake a man never ajiake. gwl- lJriy" So ba.i 'hat hr it now in the at'" w our Saviour. Tor the authority of tha !, n.. at bhL, " Suffer little cbilitr en 10 rimr xirrtr-r am) tnraWtthrrn not, fur of such is the kmpJom of Mr-vm ' iiTOf e tersof a- sI'iTiioiiste orother: n,e only so-aee rrmamitig. is. 'hst be lell tbit ale ol tear re jilir.iii,' in his ."-at "r. and rxlmrting all to love tlii-ir li id i ' i in- morning of life. He rriained Ins ai na to Ihe bst moment of hit ex a'eoce , and ilir u: n otrmcnt of hi lip, wa in prayer and praiae to hia lit avt-nly Makrr. ' msmunicaf-A. V-a In Vntr VrtsViuns. fn.ir. suhkcriber Imt. leuve m inform bit t 8 Trie...!, and the liubijp. thai he h iut r I . . ...i ik. rll nn.lTr.nt.r r.K.n: mm fh !. I- i.iiia and New.Vmk. ur. mp . unl hy dtalsownvr h requeatrd la rome A rvard, ay ehar. ' . . . m. .A -a. . L, .1 11 a. J i. i,f .i.1 tin- va'i'tu ttvlrt :n.U color ,iw in V'tgue in ci'its i a'-'l having lii his employ the ht ol -rorknic n, he is enabled to make even rrintio". of Mei.'s tfroien', met! as Ladies' j llriita. ill all.'r "f workmsnahip equal to anv indie a at., an.l---h.rh !e will n-ti to fil M' ' icrnw - a. h.w, t .r h-t r4 -r aork, ' . any bUy , , ami be plolge hi mar If to do hi work us eAittditioasly aa it. ca be done tfr kiiil "I liafiTirn'l ..Cut, on short noti-e, and rensoiml'! tt-rm. Having ---B'-; , . .i ... r an.mi n mil. i a-o i ... "- J.S.flll I'l ISl'U'lOK- "'''"l ' a a. ...... Suht'mry. .Von. 16, 1H '9. M v ... . i . nrvi ivi mil IjiHMilntoirKfltr-AcJttletnvTi ffH 1G Jrusteen r apentullv' announce: to the J. public, that titer' have enpiiged Miss far. nrr tfvn, a I.axlv of fine literary acquirements, . .f . I a ... 1.' 1 .. I.a.t.m to take cliarRe oi rne-amr.e The first season will ctmnience on the 2d of November next, Prices "Of Tnitiorf fer tint higher class .wWaSgaaW-t'm.wa'a..ati.iJliM.al I Ai. r eiuna. rer session, - - - rjw.i'uiwu,T'.xiaTrrTvj A j-.v . . ... I t'.--.par.aa?.'H.n. b 4. .t . ... -noarcWff'W 74 per month. Bv order of the Board of TYuees. J , li IIiiLT Pi.'. ' . jj. If. ii.i.a. ? a w. JVJ3 . Washer. NOTICF., that all persons are hereby forr warned against build i i, or mitking tiar of , Machine invented by fler .V. .Phrr i tor waanina; " .1....i..i i -trj...:1 .. ,.( ir nva r l. rnvcl : un 1 Aij oenalHM)f theJaa in mm ta-c iii"." '.' . . . we ntend to procure a ,- WALTER 8. UlAK.'t At l o - A ii flo T ,Ai,1 ' ' MIGROKS, fc. . ' S tr horn Ika fenrhkof txtniL f e ! h ;,iT.Ja fUat. n. i-T Wiilrs ! nf IbarW! The trart Wrt VI f i' n Uif i a U eat iJ kk ..J U n-. lefrbrg eran,ty aVrt , M-trt a liM, hCuk J iaad tl rj rrp yrnl, u tl.c tV epay. Tho rfmatkow a-'ve- ,4 t,lbf;-l fa; pa U1 and Hn r pi ,..m ara t t Vrll twin !ri tllU ti"lVl abfaiit !j M pIlt&tUtijt oq theUiSatMM, a bra- Me i.rv)tl. i fe' thn-e fmttlU of a ...'.. al.Wlt i m tbatirbl W tf of a1fTnV le at i-rt"t-Uiv's;feftwif-; mf'' at ny nf ptr n..i.l t there Ii aav n ll -le fd wattr pwrr f j m!irj( ep. ration. psrfef thrm7er a waTi"riij to follow - Anypewn Vfirf pnrKrI'if;, en ealt n. view theprvmiara t er iiwrt r. if Rbn U-Oiwk ', W U4. f.W.iIi; lX-; iVI UrsnviCK. ntnr, Mrrk'rylsrf f. A. C. .Vt. I (I, J. Important Safe. TIU. h rvpnard to nb, M A f f Stif.la tt 9i Jtl nut. rj'jt ' iwt !,!'! ;ifp-r f') a u Inr M ti tl, pn.rrt 1 p'rdWil. i. 1t ttff mmj 14 vn !,". J, s pn arat rraiJe, in th Ta 4 a uix.m. 1M f eopcr. 1 atamj on ?h ma a airrrt ; .!, in nii if" elepnrr a 5 ! traki it, ip-iH-td late inf. nor la r boilltej m M'-e. AlaN"r5 ri" Wthr rt.liM.r. m iS Tad. km '"r, co a nn.iy k.o a ifi i.,,; tCr'Twr aitn ir '.j".i,ii n i( tbe eame, en tbe r dama J 4 it r. Ta ui .sna.i praa nl thrre h.inlr-.! .err a an. I W wri attaurd to K ramnr tf uraWe prrrr m,U !... i(lf r,H to a'e. " ' abotr ds, f.r i ah. nt b'JO liaole at tbe Sa!itwry Uaf- K lUbk trryV a.ia.y, ,VV- iuX, )21 , A2 , . . . l TrtmWtv. J , r'Mtir acbrrhtriktbi twtS. -- e "f it f-rwaiwjf hit friek!a ' f Vf I j?,d jwMr Krf that he Tf- .-f -uatr l on llir? H.nj v'rr ol il - ,t-- ,j ,b- i ,(., ..l Mori 'tiers, imiw-lv'rl u Ui .Hi - ,--o raad rV kn i) i:.s K..r a l . ..U-. ttiW Kna-A li .r- ;,.tj ,-..r,,f Smfh Camritta aixi rt.-rVatnn, Hv i V ( r and lorj-e Iraia nn tlit w hV.t, avl l-ott th inter .or tf .North Csrf.Sn.a n( f.t!, jn, hy ay of Catflen, on the iUer. llie Narrite-,T.f.a',ir p-T "r .'h.t ha ipvt'l nn pur rrivnr ... i a ,Jt t.i.... per if I i ii a i h . ... . anna ron.ian'.ie ho nj, iheir rm o.a . mn.i a..!.., . i. . .i.. klfji ali"irs rt" ft iSi i r'-il, ' 1k .fi- i.t IraTrllm; M.rm a" aM t,o-vtoi lu.; v car, and that the atMi'mn nf h-t ; , me tli wiflilt tatM rw ,m' I Her. aw, to I'WMte, K i birt a .1 t'.m-n-il. N. I?., and ai ta the l ir(inia f r a wert a 1 1 Iboaa fwrautva viatUA; h Im4 t Kcnw a Anrth' juciajiirj. NVf Xd. . TUT urdrrfnJ a in lo ub.'i- .il, o- the 7:4 of 'hi .onu.a' !b? Kteirrt. "I ' it si Cafta. dec". nutned la o.ie f.anw.ii; ar-l th! taxtitf (rmaitfl arm-t t'ie BJitie. ! l-rrNrnt tVir claim for a-ttlrrneM, ai hn t:e time dirretrd hy laa, or tli'i nt I re ai'l it- I-i Vl in har. Jtisbill rvi.Hrti uvMv, fjl Jr.N no .in I p.tt iil i-i SutiSt i!te, JL -irfT Aw, knjitii, ntT.e i A us in. tr,.. that hebclo-t,, to Jo : Uretai-4, ol I ni-o!n ctiity. He iayel'o c.n.pVct,I, a'vom 5 f. t KeaaiB;i,aiaxi.uiu 47 rtarji!d, Ihe i;-j r iic w iii w uc all a-itii a the law in tur.h ra dirrets. .VaTvajSeeCfl 3t9,. Vtck tsVort'Tivs, - a. Toroit-uci: & co. JL HP. tioar reteiii.p 'h. ir ra'onahte aurply m. liicb, ai:h thrif i'mI mock of Din unmts. cons'. of an ette";- aur.mrnt of Shsir, l.p. Mutt: a lartre aortir.- of U'H .S. -tr4 inw fer rina or -nft. .Vo..irw..Var. J.k. lb. tt li.clhey will r2 ff I P-4(W I IX rri'ir. ihcriber hns iit rrceind. Iroin New M. Vork awl Pbij.de 'uliiia. si 1 is no njieninf, at his Store in '(N''tftl, a general atMMU Imtntof . ... (i 00 Mil .. . eon sift inf of ttmrri 1 l-aar-sra LMifr, !. I I 't '' J':SlHt ry xt l.ol, r oj '. -'a v k,a. ' un tiie l.uar J.at I nt fo. SI, S ie ti. . .. . r.Mk 1 1.. ..: I , i - - a . . ri rr M r'tl aTtSin ia.,aw Having purrhsw d en'ireiy 'ro'r eit!iVand' fn-" " temlir.g to sell fte rath, he- feel assured that he .cm .el .oaltrJl b thTe wahatta to ptirciuie. "TttT'SrT'jritrB'r eaan.ine for tSennemr. I). STORK E. 3rr!tl'X) ar-, -. at the wftoe ( the Wrn Cam- iJ- ., . IF :...;n laa - I irriw aMIfl r .nlM V Inn.. na k,' ior iVe year 1G30 ?'ce, K cents a) I piece. 'TI ' a..v.ra,va. J J V' :"7. , !

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